/************************************************************************************ * * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is the proprietary software of Broadcom Corporation and/or its * licensors, and may only be used, duplicated, modified or distributed * pursuant to the terms and conditions of a separate, written license * agreement executed between you and Broadcom (an "Authorized License"). * Except as set forth in an Authorized License, Broadcom grants no license * (express or implied), right to use, or waiver of any kind with respect to * the Software, and Broadcom expressly reserves all rights in and to the * Software and all intellectual property rights therein. * IF YOU HAVE NO AUTHORIZED LICENSE, THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO USE THIS * SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY, AND SHOULD IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY BROADCOM AND DISCONTINUE * ALL USE OF THE SOFTWARE. * * Except as expressly set forth in the Authorized License, * * 1. This program, including its structure, sequence and organization, * constitutes the valuable trade secrets of Broadcom, and you shall * use all reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality thereof, * and to use this information only in connection with your use of * Broadcom integrated circuit products. * * 2. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED * "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND BROADCOM MAKES NO PROMISES, * REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, * OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE. BROADCOM SPECIFICALLY * DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, * NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF VIRUSES, * ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT * OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. * * 3. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL BROADCOM OR * ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR * (i) CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR EXEMPLARY * DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATING TO * YOUR USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE EVEN IF BROADCOM * HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES; OR * (ii) ANY AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID FOR THE * SOFTWARE ITSELF OR U.S. $1, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. THESE * LIMITATIONS SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF * ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY. * ************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************ * * Filename: btif_storage.c * * Description: Stores the local BT adapter and remote device properties in * NVRAM storage, typically as text files in the * mobile's filesystem * * * Data storage directory structure * * data * `-- misc * `-- bluedroid * `-- LOCAL * |-- adapter_info - Local adapter config * |-- remote_devices - Remote devices and Timestamp * |-- remote_devclass - Remote devices' COD * |-- remote_devtype - Remote devices' type * |-- remote_names - Remote devices' names * |-- remote_aliases - Remote devices' Friendly names * `-- remote_services - Remote devices' services * * * adapter_info - Key/Value * name * scan_mode * discovery_timeout * * remote_devices - Key/Value * * * remote_devclass - Key/Value * * * remote_devtype - Key/Value * * * remote_names - Key/Value * * * remote_linkkeys - Key/Value * * * remote_aliases - Key/Value * * * remote_services - Key/Value * * ***********************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #define LOG_TAG "BTIF_STORAGE" #include "btif_api.h" #include "btif_util.h" #include "unv.h" #include "bd.h" #include "gki.h" #include "bta_hh_api.h" #include "btif_hh.h" /************************************************************************************ ** Constants & Macros ************************************************************************************/ #define BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_BLUEDROID "/data/misc/bluedroid" #define BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_ADAPTER_INFO "adapter_info" #define BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_DEVICES "remote_devices" #define BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_DEVCLASSES "remote_devclasses" #define BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_DEVTYPES "remote_devtypes" #define BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_NAMES "remote_names" #define BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_LINKKEYS "remote_linkkeys" #define BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_ALIASES "remote_aliases" #define BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_SERVICES "remote_services" #define BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_HIDINFO "hid_info" #define BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_DYNAMIC_AUTOPAIR_BLACKLIST "" #define BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_ADAPTER_NAME "name" #define BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_ADAPTER_SCANMODE "scan_mode" #define BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_ADAPTER_DISC_TIMEOUT "discovery_timeout" #define BTIF_AUTO_PAIR_CONF_FILE "/etc/bluetooth/auto_pair_devlist.conf" #define BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_AUTOPAIR_BLACKLIST "auto_pair_blacklist" #define BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_BLACKLIST_ADDR "AddressBlacklist" #define BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_BLACKLIST_EXACTNAME "ExactNameBlacklist" #define BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_BLACKLIST_PARTIALNAME "PartialNameBlacklist" #define BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_FIXPIN_KBLIST "FixedPinZerosKeyboardBlacklist" #define BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_DYNAMIC_BLACKLIST_ADDR "DynamicAddressBlacklist" #define BTIF_AUTO_PAIR_CONF_VALUE_SEPARATOR "," #define BTIF_AUTO_PAIR_CONF_SPACE ' ' #define BTIF_AUTO_PAIR_CONF_COMMENT '#' #define BTIF_AUTO_PAIR_CONF_KEY_VAL_DELIMETER "=" /* This is a local property to add a device found */ #define BT_PROPERTY_REMOTE_DEVICE_TIMESTAMP 0xFF #define BTIF_STORAGE_GET_ADAPTER_PROP(t,v,l,p) \ {p.type=t;p.val=v;p.len=l; btif_storage_get_adapter_property(&p);} #define BTIF_STORAGE_GET_REMOTE_PROP(b,t,v,l,p) \ {p.type=t;p.val=v;p.len=l;btif_storage_get_remote_device_property(b,&p);} #define STORAGE_BDADDR_STRING_SZ (18) /* 00:11:22:33:44:55 */ #define STORAGE_UUID_STRING_SIZE (36+1) /* 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb; */ #define STORAGE_PINLEN_STRING_MAX_SIZE (2) /* ascii pinlen max chars */ #define STORAGE_KEYTYPE_STRING_MAX_SIZE (1) /* ascii keytype max chars */ #define STORAGE_KEY_TYPE_MAX (10) #define STORAGE_HID_ATRR_MASK_SIZE (4) #define STORAGE_HID_SUB_CLASS_SIZE (2) #define STORAGE_HID_APP_ID_SIZE (2) #define STORAGE_HID_VENDOR_ID_SIZE (4) #define STORAGE_HID_PRODUCT_ID_SIZE (4) #define STORAGE_HID_VERSION_SIZE (4) #define STORAGE_HID_CTRY_CODE_SIZE (2) #define STORAGE_HID_DESC_LEN_SIZE (4) #define STORAGE_HID_DESC_MAX_SIZE (2*512) /* <18 char bd addr> LIST< <36 char uuid> <;> > */ #define BTIF_REMOTE_SERVICES_ENTRY_SIZE_MAX (STORAGE_BDADDR_STRING_SZ + 1 +\ STORAGE_UUID_STRING_SIZE*BT_MAX_NUM_UUIDS + \ STORAGE_PINLEN_STRING_MAX_SIZE +\ STORAGE_KEYTYPE_STRING_MAX_SIZE) #define STORAGE_REMOTE_LINKKEYS_ENTRY_SIZE (LINK_KEY_LEN*2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2) /* <18 char bd addr> LIST > > > */ #define BTIF_HID_INFO_ENTRY_SIZE_MAX (STORAGE_BDADDR_STRING_SZ + 1 +\ STORAGE_HID_ATRR_MASK_SIZE + 1 +\ STORAGE_HID_SUB_CLASS_SIZE + 1 +\ STORAGE_HID_APP_ID_SIZE+ 1 +\ STORAGE_HID_VENDOR_ID_SIZE+ 1 +\ STORAGE_HID_PRODUCT_ID_SIZE+ 1 +\ STORAGE_HID_VERSION_SIZE+ 1 +\ STORAGE_HID_CTRY_CODE_SIZE+ 1 +\ STORAGE_HID_DESC_LEN_SIZE+ 1 +\ STORAGE_HID_DESC_MAX_SIZE+ 1 ) /* currently remote services is the potentially largest entry */ #define BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ BTIF_REMOTE_SERVICES_ENTRY_SIZE_MAX /* check against unv max entry size at compile time */ #if (BTIF_STORAGE_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE > UNV_MAXLINE_LENGTH) #error "btif storage entry size exceeds unv max line size" #endif #define BTIF_STORAGE_HL_APP_CB "hl_app_cb" #define BTIF_STORAGE_HL_APP_DATA "hl_app_data_" #define BTIF_STORAGE_HL_APP_MDL_DATA "hl_app_mdl_data_" /************************************************************************************ ** Local type definitions ************************************************************************************/ typedef struct { uint32_t num_devices; bt_bdaddr_t devices[BTM_SEC_MAX_DEVICE_RECORDS]; } btif_bonded_devices_t; /************************************************************************************ ** Extern variables ************************************************************************************/ extern UINT16 bta_service_id_to_uuid_lkup_tbl [BTA_MAX_SERVICE_ID]; extern bt_bdaddr_t btif_local_bd_addr; /************************************************************************************ ** Static variables ************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************ ** Static functions ************************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_in_make_filename ** ** Description Internal helper function to create NVRAM file path ** from address and filename ** ** Returns NVRAM file path if successfull, NULL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ static char* btif_in_make_filename(bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, char *fname) { static char path[256]; bdstr_t bdstr; if (fname == NULL)return NULL; if (bd_addr) { sprintf(path, "%s/%s/%s", BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_BLUEDROID, bd2str(bd_addr, &bdstr), fname); } else { /* local adapter */ sprintf(path, "%s/LOCAL/%s", BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_BLUEDROID, fname); } return(char*)path; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_in_adapter_key_from_type ** ** Description Internal helper function to map a property type ** to the NVRAM filename key ** ** Returns NVRAM filename key if successfull, 'NO_KEY' otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ static const char *btif_in_get_adapter_key_from_type(bt_property_type_t type) { switch (type) { case BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME: return BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_ADAPTER_NAME; case BT_PROPERTY_ADAPTER_SCAN_MODE: return BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_ADAPTER_SCANMODE; case BT_PROPERTY_ADAPTER_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT: return BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_ADAPTER_DISC_TIMEOUT; default: /* return valid string to avoid passing NULL to NV RAM driver */ return "NO_KEY"; } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_in_split_uuids_string_to_list ** ** Description Internal helper function to split the string of UUIDs ** read from the NVRAM to an array ** ** Returns None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void btif_in_split_uuids_string_to_list(char *str, bt_uuid_t *p_uuid, uint32_t *p_num_uuid) { char buf[64]; char *p_start = str; char *p_needle; uint32_t num = 0; do { p_needle = strchr(p_start, ';'); if (p_needle < p_start) break; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); strncpy(buf, p_start, (p_needle-p_start)); string_to_uuid(buf, p_uuid + num); num++; p_start = ++p_needle; } while (*p_start != 0); *p_num_uuid = num; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_in_str_to_property ** ** Description Internal helper function to convert the string read from ** NVRAM into a property->val. Also sets the property->len. ** Assumption is that property->val has enough memory to ** store the string fetched from NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ static bt_status_t btif_in_str_to_property(char *value, bt_property_t *property) { bt_status_t status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; property->len = 0; /* if Value is NULL, then just set the property->len to 0 and return. This is possible if the entry does not exist */ if (value == NULL) { status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; } switch (property->type) { case BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME: case BT_PROPERTY_REMOTE_FRIENDLY_NAME: { *((char*)property->val) = 0; if (value) { property->len = strlen(value)+1; strcpy((char*)property->val, value); } } break; case BT_PROPERTY_ADAPTER_SCAN_MODE: case BT_PROPERTY_ADAPTER_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT: { *((uint32_t *)property->val) = 0; if (value) { uint32_t ival; property->len = sizeof(uint32_t); ival = atoi(value); memcpy((uint32_t*)property->val, &ival, sizeof(uint32_t)); } } break; case BT_PROPERTY_CLASS_OF_DEVICE: case BT_PROPERTY_TYPE_OF_DEVICE: { *((uint32_t *)property->val) = 0; if (value) { uint32_t ival; property->len = sizeof(uint32_t); ival = strtol(value, NULL, 16); memcpy((uint32_t*)property->val, &ival, sizeof(uint32_t)); } } break; case BT_PROPERTY_UUIDS: { if (value) { bt_uuid_t *p_uuid = (bt_uuid_t*)property->val; uint32_t num_uuids = 0; btif_in_split_uuids_string_to_list(value, p_uuid, &num_uuids); property->len = num_uuids * sizeof(bt_uuid_t); } } break; default: { break; } } return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_in_property_to_str ** ** Description Internal helper function to convert the property->val ** to a string that can be written to the NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ static bt_status_t btif_in_property_to_str(bt_property_t *property, char *value) { switch (property->type) { case BT_PROPERTY_REMOTE_DEVICE_TIMESTAMP: { sprintf(value, "%d", (int)time(NULL)); }break; case BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME: case BT_PROPERTY_REMOTE_FRIENDLY_NAME: { strncpy(value, (char*)property->val, property->len); value[property->len]='\0'; }break; case BT_PROPERTY_ADAPTER_SCAN_MODE: case BT_PROPERTY_ADAPTER_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT: { sprintf(value, "%d", *((uint32_t*)property->val)); }break; case BT_PROPERTY_CLASS_OF_DEVICE: case BT_PROPERTY_TYPE_OF_DEVICE: { sprintf(value, "0x%x", *((uint32_t*)property->val)); }break; case BT_PROPERTY_UUIDS: { uint32_t i; char buf[64]; value[0] = 0; for (i=0; i < (property->len)/sizeof(bt_uuid_t); i++) { bt_uuid_t *p_uuid = (bt_uuid_t*)property->val + i; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); uuid_to_string(p_uuid, buf); strcat(value, buf); strcat(value, ";"); } value[strlen(value)] = 0; }break; default: { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_in_get_remote_device_path_from_property ** ** Description Internal helper function to map a property type ** to the NVRAM filename key ** ** Returns NVRAM filename key if successfull, NULL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ static char* btif_in_get_remote_device_path_from_property(bt_property_type_t type) { switch (type) { case BT_PROPERTY_BDADDR: case BT_PROPERTY_REMOTE_DEVICE_TIMESTAMP: return BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_DEVICES; case BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME: return BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_NAMES; case BT_PROPERTY_CLASS_OF_DEVICE: return BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_DEVCLASSES; case BT_PROPERTY_TYPE_OF_DEVICE: return BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_DEVTYPES; case BT_PROPERTY_REMOTE_FRIENDLY_NAME: return BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_ALIASES; case BT_PROPERTY_UUIDS: return BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_SERVICES; default: return NULL; } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_in_load_device_iter_cb ** ** Description Internal iterator callback from UNV when loading the ** link-keys ** ** Returns ** *******************************************************************************/ int btif_in_load_device_iter_cb(char *key, char *value, void *userdata) { btif_bonded_devices_t *p_bonded_devices = (btif_bonded_devices_t *)userdata; DEV_CLASS dev_class = {0, 0, 0}; bt_bdaddr_t bd_addr; LINK_KEY link_key; uint8_t key_type; uint8_t pin_length; int offset = 0; int8_t temp[3]; uint32_t i; memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp)); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s %s %s", __FUNCTION__, key, value); /* convert 32 char linkkey (fixed size) */ for (i = 0; i < LINK_KEY_LEN; i++) { memcpy(temp, value + (i * 2), 2); link_key[i] = (uint8_t) strtol((const char *)temp, NULL, 16); offset+=2; } /* skip space */ offset++; /* convert decimal keytype (max 2 ascii chars) */ memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp)); memcpy(temp, value + offset, 2); key_type = (uint8_t)strtoul((const char *)temp, NULL, 10); /* value + space */ offset+=2; /* convert decimal pinlen (max 2 ascii chars) */ memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp)); memcpy(temp, value + offset, 2); pin_length = (uint8_t)strtoul((const char *)temp, NULL, 10); /* convert bd address (keystring) */ str2bd(key, &bd_addr); /* add extracted information to BTA security manager */ BTA_DmAddDevice(bd_addr.address, dev_class, link_key, 0, 0, key_type, 0); /* Fill in the bonded devices */ memcpy(&p_bonded_devices->devices[p_bonded_devices->num_devices++], &bd_addr, sizeof(bt_bdaddr_t)); return 0; } int btif_in_get_device_iter_cb(char *key, char *value, void *userdata) { btif_bonded_devices_t *p_bonded_devices = (btif_bonded_devices_t *)userdata; DEV_CLASS dev_class = {0, 0, 0}; bt_bdaddr_t bd_addr; LINK_KEY link_key; uint8_t key_type; uint8_t pin_length; int offset = 0; int8_t temp[3]; uint32_t i; memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp)); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s %s %s", __FUNCTION__, key, value); /* convert 32 char linkkey (fixed size) */ for (i = 0; i < LINK_KEY_LEN; i++) { memcpy(temp, value + (i * 2), 2); link_key[i] = (uint8_t) strtol((const char *)temp, NULL, 16); offset+=2; } /* skip space */ offset++; /* convert decimal keytype (max 2 ascii chars) */ memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp)); memcpy(temp, value + offset, 2); key_type = (uint8_t)strtoul((const char *)temp, NULL, 10); /* value + space */ offset+=2; /* convert decimal pinlen (max 2 ascii chars) */ memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp)); memcpy(temp, value + offset, 2); pin_length = (uint8_t)strtoul((const char *)temp, NULL, 10); /* convert bd address (keystring) */ str2bd(key, &bd_addr); /* Fill in the bonded devices */ memcpy(&p_bonded_devices->devices[p_bonded_devices->num_devices++], &bd_addr, sizeof(bt_bdaddr_t)); return 0; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_in_fetch_bonded_devices ** ** Description Internal helper function to fetch the bonded devices ** from NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ static bt_status_t btif_in_fetch_and_load_bonded_devices(btif_bonded_devices_t *p_bonded_devices) { char *fname; int ret; memset(p_bonded_devices, 0, sizeof(btif_bonded_devices_t)); fname = btif_in_make_filename(NULL, BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_LINKKEYS); if (fname == NULL) return BT_STATUS_FAIL; ret = unv_read_key_iter(fname, btif_in_load_device_iter_cb, p_bonded_devices); if (ret < 0) return BT_STATUS_FAIL; return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static bt_status_t btif_in_fetch_bonded_devices(btif_bonded_devices_t *p_bonded_devices) { char *fname; int ret; memset(p_bonded_devices, 0, sizeof(btif_bonded_devices_t)); fname = btif_in_make_filename(NULL, BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_LINKKEYS); if (fname == NULL) return BT_STATUS_FAIL; ret = unv_read_key_iter(fname, btif_in_get_device_iter_cb, p_bonded_devices); if (ret < 0) return BT_STATUS_FAIL; return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static