path: root/tools/dexpreopt/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/dexpreopt/')
1 files changed, 981 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/dexpreopt/ b/tools/dexpreopt/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8a80e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dexpreopt/
@@ -0,0 +1,981 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Creates optimized versions of APK files.
+A tool and associated functions to communicate with an Android
+emulator instance, run commands, and scrape out files.
+Requires at least python2.4.
+import array
+import datetime
+import optparse
+import os
+import posix
+import select
+import signal
+import struct
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import time
+import zlib
+_emulator_popen = None
+def EnsureTempDir(path=None):
+ """Creates a temporary directory and returns its path.
+ Creates any necessary parent directories.
+ Args:
+ path: If specified, used as the temporary directory. If not specified,
+ a safe temporary path is created. The caller is responsible for
+ deleting the directory.
+ Returns:
+ The path to the new directory, or None if a problem occurred.
+ """
+ if path is None:
+ path = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'dexpreopt-')
+ elif not os.path.exists(path):
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ elif not os.path.isdir(path):
+ return None
+ return path
+def CreateZeroedFile(path, length):
+ """Creates the named file and writes <length> zero bytes to it.
+ Unlinks the file first if it already exists.
+ Creates its containing directory if necessary.
+ Args:
+ path: The path to the file to create.
+ length: The number of zero bytes to write to the file.
+ Returns:
+ True on success.
+ """
+['rm', '-f', path])
+ d = os.path.dirname(path)
+ if d and not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(d))
+ # TODO: redirect child's stdout to /dev/null
+ ret =['dd', 'if=/dev/zero', 'of=%s' % path,
+ 'bs=%d' % length, 'count=1'])
+ return not ret # i.e., ret == 0; i.e., the child exited successfully.
+def StartEmulator(exe_name='emulator', kernel=None,
+ ramdisk=None, image=None, userdata=None, system=None):
+ """Runs the emulator with the specified arguments.
+ Args:
+ exe_name: The name of the emulator to run. May be absolute, relative,
+ or unqualified (and left to exec() to find).
+ kernel: If set, passed to the emulator as "-kernel".
+ ramdisk: If set, passed to the emulator as "-ramdisk".
+ image: If set, passed to the emulator as "-image".
+ userdata: If set, passed to the emulator as "-initdata" and "-data".
+ system: If set, passed to the emulator as "-system".
+ Returns:
+ A subprocess.Popen that refers to the emulator process, or None if
+ a problem occurred.
+ """
+ #exe_name = './stuff'
+ args = [exe_name]
+ if kernel: args += ['-kernel', kernel]
+ if ramdisk: args += ['-ramdisk', ramdisk]
+ if image: args += ['-image', image]
+ if userdata: args += ['-initdata', userdata, '-data', userdata]
+ if system: args += ['-system', system]
+ args += ['-no-window', '-netfast', '-noaudio']
+ _USE_PIPE = True
+ if _USE_PIPE:
+ # Use dedicated fds instead of stdin/out to talk to the
+ # emulator so that the emulator doesn't try to tty-cook
+ # the data.
+ em_stdin_r, em_stdin_w = posix.pipe()
+ em_stdout_r, em_stdout_w = posix.pipe()
+ args += ['-shell-serial', 'fdpair:%d:%d' % (em_stdin_r, em_stdout_w)]
+ else:
+ args += ['-shell']
+ # Ensure that this environment variable isn't set;
+ # if it is, the emulator will print the log to stdout.
+ if os.environ.get('ANDROID_LOG_TAGS'):
+ del os.environ['ANDROID_LOG_TAGS']
+ try:
+ # bufsize=1 line-buffered, =0 unbuffered,
+ # <0 system default (fully buffered)
+ Trace('Running emulator: %s' % ' '.join(args))
+ if _USE_PIPE:
+ ep = subprocess.Popen(args)
+ else:
+ ep = subprocess.Popen(args, close_fds=True,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ if ep:
+ if _USE_PIPE:
+ # Hijack the Popen.stdin/.stdout fields to point to our
+ # pipes. These are the same fields that would have been set
+ # if we called Popen() with stdin=subprocess.PIPE, etc.
