/*************************************************************************/ /*! @Title Services Internal Header @Copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved @Description services internal details @License Dual MIT/GPLv2 The contents of this file are subject to the MIT license as set out below. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 ("GPL") in which case the provisions of GPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of GPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the MIT license, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by GPL as set out in the file called "GPL-COPYING" included in this distribution. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of either the MIT license or GPL. This License is also included in this distribution in the file called "MIT-COPYING". EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE STATED IN A NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT: (A) THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT; AND (B) IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #if !defined (__SERVICESINT_H__) #define __SERVICESINT_H__ #if defined (__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif #include "services.h" #include "sysinfo.h" #include "sysconfig.h" #define HWREC_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT (500) #define DRIVERNAME_MAXLENGTH (100) /* helper macros: */ #define ALIGNSIZE(size, alignshift) (((size) + ((1UL << (alignshift))-1)) & ~((1UL << (alignshift))-1)) #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif /* Note: MAX_CLEANUP_TRYS is set to try and be around the frame rate as for every try we will kick the uKernel which we want to avoid doing too often (as we risk flooding the uKernel trace buffer with requests and losing important information from before the cleanup requests started). */ #define MAX_CLEANUP_TIME_US (MAX_HW_TIME_US * 4) #define MAX_CLEANUP_TRYS 100 #define MAX_CLEANUP_TIME_WAIT_US (MAX_CLEANUP_TIME_US/MAX_CLEANUP_TRYS) typedef enum _PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_ { PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_DEVICE = 1, PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_DEVICECLASS = 2, PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_WRAPPED = 3, PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_MAPPED = 4, PVRSRV_MEMTYPE_ION = 5, } PVRSRV_MEMTYPE; /* Kernel Memory Information structure */ typedef struct _PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO_ { /* Kernel Mode CPU Virtual address */ IMG_PVOID pvLinAddrKM; /* Device Virtual Address */ IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR sDevVAddr; /* allocation flags */ IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags; /* Size of the allocated buffer in bytes */ IMG_SIZE_T uAllocSize; /* Internal implementation details. Do not use outside services code. */ PVRSRV_MEMBLK sMemBlk; /* Address of the backup buffer used in a save/restore of the surface */ IMG_PVOID pvSysBackupBuffer; /* refcount for allocation, wrapping and mapping */ IMG_UINT32 ui32RefCount; /* Set when free call ocured and a mapping was still open */ IMG_BOOL bPendingFree; #if defined(SUPPORT_MEMINFO_IDS) #if !defined(USE_CODE) /* Globally unique "stamp" for allocation (not re-used until wrap) */ IMG_UINT64 ui64Stamp; #else /* !defined(USE_CODE) */ IMG_UINT32 dummy1; IMG_UINT32 dummy2; #endif /* !defined(USE_CODE) */ #endif /* defined(SUPPORT_MEMINFO_IDS) */ /* ptr to associated kernel sync info - NULL if no sync */ struct _PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO_ *psKernelSyncInfo; PVRSRV_MEMTYPE memType; IMG_VOID *bvmap_handle; /* Device Virtual Address Offsets for the YUV MM planes */ IMG_UINT32 planeOffsets[PVRSRV_MAX_NUMBER_OF_MM_BUFFER_PLANES]; /* To activate the "share mem workaround", add PVRSRV_MEM_XPROC to the flags for the allocation. This will cause the "map" API to call use Alloc Device Mem but will share the underlying memory block and sync data. */ struct { /* Record whether the workaround is active for this allocation. The rest of the fields in this struct are undefined unless this is true */ IMG_BOOL bInUse; /* Store the device cookie handle from the original allocation, as it is not present on the "Map" API. */ IMG_HANDLE hDevCookieInt; /* This is an index into a static array which store information about the underlying allocation */ IMG_UINT32 ui32ShareIndex; /* Original arguments as