int hex_str_to_int(const char* str, int size) { int n = 0; char c = *str++; while (size-- != 0) { n <<= 4; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { n |= c - '0'; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { n |= c - 'a' + 10; } else // (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { n |= c - 'A' + 10; } c = *str++; } return n; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_in_load_hid_info_iter_cb ** ** Description Internal iterator callback from UNV when loading the ** hid device info ** ** Returns ** *******************************************************************************/ int btif_in_load_hid_info_iter_cb(char *key, char *value, void *userdata) { btif_bonded_devices_t *p_bonded_devices = (btif_bonded_devices_t *)userdata; bt_bdaddr_t bd_addr; tBTA_HH_DEV_DSCP_INFO dscp_info; uint32_t i; uint16_t attr_mask,a; uint8_t sub_class; uint8_t app_id; BD_ADDR* bda; char *p; BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s - %s - %s", __FUNCTION__, key, value); p = value; attr_mask = (uint16_t) hex_str_to_int(p, 4); p +=5; sub_class = (uint8_t) hex_str_to_int(p, 2); p +=3; app_id = (uint8_t) hex_str_to_int(p, 2); p +=3; dscp_info.vendor_id = (uint16_t) hex_str_to_int(p, 4); p += 5; dscp_info.product_id = (uint16_t) hex_str_to_int(p, 4); p += 5; dscp_info.version = (uint8_t) hex_str_to_int(p, 4); p += 5; dscp_info.ctry_code = (uint8_t) hex_str_to_int(p, 2); p += 3; dscp_info.descriptor.dl_len = (uint16_t) hex_str_to_int(p, 4); p += 5; dscp_info.descriptor.dsc_list = (UINT8 *) GKI_getbuf(dscp_info.descriptor.dl_len); if (dscp_info.descriptor.dsc_list == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to allocate DSCP for CB", __FUNCTION__); return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } for (i = 0; i < dscp_info.descriptor.dl_len; i++) { dscp_info.descriptor.dsc_list[i] = (uint8_t) hex_str_to_int(p, 2); p += 2; } /* convert bd address (keystring) */ str2bd(key, &bd_addr); bda = (BD_ADDR*) &bd_addr; // add extracted information to BTA HH if (btif_hh_add_added_dev(bd_addr,attr_mask)) { BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG0("btif_in_load_hid_info_iter_cb: adding device"); BTA_HhAddDev(bd_addr.address, attr_mask, sub_class, app_id, dscp_info); } GKI_freebuf(dscp_info.descriptor.dsc_list); return 0; } /************************************************************************************ ** Externs ************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************ ** Functions ************************************************************************************/ /** functions are synchronous. * functions can be called by both internal modules such as BTIF_DM and by external entiries from HAL via BTIF_context_switch * For OUT parameters, caller is expected to provide the memory. * Caller is expected to provide a valid pointer to 'property->value' based on the property->type */ /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_get_adapter_property ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Fetches the adapter property->type ** from NVRAM and fills property->val. ** Caller should provide memory for property->val and ** set the property->val ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the fetch was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_get_adapter_property(bt_property_t *property) { bt_status_t status; char *fname; char *value; int ret; char linebuf[BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ]; /* initialize property->len */ property->len = 0; /* Special handling for adapter BD_ADDR and BONDED_DEVICES */ if (property->type == BT_PROPERTY_BDADDR) { BD_ADDR addr; bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr = (bt_bdaddr_t*)property->val; /* This has been cached in btif. Just fetch it from there */ memcpy(bd_addr, &btif_local_bd_addr, sizeof(bt_bdaddr_t)); property->len = sizeof(bt_bdaddr_t); return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (property->type == BT_PROPERTY_ADAPTER_BONDED_DEVICES) { btif_bonded_devices_t bonded_devices; btif_in_fetch_bonded_devices(&bonded_devices); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG2("%s: Number of bonded devices: %d Property:BT_PROPERTY_ADAPTER_BONDED_DEVICES", __FUNCTION__, bonded_devices.num_devices); if (bonded_devices.num_devices > 0) { property->len = bonded_devices.num_devices * sizeof(bt_bdaddr_t); memcpy(property->val, bonded_devices.devices, property->len); } /* if there are no bonded_devices, then length shall be 0 */ return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (property->type == BT_PROPERTY_UUIDS) { /* publish list of local supported services */ bt_uuid_t *p_uuid = (bt_uuid_t*)property->val; uint32_t num_uuids = 0; uint32_t i; tBTA_SERVICE_MASK service_mask = btif_get_enabled_services_mask(); BTIF_TRACE_ERROR2("%s service_mask:0x%x", __FUNCTION__, service_mask); for (i=0; i < BTA_MAX_SERVICE_ID; i++) { /* This should eventually become a function when more services are enabled */ if (service_mask &(tBTA_SERVICE_MASK)(1 << i)) { switch (i) { case BTA_HFP_SERVICE_ID: { uuid16_to_uuid128(UUID_SERVCLASS_AG_HANDSFREE, p_uuid+num_uuids); num_uuids++; uuid16_to_uuid128(UUID_SERVCLASS_HEADSET_AUDIO_GATEWAY, p_uuid+num_uuids); num_uuids++; }break; case BTA_A2DP_SERVICE_ID: { uuid16_to_uuid128(UUID_SERVCLASS_AUDIO_SOURCE, p_uuid+num_uuids); num_uuids++; }break; } } } property->len = (num_uuids)*sizeof(bt_uuid_t); return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* fall through for other properties */ /* create filepath */ fname = btif_in_make_filename(NULL, BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_ADAPTER_INFO); if (fname == NULL) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } ret = unv_create_file(fname); if (ret < 0) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } value = unv_read_key( fname, btif_in_get_adapter_key_from_type(property->type), linebuf, UNV_MAXLINE_LENGTH); if (value == NULL) { /* properties not yet existing, request default values from bta */ return btif_dm_get_adapter_property(property); } else { /* convert to property_t data structure */ status = btif_in_str_to_property(value, property); } return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_set_adapter_property ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Stores the adapter property ** to NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the store was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_set_adapter_property(bt_property_t *property) { char *fname; char value[1200]; int ret; fname = btif_in_make_filename(NULL, BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_ADAPTER_INFO); if (fname == NULL) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } ret = unv_create_file(fname); if (ret < 0) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } if (btif_in_property_to_str(property, value) != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } ret = unv_write_key(fname, btif_in_get_adapter_key_from_type(property->type), value); if (ret < 0) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_get_remote_device_property ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Fetches the remote device property->type ** from NVRAM and fills property->val. ** Caller should provide memory for property->val and ** set the property->val ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the fetch was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_get_remote_device_property(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr, bt_property_t *property) { char linebuf[BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ]; char *fname; char *value; int ret; bdstr_t bdstr; fname = btif_in_make_filename(NULL, btif_in_get_remote_device_path_from_property(property->type)); if (fname == NULL) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } ret = unv_create_file(fname); if (ret < 0) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } value = unv_read_key(fname, bd2str(remote_bd_addr, &bdstr), linebuf, BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ); return btif_in_str_to_property(value, property); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_set_remote_device_property ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Stores the remote device property ** to NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the store was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_set_remote_device_property(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr, bt_property_t *property) { char value[1200]; char *fname; bdstr_t bdstr; int ret; fname = btif_in_make_filename(NULL, btif_in_get_remote_device_path_from_property(property->type)); if (fname == NULL) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } ret = unv_create_file(fname); if (ret < 0) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } memset(value, 0, sizeof(value)); if (btif_in_property_to_str(property, value) != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } ret = unv_write_key(fname, bd2str(remote_bd_addr, &bdstr), value); if (ret < 0) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_add_remote_device ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Adds a newly discovered device to NVRAM ** along with the timestamp. Also, stores the various ** properties - RSSI, BDADDR, NAME (if found in EIR) ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the store was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_add_remote_device(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bdaddr, uint32_t num_properties, bt_property_t *properties) { uint32_t i = 0; /* TODO: If writing a property, fails do we go back undo the earlier * written properties? */ for (i=0; i < num_properties; i++) { /* Ignore the RSSI as this is not stored in DB */ if (properties[i].type == BT_PROPERTY_REMOTE_RSSI) continue; /* BD_ADDR for remote device needs special handling as we also store timestamp */ if (properties[i].type == BT_PROPERTY_BDADDR) { bt_property_t addr_prop; memcpy(&addr_prop, &properties[i], sizeof(bt_property_t)); addr_prop.type = BT_PROPERTY_REMOTE_DEVICE_TIMESTAMP; btif_storage_set_remote_device_property(remote_bdaddr, &addr_prop); } else { btif_storage_set_remote_device_property(remote_bdaddr, &properties[i]); } } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_add_bonded_device ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Adds the newly bonded device to NVRAM ** along with the link-key, Key type and Pin key length ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the store was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_add_bonded_device(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr, LINK_KEY link_key, uint8_t key_type, uint8_t pin_length) { char value[STORAGE_REMOTE_LINKKEYS_ENTRY_SIZE]; uint32_t i = 0; char *fname; bdstr_t bdstr; int ret; fname = btif_in_make_filename(NULL, BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_LINKKEYS); if (fname == NULL) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } ret = unv_create_file(fname); if (ret < 0) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } /* check ascii representations doesn't exceed max size */ if (key_type > STORAGE_KEY_TYPE_MAX) return BT_STATUS_FAIL; if (pin_length > PIN_CODE_LEN) return BT_STATUS_FAIL; memset(value, 0, sizeof(value)); for (i = 0; i < LINK_KEY_LEN; i++) sprintf(value + (i * 2), "%2.2X", link_key[i]); sprintf(value + (LINK_KEY_LEN*2), " %d %d", key_type, pin_length); ret = unv_write_key(fname, bd2str(remote_bd_addr, &bdstr), value); if (ret < 0) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_remove_bonded_device ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Deletes the bonded device from NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the deletion was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_remove_bonded_device(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr) { char *fname; int ret; bdstr_t bdstr; fname = btif_in_make_filename(NULL, BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_LINKKEYS); if (fname == NULL) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } ret = unv_create_file(fname); if (ret < 0) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } ret = unv_remove_key(fname, bd2str(remote_bd_addr, &bdstr)); if (ret < 0) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_load_bonded_devices ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Loads all the bonded devices from NVRAM ** and adds to the BTA. ** Additionally, this API also invokes the adaper_properties_cb ** and remote_device_properties_cb for each of the bonded devices. ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_load_bonded_devices(void) { char *fname; btif_bonded_devices_t bonded_devices; uint32_t i = 0; bt_property_t adapter_props[6]; uint32_t num_props = 0; bt_property_t remote_properties[8]; bt_bdaddr_t addr; bt_bdname_t name, alias; bt_scan_mode_t mode; uint32_t disc_timeout; bt_bdaddr_t *devices_list; bt_uuid_t local_uuids[BT_MAX_NUM_UUIDS]; bt_uuid_t remote_uuids[BT_MAX_NUM_UUIDS]; uint32_t cod, devtype; btif_in_fetch_and_load_bonded_devices(&bonded_devices); /* Now send the adapter_properties_cb with all adapter_properties */ { memset(adapter_props, 0, sizeof(adapter_props)); /* BD_ADDR */ BTIF_STORAGE_GET_ADAPTER_PROP(BT_PROPERTY_BDADDR, &addr, sizeof(addr), adapter_props[num_props]); num_props++; /* BD_NAME */ BTIF_STORAGE_GET_ADAPTER_PROP(BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME, &name, sizeof(name), adapter_props[num_props]); num_props++; /* SCAN_MODE */ /* TODO: At the time of BT on, always report the scan mode as 0 irrespective of the scan_mode during the previous enable cycle. This needs to be re-visited as part of the app/stack enable sequence synchronization */ mode = BT_SCAN_MODE_NONE; adapter_props[num_props].type = BT_PROPERTY_ADAPTER_SCAN_MODE; adapter_props[num_props].len = sizeof(mode); adapter_props[num_props].val = &mode; num_props++; /* DISC_TIMEOUT */ BTIF_STORAGE_GET_ADAPTER_PROP(BT_PROPERTY_ADAPTER_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT, &disc_timeout, sizeof(disc_timeout), adapter_props[num_props]); num_props++; /* BONDED_DEVICES */ devices_list = (bt_bdaddr_t*)malloc(sizeof(bt_bdaddr_t)*bonded_devices.num_devices); adapter_props[num_props].type = BT_PROPERTY_ADAPTER_BONDED_DEVICES; adapter_props[num_props].len = bonded_devices.num_devices * sizeof(bt_bdaddr_t); adapter_props[num_props].val = devices_list; for (i=0; i < bonded_devices.num_devices; i++) { memcpy(devices_list + i, &bonded_devices.devices[i], sizeof(bt_bdaddr_t)); } num_props++; /* LOCAL UUIDs */ BTIF_STORAGE_GET_ADAPTER_PROP(BT_PROPERTY_UUIDS, local_uuids, sizeof(local_uuids), adapter_props[num_props]); num_props++; btif_adapter_properties_evt(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, num_props, adapter_props); free(devices_list); } BTIF_TRACE_EVENT2("%s: %d bonded devices found", __FUNCTION__, bonded_devices.num_devices); { for (i = 0; i < bonded_devices.num_devices; i++) { bt_bdaddr_t *p_remote_addr; num_props = 0; p_remote_addr = &bonded_devices.devices[i]; memset(remote_properties, 0, sizeof(remote_properties)); BTIF_STORAGE_GET_REMOTE_PROP(p_remote_addr, BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME, &name, sizeof(name), remote_properties[num_props]); num_props++; BTIF_STORAGE_GET_REMOTE_PROP(p_remote_addr, BT_PROPERTY_REMOTE_FRIENDLY_NAME, &alias, sizeof(alias), remote_properties[num_props]); num_props++; BTIF_STORAGE_GET_REMOTE_PROP(p_remote_addr, BT_PROPERTY_CLASS_OF_DEVICE, &cod, sizeof(cod), remote_properties[num_props]); num_props++; BTIF_STORAGE_GET_REMOTE_PROP(p_remote_addr, BT_PROPERTY_TYPE_OF_DEVICE, &devtype, sizeof(devtype), remote_properties[num_props]); num_props++; BTIF_STORAGE_GET_REMOTE_PROP(p_remote_addr, BT_PROPERTY_UUIDS, remote_uuids, sizeof(remote_uuids), remote_properties[num_props]); num_props++; btif_remote_properties_evt(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, p_remote_addr, num_props, remote_properties); } } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_add_hid_device_info ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Adds the hid information of bonded hid devices-to NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the store was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_add_hid_device_info(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr, UINT16 attr_mask, UINT8 sub_class, UINT8 app_id, UINT16 vendor_id, UINT16 product_id, UINT16 version, UINT8 ctry_code, UINT16 dl_len, UINT8 *dsc_list) { char *hid_info; uint32_t i = 0; char *fname; bdstr_t bdstr; int ret; char* p; size_t size; fname = btif_in_make_filename(NULL, BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_HIDINFO); if (fname == NULL) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } ret = unv_create_file(fname); if (ret < 0) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s",__FUNCTION__); /* value = > > > */ size = (STORAGE_BDADDR_STRING_SZ + 1 + STORAGE_HID_ATRR_MASK_SIZE + 1 + STORAGE_HID_SUB_CLASS_SIZE + 1 + STORAGE_HID_APP_ID_SIZE+ 1 + STORAGE_HID_VENDOR_ID_SIZE+ 1 + STORAGE_HID_PRODUCT_ID_SIZE+ 1 + STORAGE_HID_VERSION_SIZE+ 1 + STORAGE_HID_CTRY_CODE_SIZE+ 1 + STORAGE_HID_DESC_LEN_SIZE+ 1 + (dl_len *2)+1); hid_info = (char *) malloc(size); if (hid_info == NULL) { BTIF_TRACE_ERROR2("%s: Oops, failed to allocate %d byte buffer for HID info string", __FUNCTION__, size); return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } //Convert the entries to hex and copy it to hid_info sprintf(hid_info, "%04X %02X %02X %04X %04X %04X %02X %04X ", attr_mask,sub_class,app_id,vendor_id,product_id,version,ctry_code,dl_len); i = 0; p = &hid_info[strlen(hid_info)]; while ((i + 16) <= dl_len) { sprintf(p, "%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", dsc_list[i], dsc_list[i+1], dsc_list[i+2], dsc_list[i+3], dsc_list[i+4], dsc_list[i+5], dsc_list[i+6], dsc_list[i+7], dsc_list[i+8], dsc_list[i+9], dsc_list[i+10], dsc_list[i+11], dsc_list[i+12], dsc_list[i+13], dsc_list[i+14], dsc_list[i+15]); p += 32; i += 16; } if ((i + 8) <= dl_len) { sprintf(p, "%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", dsc_list[i], dsc_list[i+1], dsc_list[i+2], dsc_list[i+3], dsc_list[i+4], dsc_list[i+5], dsc_list[i+6], dsc_list[i+7]); p += 16; i += 8; } if ((i + 4) <= dl_len) { sprintf(p, "%02X%02X%02X%02X", dsc_list[i], dsc_list[i+1], dsc_list[i+2], dsc_list[i+3]); p += 8; i += 4; } if ((i + 3) == dl_len) { sprintf(p, "%02X%02X%02X", dsc_list[i], dsc_list[i+1], dsc_list[i+2]); p += 6; } else if ((i + 2) == dl_len) { sprintf(p, "%02X%02X", dsc_list[i], dsc_list[i+1]); p += 4; } else if ((i + 1) == dl_len) { sprintf(p, "%02X", dsc_list[i]); p += 2; } *p = '\0'; ret = unv_write_key(fname, bd2str(remote_bd_addr, &bdstr), hid_info); free(hid_info); if (ret < 0) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_load_bonded_hid_info ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Loads hid info for all the bonded devices from NVRAM ** and adds those devices to the BTA_HH. ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_load_bonded_hid_info(void) { char *fname; int ret; fname = btif_in_make_filename(NULL, BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_HIDINFO); if (fname == NULL) return BT_STATUS_FAIL; ret = unv_read_key_iter(fname, btif_in_load_hid_info_iter_cb, NULL); if (ret < 0) return BT_STATUS_FAIL; return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_remove_hid_info ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Deletes the bonded hid device info from NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the deletion was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_remove_hid_info(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr) { char *fname; int ret; bdstr_t bdstr; fname = btif_in_make_filename(NULL, BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_REMOTE_HIDINFO); if (fname == NULL) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } ret = unv_create_file(fname); if (ret < 0) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } ret = unv_remove_key(fname, bd2str(remote_bd_addr, &bdstr)); if (ret < 0) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_read_hl_apps_cb ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Read HL application control block from NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_read_hl_apps_cb(char *value, int value_size) { char fname[256], tmp[3]; bt_status_t bt_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; int status=FALSE, i, buf_size; char *p_buf; BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s ", __FUNCTION__); sprintf(fname, "%s/LOCAL/%s", BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_BLUEDROID, BTIF_STORAGE_HL_APP_CB); buf_size = value_size*2; p_buf = malloc(buf_size); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG2("value_size=%d buf_size=%d", value_size, buf_size); if (p_buf) { if ((status = unv_read_hl_apps_cb(fname, p_buf, buf_size))!