+ # Note that these names are from the point of view of the
+ # child process.
+ #
+ # Since we'll be using to read data a byte
+ # at a time, it's important that these files are unbuffered
+ # (bufsize=0). If Popen() took care of the pipes, they're
+ # already unbuffered.
+ ep.stdin = os.fdopen(em_stdin_w, 'w', 0)
+ ep.stdout = os.fdopen(em_stdout_r, 'r', 0)
+ return ep
+ except OSError, e:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not start emulator:', e
+ return None
+def IsDataAvailable(fo, timeout=0):
+ """Indicates whether or not data is available to be read from a file object.
+ Args:
+ fo: A file object to read from.
+ timeout: The number of seconds to wait for data, or zero for no timeout.
+ Returns:
+ True iff data is available to be read.
+ """
+ return[fo], [], [], timeout) == ([fo], [], [])
+def ConsumeAvailableData(fo):
+ """Reads data from a file object while it's available.
+ Stops when no more data is immediately available or upon reaching EOF.
+ Args:
+ fo: A file object to read from.
+ Returns:
+ An unsigned byte array.array of the data that was read.
+ """
+ buf = array.array('B')
+ while IsDataAvailable(fo):
+ try:
+ buf.fromfile(fo, 1)
+ except EOFError:
+ break
+ return buf
+def ShowTimeout(timeout, end_time):
+ """For debugging, display the timeout info.
+ Args:
+ timeout: the timeout in seconds.
+ end_time: a time.time()-based value indicating when the timeout should
+ expire.
+ """
+ if timeout:
+ remaining = end_time - time.time()
+ Trace('ok, time remaining %.1f of %.1f' % (remaining, timeout))
+ else:
+ Trace('ok (no timeout)')
+def WaitForString(inf, pattern, timeout=0, max_len=0, eat_to_eol=True,
+ reset_on_activity=False):
+ """Reads from a file object and returns when the pattern matches the data.
+ Reads a byte at a time to avoid consuming extra data, so do not call
+ this function when you expect the pattern to match a large amount of data.
+ Args:
+ inf: The file object to read from.
+ pattern: The string to look for in the input data.
+ May be a tuple of strings.
+ timeout: How long to wait, in seconds. No timeout if it evaluates to False.
+ max_len: Return None if this many bytes have been read without matching.
+ No upper bound if it evaluates to False.
+ eat_to_eol: If true, the input data will be consumed until a '\\n' or EOF
+ is encountered.
+ reset_on_activity: If True, reset the timeout whenever a character is
+ read.
+ Returns:
+ The input data matching the expression as an unsigned char array,
+ or None if the operation timed out or didn't match after max_len bytes.
+ Raises:
+ IOError: An error occurred reading from the input file.
+ """
+ if timeout:
+ end_time = time.time() + timeout
+ else:
+ end_time = 0
+ Trace('WaitForString: "%s", %.1f' % (pattern, timeout))
+ buf = array.array('B') # unsigned char array
+ eating = False
+ while True:
+ if end_time:
+ remaining = end_time - time.time()
+ if remaining <= 0:
+ Trace('Timeout expired after %.1f seconds' % timeout)
+ return None
+ else:
+ remaining = None
+ if IsDataAvailable(inf, remaining):
+ if reset_on_activity and timeout:
+ end_time = time.time() + timeout
+ buf.fromfile(inf, 1)
+ c = buf.tostring()[-1:]
+ ci = ord(c)
+ if ci < 0x20: c = '.'
