path: root/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/')
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1840a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2013-15 The CyanogenMod Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Run -h for a description of this utility.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import json
+import os
+import subprocess
+import re
+import argparse
+import textwrap
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+ # For python3
+ import urllib.error
+ import urllib.request
+except ImportError:
+ # For python2
+ import imp
+ import urllib2
+ urllib = imp.new_module('urllib')
+ urllib.error = urllib2
+ urllib.request = urllib2
+# Verifies whether pathA is a subdirectory (or the same) as pathB
+def is_subdir(a, b):
+ a = os.path.realpath(a) + '/'
+ b = os.path.realpath(b) + '/'
+ return b == a[:len(b)]
+def fetch_query_via_ssh(remote_url, query):
+ """Given a remote_url and a query, return the list of changes that fit it
+ This function is slightly messy - the ssh api does not return data in the same structure as the HTTP REST API
+ We have to get the data, then transform it to match what we're expecting from the HTTP RESET API"""
+ if remote_url.count(':') == 2:
+ (uri, userhost, port) = remote_url.split(':')
+ userhost = userhost[2:]
+ elif remote_url.count(':') == 1:
+ (uri, userhost) = remote_url.split(':')
+ userhost = userhost[2:]
+ port = 29418
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Malformed URI: Expecting ssh://[user@]host[:port]')
+ out = subprocess.check_output(['ssh', '-x', '-p{0}'.format(port), userhost, 'gerrit', 'query', '--format=JSON --patch-sets --current-patch-set', query])
+ if not hasattr(out, 'encode'):
+ out = out.decode()
+ reviews = []
+ for line in out.split('\n'):
+ try:
+ data = json.loads(line)
+ # make our data look like the http rest api data
+ review = {
+ 'branch': data['branch'],
+ 'change_id': data['id'],
+ 'current_revision': data['currentPatchSet']['revision'],
+ 'number': int(data['number']),
+ 'revisions': {patch_set['revision']: {
+ 'number': int(patch_set['number']),
+ 'fetch': {
+ 'ssh': {
+ 'ref': patch_set['ref'],
+ 'url': 'ssh://{0}:{1}/{2}'.format(userhost, port, data['project'])
+ }
+ }
+ } for patch_set in data['patchSets']},
+ 'subject': data['subject'],
+ 'project': data['project'],
+ 'status': data['status']
+ }
+ reviews.append(review)
+ except:
+ pass
+ args.quiet or print('Found {0} reviews'.format(len(reviews)))
+ return reviews
+def fetch_query_via_http(remote_url, query):
+ """Given a query, fetch the change numbers via http"""
+ url = '{0}/changes/?q={1}&o=CURRENT_REVISION&o=ALL_REVISIONS'.format(remote_url, query)
+ data = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8')
+ reviews = json.loads(data[5:])
+ for review in reviews:
+ review['number'] = review.pop('_number')
+ return reviews
+def fetch_query(remote_url, query):
+ """Wrapper for fetch_query_via_proto functions"""
+ if remote_url[0:3] == 'ssh':
+ return fetch_query_via_ssh(remote_url, query)
+ elif remote_url[0:4] == 'http':
+ return fetch_query_via_http(remote_url, query.replace(' ', '+'))
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Gerrit URL should be in the form http[s]://hostname/ or ssh://[user@]host[:port]')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Default to CyanogenMod Gerrit
+ default_gerrit = ''
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=textwrap.dedent('''\
+ is a utility to simplify the process of cherry picking
+ patches from CyanogenMod's Gerrit instance (or any gerrit instance of your choosing)
+ Given a list of change numbers, repopick will cd into the project path
+ and cherry pick the latest patch available.
+ With the --start-branch argument, the user can specify that a branch
+ should be created before cherry picking. This is useful for
+ cherry-picking many patches into a common branch which can be easily
+ abandoned later (good for testing other's changes.)
+ The --abandon-first argument, when used in conjunction with the
+ --start-branch option, will cause repopick to abandon the specified
+ branch in all repos first before performing any cherry picks.'''))
+ parser.add_argument('change_number', nargs='*', help='change number to cherry pick. Use {change number}/{patchset number} to get a specific revision.')
+ parser.add_argument('-i', '--ignore-missing', action='store_true', help='do not error out if a patch applies to a missing directory')
+ parser.add_argument('-s', '--start-branch', nargs=1, help='start the specified branch before cherry picking')
+ parser.add_argument('-a', '--abandon-first', action='store_true', help='before cherry picking, abandon the branch specified in --start-branch')
+ parser.add_argument('-b', '--auto-branch', action='store_true', help='shortcut to "--start-branch auto --abandon-first --ignore-missing"')
+ parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='print as little as possible')
+ parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='print extra information to aid in debug')
+ parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', help='force cherry pick even if change is closed')
+ parser.add_argument('-p', '--pull', action='store_true', help='execute pull instead of cherry-pick')
+ parser.add_argument('-P', '--path', help='use the specified path for the change')
+ parser.add_argument('-t', '--topic', help='pick all commits from a specified topic')
+ parser.add_argument('-Q', '--query', help='pick all commits using the specified query')
+ parser.add_argument('-g', '--gerrit', default=default_gerrit, help='Gerrit Instance to use. Form proto://[user@]host[:port]')
+ parser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', nargs=1, help='exclude a list of commit numbers separated by a ,')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args.start_branch and args.abandon_first:
+ parser.error('if --abandon-first is set, you must also give the branch name with --start-branch')
+ if args.auto_branch:
+ args.abandon_first = True
+ args.ignore_missing = True
+ if not args.start_branch:
+ args.start_branch = ['auto']
+ if args.quiet and args.verbose:
+ parser.error('--quiet and --verbose cannot be specified together')
+ if (1 << bool(args.change_number) << bool(args.topic) << bool(args.query)) != 2:
+ parser.error('One (and only one) of change_number, topic, and query are allowed')
+ # Change current directory to the top of the tree
+ if 'ANDROID_BUILD_TOP' in os.environ:
+ top = os.environ['ANDROID_BUILD_TOP']
+ if not is_subdir(os.getcwd(), top):
+ sys.stderr.write('ERROR: You must run this tool from within $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP!\n')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ os.chdir(os.environ['ANDROID_BUILD_TOP'])
+ # Sanity check that we are being run from the top level of the tree
+ if not os.path.isdir('.repo'):
+ sys.stderr.write('ERROR: No .repo directory found. Please run this from the top of your tree.\n')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # If --abandon-first is given, abandon the branch before starting
+ if args.abandon_first:
+ # Determine if the branch already exists; skip the abandon if it does not
+ plist = subprocess.check_output(['repo', 'info'])
+ if not hasattr(plist, 'encode'):
+ plist = plist.decode()
+ needs_abandon = False
+ for pline in plist.splitlines():
+ matchObj = re.match(r'Local Branches.*\[(.*)\]', pline)
+ if matchObj:
+ local_branches = re.split('\s*,\s*',
+ if any(args.start_branch[0] in s for s in local_branches):
+ needs_abandon = True
+ if needs_abandon:
+ # Perform the abandon only if the branch already exists
+ if not args.quiet:
+ print('Abandoning branch: %s' % args.start_branch[0])
+ subprocess.check_output(['repo', 'abandon', args.start_branch[0]])
+ if not args.quiet:
+ print('')
+ # Get the master manifest from repo
+ # - convert project name and revision to a path
+ project_name_to_data = {}
+ manifest = subprocess.check_output(['repo', 'manifest'])
+ xml_root = ElementTree.fromstring(manifest)
+ projects = xml_root.findall('project')
+ default_revision = xml_root.findall('default')[0].get('revision').split('/')[-1]
+ #dump project data into the a list of dicts with the following data:
+ #{project: {path, revision}}
+ for project in projects:
+ name = project.get('name')
+ path = project.get('path')
+ revision = project.get('revision')
+ if revision is None:
+ revision = default_revision
+ if not name in project_name_to_data:
+ project_name_to_data[name] = {}
+ project_name_to_data[name][revision] = path
+ # get data on requested changes
+ reviews = []
+ change_numbers = []
+ if args.topic:
+ reviews = fetch_query(args.gerrit, 'topic:{0}'.format(args.topic))
+ change_numbers = sorted([str(r['number']) for r in reviews])
+ if args.query:
+ reviews = fetch_query(args.gerrit, args.query)
+ change_numbers = sorted([str(r['number']) for r in reviews])
+ if args.change_number:
+ reviews = fetch_query(args.gerrit, ' OR '.join('change:{0}'.format(x.split('/')[0]) for x in args.change_number))
+ change_numbers = args.change_number
+ # make list of things to actually merge
+ mergables = []
+ # If --exclude is given, create the list of commits to ignore
+ exclude = []
+ if args.exclude:
+ exclude = args.exclude[0].split(',')
+ for change in change_numbers:
+ patchset = None
+ if '/' in change:
+ (change, patchset) = change.split('/')
+ if change in exclude:
+ continue
+ change = int(change)
+ review = next((x for x in reviews if x['number'] == change), None)
+ if review is None:
+ print('Change %d not found, skipping' % change)
+ continue
+ mergables.append({
+ 'subject': review['subject'],
+ 'project': review['project'],
+ 'branch': review['branch'],
+ 'change_number': review['number'],
+ 'status': review['status'],
+ 'fetch': None
+ })
+ mergables[-1]['fetch'] = review['revisions'][review['current_revision']]['fetch']
+ mergables[-1]['id'] = change
+ if patchset:
+ try:
+ mergables[-1]['fetch'] = [x['fetch'] for x in review['revisions'] if x['_number'] == patchset][0]
+ mergables[-1]['id'] = '{0}/{1}'.format(change, patchset)
+ except (IndexError, ValueError):
+ args.quiet or print('ERROR: The patch set {0}/{1} could not be found, using CURRENT_REVISION instead.'.format(change, patchset))
+ for item in mergables:
+ args.quiet or print('Applying change number {0}...'.format(item['id']))
+ # Check if change is open and exit if it's not, unless -f is specified
+ if (item['status'] != 'OPEN' and item['status'] != 'NEW') and not args.query:
+ if args.force:
+ print('!! Force-picking a closed change !!\n')
+ else:
+ print('Change status is ' + item['status'] + '. Skipping the cherry pick.\nUse -f to force this pick.')