=0) { bt_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; } else { for (i = 0; i < value_size; i++) { memcpy(tmp, p_buf + (i * 2), 2); value[i] = (uint8_t) strtol(tmp, NULL, 16); } } free(p_buf); } else { bt_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; } BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG4("%s read file:(%s) read status=%d bt_status=%d", __FUNCTION__, fname, status, bt_status); return bt_status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_write_hl_apps_cb ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Write HL application control block to NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_write_hl_apps_cb(char *value, int value_size) { char fname[256]; bt_status_t bt_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; int status=FALSE, i, buf_size; char *p_buf; BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s ", __FUNCTION__); sprintf(fname, "%s/LOCAL/%s", BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_BLUEDROID, BTIF_STORAGE_HL_APP_CB); buf_size = value_size * 2; p_buf = malloc(buf_size); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG2("value_size=%d buf_size=%d", value_size, buf_size); if (p_buf) { for (i = 0; i < value_size; i++) sprintf(p_buf + (i * 2), "%2.2X", value[i]); if ((status = unv_write_hl_apps_cb(fname, p_buf, buf_size))!=0) bt_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; free(p_buf); } else { bt_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; } BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG4("%s write file:(%s) write status=%d bt_status=%d", __FUNCTION__, fname, status, bt_status); return bt_status; } bt_status_t btif_storage_read_hl_data(char *fname, char *value, int value_size) { char tmp[3]; bt_status_t bt_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; int i, buf_size; char *p_buf; buf_size = value_size*2; p_buf = malloc(buf_size); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s value_size=%d buf_size=%d", __FUNCTION__, value_size, buf_size); if (p_buf) { if (unv_read_hl_data(fname, p_buf, buf_size) != 0) { bt_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; } else { for (i = 0; i < value_size; i++) { memcpy(tmp, p_buf + (i * 2), 2); value[i] = (uint8_t) strtol(tmp, NULL, 16); } } free(p_buf); } else { bt_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; } BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("bt_status=%d", bt_status); return bt_status; } bt_status_t btif_storage_write_hl_data(char *fname, char *value, int value_size) { bt_status_t bt_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; int i, buf_size; char *p_buf; buf_size = value_size * 2; p_buf = malloc(buf_size); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s value_size=%d buf_size=%d", __FUNCTION__, value_size, buf_size); if (p_buf) { for (i = 0; i < value_size; i++) sprintf(p_buf + (i * 2), "%2.2X", value[i]); if ( unv_write_hl_data(fname, p_buf, buf_size)!= 0) bt_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; free(p_buf); } else { bt_status = BT_STATUS_FAIL; } BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("bt_status=%d", bt_status); return bt_status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_read_hl_apps_cb ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Read HL application configuration from NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_read_hl_app_data(UINT8 app_idx, char *value, int value_size) { char fname[256]; bt_status_t bt_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s ", __FUNCTION__); sprintf(fname, "%s/LOCAL/%s%d", BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_BLUEDROID, BTIF_STORAGE_HL_APP_DATA, app_idx); bt_status = btif_storage_read_hl_data(fname, value, value_size); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s read file:(%s) bt_status=%d", __FUNCTION__, fname, bt_status); return bt_status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_read_hl_mdl_data ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Read HL application MDL configuration from NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_write_hl_app_data(UINT8 app_idx, char *value, int value_size) { char fname[256]; bt_status_t bt_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s ", __FUNCTION__); sprintf(fname, "%s/LOCAL/%s%d", BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_BLUEDROID, BTIF_STORAGE_HL_APP_DATA, app_idx); bt_status = btif_storage_write_hl_data(fname, value, value_size); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s write file:(%s) bt_status=%d", __FUNCTION__, fname, bt_status); return bt_status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_read_hl_mdl_data ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Read HL application MDL configuration from NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_read_hl_mdl_data(UINT8 app_idx, char *value, int value_size) { char fname[256], tmp[3]; bt_status_t bt_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; int status, i, buf_size; char *p_buf; BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s ", __FUNCTION__); sprintf(fname, "%s/LOCAL/%s%d", BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_BLUEDROID, BTIF_STORAGE_HL_APP_MDL_DATA, app_idx); bt_status = btif_storage_read_hl_data(fname, value, value_size); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s read file:(%s) bt_status=%d", __FUNCTION__, fname, bt_status); return bt_status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_write_hl_mdl_data ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Write HL application MDL configuration from NVRAM ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation was successful, ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_write_hl_mdl_data(UINT8 