/* * Copyright (C) Texas Instruments - http://www.ti.com/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @file OMXCapture.cpp * * This file contains functionality for handling image capture. * */ #include "CameraHal.h" #include "OMXCameraAdapter.h" #include "ErrorUtils.h" namespace Ti { namespace Camera { status_t OMXCameraAdapter::setParametersCapture(const android::CameraParameters ¶ms, BaseCameraAdapter::AdapterState state) { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; const char *str = NULL; int w, h; OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE pixFormat; CodingMode codingMode = mCodingMode; const char *valstr = NULL; int varint = 0; OMX_TI_STEREOFRAMELAYOUTTYPE capFrmLayout; bool inCaptureState = false; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; OMXCameraPortParameters *cap; cap = &mCameraAdapterParameters.mCameraPortParams[mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex]; capFrmLayout = cap->mFrameLayoutType; #ifndef OMAP_TUNA setParamS3D(mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, params.get(TICameraParameters::KEY_S3D_CAP_FRAME_LAYOUT)); #endif if (capFrmLayout != cap->mFrameLayoutType) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetFormat; } params.getPictureSize(&w, &h); if ( ( w != ( int ) cap->mWidth ) || ( h != ( int ) cap->mHeight ) ) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetFormat; } cap->mWidth = w; cap->mHeight = h; //TODO: Support more pixelformats //cap->mStride = 2; CAMHAL_LOGVB("Image: cap.mWidth = %d", (int)cap->mWidth); CAMHAL_LOGVB("Image: cap.mHeight = %d", (int)cap->mHeight); if ((valstr = params.getPictureFormat()) != NULL) { if (strcmp(valstr, android::CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV422I) == 0) { CAMHAL_LOGDA("CbYCrY format selected"); pixFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatCbYCrY; mPictureFormatFromClient = android::CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV422I; } else if(strcmp(valstr, android::CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420SP) == 0) { CAMHAL_LOGDA("YUV420SP format selected"); pixFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar; mPictureFormatFromClient = android::CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420SP; } else if(strcmp(valstr, android::CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565) == 0) { CAMHAL_LOGDA("RGB565 format selected"); pixFormat = OMX_COLOR_Format16bitRGB565; mPictureFormatFromClient = android::CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565; } else if (strcmp(valstr, android::CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_JPEG) == 0) { CAMHAL_LOGDA("JPEG format selected"); pixFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused; codingMode = CodingJPEG; mPictureFormatFromClient = android::CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_JPEG; } else if (strcmp(valstr, TICameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_JPS) == 0) { CAMHAL_LOGDA("JPS format selected"); pixFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused; codingMode = CodingJPS; mPictureFormatFromClient = TICameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_JPS; } else if (strcmp(valstr, TICameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_MPO) == 0) { CAMHAL_LOGDA("MPO format selected"); pixFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused; codingMode = CodingMPO; mPictureFormatFromClient = TICameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_MPO; } else if (strcmp(valstr, android::CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER_RGGB) == 0) { CAMHAL_LOGDA("RAW Picture format selected"); pixFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatRawBayer10bit; mPictureFormatFromClient = android::CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER_RGGB; } else { CAMHAL_LOGEA("Invalid format, JPEG format selected as default"); pixFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused; codingMode = CodingJPEG; mPictureFormatFromClient = NULL; } } else { CAMHAL_LOGEA("Picture format is NULL, defaulting to JPEG"); pixFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused; codingMode = CodingJPEG; mPictureFormatFromClient = NULL; } #ifdef CAMERAHAL_USE_RAW_IMAGE_SAVING mRawCapture = false; mYuvCapture = false; valstr = params.get(TICameraParameters::KEY_CAP_MODE); if ( (!valstr || strcmp(valstr, TICameraParameters::HIGH_QUALITY_MODE) == 0) && access(kRawImagesOutputDirPath, F_OK) != -1 ) { mRawCapture = true; } if (mRawCapture && (access(kYuvImagesOutputDirPath, F_OK) != -1)) { pixFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatCbYCrY; mYuvCapture = true; } #endif // JPEG capture is not supported in video mode by OMX Camera // Set capture format to yuv422i...jpeg encode will // be done on A9 valstr = params.get(TICameraParameters::KEY_CAP_MODE); if ( (valstr && !strcmp(valstr, (const char *) TICameraParameters::VIDEO_MODE)) && (pixFormat == OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused) ) { CAMHAL_LOGDA("Capturing in video mode...selecting yuv422i"); pixFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatCbYCrY; } if (pixFormat != cap->mColorFormat || codingMode != mCodingMode) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetFormat; cap->mColorFormat = pixFormat; mCodingMode = codingMode; } #ifdef OMAP_ENHANCEMENT str = params.get(TICameraParameters::KEY_TEMP_BRACKETING); if ( ( str != NULL ) && ( strcmp(str, android::CameraParameters::TRUE) == 0 ) ) { if ( !mBracketingSet ) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetExpBracket; } mBracketingSet = true; } else { if ( mBracketingSet ) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetExpBracket; } mBracketingSet = false; } if ( (str = params.get(TICameraParameters::KEY_EXP_BRACKETING_RANGE)) != NULL ) { parseExpRange(str, mExposureBracketingValues, NULL, mExposureGainBracketingModes, EXP_BRACKET_RANGE, mExposureBracketingValidEntries); #ifndef OMAP_TUNA if (mCapMode == OMXCameraAdapter::CP_CAM) { mExposureBracketMode = OMX_BracketVectorShot; } else { #endif mExposureBracketMode = OMX_BracketExposureRelativeInEV; #ifndef OMAP_TUNA } #endif mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetExpBracket; } else if ( (str = params.get(TICameraParameters::KEY_EXP_GAIN_BRACKETING_RANGE)) != NULL) { parseExpRange(str, mExposureBracketingValues, mExposureGainBracketingValues, mExposureGainBracketingModes, EXP_BRACKET_RANGE, mExposureBracketingValidEntries); #ifndef OMAP_TUNA if (mCapMode == OMXCameraAdapter::CP_CAM) { mExposureBracketMode = OMX_BracketVectorShot; } else { #endif mExposureBracketMode = OMX_BracketExposureGainAbsolute; #ifndef OMAP_TUNA } #endif mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetExpBracket; } else { // if bracketing was previously set...we set again before capturing to clear if (mExposureBracketingValidEntries) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetExpBracket; mExposureBracketingValidEntries = 0; } } str = params.get(TICameraParameters::KEY_ZOOM_BRACKETING_RANGE); if ( NULL != str ) { parseExpRange(str, mZoomBracketingValues, NULL, NULL, ZOOM_BRACKET_RANGE, mZoomBracketingValidEntries); mCurrentZoomBracketing = 0; mZoomBracketingEnabled = true; } else { if (mZoomBracketingValidEntries) { mZoomBracketingValidEntries = 0; } mZoomBracketingEnabled = false; } #endif // Flush config queue // If TRUE: Flush queue and abort processing before enqueing valstr = params.get(TICameraParameters::KEY_FLUSH_SHOT_CONFIG_QUEUE); if ( NULL != valstr ) { if ( 0 == strcmp(valstr, android::CameraParameters::TRUE) ) { mFlushShotConfigQueue = true; } else if ( 0 == strcmp(valstr, android::CameraParameters::FALSE) ) { mFlushShotConfigQueue = false; } else { CAMHAL_LOGE("Missing flush shot config parameter. Will use current (%s)", mFlushShotConfigQueue ? "true" : "false"); } } if ( params.getInt(android::CameraParameters::KEY_ROTATION) != -1 ) { if (params.getInt(android::CameraParameters::KEY_ROTATION) != (int) mPictureRotation) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetRotation; } mPictureRotation = params.getInt(android::CameraParameters::KEY_ROTATION); } else { if (mPictureRotation) mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetRotation; mPictureRotation = 0; } CAMHAL_LOGVB("Picture Rotation set %d", mPictureRotation); #ifdef OMAP_ENHANCEMENT // Read Sensor Orientation and set it based on perating mode varint = params.getInt(TICameraParameters::KEY_SENSOR_ORIENTATION); if ( varint != -1 ) { mSensorOrientation = varint; if (mSensorOrientation == 270 ||mSensorOrientation==90) { CAMHAL_LOGEA(" Orientation is 270/90. So setting counter rotation to Ducati"); mSensorOrientation +=180; mSensorOrientation%=360; } } else { mSensorOrientation = 0; } CAMHAL_LOGVB("Sensor Orientation set : %d", mSensorOrientation); #endif #ifdef OMAP_ENHANCEMENT_BURST_CAPTURE varint = params.getInt(TICameraParameters::KEY_BURST); if ( varint >= 1 ) { if (varint != (int) mBurstFrames) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetBurst; } mBurstFrames = varint; } else { if (mBurstFrames != 1) mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetBurst; mBurstFrames = 1; } CAMHAL_LOGVB("Burst Frames set %d", mBurstFrames); #endif varint = params.getInt(android::CameraParameters::KEY_JPEG_QUALITY); if ( varint >= MIN_JPEG_QUALITY && varint <= MAX_JPEG_QUALITY ) { if ((unsigned int)varint != mPictureQuality) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetQuality; mPictureQuality = varint; } } else { if (mPictureQuality != MAX_JPEG_QUALITY) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetQuality; mPictureQuality = MAX_JPEG_QUALITY; } } CAMHAL_LOGVB("Picture Quality set %d", mPictureQuality); varint = params.getInt(android::CameraParameters::KEY_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH); if ( varint >= 0 ) { if ((unsigned int)varint != mThumbWidth) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetThumb; mThumbWidth = varint; } } else { if (mThumbWidth != DEFAULT_THUMB_WIDTH) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetThumb; mThumbWidth = DEFAULT_THUMB_WIDTH; } } CAMHAL_LOGVB("Picture Thumb width set %d", mThumbWidth); varint = params.getInt(android::CameraParameters::KEY_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT); if ( varint >= 0 ) { if ((unsigned int)varint != mThumbHeight) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetThumb; mThumbHeight = varint; } } else { if (mThumbHeight != DEFAULT_THUMB_HEIGHT) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetThumb; mThumbHeight = DEFAULT_THUMB_HEIGHT; } } CAMHAL_LOGVB("Picture Thumb height set %d", mThumbHeight); varint = params.getInt(android::CameraParameters::KEY_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_QUALITY); if ( varint >= MIN_JPEG_QUALITY && varint <= MAX_JPEG_QUALITY ) { if ((unsigned int)varint != mThumbQuality) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetThumb; mThumbQuality = varint; } } else { if (mThumbQuality != MAX_JPEG_QUALITY) { mPendingCaptureSettings |= SetThumb; mThumbQuality = MAX_JPEG_QUALITY; } } CAMHAL_LOGDB("Thumbnail Quality set %d", mThumbQuality); if (mFirstTimeInit) { mPendingCaptureSettings = ECapturesettingsAll; } // we are already capturing and in cpcam mode...just need to enqueue // shots inCaptureState = (CAPTURE_ACTIVE & mAdapterState) && (CAPTURE_ACTIVE & mNextState); if ((mPendingCaptureSettings & ~SetExpBracket) && !inCaptureState) { disableReprocess(); disableImagePort(); if ( NULL != mReleaseImageBuffersCallback ) { mReleaseImageBuffersCallback(mReleaseData); } if (mPendingCaptureSettings & SetFormat) { mPendingCaptureSettings &= ~SetFormat; ret = setFormat(OMX_CAMERA_PORT_IMAGE_OUT_IMAGE, *cap); if ( ret != NO_ERROR ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("setFormat() failed %d", ret); LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; } } } cap = &mCameraAdapterParameters.mCameraPortParams[mCameraAdapterParameters.mVideoPortIndex]; cap->mWidth = params.getInt(TICameraParameters::RAW_WIDTH); cap->mHeight = params.getInt(TICameraParameters::RAW_HEIGHT); LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::getPictureBufferSize(CameraFrame &frame, size_t bufferCount) { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; OMXCameraPortParameters *imgCaptureData = NULL; OMX_ERRORTYPE eError = OMX_ErrorNone; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { imgCaptureData = &mCameraAdapterParameters.mCameraPortParams[mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex]; imgCaptureData->mNumBufs = bufferCount; // check if image port is already configured... // if it already configured then we don't have to query again if (!mCaptureConfigured) { ret = setFormat(OMX_CAMERA_PORT_IMAGE_OUT_IMAGE, *imgCaptureData); } if ( ret == NO_ERROR ) { frame.mLength = imgCaptureData->mBufSize; frame.mWidth = imgCaptureData->mWidth; frame.mHeight = imgCaptureData->mHeight; frame.mAlignment = imgCaptureData->mStride; CAMHAL_LOGDB("getPictureBufferSize: width:%u height:%u alignment:%u length:%u", frame.mWidth, frame.mHeight, frame.mAlignment, frame.mLength); } else { CAMHAL_LOGEB("setFormat() failed 0x%x", ret); } } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; } int OMXCameraAdapter::getBracketingValueMode(const char *a, const char *b) const { BracketingValueMode bvm = BracketingValueAbsolute; if ( (NULL != b) && (NULL != a) && (a < b) && ( (NULL != memchr(a, '+', b - a)) || (NULL != memchr(a, '-', b - a)) ) ) { bvm = BracketingValueRelative; } return bvm; } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::parseExpRange(const char *rangeStr, int *expRange, int *gainRange, int *expGainModes, size_t count, size_t &validEntries) { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; char *end = NULL; const char *startPtr = NULL; size_t i = 0; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; if ( NULL == rangeStr ){ return -EINVAL; } if ( NULL == expRange ){ return -EINVAL; } if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { startPtr = rangeStr; do { // Relative Exposure example: "-30,-10, 0, 10, 30" // Absolute Gain ex. (exposure,gain) pairs: "(100,300),(200,300),(400,300),(800,300),(1600,300)" // Relative Gain ex. (exposure,gain) pairs: "(-30,+0),(-10, +0),(+0,+0),(+10,+0),(+30,+0)" // Forced relative Exposure example: "-30F,-10F, 0F, 10F, 30F" // Forced absolute Gain ex. (exposure,gain) pairs: "(100,300)F,(200,300)F,(400,300)F,(800,300)F,(1600,300)F" // Forced relative Gain ex. (exposure,gain) pairs: "(-30,+0)F,(-10, +0)F,(+0,+0)F,(+10,+0)F,(+30,+0)F" // skip '(' and ',' while ((*startPtr == '(') || (*startPtr == ',')) startPtr++; expRange[i] = (int)strtol(startPtr, &end, 10); if (expGainModes) { // if gainRange is given rangeStr should be (exposure, gain) pair if (gainRange) { int bvm_exp = getBracketingValueMode(startPtr, end); startPtr = end + 1; // for the ',' gainRange[i] = (int)strtol(startPtr, &end, 10); if (BracketingValueAbsolute == bvm_exp) { expGainModes[i] = getBracketingValueMode(startPtr, end); } else { expGainModes[i] = bvm_exp; } } else { expGainModes[i] = BracketingValueCompensation; } } startPtr = end; // skip ')' while (*startPtr == ')') startPtr++; // Check for "forced" key if (expGainModes) { while ((*startPtr == 'F') || (*startPtr == 'f')) { if ( BracketingValueAbsolute == expGainModes[i] ) { expGainModes[i] = BracketingValueAbsoluteForced; } else if ( BracketingValueRelative == expGainModes[i] ) { expGainModes[i] = BracketingValueRelativeForced; } else if ( BracketingValueCompensation == expGainModes[i] ) { expGainModes[i] = BracketingValueCompensationForced; } else { CAMHAL_LOGE("Unexpected old mode 0x%x", expGainModes[i]); } startPtr++; } } i++; } while ((startPtr[0] != '\0') && (i < count)); validEntries = i; } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::doExposureBracketing(int *evValues, int *evValues2, int *evModes2, size_t evCount, size_t frameCount, bool flush, OMX_BRACKETMODETYPE bracketMode) { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; if ( OMX_StateInvalid == mComponentState ) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("OMX component is in invalid state"); ret = -EINVAL; } if ( NULL == evValues ) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("Exposure compensation values pointer is invalid"); ret = -EINVAL; } if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { #ifndef OMAP_TUNA if (bracketMode == OMX_BracketVectorShot) { ret = setVectorShot(evValues, evValues2, evModes2, evCount, frameCount, flush, bracketMode); } else { #endif ret = setExposureBracketing(evValues, evValues2, evCount, frameCount, bracketMode); #ifndef OMAP_TUNA } #endif } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; } #ifndef OMAP_TUNA status_t OMXCameraAdapter::setVectorStop(bool toPreview) { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; OMX_ERRORTYPE eError = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_TI_CONFIG_VECTSHOTSTOPMETHODTYPE vecShotStop; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR(&vecShotStop, OMX_TI_CONFIG_VECTSHOTSTOPMETHODTYPE); vecShotStop.nPortIndex = mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex; if (toPreview) { vecShotStop.eStopMethod = OMX_TI_VECTSHOTSTOPMETHOD_GOTO_PREVIEW; } else { vecShotStop.eStopMethod = OMX_TI_VECTSHOTSTOPMETHOD_WAIT_IN_CAPTURE; } eError = OMX_SetConfig(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_INDEXTYPE) OMX_TI_IndexConfigVectShotStopMethod, &vecShotStop); if (OMX_ErrorNone != eError) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error while configuring bracket shot 0x%x", eError); } else { CAMHAL_LOGDA("Bracket shot configured successfully"); } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return (ret | Utils::ErrorUtils::omxToAndroidError(eError)); } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::initVectorShot() { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; OMX_ERRORTYPE eError = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_CONFIG_CAPTUREMODETYPE expCapMode; OMX_CONFIG_EXTCAPTUREMODETYPE extExpCapMode; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; if (NO_ERROR == ret) { OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (&expCapMode, OMX_CONFIG_CAPTUREMODETYPE); expCapMode.nPortIndex = mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex; expCapMode.bFrameLimited = OMX_FALSE; eError = OMX_SetConfig(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, OMX_IndexConfigCaptureMode, &expCapMode); if (OMX_ErrorNone != eError) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error while configuring capture mode 0x%x", eError); goto exit; } else { CAMHAL_LOGDA("Camera capture mode configured successfully"); } } if (NO_ERROR == ret) { OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (&extExpCapMode, OMX_CONFIG_EXTCAPTUREMODETYPE); extExpCapMode.nPortIndex = mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex; extExpCapMode.bEnableBracketing = OMX_TRUE; extExpCapMode.tBracketConfigType.eBracketMode = OMX_BracketVectorShot; eError = OMX_SetConfig(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, ( OMX_INDEXTYPE ) OMX_IndexConfigExtCaptureMode, &extExpCapMode); if ( OMX_ErrorNone != eError ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error while configuring extended capture mode 0x%x", eError); goto exit; } else { CAMHAL_LOGDA("Extended camera capture mode configured successfully"); } } #ifndef OMAP_TUNA if (NO_ERROR == ret) { // set vector stop method to stop in capture ret = setVectorStop(false); } #endif exit: LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return (ret | Utils::ErrorUtils::omxToAndroidError(eError)); } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::setVectorShot(int *evValues, int *evValues2, int *evModes2, size_t evCount, size_t frameCount, bool flush, OMX_BRACKETMODETYPE bracketMode) { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; OMX_ERRORTYPE eError = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_TI_CONFIG_ENQUEUESHOTCONFIGS enqueueShotConfigs; OMX_TI_CONFIG_QUERYAVAILABLESHOTS queryAvailableShots; bool doFlush = flush; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR(&enqueueShotConfigs, OMX_TI_CONFIG_ENQUEUESHOTCONFIGS); OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR(&queryAvailableShots, OMX_TI_CONFIG_QUERYAVAILABLESHOTS); queryAvailableShots.nPortIndex = mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex; eError = OMX_GetConfig(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_INDEXTYPE) OMX_TI_IndexConfigQueryAvailableShots, &queryAvailableShots); if (OMX_ErrorNone != eError) { CAMHAL_LOGE("Error getting available shots 0x%x", eError); goto exit; } else { CAMHAL_LOGD("AVAILABLE SHOTS: %d", queryAvailableShots.nAvailableShots); if (queryAvailableShots.nAvailableShots < evCount) { // TODO(XXX): Need to implement some logic to handle this error CAMHAL_LOGE("Not enough available shots to fulfill this queue request"); ret = -ENOSPC; goto exit; } } for ( unsigned int confID = 0; confID < evCount; ) { unsigned int i; for ( i = 0 ; (i < ARRAY_SIZE(enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig)) && (confID < evCount); i++, confID++ ) { CAMHAL_LOGD("%2u: (%7d,%4d) mode: %d", confID, evValues[confID], evValues2[confID], evModes2[confID]); enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig[i].nConfigId = confID; enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig[i].nFrames = 1; if ( (BracketingValueCompensation == evModes2[confID]) || (BracketingValueCompensationForced == evModes2[confID]) ) { // EV compensation enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig[i].nEC = evValues[confID]; enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig[i].nExp = 0; enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig[i].nGain = 0; } else { // exposure,gain pair enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig[i].nEC = 0; enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig[i].nExp = evValues[confID]; enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig[i].nGain = evValues2[confID]; } enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig[i].eExpGainApplyMethod = OMX_TI_EXPGAINAPPLYMETHOD_ABSOLUTE; switch (evModes2[confID]) { case BracketingValueAbsolute: // (exp,gain) pairs directly program sensor values default : enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig[i].eExpGainApplyMethod = OMX_TI_EXPGAINAPPLYMETHOD_ABSOLUTE; break; case BracketingValueRelative: // (exp,gain) pairs relative to AE settings and constraints case BracketingValueCompensation: // EV compensation relative to AE settings and constraints enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig[i].eExpGainApplyMethod = OMX_TI_EXPGAINAPPLYMETHOD_RELATIVE; break; case BracketingValueAbsoluteForced: // (exp,gain) pairs directly program sensor values // are forced over constraints due to flicker, etc. enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig[i].eExpGainApplyMethod = OMX_TI_EXPGAINAPPLYMETHOD_FORCE_ABSOLUTE; break; case BracketingValueRelativeForced: // (exp, gain) pairs relative to AE settings AND settings case BracketingValueCompensationForced: // EV compensation relative to AE settings and constraints // are forced over constraints due to flicker, etc. enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig[i].eExpGainApplyMethod = OMX_TI_EXPGAINAPPLYMETHOD_FORCE_RELATIVE; break; } enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig[i].bNoSnapshot = OMX_FALSE; // TODO: Make this configurable } // Repeat last exposure and again if ((confID == evCount) && (evCount > 0) && (frameCount > evCount) && (0 != i)) { enqueueShotConfigs.nShotConfig[i-1].nFrames = frameCount - evCount; } enqueueShotConfigs.nPortIndex = mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex; enqueueShotConfigs.bFlushQueue = doFlush ? OMX_TRUE : OMX_FALSE; enqueueShotConfigs.nNumConfigs = i; eError = OMX_SetConfig(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, ( OMX_INDEXTYPE ) OMX_TI_IndexConfigEnqueueShotConfigs, &enqueueShotConfigs); if ( OMX_ErrorNone != eError ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error while configuring bracket shot 0x%x", eError); goto exit; } else { CAMHAL_LOGDA("Bracket shot configured successfully"); } // Flush only first time doFlush = false; } exit: LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return (ret | Utils::ErrorUtils::omxToAndroidError(eError)); } #endif status_t OMXCameraAdapter::setExposureBracketing(int *evValues, int *evValues2, size_t evCount, size_t frameCount, OMX_BRACKETMODETYPE bracketMode) { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; OMX_ERRORTYPE eError = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_CONFIG_CAPTUREMODETYPE expCapMode; OMX_CONFIG_EXTCAPTUREMODETYPE extExpCapMode; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (&expCapMode, OMX_CONFIG_CAPTUREMODETYPE); expCapMode.nPortIndex = mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex; /// If frameCount>0 but evCount<=0, then this is the case of HQ burst. //Otherwise, it is normal HQ capture ///If frameCount>0 and evCount>0 then this is the cause of HQ Exposure bracketing. if ( 0 == evCount && 0 == frameCount ) { expCapMode.bFrameLimited = OMX_FALSE; } else { expCapMode.bFrameLimited = OMX_TRUE; expCapMode.nFrameLimit = frameCount; } eError = OMX_SetConfig(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, OMX_IndexConfigCaptureMode, &expCapMode); if ( OMX_ErrorNone != eError ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error while configuring capture mode 0x%x", eError); } else { CAMHAL_LOGDA("Camera capture mode configured successfully"); } } if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (&extExpCapMode, OMX_CONFIG_EXTCAPTUREMODETYPE); extExpCapMode.nPortIndex = mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex; if ( 0 == evCount ) { extExpCapMode.bEnableBracketing = OMX_FALSE; } else { extExpCapMode.bEnableBracketing = OMX_TRUE; extExpCapMode.tBracketConfigType.eBracketMode = bracketMode; extExpCapMode.tBracketConfigType.nNbrBracketingValues = evCount - 1; } for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < evCount ; i++ ) { #ifndef OMAP_TUNA if (bracketMode == OMX_BracketExposureGainAbsolute) { extExpCapMode.tBracketConfigType.nBracketValues[i] = evValues[i]; extExpCapMode.tBracketConfigType.nBracketValues2[i] = evValues2[i]; } else { #endif // assuming OMX_BracketExposureRelativeInEV extExpCapMode.tBracketConfigType.nBracketValues[i] = ( evValues[i] * ( 1 << Q16_OFFSET ) ) / 10; #ifndef OMAP_TUNA } #endif } eError = OMX_SetConfig(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, ( OMX_INDEXTYPE ) OMX_IndexConfigExtCaptureMode, &extExpCapMode); if ( OMX_ErrorNone != eError ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error while configuring extended capture mode 0x%x", eError); } else { CAMHAL_LOGDA("Extended camera capture mode configured successfully"); } } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::setShutterCallback(bool enabled) { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; OMX_ERRORTYPE eError = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_CONFIG_CALLBACKREQUESTTYPE shutterRequstCallback; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; if ( OMX_StateExecuting != mComponentState ) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("OMX component not in executing state"); ret = -1; } if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (&shutterRequstCallback, OMX_CONFIG_CALLBACKREQUESTTYPE); shutterRequstCallback.nPortIndex = OMX_ALL; if ( enabled ) { shutterRequstCallback.bEnable = OMX_TRUE; shutterRequstCallback.nIndex = ( OMX_INDEXTYPE ) OMX_TI_IndexConfigShutterCallback; CAMHAL_LOGDA("Enabling shutter callback"); } else { shutterRequstCallback.bEnable = OMX_FALSE; shutterRequstCallback.nIndex = ( OMX_INDEXTYPE ) OMX_TI_IndexConfigShutterCallback; CAMHAL_LOGDA("Disabling shutter callback"); } eError = OMX_SetConfig(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, ( OMX_INDEXTYPE ) OMX_IndexConfigCallbackRequest, &shutterRequstCallback); if ( OMX_ErrorNone != eError ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error registering shutter callback 0x%x", eError); ret = -1; } else { CAMHAL_LOGDB("Shutter callback for index 0x%x registered successfully", OMX_TI_IndexConfigShutterCallback); } } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::doBracketing(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *pBuffHeader, CameraFrame::FrameType typeOfFrame) { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; int currentBufferIdx, nextBufferIdx; OMXCameraPortParameters * imgCaptureData = NULL; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; imgCaptureData = &mCameraAdapterParameters.mCameraPortParams[mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex]; if ( OMX_StateExecuting != mComponentState ) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("OMX component is not in executing state"); ret = -EINVAL; } if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { CameraBuffer *buffer = (CameraBuffer *)pBuffHeader->pAppPrivate; currentBufferIdx = buffer->index; if ( currentBufferIdx >= imgCaptureData->mNumBufs) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Invalid bracketing buffer index 0x%x", currentBufferIdx); ret = -EINVAL; } } if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { mBracketingBuffersQueued[currentBufferIdx] = false; mBracketingBuffersQueuedCount--; if ( 0 >= mBracketingBuffersQueuedCount ) { nextBufferIdx = ( currentBufferIdx + 1 ) % imgCaptureData->mNumBufs; mBracketingBuffersQueued[nextBufferIdx] = true; mBracketingBuffersQueuedCount++; mLastBracetingBufferIdx = nextBufferIdx; setFrameRefCount((CameraBuffer *)imgCaptureData->mBufferHeader[nextBufferIdx]->pAppPrivate, typeOfFrame, 1); returnFrame((CameraBuffer *)imgCaptureData->mBufferHeader[nextBufferIdx]->pAppPrivate, typeOfFrame); } } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::sendBracketFrames(size_t &framesSent) { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; int currentBufferIdx; OMXCameraPortParameters * imgCaptureData = NULL; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; imgCaptureData = &mCameraAdapterParameters.mCameraPortParams[mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex]; framesSent = 0; if ( OMX_StateExecuting != mComponentState ) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("OMX component is not in executing state"); ret = -EINVAL; } if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { currentBufferIdx = mLastBracetingBufferIdx; do { currentBufferIdx++; currentBufferIdx %= imgCaptureData->mNumBufs; if (!mBracketingBuffersQueued[currentBufferIdx] ) { CameraFrame cameraFrame; sendCallBacks(cameraFrame, imgCaptureData->mBufferHeader[currentBufferIdx], imgCaptureData->mImageType, imgCaptureData); framesSent++; } } while ( currentBufferIdx != mLastBracetingBufferIdx ); } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::startBracketing(int range) { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; OMXCameraPortParameters * imgCaptureData = NULL; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; imgCaptureData = &mCameraAdapterParameters.mCameraPortParams[mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex]; if ( OMX_StateExecuting != mComponentState ) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("OMX component is not in executing state"); ret = -EINVAL; } { android::AutoMutex lock(mBracketingLock); if ( mBracketingEnabled ) { return ret; } } if ( 0 == imgCaptureData->mNumBufs ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Image capture buffers set to %d", imgCaptureData->mNumBufs); ret = -EINVAL; } if ( mPending3Asettings ) apply3Asettings(mParameters3A); if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { android::AutoMutex lock(mBracketingLock); mBracketingRange = range; mBracketingBuffersQueued = new bool[imgCaptureData->mNumBufs]; if ( NULL == mBracketingBuffersQueued ) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("Unable to allocate bracketing management structures"); ret = -1; } if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { mBracketingBuffersQueuedCount = imgCaptureData->mNumBufs; mBurstFramesAccum = imgCaptureData->mNumBufs; mLastBracetingBufferIdx = mBracketingBuffersQueuedCount - 1; for ( int i = 0 ; i < imgCaptureData->mNumBufs ; i++ ) { mBracketingBuffersQueued[i] = true; } } } if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { CachedCaptureParameters* cap_params = cacheCaptureParameters(); ret = startImageCapture(true, cap_params); delete cap_params; { android::AutoMutex lock(mBracketingLock); if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { mBracketingEnabled = true; } else { mBracketingEnabled = false; } } } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::stopBracketing() { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; ret = stopImageCapture(); android::AutoMutex lock(mBracketingLock); if ( NULL != mBracketingBuffersQueued ) { delete [] mBracketingBuffersQueued; } mBracketingBuffersQueued = NULL; mBracketingEnabled = false; mBracketingBuffersQueuedCount = 0; mLastBracetingBufferIdx = 0; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::startImageCapture(bool bracketing, CachedCaptureParameters* capParams) { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; OMX_ERRORTYPE eError = OMX_ErrorNone; OMXCameraPortParameters * capData = NULL; OMX_CONFIG_BOOLEANTYPE bOMX; size_t bracketingSent = 0; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; android::AutoMutex lock(mImageCaptureLock); if(!mCaptureConfigured) { ///Image capture was cancelled before we could start return NO_ERROR; } if ( 0 != mStartCaptureSem.Count() ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error mStartCaptureSem semaphore count %d", mStartCaptureSem.Count()); return NO_INIT; } if ( !bracketing ) { if ((getNextState() & (CAPTURE_ACTIVE|BRACKETING_ACTIVE)) == 0) { CAMHAL_LOGDA("trying starting capture when already canceled"); return NO_ERROR; } } if (!capParams) { CAMHAL_LOGE("Invalid cached parameters sent!"); return BAD_VALUE; } // Camera framework doesn't expect face callbacks once capture is triggered pauseFaceDetection(true); //During bracketing image capture is already active { android::AutoMutex lock(mBracketingLock); if ( mBracketingEnabled ) { //Stop bracketing, activate normal burst for the remaining images mBracketingEnabled = false; ret = sendBracketFrames(bracketingSent); // Check if we accumulated enough buffers if ( bracketingSent < ( mBracketingRange - 1 ) ) { mCapturedFrames = mBracketingRange + ( ( mBracketingRange - 1 ) - bracketingSent ); } else { mCapturedFrames = mBracketingRange; } mBurstFramesQueued = 0; mBurstFramesAccum = mCapturedFrames; if(ret != NO_ERROR) goto EXIT; else return ret; } } if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { if (capParams->mPendingCaptureSettings & SetRotation) { mPendingCaptureSettings &= ~SetRotation; ret = setPictureRotation(mPictureRotation); if ( NO_ERROR != ret ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error configuring image rotation %x", ret); } } if (capParams->mPendingCaptureSettings & (SetBurst|SetExpBracket)) { mPendingCaptureSettings &= ~(SetExpBracket|SetBurst); if ( mBracketingSet ) { ret = doExposureBracketing(capParams->mExposureBracketingValues, capParams->mExposureGainBracketingValues, capParams->mExposureGainBracketingModes, 0, 0, capParams->mFlushShotConfigQueue, capParams->mExposureBracketMode); } else { ret = doExposureBracketing(capParams->mExposureBracketingValues, capParams->mExposureGainBracketingValues, capParams->mExposureGainBracketingModes, capParams->mExposureBracketingValidEntries, capParams->mBurstFrames, capParams->mFlushShotConfigQueue, capParams->mExposureBracketMode); } if ( ret != NO_ERROR ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("setExposureBracketing() failed %d", ret); goto EXIT; } } } capData = &mCameraAdapterParameters.mCameraPortParams[mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex]; //OMX shutter callback events are only available in hq mode if ( (HIGH_QUALITY == mCapMode) || (HIGH_QUALITY_ZSL== mCapMode)) { if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { ret = RegisterForEvent(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_EVENTTYPE) OMX_EventIndexSettingChanged, OMX_ALL, OMX_TI_IndexConfigShutterCallback, mStartCaptureSem); } if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { ret = setShutterCallback(true); } } if (mPending3Asettings) { apply3Asettings(mParameters3A); } // check is we are already in capture state...which means we are // accumulating shots if ((ret == NO_ERROR) && (mBurstFramesQueued > 0)) { int index = 0; int queued = 0; android::AutoMutex lock(mBurstLock); if (capParams->mFlushShotConfigQueue) { // reset shot queue mCapturedFrames = mBurstFrames; mBurstFramesAccum = mBurstFrames; mBurstFramesQueued = 0; for ( int index = 0 ; index < capData->mNumBufs ; index++ ) { if (OMXCameraPortParameters::FILL == capData->mStatus[index]) { mBurstFramesQueued++; } } } else { mCapturedFrames += mBurstFrames; mBurstFramesAccum += mBurstFrames; } while ((mBurstFramesQueued < mBurstFramesAccum) && (index < capData->mNumBufs) && (queued < capData->mMaxQueueable)) { if (capData->mStatus[index] == OMXCameraPortParameters::IDLE) { CAMHAL_LOGDB("Queuing buffer on Capture port - %p", capData->mBufferHeader[index]->pBuffer); capData->mStatus[index] = OMXCameraPortParameters::FILL; eError = OMX_FillThisBuffer(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*)capData->mBufferHeader[index]); GOTO_EXIT_IF((eError!=OMX_ErrorNone), eError); mBurstFramesQueued++; queued++; } else if (OMXCameraPortParameters::FILL == capData->mStatus[index]) { queued++; } index++; } } else if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { ///Queue all the buffers on capture port for ( int index = 0 ; index < capData->mMaxQueueable ; index++ ) { if (mBurstFramesQueued < mBurstFramesAccum) { CAMHAL_LOGDB("Queuing buffer on Capture port - %p", capData->mBufferHeader[index]->pBuffer); capData->mStatus[index] = OMXCameraPortParameters::FILL; eError = OMX_FillThisBuffer(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*)capData->mBufferHeader[index]); mBurstFramesQueued++; } else { capData->mStatus[index] = OMXCameraPortParameters::IDLE; } GOTO_EXIT_IF((eError!=OMX_ErrorNone), eError); } #ifdef CAMERAHAL_USE_RAW_IMAGE_SAVING if (mRawCapture) { capData = &mCameraAdapterParameters.mCameraPortParams[mCameraAdapterParameters.mVideoPortIndex]; ///Queue all the buffers on capture port for ( int index = 0 ; index < capData->mNumBufs ; index++ ) { CAMHAL_LOGDB("Queuing buffer on Video port (for RAW capture) - 0x%x", ( unsigned int ) capData->mBufferHeader[index]->pBuffer); capData->mStatus[index] = OMXCameraPortParameters::FILL; eError = OMX_FillThisBuffer(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*)capData->mBufferHeader[index]); GOTO_EXIT_IF((eError!=OMX_ErrorNone), eError); } } #endif mWaitingForSnapshot = true; mCaptureSignalled = false; mPendingCaptureSettings &= ~SetBurst; // Capturing command is not needed when capturing in video mode // Only need to queue buffers on image ports if (mCapMode != VIDEO_MODE) { OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (&bOMX, OMX_CONFIG_BOOLEANTYPE); bOMX.bEnabled = OMX_TRUE; /// sending Capturing Command to the component eError = OMX_SetConfig(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, OMX_IndexConfigCapturing, &bOMX); CAMHAL_LOGDB("Capture set - 0x%x", eError); GOTO_EXIT_IF((eError!=OMX_ErrorNone), eError); } } //OMX shutter callback events are only available in hq mode if ( (HIGH_QUALITY == mCapMode) || (HIGH_QUALITY_ZSL== mCapMode)) { if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { ret = mStartCaptureSem.WaitTimeout(OMX_CAPTURE_TIMEOUT); } //If something bad happened while we wait if (mComponentState != OMX_StateExecuting) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("Invalid State after Image Capture Exitting!!!"); goto EXIT; } if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { CAMHAL_LOGDA("Shutter callback received"); notifyShutterSubscribers(); } else { ret |= RemoveEvent(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_EVENTTYPE) OMX_EventIndexSettingChanged, OMX_ALL, OMX_TI_IndexConfigShutterCallback, NULL); CAMHAL_LOGEA("Timeout expired on shutter callback"); goto EXIT; } } return (ret | Utils::ErrorUtils::omxToAndroidError(eError)); EXIT: CAMHAL_LOGEB("Exiting function %s because of ret %d eError=%x", __FUNCTION__, ret, eError); mWaitingForSnapshot = false; mCaptureSignalled = false; performCleanupAfterError(); LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return (ret | Utils::ErrorUtils::omxToAndroidError(eError)); } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::stopImageCapture() { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; OMX_ERRORTYPE eError = OMX_ErrorNone; OMX_CONFIG_BOOLEANTYPE bOMX; OMXCameraPortParameters *imgCaptureData = NULL; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; android::AutoMutex lock(mImageCaptureLock); if (!mCaptureConfigured) { //Capture is not ongoing, return from here return NO_ERROR; } if ( 0 != mStopCaptureSem.Count() ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error mStopCaptureSem semaphore count %d", mStopCaptureSem.Count()); goto EXIT; } // TODO(XXX): Reprocessing is currently piggy-backing capture commands if (mAdapterState == REPROCESS_STATE) { ret = stopReprocess(); } //Disable the callback first mWaitingForSnapshot = false; // OMX shutter callback events are only available in hq mode if ((HIGH_QUALITY == mCapMode) || (HIGH_QUALITY_ZSL== mCapMode)) { //Disable the callback first ret = setShutterCallback(false); // if anybody is waiting on the shutter callback // signal them and then recreate the semaphore if ( 0 != mStartCaptureSem.Count() ) { for (int i = mStartCaptureSem.Count(); i < 0; i++) { ret |= SignalEvent(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_EVENTTYPE) OMX_EventIndexSettingChanged, OMX_ALL, OMX_TI_IndexConfigShutterCallback, NULL ); } mStartCaptureSem.Create(0); } } #ifndef OMAP_TUNA else if (CP_CAM == mCapMode) { // Reset shot config queue OMX_TI_CONFIG_ENQUEUESHOTCONFIGS resetShotConfigs; OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR(&resetShotConfigs, OMX_TI_CONFIG_ENQUEUESHOTCONFIGS); resetShotConfigs.nPortIndex = mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex; resetShotConfigs.bFlushQueue = OMX_TRUE; resetShotConfigs.nNumConfigs = 0; eError = OMX_SetConfig(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, ( OMX_INDEXTYPE ) OMX_TI_IndexConfigEnqueueShotConfigs, &resetShotConfigs); if ( OMX_ErrorNone != eError ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error while reset shot config 0x%x", eError); goto EXIT; } else { CAMHAL_LOGDA("Shot config reset successfully"); } } #endif //Wait here for the capture to be done, in worst case timeout and proceed with cleanup mCaptureSem.WaitTimeout(OMX_CAPTURE_TIMEOUT); //If somethiing bad happened while we wait if (mComponentState == OMX_StateInvalid) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("Invalid State Image Capture Stop Exitting!!!"); goto EXIT; } // Disable image capture // Capturing command is not needed when capturing in video mode if (mCapMode != VIDEO_MODE) { OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (&bOMX, OMX_CONFIG_BOOLEANTYPE); bOMX.bEnabled = OMX_FALSE; imgCaptureData = &mCameraAdapterParameters.mCameraPortParams[mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex]; eError = OMX_SetConfig(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, OMX_IndexConfigCapturing, &bOMX); if ( OMX_ErrorNone != eError ) { CAMHAL_LOGDB("Error during SetConfig- 0x%x", eError); ret = -1; goto EXIT; } } // Disable WB and vector shot extra data for metadata setExtraData(false, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, OMX_WhiteBalance); // TODO: WA: if domx client disables VectShotInfo metadata on the image port, this causes // VectShotInfo to be disabled internally on preview port also. Remove setting in OMXCapture // setExtraData(false, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, OMX_TI_VectShotInfo); #ifndef OMAP_TUNA setExtraData(false, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, OMX_TI_LSCTable); #endif CAMHAL_LOGDB("Capture set - 0x%x", eError); mCaptureSignalled = true; //set this to true if we exited because of timeout { android::AutoMutex lock(mFrameCountMutex); mFrameCount = 0; mFirstFrameCondition.broadcast(); } // Stop is always signalled externally in CPCAM mode // We need to make sure we really stop if ((mCapMode == CP_CAM)) { disableReprocess(); disableImagePort(); if ( NULL != mReleaseImageBuffersCallback ) { mReleaseImageBuffersCallback(mReleaseData); } } // Moving code for below commit here as an optimization for continuous capture, // so focus settings don't have to reapplied after each capture // c78fa2a CameraHAL: Always reset focus mode after capture // Workaround when doing many consecutive shots, CAF wasn't getting restarted. mPending3Asettings |= SetFocus; return (ret | Utils::ErrorUtils::omxToAndroidError(eError)); EXIT: CAMHAL_LOGEB("Exiting function %s because of ret %d eError=%x", __FUNCTION__, ret, eError); //Release image buffers if ( NULL != mReleaseImageBuffersCallback ) { mReleaseImageBuffersCallback(mReleaseData); } { android::AutoMutex lock(mFrameCountMutex); mFrameCount = 0; mFirstFrameCondition.broadcast(); } performCleanupAfterError(); LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return (ret | Utils::ErrorUtils::omxToAndroidError(eError)); } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::disableImagePort(){ status_t ret = NO_ERROR; OMX_ERRORTYPE eError = OMX_ErrorNone; OMXCameraPortParameters *imgCaptureData = NULL; OMXCameraPortParameters *imgRawCaptureData = NULL; if (!mCaptureConfigured) { return NO_ERROR; } mCaptureConfigured = false; imgCaptureData = &mCameraAdapterParameters.mCameraPortParams[mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex]; imgRawCaptureData = &mCameraAdapterParameters.mCameraPortParams[mCameraAdapterParameters.mVideoPortIndex]; // for RAW capture ///Register for Image port Disable event ret = RegisterForEvent(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, OMX_EventCmdComplete, OMX_CommandPortDisable, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, mStopCaptureSem); ///Disable Capture Port eError = OMX_SendCommand(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, OMX_CommandPortDisable, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, NULL); ///Free all the buffers on capture port if (imgCaptureData) { CAMHAL_LOGDB("Freeing buffer on Capture port - %d", imgCaptureData->mNumBufs); for ( int index = 0 ; index < imgCaptureData->mNumBufs ; index++) { CAMHAL_LOGDB("Freeing buffer on Capture port - 0x%x", ( unsigned int ) imgCaptureData->mBufferHeader[index]->pBuffer); eError = OMX_FreeBuffer(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*)imgCaptureData->mBufferHeader[index]); GOTO_EXIT_IF((eError!=OMX_ErrorNone), eError); } } CAMHAL_LOGDA("Waiting for port disable"); //Wait for the image port enable event ret = mStopCaptureSem.WaitTimeout(OMX_CMD_TIMEOUT); //If somethiing bad happened while we wait if (mComponentState == OMX_StateInvalid) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("Invalid State after Disable Image Port Exitting!!!"); goto EXIT; } if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { CAMHAL_LOGDA("Port disabled"); } else { ret |= RemoveEvent(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, OMX_EventCmdComplete, OMX_CommandPortDisable, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, NULL); CAMHAL_LOGDA("Timeout expired on port disable"); goto EXIT; } deinitInternalBuffers(mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex); #ifdef CAMERAHAL_USE_RAW_IMAGE_SAVING if (mRawCapture) { ///Register for Video port Disable event ret = RegisterForEvent(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, OMX_EventCmdComplete, OMX_CommandPortDisable, mCameraAdapterParameters.mVideoPortIndex, mStopCaptureSem); ///Disable RawCapture Port eError = OMX_SendCommand(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, OMX_CommandPortDisable, mCameraAdapterParameters.mVideoPortIndex, NULL); GOTO_EXIT_IF((eError!