+ if _DEBUG_READ > 1:
+ print 'read [%c] 0x%02x' % (c, ci)
+ if not eating:
+ if buf.tostring().endswith(pattern):
+ if eat_to_eol:
+ if _DEBUG_READ > 1:
+ Trace('Matched; eating to EOL')
+ eating = True
+ else:
+ ShowTimeout(timeout, end_time)
+ return buf
+ if _DEBUG_READ > 2:
+ print '/%s/ ? "%s"' % (pattern, buf.tostring())
+ else:
+ if buf.tostring()[-1:] == '\n':
+ ShowTimeout(timeout, end_time)
+ return buf
+ if max_len and len(buf) >= max_len: return None
+def WaitForEmulator(ep, timeout=0):
+ """Waits for the emulator to start up and print the first prompt.
+ Args:
+ ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
+ timeout: How long to wait, in seconds. No timeout if it evaluates to False.
+ Returns:
+ True on success, False if the timeout occurred.
+ """
+ # Prime the pipe; the emulator doesn't start without this.
+ print >>ep.stdin, ''
+ # Wait until the console is ready and the first prompt appears.
+ buf = WaitForString(ep.stdout, '#', timeout=timeout, eat_to_eol=False)
+ if buf:
+ Trace('Saw the prompt: "%s"' % buf.tostring())
+ return True
+ return False
+def WaitForPrompt(ep, prompt=None, timeout=0, reset_on_activity=False):
+ """Blocks until the prompt appears on ep.stdout or the timeout elapses.
+ Args:
+ ep: A subprocess.Popen connection to the emulator process.
+ prompt: The prompt to wait for. If None, uses ep.prompt.
+ timeout: How many seconds to wait for the prompt. Waits forever
+ if timeout is zero.
+ reset_on_activity: If True, reset the timeout whenever a character is
+ read.
+ Returns:
+ A string containing the data leading up to the prompt. The string
+ will always end in '\\n'. Returns None if the prompt was not seen
+ within the timeout, or if some other error occurred.
+ """
+ if not prompt: prompt = ep.prompt
+ if prompt:
+ #Trace('waiting for prompt "%s"' % prompt)
+ data = WaitForString(ep.stdout, prompt,
+ timeout=timeout, reset_on_activity=reset_on_activity)
+ if data:
+ # data contains everything on ep.stdout up to and including the prompt,
+ # plus everything up 'til the newline. Scrape out the prompt
+ # and everything that follows, and ensure that the result ends
+ # in a newline (which is important if it would otherwise be empty).
+ s = data.tostring()
+ i = s.rfind(prompt)
+ s = s[:i]
+ if s[-1:] != '\n':
+ s += '\n'
+ print 'WaitForPrompt saw """\n%s"""' % s
+ return s
+ return None
+def ReplaceEmulatorPrompt(ep, prompt=None):
+ """Replaces PS1 in the emulator with a different value.
+ This is useful for making the prompt unambiguous; i.e., something
+ that probably won't appear in the output of another command.
+ Assumes that the emulator is already sitting at a prompt,
+ waiting for shell input.
+ Puts the new prompt in ep.prompt.
+ Args:
+ ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
+ prompt: The new prompt to use
+ Returns:
+ True on success, False if the timeout occurred.
+ """
+ if not prompt:
+ prompt = '-----DEXPREOPT-PROMPT-----'
+ print >>ep.stdin, 'PS1="%s\n"' % prompt
+ ep.prompt = prompt
+ # Eat the command echo.
+ data = WaitForPrompt(ep, timeout=2)
+ if not data:
+ return False
+ # Make sure it's actually there.
+ return WaitForPrompt(ep, timeout=2)
+def RunEmulatorCommand(ep, cmd, timeout=0):
+ """Sends the command to the emulator's shell and waits for the result.
+ Assumes that the emulator is already sitting at a prompt,
+ waiting for shell input.
+ Args:
+ ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
+ cmd: The shell command to run in the emulator.
+ timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the command to complete,
+ or zero for no timeout.
+ Returns:
+ If the command ran and returned to the console prompt before the
+ timeout, returns the output of the command as a string.
+ Returns None otherwise.
+ """
+ ConsumeAvailableData(ep.stdout)
+ Trace('Running "%s"' % cmd)
+ print >>ep.stdin, '%s' % cmd
+ # The console will echo the command.
+ #Trace('Waiting for echo')
+ if WaitForString(ep.stdout, cmd, timeout=timeout):
+ #Trace('Waiting for completion')
+ return WaitForPrompt(ep, timeout=timeout, reset_on_activity=True)
+ return None
+def ReadFileList(ep, dir_list, timeout=0):
+ """Returns a list of emulator files in each dir in dir_list.
+ Args:
+ ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
+ dir_list: List absolute paths to directories to read.
+ timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the command to complete,
+ or zero for no timeout.
+ Returns:
+ A list of absolute paths to files in the named directories,
+ in the context of the emulator's filesystem.
+ None on failure.
+ """
+ ret = []
+ for d in dir_list:
+ output = RunEmulatorCommand(ep, 'ls ' + d, timeout=timeout)
+ if not output:
+ Trace('Could not ls ' + d)
+ return None
+ ret += ['%s/%s' % (d, f) for f in output.splitlines()]
+ return ret
+def DownloadDirectoryHierarchy(ep, src, dest, timeout=0):
+ """Recursively downloads an emulator directory to the local filesystem.
+ Args:
+ ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
+ src: The path on the emulator's filesystem to download from.
+ dest: The path on the local filesystem to download to.
+ timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the command to complete,
+ or zero for no timeout. (CURRENTLY IGNORED)
+ Returns:
+ True iff the files downloaded successfully, False otherwise.
+ """
+ ConsumeAvailableData(ep.stdout)
+ if not os.path.exists(dest):
+ os.makedirs(dest)
+ cmd = 'afar %s' % src
+ Trace('Running "%s"' % cmd)
+ print >>ep.stdin, '%s' % cmd
+ # The console will echo the command.
+ #Trace('Waiting for echo')
+ if not WaitForString(ep.stdout, cmd, timeout=timeout):
+ return False
+ #TODO: use a signal to support timing out?
+ #
+ # Android File Archive format:
+ #
+ # magic[5]: 'A' 'F' 'A' 'R' '\n'
+ # version[4]: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01
+ # for each file:
+ # file magic[4]: 'F' 'I' 'L' 'E'
+ # namelen[4]: Length of file name, including NUL byte (big-endian)
+ # name[*]: NUL-terminated file name
+ # datalen[4]: Length of file (big-endian)
+ # data[*]: Unencoded file data
+ # adler32[4]: adler32 of the unencoded file data (big-endian)
+ # file end magic[4]: 'f' 'i' 'l' 'e'
+ # end magic[4]: 'E' 'N' 'D' 0x00
+ #
+ # Read the header.
+ HEADER = array.array('B', 'AFAR\n\000\000\000\001')
+ buf = array.array('B')
+ buf.fromfile(ep.stdout, len(HEADER))
+ if buf != HEADER:
+ Trace('Header does not match: "%s"' % buf)
+ return False
+ # Read the file entries.
+ FILE_START = array.array('B', 'FILE')
+ FILE_END = array.array('B', 'file')
+ END = array.array('B', 'END\000')
+ while True:
+ # Entry magic.
+ buf = array.array('B')
+ buf.fromfile(ep.stdout, 4)
+ if buf == FILE_START:
+ # Name length (4 bytes, big endian)
+ buf = array.array('B')
+ buf.fromfile(ep.stdout, 4)
+ (name_len,) = struct.unpack('>I', buf)
+ #Trace('name len %d' % name_len)
+ # Name, NUL-terminated.
+ buf = array.array('B')
+ buf.fromfile(ep.stdout, name_len)
+ buf.pop() # Remove trailing NUL byte.
+ file_name = buf.tostring()
+ Trace('FILE: %s' % file_name)
+ # File length (4 bytes, big endian)
+ buf = array.array('B')
+ buf.fromfile(ep.stdout, 4)
+ (file_len,) = struct.unpack('>I', buf)
+ # File data.
