path: root/stack/pan/pan_main.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'stack/pan/pan_main.c')
1 files changed, 717 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stack/pan/pan_main.c b/stack/pan/pan_main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36d7a8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stack/pan/pan_main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+/* */
+/* Name: pan_main.c */
+/* */
+/* Function: this file contains main functions to support PAN profile */
+/* commands and events. */
+/* */
+/* Copyright (c) 1999-2004, WIDCOMM Inc., All Rights Reserved. */
+/* WIDCOMM Bluetooth Core. Proprietary and confidential. */
+/* */
+#include <string.h>
+#include "gki.h"
+#include "bt_types.h"
+#include "bnep_api.h"
+#include "pan_api.h"
+#include "pan_int.h"
+#include "sdp_api.h"
+#include "sdpdefs.h"
+#include "l2c_api.h"
+#include "hcidefs.h"
+tPAN_CB pan_cb;
+UINT8 constant_pan_uuid[UUID_CONSTANT_PART] = {0, 0, 0x10, 0, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x5f, 0x9b, 0x34, 0xfb};
+** Function pan_register_with_bnep
+** Description This function registers PAN profile with BNEP
+** Parameters: none
+** Returns none
+void pan_register_with_bnep (void)
+ tBNEP_REGISTER reg_info;
+ memset (&reg_info, 0, sizeof (tBNEP_REGISTER));
+ reg_info.p_conn_ind_cb = pan_conn_ind_cb;
+ reg_info.p_conn_state_cb = pan_connect_state_cb;
+ reg_info.p_data_buf_cb = pan_data_buf_ind_cb;
+ reg_info.p_data_ind_cb = NULL;
+ reg_info.p_tx_data_flow_cb = pan_tx_data_flow_cb;
+ reg_info.p_filter_ind_cb = pan_proto_filt_ind_cb;
+ reg_info.p_mfilter_ind_cb = pan_mcast_filt_ind_cb;
+ BNEP_Register (&reg_info);
+** Function pan_conn_ind_cb
+** Description This function is registered with BNEP as connection indication
+** callback. BNEP will call this when there is connection
+** request from the peer. PAN should call BNEP_ConnectResp to
+** indicate whether to accept the connection or reject
+** Parameters: handle - handle for the connection
+** p_bda - BD Addr of the peer requesting the connection
+** remote_uuid - UUID of the source role (peer device role)
+** local_uuid - UUID of the destination role (local device role)
+** is_role_change - Flag to indicate that it is a role change
+** Returns none
+void pan_conn_ind_cb (UINT16 handle,
+ BD_ADDR p_bda,
+ tBT_UUID *remote_uuid,
+ tBT_UUID *local_uuid,
+ BOOLEAN is_role_change)
+ tPAN_CONN *pcb;
+ UINT8 req_role;
+ BOOLEAN wrong_uuid;
+ /*
+ ** If we are in GN or NAP role and have one or more
+ ** active connections and the received connection is
+ ** for user role reject it.
+ ** If we are in user role with one connection active
+ ** reject the connection.
+ ** Allocate PCB and store the parameters
+ ** Make bridge request to the host system if connection
+ ** is for NAP
+ */
+ wrong_uuid = FALSE;
+ if (remote_uuid->len == 16)
+ {
+ /*
+ ** If the UUID is 16 bytes forst two bytes should be zeros
+ ** and last 12 bytes should match the spec defined constant value
+ */
+ if (memcmp (constant_pan_uuid, remote_uuid->uu.uuid128 + 4, UUID_CONSTANT_PART))
+ wrong_uuid = TRUE;
+ if (remote_uuid->uu.uuid128[0] || remote_uuid->uu.uuid128[1])
+ wrong_uuid = TRUE;
+ /* Extract the 16 bit equivalent of the UUID */
+ remote_uuid->uu.uuid16 = (UINT16)((remote_uuid->uu.uuid128[2] << 8) | remote_uuid->uu.uuid128[3]);
+ remote_uuid->len = 2;
+ }
+ if (remote_uuid->len == 4)
+ {
+ /* First two bytes should be zeros */
+ if (remote_uuid->uu.uuid32 & 0xFFFF0000)
+ wrong_uuid = TRUE;
+ remote_uuid->uu.uuid16 = (UINT16)remote_uuid->uu.uuid32;
+ remote_uuid->len = 2;
+ }