=OMX_ErrorNone), eError); ///Free all the buffers on RawCapture port if (imgRawCaptureData) { CAMHAL_LOGDB("Freeing buffer on Capture port - %d", imgRawCaptureData->mNumBufs); for ( int index = 0 ; index < imgRawCaptureData->mNumBufs ; index++) { CAMHAL_LOGDB("Freeing buffer on Capture port - 0x%x", ( unsigned int ) imgRawCaptureData->mBufferHeader[index]->pBuffer); eError = OMX_FreeBuffer(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, mCameraAdapterParameters.mVideoPortIndex, (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*)imgRawCaptureData->mBufferHeader[index]); GOTO_EXIT_IF((eError!=OMX_ErrorNone), eError); } } CAMHAL_LOGDA("Waiting for Video port disable"); //Wait for the image port enable event mStopCaptureSem.WaitTimeout(OMX_CMD_TIMEOUT); CAMHAL_LOGDA("Video Port disabled"); } #endif EXIT: return (ret | Utils::ErrorUtils::omxToAndroidError(eError)); } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::initInternalBuffers(OMX_U32 portIndex) { OMX_ERRORTYPE eError = OMX_ErrorNone; int index = 0; #ifndef OMAP_TUNA OMX_TI_PARAM_USEBUFFERDESCRIPTOR bufferdesc; /* Indicate to Ducati that we're planning to use dynamically-mapped buffers */ OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (&bufferdesc, OMX_TI_PARAM_USEBUFFERDESCRIPTOR); bufferdesc.nPortIndex = portIndex; bufferdesc.bEnabled = OMX_FALSE; bufferdesc.eBufferType = OMX_TI_BufferTypePhysicalPageList; eError = OMX_SetParameter(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_INDEXTYPE) OMX_TI_IndexUseBufferDescriptor, &bufferdesc); if (eError!=OMX_ErrorNone) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("OMX_SetParameter - %x", eError); return -EINVAL; } CAMHAL_LOGDA("Initializing internal buffers"); do { OMX_TI_PARAM_COMPONENTBUFALLOCTYPE bufferalloc; OMX_TI_PARAM_COMPONENTBUFALLOCTYPE bufferallocset; OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (&bufferalloc, OMX_TI_PARAM_COMPONENTBUFALLOCTYPE); bufferalloc.nPortIndex = portIndex; bufferalloc.nIndex = index; eError = OMX_GetParameter (mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_INDEXTYPE)OMX_TI_IndexParamComponentBufferAllocation, &bufferalloc); if (eError == OMX_ErrorNoMore) { return NO_ERROR; } if (eError != OMX_ErrorNone) { CAMHAL_LOGE("GetParameter failed error = 0x%x", eError); break; } CAMHAL_LOGDB("Requesting buftype %d of size %dx%d", (int)bufferalloc.eBufType, (int)bufferalloc.nAllocWidth, (int)bufferalloc.nAllocLines); bufferalloc.eBufType = OMX_TI_BufferTypeHardwareReserved1D; OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (&bufferallocset, OMX_TI_PARAM_COMPONENTBUFALLOCTYPE); bufferallocset.nPortIndex = portIndex; bufferallocset.nIndex = index; bufferallocset.eBufType = OMX_TI_BufferTypeHardwareReserved1D; bufferallocset.nAllocWidth = bufferalloc.nAllocWidth; bufferallocset.nAllocLines = bufferalloc.nAllocLines; eError = OMX_SetParameter (mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_INDEXTYPE)OMX_TI_IndexParamComponentBufferAllocation, &bufferallocset); if (eError != OMX_ErrorNone) { CAMHAL_LOGE("SetParameter failed, error=%08x", eError); if (eError == OMX_ErrorNoMore) return NO_ERROR; break; } index++; /* 1 is an arbitrary limit */ } while (index < 1); CAMHAL_LOGV("Ducati requested too many (>1) internal buffers"); return -EINVAL; #endif return NO_ERROR; } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::deinitInternalBuffers(OMX_U32 portIndex) { OMX_ERRORTYPE eError = OMX_ErrorNone; #ifndef OMAP_TUNA OMX_TI_PARAM_USEBUFFERDESCRIPTOR bufferdesc; OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (&bufferdesc, OMX_TI_PARAM_USEBUFFERDESCRIPTOR); bufferdesc.nPortIndex = portIndex; bufferdesc.bEnabled = OMX_FALSE; bufferdesc.eBufferType = OMX_TI_BufferTypeDefault; eError = OMX_SetParameter(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_INDEXTYPE) OMX_TI_IndexUseBufferDescriptor, &bufferdesc); if (eError!=OMX_ErrorNone) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("OMX_SetParameter - %x", eError); return -EINVAL; } OMX_TI_PARAM_COMPONENTBUFALLOCTYPE bufferalloc; OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (&bufferalloc, OMX_TI_PARAM_COMPONENTBUFALLOCTYPE); bufferalloc.nPortIndex = portIndex; bufferalloc.eBufType = OMX_TI_BufferTypeDefault; bufferalloc.nAllocWidth = 1; bufferalloc.nAllocLines = 1; eError = OMX_SetParameter(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_INDEXTYPE) OMX_TI_IndexParamComponentBufferAllocation, &bufferalloc); #endif if (eError!=OMX_ErrorNone) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("OMX_SetParameter - %x", eError); return -EINVAL; } return Utils::ErrorUtils::omxToAndroidError(eError); } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::UseBuffersCapture(CameraBuffer * bufArr, int num) { LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; status_t ret = NO_ERROR; OMX_ERRORTYPE eError = OMX_ErrorNone; OMXCameraPortParameters * imgCaptureData = NULL; OMXCameraPortParameters cap; imgCaptureData = &mCameraAdapterParameters.mCameraPortParams[mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex]; if ( 0 != mUseCaptureSem.Count() ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error mUseCaptureSem semaphore count %d", mUseCaptureSem.Count()); return BAD_VALUE; } // capture is already configured...we can skip this step if (mCaptureConfigured) { if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { ret = setupEXIF(); if ( NO_ERROR != ret ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error configuring EXIF Buffer %x", ret); } } mCapturedFrames = mBurstFrames; mBurstFramesQueued = 0; return NO_ERROR; } imgCaptureData->mNumBufs = num; //TODO: Support more pixelformats CAMHAL_LOGDB("Params Width = %d", (int)imgCaptureData->mWidth); CAMHAL_LOGDB("Params Height = %d", (int)imgCaptureData->mHeight); if (mPendingCaptureSettings & SetFormat) { mPendingCaptureSettings &= ~SetFormat; ret = setFormat(OMX_CAMERA_PORT_IMAGE_OUT_IMAGE, *imgCaptureData); if ( ret != NO_ERROR ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("setFormat() failed %d", ret); LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; } } if (mPendingCaptureSettings & SetThumb) { mPendingCaptureSettings &= ~SetThumb; ret = setThumbnailParams(mThumbWidth, mThumbHeight, mThumbQuality); if ( NO_ERROR != ret) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error configuring thumbnail size %x", ret); return ret; } } if (mPendingCaptureSettings & SetQuality) { mPendingCaptureSettings &= ~SetQuality; ret = setImageQuality(mPictureQuality); if ( NO_ERROR != ret) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error configuring image quality %x", ret); goto EXIT; } } // assuming if buffers are from ANW that they will be pagelist buffers // and need a tiler reservation if (bufArr[0].type == CAMERA_BUFFER_ANW) { initInternalBuffers(mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex); } ///Register for Image port ENABLE event ret = RegisterForEvent(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, OMX_EventCmdComplete, OMX_CommandPortEnable, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, mUseCaptureSem); ///Enable Capture Port eError = OMX_SendCommand(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, OMX_CommandPortEnable, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, NULL); CAMHAL_LOGDB("OMX_UseBuffer = 0x%x", eError); GOTO_EXIT_IF(( eError != OMX_ErrorNone ), eError); // Configure DOMX to use either gralloc handles or vptrs if ((imgCaptureData->mNumBufs > 0)) { OMX_TI_PARAMUSENATIVEBUFFER domxUseGrallocHandles; OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (&domxUseGrallocHandles, OMX_TI_PARAMUSENATIVEBUFFER); domxUseGrallocHandles.nPortIndex = mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex; if (bufArr[0].type == CAMERA_BUFFER_ANW) { CAMHAL_LOGD ("Using ANW Buffers"); domxUseGrallocHandles.bEnable = OMX_TRUE; } else { CAMHAL_LOGD ("Using ION Buffers"); domxUseGrallocHandles.bEnable = OMX_FALSE; } eError = OMX_SetParameter(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_INDEXTYPE)OMX_TI_IndexUseNativeBuffers, &domxUseGrallocHandles); if (eError!=OMX_ErrorNone) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("OMX_SetParameter - %x", eError); } GOTO_EXIT_IF((eError!