+ continue
+ # Convert the project name to a project path
+ # - check that the project path exists
+ project_path = None
+ if item['project'] in project_name_to_data and item['branch'] in project_name_to_data[item['project']]:
+ project_path = project_name_to_data[item['project']][item['branch']]
+ elif args.path:
+ project_path = args.path
+ elif args.ignore_missing:
+ print('WARNING: Skipping {0} since there is no project directory for: {1}\n'.format(item['id'], item['project']))
+ continue
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write('ERROR: For {0}, could not determine the project path for project {1}\n'.format(item['id'], item['project']))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # If --start-branch is given, create the branch (more than once per path is okay; repo ignores gracefully)
+ if args.start_branch:
+ subprocess.check_output(['repo', 'start', args.start_branch[0], project_path])
+ # Print out some useful info
+ if not args.quiet:
+ print('--> Subject: "{0}"'.format(item['subject']))
+ print('--> Project path: {0}'.format(project_path))
+ print('--> Change number: {0} (Patch Set {0})'.format(item['id']))
+ if 'anonymous http' in item['fetch']:
+ method = 'anonymous http'
+ else:
+ method = 'ssh'
+ # Try fetching from GitHub first if using default gerrit
+ if args.gerrit == default_gerrit:
+ if args.verbose:
+ print('Trying to fetch the change from GitHub')
+ if args.pull:
+ cmd = ['git pull --no-edit github', item['fetch'][method]['ref']]
+ else:
+ cmd = ['git fetch github', item['fetch'][method]['ref']]
+ if args.quiet:
+ cmd.append('--quiet')
+ else:
+ print(cmd)
+ result =[' '.join(cmd)], cwd=project_path, shell=True)
+ FETCH_HEAD = '{0}/.git/FETCH_HEAD'.format(project_path)
+ if result != 0 and os.stat(FETCH_HEAD).st_size != 0:
+ print('ERROR: git command failed')
+ sys.exit(result)
+ # Check if it worked
+ if args.gerrit != default_gerrit or os.stat(FETCH_HEAD).st_size == 0:
+ # If not using the default gerrit or github failed, fetch from gerrit.
+ if args.verbose:
+ if args.gerrit == default_gerrit:
+ print('Fetching from GitHub didn\'t work, trying to fetch the change from Gerrit')
+ else:
+ print('Fetching from {0}'.format(args.gerrit))
+ if args.pull:
+ cmd = ['git pull --no-edit', item['fetch'][method]['url'], item['fetch'][method]['ref']]
+ else:
+ cmd = ['git fetch', item['fetch'][method]['url'], item['fetch'][method]['ref']]
+ if args.quiet:
+ cmd.append('--quiet')
+ else:
+ print(cmd)
+ result =[' '.join(cmd)], cwd=project_path, shell=True)
+ if result != 0:
+ print('ERROR: git command failed')
+ sys.exit(result)
+ # Perform the cherry-pick
+ if not args.pull:
+ cmd = ['git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD']
+ if args.quiet:
+ cmd_out = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
+ else:
+ cmd_out = None
+ result =, cwd=project_path, shell=True, stdout=cmd_out, stderr=cmd_out)
+ if result != 0:
+ print('ERROR: git command failed')
+ sys.exit(result)
+ if not args.quiet:
+ print('')