/*************************************************************************/ /*! @Title sgx services structures/functions @Copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved @Description inline functions/structures shared across UM and KM services components @License Dual MIT/GPLv2 The contents of this file are subject to the MIT license as set out below. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 ("GPL") in which case the provisions of GPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of GPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the MIT license, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by GPL as set out in the file called "GPL-COPYING" included in this distribution. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of either the MIT license or GPL. This License is also included in this distribution in the file called "MIT-COPYING". EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE STATED IN A NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT: (A) THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT; AND (B) IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #if !defined (__SGXINFO_H__) #define __SGXINFO_H__ #include "sgxscript.h" #include "servicesint.h" #include "services.h" #if !defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) #include "sgxapi_km.h" #endif #include "sgx_mkif_km.h" #define SGX_MAX_DEV_DATA 24 #define SGX_MAX_INIT_MEM_HANDLES 18 typedef struct _SGX_BRIDGE_INFO_FOR_SRVINIT { IMG_DEV_PHYADDR sPDDevPAddr; PVRSRV_HEAP_INFO asHeapInfo[PVRSRV_MAX_CLIENT_HEAPS]; } SGX_BRIDGE_INFO_FOR_SRVINIT; typedef enum _SGXMKIF_CMD_TYPE_ { SGXMKIF_CMD_TA = 0, SGXMKIF_CMD_TRANSFER = 1, SGXMKIF_CMD_2D = 2, SGXMKIF_CMD_POWER = 3, SGXMKIF_CMD_CONTEXTSUSPEND = 4, SGXMKIF_CMD_CLEANUP = 5, SGXMKIF_CMD_GETMISCINFO = 6, SGXMKIF_CMD_PROCESS_QUEUES = 7, SGXMKIF_CMD_DATABREAKPOINT = 8, SGXMKIF_CMD_SETHWPERFSTATUS = 9, SGXMKIF_CMD_FLUSHPDCACHE = 10, SGXMKIF_CMD_MAX = 11, SGXMKIF_CMD_FORCE_I32 = -1, } SGXMKIF_CMD_TYPE; typedef struct _SGX_BRIDGE_INIT_INFO_ { #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hKernelCCBMemInfo; IMG_SID hKernelCCBCtlMemInfo; IMG_SID hKernelCCBEventKickerMemInfo; IMG_SID hKernelSGXHostCtlMemInfo; IMG_SID hKernelSGXTA3DCtlMemInfo; #if defined(FIX_HW_BRN_31272) || defined(FIX_HW_BRN_31780) || defined(FIX_HW_BRN_33920) IMG_SID hKernelSGXPTLAWriteBackMemInfo; #endif IMG_SID hKernelSGXMiscMemInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hKernelCCBMemInfo; IMG_HANDLE hKernelCCBCtlMemInfo; IMG_HANDLE hKernelCCBEventKickerMemInfo; IMG_HANDLE hKernelSGXHostCtlMemInfo; IMG_HANDLE hKernelSGXTA3DCtlMemInfo; #if defined(FIX_HW_BRN_31272) || defined(FIX_HW_BRN_31780) || defined(FIX_HW_BRN_33920) IMG_HANDLE hKernelSGXPTLAWriteBackMemInfo; #endif IMG_HANDLE hKernelSGXMiscMemInfo; #endif IMG_UINT32 aui32HostKickAddr[SGXMKIF_CMD_MAX]; SGX_INIT_SCRIPTS sScripts; IMG_UINT32 ui32ClientBuildOptions; SGX_MISCINFO_STRUCT_SIZES sSGXStructSizes; #if defined(SGX_SUPPORT_HWPROFILING) #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hKernelHWProfilingMemInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hKernelHWProfilingMemInfo; #endif #endif #if defined(SUPPORT_SGX_HWPERF) #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hKernelHWPerfCBMemInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hKernelHWPerfCBMemInfo; #endif #endif #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hKernelTASigBufferMemInfo; IMG_SID hKernel3DSigBufferMemInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hKernelTASigBufferMemInfo; IMG_HANDLE hKernel3DSigBufferMemInfo; #endif #if defined(FIX_HW_BRN_29702) #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hKernelCFIMemInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hKernelCFIMemInfo; #endif #endif #if defined(FIX_HW_BRN_29823) #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hKernelDummyTermStreamMemInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hKernelDummyTermStreamMemInfo; #endif #endif #if defined(FIX_HW_BRN_31542) || defined(FIX_HW_BRN_36513) #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hKernelClearClipWAVDMStreamMemInfo; IMG_SID hKernelClearClipWAIndexStreamMemInfo; IMG_SID hKernelClearClipWAPDSMemInfo; IMG_SID hKernelClearClipWAUSEMemInfo; IMG_SID hKernelClearClipWAParamMemInfo; IMG_SID hKernelClearClipWAPMPTMemInfo; IMG_SID hKernelClearClipWATPCMemInfo; IMG_SID hKernelClearClipWAPSGRgnHdrMemInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hKernelClearClipWAVDMStreamMemInfo; IMG_HANDLE hKernelClearClipWAIndexStreamMemInfo; IMG_HANDLE hKernelClearClipWAPDSMemInfo; IMG_HANDLE hKernelClearClipWAUSEMemInfo; IMG_HANDLE hKernelClearClipWAParamMemInfo; IMG_HANDLE hKernelClearClipWAPMPTMemInfo; IMG_HANDLE hKernelClearClipWATPCMemInfo; IMG_HANDLE hKernelClearClipWAPSGRgnHdrMemInfo; #endif #endif #if defined(SGX_FEATURE_VDM_CONTEXT_SWITCH) && defined(FIX_HW_BRN_31559) IMG_HANDLE hKernelVDMSnapShotBufferMemInfo; IMG_HANDLE hKernelVDMCtrlStreamBufferMemInfo; #endif #if defined(SGX_FEATURE_VDM_CONTEXT_SWITCH) && \ defined(FIX_HW_BRN_33657) && defined(SUPPORT_SECURE_33657_FIX) IMG_HANDLE hKernelVDMStateUpdateBufferMemInfo; #endif #if defined(PVRSRV_USSE_EDM_STATUS_DEBUG) #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hKernelEDMStatusBufferMemInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hKernelEDMStatusBufferMemInfo; #endif #endif IMG_UINT32 ui32EDMTaskReg0; IMG_UINT32 ui32EDMTaskReg1; IMG_UINT32 ui32ClkGateCtl; IMG_UINT32 ui32ClkGateCtl2; IMG_UINT32 ui32ClkGateStatusReg; IMG_UINT32 ui32ClkGateStatusMask; #if defined(SGX_FEATURE_MP) IMG_UINT32 ui32MasterClkGateStatusReg; IMG_UINT32 ui32MasterClkGateStatusMask; IMG_UINT32 ui32MasterClkGateStatus2Reg; IMG_UINT32 ui32MasterClkGateStatus2Mask; #endif /* SGX_FEATURE_MP */ IMG_UINT32 ui32CacheControl; IMG_UINT32 asInitDevData[SGX_MAX_DEV_DATA]; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID asInitMemHandles[SGX_MAX_INIT_MEM_HANDLES]; #else IMG_HANDLE asInitMemHandles[SGX_MAX_INIT_MEM_HANDLES]; #endif } SGX_BRIDGE_INIT_INFO; typedef struct _SGX_DEVICE_SYNC_LIST_ { PSGXMKIF_HWDEVICE_SYNC_LIST psHWDeviceSyncList; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hKernelHWSyncListMemInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hKernelHWSyncListMemInfo; #endif PVRSRV_CLIENT_MEM_INFO *psHWDeviceSyncListClientMemInfo; PVRSRV_CLIENT_MEM_INFO *psAccessResourceClientMemInfo; volatile IMG_UINT32 *pui32Lock; struct _SGX_DEVICE_SYNC_LIST_ *psNext; /* Must be the last variable in the structure */ IMG_UINT32 ui32NumSyncObjects; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID ahSyncHandles[1]; #else IMG_HANDLE ahSyncHandles[1]; #endif } SGX_DEVICE_SYNC_LIST, *PSGX_DEVICE_SYNC_LIST; typedef struct _SGX_INTERNEL_STATUS_UPDATE_ { CTL_STATUS sCtlStatus; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hKernelMemInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hKernelMemInfo; #endif } SGX_INTERNEL_STATUS_UPDATE; typedef struct _SGX_CCB_KICK_ { SGXMKIF_COMMAND sCommand; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hCCBKernelMemInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hCCBKernelMemInfo; #endif