=OMX_ErrorNone), eError); } for ( int index = 0 ; index < imgCaptureData->mNumBufs ; index++ ) { OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *pBufferHdr; CAMHAL_LOGDB("OMX_UseBuffer Capture address: 0x%x, size = %d", (unsigned int)bufArr[index].opaque, (int)imgCaptureData->mBufSize); eError = OMX_UseBuffer(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, &pBufferHdr, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, 0, imgCaptureData->mBufSize, (OMX_U8*)camera_buffer_get_omx_ptr(&bufArr[index])); CAMHAL_LOGDB("OMX_UseBuffer = 0x%x", eError); GOTO_EXIT_IF(( eError != OMX_ErrorNone ), eError); pBufferHdr->pAppPrivate = (OMX_PTR) &bufArr[index]; bufArr[index].index = index; pBufferHdr->nSize = sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE); pBufferHdr->nVersion.s.nVersionMajor = 1 ; pBufferHdr->nVersion.s.nVersionMinor = 1 ; pBufferHdr->nVersion.s.nRevision = 0; pBufferHdr->nVersion.s.nStep = 0; imgCaptureData->mBufferHeader[index] = pBufferHdr; } //Wait for the image port enable event CAMHAL_LOGDA("Waiting for port enable"); ret = mUseCaptureSem.WaitTimeout(OMX_CMD_TIMEOUT); //If somethiing bad happened while we wait if (mComponentState == OMX_StateInvalid) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("Invalid State after Enable Image Port Exitting!!!"); goto EXIT; } if ( ret == NO_ERROR ) { CAMHAL_LOGDA("Port enabled"); } else { ret |= RemoveEvent(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, OMX_EventCmdComplete, OMX_CommandPortEnable, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, NULL); CAMHAL_LOGDA("Timeout expired on port enable"); goto EXIT; } if ( NO_ERROR == ret ) { ret = setupEXIF(); if ( NO_ERROR != ret ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error configuring EXIF Buffer %x", ret); } } // Enable WB and vector shot extra data for metadata setExtraData(true, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, OMX_WhiteBalance); // TODO: WA: if domx client disables VectShotInfo metadata on the image port, this causes // VectShotInfo to be disabled internally on preview port also. Remove setting in OMXCapture // setExtraData(true, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, OMX_TI_VectShotInfo); #ifndef OMAP_TUNA setExtraData(true, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, OMX_TI_LSCTable); // CPCam mode only supports vector shot // Regular capture is not supported if (mCapMode == CP_CAM) initVectorShot(); // Choose proper single preview mode for cpcapture capture (reproc or hs) if (( NO_ERROR == ret) && (OMXCameraAdapter::CP_CAM == mCapMode)) { OMX_TI_CONFIG_SINGLEPREVIEWMODETYPE singlePrevMode; OMX_INIT_STRUCT_PTR (&singlePrevMode, OMX_TI_CONFIG_SINGLEPREVIEWMODETYPE); if (mNextState == LOADED_CAPTURE_STATE) { singlePrevMode.eMode = OMX_TI_SinglePreviewMode_ImageCaptureHighSpeed; } else if (mNextState == LOADED_REPROCESS_CAPTURE_STATE) { singlePrevMode.eMode = OMX_TI_SinglePreviewMode_Reprocess; } else { CAMHAL_LOGE("Wrong state trying to start a capture in CPCAM mode?"); singlePrevMode.eMode = OMX_TI_SinglePreviewMode_ImageCaptureHighSpeed; } eError = OMX_SetConfig(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_INDEXTYPE) OMX_TI_IndexConfigSinglePreviewMode, &singlePrevMode); if ( OMX_ErrorNone != eError ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error while configuring single preview mode 0x%x", eError); ret = Utils::ErrorUtils::omxToAndroidError(eError); } else { CAMHAL_LOGDA("single preview mode configured successfully"); } } #endif mCapturedFrames = mBurstFrames; mBurstFramesAccum = mBurstFrames; mBurstFramesQueued = 0; mCaptureConfigured = true; #ifdef CAMERAHAL_USE_RAW_IMAGE_SAVING if (mRawCapture) { mCaptureConfigured = false; } #endif return (ret | Utils::ErrorUtils::omxToAndroidError(eError)); EXIT: CAMHAL_LOGEB("Exiting function %s because of ret %d eError=%x", __FUNCTION__, ret, eError); setExtraData(false, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, OMX_WhiteBalance); // TODO: WA: if domx client disables VectShotInfo metadata on the image port, this causes // VectShotInfo to be disabled internally on preview port also. Remove setting in OMXCapture // setExtraData(false, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, OMX_TI_VectShotInfo); #ifndef OMAP_TUNA setExtraData(false, mCameraAdapterParameters.mImagePortIndex, OMX_TI_LSCTable); #endif //Release image buffers if ( NULL != mReleaseImageBuffersCallback ) { mReleaseImageBuffersCallback(mReleaseData); } performCleanupAfterError(); LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return (ret | Utils::ErrorUtils::omxToAndroidError(eError)); } status_t OMXCameraAdapter::UseBuffersRawCapture(CameraBuffer *bufArr, int num) { LOG_FUNCTION_NAME status_t ret; OMX_ERRORTYPE eError; OMXCameraPortParameters * imgRawCaptureData = NULL; Utils::Semaphore camSem; OMXCameraPortParameters cap; imgRawCaptureData = &mCameraAdapterParameters.mCameraPortParams[mCameraAdapterParameters.mVideoPortIndex]; if (mCaptureConfigured) { return NO_ERROR; } camSem.Create(); // mWaitingForSnapshot is true only when we're in the process of capturing if (mWaitingForSnapshot) { ///Register for Video port Disable event ret = RegisterForEvent(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_EVENTTYPE) OMX_EventCmdComplete, OMX_CommandPortDisable, mCameraAdapterParameters.mVideoPortIndex, camSem); ///Disable Capture Port eError = OMX_SendCommand(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, OMX_CommandPortDisable, mCameraAdapterParameters.mVideoPortIndex, NULL); CAMHAL_LOGDA("Waiting for port disable"); //Wait for the image port enable event camSem.Wait(); CAMHAL_LOGDA("Port disabled"); } imgRawCaptureData->mNumBufs = num; CAMHAL_LOGDB("RAW Max sensor width = %d", (int)imgRawCaptureData->mWidth); CAMHAL_LOGDB("RAW Max sensor height = %d", (int)imgRawCaptureData->mHeight); ret = setFormat(OMX_CAMERA_PORT_VIDEO_OUT_VIDEO, *imgRawCaptureData); if (ret != NO_ERROR) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("setFormat() failed %d", ret); LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT return ret; } ///Register for Video port ENABLE event ret = RegisterForEvent(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, (OMX_EVENTTYPE) OMX_EventCmdComplete, OMX_CommandPortEnable, mCameraAdapterParameters.mVideoPortIndex, camSem); ///Enable Video Capture Port eError = OMX_SendCommand(mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, OMX_CommandPortEnable, mCameraAdapterParameters.mVideoPortIndex, NULL); mCaptureBuffersLength = (int)imgRawCaptureData->mBufSize; for ( int index = 0 ; index < imgRawCaptureData->mNumBufs ; index++ ) { OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *pBufferHdr; CAMHAL_LOGDB("OMX_UseBuffer rawCapture address: 0x%x, size = %d ", (unsigned int)bufArr[index].opaque, (int)imgRawCaptureData->mBufSize ); eError = OMX_UseBuffer( mCameraAdapterParameters.mHandleComp, &pBufferHdr, mCameraAdapterParameters.mVideoPortIndex, 0, mCaptureBuffersLength, (OMX_U8*)camera_buffer_get_omx_ptr(&bufArr[index])); if (eError != OMX_ErrorNone) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("OMX_UseBuffer = 0x%x", eError); } GOTO_EXIT_IF(( eError != OMX_ErrorNone ), eError); pBufferHdr->pAppPrivate = (OMX_PTR) &bufArr[index]; bufArr[index].index = index; pBufferHdr->nSize = sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE); pBufferHdr->nVersion.s.nVersionMajor = 1 ; pBufferHdr->nVersion.s.nVersionMinor = 1 ; pBufferHdr->nVersion.s.nRevision = 0; pBufferHdr->nVersion.s.nStep = 0; imgRawCaptureData->mBufferHeader[index] = pBufferHdr; } //Wait for the image port enable event CAMHAL_LOGDA("Waiting for port enable"); camSem.Wait(); CAMHAL_LOGDA("Port enabled"); if (NO_ERROR == ret) { ret = setupEXIF(); if ( NO_ERROR != ret ) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("Error configuring EXIF Buffer %x", ret); } } mCapturedFrames = mBurstFrames; mBurstFramesQueued = 0; mCaptureConfigured = true; EXIT: if (eError != OMX_ErrorNone) { if ( NULL != mErrorNotifier ) { mErrorNotifier->errorNotify(eError); } } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT return ret; } } // namespace Camera } // namespace Ti