supplied to original "PVRSRVAllocDeviceMem" call, such that a new call to this function can be later constructed */ IMG_UINT32 ui32OrigReqAttribs; IMG_UINT32 ui32OrigReqSize; IMG_UINT32 ui32OrigReqAlignment; } sShareMemWorkaround; } PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO; /* Kernel Sync Info structure */ typedef struct _PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO_ { /* kernel sync data */ PVRSRV_SYNC_DATA *psSyncData; /* Device accessible WriteOp Info */ IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR sWriteOpsCompleteDevVAddr; /* Device accessible ReadOp Info */ IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR sReadOpsCompleteDevVAddr; /* Device accessible ReadOp Info */ IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR sReadOps2CompleteDevVAddr; /* meminfo for sync data */ PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psSyncDataMemInfoKM; /* Reference count for deferring destruction of syncinfo when it is shared */ /* NB: This is only done for devicemem.c (alloc/map/wrap etc), and not (presently) for deviceclass memory */ IMG_PVOID pvRefCount; /* Resman cleanup, for those created with explicit API */ IMG_HANDLE hResItem; /* Unique ID of the sync object */ IMG_UINT32 ui32UID; } PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO; /*! ***************************************************************************** * This is a device addressable version of a pvrsrv_sync_oject * - any hw cmd may have an unlimited number of these ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _PVRSRV_DEVICE_SYNC_OBJECT_ { /* KEEP THESE 6 VARIABLES TOGETHER FOR UKERNEL BLOCK LOAD */ IMG_UINT32 ui32ReadOpsPendingVal; IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR sReadOpsCompleteDevVAddr; IMG_UINT32 ui32WriteOpsPendingVal; IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR sWriteOpsCompleteDevVAddr; IMG_UINT32 ui32ReadOps2PendingVal; IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR sReadOps2CompleteDevVAddr; } PVRSRV_DEVICE_SYNC_OBJECT; /*! ***************************************************************************** * encapsulates a single sync object * - any cmd may have an unlimited number of these ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _PVRSRV_SYNC_OBJECT { PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO *psKernelSyncInfoKM; IMG_UINT32 ui32WriteOpsPending; IMG_UINT32 ui32ReadOpsPending; IMG_UINT32 ui32ReadOps2Pending; }PVRSRV_SYNC_OBJECT, *PPVRSRV_SYNC_OBJECT; /*! ***************************************************************************** * The `one size fits all' generic command. ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _PVRSRV_COMMAND { IMG_SIZE_T uCmdSize; /*!< total size of command */ IMG_UINT32 ui32DevIndex; /*!< device type - 16bit enum (exported by system) */ IMG_UINT32 CommandType; /*!< command type */ IMG_UINT32 ui32DstSyncCount; /*!< number of dst sync objects */ IMG_UINT32 ui32SrcSyncCount; /*!< number of src sync objects */ PVRSRV_SYNC_OBJECT *psDstSync; /*!< dst sync ptr list, allocated on back of this structure, i.e. is resident in Q */ PVRSRV_SYNC_OBJECT *psSrcSync; /*!< src sync ptr list, allocated on back of this structure, i.e. is resident in Q */ IMG_SIZE_T uDataSize; /*!< Size of Cmd Data Packet - only required in terms of allocating Q space */ IMG_UINT32 ui32ProcessID; /*!< Process ID for debugging */ IMG_VOID *pvData; /*!< data to be passed to Cmd Handler function, allocated on back of this structure, i.e. is resident in Q */ PFN_QUEUE_COMMAND_COMPLETE pfnCommandComplete; /*!< Command complete callback */ IMG_HANDLE hCallbackData; /*!< Command complete callback data */ }PVRSRV_COMMAND, *PPVRSRV_COMMAND; /*! ***************************************************************************** * Circular command buffer structure forming the queue of pending commands. * * Queues are implemented as circular comamnd buffers (CCBs). * The buffer is allocated as a specified size, plus the size of the largest supported command. * The extra size allows commands to be added without worrying about wrapping around at the end. * * Commands are added to the CCB by client processes and consumed within * kernel mode code running from within an L/MISR typically. * * The process of adding a command to a queue is as follows:- * - A `lock' is acquired to prevent other processes from adding commands to a queue * - Data representing the command to be executed, along with it's PVRSRV_SYNC_INFO * dependencies is written to the buffer representing the queue at the queues * current WriteOffset. * - The PVRSRV_SYNC_INFO that the command depends on are updated to reflect * the addition of the new command. * - The WriteOffset is incremented by the size of the command added. * - If the WriteOffset now lies beyound the declared buffer size, it is * reset to zero. * - The semaphore is released. * *****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _PVRSRV_QUEUE_INFO_ { IMG_VOID *pvLinQueueKM; /*!