/* * Copyright Samsung Electronics Co.,LTD. * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * JPEG DRIVER MODULE (JpegEncoder.h) * Author : ge.lee -- initial version * Date : 03 June 2010 * Purpose : This file implements the JPEG encoder APIs as needed by Camera HAL */ #ifndef __JPG_API_H__ #define __JPG_API_H__ #include #include #include "Exif.h" namespace android { #define MAX_JPG_WIDTH 800 #define MAX_JPG_HEIGHT 480 #define MAX_JPG_RESOLUTION (MAX_JPG_WIDTH * MAX_JPG_HEIGHT) #define MAX_JPG_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH 320 #define MAX_JPG_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT 240 #define MAX_JPG_THUMBNAIL_RESOLUTION (MAX_JPG_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH * \ MAX_JPG_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT) #define MAX_RGB_WIDTH 800 #define MAX_RGB_HEIGHT 480 #define MAX_RGB_RESOLUTION (MAX_RGB_WIDTH * MAX_RGB_HEIGHT) /*******************************************************************************/ /* define JPG & image memory */ /* memory area is 4k(PAGE_SIZE) aligned because of VirtualCopyEx() */ #define JPG_STREAM_BUF_SIZE \ (MAX_JPG_RESOLUTION / PAGE_SIZE + 1) * PAGE_SIZE #define JPG_STREAM_THUMB_BUF_SIZE \ (MAX_JPG_THUMBNAIL_RESOLUTION / PAGE_SIZE + 1) * PAGE_SIZE #define JPG_FRAME_BUF_SIZE \ ((MAX_JPG_RESOLUTION * 3) / PAGE_SIZE + 1) * PAGE_SIZE #define JPG_FRAME_THUMB_BUF_SIZE \ ((MAX_JPG_THUMBNAIL_RESOLUTION * 3) / PAGE_SIZE + 1) * PAGE_SIZE #define JPG_RGB_BUF_SIZE \ ((MAX_RGB_RESOLUTION * 4) / PAGE_SIZE + 1) * PAGE_SIZE #define JPG_TOTAL_BUF_SIZE (JPG_STREAM_BUF_SIZE + \ JPG_STREAM_THUMB_BUF_SIZE + \ JPG_FRAME_BUF_SIZE + \ JPG_FRAME_THUMB_BUF_SIZE + \ JPG_RGB_BUF_SIZE) #define JPG_MAIN_START 0x00 #define JPG_THUMB_START JPG_STREAM_BUF_SIZE #define IMG_MAIN_START (JPG_STREAM_BUF_SIZE + JPG_STREAM_THUMB_BUF_SIZE) #define IMG_THUMB_START (IMG_MAIN_START + JPG_FRAME_BUF_SIZE) /*******************************************************************************/ #define JPG_DRIVER_NAME "/dev/s3c-jpg" #define JPEG_IOCTL_MAGIC 'J' #define IOCTL_JPG_DECODE _IO(JPEG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 1) #define IOCTL_JPG_ENCODE _IO(JPEG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 2) #define IOCTL_JPG_GET_STRBUF _IO(JPEG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 3) #define IOCTL_JPG_GET_FRMBUF _IO(JPEG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 4) #define IOCTL_JPG_GET_THUMB_STRBUF _IO(JPEG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 5) #define IOCTL_JPG_GET_THUMB_FRMBUF _IO(JPEG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 6) #define IOCTL_JPG_GET_PHY_FRMBUF _IO(JPEG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 7) #define IOCTL_JPG_GET_PHY_THUMB_FRMBUF _IO(JPEG_IOCTL_MAGIC, 8) typedef enum { JPEG_SET_ENCODE_WIDTH, JPEG_SET_ENCODE_HEIGHT, JPEG_SET_ENCODE_QUALITY, JPEG_SET_ENCODE_IN_FORMAT, JPEG_SET_SAMPING_MODE, JPEG_SET_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, JPEG_SET_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT } jpeg_conf; typedef enum { JPG_FAIL, JPG_SUCCESS, OK_HD_PARSING, ERR_HD_PARSING, OK_ENC_OR_DEC, ERR_ENC_OR_DEC, ERR_UNKNOWN } jpg_return_status; typedef enum { JPG_RGB16, JPG_YCBYCR, JPG_TYPE_UNKNOWN } image_type_t; typedef enum { JPG_444, JPG_422, JPG_420, JPG_400, RESERVED1, RESERVED2, JPG_411, JPG_SAMPLE_UNKNOWN } sample_mode_t; typedef enum { YCBCR_422, YCBCR_420, YCBCR_SAMPLE_UNKNOWN } out_mode_t; typedef enum { JPG_MODESEL_YCBCR = 1, JPG_MODESEL_RGB, JPG_MODESEL_UNKNOWN } in_mode_t; typedef enum { JPG_MAIN, JPG_THUMBNAIL } encode_type_t; typedef enum { JPG_QUALITY_LEVEL_1, /* high */ JPG_QUALITY_LEVEL_2, JPG_QUALITY_LEVEL_3, JPG_QUALITY_LEVEL_4 /* low */ } image_quality_type_t; typedef struct { sample_mode_t sample_mode; encode_type_t dec_type; out_mode_t out_format; uint32_t width; uint32_t height; uint32_t data_size; uint32_t file_size; } jpg_dec_proc_param; typedef struct { sample_mode_t sample_mode; encode_type_t enc_type; in_mode_t in_format; image_quality_type_t quality; uint32_t width; uint32_t height; uint32_t data_size; uint32_t file_size; uint32_t set_framebuf; } jpg_enc_proc_param; typedef struct { char *in_buf; char *phy_in_buf; int in_buf_size; char *out_buf; char *phy_out_buf; int out_buf_size; char *in_thumb_buf; char *phy_in_thumb_buf; int in_thumb_buf_size; char *out_thumb_buf; char *phy_out_thumb_buf; int out_thumb_buf_size; char *mmapped_addr; jpg_dec_proc_param *dec_param; jpg_enc_proc_param *enc_param; jpg_enc_proc_param *thumb_enc_param; } jpg_args; class JpegEncoder { public: JpegEncoder(); virtual ~JpegEncoder(); int openHardware(); jpg_return_status setConfig(jpeg_conf type, int32_t value); void *getInBuf(uint64_t size); void *getOutBuf(uint64_t *size); void *getThumbInBuf(uint64_t size); void *getThumbOutBuf(uint64_t *size); jpg_return_status encode(unsigned int *size, exif_attribute_t *exifInfo); jpg_return_status encodeThumbImg(unsigned int *size, bool useMain = true); jpg_return_status makeExif(unsigned char *exifOut, exif_attribute_t *exifIn, unsigned int *size, bool useMainbufForThumb = false); private: jpg_return_status checkMcu(sample_mode_t sampleMode, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, bool isThumb); bool pad(char *srcBuf, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHight, char *dstBuf, uint32_t dstWidth, uint32_t dstHight); bool scaleDownYuv422(char *srcBuf, uint32_t srcWidth, uint32_t srcHight, char *dstBuf, uint32_t dstWidth, uint32_t dstHight); inline void writeExifIfd(unsigned char **pCur, unsigned short tag, unsigned short type, unsigned int count, uint32_t value); inline void writeExifIfd(unsigned char **pCur, unsigned short tag, unsigned short type, unsigned int count, unsigned char *pValue); inline void writeExifIfd(unsigned char **pCur, unsigned short tag, unsigned short type, unsigned int count, rational_t *pValue, unsigned int *offset, unsigned char *start); inline void writeExifIfd(unsigned char **pCur, unsigned short tag, unsigned short type, unsigned int count, unsigned char *pValue, unsigned int *offset, unsigned char *start); int mDevFd; jpg_args mArgs; }; }; #endif /* __JPG_API_H__ */