/************************************************************************************ * * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is the proprietary software of Broadcom Corporation and/or its * licensors, and may only be used, duplicated, modified or distributed * pursuant to the terms and conditions of a separate, written license * agreement executed between you and Broadcom (an "Authorized License"). * Except as set forth in an Authorized License, Broadcom grants no license * (express or implied), right to use, or waiver of any kind with respect to * the Software, and Broadcom expressly reserves all rights in and to the * Software and all intellectual property rights therein. * IF YOU HAVE NO AUTHORIZED LICENSE, THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO USE THIS * SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY, AND SHOULD IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY BROADCOM AND DISCONTINUE * ALL USE OF THE SOFTWARE. * * Except as expressly set forth in the Authorized License, * * 1. This program, including its structure, sequence and organization, * constitutes the valuable trade secrets of Broadcom, and you shall * use all reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality thereof, * and to use this information only in connection with your use of * Broadcom integrated circuit products. * * 2. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED * "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND BROADCOM MAKES NO PROMISES, * REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, * OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE. BROADCOM SPECIFICALLY * DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, * NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF VIRUSES, * ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT * OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. * * 3. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL BROADCOM OR * ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR * (i) CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR EXEMPLARY * DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATING TO * YOUR USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE EVEN IF BROADCOM * HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES; OR * (ii) ANY AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID FOR THE * SOFTWARE ITSELF OR U.S. $1, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. THESE * LIMITATIONS SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF * ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY. * ************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************ * * Filename: btif_pan.c * * Description: PAN Profile Bluetooth Interface * * ***********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LOG_TAG "BTIF_PAN" #include "btif_common.h" #include "btif_util.h" #include "btm_api.h" #include "bd.h" #include "bta_api.h" #include "bta_pan_api.h" #include "btif_sock_thread.h" #include "btif_sock_util.h" #include "btif_pan_internal.h" //#define PANU_DISABLED TRUE #if (PAN_NAP_DISABLED == TRUE) && (PANU_DISABLED == TRUE) #define BTPAN_LOCAL_ROLE BTPAN_ROLE_NONE #elif PAN_NAP_DISABLED == TRUE #define BTPAN_LOCAL_ROLE BTPAN_ROLE_PANU #elif PANU_DISABLED == TRUE #define BTPAN_LOCAL_ROLE BTPAN_ROLE_PANNAP #else #define BTPAN_LOCAL_ROLE (BTPAN_ROLE_PANU | BTPAN_ROLE_PANNAP) #endif #include #define info(fmt, ...) LOGI ("btif_pan: %s(L%d): " fmt,__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__) #define debug(fmt, ...) LOGD ("btif_pan: %s(L%d): " fmt,__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__) #define warn(fmt, ...) LOGW ("btif_pan: ## WARNING : %s(L%d): " fmt "##",__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__) #define error(fmt, ...) LOGE ("btif_pan: ## ERROR : %s(L%d): " fmt "##",__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__) #define asrt(s) if(!