< Pointer to the command buffer in the kernel's address space */ IMG_VOID *pvLinQueueUM; /*!< Pointer to the command buffer in the user's address space */ volatile IMG_SIZE_T ui32ReadOffset; /*!< Index into the buffer at which commands are being consumed */ volatile IMG_SIZE_T ui32WriteOffset; /*!< Index into the buffer at which commands are being added */ IMG_UINT32 *pui32KickerAddrKM; /*!< kicker address in the kernel's address space*/ IMG_UINT32 *pui32KickerAddrUM; /*!< kicker address in the user's address space */ IMG_SIZE_T ui32QueueSize; /*!< Size in bytes of the buffer - excluding the safety allocation */ IMG_UINT32 ui32ProcessID; /*!< Process ID required by resource locking */ IMG_HANDLE hMemBlock[2]; struct _PVRSRV_QUEUE_INFO_ *psNextKM; /*!< The next queue in the system */ }PVRSRV_QUEUE_INFO; typedef struct _PVRSRV_HEAP_INFO_KM_ { IMG_UINT32 ui32HeapID; IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR sDevVAddrBase; IMG_HANDLE hDevMemHeap; IMG_UINT32 ui32HeapByteSize; IMG_UINT32 ui32Attribs; IMG_UINT32 ui32XTileStride; }PVRSRV_HEAP_INFO_KM; /* Event Object information structure */ typedef struct _PVRSRV_EVENTOBJECT_KM_ { /* globally unique name of the event object */ IMG_CHAR szName[EVENTOBJNAME_MAXLENGTH]; /* kernel specific handle for the event object */ IMG_HANDLE hOSEventKM; } PVRSRV_EVENTOBJECT_KM; /*! ****************************************************************************** * Structure to retrieve misc. information from services *****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _PVRSRV_MISC_INFO_KM_ { IMG_UINT32 ui32StateRequest; /*!< requested State Flags */ IMG_UINT32 ui32StatePresent; /*!< Present/Valid State Flags */ /*!< SOC Timer register */ IMG_VOID *pvSOCTimerRegisterKM; IMG_VOID *pvSOCTimerRegisterUM; IMG_HANDLE hSOCTimerRegisterOSMemHandle; IMG_HANDLE hSOCTimerRegisterMappingInfo; /*!< SOC Clock Gating registers */ IMG_VOID *pvSOCClockGateRegs; IMG_UINT32 ui32SOCClockGateRegsSize; /* Memory Stats/DDK version string depending on ui32StateRequest flags */ IMG_CHAR *pszMemoryStr; IMG_UINT32 ui32MemoryStrLen; /* global event object */ PVRSRV_EVENTOBJECT_KM sGlobalEventObject;//FIXME: should be private to services IMG_HANDLE hOSGlobalEvent; /* Note: add misc. items as required */ IMG_UINT32 aui32DDKVersion[4]; /*!< CPU cache flush controls: */ struct { /*!< Defer the CPU cache op to the next HW op to be submitted (else flush now) */ IMG_BOOL bDeferOp; /*!< Type of cache operation to perform */ PVRSRV_MISC_INFO_CPUCACHEOP_TYPE eCacheOpType; /*!< Meminfo (or meminfo handle) to flush */ PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psKernelMemInfo; /*!< Offset in MemInfo to start cache op */ IMG_VOID *pvBaseVAddr; /*!< Length of range to perform cache op */ IMG_UINT32 ui32Length; } sCacheOpCtl; /*!< Meminfo refcount controls: */ struct { /*!< Meminfo (or meminfo handle) to get refcount for */ PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psKernelMemInfo; /*!< Resulting refcount */ IMG_UINT32 ui32RefCount; } sGetRefCountCtl; } PVRSRV_MISC_INFO_KM; /* insert command function pointer */ typedef PVRSRV_ERROR (*PFN_INSERT_CMD) (PVRSRV_QUEUE_INFO*, PVRSRV_COMMAND**, IMG_UINT32, IMG_UINT16, IMG_UINT32, PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO*[], IMG_UINT32, PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO*[], IMG_UINT32); /* submit command function pointer */ typedef PVRSRV_ERROR (*PFN_SUBMIT_CMD) (PVRSRV_QUEUE_INFO*, PVRSRV_COMMAND*, IMG_BOOL); /*********************************************************************** Device Class Structures ***********************************************************************/ /* Generic Device Class Buffer - details common between DC and BC */ typedef struct PVRSRV_DEVICECLASS_BUFFER_TAG { PFN_GET_BUFFER_ADDR pfnGetBufferAddr; IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext; IMG_HANDLE hExtDevice; IMG_HANDLE hExtBuffer; PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO *psKernelSyncInfo; IMG_UINT32 ui32MemMapRefCount; } PVRSRV_DEVICECLASS_BUFFER; /* Common Device Class client services information structure */ typedef struct PVRSRV_CLIENT_DEVICECLASS_INFO_TAG { #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hDeviceKM; #else IMG_HANDLE hDeviceKM; #endif IMG_HANDLE hServices; } PVRSRV_CLIENT_DEVICECLASS_INFO; typedef enum { PVRSRV_FREE_CALLBACK_ORIGIN_ALLOCATOR, PVRSRV_FREE_CALLBACK_ORIGIN_IMPORTER, PVRSRV_FREE_CALLBACK_ORIGIN_EXTERNAL, } PVRSRV_FREE_CALLBACK_ORIGIN; IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR FreeMemCallBackCommon(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo, IMG_UINT32 ui32Param, PVRSRV_FREE_CALLBACK_ORIGIN eCallbackOrigin); IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR PVRSRVQueueCommand(IMG_HANDLE hQueueInfo, PVRSRV_COMMAND *psCommand); /*! * ***************************************************************************** * @Description Allocates system memory on behalf of a userspace process that is * addressable by the kernel; suitable for mapping into the current * user space process; suitable for mapping into other userspace * processes and it is possible to entirely disassociate the system * memory from the current userspace process via a call to * PVRSRVDissociateSharedSysMemoryKM. * * @Input psConnection * @Input ui32Flags * @Input ui32Size * @Output ppsClientMemInfo * * @Return PVRSRV_ERROR ********************************************************************************/ IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVAllocSharedSysMem(const PVRSRV_CONNECTION *psConnection, IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags, IMG_SIZE_T ui32Size, PVRSRV_CLIENT_MEM_INFO **ppsClientMemInfo); /*! * ***************************************************************************** * @Description Frees memory allocated via PVRSRVAllocSharedMemory (Note you must * be sure any additional kernel references you created have been * removed before freeing the memory) * * @Input psConnection * @Input psClientMemInfo * * @Return PVRSRV_ERROR ********************************************************************************/ IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVFreeSharedSysMem(const PVRSRV_CONNECTION *psConnection, PVRSRV_CLIENT_MEM_INFO *psClientMemInfo); /*! * ***************************************************************************** * @Description Removes any userspace reference to the shared system memory, except * that the memory will remain registered with the services resource * manager so if the process dies/exits the actuall shared memory will * still be freed. * If you need to move ownership of shared memory from userspace * to kernel space then before unrefing a shared piece of memory you can * take a copy of psClientMemInfo->hKernelMemInfo; call * PVRSRVUnrefSharedSysMem; then use some mechanism (specialised bridge * function) to request that the kernel remove any resource manager * reference to the shared memory and assume responsaility for the meminfo * in one atomic operation. (Note to aid with such a kernel space bridge * function see PVRSRVDissociateSharedSysMemoryKM) * * @Input psConnection * @Input psClientMemInfo * * @Return PVRSRV_ERROR ********************************************************************************/ IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR PVRSRVUnrefSharedSysMem(const PVRSRV_CONNECTION *psConnection, PVRSRV_CLIENT_MEM_INFO *psClientMemInfo); /*! * ***************************************************************************** * @Description For shared system or device memory that is owned by the kernel, you can * use this function to map the underlying memory into a client using a * handle for the KernelMemInfo. * * @Input psConnection * @Input hKernelMemInfo * @Output ppsClientMemInfo * * @Return PVRSRV_ERROR ********************************************************************************/ IMG_IMPORT PVRSRV_ERROR IMG_CALLCONV PVRSRVMapMemInfoMem(const PVRSRV_CONNECTION *psConnection, #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hKernelMemInfo, #else IMG_HANDLE hKernelMemInfo, #endif PVRSRV_CLIENT_MEM_INFO **ppsClientMemInfo); #if defined (__cplusplus) } #endif #endif /* __SERVICESINT_H__ */ /***************************************************************************** End of file (servicesint.h) *****************************************************************************/