IMG_UINT32 ui32NumDstSyncObjects; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hKernelHWSyncListMemInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hKernelHWSyncListMemInfo; #endif /* DST syncs */ #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID *pahDstSyncHandles; #else IMG_HANDLE *pahDstSyncHandles; #endif IMG_UINT32 ui32NumTAStatusVals; IMG_UINT32 ui32Num3DStatusVals; #if defined(SUPPORT_SGX_NEW_STATUS_VALS) SGX_INTERNEL_STATUS_UPDATE asTAStatusUpdate[SGX_MAX_TA_STATUS_VALS]; SGX_INTERNEL_STATUS_UPDATE as3DStatusUpdate[SGX_MAX_3D_STATUS_VALS]; #else #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID ahTAStatusSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_TA_STATUS_VALS]; IMG_SID ah3DStatusSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_3D_STATUS_VALS]; #else IMG_HANDLE ahTAStatusSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_TA_STATUS_VALS]; IMG_HANDLE ah3DStatusSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_3D_STATUS_VALS]; #endif #endif IMG_BOOL bFirstKickOrResume; #if defined(NO_HARDWARE) || defined(PDUMP) IMG_BOOL bTerminateOrAbort; #endif IMG_BOOL bLastInScene; /* CCB offset of data structure associated with this kick */ IMG_UINT32 ui32CCBOffset; #if defined(SUPPORT_SGX_GENERALISED_SYNCOBJECTS) /* SRC and DST syncs */ IMG_UINT32 ui32NumTASrcSyncs; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID ahTASrcKernelSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_TA_SRC_SYNCS]; #else IMG_HANDLE ahTASrcKernelSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_TA_SRC_SYNCS]; #endif IMG_UINT32 ui32NumTADstSyncs; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID ahTADstKernelSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_TA_DST_SYNCS]; #else IMG_HANDLE ahTADstKernelSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_TA_DST_SYNCS]; #endif IMG_UINT32 ui32Num3DSrcSyncs; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID ah3DSrcKernelSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_3D_SRC_SYNCS]; #else IMG_HANDLE ah3DSrcKernelSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_3D_SRC_SYNCS]; #endif #else /* SRC syncs */ IMG_UINT32 ui32NumSrcSyncs; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID ahSrcKernelSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_SRC_SYNCS_TA]; #else IMG_HANDLE ahSrcKernelSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_SRC_SYNCS_TA]; #endif #endif /* TA/3D dependency data */ IMG_BOOL bTADependency; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hTA3DSyncInfo; IMG_SID hTASyncInfo; IMG_SID h3DSyncInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hTA3DSyncInfo; IMG_HANDLE hTASyncInfo; IMG_HANDLE h3DSyncInfo; #endif #if defined(PDUMP) IMG_UINT32 ui32CCBDumpWOff; #endif #if defined(NO_HARDWARE) IMG_UINT32 ui32WriteOpsPendingVal; #endif IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext; } SGX_CCB_KICK; /*! ****************************************************************************** * shared client/kernel device information structure for SGX *****************************************************************************/ #define SGX_KERNEL_USE_CODE_BASE_INDEX 15 /*! ****************************************************************************** * Client device information structure for SGX *****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _SGX_CLIENT_INFO_ { IMG_UINT32 ui32ProcessID; /*!< ID of process controlling SGX device */ IMG_VOID *pvProcess; /*!< pointer to OS specific 'process' structure */ PVRSRV_MISC_INFO sMiscInfo; /*!