+ if (wrong_uuid)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_ERROR0 ("PAN Connection failed because of wrong remote UUID ");
+ BNEP_ConnectResp (handle, BNEP_CONN_FAILED_SRC_UUID);
+ return;
+ }
+ wrong_uuid = FALSE;
+ if (local_uuid->len == 16)
+ {
+ /*
+ ** If the UUID is 16 bytes forst two bytes should be zeros
+ ** and last 12 bytes should match the spec defined constant value
+ */
+ if (memcmp (constant_pan_uuid, local_uuid->uu.uuid128 + 4, UUID_CONSTANT_PART))
+ wrong_uuid = TRUE;
+ if (local_uuid->uu.uuid128[0] || local_uuid->uu.uuid128[1])
+ wrong_uuid = TRUE;
+ /* Extract the 16 bit equivalent of the UUID */
+ local_uuid->uu.uuid16 = (UINT16)((local_uuid->uu.uuid128[2] << 8) | local_uuid->uu.uuid128[3]);
+ local_uuid->len = 2;
+ }
+ if (local_uuid->len == 4)
+ {
+ /* First two bytes should be zeros */
+ if (local_uuid->uu.uuid32 & 0xFFFF0000)
+ wrong_uuid = TRUE;
+ local_uuid->uu.uuid16 = (UINT16)local_uuid->uu.uuid32;
+ local_uuid->len = 2;
+ }
+ if (wrong_uuid)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_ERROR0 ("PAN Connection failed because of wrong local UUID ");
+ BNEP_ConnectResp (handle, BNEP_CONN_FAILED_DST_UUID);
+ return;
+ }
+ PAN_TRACE_EVENT5 ("pan_conn_ind_cb - for handle %d, current role %d, dst uuid 0x%x, src uuid 0x%x, role change %s",
+ handle, pan_cb.role, local_uuid->uu.uuid16, remote_uuid->uu.uuid16, is_role_change?"YES":"NO");
+ /* The acceptable UUID size is only 2 */
+ if (remote_uuid->len != 2)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_ERROR1 ("PAN Connection failed because of wrong UUID size %d", remote_uuid->len);
+ BNEP_ConnectResp (handle, BNEP_CONN_FAILED_UUID_SIZE);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check if the source UUID is a valid one */
+ if (remote_uuid->uu.uuid16 != UUID_SERVCLASS_PANU &&
+ remote_uuid->uu.uuid16 != UUID_SERVCLASS_NAP &&
+ remote_uuid->uu.uuid16 != UUID_SERVCLASS_GN)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_ERROR1 ("Src UUID 0x%x is not valid", remote_uuid->uu.uuid16);
+ BNEP_ConnectResp (handle, BNEP_CONN_FAILED_SRC_UUID);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check if the destination UUID is a valid one */
+ if (local_uuid->uu.uuid16 != UUID_SERVCLASS_PANU &&
+ local_uuid->uu.uuid16 != UUID_SERVCLASS_NAP &&
+ local_uuid->uu.uuid16 != UUID_SERVCLASS_GN)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_ERROR1 ("Dst UUID 0x%x is not valid", remote_uuid->uu.uuid16);
+ BNEP_ConnectResp (handle, BNEP_CONN_FAILED_DST_UUID);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check if currently we support the destination role requested */
+ if (((!(pan_cb.role & UUID_SERVCLASS_PANU))
+ && local_uuid->uu.uuid16 == UUID_SERVCLASS_PANU) ||
+ ((!(pan_cb.role & UUID_SERVCLASS_GN))
+ && local_uuid->uu.uuid16 == UUID_SERVCLASS_GN) ||
+ ((!(pan_cb.role & UUID_SERVCLASS_NAP))
+ && local_uuid->uu.uuid16 == UUID_SERVCLASS_NAP))
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_ERROR1 ("PAN Connection failed because of unsupported destination UUID 0x%x", local_uuid->uu.uuid16);
+ BNEP_ConnectResp (handle, BNEP_CONN_FAILED_DST_UUID);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Requested destination role is */
+ if (local_uuid->uu.uuid16 == UUID_SERVCLASS_PANU)
+ req_role = PAN_ROLE_CLIENT;
+ else if (local_uuid->uu.uuid16 == UUID_SERVCLASS_GN)
+ req_role = PAN_ROLE_GN_SERVER;
+ else
+ req_role = PAN_ROLE_NAP_SERVER;
+ /* If the connection indication is for the existing connection
+ ** Check if the new destination role is acceptable
+ */
+ pcb = pan_get_pcb_by_handle (handle);
+ if (pcb)
+ {
+ if (pan_cb.num_conns > 1 && local_uuid->uu.uuid16 == UUID_SERVCLASS_PANU)