+ data = array.array('B')
+ data.fromfile(ep.stdout, file_len)
+ #Trace('FILE: read %d bytes from %s' % (file_len, file_name))
+ # adler32 (4 bytes, big endian)
+ buf = array.array('B')
+ buf.fromfile(ep.stdout, 4)
+ (adler32,) = struct.unpack('>i', buf) # adler32 wants a signed int ('i')
+ data_adler32 = zlib.adler32(data)
+ # Because of a difference in behavior of zlib.adler32 on 32-bit and 64-bit
+ # systems (one returns signed values, the other unsigned), we take the
+ # modulo 2**32 of the checksums, and compare those.
+ # See also
+ if (adler32 % (2**32)) != (data_adler32 % (2**32)):
+ Trace('adler32 does not match: calculated 0x%08x != expected 0x%08x' %
+ (data_adler32, adler32))
+ return False
+ # File end magic.
+ buf = array.array('B')
+ buf.fromfile(ep.stdout, 4)
+ if buf != FILE_END:
+ Trace('Unexpected file end magic "%s"' % buf)
+ return False
+ # Write to the output file
+ out_file_name = dest + '/' + file_name[len(src):]
+ p = os.path.dirname(out_file_name)
+ if not os.path.exists(p): os.makedirs(p)
+ fo = file(out_file_name, 'w+b')
+ fo.truncate(0)
+ Trace('FILE: Writing %d bytes to %s' % (len(data), out_file_name))
+ data.tofile(fo)
+ fo.close()
+ elif buf == END:
+ break
+ else:
+ Trace('Unexpected magic "%s"' % buf)
+ return False
+ return WaitForPrompt(ep, timeout=timeout, reset_on_activity=True)
+def ReadBootClassPath(ep, timeout=0):
+ """Reads and returns the default bootclasspath as a list of files.
+ Args:
+ ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
+ timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the command to complete,
+ or zero for no timeout.
+ Returns:
+ The bootclasspath as a list of strings.
+ None on failure.
+ """
+ bcp = RunEmulatorCommand(ep, 'echo $BOOTCLASSPATH', timeout=timeout)
+ if not bcp:
+ Trace('Could not find bootclasspath')
+ return None
+ return bcp.strip().split(':') # strip trailing newline
+def RunDexoptOnFileList(ep, files, dest_root, move=False, timeout=0):
+ """Creates the corresponding .odex file for all jar/apk files in 'files'.
+ Copies the .odex file to a location under 'dest_root'. If 'move' is True,
+ the file is moved instead of copied.
+ Args:
+ ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
+ files: The list of files to optimize
+ dest_root: directory to copy/move odex files to. Must already exist.
+ move: if True, move rather than copy files
+ timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the command to complete,
+ or zero for no timeout.
+ Returns:
+ True on success, False on failure.
+ """
+ for jar_file in files:
+ if jar_file.endswith('.apk') or jar_file.endswith('.jar'):
+ odex_file = jar_file[:jar_file.rfind('.')] + '.odex'
+ cmd = 'dexopt-wrapper %s %s' % (jar_file, odex_file)
+ if not RunEmulatorCommand(ep, cmd, timeout=timeout):
+ Trace('"%s" failed' % cmd)
+ return False
+ # Always copy the odex file. There's no cp(1), so we
+ # cat out to the new file.
+ dst_odex = dest_root + odex_file
+ cmd = 'cat %s > %s' % (odex_file, dst_odex) # no cp(1)
+ if not RunEmulatorCommand(ep, cmd, timeout=timeout):
+ Trace('"%s" failed' % cmd)
+ return False
+ # Move it if we're asked to. We can't use mv(1) because
+ # the files tend to move between filesystems.
+ if move:
+ cmd = 'rm %s' % odex_file
+ if not RunEmulatorCommand(ep, cmd, timeout=timeout):
+ Trace('"%s" failed' % cmd)
+ return False
+ return True
+def InstallCacheFiles(cache_system_dir, out_system_dir):
+ """Install files in cache_system_dir to the proper places in out_system_dir.
+ cache_system_dir contains various files from /system, plus .odex files
+ for most of the .apk/.jar files that live there.
+ This function copies each .odex file from the cache dir to the output dir
+ and removes "classes.dex" from each appropriate .jar/.apk.
+ E.g., <cache_system_dir>/app/NotePad.odex would be copied to
+ <out_system_dir>/app/NotePad.odex, and <out_system_dir>/app/NotePad.apk
+ would have its classes.dex file removed.
+ Args:
+ cache_system_dir: The directory containing the cache files scraped from
+ the emulator.
+ out_system_dir: The local directory that corresponds to "/system"
+ on the device filesystem. (the root of system.img)
+ Returns:
+ True if everything succeeded, False if any problems occurred.
+ """
+ # First, walk through cache_system_dir and copy every .odex file
+ # over to out_system_dir, ensuring that the destination directory
+ # contains the corresponding source file.
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cache_system_dir):
+ for name in files:
+ if name.endswith('.odex'):
+ odex_file = os.path.join(root, name)
+ # Find the path to the .odex file's source apk/jar file.
+ out_stem = odex_file[len(cache_system_dir):odex_file.rfind('.')]
+ out_stem = out_system_dir + out_stem;
+ jar_file = out_stem + '.jar'
+ if not os.path.exists(jar_file):
+ jar_file = out_stem + '.apk'
+ if not os.path.exists(jar_file):
+ Trace('Cannot find source .jar/.apk for %s: %s' %
+ (odex_file, out_stem + '.{jar,apk}'))
+ return False
+ # Copy the cache file next to the source file.
+ cmd = ['cp', odex_file, out_stem + '.odex']
+ ret =
+ if ret: # non-zero exit status
+ Trace('%s failed' % ' '.join(cmd))
+ return False
+ # Walk through the output /system directory, making sure
+ # that every .jar/.apk has an odex file. While we do this,
+ # remove the classes.dex entry from each source archive.
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(out_system_dir):
+ for name in files:
+ if name.endswith('.apk') or name.endswith('.jar'):
+ jar_file = os.path.join(root, name)
+ odex_file = jar_file[:jar_file.rfind('.')] + '.odex'
+ if not os.path.exists(odex_file):
+ if root.endswith('/system/app') or root.endswith('/system/framework'):
+ Trace('jar/apk %s has no .odex file %s' % (jar_file, odex_file))
+ return False
+ else:
+ continue
+ # Attempting to dexopt a jar with no classes.dex currently
+ # creates a 40-byte odex file.
+ # TODO: use a more reliable check
+ if os.path.getsize(odex_file) > 100:
+ # Remove classes.dex from the .jar file.
+ cmd = ['zip', '-dq', jar_file, 'classes.dex']
+ ret =
+ if ret: # non-zero exit status
+ Trace('"%s" failed' % ' '.join(cmd))
+ return False
+ else:
+ # Some of the apk files don't contain any code.
+ if not name.endswith('.apk'):
+ Trace('%s has a zero-length odex file' % jar_file)
+ return False
+ cmd = ['rm', odex_file]
+ ret =
+ if ret: # non-zero exit status
+ Trace('"%s" failed' % ' '.join(cmd))
+ return False
+ return True
+def KillChildProcess(p, sig=signal.SIGTERM, timeout=0):
+ """Waits for a child process to die without getting stuck in wait().
+ After Jean Brouwers's 2004 post to python-list.
+ Args:
+ p: A subprocess.Popen representing the child process to kill.
+ sig: The signal to send to the child process.
+ timeout: How many seconds to wait for the child process to die.
+ If zero, do not time out.
+ Returns:
+ The exit status of the child process, if it was successfully killed.
+ The final value of p.returncode if it wasn't.
+ """
+ os.kill(, sig)
+ if timeout > 0:
+ while p.poll() < 0:
+ if timeout > 0.5:
+ timeout -= 0.25
+ time.sleep(0.25)
+ else:
+ os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL)
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ p.poll()
+ break
+ else:
+ p.wait()
+ return p.returncode
+def Trace(msg):
+ """Prints a message to stdout.
+ Args:
+ msg: The message to print.
+ """
+ #print 'dexpreopt: %s' % msg
+ when =
+ print '%02d:%02d.%d dexpreopt: %s' % (when.minute, when.second, when.microsecond, msg)
+def KillEmulator():
+ """Attempts to kill the emulator process, if it is running.
+ Returns:
+ The exit status of the emulator process, or None if the emulator
+ was not running or was unable to be killed.
+ """
+ global _emulator_popen
+ if _emulator_popen:
+ Trace('Killing emulator')
+ try:
+ ret = KillChildProcess(_emulator_popen, sig=signal.SIGINT, timeout=5)
+ except OSError:
+ Trace('Could not kill emulator')
+ ret = None
+ _emulator_popen = None
+ return ret
+ return None
+def Fail(msg=None):
+ """Prints an error and causes the process to exit.
+ Args:
+ msg: Additional error string to print (optional).
+ Returns:
+ Does not return.
+ """
+ s = 'dexpreopt: ERROR'
+ if msg: s += ': %s' % msg
+ print >>sys.stderr, msg
+ KillEmulator()
+ sys.exit(1)
+def PrintUsage(msg=None):
+ """Prints commandline usage information for the tool and exits with an error.
+ Args:
+ msg: Additional string to print (optional).
+ Returns:
+ Does not return.
+ """
+ if msg:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'dexpreopt: %s', msg
+ print >>sys.stderr, """Usage: dexpreopt <options>
+Required options:
+ -kernel <kernel file> Kernel to use when running the emulator
+ -ramdisk <ramdisk.img file> Ramdisk to use when running the emulator
+ -image <system.img file> System image to use when running the
+ emulator. /system/app should contain the
+ .apk files to optimize, and any required
+ bootclasspath libraries must be present
+ in the correct locations.
+ -system <path> The product directory, which usually contains
+ files like 'system.img' (files other than
+ the kernel in that directory won't
+ be used)
+ -outsystemdir <path> A fully-populated /system directory, ready
+ to be modified to contain the optimized
+ files. The appropriate .jar/.apk files
+ will be stripped of their classes.dex
+ entries, and the optimized .dex files
+ will be added alongside the packages
+ that they came from.
+ -tmpdir <path> If specified, use this directory for
+ intermediate objects. If not specified,
+ a unique directory under the system
+ temp dir is used.
+ """
+ sys.exit(2)
+def ParseArgs(argv):
+ """Parses commandline arguments.
+ Args:
+ argv: A list of arguments; typically sys.argv[1:]
+ Returns:
+ A tuple containing two dictionaries; the first contains arguments
+ that will be passsed to the emulator, and the second contains other
+ arguments.
+ """
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option('--kernel', help='Passed to emulator')
+ parser.add_option('--ramdisk', help='Passed to emulator')
+ parser.add_option('--image', help='Passed to emulator')
+ parser.add_option('--system', help='Passed to emulator')
+ parser.add_option('--outsystemdir', help='Destination /system directory')
+ parser.add_option('--tmpdir', help='Optional temp directory to use')
+ options, args = parser.parse_args(args=argv)
+ if args: PrintUsage()
+ emulator_args = {}
+ other_args = {}
+ if options.kernel: emulator_args['kernel'] = options.kernel
+ if options.ramdisk: emulator_args['ramdisk'] = options.ramdisk
+ if options.image: emulator_args['image'] = options.image
+ if options.system: emulator_args['system'] = options.system
+ if options.outsystemdir: other_args['outsystemdir'] = options.outsystemdir
+ if options.tmpdir: other_args['tmpdir'] = options.tmpdir
+ return (emulator_args, other_args)
+def DexoptEverything(ep, dest_root):
+ """Logic for finding and dexopting files in the necessary order.
+ Args:
+ ep: A subprocess.Popen object referring to the emulator process.
+ dest_root: directory to copy/move odex files to
+ Returns:
+ True on success, False on failure.
