/*************************************************************************/ /*! @Title Timed Trace functions @Copyright Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved @License Dual MIT/GPLv2 The contents of this file are subject to the MIT license as set out below. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 ("GPL") in which case the provisions of GPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of GPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the MIT license, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by GPL as set out in the file called "GPL-COPYING" included in this distribution. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of either the MIT license or GPL. This License is also included in this distribution in the file called "MIT-COPYING". EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE STATED IN A NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT: (A) THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT; AND (B) IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #if defined (TTRACE) #include "services_headers.h" #include "ttrace.h" #if defined(PVRSRV_NEED_PVR_DPF) #define CHECKSIZE(n,m) \ if ((n & m) != n) \ PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR,"Size check failed for " #m)) #else #define CHECKSIZE(n,m) #endif #define TIME_TRACE_HASH_TABLE_SIZE 32 HASH_TABLE *g_psBufferTable; IMG_UINT32 g_ui32HostUID; IMG_HANDLE g_psTimer; /* Trace buffer struct */ typedef struct { IMG_UINT32 ui32Woff; /* Offset to where next item will be written */ IMG_UINT32 ui32Roff; /* Offset to where to start reading from */ IMG_UINT32 ui32ByteCount; /* Number of bytes in buffer */ IMG_UINT8 ui8Data[0]; } sTimeTraceBuffer; /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVTimeTraceItemSize @Description Calculate the size of a trace item @Input psTraceItem : Trace item @Return size of trace item ******************************************************************************/ static IMG_UINT32 PVRSRVTimeTraceItemSize(IMG_UINT32 *psTraceItem) { IMG_UINT32 ui32Size = PVRSRV_TRACE_ITEM_SIZE; ui32Size += READ_HEADER(SIZE, psTraceItem[PVRSRV_TRACE_DATA_HEADER]); return ui32Size; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVTimeTraceAllocItem @Description Allocate a trace item from the buffer of the current process @Output ppsTraceItem : Pointer to allocated trace item @Input ui32Size : Size of data packet to be allocated @Return none ******************************************************************************/ static IMG_VOID PVRSRVTimeTraceAllocItem(IMG_UINT32 **pui32Item, IMG_UINT32 ui32Size) { IMG_UINT32 ui32PID = OSGetCurrentProcessIDKM(); IMG_UINT32 ui32AllocOffset; sTimeTraceBuffer *psBuffer = (sTimeTraceBuffer *) HASH_Retrieve(g_psBufferTable, (IMG_UINTPTR_T) ui32PID); /* The caller only asks for extra data space */ ui32Size += PVRSRV_TRACE_ITEM_SIZE; /* Always round to 32-bit */ ui32Size = ((ui32Size - 1) & (~0x3)) + 0x04; if (!psBuffer) { PVRSRV_ERROR eError; PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE, "PVRSRVTimeTraceAllocItem: Creating buffer for PID %u", (IMG_UINT32) ui32PID)); eError = PVRSRVTimeTraceBufferCreate(ui32PID); if (eError != PVRSRV_OK) { *pui32Item = IMG_NULL; PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "PVRSRVTimeTraceAllocItem: Failed to create buffer")); return; } psBuffer = (sTimeTraceBuffer *) HASH_Retrieve(g_psBufferTable, (IMG_UINTPTR_T) ui32PID); if (psBuffer == IMG_NULL) { *pui32Item = NULL; PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "PVRSRVTimeTraceAllocItem: Failed to retrieve buffer")); return; } } /* Can't allocate more then buffer size */ if (ui32Size >= TIME_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE) { *pui32Item = NULL; PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "PVRSRVTimeTraceAllocItem: Error trace item too large (%d)", ui32Size)); return; } /* FIXME: Enter critical section? */ /* Always ensure we have enough space to write a padding message */ if ((psBuffer->ui32Woff + ui32Size + PVRSRV_TRACE_ITEM_SIZE) > TIME_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE) { IMG_UINT32 *ui32WriteEOB = (IMG_UINT32 *) &psBuffer->ui8Data[psBuffer->ui32Woff]; IMG_UINT32 ui32Remain = TIME_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE - psBuffer->ui32Woff; /* Not enough space at the end of the buffer, back to the start */ *ui32WriteEOB++ = WRITE_HEADER(GROUP, PVRSRV_TRACE_GROUP_PADDING); *ui32WriteEOB++ = 0; /* Don't need timestamp */ *ui32WriteEOB++ = 0; /* Don't need UID */ *ui32WriteEOB = WRITE_HEADER(SIZE, (ui32Remain - PVRSRV_TRACE_ITEM_SIZE)); psBuffer->ui32ByteCount += ui32Remain; psBuffer->ui32Woff = ui32AllocOffset = 0; } else ui32AllocOffset = psBuffer->ui32Woff; psBuffer->ui32Woff = psBuffer->ui32Woff + ui32Size; psBuffer->ui32ByteCount += ui32Size; /* This allocation will start overwritting past our read pointer, move the read pointer along */ while (psBuffer->ui32ByteCount > TIME_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE) { IMG_UINT32 *psReadItem = (IMG_UINT32 *) &psBuffer->ui8Data[psBuffer->ui32Roff]; IMG_UINT32 ui32ReadSize; ui32ReadSize = PVRSRVTimeTraceItemSize(psReadItem); psBuffer->ui32Roff = (psBuffer->ui32Roff + ui32ReadSize) & (TIME_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); psBuffer->ui32ByteCount -= ui32ReadSize; } *pui32Item = (IMG_UINT32 *) &psBuffer->ui8Data[ui32AllocOffset]; /* FIXME: Exit critical section? */ } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVTimeTraceBufferCreate @Description Create a trace buffer. Note: We assume that this will only be called once per process. @Input ui32PID : PID of the process that is creating the buffer @Return none ******************************************************************************/ PVRSRV_ERROR PVRSRVTimeTraceBufferCreate(IMG_UINT32 ui32PID) { sTimeTraceBuffer *psBuffer; PVRSRV_ERROR eError = PVRSRV_OK; eError = OSAllocMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(sTimeTraceBuffer) + TIME_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE, (IMG_VOID **)&psBuffer, IMG_NULL, "Time Trace Buffer"); if (eError != PVRSRV_OK) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "PVRSRVTimeTraceBufferCreate: Error allocating trace buffer")); return eError; } OSMemSet(psBuffer, 0, TIME_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!HASH_Insert(g_psBufferTable, (IMG_UINTPTR_T) ui32PID, (IMG_UINTPTR_T) psBuffer)) { OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(sTimeTraceBuffer) + TIME_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE, psBuffer, NULL); PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "PVRSRVTimeTraceBufferCreate: Error adding trace buffer to hash table")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return eError; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVTimeTraceBufferDestroy @Description Destroy a trace buffer. Note: We assume that this will only be called once per process. @Input ui32PID : PID of the process that is creating the buffer @Return none ******************************************************************************/ PVRSRV_ERROR PVRSRVTimeTraceBufferDestroy(IMG_UINT32 ui32PID) { sTimeTraceBuffer *psBuffer; #if defined(DUMP_TTRACE_BUFFERS_ON_EXIT) PVRSRVDumpTimeTraceBuffers(); #endif psBuffer = (sTimeTraceBuffer *) HASH_Retrieve(g_psBufferTable, (IMG_UINTPTR_T) ui32PID); if (psBuffer) { OSFreeMem(PVRSRV_PAGEABLE_SELECT, sizeof(sTimeTraceBuffer) + TIME_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE, psBuffer, NULL); HASH_Remove(g_psBufferTable, (IMG_UINTPTR_T) ui32PID); return PVRSRV_OK; } PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "PVRSRVTimeTraceBufferDestroy: Can't find trace buffer in hash table")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVTimeTraceInit @Description Initialise the timed trace subsystem. @Return Error ******************************************************************************/ PVRSRV_ERROR PVRSRVTimeTraceInit(IMG_VOID) { g_psBufferTable = HASH_Create(TIME_TRACE_HASH_TABLE_SIZE); /* Create hash table to store the per process buffers in */ if (!g_psBufferTable) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "PVRSRVTimeTraceInit: Error creating hash table")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } /* Create the kernel buffer */ PVRSRVTimeTraceBufferCreate(KERNEL_ID); g_psTimer = OSFuncHighResTimerCreate(); if (!g_psTimer) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "PVRSRVTimeTraceInit: Error creating timer")); return PVRSRV_ERROR_INIT_FAILURE; } return PVRSRV_OK; } static PVRSRV_ERROR _PVRSRVTimeTraceBufferDestroy(IMG_UINTPTR_T hKey, IMG_UINTPTR_T hData) { PVR_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hData); PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_MESSAGE, "_PVRSRVTimeTraceBufferDestroy: Destroying buffer for PID %u", (IMG_UINT32) hKey)); PVRSRVTimeTraceBufferDestroy(hKey); return PVRSRV_OK; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVTimeTraceDeinit @Description De-initialise the timed trace subsystem. @Return Error ******************************************************************************/ IMG_VOID PVRSRVTimeTraceDeinit(IMG_VOID) { PVRSRVTimeTraceBufferDestroy(KERNEL_ID); /* Free any buffers the where created at alloc item time */ HASH_Iterate(g_psBufferTable, _PVRSRVTimeTraceBufferDestroy); HASH_Delete(g_psBufferTable); OSFuncHighResTimerDestroy(g_psTimer); } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVTimeTraceWriteHeader @Description Write the header for a trace item. @Input pui32TraceItem : Pointer to trace item @Input ui32Group : Trace item's group ID @Input ui32Class : Trace item's class ID @Input ui32Token : Trace item's ui32Token ID @Input ui32Size : Trace item's data payload size @Input ui32Type : Trace item's data type @Input ui32Count : Trace item's data count @Return Pointer to data payload space, or NULL if no data payload ******************************************************************************/ #ifdef INLINE_IS_PRAGMA #pragma inline(PVRSRVTimeTraceWriteHeader) #endif static INLINE IMG_VOID *PVRSRVTimeTraceWriteHeader(IMG_UINT32 *pui32TraceItem, IMG_UINT32 