#!/sbin/sh # nandroid v2.2.2 - an Android backup tool for the G1 by infernix and brainaid # restore capability added by cyanogen # pensive modified to allow to add prefixes to backups, and to restore specific backups # pensive added the ability to exclude various images from the restore/backup operations, allows to preserve the newer # recovery image if an older backup is being restored or to preserve user data. Also, saves space by not backing up # partitions which change rarely. # pensive added compressing backups and restoring compressed backups # pensive added fetching system updates directly from the web into /sdcard/update.zip # pensive added fetching system updates directly from the web into /cache and applying it. # pensive added moving *update*.zip from /sdcard/download where a browser puts it to /sdcard/update.zip # pensive added deletion of stale backups # pensive added backup for ext2 partition on the sdcard to switch roms # pensive added composite options --save NAME and --switchto NAME to switch ROMS # pensive added list backup anywhere on the sdcard # pensive added list updates (more precisely *.zip) anywhere on the sdcard # Amon_RA : ext restore -> added check if ext backup is existing # Amon_RA : ext restore -> added check if ext parition is existing # Requirements: # - a modded android in recovery mode (JF 1.3 will work by default) # - adb shell as root in recovery mode if not using a pre-made recovery image # - busybox in recovery mode # - dump_image-arm-uclibc compiled and in path on phone # - mkyaffs2image-arm-uclibc compiled and installed in path on phone # - flash_image-arm-uclibc compiled and in path on phone # - unyaffs-arm-uclibc compiled and in path on phone # - for [de]compression needs gzip or bzip2, part of the busybox # - wget for the wireless updates # Reference data: # dev: size erasesize name #mtd0: 00040000 00020000 "misc" #mtd1: 00500000 00020000 "recovery" #mtd2: 00280000 00020000 "boot" #mtd3: 04380000 00020000 "system" #mtd4: 04380000 00020000 "cache" #mtd5: 04ac0000 00020000 "userdata" #mtd6 is everything, dump splash1 with: dd if=/dev/mtd/mtd6ro of=/sdcard/splash1.img skip=19072 bs=2048 count=150 # We don't dump misc or cache because they do not contain any useful data that we are aware of at this time. # Logical steps (v2.2.1): # # 0. test for a target dir and the various tools needed, if not found then exit with error. # 1. check "adb devices" for a device in recovery mode. set DEVICEID variable to the device ID. abort when not found. # 2. mount system and data partitions read-only, set up adb portforward and create destdir # 3. check free space on /cache, exit if less blocks than 20MB free # 4. push required tools to device in /cache # 5 for partitions boot recovery misc: # 5a get md5sum for content of current partition *on the device* (no data transfered) # 5b while MD5sum comparison is incorrect (always is the first time): # 5b1 dump current partition to a netcat session # 5b2 start local netcat to dump image to current dir # 5b3 compare md5sums of dumped data with dump in current dir. if correct, contine, else restart the loop (6b1) # 6 for partitions system data: # 6a get md5sum for tar of content of current partition *on the device* (no data transfered) # 6b while MD5sum comparison is incorrect (always is the first time): # 6b1 tar current partition to a netcat session # 6b2 start local netcat to dump tar to current dir # 6b3 compare md5sums of dumped data with dump in current dir. if correct, contine, else restart the loop (6b1) # 6c if i'm running as root: # 6c1 create a temp dir using either tempdir command or the deviceid in /tmp # 6c2 extract tar to tempdir # 6c3 invoke mkyaffs2image to create the img # 6c4 clean up # 7. remove tools from device /cache # 8. umount system and data on device # 9. print success. DEVICEID=foo RECOVERY=foo SUBNAME="" NORECOVERY=0 NOBOOT=0 NODATA=0 NOSYSTEM=0 NOMISC=0 NOCACHE=0 NOSPLASH1=0 NOSPLASH2=0 EXT2=0 COMPRESS=0 GETUPDATE=0 RESTORE=0 BACKUP=0 DELETE=0 WEBGET=0 LISTBACKUP=0 LISTUPDATE=0 AUTOREBOOT=0 AUTOAPPLY=0 ITSANUPDATE=0 ITSANIMAGE=0 WEBGETSOURCE="" WEBGETTARGET="/sdcard" DEFAULTUPDATEPATH="/sdcard/download" DEFAULTWEBUPDATE=http://n0rp.chemlab.org/android/update-cm- # There really should be a clone link always pointing to the latest #DEFAULTWEBUPDATE="http://n0rp.chemlab.org/android/latestupdate-signed.zip" DEFAULTWEBIMAGE=http://n0rp.chemlab.org/android/cm-recovery-1.4-signed.zip # Set up the default (for pensive at least) nameservers NAMESERVER1= NAMESERVER2= # WiFi works, rmnet0 setup ??? # Do not know how to start the rmnet0 interface in recovery # If in normal mode "ifconfig rmnet0 down" kills rild too # /system/bin/rild& exits immediately, todo? DEVICEID=`cat /proc/cmdline | sed "s/.*serialno=//" | cut -d" " -f1` # This is the default repository for backups BACKUPPATH="/sdcard/nandroid/$DEVICEID" # Boot, Cache, Data, Ext2, Misc, Recovery, System, Splash1, Splash2 # BACKUPLEGEND, If all the partitions are backed up it should be "CBDEMRS12" # Enables the user to figure at a glance what is in the backup BACKUPLEGEND="" # Normally we want tar to be verbose for confidence building. TARFLAGS="v" DEFAULTCOMPRESSOR=gzip DEFAULTEXT=.gz DEFAULTLEVEL="-1" ASSUMEDEFAULTUSERINPUT=0 echo2log() { if [ -e /cache/recovery/log ]; then echo $1 >>/cache/recovery/log else echo $1 >/cache/recovery/log fi } batteryAtLeast() { REQUIREDLEVEL=$1 ENERGY=`cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity` if [ "`cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/status`" == "Charging" ]; then ENERGY=100 fi if [ ! $ENERGY -ge $REQUIREDLEVEL ]; then $ECHO "Error: not enough battery power, need at least $REQUIREDLEVEL%." $ECHO "Connect charger or USB power and try again" exit 1 fi } if [ "`echo $0 | grep /sbin/nandroid-mobile.sh`" == "" ]; then cp $0 /sbin chmod 755 /sbin/`basename $0` exec /sbin/`basename $0` $@ fi # Hm, have to handle old options for the current UI case $1 in restore) shift RESTORE=1 ;; backup) shift BACKUP=1 ;; --) ;; esac ECHO=echo OUTPUT="" for option in $(getopt --name="nandroid-mobile v2.2.2" -l norecovery -l noboot -l nodata -l nosystem -l nocache -l nomisc -l nosplash1 -l nosplash2 -l subname: -l backup -l restore -l compress -l getupdate -l delete -l path -l webget: -l