#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Check the signatures of all APKs in a target_files .zip file. With -c, compare the signatures of each package to the ones in a separate target_files (usually a previously distributed build for the same device) and flag any changes. Usage: check_target_file_signatures [flags] target_files -c (--compare_with) Look for compatibility problems between the two sets of target files (eg., packages whose keys have changed). -l (--local_cert_dirs) Comma-separated list of top-level directories to scan for .x509.pem files. Defaults to "vendor,build". Where cert files can be found that match APK signatures, the filename will be printed as the cert name, otherwise a hash of the cert plus its subject string will be printed instead. -t (--text) Dump the certificate information for both packages in comparison mode (this output is normally suppressed). """ import sys if sys.hexversion < 0x02040000: print >> sys.stderr, "Python 2.4 or newer is required." sys.exit(1) import os import re import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import zipfile try: from hashlib import sha1 as sha1 except ImportError: from sha import sha as sha1 import common # Work around a bug in python's zipfile module that prevents opening # of zipfiles if any entry has an extra field of between 1 and 3 bytes # (which is common with zipaligned APKs). This overrides the # ZipInfo._decodeExtra() method (which contains the bug) with an empty # version (since we don't need to decode the extra field anyway). class MyZipInfo(zipfile.ZipInfo): def _decodeExtra(self): pass zipfile.ZipInfo = MyZipInfo OPTIONS = common.OPTIONS OPTIONS.text = False OPTIONS.compare_with = None OPTIONS.local_cert_dirs = ("vendor", "build") PROBLEMS = [] PROBLEM_PREFIX = [] def AddProblem(msg): PROBLEMS.append(" ".join(PROBLEM_PREFIX) + " " + msg) def Push(msg): PROBLEM_PREFIX.append(msg) def Pop(): PROBLEM_PREFIX.pop() def Banner(msg): print "-" * 70 print " ", msg print "-" * 70 def GetCertSubject(cert): p = common.Run(["openssl", "x509", "-inform", "DER", "-text"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate(cert) if err and not err.strip(): return "(error reading cert subject)" for line in out.split("\n"): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("Subject:"): return line[8:].strip() return "(unknown cert subject)" class CertDB(object): def __init__(self): self.certs = {} def Add(self, cert, name=None): if cert in self.certs: if name: self.certs[cert] = self.certs[cert] + "," + name else: if name is None: name = "unknown cert %s (%s)" % (sha1(cert).hexdigest()[:12], GetCertSubject(cert)) self.certs[cert] = name def Get(self, cert): """Return the name for a given cert.""" return self.certs.get(cert, None) def FindLocalCerts(self): to_load = [] for top in OPTIONS.local_cert_dirs: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top): certs = [os.path.join(dirpath, i) for i in filenames if i.endswith(".x509.pem")] if certs: to_load.extend(certs) for i in to_load: f = open(i) cert = ParseCertificate(f.read()) f.close() name, _ = os.path.splitext(i) name, _ = os.path.splitext(name) self.Add(cert, name) ALL_CERTS = CertDB() def ParseCertificate(data): """Parse a PEM-format certificate.""" cert = [] save = False for line in data.split("\n"): if "--END CERTIFICATE--" in line: break if save: cert.append(line) if "--BEGIN CERTIFICATE--" in line: save = True cert = "".join(cert).decode('base64') return cert def CertFromPKCS7(data, filename): """Read the cert out of a PKCS#7-format file (which is what is stored in a signed .apk).""" Push(filename + ":") try: p = common.Run(["openssl", "pkcs7", "-inform", "DER", "-outform", "PEM", "-print_certs"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate(data) if err and not err.strip(): AddProblem("error reading cert:\n" + err) return None cert = ParseCertificate(out) if not cert: AddProblem("error parsing cert output") return None return cert finally: Pop() class APK(object): def __init__(self, full_filename, filename): self.filename = filename self.cert = None Push(filename+":") try: self.RecordCert(full_filename) self.ReadManifest(full_filename) finally: Pop() def RecordCert(self, full_filename): try: f = open(full_filename) apk = zipfile.ZipFile(f, "r") pkcs7 = None for info in apk.infolist(): if info.filename.startswith("META-INF/") and \ (info.filename.endswith(".DSA") or info.filename.endswith(".RSA")): if pkcs7 is not None: AddProblem("multiple certs") pkcs7 = apk.read(info.filename) self.cert = CertFromPKCS7(pkcs7, info.filename) ALL_CERTS.Add(self.cert) if not pkcs7: AddProblem("no signature") finally: f.close() def ReadManifest(self, full_filename): p = common.Run(["aapt", "dump", "xmltree", full_filename, "AndroidManifest.xml"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) manifest, err = p.communicate() if err: AddProblem("failed to read manifest") return self.shared_uid = None self.package = None for line in manifest.split("\n"): line = line.strip() m = re.search('A: (\S*?)(?:\(0x[0-9a-f]+\))?="(.