path: root/rootdir/init.tuna.rc
diff options
authorLuden <>2016-03-12 10:39:28 +0100
committerZiyan <>2016-04-03 15:19:21 +0200
commit3c60373689a44efea9a87b6cdac148530b02d775 (patch)
tree611ed61a92ec43e393c1ec88b2c0a06ddcf363a1 /rootdir/init.tuna.rc
parent0e66f2b8f1c4330d7d51754be42b40964da69ecd (diff)
Implement SMC initialization.
Note that SMC requires "normal world"-assisted storage that is provided by tf_daemon. Normally it's /data/smc directory, but this doesn't work if one wants both /data encryption and hardware backed disk encryption key storage. Therefore /dsg partition is used to store SMC data. Change-Id: I9ef59d7f045c5c36950d73d5254ba751fb7853cc
Diffstat (limited to 'rootdir/init.tuna.rc')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/rootdir/init.tuna.rc b/rootdir/init.tuna.rc
index 892302a..3d0315f 100755
--- a/rootdir/init.tuna.rc
+++ b/rootdir/init.tuna.rc
@@ -17,11 +17,6 @@ on init
write /sys/kernel/mm/ksm/run 1
on post-fs-data
- mkdir /data/smc 0770 drmrpc drmrpc
- chown drmrpc drmrpc /data/smc/counter.bin
- chown drmrpc drmrpc /data/smc/storage.bin
- chown drmrpc drmrpc /data/smc/system.bin
# camera calibration
mkdir /data/misc/camera 0770 media media
mkdir /data/misc/camera/R5_MVEN003_LD2_ND0_IR0_SH0_FL1_SVEN003_DCCID1044 0770 media media
@@ -51,6 +46,7 @@ on boot
on fs
mkdir /factory 0775 radio radio
+ mkdir /tee 0770 drmrpc drmrpc
mount_all /fstab.tuna
swapon_all /fstab.tuna
@@ -59,6 +55,8 @@ on fs
restorecon_recursive /factory
mount ext4 /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/efs /factory ro remount
+ start tee_fs_setup
# read only 1 page at a time
write /proc/sys/vm/page-cluster 0
@@ -148,7 +146,7 @@ service setup_fs /system/bin/setup_fs \
service tf_daemon /system/bin/tf_daemon \
-d -c /vendor/etc/smc_normal_world_android_cfg.ini
- class main
+ class core
user drmrpc
group drmrpc
@@ -249,6 +247,17 @@ service battery_charger /sbin/healthd -c
seclabel u:r:healthd:s0
+service tee_fs_setup /system/vendor/bin/
+ class core
+ user root
+ group root
+ disabled
+ oneshot
+on property:init.tee_fs.ready=true
+ start smc_pa_wvdrm
+ start tf_daemon
# Allow writing to the kernel trace log. Enabling tracing still requires root.
on property:ro.debuggable=1
chmod 0222 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker