/*************************************************************************/ /*! @Title Buffer Management. @Copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved @Description Manages buffers mapped into two virtual memory spaces, host and device and referenced by handles. @License Dual MIT/GPLv2 The contents of this file are subject to the MIT license as set out below. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 ("GPL") in which case the provisions of GPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of GPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the MIT license, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by GPL as set out in the file called "GPL-COPYING" included in this distribution. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of either the MIT license or GPL. This License is also included in this distribution in the file called "MIT-COPYING". EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE STATED IN A NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT: (A) THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT; AND (B) IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef _BUFFER_MANAGER_H_ #define _BUFFER_MANAGER_H_ #include "img_types.h" #include "ra.h" #include "perproc.h" #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C"{ #endif /* forward reference */ typedef struct _BM_HEAP_ BM_HEAP; /* * The mapping structure is used to record relations between CPU virtual, * CPU physical and device virtual addresses for large chunks of memory * from which we have resource-allocator draw our buffers. * * There is one per contiguous pool and one per import from the host OS. */ struct _BM_MAPPING_ { enum { hm_wrapped = 1, /*!< wrapped user supplied contiguous*/ hm_wrapped_scatter, /*!< wrapped user supplied scattered */ hm_wrapped_virtaddr, /*!< wrapped user supplied contiguous with virtual address*/ hm_wrapped_scatter_virtaddr, /*!< wrapped user supplied scattered with virtual address*/ hm_env, /*!< obtained from environment */ hm_contiguous /*!< contigous arena */ } eCpuMemoryOrigin; BM_HEAP *pBMHeap; /* which BM heap */ RA_ARENA *pArena; /* whence the memory comes */ IMG_CPU_VIRTADDR CpuVAddr; IMG_CPU_PHYADDR CpuPAddr; IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR DevVAddr; IMG_SYS_PHYADDR *psSysAddr; IMG_SIZE_T uSize; IMG_SIZE_T uSizeVM; IMG_HANDLE hOSMemHandle; IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags; /* Sparse mapping data */ IMG_UINT32 ui32ChunkSize; IMG_UINT32 ui32NumVirtChunks; IMG_UINT32 ui32NumPhysChunks; IMG_BOOL *pabMapChunk; /* GPU mapping reference count * When goes down to 0 GPU mapping * gets removed */ IMG_UINT32 ui32MappingCount; /* need to track the original required alignment to make sure * that an unmapped buffer which is later remapped to device * is remapped with the original alignment restrictions. */ IMG_UINT32 ui32DevVAddrAlignment; }; /* * The buffer structure handles individual allocations from the user; thus * there is one allocated per call to BM_Alloc and one per call to BM_Wrap. * We record a mapping reference so we know where to return allocated * resources at BM_Free time. */ typedef struct _BM_BUF_ { IMG_CPU_VIRTADDR *CpuVAddr; IMG_VOID *hOSMemHandle; IMG_CPU_PHYADDR CpuPAddr; IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR DevVAddr; BM_MAPPING *pMapping; IMG_UINT32 ui32RefCount; IMG_UINT32 ui32ExportCount; } BM_BUF; struct _BM_HEAP_ { IMG_UINT32 ui32Attribs; BM_CONTEXT *pBMContext; RA_ARENA *pImportArena; RA_ARENA *pLocalDevMemArena; RA_ARENA *pVMArena; DEV_ARENA_DESCRIPTOR sDevArena; MMU_HEAP *pMMUHeap; PDUMP_MMU_ATTRIB *psMMUAttrib; struct _BM_HEAP_ *psNext; struct _BM_HEAP_ **ppsThis; /* BIF tile stride for this heap */ IMG_UINT32 ui32XTileStride; }; /* * The bm-context structure */ struct _BM_CONTEXT_ { MMU_CONTEXT *psMMUContext; /* * Resource allocation arena of dual mapped pages. For devices * where the hardware imposes different constraints on the valid * device virtual address range depending on the use of the buffer * we maintain two allocation arenas, one low address range, the * other high. For devices without such a constrain we do not * create the high arena, instead all allocations come from the * low arena. */ BM_HEAP *psBMHeap; /* * The