/************************************************************************************ * * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is the proprietary software of Broadcom Corporation and/or its * licensors, and may only be used, duplicated, modified or distributed * pursuant to the terms and conditions of a separate, written license * agreement executed between you and Broadcom (an "Authorized License"). * Except as set forth in an Authorized License, Broadcom grants no license * (express or implied), right to use, or waiver of any kind with respect to * the Software, and Broadcom expressly reserves all rights in and to the * Software and all intellectual property rights therein. * IF YOU HAVE NO AUTHORIZED LICENSE, THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO USE THIS * SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY, AND SHOULD IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY BROADCOM AND DISCONTINUE * ALL USE OF THE SOFTWARE. * * Except as expressly set forth in the Authorized License, * * 1. This program, including its structure, sequence and organization, * constitutes the valuable trade secrets of Broadcom, and you shall * use all reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality thereof, * and to use this information only in connection with your use of * Broadcom integrated circuit products. * * 2. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED * "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND BROADCOM MAKES NO PROMISES, * REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, * OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE. BROADCOM SPECIFICALLY * DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, * NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF VIRUSES, * ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT * OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. * * 3. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL BROADCOM OR * ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR * (i) CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR EXEMPLARY * DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATING TO * YOUR USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE EVEN IF BROADCOM * HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES; OR * (ii) ANY AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID FOR THE * SOFTWARE ITSELF OR U.S. $1, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. THESE * LIMITATIONS SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF * ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY. * ************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************ * * Filename: btif_dm.c * * Description: Contains Device Management (DM) related functionality * * ***********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gki.h" #include "btu.h" #include "bd.h" #include "bta_api.h" #include "btif_api.h" #include "btif_util.h" #include "btif_storage.h" #include "btif_hh.h" /****************************************************************************** ** Constants & Macros ******************************************************************************/ #define COD_UNCLASSIFIED ((0x1F) << 8) #define COD_HID_KEYBOARD 0x0540 #define COD_HID_POINTING 0x0580 #define COD_HID_COMBO 0x05C0 #define COD_AV_HEADSETS 0x0404 #define COD_AV_HANDSFREE 0x0408 #define COD_AV_HEADPHONES 0x0418 #define COD_AV_PORTABLE_AUDIO 0x041C #define COD_AV_HIFI_AUDIO 0x0428 #define BTIF_DM_DEFAULT_INQ_MAX_RESULTS 0 #define BTIF_DM_DEFAULT_INQ_MAX_DURATION 10 typedef struct { bt_bond_state_t state; BD_ADDR bd_addr; UINT8 is_temp; UINT8 pin_code_len; UINT8 is_ssp; UINT8 autopair_attempts; UINT8 is_local_initiated; UINT8 bonded_pending_sdp; } btif_dm_pairing_cb_t; typedef struct { BD_ADDR bd_addr; BD_NAME bd_name; } btif_dm_remote_name_t; typedef struct { BT_OCTET16 sp_c; BT_OCTET16 sp_r; BD_ADDR oob_bdaddr; /* peer bdaddr*/ } btif_dm_oob_cb_t; #define BTA_SERVICE_ID_TO_SERVICE_MASK(id) (1 << (id)) /* This flag will be true if HCI_Inquiry is in progress */ static BOOLEAN btif_dm_inquiry_in_progress = FALSE; /****************************************************************************** ** Static functions ******************************************************************************/ static btif_dm_pairing_cb_t pairing_cb; static btif_dm_oob_cb_t oob_cb; static void btif_dm_generic_evt(UINT16 event, char* p_param); static void btif_dm_cb_create_bond(bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr); static void btif_dm_cb_hid_remote_name(tBTM_REMOTE_DEV_NAME *p_remote_name); static void btif_update_remote_properties(BD_ADDR bd_addr, BD_NAME bd_name, DEV_CLASS dev_class, tBT_DEVICE_TYPE dev_type); /****************************************************************************** ** Externs ******************************************************************************/ extern UINT16 bta_service_id_to_uuid_lkup_tbl [BTA_MAX_SERVICE_ID]; extern bt_status_t btif_hf_execute_service(BOOLEAN b_enable); extern bt_status_t btif_av_execute_service(BOOLEAN b_enable); extern bt_status_t btif_hh_execute_service(BOOLEAN b_enable); extern int btif_hh_connect(bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr); /****************************************************************************** ** Functions ******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_in_execute_service_request(tBTA_SERVICE_ID service_id, BOOLEAN b_enable) { /* Check the service_ID and invoke the profile's BT state changed API */ switch (service_id) { case BTA_HFP_SERVICE_ID: { btif_hf_execute_service(b_enable); }break; case BTA_A2DP_SERVICE_ID: { btif_av_execute_service(b_enable); }break; case BTA_HID_SERVICE_ID: { btif_hh_execute_service(b_enable); }break; default: BTIF_TRACE_ERROR1("%s: Unknown service being enabled", __FUNCTION__); return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function check_eir_remote_name ** ** Description Check if remote name is in the EIR data ** ** Returns TRUE if remote name found ** Populate p_remote_name, if provided and remote name found ** *******************************************************************************/ static BOOLEAN check_eir_remote_name(tBTA_DM_SEARCH *p_search_data, UINT8 *p_remote_name, UINT8 *p_remote_name_len) { UINT8 *p_eir_remote_name = NULL; UINT8 remote_name_len = 0; /* Check EIR for remote name and services */ if (p_search_data->inq_res.p_eir) { p_eir_remote_name = BTA_CheckEirData(p_search_data->inq_res.p_eir, BTM_EIR_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME_TYPE, &remote_name_len); if (!p_eir_remote_name) { p_eir_remote_name = BTA_CheckEirData(p_search_data->inq_res.p_eir, BTM_EIR_SHORTENED_LOCAL_NAME_TYPE, &remote_name_len); } if (p_eir_remote_name) { if (remote_name_len > BD_NAME_LEN) remote_name_len = BD_NAME_LEN; if (p_remote_name && p_remote_name_len) { memcpy(p_remote_name, p_eir_remote_name, remote_name_len); *(p_remote_name + remote_name_len) = 0; *p_remote_name_len = remote_name_len; } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function check_cached_remote_name ** ** Description Check if remote name is in the NVRAM cache ** ** Returns TRUE if remote name found ** Populate p_remote_name, if provided and remote name found ** *******************************************************************************/ static BOOLEAN check_cached_remote_name(tBTA_DM_SEARCH *p_search_data, UINT8 *p_remote_name, UINT8 *p_remote_name_len) { bt_bdname_t bdname; bt_bdaddr_t remote_bdaddr; bt_property_t prop_name; /* check if we already have it in our btif_storage cache */ bdcpy(remote_bdaddr.address, p_search_data->inq_res.bd_addr); BTIF_STORAGE_FILL_PROPERTY(&prop_name, BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME, sizeof(bt_bdname_t), &bdname); if (btif_storage_get_remote_device_property( &remote_bdaddr, &prop_name) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (p_remote_name && p_remote_name_len) { strcpy((char *)p_remote_name, (char *)bdname.name); *p_remote_name_len = strlen((char *)p_remote_name); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOLEAN check_cod(const bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bdaddr, uint32_t cod) { uint32_t remote_cod; bt_property_t prop_name; /* check if we already have it in our btif_storage cache */ BTIF_STORAGE_FILL_PROPERTY(&prop_name, BT_PROPERTY_CLASS_OF_DEVICE, sizeof(uint32_t), &remote_cod); if (btif_storage_get_remote_device_property((bt_bdaddr_t *)remote_bdaddr, &prop_name) == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { if ((remote_cod & 0x7ff) == cod) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void bond_state_changed(bt_status_t status, bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, bt_bond_state_t state) { /* Send bonding state only once - based on outgoing/incoming we may receive duplicates */ if ( (pairing_cb.state == state) && (state == BT_BOND_STATE_BONDING) ) return; if (pairing_cb.is_temp) { state = BT_BOND_STATE_NONE; } BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s: state=%d prev_state=%d", __FUNCTION__, state, pairing_cb.state); HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, bond_state_changed_cb, status, bd_addr, state); if (state == BT_BOND_STATE_BONDING) { pairing_cb.state = state; bdcpy(pairing_cb.bd_addr, bd_addr->address); } else { memset(&pairing_cb, 0, sizeof(pairing_cb)); } } static void btif_update_remote_properties(BD_ADDR bd_addr, BD_NAME bd_name, DEV_CLASS dev_class, tBT_DEVICE_TYPE device_type) { int num_properties = 0; bt_property_t properties[3]; bt_bdaddr_t bdaddr; bt_status_t status; UINT32 cod; bt_device_type_t dev_type; memset(properties, 0, sizeof(properties)); bdcpy(bdaddr.address, bd_addr); /* remote name */ if (strlen((const char *) bd_name)) { BTIF_STORAGE_FILL_PROPERTY(&properties[num_properties], BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME, strlen((char *)bd_name), bd_name); status = btif_storage_set_remote_device_property(&bdaddr, &properties[num_properties]); ASSERTC(status == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, "failed to save remote device name", status); num_properties++; } /* class of device */ cod = devclass2uint(dev_class); if ( cod == 0) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s():cod is 0, set as unclassified", __FUNCTION__); cod = COD_UNCLASSIFIED; } BTIF_STORAGE_FILL_PROPERTY(&properties[num_properties], BT_PROPERTY_CLASS_OF_DEVICE, sizeof(cod), &cod); status = btif_storage_set_remote_device_property(&bdaddr, &properties[num_properties]); ASSERTC(status == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, "failed to save remote device class", status); num_properties++; /* device type */ dev_type = device_type; BTIF_STORAGE_FILL_PROPERTY(&properties[num_properties], BT_PROPERTY_TYPE_OF_DEVICE, sizeof(dev_type), &dev_type); status = btif_storage_set_remote_device_property(&bdaddr, &properties[num_properties]); ASSERTC(status == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, "failed to save remote device type", status); num_properties++; HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, remote_device_properties_cb, status, &bdaddr, num_properties, properties); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function hid_remote_name_cback ** ** Description Remote name callback for HID device. Called in stack context ** Special handling for HID devices ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void hid_remote_name_cback(void *p_param) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s", __FUNCTION__); btif_transfer_context(btif_dm_generic_evt, BTIF_DM_CB_HID_REMOTE_NAME, (char *)p_param, sizeof(tBTM_REMOTE_DEV_NAME), NULL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_cb_hid_remote_name ** ** Description Remote name callback for HID device. Called in btif context ** Special handling for HID devices ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void btif_dm_cb_hid_remote_name(tBTM_REMOTE_DEV_NAME *p_remote_name) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s: status=%d pairing_cb.state=%d", __FUNCTION__, p_remote_name->status, pairing_cb.state); if (pairing_cb.state == BT_BOND_STATE_BONDING) { bt_bdaddr_t remote_bd; bdcpy(remote_bd.address, pairing_cb.bd_addr); if (p_remote_name->status == BTM_SUCCESS) { bond_state_changed(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, &remote_bd, BT_BOND_STATE_BONDED); } else bond_state_changed(BT_STATUS_FAIL, &remote_bd, BT_BOND_STATE_NONE); } } int remove_hid_bond(bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr) { /* For HID device, inorder to avoid the HID device from re-connecting again after unpairing, * we need to do virtual unplug */ bdstr_t bdstr; BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG2("%s---Removing HID bond--%s", __FUNCTION__,bd2str((bt_bdaddr_t *)bd_addr, &bdstr)); return btif_hh_virtual_unpug(bd_addr); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_cb_create_bond ** ** Description Create bond initiated from the BTIF thread context ** Special handling for HID devices ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void btif_dm_cb_create_bond(bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr) { bond_state_changed(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, bd_addr, BT_BOND_STATE_BONDING); if (check_cod(bd_addr, COD_HID_POINTING)){ int status; status = btif_hh_connect(bd_addr); if(status != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) bond_state_changed(status, bd_addr, BT_BOND_STATE_NONE); } else BTA_DmBond ((UINT8 *)bd_addr->address); /* Track originator of bond creation */ pairing_cb.is_local_initiated = TRUE; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_cb_remove_bond ** ** Description remove bond initiated from the BTIF thread context ** Special handling for HID devices ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void btif_dm_cb_remove_bond(bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr) { bdstr_t bdstr; /*special handling for HID devices */ if (check_cod(bd_addr, COD_HID_POINTING) || check_cod(bd_addr, COD_HID_KEYBOARD) || check_cod(bd_addr, COD_HID_COMBO)) { #if (defined(BTA_HH_INCLUDED) && (BTA_HH_INCLUDED == TRUE)) if(remove_hid_bond(bd_addr) != BTA_SUCCESS) BTA_DmRemoveDevice((UINT8 *)bd_addr->address); #endif } else { if (BTA_DmRemoveDevice((UINT8 *)bd_addr->address) == BTA_SUCCESS) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("Successfully removed bonding with device: %s", bd2str((bt_bdaddr_t *)bd_addr, &bdstr)); } else BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("Removed bonding with device failed: %s", bd2str((bt_bdaddr_t *)bd_addr, &bdstr)); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function search_devices_copy_cb ** ** Description Deep copy callback for search devices event ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void search_devices_copy_cb(UINT16 event, char *p_dest, char *p_src) { tBTA_DM_SEARCH *p_dest_data = (tBTA_DM_SEARCH *) p_dest; tBTA_DM_SEARCH *p_src_data = (tBTA_DM_SEARCH *) p_src; if (!p_src) return; BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG2("%s: event=%s", __FUNCTION__, dump_dm_search_event(event)); memcpy(p_dest_data, p_src_data, sizeof(tBTA_DM_SEARCH)); switch (event) { case BTA_DM_INQ_RES_EVT: { if (p_src_data->inq_res.p_eir) { p_dest_data->inq_res.p_eir = (UINT8 *)(p_dest + sizeof(tBTA_DM_SEARCH)); memcpy(p_dest_data->inq_res.p_eir, p_src_data->inq_res.p_eir, HCI_EXT_INQ_RESPONSE_LEN); } } break; case BTA_DM_DISC_RES_EVT: { if (p_src_data->disc_res.raw_data_size && p_src_data->disc_res.p_raw_data) { p_dest_data->disc_res.p_raw_data = (UINT8 *)(p_dest + sizeof(tBTA_DM_SEARCH)); memcpy(p_dest_data->disc_res.p_raw_data, p_src_data->disc_res.p_raw_data, p_src_data->disc_res.raw_data_size); } } break; } } static void search_services_copy_cb(UINT16 event, char *p_dest, char *p_src) { tBTA_DM_SEARCH *p_dest_data = (tBTA_DM_SEARCH *) p_dest; tBTA_DM_SEARCH *p_src_data = (tBTA_DM_SEARCH *) p_src; if (!p_src) return; memcpy(p_dest_data, p_src_data, sizeof(tBTA_DM_SEARCH)); switch (event) { case BTA_DM_DISC_RES_EVT: { if ((p_src_data->disc_res.result == BTA_SUCCESS) && (p_src_data->disc_res.num_uuids > 0)) { p_dest_data->disc_res.p_uuid_list = (UINT8*)(p_dest + sizeof(tBTA_DM_SEARCH)); memcpy(p_dest_data->disc_res.p_uuid_list, p_src_data->disc_res.p_uuid_list, p_src_data->disc_res.num_uuids*MAX_UUID_SIZE); } } break; } } /****************************************************************************** ** ** BTIF DM callback events ** *****************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_pin_req_evt ** ** Description Executes pin request event in btif context ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void btif_dm_pin_req_evt(tBTA_DM_PIN_REQ *p_pin_req) { bt_bdaddr_t bd_addr; bt_bdname_t bd_name; UINT32 cod; bt_pin_code_t pin_code; /* Remote properties update */ btif_update_remote_properties(p_pin_req->bd_addr, p_pin_req->bd_name, p_pin_req->dev_class, BT_DEVICE_TYPE_BREDR); bdcpy(bd_addr.address, p_pin_req->bd_addr); memcpy(bd_name.name, p_pin_req->bd_name, BD_NAME_LEN); bond_state_changed(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, &bd_addr, BT_BOND_STATE_BONDING); cod = devclass2uint(p_pin_req->dev_class); if ( cod == 0) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s():cod is 0, set as unclassified", __FUNCTION__); cod = COD_UNCLASSIFIED; } /* check for auto pair possiblity only if bond was initiated by local device */ if (pairing_cb.is_local_initiated) { if (check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_AV_HEADSETS) || check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_AV_HANDSFREE) || check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_AV_HEADPHONES) || check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_AV_PORTABLE_AUDIO) || check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_AV_HIFI_AUDIO) || check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_HID_POINTING)) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s()cod matches for auto pair", __FUNCTION__); /* Check if this device can be auto paired */ if ((btif_storage_is_device_autopair_blacklisted(&bd_addr) == FALSE) && (pairing_cb.autopair_attempts == 0)) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s() Attempting auto pair", __FUNCTION__); pin_code.pin[0] = 0x30; pin_code.pin[1] = 0x30; pin_code.pin[2] = 0x30; pin_code.pin[3] = 0x30; pairing_cb.autopair_attempts++; BTA_DmPinReply( (UINT8*)bd_addr.address, TRUE, 4, pin_code.pin); return; } } else if (check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_HID_KEYBOARD) || check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_HID_COMBO)) { if(( btif_storage_is_fixed_pin_zeros_keyboard (&bd_addr) == TRUE) && (pairing_cb.autopair_attempts == 0)) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s() Attempting auto pair", __FUNCTION__); pin_code.pin[0] = 0x30; pin_code.pin[1] = 0x30; pin_code.pin[2] = 0x30; pin_code.pin[3] = 0x30; pairing_cb.autopair_attempts++; BTA_DmPinReply( (UINT8*)bd_addr.address, TRUE, 4, pin_code.pin); return; } } } HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, pin_request_cb, &bd_addr, &bd_name, cod); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_ssp_cfm_req_evt ** ** Description Executes SSP confirm request event in btif context ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void btif_dm_ssp_cfm_req_evt(tBTA_DM_SP_CFM_REQ *p_ssp_cfm_req) { bt_bdaddr_t bd_addr; bt_bdname_t bd_name; UINT32 cod; BOOLEAN is_incoming = !(pairing_cb.state == BT_BOND_STATE_BONDING); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s", __FUNCTION__); /* Remote properties update */ btif_update_remote_properties(p_ssp_cfm_req->bd_addr, p_ssp_cfm_req->bd_name, p_ssp_cfm_req->dev_class, BT_DEVICE_TYPE_BREDR); bdcpy(bd_addr.address, p_ssp_cfm_req->bd_addr); memcpy(bd_name.name, p_ssp_cfm_req->bd_name, BD_NAME_LEN); /* Set the pairing_cb based on the local & remote authentication requirements */ bond_state_changed(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, &bd_addr, BT_BOND_STATE_BONDING); /* if just_works and bonding bit is not set treat this as temporary */ if (p_ssp_cfm_req->just_works && !(p_ssp_cfm_req->loc_auth_req & BTM_AUTH_BONDS) && !(p_ssp_cfm_req->rmt_auth_req & BTM_AUTH_BONDS)) pairing_cb.is_temp = TRUE; else pairing_cb.is_temp = FALSE; pairing_cb.is_ssp = TRUE; /* If JustWorks auto-accept */ if (p_ssp_cfm_req->just_works) { /* Pairing consent for JustWorks needed if: * 1. Incoming pairing is detected AND * 2. local IO capabilities are DisplayYesNo AND * 3. remote IO capabiltiies are DisplayOnly or NoInputNoOutput; */ if ((is_incoming) && ((p_ssp_cfm_req->loc_io_caps == 0x01) && (p_ssp_cfm_req->rmt_io_caps == 0x00 || p_ssp_cfm_req->rmt_io_caps == 0x03))) { BTIF_TRACE_EVENT3("%s: User consent needed for incoming pairing request. loc_io_caps: %d, rmt_io_caps: %d", __FUNCTION__, p_ssp_cfm_req->loc_io_caps, p_ssp_cfm_req->rmt_io_caps); } else { BTIF_TRACE_EVENT1("%s: Auto-accept JustWorks pairing", __FUNCTION__); btif_dm_ssp_reply(&bd_addr, BT_SSP_VARIANT_CONSENT, TRUE, 0); return; } } cod = devclass2uint(p_ssp_cfm_req->dev_class); if ( cod == 0) { ALOGD("cod is 0, set as unclassified"); cod = COD_UNCLASSIFIED; } pairing_cb.bonded_pending_sdp = FALSE; HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, ssp_request_cb, &bd_addr, &bd_name, cod, (p_ssp_cfm_req->just_works ? BT_SSP_VARIANT_CONSENT : BT_SSP_VARIANT_PASSKEY_CONFIRMATION), p_ssp_cfm_req->num_val); } static void btif_dm_ssp_key_notif_evt(tBTA_DM_SP_KEY_NOTIF *p_ssp_key_notif) { bt_bdaddr_t bd_addr; bt_bdname_t bd_name; UINT32 cod; BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s", __FUNCTION__); /* Remote properties update */ btif_update_remote_properties(p_ssp_key_notif->bd_addr, p_ssp_key_notif->bd_name, p_ssp_key_notif->dev_class, BT_DEVICE_TYPE_BREDR); bdcpy(bd_addr.address, p_ssp_key_notif->bd_addr); memcpy(bd_name.name, p_ssp_key_notif->bd_name, BD_NAME_LEN); bond_state_changed(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, &bd_addr, BT_BOND_STATE_BONDING); pairing_cb.is_ssp = TRUE; cod = devclass2uint(p_ssp_key_notif->dev_class); if ( cod == 0) { ALOGD("cod is 0, set as unclassified"); cod = COD_UNCLASSIFIED; } HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, ssp_request_cb, &bd_addr, &bd_name, cod, BT_SSP_VARIANT_PASSKEY_NOTIFICATION, p_ssp_key_notif->passkey); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_auth_cmpl_evt ** ** Description Executes authentication complete event in btif context ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void btif_dm_auth_cmpl_evt (tBTA_DM_AUTH_CMPL *p_auth_cmpl) { /* Save link key, if not temporary */ bt_bdaddr_t bd_addr; bt_status_t status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; bt_bond_state_t state = BT_BOND_STATE_NONE; bdcpy(bd_addr.address, p_auth_cmpl->bd_addr); if ( (p_auth_cmpl->success == TRUE) && (p_auth_cmpl->key_present) ) { if ((p_auth_cmpl->key_type < HCI_LKEY_TYPE_DEBUG_COMB) || (p_auth_cmpl->key_type == HCI_LKEY_TYPE_AUTH_COMB) || (p_auth_cmpl->key_type == HCI_LKEY_TYPE_CHANGED_COMB) || (!pairing_cb.is_temp)) { bt_status_t ret; BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s: Storing link key. key_type=0x%x, is_temp=%d", __FUNCTION__, p_auth_cmpl->key_type, pairing_cb.is_temp); ret = btif_storage_add_bonded_device(&bd_addr, p_auth_cmpl->key, p_auth_cmpl->key_type, pairing_cb.pin_code_len); ASSERTC(ret == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, "storing link key failed", ret); } else { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s: Temporary key. Not storing. key_type=0x%x, is_temp=%d", __FUNCTION__, p_auth_cmpl->key_type, pairing_cb.is_temp); } } if (p_auth_cmpl->success) { status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; state = BT_BOND_STATE_BONDED; /* Trigger SDP on the device */ pairing_cb.bonded_pending_sdp = TRUE; btif_dm_get_remote_services(&bd_addr); /* Do not call bond_state_changed_cb yet. Wait till fetch remote service is complete */ } else { /*Map the HCI fail reason to bt status */ switch(p_auth_cmpl->fail_reason) { case HCI_ERR_PAGE_TIMEOUT: case HCI_ERR_CONNECTION_TOUT: status = BT_STATUS_RMT_DEV_DOWN; break; case HCI_ERR_AUTH_FAILURE: BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1(" %s() Authentication fail ", __FUNCTION__); if (pairing_cb.autopair_attempts == 1) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s(): Adding device to blacklist ", __FUNCTION__); /* Add the device to dynamic black list only if this device belongs to Audio/pointing dev class */ if (check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_AV_HEADSETS) || check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_AV_HANDSFREE) || check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_AV_HEADPHONES) || check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_AV_PORTABLE_AUDIO) || check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_AV_HIFI_AUDIO) || check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_HID_POINTING)) { btif_storage_add_device_to_autopair_blacklist (&bd_addr); } pairing_cb.autopair_attempts++; /* Create the Bond once again */ BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s() auto pair failed. Reinitiate Bond", __FUNCTION__); btif_dm_cb_create_bond (&bd_addr); return; } else { /* if autopair attempts are more than 1, or not attempted */ status = BT_STATUS_AUTH_FAILURE; } break; default: status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; } bond_state_changed(status, &bd_addr, state); } } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function btif_dm_search_devices_evt ** ** Description Executes search devices callback events in btif context ** ** Returns void ** ******************************************************************************/ static void btif_dm_search_devices_evt (UINT16 event, char *p_param) { tBTA_DM_SEARCH *p_search_data; BTIF_TRACE_EVENT2("%s event=%s", __FUNCTION__, dump_dm_search_event(event)); switch (event) { case BTA_DM_DISC_RES_EVT: { p_search_data = (tBTA_DM_SEARCH *)p_param; /* Remote name update */ if (strlen((const char *) p_search_data->disc_res.bd_name)) { bt_property_t properties[1]; bt_bdaddr_t bdaddr; bt_status_t status; properties[0].type = BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME; properties[0].val = p_search_data->disc_res.bd_name; properties[0].len = strlen((char *)p_search_data->disc_res.bd_name); bdcpy(bdaddr.address, p_search_data->disc_res.bd_addr); status = btif_storage_set_remote_device_property(&bdaddr, &properties[0]); ASSERTC(status == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, "failed to save remote device property", status); HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, remote_device_properties_cb, status, &bdaddr, 1, properties); } /* TODO: Services? */ } break; case BTA_DM_INQ_RES_EVT: { /* inquiry result */ UINT32 cod; UINT8 *p_eir_remote_name = NULL; bt_bdname_t bdname; bt_bdaddr_t bdaddr; UINT8 remote_name_len; UINT8 *p_cached_name = NULL; tBTA_SERVICE_MASK services = 0; bdstr_t bdstr; p_search_data = (tBTA_DM_SEARCH *)p_param; bdcpy(bdaddr.address, p_search_data->inq_res.bd_addr); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s() %s device_type = 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, bd2str(&bdaddr, &bdstr), #if (BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE) p_search_data->inq_res.device_type); #else BT_DEVICE_TYPE_BREDR); #endif bdname.name[0] = 0; cod = devclass2uint (p_search_data->inq_res.dev_class); if ( cod == 0) { ALOGD("cod is 0, set as unclassified"); cod = COD_UNCLASSIFIED; } if (!check_eir_remote_name(p_search_data, bdname.name, &remote_name_len)) check_cached_remote_name(p_search_data, bdname.name, &remote_name_len); /* Check EIR for remote name and services */ if (p_search_data->inq_res.p_eir) { BTA_GetEirService(p_search_data->inq_res.p_eir, &services); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG2("%s()EIR BTA services = %08X", __FUNCTION__, (UINT32)services); /* TODO: Get the service list and check to see which uuids we got and send it back to the client. */ } { bt_property_t properties[5]; bt_device_type_t dev_type; uint32_t num_properties = 0; bt_status_t status; memset(properties, 0, sizeof(properties)); /* BD_ADDR */ BTIF_STORAGE_FILL_PROPERTY(&properties[num_properties], BT_PROPERTY_BDADDR, sizeof(bdaddr), &bdaddr); num_properties++; /* BD_NAME */ /* Don't send BDNAME if it is empty */ if (bdname.name[0]) { BTIF_STORAGE_FILL_PROPERTY(&properties[num_properties], BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME, strlen((char *)bdname.name), &bdname); num_properties++; } /* DEV_CLASS */ BTIF_STORAGE_FILL_PROPERTY(&properties[num_properties], BT_PROPERTY_CLASS_OF_DEVICE, sizeof(cod), &cod); num_properties++; /* DEV_TYPE */ #if (BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE) /* FixMe: Assumption is that bluetooth.h and BTE enums match */ dev_type = p_search_data->inq_res.device_type; #else dev_type = BT_DEVICE_TYPE_BREDR; #endif BTIF_STORAGE_FILL_PROPERTY(&properties[num_properties], BT_PROPERTY_TYPE_OF_DEVICE, sizeof(dev_type), &dev_type); num_properties++; /* RSSI */ BTIF_STORAGE_FILL_PROPERTY(&properties[num_properties], BT_PROPERTY_REMOTE_RSSI, sizeof(int8_t), &(p_search_data->inq_res.rssi)); num_properties++; status = btif_storage_add_remote_device(&bdaddr, num_properties, properties); ASSERTC(status == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, "failed to save remote device (inquiry)", status); /* Callback to notify upper layer of device */ HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, device_found_cb, num_properties, properties); } } break; case BTA_DM_INQ_CMPL_EVT: { } break; case BTA_DM_DISC_CMPL_EVT: { HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, discovery_state_changed_cb, BT_DISCOVERY_STOPPED); } break; case BTA_DM_SEARCH_CANCEL_CMPL_EVT: { /* if inquiry is not in progress and we get a cancel event, then * it means we are done with inquiry, but remote_name fetches are in * progress * * if inquiry is in progress, then we don't want to act on this cancel_cmpl_evt * but instead wait for the cancel_cmpl_evt via the Busy Level * */ if (btif_dm_inquiry_in_progress == FALSE) { HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, discovery_state_changed_cb, BT_DISCOVERY_STOPPED); } } break; } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_search_services_evt ** ** Description Executes search services event in btif context ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void btif_dm_search_services_evt(UINT16 event, char *p_param) { tBTA_DM_SEARCH *p_data = (tBTA_DM_SEARCH*)p_param; BTIF_TRACE_EVENT2("%s: event = %d", __FUNCTION__, event); switch (event) { case BTA_DM_DISC_RES_EVT: { bt_uuid_t uuid_arr[BT_MAX_NUM_UUIDS]; /* Max 32 services */ bt_property_t prop; uint32_t i = 0, j = 0; bt_bdaddr_t bd_addr; bt_status_t ret; bdcpy(bd_addr.address, p_data->disc_res.bd_addr); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s:(result=0x%x, services 0x%x)", __FUNCTION__, p_data->disc_res.result, p_data->disc_res.services); prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_UUIDS; prop.len = 0; if ((p_data->disc_res.result == BTA_SUCCESS) && (p_data->disc_res.num_uuids > 0)) { prop.val = p_data->disc_res.p_uuid_list; prop.len = p_data->disc_res.num_uuids * MAX_UUID_SIZE; for (i=0; i < p_data->disc_res.num_uuids; i++) { char temp[256]; uuid_to_string((bt_uuid_t*)(p_data->disc_res.p_uuid_list + (i*MAX_UUID_SIZE)), temp); BTIF_TRACE_ERROR2("Index: %d uuid:%s", i, temp); } } /* onUuidChanged requires getBondedDevices to be populated. ** bond_state_changed needs to be sent prior to remote_device_property */ if ((pairing_cb.state == BT_BOND_STATE_BONDING) && (bdcmp(p_data->disc_res.bd_addr, pairing_cb.bd_addr) == 0)&& pairing_cb.bonded_pending_sdp == TRUE) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s Remote Service SDP done. Call bond_state_changed_cb BONDED", __FUNCTION__); pairing_cb.bonded_pending_sdp = FALSE; bond_state_changed(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, &bd_addr, BT_BOND_STATE_BONDED); } /* Also write this to the NVRAM */ ret = btif_storage_set_remote_device_property(&bd_addr, &prop); ASSERTC(ret == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, "storing remote services failed", ret); /* Send the event to the BTIF */ HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, remote_device_properties_cb, BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, &bd_addr, 1, &prop); } break; case BTA_DM_DISC_CMPL_EVT: /* fixme */ break; default: { ASSERTC(0, "unhandled search services event", event); } break; } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_remote_service_record_evt ** ** Description Executes search service record event in btif context ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void btif_dm_remote_service_record_evt(UINT16 event, char *p_param) { tBTA_DM_SEARCH *p_data = (tBTA_DM_SEARCH*)p_param; BTIF_TRACE_EVENT2("%s: event = %d", __FUNCTION__, event); switch (event) { case BTA_DM_DISC_RES_EVT: { bt_service_record_t rec; bt_property_t prop; uint32_t i = 0; bt_bdaddr_t bd_addr; memset(&rec, 0, sizeof(bt_service_record_t)); bdcpy(bd_addr.address, p_data->disc_res.bd_addr); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s:(result=0x%x, services 0x%x)", __FUNCTION__, p_data->disc_res.result, p_data->disc_res.services); prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_SERVICE_RECORD; prop.val = (void*)&rec; prop.len = sizeof(rec); /* disc_res.result is overloaded with SCN. Cannot check result */ p_data->disc_res.services &= ~BTA_USER_SERVICE_MASK; /* TODO: Get the UUID as well */ rec.channel = p_data->disc_res.result - 3; /* TODO: Need to get the service name using p_raw_data */ rec.name[0] = 0; HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, remote_device_properties_cb, BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, &bd_addr, 1, &prop); } break; default: { ASSERTC(0, "unhandled remote service record event", event); } break; } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_upstreams_cback ** ** Description Executes UPSTREAMS events in btif context ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void btif_dm_upstreams_evt(UINT16 event, char* p_param) { tBTA_DM_SEC_EVT dm_event = (tBTA_DM_SEC_EVT)event; tBTA_DM_SEC *p_data = (tBTA_DM_SEC*)p_param; tBTA_SERVICE_MASK service_mask; uint32_t i; bt_bdaddr_t bd_addr; BTIF_TRACE_EVENT1("btif_dm_upstreams_cback ev: %s", dump_dm_event(event)); switch (event) { case BTA_DM_ENABLE_EVT: { BD_NAME bdname; bt_status_t status; bt_property_t prop; prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME; prop.len = 0; prop.val = (void*)bdname; status = btif_storage_get_adapter_property(&prop); /* Storage does not have a name yet. ** Use the default name and write it to the chip */ if (status != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { BTA_DmSetDeviceName((char *)BTM_DEF_LOCAL_NAME); /* Hmmm...Should we store this too??? */ } else { /* A name exists in the storage. Make this the device name */ BTA_DmSetDeviceName((char*)prop.val); } /* for each of the enabled services in the mask, trigger the profile * enable */ service_mask = btif_get_enabled_services_mask(); for (i=0; i <= BTA_MAX_SERVICE_ID; i++) { if (service_mask & (tBTA_SERVICE_MASK)(BTA_SERVICE_ID_TO_SERVICE_MASK(i))) { btif_in_execute_service_request(i, TRUE); } } /* clear control blocks */ memset(&pairing_cb, 0, sizeof(btif_dm_pairing_cb_t)); /* This function will also trigger the adapter_properties_cb ** and bonded_devices_info_cb */ btif_storage_load_bonded_devices(); btif_storage_load_autopair_device_list(); btif_enable_bluetooth_evt(p_data->enable.status, p_data->enable.bd_addr); } break; case BTA_DM_DISABLE_EVT: /* for each of the enabled services in the mask, trigger the profile * disable */ service_mask = btif_get_enabled_services_mask(); for (i=0; i <= BTA_MAX_SERVICE_ID; i++) { if (service_mask & (tBTA_SERVICE_MASK)(BTA_SERVICE_ID_TO_SERVICE_MASK(i))) { btif_in_execute_service_request(i, FALSE); } } btif_disable_bluetooth_evt(); break; case BTA_DM_PIN_REQ_EVT: btif_dm_pin_req_evt(&p_data->pin_req); break; case BTA_DM_AUTH_CMPL_EVT: btif_dm_auth_cmpl_evt(&p_data->auth_cmpl); break; case BTA_DM_BOND_CANCEL_CMPL_EVT: if (pairing_cb.state == BT_BOND_STATE_BONDING) { bdcpy(bd_addr.address, pairing_cb.bd_addr); bond_state_changed(p_data->bond_cancel_cmpl.result, &bd_addr, BT_BOND_STATE_NONE); } break; case BTA_DM_SP_CFM_REQ_EVT: btif_dm_ssp_cfm_req_evt(&p_data->cfm_req); break; case BTA_DM_SP_KEY_NOTIF_EVT: btif_dm_ssp_key_notif_evt(&p_data->key_notif); break; case BTA_DM_DEV_UNPAIRED_EVT: bdcpy(bd_addr.address, p_data->link_down.bd_addr); /*special handling for HID devices */ #if (defined(BTA_HH_INCLUDED) && (BTA_HH_INCLUDED == TRUE)) if (check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_HID_KEYBOARD )|| check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_HID_COMBO) || check_cod(&bd_addr, COD_HID_POINTING)) { btif_hh_remove_device(bd_addr); } #endif btif_storage_remove_bonded_device(&bd_addr); bond_state_changed(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, &bd_addr, BT_BOND_STATE_NONE); break; case BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT: { UINT8 busy_level; busy_level = p_data->busy_level.level; if (busy_level & BTM_BL_INQUIRY_PAGING_MASK) { if (busy_level == BTM_BL_INQUIRY_STARTED) { HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, discovery_state_changed_cb, BT_DISCOVERY_STARTED); btif_dm_inquiry_in_progress = TRUE; } else if (busy_level == BTM_BL_INQUIRY_CANCELLED) { HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, discovery_state_changed_cb, BT_DISCOVERY_STOPPED); btif_dm_inquiry_in_progress = FALSE; } else if (busy_level == BTM_BL_INQUIRY_COMPLETE) { btif_dm_inquiry_in_progress = FALSE; } } }break; case BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT: bdcpy(bd_addr.address, p_data->link_up.bd_addr); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG0("BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT. Sending BT_ACL_STATE_CONNECTED"); HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, acl_state_changed_cb, BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, &bd_addr, BT_ACL_STATE_CONNECTED); break; case BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT: bdcpy(bd_addr.address, p_data->link_down.bd_addr); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG0("BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT. Sending BT_ACL_STATE_DISCONNECTED"); HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, acl_state_changed_cb, BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, &bd_addr, BT_ACL_STATE_DISCONNECTED); break; case BTA_DM_AUTHORIZE_EVT: case BTA_DM_SIG_STRENGTH_EVT: case BTA_DM_SP_RMT_OOB_EVT: case BTA_DM_SP_KEYPRESS_EVT: case BTA_DM_ROLE_CHG_EVT: case BTA_DM_BLE_KEY_EVT: case BTA_DM_BLE_SEC_REQ_EVT: case BTA_DM_BLE_PASSKEY_NOTIF_EVT: case BTA_DM_BLE_PASSKEY_REQ_EVT: case BTA_DM_BLE_OOB_REQ_EVT: case BTA_DM_BLE_LOCAL_IR_EVT: case BTA_DM_BLE_LOCAL_ER_EVT: case BTA_DM_BLE_AUTH_CMPL_EVT: default: BTIF_TRACE_WARNING1( "btif_dm_cback : unhandled event (%d)", event ); break; } } /* btui_security_cback() */ /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_generic_evt ** ** Description Executes non-BTA upstream events in BTIF context ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void btif_dm_generic_evt(UINT16 event, char* p_param) { BTIF_TRACE_EVENT2("%s: event=%d", __FUNCTION__, event); switch(event) { case BTIF_DM_CB_DISCOVERY_STARTED: { HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, discovery_state_changed_cb, BT_DISCOVERY_STARTED); } break; case BTIF_DM_CB_CREATE_BOND: { btif_dm_cb_create_bond((bt_bdaddr_t *)p_param); } break; case BTIF_DM_CB_REMOVE_BOND: { btif_dm_cb_remove_bond((bt_bdaddr_t *)p_param); } break; case BTIF_DM_CB_HID_REMOTE_NAME: { btif_dm_cb_hid_remote_name((tBTM_REMOTE_DEV_NAME *)p_param); } break; case BTIF_DM_CB_BOND_STATE_BONDING: { bond_state_changed(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, (bt_bdaddr_t *)p_param, BT_BOND_STATE_BONDING); } break; default: { BTIF_TRACE_WARNING2("%s : Unknown event 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, event); } break; } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function bte_dm_evt ** ** Description Switches context from BTE to BTIF for all DM events ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ void bte_dm_evt(tBTA_DM_SEC_EVT event, tBTA_DM_SEC *p_data) { bt_status_t status; /* switch context to btif task context (copy full union size for convenience) */ status = btif_transfer_context(btif_dm_upstreams_evt, (uint16_t)event, (void*)p_data, sizeof(tBTA_DM_SEC), NULL); /* catch any failed context transfers */ ASSERTC(status == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, "context transfer failed", status); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function bte_search_devices_evt ** ** Description Switches context from BTE to BTIF for DM search events ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void bte_search_devices_evt(tBTA_DM_SEARCH_EVT event, tBTA_DM_SEARCH *p_data) { UINT16 param_len = 0; if (p_data) param_len += sizeof(tBTA_DM_SEARCH); /* Allocate buffer to hold the pointers (deep copy). The pointers will point to the end of the tBTA_DM_SEARCH */ switch (event) { case BTA_DM_INQ_RES_EVT: { if (p_data->inq_res.p_eir) param_len += HCI_EXT_INQ_RESPONSE_LEN; } break; case BTA_DM_DISC_RES_EVT: { if (p_data->disc_res.raw_data_size && p_data->disc_res.p_raw_data) param_len += p_data->disc_res.raw_data_size; } break; } BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s event=%s param_len=%d", __FUNCTION__, dump_dm_search_event(event), param_len); /* if remote name is available in EIR, set teh flag so that stack doesnt trigger RNR */ if (event == BTA_DM_INQ_RES_EVT) p_data->inq_res.remt_name_not_required = check_eir_remote_name(p_data, NULL, NULL); btif_transfer_context (btif_dm_search_devices_evt , (UINT16) event, (void *)p_data, param_len, (param_len > sizeof(tBTA_DM_SEARCH)) ? search_devices_copy_cb : NULL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function bte_dm_search_services_evt ** ** Description Switches context from BTE to BTIF for DM search services ** event ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void bte_dm_search_services_evt(tBTA_DM_SEARCH_EVT event, tBTA_DM_SEARCH *p_data) { UINT16 param_len = 0; if (p_data) param_len += sizeof(tBTA_DM_SEARCH); switch (event) { case BTA_DM_DISC_RES_EVT: { if ((p_data->disc_res.result == BTA_SUCCESS) && (p_data->disc_res.num_uuids > 0)) { param_len += (p_data->disc_res.num_uuids * MAX_UUID_SIZE); } } break; } /* TODO: The only other member that needs a deep copy is the p_raw_data. But not sure * if raw_data is needed. */ btif_transfer_context(btif_dm_search_services_evt, event, (char*)p_data, param_len, (param_len > sizeof(tBTA_DM_SEARCH)) ? search_services_copy_cb : NULL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function bte_dm_remote_service_record_evt ** ** Description Switches context from BTE to BTIF for DM search service ** record event ** ** Returns void ** *******************************************************************************/ static void bte_dm_remote_service_record_evt(tBTA_DM_SEARCH_EVT event, tBTA_DM_SEARCH *p_data) { /* TODO: The only member that needs a deep copy is the p_raw_data. But not sure yet if this is needed. */ btif_transfer_context(btif_dm_remote_service_record_evt, event, (char*)p_data, sizeof(tBTA_DM_SEARCH), NULL); } /***************************************************************************** ** ** btif api functions (no context switch) ** *****************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_start_discovery ** ** Description Start device discovery/inquiry ** ** Returns bt_status_t ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_dm_start_discovery(void) { tBTA_DM_INQ inq_params; tBTA_SERVICE_MASK services = 0; BTIF_TRACE_EVENT1("%s", __FUNCTION__); /* TODO: Do we need to handle multiple inquiries at the same time? */ /* Set inquiry params and call API */ #if (BLE_INCLUDED == TRUE) inq_params.mode = BTA_DM_GENERAL_INQUIRY|BTA_BLE_GENERAL_INQUIRY; #else inq_params.mode = BTA_DM_GENERAL_INQUIRY; #endif inq_params.duration = BTIF_DM_DEFAULT_INQ_MAX_DURATION; inq_params.max_resps = BTIF_DM_DEFAULT_INQ_MAX_RESULTS; inq_params.report_dup = TRUE; inq_params.filter_type = BTA_DM_INQ_CLR; /* TODO: Filter device by BDA needs to be implemented here */ /* Will be enabled to TRUE once inquiry busy level has been received */ btif_dm_inquiry_in_progress = FALSE; /* find nearby devices */ BTA_DmSearch(&inq_params, services, bte_search_devices_evt); return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_cancel_discovery ** ** Description Cancels search ** ** Returns bt_status_t ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_dm_cancel_discovery(void) { BTIF_TRACE_EVENT1("%s", __FUNCTION__); BTA_DmSearchCancel(); return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_create_bond ** ** Description Initiate bonding with the specified device ** ** Returns bt_status_t ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_dm_create_bond(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr) { bdstr_t bdstr; BTIF_TRACE_EVENT2("%s: bd_addr=%s", __FUNCTION__, bd2str((bt_bdaddr_t *) bd_addr, &bdstr)); if (pairing_cb.state != BT_BOND_STATE_NONE) return BT_STATUS_BUSY; btif_transfer_context(btif_dm_generic_evt, BTIF_DM_CB_CREATE_BOND, (char *)bd_addr, sizeof(bt_bdaddr_t), NULL); return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_cancel_bond ** ** Description Initiate bonding with the specified device ** ** Returns bt_status_t ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_dm_cancel_bond(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr) { bdstr_t bdstr; BTIF_TRACE_EVENT2("%s: bd_addr=%s", __FUNCTION__, bd2str((bt_bdaddr_t *)bd_addr, &bdstr)); /* TODO: ** 1. Restore scan modes ** 2. special handling for HID devices */ if (pairing_cb.state == BT_BOND_STATE_BONDING) { if (pairing_cb.is_ssp) { BTA_DmConfirm( (UINT8 *)bd_addr->address, FALSE); } else { BTA_DmPinReply( (UINT8 *)bd_addr->address, FALSE, 0, NULL); } /* Cancel bonding, in case it is in ACL connection setup state */ BTA_DmBondCancel ((UINT8 *)bd_addr->address); } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_remove_bond ** ** Description Removes bonding with the specified device ** ** Returns bt_status_t ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_dm_remove_bond(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr) { bdstr_t bdstr; BTIF_TRACE_EVENT2("%s: bd_addr=%s", __FUNCTION__, bd2str((bt_bdaddr_t *)bd_addr, &bdstr)); btif_transfer_context(btif_dm_generic_evt, BTIF_DM_CB_REMOVE_BOND, (char *)bd_addr, sizeof(bt_bdaddr_t), NULL); return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_pin_reply ** ** Description BT legacy pairing - PIN code reply ** ** Returns bt_status_t ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_dm_pin_reply( const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, uint8_t accept, uint8_t pin_len, bt_pin_code_t *pin_code) { BTIF_TRACE_EVENT2("%s: accept=%d", __FUNCTION__, accept); BTA_DmPinReply( (UINT8 *)bd_addr->address, accept, pin_len, pin_code->pin); if (accept) pairing_cb.pin_code_len = pin_len; return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_ssp_reply ** ** Description BT SSP Reply - Just Works, Numeric Comparison & Passkey Entry ** ** Returns bt_status_t ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_dm_ssp_reply(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, bt_ssp_variant_t variant, uint8_t accept, uint32_t passkey) { if (variant == BT_SSP_VARIANT_PASSKEY_ENTRY) { /* This is not implemented in the stack. * For devices with display, this is not needed */ BTIF_TRACE_WARNING1("%s: Not implemented", __FUNCTION__); return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } /* BT_SSP_VARIANT_CONSENT & BT_SSP_VARIANT_PASSKEY_CONFIRMATION supported */ BTIF_TRACE_EVENT2("%s: accept=%d", __FUNCTION__, accept); BTA_DmConfirm( (UINT8 *)bd_addr->address, accept); return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_get_adapter_property ** ** Description Queries the BTA for the adapter property ** ** Returns bt_status_t ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_dm_get_adapter_property(bt_property_t *prop) { bt_status_t status; BTIF_TRACE_EVENT2("%s: type=0x%x", __FUNCTION__, prop->type); switch (prop->type) { case BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME: { bt_bdname_t *bd_name = (bt_bdname_t*)prop->val; strcpy((char *)bd_name->name, (char *)BTM_DEF_LOCAL_NAME); prop->len = strlen((char *)bd_name->name); } break; case BT_PROPERTY_ADAPTER_SCAN_MODE: { /* if the storage does not have it. Most likely app never set it. Default is NONE */ bt_scan_mode_t *mode = (bt_scan_mode_t*)prop->val; *mode = BT_SCAN_MODE_NONE; prop->len = sizeof(bt_scan_mode_t); } break; case BT_PROPERTY_ADAPTER_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT: { uint32_t *tmt = (uint32_t*)prop->val; *tmt = 120; /* default to 120s, if not found in NV */ prop->len = sizeof(uint32_t); } break; default: prop->len = 0; return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_get_remote_services ** ** Description Start SDP to get remote services ** ** Returns bt_status_t ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_dm_get_remote_services(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_addr) { bdstr_t bdstr; BTIF_TRACE_EVENT2("%s: remote_addr=%s", __FUNCTION__, bd2str(remote_addr, &bdstr)); BTA_DmDiscover(remote_addr->address, BTA_ALL_SERVICE_MASK, bte_dm_search_services_evt, TRUE); return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_dm_get_remote_service_record ** ** Description Start SDP to get remote service record ** ** ** Returns bt_status_t *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_dm_get_remote_service_record(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_addr, bt_uuid_t *uuid) { tSDP_UUID sdp_uuid; bdstr_t bdstr; BTIF_TRACE_EVENT2("%s: remote_addr=%s", __FUNCTION__, bd2str(remote_addr, &bdstr)); sdp_uuid.len = MAX_UUID_SIZE; memcpy(sdp_uuid.uu.uuid128, uuid->uu, MAX_UUID_SIZE); BTA_DmDiscoverUUID(remote_addr->address, &sdp_uuid, bte_dm_remote_service_record_evt, TRUE); return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } void btif_dm_execute_service_request(UINT16 event, char *p_param) { BOOLEAN b_enable = FALSE; bt_status_t status; if (event == BTIF_DM_ENABLE_SERVICE) { b_enable = TRUE; } status = btif_in_execute_service_request(*((tBTA_SERVICE_ID*)p_param), b_enable); if (status == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { bt_property_t property; bt_uuid_t local_uuids[BT_MAX_NUM_UUIDS]; /* Now send the UUID_PROPERTY_CHANGED event to the upper layer */ BTIF_STORAGE_FILL_PROPERTY(&property, BT_PROPERTY_UUIDS, sizeof(local_uuids), local_uuids); btif_storage_get_adapter_property(&property); HAL_CBACK(bt_hal_cbacks, adapter_properties_cb, BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, 1, &property); } return; } #if (BTM_OOB_INCLUDED == TRUE) void btif_dm_set_oob_for_io_req(tBTA_OOB_DATA *p_oob_data) { if (oob_cb.sp_c[0] == 0 && oob_cb.sp_c[1] == 0 && oob_cb.sp_c[2] == 0 && oob_cb.sp_c[3] == 0 ) { *p_oob_data = FALSE; } else { *p_oob_data = TRUE; } BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("btif_dm_set_oob_for_io_req *p_oob_data=%d", *p_oob_data); } #endif /* BTM_OOB_INCLUDED */ #ifdef BTIF_DM_OOB_TEST void btif_dm_load_local_oob(void) { char prop_oob[32]; property_get("service.brcm.bt.oob", prop_oob, "3"); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("btif_dm_load_local_oob prop_oob = %s",prop_oob); if (prop_oob[0] != '3') { #if (BTM_OOB_INCLUDED == TRUE) if (oob_cb.sp_c[0] == 0 && oob_cb.sp_c[1] == 0 && oob_cb.sp_c[2] == 0 && oob_cb.sp_c[3] == 0 ) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG0("btif_dm_load_local_oob: read OOB, call BTA_DmLocalOob()"); BTA_DmLocalOob(); } #else BTIF_TRACE_ERROR0("BTM_OOB_INCLUDED is FALSE!!(btif_dm_load_local_oob)"); #endif } } void btif_dm_proc_loc_oob(BOOLEAN valid, BT_OCTET16 c, BT_OCTET16 r) { FILE *fp; char *path_a = "/data/misc/bluedroid/LOCAL/a.key"; char *path_b = "/data/misc/bluedroid/LOCAL/b.key"; char *path = NULL; char prop_oob[32]; BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("btif_dm_proc_loc_oob: valid=%d", valid); if (oob_cb.sp_c[0] == 0 && oob_cb.sp_c[1] == 0 && oob_cb.sp_c[2] == 0 && oob_cb.sp_c[3] == 0 && valid) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG0("save local OOB data in memory"); memcpy(oob_cb.sp_c, c, BT_OCTET16_LEN); memcpy(oob_cb.sp_r, r, BT_OCTET16_LEN); property_get("service.brcm.bt.oob", prop_oob, "3"); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("btif_dm_proc_loc_oob prop_oob = %s",prop_oob); if (prop_oob[0] == '1') path = path_a; else if (prop_oob[0] == '2') path = path_b; if (path) { fp = fopen(path, "wb+"); if (fp == NULL) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("btif_dm_proc_loc_oob: failed to save local OOB data to %s", path); } else { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("btif_dm_proc_loc_oob: save local OOB data into file %s",path); fwrite (c , 1 , BT_OCTET16_LEN , fp ); fwrite (r , 1 , BT_OCTET16_LEN , fp ); fclose(fp); } } } } BOOLEAN btif_dm_proc_rmt_oob(BD_ADDR bd_addr, BT_OCTET16 p_c, BT_OCTET16 p_r) { char t[128]; FILE *fp; char *path_a = "/data/misc/bluedroid/LOCAL/a.key"; char *path_b = "/data/misc/bluedroid/LOCAL/b.key"; char *path = NULL; char prop_oob[32]; BOOLEAN result = FALSE; bt_bdaddr_t bt_bd_addr; bdcpy(oob_cb.oob_bdaddr, bd_addr); property_get("service.brcm.bt.oob", prop_oob, "3"); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("btif_dm_proc_rmt_oob prop_oob = %s",prop_oob); if (prop_oob[0] == '1') path = path_b; else if (prop_oob[0] == '2') path = path_a; if (path) { fp = fopen(path, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("btapp_dm_rmt_oob_reply: failed to read OOB keys from %s",path); return FALSE; } else { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("btif_dm_proc_rmt_oob: read OOB data from %s",path); fread (p_c , 1 , BT_OCTET16_LEN , fp ); fread (p_r , 1 , BT_OCTET16_LEN , fp ); fclose(fp); } BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG0("----btif_dm_proc_rmt_oob: TRUE"); sprintf(t, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", oob_cb.oob_bdaddr[0], oob_cb.oob_bdaddr[1], oob_cb.oob_bdaddr[2], oob_cb.oob_bdaddr[3], oob_cb.oob_bdaddr[4], oob_cb.oob_bdaddr[5]); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("----btif_dm_proc_rmt_oob: peer_bdaddr = %s", t); sprintf(t, "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x", p_c[0], p_c[1], p_c[2], p_c[3], p_c[4], p_c[5], p_c[6], p_c[7], p_c[8], p_c[9], p_c[10], p_c[11], p_c[12], p_c[13], p_c[14], p_c[15]); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("----btif_dm_proc_rmt_oob: c = %s",t); sprintf(t, "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x", p_r[0], p_r[1], p_r[2], p_r[3], p_r[4], p_r[5], p_r[6], p_r[7], p_r[8], p_r[9], p_r[10], p_r[11], p_r[12], p_r[13], p_r[14], p_r[15]); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("----btif_dm_proc_rmt_oob: r = %s",t); bdcpy(bt_bd_addr.address, bd_addr); btif_transfer_context(btif_dm_generic_evt, BTIF_DM_CB_BOND_STATE_BONDING, (char *)&bt_bd_addr, sizeof(bt_bdaddr_t), NULL); result = TRUE; } BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("btif_dm_proc_rmt_oob result=%d",result); return result; } #endif /* BTIF_DM_OOB_TEST */ void btif_dm_on_disable() { /* cancel any pending pairing requests */ if (pairing_cb.state == BT_BOND_STATE_BONDING) { bt_bdaddr_t bd_addr; BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s: Cancel pending pairing request", __FUNCTION__); bdcpy(bd_addr.address, pairing_cb.bd_addr); btif_dm_cancel_bond(&bd_addr); } }