/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Adapted from JordanCameraWrapper // We can't use CameraParameters constants because we're linking against // Samsung's libcamera_client.so #define LOG_TAG "LibCameraWrapper" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "LibCameraWrapper.h" namespace android { typedef sp (*OpenCamFunc)(int); typedef void (*GetCamInfo)(int, struct CameraInfo*); static void * g_libHandle = NULL; static OpenCamFunc g_openCameraHardware = NULL; static GetCamInfo g_getCameraInfo = NULL; static const int CAMERA_CMD_SET_OBJECT_TRACKING_POSITION = 1103; static const int CAMERA_CMD_SET_TOUCH_AF = 1105; static void ensureLibOpened() { if (g_libHandle == NULL) { g_libHandle = ::dlopen("libsamsungcamera.so", RTLD_NOW); if (g_libHandle == NULL) { assert(0); LOGE("dlopen() error: %s\n", dlerror()); } else { g_openCameraHardware = (OpenCamFunc) ::dlsym(g_libHandle, "HAL_openCameraHardware"); g_getCameraInfo = (GetCamInfo) ::dlsym(g_libHandle, "HAL_getCameraInfo"); assert(g_openCameraHardware != NULL); } } } extern "C" int HAL_getNumberOfCameras() { #ifdef FFC_PRESENT return 2; #else return 1; #endif } extern "C" void HAL_getCameraInfo(int cameraId, struct CameraInfo* cameraInfo) { ensureLibOpened(); g_getCameraInfo(cameraId, cameraInfo); } extern "C" sp HAL_openCameraHardware(int cameraId) { LOGV("openCameraHardware: call createInstance"); ensureLibOpened(); return LibCameraWrapper::createInstance(cameraId); } wp LibCameraWrapper::singleton[2] = { 0 }; sp LibCameraWrapper::createInstance(int cameraId) { LOGV("%s :", __func__); if (singleton[cameraId] != NULL) { sp hardware = singleton[cameraId].promote(); if (hardware != NULL) { return hardware; } } ensureLibOpened(); sp hardware(new LibCameraWrapper(cameraId)); singleton[cameraId] = hardware; return hardware; } LibCameraWrapper::LibCameraWrapper(int cameraId) : mLibInterface(g_openCameraHardware(cameraId)), mCameraId(cameraId), mVideoMode(false), mContinuousAf(false), mTouchFocus(false) { LOGV("%s :", __func__); } LibCameraWrapper::~LibCameraWrapper() { LOGV("%s :", __func__); } sp LibCameraWrapper::getPreviewHeap() const { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->getPreviewHeap(); } sp LibCameraWrapper::getRawHeap() const { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->getRawHeap(); } void LibCameraWrapper::setCallbacks(notify_callback notify_cb, data_callback data_cb, data_callback_timestamp data_cb_timestamp, void* user) { LOGV("%s :", __func__); mLibInterface->setCallbacks(notify_cb, data_cb, data_cb_timestamp, user); } void LibCameraWrapper::enableMsgType(int32_t msgType) { LOGV("%s :", __func__); mLibInterface->enableMsgType(msgType); } void LibCameraWrapper::disableMsgType(int32_t msgType) { LOGV("%s :", __func__); mLibInterface->disableMsgType(msgType); } bool LibCameraWrapper::msgTypeEnabled(int32_t msgType) { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->msgTypeEnabled(msgType); } status_t LibCameraWrapper::startPreview() { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->startPreview(); } bool LibCameraWrapper::useOverlay() { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->useOverlay(); } status_t LibCameraWrapper::setOverlay(const sp &overlay) { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->setOverlay(overlay); } void LibCameraWrapper::stopPreview() { LOGV("%s :", __func__); mLibInterface->stopPreview(); } bool LibCameraWrapper::previewEnabled() { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->previewEnabled(); } status_t LibCameraWrapper::startRecording() { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->startRecording(); } void LibCameraWrapper::stopRecording() { LOGV("%s :", __func__); mLibInterface->stopRecording(); } bool LibCameraWrapper::recordingEnabled() { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->recordingEnabled(); } void LibCameraWrapper::releaseRecordingFrame(const sp& mem) { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->releaseRecordingFrame(mem); } status_t LibCameraWrapper::autoFocus() { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->autoFocus(); } status_t LibCameraWrapper::cancelAutoFocus() { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->cancelAutoFocus(); } status_t LibCameraWrapper::takePicture() { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->takePicture(); } status_t LibCameraWrapper::cancelPicture() { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->cancelPicture(); } status_t LibCameraWrapper::setParameters(const CameraParameters& params) { LOGV("%s :", __func__); CameraParameters pars(params.flatten()); if (mCameraId == 0) { const char *metering; const char *conAf; const char *touchCoordinate; /* * getInt returns -1 if the value isn't present and 0 on parse failure, * so if it's larger than 0, we can be sure the value was parsed properly */ mVideoMode = pars.getInt("cam-mode") > 0; pars.remove("cam-mode"); if (mVideoMode) { // Special settings in video mode pars.set("video_recording_gamma", "on"); pars.set("slow_ae", "on"); pars.set("iso", "movie"); pars.set("metering", "matrix"); } else { pars.set("video_recording_gamma", "off"); pars.set("slow_ae", "off"); } // Parse continuous autofoucs into a format the driver understands conAf = pars.get("enable-caf"); mContinuousAf = (conAf != 0 && strcmp(conAf, "on") == 0); pars.set("continuous_af", mContinuousAf ? 1 : 0); // Always set antibanding to 50hz pars.set("antibanding", "50hz"); // Parse metering into something the driver understands metering = pars.get("meter-mode"); if (metering != 0) { if (strcmp(metering, "meter-center") == 0) { pars.set("metering", "center"); } else if (strcmp(metering, "meter-spot") == 0) { pars.set("metering", "spot"); } else if (strcmp(metering, "meter-matrix") == 0) { pars.set("metering", "matrix"); } pars.remove("auto-exposure"); } // Read touch-to-focus touchCoordinate = pars.get("touch-focus"); if (touchCoordinate != 0) { int width, height; int x, y; char *comma; x = mTouchFocusX = strtol(touchCoordinate, &comma, 10); y = mTouchFocusY = strtol(comma + 1, NULL, 10); pars.getPreviewSize(&width, &height); if (fabs((float)width/height - 1.66) > 0.1) { LOGV("Non-widescreen touch focus"); x += 80; // Only aries' Camera needs this for non-widescreen } sendCommand(CAMERA_CMD_SET_TOUCH_AF, 0, 0); sendCommand(CAMERA_CMD_SET_OBJECT_TRACKING_POSITION, x, y); sendCommand(CAMERA_CMD_SET_TOUCH_AF, 1, 0); mTouchFocus = true; pars.remove("touch-focus"); } else if (mTouchFocus) { LOGV("Disabling touch focus"); sendCommand(CAMERA_CMD_SET_TOUCH_AF, 0, 0); mTouchFocus = false; } } return mLibInterface->setParameters(pars); } CameraParameters LibCameraWrapper::getParameters() const { LOGV("%s :", __func__); CameraParameters ret = mLibInterface->getParameters(); if (mCameraId == 0) { // The only value of antibanding supported is 50hz. Let's not say we support anything ret.remove("antibanding-values"); // We support facedetect as well ret.set("focus-mode-values", "auto,macro,facedetect"); // Auto-exposure modes. NOTE: matrix isn't a value supported in stock android ret.set("meter-mode-values", "meter-center,meter-spot,meter-matrix"); // ISO values. The driver fails to return any of this. ret.set("iso-values", "auto,50,100,200,400,800,1600,3200,sports,night,movie"); // Scene modes. The driver fails to return its proper supported values. ret.set("scene-mode-values", "auto,portrait,landscape,sports,sunset,dusk-dawn,fireworks,beach,party,night,fall-color,text,candlelight,back-light"); // This is for detecting if we're in camcorder mode or not ret.set("cam-mode", mVideoMode ? "1" : "0"); // Continuous AF ret.set("enable-caf", mContinuousAf ? "on" : "off"); // Touch-to-focus if (mTouchFocus) { if (mTouchFocusX > 9999 || mTouchFocusY > 9999) { LOGE("ERROR: Touch focus X, Y coordinate too large."); ret.set("touch-focus", ""); } else { char touchfocus[10] = ""; sprintf(touchfocus, "%d,%d", mTouchFocusX, mTouchFocusY); ret.set("touch-focus", touchfocus); } } else { ret.set("touch-focus", ""); } } else if (mCameraId == 1) { // FFC: We need more preview and picture size to support GTalk ret.set("preview-size-values", "176x144,320x240,640x480"); ret.set("picture-size-values", "176x144,320x240,640x480"); } return ret; } status_t LibCameraWrapper::sendCommand(int32_t cmd, int32_t arg1, int32_t arg2) { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->sendCommand(cmd, arg1, arg2); } void LibCameraWrapper::release() { LOGV("%s :", __func__); mLibInterface->release(); } status_t LibCameraWrapper::dump(int fd, const Vector& args) const { LOGV("%s :", __func__); return mLibInterface->dump(fd, args); } }; //namespace android