*?)" \(Raw', line) if m: name = m.group(1) if name == "android:sharedUserId": if self.shared_uid is not None: AddProblem("multiple sharedUserId declarations") self.shared_uid = m.group(2) elif name == "package": if self.package is not None: AddProblem("multiple package declarations") self.package = m.group(2) if self.package is None: AddProblem("no package declaration") class TargetFiles(object): def __init__(self): self.max_pkg_len = 30 self.max_fn_len = 20 def LoadZipFile(self, filename): d = common.UnzipTemp(filename, '*.apk') try: self.apks = {} self.apks_by_basename = {} for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(d): for fn in filenames: if fn.endswith(".apk"): fullname = os.path.join(dirpath, fn) displayname = fullname[len(d)+1:] apk = APK(fullname, displayname) self.apks[apk.package] = apk self.apks_by_basename[os.path.basename(apk.filename)] = apk self.max_pkg_len = max(self.max_pkg_len, len(apk.package)) self.max_fn_len = max(self.max_fn_len, len(apk.filename)) finally: shutil.rmtree(d) z = zipfile.ZipFile(open(filename, "rb")) self.certmap = common.ReadApkCerts(z) z.close() def CheckSharedUids(self): """Look for any instances where packages signed with different certs request the same sharedUserId.""" apks_by_uid = {} for apk in self.apks.itervalues(): if apk.shared_uid: apks_by_uid.setdefault(apk.shared_uid, []).append(apk) for uid in sorted(apks_by_uid.keys()): apks = apks_by_uid[uid] for apk in apks[1:]: if apk.cert != apks[0].cert: break else: # all the certs are the same; this uid is fine continue AddProblem("uid %s shared across multiple certs" % (uid,)) print "uid %s is shared by packages with different certs:" % (uid,) x = [(i.cert, i.package, i) for i in apks] x.sort() lastcert = None for cert, _, apk in x: if cert != lastcert: lastcert = cert print " %s:" % (ALL_CERTS.Get(cert),) print " %-*s [%s]" % (self.max_pkg_len, apk.package, apk.filename) print def CheckExternalSignatures(self): for apk_filename, certname in self.certmap.iteritems(): if certname == "EXTERNAL": # Apps marked EXTERNAL should be signed with the test key # during development, then manually re-signed after # predexopting. Consider it an error if this app is now # signed with any key that is present in our tree. apk = self.apks_by_basename[apk_filename] name = ALL_CERTS.Get(apk.cert) if not name.startswith("unknown "): Push(apk.filename) AddProblem("hasn't been signed with EXTERNAL cert") Pop() def PrintCerts(self): """Display a table of packages grouped by cert.""" by_cert = {} for apk in self.apks.itervalues(): by_cert.setdefault(apk.cert, []).append((apk.package, apk)) order = [(-len(v), k) for (k, v) in by_cert.iteritems()] order.sort() for _, cert in order: print "%s:" % (ALL_CERTS.Get(cert),) apks = by_cert[cert] apks.sort() for _, apk in apks: if apk.shared_uid: print " %-*s %-*s [%s]" % (self.max_fn_len, apk.filename, self.max_pkg_len, apk.package, apk.shared_uid) else: print " %-*s %-*s" % (self.max_fn_len, apk.filename, self.max_pkg_len, apk.package) print def CompareWith(self, other): """Look for instances where a given package that exists in both self and other have different certs.""" all = set(self.apks.keys()) all.update(other.apks.keys()) max_pkg_len = max(self.max_pkg_len, other.max_pkg_len) by_certpair = {} for i in all: if i in self.apks: if i in other.apks: # in both; should have the same cert if self.apks[i].cert != other.apks[i].cert: by_certpair.setdefault((other.apks[i].cert, self.apks[i].cert), []).append(i) else: print "%s [%s]: new APK (not in comparison target_files)" % ( i, self.apks[i].filename) else: if i in other.apks: print "%s [%s]: removed APK (only in comparison target_files)" % ( i, other.apks[i].filename) if by_certpair: AddProblem("some APKs changed certs") Banner("APK signing differences") for (old, new), packages in sorted(by_certpair.items()): print "was", ALL_CERTS.Get(old) print "now", ALL_CERTS.Get(new) for i in sorted(packages): old_fn = other.apks[i].filename new_fn = self.apks[i].filename if old_fn == new_fn: print " %-*s [%s]" % (max_pkg_len, i, old_fn) else: print " %-*s [was: %s; now: %s]" % (max_pkg_len, i, old_fn, new_fn) print def main(argv): def option_handler(o, a): if o in ("-c", "--compare_with"): OPTIONS.compare_with = a elif o in ("-l", "--local_cert_dirs"): OPTIONS.local_cert_dirs = [i.strip() for i in a.split(",")] elif o in ("-t", "--text"): OPTIONS.text = True else: return False return True args = common.ParseOptions(argv, __doc__, extra_opts="c:l:t", extra_long_opts=["compare_with=", "local_cert_dirs="], extra_option_handler=option_handler) if len(args) != 1: common.Usage(__doc__) sys.exit(1) ALL_CERTS.FindLocalCerts() Push("input target_files:") try: target_files = TargetFiles() target_files.LoadZipFile(args[0]) finally: Pop() compare_files = None if OPTIONS.compare_with: Push("comparison target_files:") try: compare_files = TargetFiles() compare_files.LoadZipFile(OPTIONS.compare_with) finally: Pop() if OPTIONS.text or not compare_files: Banner("target files") target_files.PrintCerts() target_files.CheckSharedUids() target_files.CheckExternalSignatures() if compare_files: if OPTIONS.text: Banner("comparison files") compare_files.PrintCerts() target_files.CompareWith(compare_files) if PROBLEMS: print "%d problem(s) found:\n" % (len(PROBLEMS),) for p in PROBLEMS: print p return 1 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': try: r = main(sys.argv[1:]) sys.exit(r) except common.ExternalError, e: print print " ERROR: %s" % (e,) print sys.exit(1)