< Misc. Information, inc. SOC specifics */ IMG_UINT32 asDevData[SGX_MAX_DEV_DATA]; } SGX_CLIENT_INFO; /*! ****************************************************************************** * Internal device information structure for SGX *****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _SGX_INTERNAL_DEVINFO_ { IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hHostCtlKernelMemInfoHandle; #else IMG_HANDLE hHostCtlKernelMemInfoHandle; #endif IMG_BOOL bForcePTOff; } SGX_INTERNAL_DEVINFO; typedef struct _SGX_INTERNAL_DEVINFO_KM_ { IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags; IMG_HANDLE hHostCtlKernelMemInfoHandle; IMG_BOOL bForcePTOff; } SGX_INTERNAL_DEVINFO_KM; #if defined(TRANSFER_QUEUE) typedef struct _PVRSRV_TRANSFER_SGX_KICK_ { #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hCCBMemInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hCCBMemInfo; #endif IMG_UINT32 ui32SharedCmdCCBOffset; IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR sHWTransferContextDevVAddr; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hTASyncInfo; IMG_SID h3DSyncInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hTASyncInfo; IMG_HANDLE h3DSyncInfo; #endif IMG_UINT32 ui32NumSrcSync; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID ahSrcSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_TRANSFER_SYNC_OPS]; #else IMG_HANDLE ahSrcSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_TRANSFER_SYNC_OPS]; #endif IMG_UINT32 ui32NumDstSync; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID ahDstSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_TRANSFER_SYNC_OPS]; #else IMG_HANDLE ahDstSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_TRANSFER_SYNC_OPS]; #endif IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags; IMG_UINT32 ui32PDumpFlags; #if defined(PDUMP) IMG_UINT32 ui32CCBDumpWOff; #endif IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext; } PVRSRV_TRANSFER_SGX_KICK, *PPVRSRV_TRANSFER_SGX_KICK; #if defined(SGX_FEATURE_2D_HARDWARE) typedef struct _PVRSRV_2D_SGX_KICK_ { #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID hCCBMemInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE hCCBMemInfo; #endif IMG_UINT32 ui32SharedCmdCCBOffset; IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR sHW2DContextDevVAddr; IMG_UINT32 ui32NumSrcSync; #if defined (SUPPORT_SID_INTERFACE) IMG_SID ahSrcSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_2D_SRC_SYNC_OPS]; /* need to be able to check reads and writes on dest, and update writes */ IMG_SID hDstSyncInfo; /* need to be able to check reads and writes on TA ops, and update writes */ IMG_SID hTASyncInfo; /* need to be able to check reads and writes on 2D ops, and update writes */ IMG_SID h3DSyncInfo; #else IMG_HANDLE ahSrcSyncInfo[SGX_MAX_2D_SRC_SYNC_OPS]; /* need to be able to check reads and writes on dest, and update writes */ IMG_HANDLE hDstSyncInfo; /* need to be able to check reads and writes on TA ops, and update writes */ IMG_HANDLE hTASyncInfo; /* need to be able to check reads and writes on 2D ops, and update writes */ IMG_HANDLE h3DSyncInfo; #endif IMG_UINT32 ui32PDumpFlags; #if defined(PDUMP) IMG_UINT32 ui32CCBDumpWOff; #endif IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext; } PVRSRV_2D_SGX_KICK, *PPVRSRV_2D_SGX_KICK; #endif /* defined(SGX_FEATURE_2D_HARDWARE) */ #endif /* defined(TRANSFER_QUEUE) */ #endif /* __SGXINFO_H__ */ /****************************************************************************** End of file (sgxinfo.h) ******************************************************************************/