/* * Copyright (C) Texas Instruments - http://www.ti.com/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @file SensorListener.cpp * * This file listens and propogates sensor events to CameraHal. * */ #include "SensorListener.h" #include #include #include namespace Ti { namespace Camera { /*** static declarations ***/ static const float RADIANS_2_DEG = (float) (180 / M_PI); // measured values on device...might need tuning static const int DEGREES_90_THRESH = 50; static const int DEGREES_180_THRESH = 170; static const int DEGREES_270_THRESH = 250; static int sensor_events_listener(int fd, int events, void* data) { SensorListener* listener = (SensorListener*) data; ssize_t num_sensors; ASensorEvent sen_events[8]; while ((num_sensors = listener->mSensorEventQueue->read(sen_events, 8)) > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < num_sensors; i++) { if (sen_events[i].type == android::Sensor::TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) { float x = sen_events[i].vector.azimuth; float y = sen_events[i].vector.pitch; float z = sen_events[i].vector.roll; float radius = 0; int tilt = 0, orient = 0; CAMHAL_LOGVA("ACCELEROMETER EVENT"); CAMHAL_LOGVB(" azimuth = %f pitch = %f roll = %f", sen_events[i].vector.azimuth, sen_events[i].vector.pitch, sen_events[i].vector.roll); // see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_coordinate_system#Cartesian_coordinates // about conversion from cartesian to spherical for orientation calculations radius = (float) sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); tilt = (int) asinf(z / radius) * RADIANS_2_DEG; orient = (int) atan2f(-x, y) * RADIANS_2_DEG; if (orient < 0) { orient += 360; } if (orient >= DEGREES_270_THRESH) { orient = 270; } else if (orient >= DEGREES_180_THRESH) { orient = 180; } else if (orient >= DEGREES_90_THRESH) { orient = 90; } else { orient = 0; } listener->handleOrientation(orient, tilt); CAMHAL_LOGVB(" tilt = %d orientation = %d", tilt, orient); } else if (sen_events[i].type == android::Sensor::TYPE_GYROSCOPE) { CAMHAL_LOGVA("GYROSCOPE EVENT"); } } } if (num_sensors < 0 && num_sensors != -EAGAIN) { CAMHAL_LOGEB("reading events failed: %s", strerror(-num_sensors)); } return 1; } /****** public - member functions ******/ SensorListener::SensorListener() { LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; sensorsEnabled = 0; mOrientationCb = NULL; mSensorEventQueue = NULL; mSensorLooperThread = NULL; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; } SensorListener::~SensorListener() { LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; CAMHAL_LOGDA("Kill looper thread"); if (mSensorLooperThread.get()) { // 1. Request exit // 2. Wake up looper which should be polling for an event // 3. Wait for exit mSensorLooperThread->requestExit(); mSensorLooperThread->wake(); mSensorLooperThread->join(); mSensorLooperThread.clear(); mSensorLooperThread = NULL; } CAMHAL_LOGDA("Kill looper"); if (mLooper.get()) { mLooper->removeFd(mSensorEventQueue->getFd()); mLooper.clear(); mLooper = NULL; } CAMHAL_LOGDA("SensorListener destroyed"); LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; } status_t SensorListener::initialize() { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; android::SensorManager& mgr(android::SensorManager::getInstance()); LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; android::sp mLooper; mSensorEventQueue = mgr.createEventQueue(); if (mSensorEventQueue == NULL) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("createEventQueue returned NULL"); ret = NO_INIT; goto out; } mLooper = new android::Looper(false); mLooper->addFd(mSensorEventQueue->getFd(), 0, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT, sensor_events_listener, this); if (mSensorLooperThread.get() == NULL) mSensorLooperThread = new SensorLooperThread(mLooper.get()); if (mSensorLooperThread.get() == NULL) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("Couldn't create sensor looper thread"); ret = NO_MEMORY; goto out; } ret = mSensorLooperThread->run("sensor looper thread", android::PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY); if (ret == INVALID_OPERATION){ CAMHAL_LOGDA("thread already running ?!?"); } else if (ret != NO_ERROR) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("couldn't run thread"); goto out; } out: LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; return ret; } void SensorListener::setCallbacks(orientation_callback_t orientation_cb, void *cookie) { LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; if (orientation_cb) { mOrientationCb = orientation_cb; } mCbCookie = cookie; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; } void SensorListener::handleOrientation(uint32_t orientation, uint32_t tilt) { LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; android::AutoMutex lock(&mLock); if (mOrientationCb && (sensorsEnabled & SENSOR_ORIENTATION)) { mOrientationCb(orientation, tilt, mCbCookie); } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; } void SensorListener::enableSensor(sensor_type_t type) { android::Sensor const* sensor; android::SensorManager& mgr(android::SensorManager::getInstance()); LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; android::AutoMutex lock(&mLock); if ((type & SENSOR_ORIENTATION) && !(sensorsEnabled & SENSOR_ORIENTATION)) { sensor = mgr.getDefaultSensor(android::Sensor::TYPE_ACCELEROMETER); if(sensor) { CAMHAL_LOGDB("orientation = %p (%s)", sensor, sensor->getName().string()); mSensorEventQueue->enableSensor(sensor); mSensorEventQueue->setEventRate(sensor, ms2ns(100)); sensorsEnabled |= SENSOR_ORIENTATION; } else { CAMHAL_LOGDB("not enabling absent orientation sensor"); } } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; } void SensorListener::disableSensor(sensor_type_t type) { android::Sensor const* sensor; android::SensorManager& mgr(android::SensorManager::getInstance()); LOG_FUNCTION_NAME; android::AutoMutex lock(&mLock); if ((type & SENSOR_ORIENTATION) && (sensorsEnabled & SENSOR_ORIENTATION)) { sensor = mgr.getDefaultSensor(android::Sensor::TYPE_ACCELEROMETER); CAMHAL_LOGDB("orientation = %p (%s)", sensor, sensor->getName().string()); mSensorEventQueue->disableSensor(sensor); sensorsEnabled &= ~SENSOR_ORIENTATION; } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT; } } // namespace Camera } // namespace Ti