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2 files changed, 75 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/rilsrc/libsecril-shim/secril-shim.c b/rilsrc/libsecril-shim/secril-shim.c
index 50723e3..ed703c1 100644
--- a/rilsrc/libsecril-shim/secril-shim.c
+++ b/rilsrc/libsecril-shim/secril-shim.c
@@ -59,13 +59,70 @@ static void onRequestShim(int request, void *data, size_t datalen, RIL_Token t)
origRilFunctions->onRequest(request, data, datalen, t);
+static void onCompleteQueryAvailableNetworks(RIL_Token t, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
+ /* Response is a char **, pointing to an array of char *'s */
+ size_t numStrings = responselen / sizeof(char *);
+ size_t numNeededStrings = numStrings - (numStrings / 5);
+ size_t newResponseLen = numNeededStrings * sizeof(char *);
+ void *newResponse = malloc(newResponseLen);
+ /* Remove every 5th string (qan element) */
+ char **p_cur = (char **) response;
+ char **p_new = (char **) newResponse;
+ size_t i, j;
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < numStrings; ++i) {
+ if ((i + 1) % 5 != 0) {
+ p_new[j] = p_cur[i];
+ ++j;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Send the fixed response to libril */
+ rilEnv->OnRequestComplete(t, e, newResponse, newResponseLen);
+ free(newResponse);
+static void onRequestCompleteShim(RIL_Token t, RIL_Errno e, void *response, size_t responselen) {
+ int request;
+ RequestInfo *pRI;
+ pRI = (RequestInfo *)t;
+ /* If pRI is null, this entire function is useless. */
+ if (pRI == NULL)
+ goto null_token_exit;
+ request = pRI->pCI->requestNumber;
+ switch (request) {
+ /* Remove the extra (unused) element from the operator info, freaking out the framework.
+ * Formerly, this is know as the mQANElements override. */
+ if (response != NULL && responselen != 0 && (responselen % sizeof(char *) == 0)) {
+ onCompleteQueryAvailableNetworks(t, e, response, responselen);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ RLOGD("%s: got request %s: forwarded to libril.\n", __func__, requestToString(request));
+ rilEnv->OnRequestComplete(t, e, response, responselen);
const RIL_RadioFunctions* RIL_Init(const struct RIL_Env *env, int argc, char **argv)
RIL_RadioFunctions const* (*origRilInit)(const struct RIL_Env *env, int argc, char **argv);
static RIL_RadioFunctions shimmedFunctions;
+ static struct RIL_Env shimmedEnv;
void *origRil;
+ /* Shim the RIL_Env passed to the real RIL, saving a copy of the original */
rilEnv = env;
+ shimmedEnv = *env;
+ shimmedEnv.OnRequestComplete = onRequestCompleteShim;
/* Open and Init the original RIL. */
@@ -81,7 +138,7 @@ const RIL_RadioFunctions* RIL_Init(const struct RIL_Env *env, int argc, char **a
goto fail_after_dlopen;
- origRilFunctions = origRilInit(env, argc, argv);
+ origRilFunctions = origRilInit(&shimmedEnv, argc, argv);
if (CC_UNLIKELY(!origRilFunctions)) {
RLOGE("%s: the original RIL_Init derped.\n", __func__);
goto fail_after_dlopen;
diff --git a/rilsrc/libsecril-shim/secril-shim.h b/rilsrc/libsecril-shim/secril-shim.h
index ad409db..a938f4b 100644
--- a/rilsrc/libsecril-shim/secril-shim.h
+++ b/rilsrc/libsecril-shim/secril-shim.h
@@ -21,4 +21,21 @@
extern const char * requestToString(int request);
+/* TODO: Do we really need to redefine these? They aren't in a header... */
+typedef struct {
+ int requestNumber;
+ void (*dispatchFunction) (void *p, void *pRI);
+ int(*responseFunction) (void *p, void *response, size_t responselen);
+} CommandInfo;
+typedef struct RequestInfo {
+ int32_t token;
+ CommandInfo *pCI;
+ struct RequestInfo *p_next;
+ char cancelled;
+ char local;
+ RIL_SOCKET_ID socket_id;
+ int wasAckSent;
+} RequestInfo;
#endif /* __SECRIL_SHIM_H__ */