Shared Heaps */ BM_HEAP *psBMSharedHeap; PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDeviceNode; /* * Hash table management. */ HASH_TABLE *pBufferHash; /* * Resman item handle */ IMG_HANDLE hResItem; IMG_UINT32 ui32RefCount; /* linked list next pointer */ struct _BM_CONTEXT_ *psNext; struct _BM_CONTEXT_ **ppsThis; }; /* refcount.c needs to know the internals of this structure */ typedef struct _XPROC_DATA_{ IMG_UINT32 ui32RefCount; IMG_UINT32 ui32AllocFlags; IMG_UINT32 ui32Size; IMG_UINT32 ui32PageSize; RA_ARENA *psArena; IMG_SYS_PHYADDR sSysPAddr; IMG_VOID *pvCpuVAddr; IMG_HANDLE hOSMemHandle; } XPROC_DATA; extern XPROC_DATA gXProcWorkaroundShareData[]; /* Buffer handle. */ typedef IMG_VOID *BM_HANDLE; /** Buffer manager allocation flags. * * Flags passed to BM_Alloc to specify buffer capabilities. * * @defgroup BP Buffer Manager Allocation Flags * @{ */ /** Pool number mask. */ #define BP_POOL_MASK 0x7 /* Request physically contiguous pages of memory */ #define BP_CONTIGUOUS (1 << 3) #define BP_PARAMBUFFER (1 << 4) #define BM_MAX_DEVMEM_ARENAS 2 /** @} */ /** * @Function BM_CreateContext * * @Description * * @Input * @Return */ IMG_HANDLE BM_CreateContext(PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDeviceNode, IMG_DEV_PHYADDR *psPDDevPAddr, PVRSRV_PER_PROCESS_DATA *psPerProc, IMG_BOOL *pbCreated); /** * @Function BM_DestroyContext * * @Description * * @Input * * @Return PVRSRV_ERROR */ PVRSRV_ERROR BM_DestroyContext (IMG_HANDLE hBMContext, IMG_BOOL *pbCreated); /** * @Function BM_CreateHeap * * @Description * * @Input * * @Return */ IMG_HANDLE BM_CreateHeap (IMG_HANDLE hBMContext, DEVICE_MEMORY_HEAP_INFO *psDevMemHeapInfo); /** * @Function BM_DestroyHeap * * @Description * * @Input * * @Return */ IMG_VOID BM_DestroyHeap (IMG_HANDLE hDevMemHeap); /** * @Function BM_Reinitialise * * @Description * * Reinitialises the buffer manager after a power event. Calling this * function will reprogram MMU registers and renable the MMU. * * @Input None * @Return None */ IMG_BOOL BM_Reinitialise (PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE *psDeviceNode); /** * @Function BM_Alloc * * @Description * * Allocate a buffer mapped into both host and device virtual memory * maps. * * @Input uSize - require size in bytes of the buffer. * @Input/Output pui32Flags - bit mask of buffer property flags + recieves heap flags. * @Input uDevVAddrAlignment - required alignment in bytes, or 0. * @Input pvPrivData - private data passed to OS allocator * @Input ui32PrivDataLength - length of private data * @Input ui32ChunkSize - Chunk size * @Input ui32NumVirtChunks - Number of virtual chunks * @Input ui32NumPhysChunks - Number of physical chunks * @Input pabMapChunk - Chunk mapping array * @Output phBuf - receives the buffer handle. * @Return IMG_TRUE - Success, IMG_FALSE - Failed. */ IMG_BOOL BM_Alloc (IMG_HANDLE hDevMemHeap, IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR *psDevVAddr, IMG_SIZE_T uSize, IMG_UINT32 *pui32Flags, IMG_UINT32 uDevVAddrAlignment, IMG_PVOID pvPrivData, IMG_UINT32 ui32PrivDataLength, IMG_UINT32 ui32ChunkSize, IMG_UINT32 ui32NumVirtChunks, IMG_UINT32 ui32NumPhysChunks, IMG_BOOL *pabMapChunk, BM_HANDLE *phBuf); /** * @Function BM_Wrap * * @Description * * Create a buffer which wraps user provided host physical memory. * The wrapped memory must be page aligned. BM_Wrap will roundup the * size to a multiple of host pages. * * @Input ui32Size - size of memory to wrap. * @Input ui32Offset - Offset into page of memory to wrap. * @Input bPhysContig - Is the wrap physically contiguous. * @Input psSysAddr - list of system physical page addresses of memory to wrap. * @Input pvCPUVAddr - optional CPU kernel virtual address (Page aligned) of memory to wrap. * @Input uFlags - bit mask of buffer property flags. * @Input phBuf - receives the buffer handle. * @Return IMG_TRUE - Success, IMG_FALSE - Failed */ IMG_BOOL BM_Wrap ( IMG_HANDLE hDevMemHeap, IMG_SIZE_T ui32Size, IMG_SIZE_T ui32Offset, IMG_BOOL bPhysContig, IMG_SYS_PHYADDR *psSysAddr, IMG_VOID *pvCPUVAddr, IMG_UINT32 *pui32Flags, BM_HANDLE *phBuf); /** * @Function BM_Free * * @Description * * Free a buffer previously allocated via BM_Alloc. * * @Input hBuf - buffer handle. * @Return None. */ IMG_VOID BM_Free (BM_HANDLE hBuf, IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags); /** * @Function BM_HandleToCpuVaddr * * @Description * * Retrieve the host virtual address associated with a buffer. * * @Input hBuf - buffer handle. * * @Return buffers host virtual address. */ IMG_CPU_VIRTADDR BM_HandleToCpuVaddr (BM_HANDLE hBuf); /** * @Function BM_HandleToDevVaddr * * @Description * * Retrieve the device virtual address associated with a buffer. * * @Input hBuf - buffer handle. * @Return buffers device virtual address. */ IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR BM_HandleToDevVaddr (BM_HANDLE hBuf); /** * @Function BM_HandleToSysPaddr * * @Description * * Retrieve the system physical address associated with a buffer. * * @Input hBuf - buffer handle. * @Return buffers device virtual address. */ IMG_SYS_PHYADDR BM_HandleToSysPaddr (BM_HANDLE hBuf); /** * @Function BM_HandleToMemOSHandle * * @Description * * Retrieve the underlying memory handle associated with a buffer. * * @Input hBuf - buffer handle. * @Return An OS Specific memory handle */ IMG_HANDLE BM_HandleToOSMemHandle (BM_HANDLE hBuf); /** * @Function BM_RemapToDev * * @Description * * Remaps the device Virtual Mapping. * * @Input hBuf - buffer handle. * @Return ref count on success */ IMG_INT32 BM_RemapToDev(BM_HANDLE hBuf); /** * @Function BM_UnmapFromDev * * @Description * * Removes the device Virtual Mapping. * * @Input hBuf - buffer handle. * @Return Ref count on success */ IMG_INT32 BM_UnmapFromDev(BM_HANDLE hBuf); /** * @Function BM_GetPhysPageAddr * * @Description * * Retreive physical address backing dev V address * * @Input psMemInfo * @Input sDevVPageAddr * @Output psDevPAddr * @Return PVRSRV_ERROR */ IMG_VOID BM_GetPhysPageAddr(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo, IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR sDevVPageAddr, IMG_DEV_PHYADDR *psDevPAddr); /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function BM_GetMMUContext @Description utility function to return the MMU context @inputs hDevMemHeap - the Dev mem heap handle @Return MMU context, else NULL **************************************************************************/ MMU_CONTEXT* BM_GetMMUContext(IMG_HANDLE hDevMemHeap); /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function BM_GetMMUContextFromMemContext @Description utility function to return the MMU context @inputs hDevMemHeap - the Dev mem heap handle @Return MMU context, else NULL **************************************************************************/ MMU_CONTEXT* BM_GetMMUContextFromMemContext(IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext); /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function BM_GetMMUHeap @Description utility function to return the MMU heap handle @inputs hDevMemHeap - the Dev mem heap handle @Return MMU heap handle, else NULL **************************************************************************/ IMG_HANDLE BM_GetMMUHeap(IMG_HANDLE hDevMemHeap); /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function BM_GetDeviceNode @Description utility function to return the devicenode from the BM Context @inputs hDevMemContext - the Dev Mem Context @Return MMU heap handle, else NULL **************************************************************************/ PVRSRV_DEVICE_NODE* BM_GetDeviceNode(IMG_HANDLE hDevMemContext); /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function BM_GetMappingHandle @Description utility function to return the mapping handle from a meminfo @inputs psMemInfo - kernel meminfo @Return mapping handle, else NULL **************************************************************************/ IMG_HANDLE BM_GetMappingHandle(PVRSRV_KERNEL_MEM_INFO *psMemInfo); /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function BM_Export @Description Export a buffer previously allocated via BM_Alloc. @inputs hBuf - buffer handle. @Return None. **************************************************************************/ IMG_VOID BM_Export(BM_HANDLE hBuf); /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function BM_FreeExport @Description Free a buffer previously exported via BM_Export. @inputs hBuf - buffer handle. ui32Flags - flags @Return