(s)) LOGE ("btif_pan: ## %s assert %s failed at line:%d ##",__FUNCTION__, #s, __LINE__) btpan_cb_t btpan_cb; BD_ADDR local_addr; static int jni_initialized, stack_initialized; static bt_status_t btpan_jni_init(const btpan_callbacks_t* callbacks); static void btpan_jni_cleanup(); static bt_status_t btpan_connect(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, int local_role, int remote_role); static bt_status_t btpan_disconnect(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr); static bt_status_t btpan_enable(int local_role); static int btpan_get_local_role(void); static void btpan_tap_fd_signaled(int fd, int type, int flags, uint32_t user_id); static void btpan_cleanup_conn(btpan_conn_t* conn); static void bta_pan_callback(tBTA_PAN_EVT event, tBTA_PAN *p_data); /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btpan_ini ** ** Description initializes the pan interface ** ** Returns bt_status_t ** *******************************************************************************/ static btpan_interface_t pan_if = { sizeof(pan_if), btpan_jni_init, btpan_enable, btpan_get_local_role, btpan_connect, btpan_disconnect, btpan_jni_cleanup }; btpan_interface_t *btif_pan_get_interface() { return &pan_if; } void btif_pan_init() { debug("jni_initialized = %d, btpan_cb.enabled:%d", jni_initialized, btpan_cb.enabled); stack_initialized = TRUE; if (jni_initialized && !btpan_cb.enabled) { debug("Enabling PAN...."); memset(&btpan_cb, 0, sizeof(btpan_cb)); btpan_cb.tap_fd = -1; int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_PAN_CONNS; i++) btpan_cleanup_conn(&btpan_cb.conns[i]); BTA_PanEnable(bta_pan_callback); btpan_cb.enabled = 1; btpan_enable(BTPAN_LOCAL_ROLE); } debug("leaving"); } static void pan_disable() { if(btpan_cb.enabled) { btpan_cb.enabled = 0; BTA_PanDisable(); if(btpan_cb.tap_fd != -1) { destroy_tap_read_thread(); btpan_tap_close(btpan_cb.tap_fd); btpan_cb.tap_fd = -1; } } } void btif_pan_cleanup() { if(stack_initialized) { //bt is shuting down, invalid all bta pan handles int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_PAN_CONNS; i++) btpan_cleanup_conn(&btpan_cb.conns[i]); pan_disable(); debug("leaving"); } stack_initialized = FALSE; } static btpan_callbacks_t callback; static bt_status_t btpan_jni_init(const btpan_callbacks_t* callbacks) { debug("stack_initialized = %d, btpan_cb.enabled:%d", stack_initialized, btpan_cb.enabled); jni_initialized = TRUE; if(stack_initialized && !btpan_cb.enabled) btif_pan_init(); callback = *callbacks; debug(" leaving"); return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static void btpan_jni_cleanup() { pan_disable(); jni_initialized = FALSE; debug("leaving"); } static inline int bta_role_to_btpan(int bta_pan_role) { int btpan_role = 0; debug("bta_pan_role:0x%x", bta_pan_role); if(bta_pan_role & PAN_ROLE_NAP_SERVER) { debug("BTPAN_ROLE_PANNAP"); btpan_role |= BTPAN_ROLE_PANNAP; } if(bta_pan_role & PAN_ROLE_CLIENT) { debug("BTPAN_ROLE_PANU"); btpan_role |= BTPAN_ROLE_PANU; } return btpan_role; } static inline int btpan_role_to_bta(int btpan_role) { int bta_pan_role = PAN_ROLE_INACTIVE; debug("btpan_role:0x%x", btpan_role); if(btpan_role & BTPAN_ROLE_PANNAP) { debug("BTPAN_ROLE_PANNAP"); bta_pan_role |= PAN_ROLE_NAP_SERVER; } if(btpan_role & BTPAN_ROLE_PANU) { debug("BTPAN_ROLE_CLIENT"); bta_pan_role |= PAN_ROLE_CLIENT; } return bta_pan_role; } static volatile int btpan_dev_local_role; static tBTA_PAN_ROLE_INFO bta_panu_info = {PANU_SERVICE_NAME, 0, PAN_SECURITY}; static tBTA_PAN_ROLE_INFO bta_pan_nap_info = {PAN_NAP_SERVICE_NAME, 0, PAN_SECURITY}; static bt_status_t btpan_enable(int local_role) { int bta_pan_role; debug("local_role:%d", local_role); bta_pan_role = btpan_role_to_bta(local_role); BTA_PanSetRole(bta_pan_role, &bta_panu_info, NULL, &bta_pan_nap_info); btpan_dev_local_role = local_role; return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static int btpan_get_local_role() { debug("btpan_dev_local_role:%d", btpan_dev_local_role); return btpan_dev_local_role; } static bt_status_t btpan_connect(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, int local_role, int remote_role) { debug("local_role:%d, remote_role:%d", local_role, remote_role); int bta_local_role = btpan_role_to_bta(local_role); int bta_remote_role = btpan_role_to_bta(remote_role); btpan_new_conn(-1, bd_addr->address, bta_local_role, bta_remote_role); BTA_PanOpen((UINT8*)bd_addr->address, bta_local_role, bta_remote_role); return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static void btif_in_pan_generic_evt(UINT16 event, char *p_param) { BTIF_TRACE_EVENT2("%s: event=%d", __FUNCTION__, event); switch (event) { case BTIF_PAN_CB_DISCONNECTING: { bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr = (bt_bdaddr_t*)p_param; btpan_conn_t* conn = btpan_find_conn_addr(bd_addr->address); int btpan_conn_local_role; int btpan_remote_role; asrt(conn != NULL); if (conn) { btpan_conn_local_role = bta_role_to_btpan(conn->local_role); btpan_remote_role = bta_role_to_btpan(conn->remote_role); callback.connection_state_cb(BTPAN_STATE_DISCONNECTING, BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, (const bt_bdaddr_t*)conn->peer, btpan_conn_local_role, btpan_remote_role); } } break; default: { BTIF_TRACE_WARNING2("%s : Unknown event 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, event); } break; } } static bt_status_t btpan_disconnect(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr) { debug("in"); btpan_conn_t* conn = btpan_find_conn_addr(bd_addr->address); if(conn && conn->handle >= 0) { BTA_PanClose(conn->handle); /* Inform the application that the disconnect has been initiated successfully */ btif_transfer_context(btif_in_pan_generic_evt, BTIF_PAN_CB_DISCONNECTING, (char *)bd_addr, sizeof(bt_bdaddr_t), NULL); return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } static int pth = -1; void create_tap_read_thread(int tap_fd) { debug("in"); if(pth < 0) { pth = btsock_thread_create(btpan_tap_fd_signaled); if(pth >= 0) btsock_thread_add_fd(pth, tap_fd, 0, SOCK_THREAD_FD_RD, 0); } } void destroy_tap_read_thread(void) { if(pth >= 0) { btsock_thread_exit(pth); pth = -1; } } static int tap_if_up(const char *devname, BD_ADDR addr) { struct ifreq ifr; int sk, err; sk = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); //set mac addr memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr)); strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, devname, IFNAMSIZ - 1); err = ioctl(sk, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr); if(err < 0) { error("Could not get network hardware for interface:%s, errno:%s", devname, strerror(errno)); close(sk); return -1; } debug("found mac address for interface:%s = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", devname, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[0], ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[1], ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[2], ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[3], ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[4], ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[5]); strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, devname, IFNAMSIZ - 1); memcpy(ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, addr, 6); debug("setting bt address for interface:%s = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", devname, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[0], ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[1], ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[2], ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[3], ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[4], ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[5]); err = ioctl(sk, SIOCSIFHWADDR, (caddr_t)&ifr); if (err < 0) { error("Could not set bt address for interface:%s, errno:%s", devname, strerror(errno)); close(sk); return -1; } //bring it up memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr)); strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, devname, IF_NAMESIZE - 1); ifr.ifr_flags |= IFF_UP; ifr.ifr_flags |= IFF_MULTICAST; err = ioctl(sk, SIOCSIFFLAGS, (caddr_t) &ifr); if (err < 0) { error("Could not bring up network interface:%s, errno:%d", devname, errno); close(sk); return -1; } close(sk); debug("network interface: %s is up", devname); return 0; } static int tap_if_down(const char *devname) { struct ifreq ifr; int sk, err; sk = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr)); strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, devname, IF_NAMESIZE - 1); ifr.ifr_flags &= ~IFF_UP; err = ioctl(sk, SIOCSIFFLAGS, (caddr_t) &ifr); close(sk); return 0; } int btpan_tap_open() { debug("in"); struct ifreq ifr; int fd, err; const char *clonedev = "/dev/tun"; /* open the clone device */ //system("insmod /system/lib/modules/tun.ko"); if( (fd = open(clonedev, O_RDWR)) < 0 ) { debug("could not open %s, err:%d", clonedev, errno); return fd; } memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr)); ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI; strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, TAP_IF_NAME, IFNAMSIZ); /* try to create the device */ if( (err = ioctl(fd, TUNSETIFF, (void *) &ifr)) < 0 )//|| tap_setup_ip(TAP_IF_NAME) == FALSE) { debug("ioctl error:%d, errno:%s", err, strerror(errno)); close(fd); return err; } BTM_GetLocalDeviceAddr (local_addr); if(tap_if_up(TAP_IF_NAME, local_addr) == 0) { return fd; } error("can not bring up tap interface:%s", TAP_IF_NAME); close(fd); return -1; } int btpan_tap_send(int tap_fd, const BD_ADDR src, const BD_ADDR dst, UINT16 proto, const char* buf, UINT16 len, BOOLEAN ext, BOOLEAN forward) { debug("in"); debug("SRC ADDR = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", src[0], src[1], src[2], src[3], src[4], src[5]); debug("DST ADDR = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", dst[0], dst[1], dst[2], dst[3], dst[4], dst[5]); debug("Protocol = 0x%x", proto); debug("Ext = 0x%x", ext); debug("Forward = 0x%x", forward); debug("Len = %d", len); if(tap_fd != -1) { tETH_HDR eth_hdr; //if(is_empty_eth_addr(dst)) // memcpy(ð_hdr.h_dest, local_addr, ETH_ADDR_LEN); //else memcpy(ð_hdr.h_dest, dst, ETH_ADDR_LEN); memcpy(ð_hdr.h_src, src, ETH_ADDR_LEN); eth_hdr.h_proto = htons(proto); char packet[2000]; memcpy(packet, ð_hdr, sizeof(tETH_HDR)); if(len > 2000) { LOGE("btpan_tap_send eth packet size:%d is exceeded limit!", len); return -1; } memcpy(packet + sizeof(tETH_HDR), buf, len); /* Send data to network interface */ //btnet_send(btpan_cb.conn[i].sock.sock, &buffer, (len + sizeof(tETH_HDR))); //dump_bin("packet to network", packet, len + sizeof(tETH_HDR)); int ret = write(tap_fd, packet, len + sizeof(tETH_HDR)); debug("ret:%d", ret); return ret; } return -1; } int btpan_tap_close(int fd) { debug("in"); tap_if_down(TAP_IF_NAME); close(fd); return 0; } btpan_conn_t * btpan_find_conn_handle(UINT16 handle) { int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_PAN_CONNS; i++) if(btpan_cb.conns[i].handle == handle) return &btpan_cb.conns[i]; return NULL; } btpan_conn_t* btpan_find_conn_addr(const BD_ADDR addr) { int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_PAN_CONNS; i++) if(memcmp(btpan_cb.conns[i].peer, addr, sizeof(BD_ADDR)) == 0) return &btpan_cb.conns[i]; return NULL; } static void btpan_cleanup_conn(btpan_conn_t* conn) { if(conn) { conn->handle = -1; conn->state = -1; memset(&conn->peer, 0, sizeof(conn->peer)); memset(&conn->eth_addr, 0, sizeof(conn->eth_addr)); conn->local_role = conn->remote_role = 0; } } btpan_conn_t* btpan_new_conn(int handle, const BD_ADDR addr, int local_role, int remote_role ) { int i; debug("in"); for(i = 0; i < MAX_PAN_CONNS; i++) { debug("conns[%d]:%d", i, btpan_cb.conns[i].handle); if(btpan_cb.conns[i].handle == -1) { debug("handle:%d, local_role:%d, remote_role:%d", handle, local_role, remote_role); btpan_cb.conns[i].handle = handle; bdcpy(btpan_cb.conns[i].peer, addr); btpan_cb.conns[i].local_role = local_role; btpan_cb.conns[i].remote_role = remote_role; return &btpan_cb.conns[i]; } } debug("MAX_PAN_CONNS:%d exceeded, return NULL as failed", MAX_PAN_CONNS); return NULL; } void btpan_close_handle(btpan_conn_t *p) { debug("btpan_close_handle : close handle %d", p->handle); p->handle = -1; p->local_role = -1; p->remote_role = -1; memset(&p->peer, 0, 6); } static inline int should_forward(tETH_HDR* hdr) { if(ntohs(hdr->h_proto) == ETH_P_IP || ntohs(hdr->h_proto) == ETH_P_ARP) return TRUE; debug("unknown proto:%x", ntohs(hdr->h_proto)); return FALSE; } extern void bta_pan_ci_rx_write(UINT16 handle, BD_ADDR dst, BD_ADDR src, UINT16 protocol, UINT8 *p_data, UINT16 len, BOOLEAN ext); static void forward_bnep(tETH_HDR* eth_hdr, char * packet, int size) { int broadcast = eth_hdr->h_dest[0] & 1; int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_PAN_CONNS; i++) { UINT16 handle = btpan_cb.conns[i].handle; if(handle != (UINT16)-1 && (broadcast || memcmp(btpan_cb.conns[i].eth_addr, eth_hdr->h_dest, sizeof(BD_ADDR)) == 0 || memcmp(btpan_cb.conns[i].peer, eth_hdr->h_dest, sizeof(BD_ADDR)) == 0)) { debug("calling bta_pan_ci_rx_write, handle:%d", handle); bta_pan_ci_rx_write(handle, eth_hdr->h_dest, eth_hdr->h_src, ntohs(eth_hdr->h_proto), (UINT8*)packet, size, 0); break; } } } static void bta_pan_callback_transfer(UINT16 event, char *p_param) { tBTA_PAN *p_data = (tBTA_PAN *)p_param; switch(event) { case BTA_PAN_ENABLE_EVT: debug("BTA_PAN_ENABLE_EVT"); break; case BTA_PAN_SET_ROLE_EVT: { int btpan_role = bta_role_to_btpan(p_data->set_role.role); bt_status_t status = p_data->set_role.status == BTA_PAN_SUCCESS ? BT_STATUS_SUCCESS : BT_STATUS_FAIL; btpan_control_state_t state = btpan_role == 0 ? BTPAN_STATE_DISABLED : BTPAN_STATE_ENABLED; callback.control_state_cb(state, btpan_role, status, TAP_IF_NAME); break; } case BTA_PAN_OPENING_EVT: { btpan_conn_t* conn; bdstr_t bds; bd2str((bt_bdaddr_t*)p_data->opening.bd_addr, &bds); debug("BTA_PAN_OPENING_EVT handle %d, addr: %s", p_data->opening.handle, bds); conn = btpan_find_conn_addr(p_data->opening.bd_addr); asrt(conn != NULL); if (conn) { conn->handle = p_data->opening.handle; int btpan_conn_local_role = bta_role_to_btpan(conn->local_role); int btpan_remote_role = bta_role_to_btpan(conn->remote_role); callback.connection_state_cb(BTPAN_STATE_CONNECTING, BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, (const bt_bdaddr_t*)p_data->opening.bd_addr, btpan_conn_local_role, btpan_remote_role); } else error("connection not found"); break; } case BTA_PAN_OPEN_EVT: { debug("BTA_PAN_OPEN_EVT, open status:%d, bd_addr = [%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X]", p_data->open.status, p_data->open.bd_addr[0], p_data->open.bd_addr[1], p_data->open.bd_addr[2], p_data->open.bd_addr[3], p_data->open.bd_addr[4], p_data->open.bd_addr[5]); btpan_connection_state_t state; bt_status_t status; if(p_data->open.status == BTA_PAN_SUCCESS) { state = BTPAN_STATE_CONNECTED; status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { state = BTPAN_STATE_DISCONNECTED; status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; } btpan_conn_t* conn = btpan_find_conn_handle(p_data->open.handle); debug("BTA_PAN_OPEN_EVT handle:%d, conn:%p", p_data->open.handle, conn); debug("conn bta local_role:%d, bta remote role:%d", conn->local_role, conn->remote_role); int btpan_conn_local_role = bta_role_to_btpan(p_data->open.local_role); debug("bta local_role:%d, bta remote role:%d", p_data->open.local_role, p_data->open.peer_role); int btpan_remote_role = bta_role_to_btpan(p_data->open.peer_role); callback.connection_state_cb(state, status, (const bt_bdaddr_t*)p_data->open.bd_addr, btpan_conn_local_role, btpan_remote_role); break; } case BTA_PAN_CLOSE_EVT: { btpan_conn_t* conn = btpan_find_conn_handle(p_data->close.handle); LOGI("%s: event = BTA_PAN_CLOSE_EVT handle %d", __FUNCTION__, p_data->close.handle); if(conn && conn->handle >= 0) { debug("BTA_PAN_CLOSE_EVT, conn local_role:%d, remote_role:%d", conn->local_role, conn->remote_role); int btpan_conn_local_role = bta_role_to_btpan(conn->local_role); int btpan_remote_role = bta_role_to_btpan(conn->remote_role); callback.connection_state_cb(BTPAN_STATE_DISCONNECTED, 0, (const bt_bdaddr_t*)conn->peer, btpan_conn_local_role, btpan_remote_role); btpan_cleanup_conn(conn); } else error("pan handle not found (%d)", p_data->close.handle); break; } default: debug("Unknown pan event %d", event); break; } } static void bta_pan_callback(tBTA_PAN_EVT event, tBTA_PAN *p_data) { btif_transfer_context(bta_pan_callback_transfer, event, (char*)p_data, sizeof(tBTA_PAN), NULL); } #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE 2000 static void btpan_tap_fd_signaled(int fd, int type, int flags, uint32_t user_id) { char packet[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; tETH_HDR eth_hdr; if(flags & SOCK_THREAD_FD_EXCEPTION) { error("pan tap fd:%d exception", fd); } else if(flags & SOCK_THREAD_FD_RD) { debug("tab fd read trigged, data"); int size = read(fd, packet, MAX_PACKET_SIZE); debug("tap fd read trigged, read size:%d", size); memcpy(ð_hdr, &packet, sizeof(tETH_HDR)); debug("eth src = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", eth_hdr.h_src[0], eth_hdr.h_src[1], eth_hdr.h_src[2], eth_hdr.h_src[3], eth_hdr.h_src[4], eth_hdr.h_src[5]); debug("eth dest = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", eth_hdr.h_dest[0], eth_hdr.h_dest[1], eth_hdr.h_dest[2], eth_hdr.h_dest[3], eth_hdr.h_dest[4], eth_hdr.h_dest[5]); //dump_bin("eth packet received", packet, size); if(should_forward(ð_hdr)) { forward_bnep(ð_hdr, packet + sizeof(tETH_HDR), size - sizeof(tETH_HDR)); } btsock_thread_add_fd(pth, fd, 0, SOCK_THREAD_FD_RD | SOCK_THREAD_ADD_FD_SYNC, 0); } }