+ {
+ /* There are connections other than this one
+ ** so we cann't accept PANU role. Reject
+ */
+ PAN_TRACE_ERROR0 ("Dst UUID should be either GN or NAP only because there are other connections");
+ BNEP_ConnectResp (handle, BNEP_CONN_FAILED_DST_UUID);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* If it is already in connected state check for bridging status */
+ if (pcb->con_state == PAN_STATE_CONNECTED)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_EVENT2 ("PAN Role changing New Src 0x%x Dst 0x%x",
+ remote_uuid->uu.uuid16, local_uuid->uu.uuid16);
+ pcb->prv_src_uuid = pcb->src_uuid;
+ pcb->prv_dst_uuid = pcb->dst_uuid;
+ if (pcb->src_uuid == UUID_SERVCLASS_NAP &&
+ local_uuid->uu.uuid16 != UUID_SERVCLASS_NAP)
+ {
+ /* Remove bridging */
+ if (pan_cb.pan_bridge_req_cb)
+ (*pan_cb.pan_bridge_req_cb) (pcb->rem_bda, FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Set the latest active PAN role */
+ pan_cb.active_role = req_role;
+ pcb->src_uuid = local_uuid->uu.uuid16;
+ pcb->dst_uuid = remote_uuid->uu.uuid16;
+ BNEP_ConnectResp (handle, BNEP_SUCCESS);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* If this a new connection and destination is PANU role and
+ ** we already have a connection then reject the request.
+ ** If we have a connection in PANU role then reject it
+ */
+ if (pan_cb.num_conns &&
+ (local_uuid->uu.uuid16 == UUID_SERVCLASS_PANU ||
+ pan_cb.active_role == PAN_ROLE_CLIENT))
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_ERROR0 ("PAN already have a connection and can't be user");
+ BNEP_ConnectResp (handle, BNEP_CONN_FAILED_DST_UUID);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* This is a new connection */
+ PAN_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("New connection indication for handle %d", handle);
+ pcb = pan_allocate_pcb (p_bda, handle);
+ if (!pcb)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_ERROR0 ("PAN no control block for new connection");
+ BNEP_ConnectResp (handle, BNEP_CONN_FAILED);
+ return;
+ }
+ PAN_TRACE_EVENT1 ("PAN connection destination UUID is 0x%x", local_uuid->uu.uuid16);
+ /* Set the latest active PAN role */
+ pan_cb.active_role = req_role;
+ pcb->src_uuid = local_uuid->uu.uuid16;
+ pcb->dst_uuid = remote_uuid->uu.uuid16;
+ pcb->con_state = PAN_STATE_CONN_START;
+ pan_cb.num_conns++;
+ BNEP_ConnectResp (handle, BNEP_SUCCESS);
+ return;
+** Function pan_connect_state_cb
+** Description This function is registered with BNEP as connection state
+** change callback. BNEP will call this when the connection
+** is established successfully or terminated
+** Parameters: handle - handle for the connection given in the connection
+** indication callback
+** rem_bda - remote device bd addr
+** result - indicates whether the connection is up or down
+** BNEP_SUCCESS if the connection is up
+** all other values indicates appropriate errors
+** is_role_change - flag to indicate that it is a role change
+** Returns none
+void pan_connect_state_cb (UINT16 handle, BD_ADDR rem_bda, tBNEP_RESULT result, BOOLEAN is_role_change)
+ tPAN_CONN *pcb;
+ UINT8 peer_role;
+ PAN_TRACE_EVENT2 ("pan_connect_state_cb - for handle %d, result %d", handle, result);
+ pcb = pan_get_pcb_by_handle (handle);
+ if (!pcb)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_ERROR1 ("PAN State change indication for wrong handle %d", handle);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* If the connection is getting terminated remove bridging */
+ if (result != BNEP_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ /* Inform the application that connection is down */
+ if (pan_cb.pan_conn_state_cb)
+ (*pan_cb.pan_conn_state_cb) (pcb->handle, pcb->rem_bda, result, is_role_change, PAN_ROLE_INACTIVE, PAN_ROLE_INACTIVE);
+ /* Check if this failure is for role change only */
+ if (pcb->con_state != PAN_STATE_CONNECTED &&
+ (pcb->con_flags & PAN_FLAGS_CONN_COMPLETED))
+ {
+ /* restore the original values */
+ PAN_TRACE_EVENT0 ("restoring the connection state to active");
+ pcb->con_state = PAN_STATE_CONNECTED;
+ pcb->con_flags &= (~PAN_FLAGS_CONN_COMPLETED);
+ pcb->src_uuid = pcb->prv_src_uuid;
+ pcb->dst_uuid = pcb->prv_dst_uuid;
+ pan_cb.active_role = pan_cb.prv_active_role;
+ if ((pcb->src_uuid == UUID_SERVCLASS_NAP) && pan_cb.pan_bridge_req_cb)
+ (*pan_cb.pan_bridge_req_cb) (pcb->rem_bda, TRUE);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pcb->con_state == PAN_STATE_CONNECTED)
+ {
+ /* If the connections destination role is NAP remove bridging */
+ if ((pcb->src_uuid == UUID_SERVCLASS_NAP) && pan_cb.pan_bridge_req_cb)
+ (*pan_cb.pan_bridge_req_cb) (pcb->rem_bda, FALSE);
+ }
+ pan_cb.num_conns--;
+ pan_release_pcb (pcb);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Requested destination role is */
+ if (pcb->src_uuid == UUID_SERVCLASS_PANU)
+ pan_cb.active_role = PAN_ROLE_CLIENT;
+ else if (pcb->src_uuid == UUID_SERVCLASS_GN)
+ pan_cb.active_role = PAN_ROLE_GN_SERVER;
+ else
+ pan_cb.active_role = PAN_ROLE_NAP_SERVER;
+ if (pcb->dst_uuid == UUID_SERVCLASS_PANU)
+ peer_role = PAN_ROLE_CLIENT;
+ else if (pcb->dst_uuid == UUID_SERVCLASS_GN)
+ peer_role = PAN_ROLE_GN_SERVER;
+ else
+ peer_role = PAN_ROLE_NAP_SERVER;
+ pcb->con_state = PAN_STATE_CONNECTED;
+ /* Inform the application that connection is down */
+ if (pan_cb.pan_conn_state_cb)
+ (*pan_cb.pan_conn_state_cb) (pcb->handle, pcb->rem_bda, PAN_SUCCESS, is_role_change, pan_cb.active_role, peer_role);
+ /* Create bridge if the destination role is NAP */
+ if (pan_cb.pan_bridge_req_cb && pcb->src_uuid == UUID_SERVCLASS_NAP)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_EVENT0 ("PAN requesting for bridge");
+ (*pan_cb.pan_bridge_req_cb) (pcb->rem_bda, TRUE);
+ }
+** Function pan_data_ind_cb
+** Description This function is registered with BNEP as data indication
+** callback. BNEP will call this when the peer sends any data
+** on this connection
+** Parameters: handle - handle for the connection
+** src - source BD Addr
+** dst - destination BD Addr
+** protocol - Network protocol of the Eth packet
+** p_data - pointer to the data
+** len - length of the data
+** fw_ext_present - to indicate whether the data contains any
+** extension headers before the payload
+** Returns none
+void pan_data_ind_cb (UINT16 handle,
+ UINT8 *src,
+ UINT8 *dst,
+ UINT16 protocol,
+ UINT8 *p_data,
+ UINT16 len,
+ BOOLEAN ext)
+ tPAN_CONN *pcb;
+ UINT16 i;
+ BOOLEAN forward;
+ /*
+ ** Check the connection status
+ ** If the destination address is MAC broadcast send on all links
+ ** except on the one received
+ ** If the destination uuid is for NAP send to host system also
+ ** If the destination address is one of the devices connected
+ ** send the packet to over that link
+ ** If the destination address is unknown and destination uuid is NAP
+ ** send it to the host system
+ */
+ PAN_TRACE_EVENT1 ("pan_data_ind_cb - for handle %d", handle);
+ pcb = pan_get_pcb_by_handle (handle);
+ if (!pcb)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_ERROR1 ("PAN Data indication for wrong handle %d", handle);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pcb->con_state != PAN_STATE_CONNECTED)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_ERROR2 ("PAN Data indication in wrong state %d for handle %d",
+ pcb->con_state, handle);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check if it is broadcast packet */
+ if (dst[0] & 0x01)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("PAN received broadcast packet on handle %d, src uuid 0x%x",
+ handle, pcb->src_uuid);
+ for (i=0; i<MAX_PAN_CONNS; i++)
+ {
+ if (pan_cb.pcb[i].con_state == PAN_STATE_CONNECTED &&
+ pan_cb.pcb[i].handle != handle &&
+ pcb->src_uuid == pan_cb.pcb[i].src_uuid)
+ {
+ BNEP_Write (pan_cb.pcb[i].handle, dst, p_data, len, protocol, src, ext);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pan_cb.pan_data_ind_cb)
+ (*pan_cb.pan_data_ind_cb) (pcb->handle, src, dst, protocol, p_data, len, ext, TRUE);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check if it is for any other PAN connection */
+ for (i=0; i<MAX_PAN_CONNS; i++)
+ {
+ if (pan_cb.pcb[i].con_state == PAN_STATE_CONNECTED &&
+ pcb->src_uuid == pan_cb.pcb[i].src_uuid)
+ {
+ if (memcmp (pan_cb.pcb[i].rem_bda, dst, BD_ADDR_LEN) == 0)
+ {
+ BNEP_Write (pan_cb.pcb[i].handle, dst, p_data, len, protocol, src, ext);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pcb->src_uuid == UUID_SERVCLASS_NAP)
+ forward = TRUE;
+ else
+ forward = FALSE;
+ /* Send it over the LAN or give it to host software */
+ if (pan_cb.pan_data_ind_cb)
+ (*pan_cb.pan_data_ind_cb) (pcb->handle, src, dst, protocol, p_data, len, ext, forward);
+ return;
+** Function pan_data_buf_ind_cb
+** Description This function is registered with BNEP as data buffer indication
+** callback. BNEP will call this when the peer sends any data
+** on this connection. PAN is responsible to release the buffer
+** Parameters: handle - handle for the connection
+** src - source BD Addr
+** dst - destination BD Addr
+** protocol - Network protocol of the Eth packet
+** p_buf - pointer to the data buffer
+** ext - to indicate whether the data contains any
+** extension headers before the payload
+** Returns none
+void pan_data_buf_ind_cb (UINT16 handle,
+ UINT8 *src,
+ UINT8 *dst,
+ UINT16 protocol,
+ BT_HDR *p_buf,
+ BOOLEAN ext)
+ tPAN_CONN *pcb, *dst_pcb;
+ tBNEP_RESULT result;
+ UINT16 i, len;
+ UINT8 *p_data;
+ BOOLEAN forward = FALSE;
+ /* Check if the connection is in right state */
+ pcb = pan_get_pcb_by_handle (handle);
+ if (!pcb)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_ERROR1 ("PAN Data buffer indication for wrong handle %d", handle);
+ GKI_freebuf (p_buf);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pcb->con_state != PAN_STATE_CONNECTED)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_ERROR2 ("PAN Data indication in wrong state %d for handle %d",
+ pcb->con_state, handle);
+ GKI_freebuf (p_buf);
+ return;
+ }
+ p_data = (UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset;
+ len = p_buf->len;
+ PAN_TRACE_EVENT4 ("pan_data_buf_ind_cb - for handle %d, protocol 0x%x, length %d, ext %d",
+ handle, protocol, len, ext);
+ if (pcb->src_uuid == UUID_SERVCLASS_NAP)
+ forward = TRUE;
+ else
+ forward = FALSE;
+ /* Check if it is broadcast or multicast packet */
+ if (pcb->src_uuid != UUID_SERVCLASS_PANU)
+ {
+ if (dst[0] & 0x01)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("PAN received broadcast packet on handle %d, src uuid 0x%x",
+ handle, pcb->src_uuid);
+ for (i=0; i<MAX_PAN_CONNS; i++)
+ {
+ if (pan_cb.pcb[i].con_state == PAN_STATE_CONNECTED &&
+ pan_cb.pcb[i].handle != handle &&
+ pcb->src_uuid == pan_cb.pcb[i].src_uuid)
+ {
+ BNEP_Write (pan_cb.pcb[i].handle, dst, p_data, len, protocol, src, ext);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pan_cb.pan_data_buf_ind_cb)