+ """
+ _extra_tests = False
+ if _extra_tests:
+ if not RunEmulatorCommand(ep, 'ls /system/app', timeout=5):
+ Fail('Could not ls')
+ # We're very short on space, so remove a bunch of big stuff that we
+ # don't need.
+ cmd = 'rm -r /system/sounds /system/media /system/fonts /system/xbin'
+ if not RunEmulatorCommand(ep, cmd, timeout=40):
+ Trace('"%s" failed' % cmd)
+ return False
+ Trace('Read file list')
+ jar_dirs = ['/system/framework', '/system/app']
+ files = ReadFileList(ep, jar_dirs, timeout=5)
+ if not files:
+ Fail('Could not list files in %s' % ' '.join(jar_dirs))
+ #Trace('File list:\n"""\n%s\n"""' % '\n'.join(files))
+ bcp = ReadBootClassPath(ep, timeout=2)
+ if not files:
+ Fail('Could not sort by bootclasspath')
+ # Remove bootclasspath entries from the main file list.
+ for jar in bcp:
+ try:
+ files.remove(jar)
+ except ValueError:
+ Trace('File list does not contain bootclasspath entry "%s"' % jar)
+ return False
+ # Create the destination directories.
+ for d in ['', '/system'] + jar_dirs:
+ cmd = 'mkdir %s%s' % (dest_root, d)
+ if not RunEmulatorCommand(ep, cmd, timeout=4):
+ Trace('"%s" failed' % cmd)
+ return False
+ # First, dexopt the bootclasspath. Keep their cache files in place.
+ Trace('Dexopt %d bootclasspath files' % len(bcp))
+ if not RunDexoptOnFileList(ep, bcp, dest_root, timeout=120):
+ Trace('Could not dexopt bootclasspath')
+ return False
+ # dexopt the rest. To avoid running out of space on the emulator
+ # volume, move each cache file after it's been created.
+ Trace('Dexopt %d files' % len(files))
+ if not RunDexoptOnFileList(ep, files, dest_root, move=True, timeout=120):
+ Trace('Could not dexopt files')
+ return False
+ if _extra_tests:
+ if not RunEmulatorCommand(ep, 'ls /system/app', timeout=5):
+ Fail('Could not ls')
+ return True
+def MainInternal():
+ """Main function that can be wrapped in a try block.
+ Returns:
+ Nothing.
+ """
+ emulator_args, other_args = ParseArgs(sys.argv[1:])
+ tmp_dir = EnsureTempDir(other_args.get('tmpdir'))
+ if not tmp_dir: Fail('Could not create temp dir')
+ Trace('Creating data image')
+ userdata = '%s/data.img' % tmp_dir
+ if not CreateZeroedFile(userdata, 32 * 1024 * 1024):
+ Fail('Could not create data image file')
+ emulator_args['userdata'] = userdata
+ ep = StartEmulator(**emulator_args)
+ if not ep: Fail('Could not start emulator')
+ global _emulator_popen
+ _emulator_popen = ep
+ # TODO: unlink the big userdata file now, since the emulator
+ # has it open.
+ if not WaitForEmulator(ep, timeout=20): Fail('Emulator did not respond')
+ if not ReplaceEmulatorPrompt(ep): Fail('Could not replace prompt')
+ dest_root = '/data/dexpreopt-root'
+ if not DexoptEverything(ep, dest_root): Fail('Could not dexopt files')
+ # Grab the odex files that were left in dest_root.
+ cache_system_dir = tmp_dir + '/cache-system'
+ if not DownloadDirectoryHierarchy(ep, dest_root + '/system',
+ cache_system_dir,
+ timeout=20):
+ Fail('Could not download %s/system from emulator' % dest_root)
+ if not InstallCacheFiles(cache_system_dir=cache_system_dir,
+ out_system_dir=other_args['outsystemdir']):
+ Fail('Could not install files')
+ Trace('dexpreopt successful')
+ # Success!
+def main():
+ try:
+ MainInternal()
+ finally:
+ KillEmulator()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()