webgettarget: -l nameserver: -l nameserver2: -l bzip2: -l defaultinput -l autoreboot -l autoapplyupdate -l ext2 -l save: -l switchto: -l listbackup -l listupdate -l silent -l quiet -l help -- "cbruds:p:eql" "$@"); do case $option in --silent) ECHO=echo2log ASSUMEDEFAULTUSERINPUT=1 TARFLAGS="" OUTPUT=>>/cache/recovery/log shift ;; --quiet) ECHO=echo2log ASSUMEDEFAULTUSERINPUT=1 TARFLAGS="" OUTPUT=>>/cache/recovery/log shift ;; -q) ECHO=echo2log ASSUMEDEFAULTUSERINPUT=1 TARFLAGS="" OUTPUT=>>/cache/recovery/log shift ;; --help) ECHO=echo $ECHO "Usage: $0 {--backup|--restore|--getupdate|--delete|--compress|--bzip2:ARG|--webget:URL|--listbackup|--listupdate} [options]" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--help Display this help" $ECHO "" $ECHO "-s | --subname: SUBSTRING In case of --backup the SUBSTRING is" $ECHO " the prefix used with backup name" $ECHO " in case of --restore or -c|--compress|--bzip2 or" $ECHO " --delete SUBSTRING specifies backups on which to" $ECHO " operate" $ECHO "" $ECHO "-u | --getupdate Will search /sdcard/download for files named" $ECHO " *update*.zip, will prompt the user" $ECHO " to narrow the choice if more than one is found," $ECHO " and then move the latest, if not unique," $ECHO " to sdcard root /sdcard with the update.zip name" $ECHO " It is assumed the browser was used to put the *.zip" $ECHO " in the /sdcard/download folder. -p|--path option" $ECHO " would override /sdcard/download with the path of your" $ECHO " choosing." $ECHO "" $ECHO "-p | --path DIR Requires an ARGUMENT, which is the path to where " $ECHO " the backups are stored, can be used" $ECHO " when the default path /sdcard/nandroid/$DEVICEID " $ECHO " needs to be changed" $ECHO "" $ECHO "-b | --backup Will store a full system backup on $BACKUPPATH" $ECHO " One can suppress backup of any image however with options" $ECHO " starting with --no[partionname]" $ECHO "" $ECHO "-e | --ext2 Preserve the contents of the ext2 partition along with" $ECHO " the other partitions being backed up, to easily switch roms." $ECHO "" $ECHO "-r | --restore Will restore the last made backup which matches --subname" $ECHO " ARGUMENT for boot, system, recovery and data" $ECHO " unless suppressed by other options" $ECHO " if no --subname is supplied and the user fails to" $ECHO " provide any input then the latest backup is used" $ECHO " When restoring compressed backups, the images will remain" $ECHO " decompressed after the restore, you need to use -c|-compress" $ECHO " or --bzip2 to compress the backup again" $ECHO "" $ECHO "-d | --delete Will remove backups whose names match --subname ARGUMENT" $ECHO " Will allow to narrow down, will ask if the user is certain." $ECHO " Removes one backup at a time, repeat to remove multiple backups" $ECHO "" $ECHO "-c | --compress Will operate on chosen backups to compress image files," $ECHO " resulting in saving of about 40MB out of 90+mb," $ECHO " i.e. up to 20 backups can be stored in 1 GIG, if this " $ECHO " option is turned on with --backup, the resulting backup will" $ECHO " be compressed, no effect if restoring since restore will" $ECHO " automatically uncompress compressed images if space is available" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--bzip2: -# Turns on -c|--compress and uses bzip2 for compression instead" $ECHO " of gzip, requires an ARG -[1-9] compression level" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--webget: URL|\"\" Requires an argument, a valid URL for an *update*.zip file" $ECHO " If a null string is passed then the default URL is used" $ECHO " Will also create an update.MD5sum file and update.name with the" $ECHO " original file name." $ECHO "" $ECHO "--nameserver: IP addr Provide the first nameserver IP address, to override the default" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--nameserver2: IP addr Provide the second nameserver IP address, to override the default" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--webgettarget: DIR Target directory to deposit the fetched update, default is" $ECHO " /sdcard" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--norecovery Will suppress restore/backup of the recovery partition" $ECHO " If recovery.img was not part of the backup, no need to use this" $ECHO " option as the nandroid will not attempt to restore it, same goes" $ECHO " for all the options below" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--noboot Will suppress restore/backup of the boot partition" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--nodata Will suppress restore/backup of the data partition" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--nosystem Will suppress restore/backup of the system partition" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--nocache Will suppress restore/backup of the cache partition" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--nomisc Will suppress restore/backup of the misc partition" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--nosplash1 Will suppress restore/backup of the splash1 partition" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--nosplash2 Will suppress restore/backup of the splash2 partition" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--defaultinput Makes nandroid-mobile non-interactive, assumes default" $ECHO " inputs from the user." $ECHO "" $ECHO "--autoreboot Automatically reboot the phone after a backup, especially" $ECHO " useful when the compression options are on -c|--compress| " $ECHO " --bzip2 -level since the compression op takes time and" $ECHO " you may want to go to sleep or do something else, and" $ECHO " when a backup is over you want the calls and mms coming" $ECHO " through, right?" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--autoapplyupdate Once the specific update is downloaded or chosen from the" $ECHO " sdcard, apply it immediately. This option is valid as a " $ECHO " modifier for either --webget or --getupdate options." $ECHO "" $ECHO "-e|--ext2 Save the contents of ext2 partition in the backup folder too." $ECHO " Enables to keep different sets of apps for different ROMS and" $ECHO " switch easily between them." $ECHO "" $ECHO "--save: ROMTAG Preserve EVERYTHING under ROMTAG name, a composite option," $ECHO " it uses several other options." $ECHO "" $ECHO "--switchto: ROMTAG Restores your entire environment including app2sd apps, cache" $ECHO " to the ROM environment named ROMTAG." $ECHO "" $ECHO "-q|--quiet|--silent Direct all the output to the recovery log, and assume default" $ECHO " user inputs." $ECHO "" $ECHO "-l|--listbackup Will search the entire SDCARD for backup folders and will dump" $ECHO " the list to stdout for use by the UI. Should be run with --silent" $ECHO "" $ECHO "--listupdate Will search the entire SDCARD for updates and will dump" $ECHO " the list to stdout for use by the UI. Should be run with --silent" exit 0 ;; --norecovery) NORECOVERY=1 #$ECHO "No recovery" shift ;; --noboot) NOBOOT=1 #$ECHO "No boot" shift ;; --nodata) NODATA=1 #$ECHO "No data" shift ;; --nosystem) NOSYSTEM=1 #$ECHO "No system" shift ;; --nocache) NOCACHE=1 #$ECHO "No cache" shift ;; --nomisc) NOMISC=1 #$ECHO "No misc" shift ;; --nosplash1) NOSPLASH1=1 #$ECHO "No splash1" shift ;; --nosplash2) NOSPLASH2=1 #$ECHO "No splash2" shift ;; --backup) BACKUP=1 #$ECHO "backup" shift ;; -b) BACKUP=1 #$ECHO "backup" shift ;; -e) EXT2=1 shift ;; --ext2) EXT2=1 shift ;; --restore) RESTORE=1 #$ECHO "restore" shift ;; -r) RESTORE=1 #$ECHO "restore" shift ;; --compress) COMPRESS=1 #$ECHO "Compress" shift ;; -c) COMPRESS=1 #$ECHO "Compress" shift ;; --bzip2) COMPRESS=1 DEFAULTCOMPRESSOR=bzip2 DEFAULTEXT=.bz2 if [ "$2" == "$option" ]; then shift fi DEFAULTLEVEL="$2" shift ;; --getupdate) GETUPDATE=1 shift ;; -u) GETUPDATE=1 shift ;; --subname) if [ "$2" == "$option" ]; then shift fi #$ECHO $2 SUBNAME="$2" shift ;; -s) if [ "$2" == "$option" ]; then shift fi #$ECHO $2 SUBNAME="$2" shift ;; --path) if [ "$2" == "$option" ]; then shift fi #$ECHO $2 BACKUPPATH="$2" DEFAULTUPDATEPATH="$2" shift 2 ;; -p) if [ "$2" == "$option" ]; then shift fi #$ECHO $2 BACKUPPATH="$2" shift 2 ;; --delete) DELETE=1 shift ;; -d) DELETE=1 shift ;; --webgettarget) if [ "$2" == "$option" ]; then shift fi WEBGETTARGET="$2" shift ;; --webget) if [ "$2" == "$option" ]; then shift fi #$ECHO "WEBGET" # if the argument is "" stick with the default: /sdcard if [ ! "$2" == "" ]; then WEBGETSOURCE="$2" fi WEBGET=1 shift ;; --nameserver) if [ "$2" == "$option" ]; then shift fi NAMESERVER1="$2" shift ;; --nameserver2) if [ "$2" == "$option" ]; then shift fi NAMESERVER2="$2" shift ;; --defaultinput) ASSUMEDEFAULTUSERINPUT=1 shift ;; --autoreboot) AUTOREBOOT=1 shift ;; --autoapplyupdate) AUTOAPPLY=1 shift ;; --save) if [ "$2" == "$option" ]; then shift fi SUBNAME="$2" BACKUP=1 ASSUMEDEFAULTUSERINPUT=1 EXT2=1 COMPRESS=1 shift ;; --switchto) if [ "$2" == "$option" ]; then shift fi SUBNAME="$2" RESTORE=1 ASSUMEDEFAULTUSERINPUT=1 EXT2=1 shift ;; -l) shift LISTBACKUP=1 ;; --listbackup) shift LISTBACKUP=1 ;; --listupdate) shift LISTUPDATE=1 ;; --) shift break ;; esac done $ECHO "" $ECHO "nandroid-mobile v2.2.1" $ECHO "" let OPS=$BACKUP let OPS=$OPS+$RESTORE let OPS=$OPS+$DELETE let OPS=$OPS+$WEBGET let OPS=$OPS+$GETUPDATE let OPS=$OPS+$LISTBACKUP let OPS=$OPS+$LISTUPDATE if [ "$OPS" -ge 2 ]; then ECHO=echo $ECHO "--backup, --restore, --delete, --webget, --getupdate, --listbackup, --listupdate are mutually exclusive operations." $ECHO "Please, choose one and only one option!" $ECHO "Aborting." exit 1 fi let OPS=$OPS+$COMPRESS if [ "$OPS" -lt 1 ]; then ECHO=echo $ECHO "Usage: $0 {-b|--backup|-r|--restore|-d|--delete|-u|--getupdate|--webget|-c|--compress|--bzip2 -level|-l|--listbackup|--listupdate} [options]" $ECHO "At least one operation must be defined, try $0 --help for more information." exit 0 fi if [ "$LISTBACKUP" == 1 ]; then umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null mount /sdcard 2>/dev/null CHECK=`mount | grep /sdcard` if [ "$CHECK" == "" ]; then echo "Error: sdcard not mounted, aborting." exit 1 else find /sdcard | grep nandroid.md5 | sed s/.gz//g | sed s/.bz2//g | sed s/nandroid.md5//g umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null exit 0 fi fi if [ "$LISTUPDATE" == 1 ]; then umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null mount /sdcard 2>/dev/null CHECK=`mount | grep /sdcard` if [ "$CHECK" == "" ]; then echo "Error: sdcard not mounted, aborting." exit 1 else find /sdcard | grep .zip umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null exit 0 fi fi # Make sure it exists touch /cache/recovery/log if [ "$AUTOAPPLY" == 1 -a "$WEBGET" == 0 -a "$GETUPDATE" == 0 ]; then ECHO=echo $ECHO "The --autoapplyupdate option is valid only in conjunction with --webget or --getupdate." $ECHO "Aborting." exit 1 fi if [ "$COMPRESS" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Compressing with $DEFAULTCOMPRESSOR, level $DEFAULTLEVEL" fi if [ "$WEBGET" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Fetching $WEBGETSOURCE to target folder: $WEBGETTARGET" fi if [ ! "$SUBNAME" == "" ]; then if [ "$BACKUP" == 1 ]; then if [ "$COMPRESS" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Using $SUBNAME- prefix to create a compressed backup folder" else $ECHO "Using $SUBNAME- prefix to create a backup folder" fi else if [ "$RESTORE" == 1 -o "$DELETE" == 1 -o "$COMPRESS" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Searching for backup directories, matching $SUBNAME, to delete or restore" $ECHO "or compress" $ECHO "" fi fi else if [ "$BACKUP" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Using G1 keyboard, enter a prefix substring and then " $ECHO -n "or just to accept default: " if [ "$ASSUMEDEFAULTUSERINPUT" == 0 ]; then read SUBNAME else $ECHO "Accepting default." fi $ECHO "" if [ "$COMPRESS" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Using $SUBNAME- prefix to create a compressed backup folder" else $ECHO "Using $SUBNAME- prefix to create a backup folder" fi $ECHO "" else if [ "$RESTORE" == 1 -o "$DELETE" == 1 -o "$COMPRESS" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Using G1 keyboard, enter a directory name substring and then " $ECHO -n "to find matches or just to accept default: " if [ "$ASSUMEDEFAULTUSERINPUT" == 0 ]; then read SUBNAME else $ECHO "Accepting default." fi $ECHO "" $ECHO "Using $SUBNAME string to search for matching backup directories" $ECHO "" fi fi fi if [ "$BACKUP" == 1 ]; then mkyaffs2image=`which mkyaffs2image` if [ "$mkyaffs2image" == "" ]; then mkyaffs2image=`which mkyaffs2image-arm-uclibc` if [ "$mkyaffs2image" == "" ]; then $ECHO "error: mkyaffs2image or mkyaffs2image-arm-uclibc not found in path" exit 1 fi fi dump_image=`which dump_image` if [ "$dump_image" == "" ]; then dump_image=`which dump_image-arm-uclibc` if [ "$dump_image" == "" ]; then $ECHO "error: dump_image or dump_image-arm-uclibc not found in path" exit 1 fi fi fi if [ "$RESTORE" == 1 ]; then flash_image=`which flash_image` if [ "$flash_image" == "" ]; then flash_image=`which flash_image-arm-uclibc` if [ "$flash_image" == "" ]; then $ECHO "error: flash_image or flash_image-arm-uclibc not found in path" exit 1 fi fi unyaffs=`which unyaffs` if [ "$unyaffs" == "" ]; then unyaffs=`which unyaffs-arm-uclibc` if [ "$unyaffs" == "" ]; then $ECHO "error: unyaffs or unyaffs-arm-uclibc not found in path" exit 1 fi fi fi if [ "$COMPRESS" == 1 ]; then compressor=`busybox | grep $DEFAULTCOMPRESSOR` if [ "$compressor" == "" ]; then $ECHO "Warning: busybox/$DEFAULTCOMPRESSOR is not found" $ECHO "No compression operations will be performed" COMPRESS=0 else $ECHO "Found $DEFAULTCOMPRESSOR, will compress the backup" fi fi # 1 DEVICEID=`cat /proc/cmdline | sed "s/.*serialno=//" | cut -d" " -f1` RECOVERY=`cat /proc/cmdline | grep "androidboot.mode=recovery"` if [ "$RECOVERY" == "foo" ]; then $ECHO "Error: Must be in recovery mode, aborting" exit 1 fi if [ "$DEVICEID" == "foo" ]; then $ECHO "Error: device id not found in /proc/cmdline, aborting" exit 1 fi if [ ! "`id -u 2>/dev/null`" == "0" ]; then if [ "`whoami 2>&1 | grep 'uid 0'`" == "" ]; then $ECHO "Error: must run as root, aborting" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$RESTORE" == 1 ]; then batteryAtLeast 30 # ENERGY=`cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity` # if [ "`cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/status`" == "Charging" ]; then # ENERGY=100 # fi # if [ ! $ENERGY -ge 30 ]; then # $ECHO "Error: not enough battery power" # $ECHO "Connect charger or USB power and try again" # exit 1 # fi umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null mount /sdcard 2>/dev/null if [ "`mount | grep sdcard`" == "" ]; then $ECHO "error: unable to mount /sdcard, aborting" exit 1 fi # find the latest backup, but show the user other options $ECHO "" $ECHO "Looking for the latest backup, will display other choices!" $ECHO "" RESTOREPATH=`ls -trd $BACKUPPATH/*$SUBNAME* 2>/dev/null | tail -1` $ECHO " " if [ "$RESTOREPATH" = "" ]; then $ECHO "Error: no backups found" exit 2 else $ECHO "Default backup is the latest: $RESTOREPATH" $ECHO "" $ECHO "Other available backups are: " $ECHO "" ls -trd $BACKUPPATH/*$SUBNAME* 2>/dev/null | grep -v $RESTOREPATH $OUTPUT $ECHO "" $ECHO "Using G1 keyboard, enter a unique name substring to change it and " $ECHO -n "or just to accept: " if [ "$ASSUMEDEFAULTUSERINPUT" == 0 ]; then read SUBSTRING else $ECHO "Accepting default." SUBSTRING="" fi $ECHO "" if [ ! "$SUBSTRING" == "" ]; then RESTOREPATH=`ls -trd $BACKUPPATH/*$SUBNAME* 2>/dev/null | grep $SUBSTRING | tail -1` else RESTOREPATH=`ls -trd $BACKUPPATH/*$SUBNAME* 2>/dev/null | tail -1` fi if [ "$RESTOREPATH" = "" ]; then $ECHO "Error: no matching backups found, aborting" exit 2 fi fi $ECHO "Restore path: $RESTOREPATH" $ECHO "" umount /system /data 2>/dev/null mount /system 2>/dev/null mount /data 2>/dev/null if [ "`mount | grep data`" == "" ]; then $ECHO "error: unable to mount /data, aborting" exit 1 fi if [ "`mount | grep system`" == "" ]; then $ECHO "error: unable to mount /system, aborting" exit 1 fi CWD=$PWD cd $RESTOREPATH DEFAULTEXT="" if [ `ls *.bz2 2>/dev/null|wc -l` -ge 1 ]; then DEFAULTCOMPRESSOR=bzip2 DEFAULTDECOMPRESSOR=bunzip2 DEFAULTEXT=.bz2 fi if [ `ls *.gz 2>/dev/null|wc -l` -ge 1 ]; then DEFAULTCOMPRESSOR=gzip DEFAULTDECOMPRESSOR=gunzip DEFAULTEXT=.gz fi if [ ! -f $RESTOREPATH/nandroid.md5$DEFAULTEXT ]; then $ECHO "error: $RESTOREPATH/nandroid.md5 not found, cannot verify backup data" exit 1 fi if [ `ls *.bz2 2>/dev/null|wc -l` -ge 1 -o `ls *.gz 2>/dev/null|wc -l` -ge 1 ]; then $ECHO "This backup is compressed with $DEFAULTCOMPRESSOR." # Make sure that $DEFAULT[DE]COMPRESSOR exists if [ `busybox | grep $DEFAULTCOMPRESSOR | wc -l` -le 0 -a\ `busybox | grep $DEFAULTDECOMPRESSOR | wc -l` -le 0 ]; then $ECHO "You do not have either the $DEFAULTCOMPRESSOR or the $DEFAULTDECOMPRESSOR" $ECHO "to unpack this backup, cleaning up and aborting!" umount /system 2>/dev/null umount /data 2>/dev/null umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null exit 1 fi $ECHO "Checking free space /sdcard for the decompression operation." FREEBLOCKS="`df -k /sdcard| grep sdcard | awk '{ print $4 }'`" # we need about 100MB for gzip to uncompress the files if [ $FREEBLOCKS -le 100000 ]; then $ECHO "Error: not enough free space available on sdcard (need about 100mb)" $ECHO "to perform restore from the compressed images, aborting." umount /system 2>/dev/null umount /data 2>/dev/null umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null exit 1 fi $ECHO "Decompressing images, please wait...." $ECHO "" # Starting from the largest while we still have more space to reduce # space requirements $DEFAULTCOMPRESSOR -d `ls -S *$DEFAULTEXT` $ECHO "Backup images decompressed" $ECHO "" fi $ECHO "Verifying backup images..." md5sum -c nandroid.md5 if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then $ECHO "Error: md5sum mismatch, aborting" exit 1 fi if [ `ls boot* 2>/dev/null | wc -l` == 0 ]; then NOBOOT=1 fi if [ `ls recovery* 2>/dev/null | wc -l` == 0 ]; then NORECOVERY=1 fi if [ `ls data* 2>/dev/null | wc -l` == 0 ]; then NODATA=1 fi if [ `ls system* 2>/dev/null | wc -l` == 0 ]; then NOSYSTEM=1 fi # Amon_RA : If there's no ext backup set EXT2 to 0 so ext2 restore doesn't start if [ `ls ext2* 2>/dev/null | wc -l` == 0 ]; then EXT2=0 fi for image in boot recovery; do if [ "$NOBOOT" == "1" -a "$image" == "boot" ]; then $ECHO "" $ECHO "Not flashing boot image!" $ECHO "" continue fi if [ "$NORECOVERY" == "1" -a "$image" == "recovery" ]; then $ECHO "" $ECHO "Not flashing recovery image!" $ECHO "" continue fi $ECHO "Flashing $image..." $flash_image $image $image.img $OUTPUT done for image in data system; do if [ "$NODATA" == "1" -a "$image" == "data" ]; then $ECHO "" $ECHO "Not restoring data image!" $ECHO "" continue fi if [ "$NOSYSTEM" == "1" -a "$image" == "system" ]; then $ECHO "" $ECHO "Not restoring system image!" $ECHO "" continue fi $ECHO "Erasing /$image..." cd /$image rm -rf * 2>/dev/null $ECHO "Unpacking $image image..." $unyaffs $RESTOREPATH/$image.img $OUTPUT cd / sync umount /$image done if [ "$EXT2" == 1 ]; then # Amon_RA : Check if there's an ext partition before starting to restore if [ -e /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 ]; then $ECHO "Restoring the ext2 contents." CWD=`pwd` cd / if [ `mount | grep /system | wc -l` == 0 ]; then mount /system else mount -o rw,remount /system fi if [ `mount | grep /system/sd | wc -l` == 0 ]; then mount /system/sd fi cd $CWD CHECK=`mount | grep /system/sd` if [ "$CHECK" == "" ]; then $ECHO "Warning: --ext2 specified but unable to mount the ext2 partition." $ECHO "Warning: your phone may be in an inconsistent state on reboot." exit 1 else CWD=`pwd` cd /system/sd # Depending on whether the ext2 backup is compressed we do either or. if [ -e $RESTOREPATH/ext2.tar ]; then rm -rf * 2>/dev/null tar -x$TARFLAGS -f $RESTOREPATH/ext2.tar else if [ -e $RESTOREPATH/ext2.tgz ]; then rm -rf * 2>/dev/null tar -x$TARFLAGS -zf $RESTOREPATH/ext2.tgz else if [ -e $RESTOREPATH/ext2.tar.bz2 ]; then rm -rf * 2>/dev/null tar -x$TARFLAGS -jf $RESTOREPATH/ext2.tar.bz2 else $ECHO "Warning: --ext2 specified but cannot find the ext2 backup." $ECHO "Warning: your phone may be in an inconsistent state on reboot." fi fi fi cd $CWD sync umount /system/sd umount /system fi else # Amon_RA : Just display a warning $ECHO "Warning: --ext2 specified but ext2 partition present on sdcard" $ECHO "Warning: your phone may be in an inconsistent state on reboot." fi fi $ECHO "Restore done" exit 0 fi # 2. if [ "$BACKUP" == 1 ]; then if [ "$COMPRESS" == 1 ]; then ENERGY=`cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity` if [ "`cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/status`" == "Charging" ]; then ENERGY=100 fi if [ ! $ENERGY -ge 30 ]; then $ECHO "Warning: Not enough battery power to perform compression." COMPRESS=0 $ECHO "Turning off compression option, you can compress the backup later" $ECHO "with the compression options." fi fi $ECHO "mounting system and data read-only, sdcard read-write" umount /system 2>/dev/null umount /data 2>/dev/null umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null mount -o ro /system || FAIL=1 mount -o ro /data || FAIL=2 mount /sdcard || mount /dev/block/mmcblk0 /sdcard || FAIL=3 case $FAIL in 1) $ECHO "Error mounting system read-only"; umount /system /data /sdcard; exit 1;; 2) $ECHO "Error mounting data read-only"; umount /system /data /sdcard; exit 1;; 3) $ECHO "Error mounting sdcard read-write"; umount /system /data /sdcard; exit 1;; esac if [ ! "$SUBNAME" == "" ]; then SUBNAME=$SUBNAME- fi # Identify the backup with what partitions have been backed up if [ "$NOBOOT" == 0 ]; then BACKUPLEGEND=$BACKUPLEGEND"B" fi if [ "$NOCACHE" == 0 ]; then BACKUPLEGEND=$BACKUPLEGEND"C" fi if [ "$NODATA" == 0 ]; then BACKUPLEGEND=$BACKUPLEGEND"D" fi if [ "$EXT2" == 1 ]; then BACKUPLEGEND=$BACKUPLEGEND"E" fi if [ "$NOMISC" == 0 ]; then BACKUPLEGEND=$BACKUPLEGEND"M" fi if [ "$NORECOVERY" == 0 ]; then BACKUPLEGEND=$BACKUPLEGEND"R" fi if [ "$NOSYSTEM" == 0 ]; then BACKUPLEGEND=$BACKUPLEGEND"S" fi if [ ! -e /dev/mtd/mtd6ro ]; then NOSPLASH1=1 NOSPLASH2=1 fi if [ "$NOSPLASH1" == 0 ]; then BACKUPLEGEND=$BACKUPLEGEND"1" fi if [ "$NOSPLASH2" == 0 ]; then BACKUPLEGEND=$BACKUPLEGEND"2" fi if [ ! "$BACKUPLEGEND" == "" ]; then BACKUPLEGEND=$BACKUPLEGEND- fi TIMESTAMP="`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`" DESTDIR="$BACKUPPATH/$SUBNAME$BACKUPLEGEND$TIMESTAMP" if [ ! -d $DESTDIR ]; then mkdir -p $DESTDIR if [ ! -d $DESTDIR ]; then $ECHO "error: cannot create $DESTDIR" umount /system 2>/dev/null umount /data 2>/dev/null umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null exit 1 fi else touch $DESTDIR/.nandroidwritable if [ ! -e $DESTDIR/.nandroidwritable ]; then $ECHO "error: cannot write to $DESTDIR" umount /system 2>/dev/null umount /data 2>/dev/null umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null exit 1 fi rm $DESTDIR/.nandroidwritable fi # 3. $ECHO "checking free space on sdcard" FREEBLOCKS="`df -k /sdcard| grep sdcard | awk '{ print $4 }'`" # we need about 130MB for the dump if [ $FREEBLOCKS -le 130000 ]; then $ECHO "Error: not enough free space available on sdcard (need 130mb), aborting." umount /system 2>/dev/null umount /data 2>/dev/null umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null exit 1 fi if [ -e /dev/mtd/mtd6ro ]; then if [ "$NOSPLASH1" == 0 ]; then $ECHO -n "Dumping splash1 from device over tcp to $DESTDIR/splash1.img..." dd if=/dev/mtd/mtd6ro of=$DESTDIR/splash1.img skip=19072 bs=2048 count=150 2>/dev/null $ECHO "done" sleep 1s else $ECHO "Dump of the splash1 image suppressed." fi if [ "$NOSPLASH2" == 0 ]; then $ECHO -n "Dumping splash2 from device over tcp to $DESTDIR/splash2.img..." dd if=/dev/mtd/mtd6ro of=$DESTDIR/splash2.img skip=19456 bs=2048 count=150 2>/dev/null $ECHO "done" else $ECHO "Dump of the splash2 image suppressed." fi fi # 5. for image in boot recovery misc; do case $image in boot) if [ "$NOBOOT" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Dump of the boot partition suppressed." continue fi ;; recovery) if [ "$NORECOVERY" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Dump of the recovery partition suppressed." continue fi ;; misc) if [ "$NOMISC" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Dump of the misc partition suppressed." continue fi ;; esac # 5a DEVICEMD5=`$dump_image $image - | md5sum | awk '{ print $1 }'` sleep 1s MD5RESULT=1 # 5b $ECHO -n "Dumping $image to $DESTDIR/$image.img..." ATTEMPT=0 while [ $MD5RESULT -eq 1 ]; do let ATTEMPT=$ATTEMPT+1 # 5b1 $dump_image $image $DESTDIR/$image.img $OUTPUT sync # 5b3 echo "${DEVICEMD5} $DESTDIR/$image.img" | md5sum -c -s - $OUTPUT if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then true else MD5RESULT=0 fi if [ "$ATTEMPT" == "5" ]; then $ECHO "Fatal error while trying to dump $image, aborting." umount /system umount /data umount /sdcard exit 1 fi done $ECHO "done" done # 6 for image in system data cache; do case $image in system) if [ "$NOSYSTEM" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Dump of the system partition suppressed." continue fi ;; data) if [ "$NODATA" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Dump of the data partition suppressed." continue fi ;; cache) if [ "$NOCACHE" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Dump of the cache partition suppressed." continue fi ;; esac # 6a $ECHO -n "Dumping $image to $DESTDIR/$image.img..." $mkyaffs2image /$image $DESTDIR/$image.img $OUTPUT sync $ECHO "done" done # Backing up the ext2 partition, not really for the backup but to switch ROMS and apps at the same time. if [ "$EXT2" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Storing the ext2(Apps, Dalvik-cache) contents in the backup folder." CHECK1=`mount | grep /system` if [ "$CHECK1" == "" ]; then mount /system 2>/dev/null fi CHECK2=`mount | grep /system/sd` if [ "$CHECK2" == "" ]; then mount /system/sd 2>/dev/null fi CHECK1=`mount | grep /system` CHECK2=`mount | grep /system/sd` if [ "$CHECK1" == "" -o "$CHECK2" == "" ]; then $ECHO "Warning: --ext2 specified but unable to mount the ext2 partition." exit 1 else CWD=`pwd` cd /system/sd # Depending on the whether we want it compressed we do either or. if [ "$COMPRESS" == 0 ]; then tar -cvf $DESTDIR/ext2.tar ./ else if [ "$DEFAULTCOMPRESSOR" == "bzip2" ]; then tar -cvjf $DESTDIR/ext2.tar.bz2 ./ else tar -cvzf $DESTDIR/ext2.tgz ./ fi fi cd $CWD umount /system/sd fi fi # 7. $ECHO -n "generating md5sum file..." CWD=$PWD cd $DESTDIR md5sum *img > nandroid.md5 # 7b. if [ "$COMPRESS" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Compressing the backup, may take a bit of time, please wait..." $ECHO "checking free space on sdcard for the compression operation." FREEBLOCKS="`df -k /sdcard| grep sdcard | awk '{ print $4 }'`" # we need about 70MB for the intermediate storage needs if [ $FREEBLOCKS -le 70000 ]; then $ECHO "error: not enough free space available on sdcard for compression operation (need 70mb)" $ECHO "leaving this backup uncompressed." else # we are already in $DESTDIR, start compression from the smallest files # to maximize space for the largest's compression, less likely to fail. # To decompress reverse the order. $DEFAULTCOMPRESSOR $DEFAULTLEVEL `ls -S -r * | grep -v ext2` fi fi cd $CWD $ECHO "done" # 8. $ECHO "unmounting system, data and sdcard" umount /system umount /data umount /sdcard # 9. $ECHO "Backup successful." if [ "$AUTOREBOOT" == 1 ]; then reboot fi exit 0 fi # ----------------------------------GETTING UPDATES DIRECT FROM THE WEB USING WIFI------------- if [ "$WEBGET" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "mounting system and data read-only, sdcard read-write" umount /system 2>/dev/null umount /data 2>/dev/null umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null # Since we are in recovery, these file-systems have to be mounted $ECHO "Mounting /system and /data for starting WiFi" mount -o ro /system || FAIL=1 # Need to write to this system to setup nameservers for the wifi mount -o rw /data || FAIL=2 mount /sdcard || mount /dev/block/mmcblk0 /sdcard || FAIL=3 case $FAIL in 1) $ECHO "Error mounting system read-only"; umount /system /data /sdcard; exit 1;; 2) $ECHO "Error mounting data read-write"; umount /system /data /sdcard; exit 1;; 3) $ECHO "Error mounting sdcard read-write"; umount /system /data /sdcard; exit 1;; esac if [ "$WEBGETSOURCE" == "" ]; then # Set the URL to the current latest update if [ "$ITSANUPDATE" == 1 ]; then WEBGETSOURCE=$DEFAULTWEBUPDATE else WEBGETSOURCE=$DEFAULTWEBIMAGE fi fi if [ "$AUTOAPPLY" == 0 ]; then # Need to check space on sdcard only if we dump the update there. $ECHO "Checking free space on sdcard for the update download." FREEBLOCKS="`df -k /sdcard| grep sdcard | awk '{ print $4 }'`" # we need about 50MB for the storage needs if [ $FREEBLOCKS -le 50000 ]; then $ECHO "Error: not enough free space available on sdcard for the update operation (need 50mb)" $ECHO "Please free up space before invoking this option again." $ECHO "Cleaning up, unmounting file systems, aborting." umount /system /data /sdcard exit 1 fi fi if [ ! `basename $WEBGETSOURCE` == `basename $WEBGETSOURCE .zip` ]; then # It is a zip, not img. ITSANUPDATE=1 else if [ ! `basename $WEBGETSOURCE` == `basename $WEBGETSOURCE .img` ]; then # It is an img file. ITSANIMAGE=1 else # Unknown file type $ECHO "Unknown file type, cleaning up, aborting." umount /system /data /sdcard exit 1 fi fi if [ "$ITSANUPDATE" == 1 -a "$AUTOAPPLY" == 0 ]; then # Move the previous update aside, if things go badly with the new update, it is good # to have the last one still around :-) # If we cannot figure out what the file name used to be, create this new one with a time stamp OLDNAME="OLD-update-`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`" if [ -e $WEBGETTARGET/update.zip ]; then $ECHO "There is already an update.zip in $WEBGETTARGET, backing it up to" if [ -e $WEBGETTARGET/update.name ]; then OLDNAME=`cat $WEBGETTARGET/update.name` # Backup the name file (presumably contains the old name of the update.zip mv -f $WEBGETTARGET/update.name $WEBGETTARGET/`basename $OLDNAME .zip`.name fi $ECHO "`basename $OLDNAME .zip`.zip" mv -f $WEBGETTARGET/update.zip $WEBGETTARGET/`basename $OLDNAME .zip`.zip # Backup the MD5sum file if [ -e $WEBGETTARGET/update.MD5sum ]; then mv -f $WEBGETTARGET/update.MD5sum $WEBGETTARGET/`basename $OLDNAME .zip`.MD5sum fi fi fi $ECHO "Starting WiFI, please wait..." insmod /system/lib/modules/wlan.ko wlan_loader -f /system/etc/wifi/Fw1251r1c.bin -e /proc/calibration -i /system/etc/wifi/tiwlan.ini CWD=`pwd` cd /data/local/tmp wpa_supplicant -f -Dtiwlan0 -itiwlan0 -c/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf& sleep 5 $ECHO "wpa_supplicant started" $ECHO "" echo "nameserver $NAMESERVER1" >/etc/resolv.conf echo "nameserver $NAMESERVER2" >>/etc/resolv.conf #We want the wifi to assign a dynamic address $ECHO "Starting DHCPCD server (dynamic address assignment)" # -BKL flags???? dhcpcd -d tiwlan0 2>/dev/null & # Have to wait for it to init stuff sleep 10 CHECK1=`ps | grep -v grep | grep dhcpcd` CHECK2=`ps | grep -v grep | grep wpa_supplicant` if [ "$CHECK1" == "" -o "$CHECK2" == "" ]; then $ECHO "Error: wpa_supplicant or DHCPCD server is not running, cleaning up, aborting" rm -- -Dtiwlan0 cd $CWD $ECHO "unmounting /system, /data and /sdcard" umount /system umount /data umount /sdcard exit 2 fi $ECHO "DHCPCD server started" $ECHO "" $ECHO "WiFi is running!" $ECHO "" if [ "$AUTOAPPLY" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Autoapply is on, retrieving the update into /cache/`basename $WEBGETSOURCE`" wget -O /cache/`basename $WEBGETSOURCE` $WEBGETSOURCE $OUTPUT if [ ! -e /cache/recovery ]; then mkdir /cache/recovery chmod 777 /cache/recovery fi if [ -e /cache/recovery/command ]; then echo "--update_package=CACHE:`basename $WEBGETSOURCE`" >>/cache/recovery/command else echo "--update_package=CACHE:`basename $WEBGETSOURCE`" >/cache/recovery/command fi chmod 555 /cache/recovery/command # Once rebooted the update will be applied. else if [ "$ITSANUPDATE" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Retrieving system update into $WEBGETTARGET/update.zip, please wait..." wget -O $WEBGETTARGET/update.zip $WEBGETSOURCE $OUTPUT echo "`basename $WEBGETSOURCE`" > $WEBGETTARGET/update.name $ECHO "" $ECHO "Update retrieved, if concerned, please compare the md5sum with the number" $ECHO "you see on the web page, if it is NOT the same, the retrieval" $ECHO "has failed and has to be repeated." $ECHO "" $ECHO `md5sum $WEBGETTARGET/update.zip | tee $WEBGETTARGET/update.MD5sum` $ECHO "" $ECHO "MD5sum has been stored in $WEBGETTARGET/update.MD5sum" else $ECHO "Retrieving the image into $WEBGETTARGET/`basename $WEBGETSOURCE`, please wait..." wget -O $WEBGETTARGET/`basename $WEBGETSOURCE` $WEBGETSOURCE $OUTPUT $ECHO "" $ECHO "$WEBGETSOURCE retrieved, if concerned, please compare the md5sum with the number" $ECHO "you see on the web page, if it is NOT the same, the retrieval" $ECHO "has failed and has to be repeated." $ECHO "" md5sum $WEBGETTARGET/`basename $WEBGETSOURCE` | tee $WEBGETTARGET/`basename $WEBGETSOURCE .img`.MD5sum $OUTPUT $ECHO "" $ECHO "MD5sum has been stored in $WEBGETTARGET/`basename $WEBGETSOURCE .img`.MD5sum" $ECHO "" $ECHO -n "Would you like to flash this image into boot or recovery? (or no for no flash) " read ANSWER if [ "$ANSWER" == "boot" ]; then $ECHO "Flashing $WEBGETTARGET/`basename $WEBGETSOURCE` into the boot partition." $flash_image boot $WEBGETTARGET/`basename $WEBGETSOURCE` else if [ "$ANSWER" == "recovery" ]; then $ECHO "Moving $WEBGETTARGET/`basename $WEBGETSOURCE` into the /data/recovery.img" $ECHO "and /system/recovery.img" cp -f $WEBGETTARGET/`basename $WEBGETSOURCE` /data/recovery.img mount -o rw,remount /system cp -f $WEBGETTARGET/`basename $WEBGETSOURCE` /system/recovery.img $ECHO "Depending on the settings of your specific ROM, the recovery.img will be" $ECHO "flashed at the normal bootup time either from /system or /data." else $ECHO "Not flashing the image." fi fi fi $ECHO "" fi $ECHO "Shutting down DHCPCD service and wpa_supplicant" killall -TERM dhcpcd TEMPVAR=`ps | grep -v grep | grep wpa_supplicant` TEMPVAR=`echo $TEMPVAR | cut -f 1 -d ' '` kill -TERM $TEMPVAR while true; do CHECK=`ps | grep -v grep | grep dhcpcd` if [ ! "$CHECK" == "" ]; then sleep 1 else break fi done while true; do CHECK=`ps | grep -v grep | grep wpa_supplicant` if [ ! "$CHECK" == "" ]; then sleep 1 else break fi done #sleep 5 $ECHO "Cleaning up..." # Looks like cannot clean up wlan module since chdir is missing #rmmod wlan rm -- -Dtiwlan0 cd $CWD $ECHO "unmounting /system, /data and /sdcard" umount /system umount /data umount /sdcard if [ "$AUTOAPPLY" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Auto apply update is on, rebooting into recovery to apply the update." $ECHO "When the update is complete reboot into the normal mode." $ECHO "The device will reboot and the update will be applied in 10 seconds!" sleep 10 reboot recovery else if [ "$ITSANUPDATE" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "If you put the update into a folder other than /sdcard you need to use --getupdate to" $ECHO "prepare the update for application." $ECHO "You may want to execute 'reboot recovery' and choose update option to flash the update." $ECHO "Or in the alternative, shutdown your phone with reboot -p, and then press +" $ECHO "to initiate a normal system update procedure, if you have stock SPL." fi exit 0 fi fi # -------------------------------------DELETION, COMPRESSION OF BACKUPS--------------------------------- if [ "$COMPRESS" == 1 -o "$DELETE" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Unmounting /system and /data to be on the safe side, mounting /sdcard read-write." umount /system 2>/dev/null umount /data 2>/dev/null umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null FAIL=0 # Since we are in recovery, these file-system have to be mounted $ECHO "Mounting /sdcard to look for backups." mount /sdcard || mount /dev/block/mmcblk0 /sdcard || FAIL=1 if [ "$FAIL" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Error mounting /sdcard read-write, cleaning up..."; umount /system /data /sdcard; exit 1 fi $ECHO "The current size of /sdcard FAT32 filesystem is `du /sdcard | tail -1 | cut -f 1 -d '/'`Kb" $ECHO "" # find the oldest backup, but show the user other options $ECHO "Looking for the oldest backup to delete, newest to compress," $ECHO "will display all choices!" $ECHO "" $ECHO "Here are the backups you have picked within this repository $BACKUPPATH:" if [ "$DELETE" == 1 ]; then RESTOREPATH=`ls -td $BACKUPPATH/*$SUBNAME* 2>/dev/null | tail -1` ls -td $BACKUPPATH/*$SUBNAME* 2>/dev/null $OUTPUT else RESTOREPATH=`ls -trd $BACKUPPATH/*$SUBNAME* 2>/dev/null | tail -1` ls -trd $BACKUPPATH/*$SUBNAME* 2>/dev/null $OUTPUT fi $ECHO " " if [ "$RESTOREPATH" = "" ]; then $ECHO "Error: no backups found" exit 2 else if [ "$DELETE" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Default backup to delete is the oldest: $RESTOREPATH" $ECHO "" $ECHO "Other candidates for deletion are: " ls -td $BACKUPPATH/*$SUBNAME* 2>/dev/null | grep -v $RESTOREPATH $OUTPUT fi if [ "$COMPRESS" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Default backup to compress is the latest: $RESTOREPATH" $ECHO "" $ECHO "Other candidates for compression are: " ls -trd $BACKUPPATH/*$SUBNAME* 2>/dev/null | grep -v $RESTOREPATH $OUTPUT fi $ECHO "" $ECHO "Using G1 keyboard, enter a unique name substring to change it and " $ECHO -n "or just to accept: " if [ "$ASSUMEDEFAULTUSERINPUT" == 0 ]; then read SUBSTRING else $ECHO "Accepting default." SUBSTRING="" fi