+ (*pan_cb.pan_data_buf_ind_cb) (pcb->handle, src, dst, protocol, p_buf, ext, forward);
+ else if (pan_cb.pan_data_ind_cb)
+ {
+ (*pan_cb.pan_data_ind_cb) (pcb->handle, src, dst, protocol, p_data, len, ext, forward);
+ GKI_freebuf (p_buf);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check if it is for any other PAN connection */
+ dst_pcb = pan_get_pcb_by_addr (dst);
+ if (dst_pcb)
+ {
+ PAN_TRACE_EVENT0 ("pan_data_buf_ind_cb - destination PANU found and sending the data");
+ result = BNEP_WriteBuf (dst_pcb->handle, dst, p_buf, protocol, src, ext);
+ if (result != BNEP_SUCCESS && result != BNEP_IGNORE_CMD)
+ PAN_TRACE_ERROR1 ("Failed to write data for PAN connection handle %d", dst_pcb->handle);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Send it over the LAN or give it to host software */
+ if (pan_cb.pan_data_buf_ind_cb)
+ (*pan_cb.pan_data_buf_ind_cb) (pcb->handle, src, dst, protocol, p_buf, ext, forward);
+ else if (pan_cb.pan_data_ind_cb)
+ {
+ (*pan_cb.pan_data_ind_cb) (pcb->handle, src, dst, protocol, p_data, len, ext, forward);
+ GKI_freebuf (p_buf);
+ }
+ else
+ GKI_freebuf (p_buf);
+ return;
+** Function pan_proto_filt_ind_cb
+** Description This function is registered with BNEP to receive tx data
+** flow status
+** Parameters: handle - handle for the connection
+** event - flow status
+** Returns none
+void pan_tx_data_flow_cb (UINT16 handle,
+ tBNEP_RESULT event)
+ if (pan_cb.pan_tx_data_flow_cb)
+ (*pan_cb.pan_tx_data_flow_cb) (handle, event);
+ return;
+** Function pan_proto_filt_ind_cb
+** Description This function is registered with BNEP as proto filter indication
+** callback. BNEP will call this when the peer sends any protocol
+** filter set for the connection or to indicate the result of the
+** protocol filter set by the local device
+** Parameters: handle - handle for the connection
+** indication - TRUE if this is indication
+** FALSE if it is called to give the result of local
+** device protocol filter set
+** result - This gives the result of the filter set operation
+** num_filters - number of filters set by the peer device
+** p_filters - pointer to the filters set by the peer device
+** Returns none
+void pan_proto_filt_ind_cb (UINT16 handle,
+ BOOLEAN indication,
+ tBNEP_RESULT result,
+ UINT16 num_filters,
+ UINT8 *p_filters)
+ PAN_TRACE_EVENT4 ("pan_proto_filt_ind_cb - called for handle %d with ind %d, result %d, num %d",
+ handle, indication, result, num_filters);
+ if (pan_cb.pan_pfilt_ind_cb)
+ (*pan_cb.pan_pfilt_ind_cb) (handle, indication, result, num_filters, p_filters);
+ return;
+** Function pan_mcast_filt_ind_cb
+** Description This function is registered with BNEP as mcast filter indication
+** callback. BNEP will call this when the peer sends any multicast
+** filter set for the connection or to indicate the result of the
+** multicast filter set by the local device
+** Parameters: handle - handle for the connection
+** indication - TRUE if this is indication
+** FALSE if it is called to give the result of local
+** device multicast filter set
+** result - This gives the result of the filter set operation
+** num_filters - number of filters set by the peer device
+** p_filters - pointer to the filters set by the peer device
+** Returns none
+void pan_mcast_filt_ind_cb (UINT16 handle,
+ BOOLEAN indication,
+ tBNEP_RESULT result,
+ UINT16 num_filters,
+ UINT8 *p_filters)
+ PAN_TRACE_EVENT4 ("pan_mcast_filt_ind_cb - called for handle %d with ind %d, result %d, num %d",
+ handle, indication, result, num_filters);
+ if (pan_cb.pan_mfilt_ind_cb)
+ (*pan_cb.pan_mfilt_ind_cb) (handle, indication, result, num_filters, p_filters);
+ return;