None. **************************************************************************/ IMG_VOID BM_FreeExport(BM_HANDLE hBuf, IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags); /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function BM_MappingHandleFromBuffer @Description utility function to get the BM mapping handle from a BM buffer @Input hBuffer - Handle to BM buffer @Return BM mapping handle **************************************************************************/ IMG_HANDLE BM_MappingHandleFromBuffer(IMG_HANDLE hBuffer); /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function BM_GetVirtualSize @Description utility function to get the VM size of a BM mapping @Input hBMHandle - Handle to BM mapping @Return VM size of mapping **************************************************************************/ IMG_UINT32 BM_GetVirtualSize(IMG_HANDLE hBMHandle); /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function BM_MapPageAtOffset @Description utility function check if the specificed offset in a BM mapping is a page that needs tp be mapped @Input hBMHandle - Handle to BM mapping @Input ui32Offset - Offset into import @Return IMG_TRUE if the page should be mapped **************************************************************************/ IMG_BOOL BM_MapPageAtOffset(IMG_HANDLE hBMHandle, IMG_UINT32 ui32Offset); /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function BM_VirtOffsetToPhyscial @Description utility function find of physical offset of a sparse allocation from it's virtual offset. @Input hBMHandle - Handle to BM mapping @Input ui32VirtOffset - Virtual offset into allocation @Output pui32PhysOffset - Physical offset @Return IMG_TRUE if the virtual offset is physically backed **************************************************************************/ IMG_BOOL BM_VirtOffsetToPhysical(IMG_HANDLE hBMHandle, IMG_UINT32 ui32VirtOffset, IMG_UINT32 *pui32PhysOffset); /* The following are present for the "share mem" workaround for cross-process mapping. This is only valid for a specific use-case, and only tested on Linux (Android) and only superficially at that. Do not rely on this API! */ /* The two "Set" functions set a piece of "global" state in the buffer manager, and "Unset" removes this global state. Therefore, there is no thread-safety here and it's the caller's responsibility to ensure that a mutex is acquired before using these functions or any device memory allocation functions, including, especially, callbacks from RA. */ /* Once a "Share Index" is set by this means, any requests from the RA to import a block of physical memory shall cause the physical memory allocation to be refcounted, and shared iff the IDs chosen match */ /* This API is difficult to use, but saves a lot of plumbing in other APIs. The next generation of this library should have this functionality plumbed in properly */ PVRSRV_ERROR BM_XProcWorkaroundSetShareIndex(IMG_UINT32 ui32Index); PVRSRV_ERROR BM_XProcWorkaroundUnsetShareIndex(IMG_UINT32 ui32Index); PVRSRV_ERROR BM_XProcWorkaroundFindNewBufferAndSetShareIndex(IMG_UINT32 *pui32Index); IMG_INT32 BM_XProcGetShareDataRefCount(IMG_UINT32 ui32Index); #if defined(PVRSRV_REFCOUNT_DEBUG) IMG_VOID _BM_XProcIndexAcquireDebug(const IMG_CHAR *pszFile, IMG_INT iLine, IMG_UINT32 ui32Index); IMG_VOID _BM_XProcIndexReleaseDebug(const IMG_CHAR *pszFile, IMG_INT iLine, IMG_UINT32 ui32Index); #define BM_XProcIndexAcquire(x...) \ _BM_XProcIndexAcquireDebug(__FILE__, __LINE__, x) #define BM_XProcIndexRelease(x...) \ _BM_XProcIndexReleaseDebug(__FILE__, __LINE__, x) #else IMG_VOID _BM_XProcIndexAcquire(IMG_UINT32 ui32Index); IMG_VOID _BM_XProcIndexRelease(IMG_UINT32 ui32Index); #define BM_XProcIndexAcquire(x) \ _BM_XProcIndexAcquire( x) #define BM_XProcIndexRelease(x) \ _BM_XProcIndexRelease( x) #endif static INLINE IMG_CHAR * _BMMappingType (IMG_INT eCpuMemoryOrigin) { switch (eCpuMemoryOrigin) { case hm_wrapped: return "hm_wrapped"; case hm_wrapped_scatter: return "hm_wrapped_scatter"; case hm_wrapped_virtaddr: return "hm_wrapped_virtaddr"; case hm_wrapped_scatter_virtaddr: return "hm_wrapped_scatter_virtaddr"; case hm_env: return "hm_env"; case hm_contiguous: return "hm_contiguous"; } return "junk"; } #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif