Representations for HTTP message entities. An {@link org.apache.http.HttpEntity entity} is the optional content of a {@link org.apache.http.HttpMessage message}. You'll find a basic selection of entity implementations here. If you need to send an entity, you can provide it for example as a {@link org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity byte array}, {@link org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity string}, {@link org.apache.http.entity.FileEntity file}, or through an arbitrary {@link org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity input stream}. If you receive a message with an entity, you typically get that as a {@link org.apache.http.entity.BasicHttpEntity basic} entity. Entity implementations can be {@link org.apache.http.entity.HttpEntityWrapper wrapped}, for example to {@link org.apache.http.entity.BufferedHttpEntity buffer} the content in memory.