if [ ! "$SUBSTRING" == "" ]; then RESTOREPATH=`ls -td $BACKUPPATH/*$SUBNAME* 2>/dev/null | grep $SUBSTRING | tail -1` else RESTOREPATH=`ls -td $BACKUPPATH/*$SUBNAME* 2>/dev/null | tail -1` fi if [ "$RESTOREPATH" = "" ]; then $ECHO "Error: no matching backup found, aborting" exit 2 fi fi if [ "$DELETE" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Deletion path: $RESTOREPATH" $ECHO "" $ECHO "WARNING: Deletion of a backup is an IRREVERSIBLE action!!!" $ECHO -n "Are you absolutely sure? {yes | YES | Yes | no | NO | No}: " if [ "$ASSUMEDEFAULTUSERINPUT" == 0 ]; then read ANSWER else ANSWER=yes $ECHO "Accepting default." fi $ECHO "" if [ "$ANSWER" == "yes" -o "$ANSWER" == "YES" -o "$ANSWER" == "Yes" ]; then rm -rf $RESTOREPATH $ECHO "" $ECHO "$RESTOREPATH has been permanently removed from your SDCARD." $ECHO "Post deletion size of the /sdcard FAT32 filesystem is `du /sdcard | tail -1 | cut -f 1 -d '/'`Kb" else if [ "$ANSWER" == "no" -o "$ANSWER" == "NO" -o "$ANSWER" == "No" ]; then $ECHO "The chosen backup will NOT be removed." else $ECHO "Invalid answer: assuming NO." fi fi fi if [ "$COMPRESS" == 1 ]; then CWD=`pwd` cd $RESTOREPATH if [ `ls *.bz2 2>/dev/null|wc -l` -ge 1 -o `ls *.gz 2>/dev/null|wc -l` -ge 1 ]; then $ECHO "This backup is already compressed, cleaning up, aborting..." cd $CWD umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null exit 0 fi $ECHO "checking free space on sdcard for the compression operation." FREEBLOCKS="`df -k /sdcard| grep sdcard | awk '{ print $4 }'`" # we need about 70MB for the intermediate storage needs if [ $FREEBLOCKS -le 70000 ]; then $ECHO "Error: not enough free space available on sdcard for compression operation (need 70mb)" $ECHO "leaving this backup uncompressed." else # we are already in $DESTDIR, start compression from the smallest files # to maximize space for the largest's compression, less likely to fail. # To decompress reverse the order. $ECHO "Pre compression size of the /sdcard FAT32 filesystem is `du /sdcard | tail -1 | cut -f 1 -d '/'`Kb" $ECHO "" $ECHO "Compressing the backup may take a bit of time, please wait..." $DEFAULTCOMPRESSOR $DEFAULTLEVEL `ls -S -r *` $ECHO "" $ECHO "Post compression size of the /sdcard FAT32 filesystem is `du /sdcard | tail -1 | cut -f 1 -d '/'`Kb" fi fi $ECHO "Cleaning up." cd $CWD umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null exit 0 fi if [ "$GETUPDATE" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Unmounting /system and /data to be on the safe side, mounting /sdcard read-write." umount /system 2>/dev/null umount /data 2>/dev/null umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null FAIL=0 # Since we are in recovery, these file-system have to be mounted $ECHO "Mounting /sdcard to look for updates to flash." mount /sdcard || mount /dev/block/mmcblk0 /sdcard || FAIL=1 if [ "$FAIL" == 1 ]; then $ECHO "Error mounting /sdcard read-write, cleaning up..."; umount /system /data /sdcard; exit 1 fi $ECHO "The current size of /sdcard FAT32 filesystem is `du /sdcard | tail -1 | cut -f 1 -d '/'`Kb" $ECHO "" # find all the files with update in them, but show the user other options $ECHO "Looking for all *update*.zip candidate files to flash." $ECHO "" $ECHO "Here are the updates limited by the subname $SUBNAME found" $ECHO "within the repository $DEFAULTUPDATEPATH:" $ECHO "" RESTOREPATH=`ls -trd $DEFAULTUPDATEPATH/*$SUBNAME*.zip 2>/dev/null | grep update | tail -1` if [ "$RESTOREPATH" == "" ]; then $ECHO "Error: found no matching updates, cleaning up, aborting..." umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null exit 2 fi ls -trd $DEFAULTUPDATEPATH/*$SUBNAME*.zip 2>/dev/null | grep update $OUTPUT $ECHO "" $ECHO "The default update is the latest $RESTOREPATH" $ECHO "" $ECHO "Using G1 keyboard, enter a unique name substring to change it and " $ECHO -n "or just to accept: " if [ "$ASSUMEDEFAULTUSERINPUT" == 0 ]; then read SUBSTRING else $ECHO "Accepting default." SUBSTRING="" fi $ECHO "" if [ ! "$SUBSTRING" == "" ]; then RESTOREPATH=`ls -trd $DEFAULTUPDATEPATH/*$SUBNAME*.zip 2>/dev/null | grep update | grep $SUBSTRING | tail -1` else RESTOREPATH=`ls -trd $DEFAULTUPDATEPATH/*$SUBNAME*.zip 2>/dev/null | grep update | tail -1` fi if [ "$RESTOREPATH" = "" ]; then $ECHO "Error: no matching backups found, aborting" exit 2 fi if [ "$RESTOREPATH" == "/sdcard/update.zip" ]; then $ECHO "You chose update.zip, it is ready for flashing, there nothing to do." else # Things seem ok so far. # Move the previous update aside, if things go badly with the new update, it is good # have the last one still around :-) # If we cannot figure out what the file name used to be, create this new one with a time stamp OLDNAME="OLD-update-`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`" if [ -e /sdcard/update.zip ]; then $ECHO "There is already an update.zip in /sdcard, backing it up to" if [ -e /sdcard/update.name ]; then OLDNAME=`cat /sdcard/update.name` # Backup the name file (presumably contains the old name of the update.zip mv -f /sdcard/update.name /sdcard/`basename $OLDNAME .zip`.name fi $ECHO "`basename $OLDNAME .zip`.zip" mv -f /sdcard/update.zip /sdcard/`basename $OLDNAME .zip`.zip # Backup the MD5sum file if [ -e /sdcard/update.MD5sum ]; then mv -f /sdcard/update.MD5sum /sdcard/`basename $OLDNAME .zip`.MD5sum fi fi if [ -e $DEFAULTUPDATEPATH/`basename $RESTOREPATH .zip`.MD5sum ]; then mv -f $DEFAULTUPDATEPATH/`basename $RESTOREPATH .zip`.MD5sum /sdcard/update.MD5sum else $ECHO `md5sum $RESTOREPATH | tee /sdcard/update.MD5sum` $ECHO "" $ECHO "MD5sum has been stored in /sdcard/update.MD5sum" $ECHO "" fi if [ -e $DEFAULTUPDATEPATH/`basename $RESTOREPATH .zip`.name ]; then mv -f $DEFAULTUPDATEPATH/`basename $RESTOREPATH .zip`.name /sdcard/update.name else echo "`basename $RESTOREPATH`" > /sdcard/update.name fi mv -i $RESTOREPATH /sdcard/update.zip $ECHO "Your file $RESTOREPATH has been moved to the root of sdcard, and is ready for flashing!!!" fi $ECHO "You may want to execute 'reboot recovery' and then choose the update option to flash the update." $ECHO "Or in the alternative, shutdown your phone with reboot -p, and then press + to" $ECHO "initiate a standard update procedure if you have stock SPL." $ECHO "" $ECHO "Cleaning up and exiting." umount /sdcard 2>/dev/null exit 0 fi