ui32Group, IMG_UINT32 ui32Class, IMG_UINT32 ui32Token, IMG_UINT32 ui32Size, IMG_UINT32 ui32Type, IMG_UINT32 ui32Count) { /* Sanity check arg's */ CHECKSIZE(ui32Group, PVRSRV_TRACE_GROUP_MASK); CHECKSIZE(ui32Class, PVRSRV_TRACE_CLASS_MASK); CHECKSIZE(ui32Token, PVRSRV_TRACE_TOKEN_MASK); CHECKSIZE(ui32Size, PVRSRV_TRACE_SIZE_MASK); CHECKSIZE(ui32Type, PVRSRV_TRACE_TYPE_MASK); CHECKSIZE(ui32Count, PVRSRV_TRACE_COUNT_MASK); /* Trace header */ pui32TraceItem[PVRSRV_TRACE_HEADER] = WRITE_HEADER(GROUP, ui32Group); pui32TraceItem[PVRSRV_TRACE_HEADER] |= WRITE_HEADER(CLASS, ui32Class); pui32TraceItem[PVRSRV_TRACE_HEADER] |= WRITE_HEADER(TOKEN, ui32Token); /* Data header */ pui32TraceItem[PVRSRV_TRACE_DATA_HEADER] = WRITE_HEADER(SIZE, ui32Size); pui32TraceItem[PVRSRV_TRACE_DATA_HEADER] |= WRITE_HEADER(TYPE, ui32Type); pui32TraceItem[PVRSRV_TRACE_DATA_HEADER] |= WRITE_HEADER(COUNT, ui32Count); pui32TraceItem[PVRSRV_TRACE_TIMESTAMP] = OSFuncHighResTimerGetus(g_psTimer); pui32TraceItem[PVRSRV_TRACE_HOSTUID] = g_ui32HostUID++; return ui32Size?((IMG_VOID *) &pui32TraceItem[PVRSRV_TRACE_DATA_PAYLOAD]):NULL; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVTimeTraceArray @Description Write trace item with an array of data @Input ui32Group : Trace item's group ID @Input ui32Class : Trace item's class ID @Input ui32Token : Trace item's ui32Token ID @Input ui32Size : Trace item's data payload size @Input ui32Type : Trace item's data type @Input ui32Count : Trace item's data count @Input pui8Data : Pointer to data array @Return Pointer to data payload space, or NULL if no data payload ******************************************************************************/ IMG_VOID PVRSRVTimeTraceArray(IMG_UINT32 ui32Group, IMG_UINT32 ui32Class, IMG_UINT32 ui32Token, IMG_UINT32 ui32Type, IMG_UINT32 ui32Count, IMG_UINT8 *pui8Data) { IMG_UINT32 *pui32TraceItem; IMG_UINT32 ui32Size, ui32TypeSize; IMG_UINT8 *ui8Ptr; /* Only the 1st 4 sizes are for ui types, others are "special" */ switch (ui32Type) { case PVRSRV_TRACE_TYPE_UI8: ui32TypeSize = 1; break; case PVRSRV_TRACE_TYPE_UI16: ui32TypeSize = 2; break; case PVRSRV_TRACE_TYPE_UI32: ui32TypeSize = 4; break; case PVRSRV_TRACE_TYPE_UI64: ui32TypeSize = 8; break; default: PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "Unsupported size\n")); return; } ui32Size = ui32TypeSize * ui32Count; /* Allocate space from the buffer */ PVRSRVTimeTraceAllocItem(&pui32TraceItem, ui32Size); if (!pui32TraceItem) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "Can't find buffer\n")); return; } ui8Ptr = PVRSRVTimeTraceWriteHeader(pui32TraceItem, ui32Group, ui32Class, ui32Token, ui32Size, ui32Type, ui32Count); if (ui8Ptr) { OSMemCopy(ui8Ptr, pui8Data, ui32Size); } } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVTimeTraceSyncObject @Description Write trace item with a sync object @Input ui32Group : Trace item's group ID @Input ui32Token : Trace item's ui32Token ID @Input psSync : Sync object @Input ui8SyncOpp : Sync object operation @Return None ******************************************************************************/ IMG_VOID PVRSRVTimeTraceSyncObject(IMG_UINT32 ui32Group, IMG_UINT32 ui32Token, PVRSRV_KERNEL_SYNC_INFO *psSync, IMG_UINT8 ui8SyncOp) { IMG_UINT32 *pui32TraceItem; IMG_UINT32 *ui32Ptr; IMG_UINT32 ui32Size = PVRSRV_TRACE_TYPE_SYNC_SIZE; PVRSRVTimeTraceAllocItem(&pui32TraceItem, ui32Size); if (!pui32TraceItem) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "Can't find buffer\n")); return; } ui32Ptr = PVRSRVTimeTraceWriteHeader(pui32TraceItem, ui32Group, PVRSRV_TRACE_CLASS_SYNC, ui32Token, ui32Size, PVRSRV_TRACE_TYPE_SYNC, 1); ui32Ptr[PVRSRV_TRACE_SYNC_UID] = psSync->ui32UID; ui32Ptr[PVRSRV_TRACE_SYNC_WOP] = psSync->psSyncData->ui32WriteOpsPending; ui32Ptr[PVRSRV_TRACE_SYNC_WOC] = psSync->psSyncData->ui32WriteOpsComplete; ui32Ptr[PVRSRV_TRACE_SYNC_ROP] = psSync->psSyncData->ui32ReadOpsPending; ui32Ptr[PVRSRV_TRACE_SYNC_ROC] = psSync->psSyncData->ui32ReadOpsComplete; ui32Ptr[PVRSRV_TRACE_SYNC_RO2P] = psSync->psSyncData->ui32ReadOps2Pending; ui32Ptr[PVRSRV_TRACE_SYNC_RO2C] = psSync->psSyncData->ui32ReadOps2Complete; ui32Ptr[PVRSRV_TRACE_SYNC_WO_DEV_VADDR] = psSync->sWriteOpsCompleteDevVAddr.uiAddr; ui32Ptr[PVRSRV_TRACE_SYNC_RO_DEV_VADDR] = psSync->sReadOpsCompleteDevVAddr.uiAddr; ui32Ptr[PVRSRV_TRACE_SYNC_RO2_DEV_VADDR] = psSync->sReadOps2CompleteDevVAddr.uiAddr; ui32Ptr[PVRSRV_TRACE_SYNC_OP] = ui8SyncOp; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVDumpTimeTraceBuffer @Description Dump the contents of the trace buffer. @Input hKey : Trace item's group ID @Input hData : Trace item's ui32Token ID @Return Error ******************************************************************************/ static PVRSRV_ERROR PVRSRVDumpTimeTraceBuffer(IMG_UINTPTR_T hKey, IMG_UINTPTR_T hData) { sTimeTraceBuffer *psBuffer = (sTimeTraceBuffer *) hData; IMG_UINT32 ui32ByteCount = psBuffer->ui32ByteCount; IMG_UINT32 ui32Walker = psBuffer->ui32Roff; IMG_UINT32 ui32Read, ui32LineLen, ui32EOL, ui32MinLine; PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "TTB for PID %u:\n", (IMG_UINT32) hKey)); while (ui32ByteCount) { IMG_UINT32 *pui32Buffer = (IMG_UINT32 *) &psBuffer->ui8Data[ui32Walker]; ui32LineLen = (ui32ByteCount/sizeof(IMG_UINT32)); ui32EOL = (TIME_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE - ui32Walker)/sizeof(IMG_UINT32); ui32MinLine = (ui32LineLen < ui32EOL)?ui32LineLen:ui32EOL; if (ui32MinLine >= 4) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "\t(TTB-%X) %08X %08X %08X %08X", ui32ByteCount, pui32Buffer[0], pui32Buffer[1], pui32Buffer[2], pui32Buffer[3])); ui32Read = 4 * sizeof(IMG_UINT32); } else if (ui32MinLine >= 3) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "\t(TTB-%X) %08X %08X %08X", ui32ByteCount, pui32Buffer[0], pui32Buffer[1], pui32Buffer[2])); ui32Read = 3 * sizeof(IMG_UINT32); } else if (ui32MinLine >= 2) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "\t(TTB-%X) %08X %08X", ui32ByteCount, pui32Buffer[0], pui32Buffer[1])); ui32Read = 2 * sizeof(IMG_UINT32); } else { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "\t(TTB-%X) %08X", ui32ByteCount, pui32Buffer[0])); ui32Read = sizeof(IMG_UINT32); } ui32Walker = (ui32Walker + ui32Read) & (TIME_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); ui32ByteCount -= ui32Read; } return PVRSRV_OK; } /*! ****************************************************************************** @Function PVRSRVDumpTimeTraceBuffers @Description Dump the contents of all the trace buffers. @Return None ******************************************************************************/ IMG_VOID PVRSRVDumpTimeTraceBuffers(IMG_VOID) { HASH_Iterate(g_psBufferTable, PVRSRVDumpTimeTraceBuffer); } #endif /* TTRACE */