/* * * Copyright 2010 Samsung Electronics S.LSI Co. LTD * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * @file SEC_OSAL_Buffer.c * @brief * @author SeungBeom Kim (sbcrux.kim@samsung.com) * Jinsung Yang (jsgood.yang@samsung.com) * @version 1.0.2 * @history * 2011.5.15 : Create */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include #include #include #include "SEC_OMX_Def.h" #include "SEC_OMX_Macros.h" #include "SEC_OSAL_Memory.h" #include "SEC_OSAL_Semaphore.h" #include "SEC_OSAL_Buffer.h" #include "SEC_OMX_Basecomponent.h" #define SEC_LOG_OFF #include "SEC_OSAL_Log.h" #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hal_public.h" #define HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_C110_NV12 0x100 using namespace android; struct AndroidNativeBuffersParams { OMX_U32 nSize; OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; OMX_U32 nPortIndex; }; #ifdef USE_ANDROID_EXTENSION OMX_ERRORTYPE checkVersionANB(OMX_PTR ComponentParameterStructure) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_VERSIONTYPE* version = NULL; AndroidNativeBuffersParams *pANBP; pANBP = (AndroidNativeBuffersParams *)ComponentParameterStructure; version = (OMX_VERSIONTYPE*)((char*)pANBP + sizeof(OMX_U32)); if (*((OMX_U32*)pANBP) <= sizeof(AndroidNativeBuffersParams)) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } if (version->s.nVersionMajor != VERSIONMAJOR_NUMBER || version->s.nVersionMinor != VERSIONMINOR_NUMBER) { ret = OMX_ErrorVersionMismatch; goto EXIT; } ret = OMX_ErrorNone; EXIT: return ret; } OMX_U32 checkPortIndexANB(OMX_PTR ComponentParameterStructure) { AndroidNativeBuffersParams *pANBP; pANBP = (AndroidNativeBuffersParams *)ComponentParameterStructure; return pANBP->nPortIndex; } OMX_U32 getMetadataBufferType(const uint8_t *ptr) { OMX_U32 type = *(OMX_U32 *) ptr; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "getMetadataBufferType: %ld", type); return type; } OMX_U32 getVADDRfromANB(OMX_PTR pUnreadableBuffer, OMX_U32 Width, OMX_U32 Height, void *pVirAddrs[]) { OMX_U32 ret = 0; android_native_buffer_t *buf; void *readableBuffer; GraphicBufferMapper &mapper = GraphicBufferMapper::get(); Rect bounds(Width, Height); FunctionIn(); buf = (android_native_buffer_t *)pUnreadableBuffer; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "pUnreadableBuffer:0x%x, buf:0x%x, buf->handle:0x%x", pUnreadableBuffer, buf, buf->handle); ret = mapper.lock(buf->handle, GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN, bounds, pVirAddrs); if (ret != 0) { SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_ERROR, "mapper.lock Error, Error code:%d", ret); } FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_U32 putVADDRtoANB(OMX_PTR pUnreadableBuffer) { android_native_buffer_t *buf; void *readableBuffer; int ret = 0; GraphicBufferMapper &mapper = GraphicBufferMapper::get(); FunctionIn(); buf = (android_native_buffer_t *)pUnreadableBuffer; FunctionOut(); return mapper.unlock(buf->handle); } OMX_ERRORTYPE enableAndroidNativeBuffer(OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_PTR ComponentParameterStructure) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASEPORT *pSECPort = NULL; EnableAndroidNativeBuffersParams *peanbp; FunctionIn(); if (hComponent == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)hComponent; if (pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; peanbp = (EnableAndroidNativeBuffersParams *)ComponentParameterStructure; pSECPort = &pSECComponent->pSECPort[peanbp->nPortIndex]; if (peanbp->enable == OMX_FALSE) { SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "disable AndroidNativeBuffer"); pSECPort->bUseAndroidNativeBuffer = OMX_FALSE; } else { SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "enable AndroidNativeBuffer"); pSECPort->bUseAndroidNativeBuffer = OMX_TRUE; pSECPort->portDefinition.format.video.eColorFormat = (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)OMX_SEC_COLOR_FormatANBYUV420SemiPlanar; } ret = OMX_ErrorNone; EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE getAndroidNativeBuffer(OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_PTR ComponentParameterStructure) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASEPORT *pSECPort = NULL; GetAndroidNativeBufferUsageParams *pganbp; FunctionIn(); pganbp = (GetAndroidNativeBufferUsageParams *)ComponentParameterStructure; pganbp->nUsage = GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN; ret = OMX_ErrorNone; EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE UseBufferANB( OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_INOUT OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE **ppBufferHdr, OMX_IN OMX_U32 nPortIndex, OMX_IN OMX_PTR pAppPrivate, OMX_IN OMX_U32 nSizeBytes, OMX_IN OMX_U8 *pBuffer) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASEPORT *pSECPort = NULL; OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *temp_bufferHeader = NULL; int i = 0; FunctionIn(); if (hComponent == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)hComponent; if (pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; pSECPort = &pSECComponent->pSECPort[nPortIndex]; if (nPortIndex >= pSECComponent->portParam.nPorts) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex; goto EXIT; } if (pSECPort->portState != OMX_StateIdle) { ret = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation; goto EXIT; } if (CHECK_PORT_TUNNELED(pSECPort) && CHECK_PORT_BUFFER_SUPPLIER(pSECPort)) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex; goto EXIT; } temp_bufferHeader = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)SEC_OSAL_Malloc(sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE)); if (temp_bufferHeader == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources; goto EXIT; } SEC_OSAL_Memset(temp_bufferHeader, 0, sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE)); for (i = 0; i < pSECPort->portDefinition.nBufferCountActual; i++) { if (pSECPort->bufferStateAllocate[i] == BUFFER_STATE_FREE) { pSECPort->bufferHeader[i] = temp_bufferHeader; pSECPort->bufferStateAllocate[i] = (BUFFER_STATE_ASSIGNED | HEADER_STATE_ALLOCATED); INIT_SET_SIZE_VERSION(temp_bufferHeader, OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE); temp_bufferHeader->pBuffer = pBuffer; temp_bufferHeader->nAllocLen = nSizeBytes; temp_bufferHeader->pAppPrivate = pAppPrivate; if (nPortIndex == INPUT_PORT_INDEX) temp_bufferHeader->nInputPortIndex = INPUT_PORT_INDEX; else temp_bufferHeader->nOutputPortIndex = OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX; pSECPort->assignedBufferNum++; if (pSECPort->assignedBufferNum == pSECPort->portDefinition.nBufferCountActual) { pSECPort->portDefinition.bPopulated = OMX_TRUE; /* SEC_OSAL_MutexLock(pSECComponent->compMutex); */ SEC_OSAL_SemaphorePost(pSECPort->loadedResource); /* SEC_OSAL_MutexUnlock(pSECComponent->compMutex); */ } *ppBufferHdr = temp_bufferHeader; ret = OMX_ErrorNone; goto EXIT; } } SEC_OSAL_Free(temp_bufferHeader); ret = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources; EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE useAndroidNativeBuffer(OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_PTR ComponentParameterStructure) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASEPORT *pSECPort = NULL; OMX_U32 frameSize = 0; OMX_U32 bufWidth, bufHeight; UseAndroidNativeBufferParams *puanbp; FunctionIn(); puanbp = (UseAndroidNativeBufferParams *)ComponentParameterStructure; OMX_PTR buffer = (void *)puanbp->nativeBuffer.get(); android_native_buffer_t *buf = (android_native_buffer_t *)buffer; bufWidth = ((buf->width + 15) / 16) * 16; bufHeight = ((buf->height + 15) / 16) * 16; frameSize = (bufWidth * bufHeight * 3) / 2; SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "buffer:0x%x, buf:0x%x, buf->handle:0x%x", buffer, buf, buf->handle); ret = UseBufferANB(hComponent, puanbp->bufferHeader, puanbp->nPortIndex, puanbp->pAppPrivate, frameSize, (OMX_U8 *)buffer); EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_ERRORTYPE enableStoreMetaDataInBuffers(OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_PTR ComponentParameterStructure) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASEPORT *pSECPort = NULL; StoreMetaDataInBuffersParams *pStoreMetaData; FunctionIn(); if (hComponent == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)hComponent; if (pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; pStoreMetaData = (StoreMetaDataInBuffersParams*)ComponentParameterStructure; pSECPort = &pSECComponent->pSECPort[pStoreMetaData->nPortIndex]; if (pStoreMetaData->bStoreMetaData == OMX_FALSE) { SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "disable StoreMetaDataInBuffers"); pSECPort->bStoreMetaDataInBuffer = OMX_FALSE; } else { SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "enable StoreMetaDataInBuffers"); pSECPort->bStoreMetaDataInBuffer = OMX_TRUE; } EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } OMX_BOOL isMetadataBufferTypeGrallocSource(OMX_BYTE pInputDataBuffer) { OMX_U32 type = getMetadataBufferType(pInputDataBuffer); if (type == kMetadataBufferTypeGrallocSource) return OMX_TRUE; else return OMX_FALSE; } OMX_ERRORTYPE preprocessMetaDataInBuffers(OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent, OMX_BYTE pInputDataBuffer, BUFFER_ADDRESS_INFO *pInputInfo) { OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *pOMXComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *pSECComponent = NULL; SEC_OMX_BASEPORT *pSECPort = NULL; OMX_U32 type = 0; FunctionIn(); if (hComponent == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pOMXComponent = (OMX_COMPONENTTYPE *)hComponent; if (pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate == NULL) { ret = OMX_ErrorBadParameter; goto EXIT; } pSECComponent = (SEC_OMX_BASECOMPONENT *)pOMXComponent->pComponentPrivate; pSECPort = &pSECComponent->pSECPort[INPUT_PORT_INDEX]; type = getMetadataBufferType(pInputDataBuffer); if (type == kMetadataBufferTypeCameraSource) { SEC_OSAL_Memcpy(&pInputInfo->YPhyAddr, pInputDataBuffer + 4, sizeof(void *)); SEC_OSAL_Memcpy(&pInputInfo->CPhyAddr, pInputDataBuffer + 4 + sizeof(void *), sizeof(void *)); } else if (type == kMetadataBufferTypeGrallocSource){ IMG_gralloc_module_public_t *module = (IMG_gralloc_module_public_t *)pSECPort->pIMGGrallocModule; OMX_PTR pUnreadableBuffer = NULL; OMX_PTR pReadableBuffer = NULL; OMX_PTR pVirAddrs[3]; int err = 0; pVirAddrs[0] = pSECComponent->processData[INPUT_PORT_INDEX].specificBufferHeader.YVirAddr; pVirAddrs[1] = pSECComponent->processData[INPUT_PORT_INDEX].specificBufferHeader.CVirAddr; pVirAddrs[2] = NULL; if (module == NULL) { err = hw_get_module(GRALLOC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, (const hw_module_t **)&module); if(err) { SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_ERROR, "hw_get_module failed (err=%d)\n", err); ret = OMX_ErrorUndefined; goto EXIT; } pSECPort->pIMGGrallocModule = (OMX_PTR)module; } /**************************************/ /* IMG CSC RGB to NV12 */ /**************************************/ buffer_handle_t buf = *((buffer_handle_t *) (pInputDataBuffer + 4)); SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_TRACE, "buffer handle %p)\n", buf); err = module->Blit(module, buf, pVirAddrs, HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_C110_NV12); if(err) { SEC_OSAL_Log(SEC_LOG_ERROR, "module->Blit() failed (err=%d)\n", err); ret = OMX_ErrorUndefined; goto EXIT; } pInputInfo->YPhyAddr = pSECComponent->processData[INPUT_PORT_INDEX].specificBufferHeader.YPhyAddr; pInputInfo->CPhyAddr = pSECComponent->processData[INPUT_PORT_INDEX].specificBufferHeader.CPhyAddr; } else { ret = OMX_ErrorNotImplemented; goto EXIT; } EXIT: FunctionOut(); return ret; } int isTvOutEnabled() { char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("init.svc.tvouthack", value, ""); return (strcmp(value, "running") == 0); } #endif