app_idx, char *value, int value_size) { char fname[256]; bt_status_t bt_status = BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; int status, i, buf_size; char *p_buf; BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s ", __FUNCTION__); sprintf(fname, "%s/LOCAL/%s%d", BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_BLUEDROID, BTIF_STORAGE_HL_APP_MDL_DATA, app_idx); bt_status = btif_storage_write_hl_data(fname, value, value_size); BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG3("%s write file:(%s) bt_status=%d", __FUNCTION__, fname, bt_status); return bt_status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_load_autopair_device_list ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Populates auto pair device list ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the auto pair blacklist is successfully populated ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_load_autopair_device_list() { char *fname, *key_name, *key_value; int ret , i=0; char linebuf[BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ]; char *line; FILE *fp; /* check if the auto pair device list is already present in the NV memory */ fname = btif_in_make_filename(NULL, BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_AUTOPAIR_BLACKLIST); if (fname == NULL) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } key_value = unv_read_key(fname,BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_BLACKLIST_ADDR,linebuf, BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ); if (key_value == NULL) { /* first time loading of auto pair blacklist configuration */ ret = unv_create_file(fname); if (ret < 0) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to create dynamic auto pair blacklist", __FUNCTION__); return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } fp = fopen (BTIF_AUTO_PAIR_CONF_FILE, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to open auto pair blacklist conf file at %s", __FUNCTION__,BTIF_AUTO_PAIR_CONF_FILE ); return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } /* read through auto_pairing.conf file and create the key value pairs specific to auto pair blacklist devices */ while (fgets(linebuf, BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ, fp) != NULL) { /* trip leading white spaces */ while (linebuf[i] == BTIF_AUTO_PAIR_CONF_SPACE) i++; /* skip commented lines */ if (linebuf[i] == BTIF_AUTO_PAIR_CONF_COMMENT) continue; line = (char*)&(linebuf[i]); if (line == NULL) continue; key_name = strtok(line, BTIF_AUTO_PAIR_CONF_KEY_VAL_DELIMETER); if (key_name == NULL) continue; else if((strcmp(key_name, BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_BLACKLIST_ADDR) == 0) || (strcmp(key_name, BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_BLACKLIST_EXACTNAME) ==0) || (strcmp(key_name, BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_FIXPIN_KBLIST) ==0 ) || (strcmp(key_name, BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_BLACKLIST_PARTIALNAME) == 0) || (strcmp(key_name, BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_DYNAMIC_BLACKLIST_ADDR) == 0)) { key_value = strtok(NULL, BTIF_AUTO_PAIR_CONF_KEY_VAL_DELIMETER); unv_write_key (fname, key_name, key_value); } } fclose(fp); } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_is_device_autopair_blacklisted ** ** Description BTIF storage API Checks if the given device is blacklisted for auto pairing ** ** Returns TRUE if the device is found in the auto pair blacklist ** FALSE otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN btif_storage_is_device_autopair_blacklisted(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_dev_addr) { char *fname; char *value, *token; int ret; bdstr_t bdstr; char bd_addr_lap[9]; char *dev_name_str; uint8_t i = 0; char linebuf[BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ]; bd2str(remote_dev_addr, &bdstr); /* create a string with Lower Address Part from BD Address */ snprintf(bd_addr_lap, 9, "%s", (char*)bdstr); for ( i =0; i address)); if (dev_name_str != NULL) { value = unv_read_key( fname, BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_BLACKLIST_EXACTNAME, linebuf, BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ); if (value != NULL) { if (strstr(value,dev_name_str) != NULL) return TRUE; } value = unv_read_key( fname, BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_BLACKLIST_PARTIALNAME, linebuf, BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ); if (value != NULL) { token = strtok(value, BTIF_AUTO_PAIR_CONF_VALUE_SEPARATOR); while (token != NULL) { if (strstr(dev_name_str, token) != NULL) return TRUE; token = strtok(NULL, BTIF_AUTO_PAIR_CONF_VALUE_SEPARATOR); } } } value = unv_read_key( fname, BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_DYNAMIC_BLACKLIST_ADDR, linebuf, BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ); if (value != NULL) { if (strstr(value,bdstr) != NULL) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_add_device_to_autopair_blacklist ** ** Description BTIF storage API - Add a remote device to the auto pairing blacklist ** ** Returns BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the device is successfully added to the auto pair blacklist ** BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ bt_status_t btif_storage_add_device_to_autopair_blacklist(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_dev_addr) { char *fname; char *value; int ret; bdstr_t bdstr; char linebuf[BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ+20]; char input_value [20]; bd2str(remote_dev_addr, &bdstr); strncpy(input_value, (char*)bdstr, 20); strncat (input_value,BTIF_AUTO_PAIR_CONF_VALUE_SEPARATOR, 20); /* create filepath */ fname = btif_in_make_filename(NULL, BTIF_STORAGE_PATH_AUTOPAIR_BLACKLIST); if (fname == NULL) { return BT_STATUS_FAIL; } value = unv_read_key( fname, BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_DYNAMIC_BLACKLIST_ADDR, linebuf, BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ); if (value != NULL) { /* Append this address to the dynamic List of BD address */ strncat (linebuf, input_value, BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ); } else { strncpy( linebuf,input_value, BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ); } /* Write back the key value */ ret = unv_write_key (fname, BTIF_STORAGE_KEY_AUTOPAIR_DYNAMIC_BLACKLIST_ADDR,( const char *)linebuf); return (ret == 0 ? BT_STATUS_SUCCESS:BT_STATUS_FAIL); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btif_storage_is_fixed_pin_zeros_keyboard ** ** Description BTIF storage API - checks if this device has fixed PIN key device list ** ** Returns TRUE if the device is found in the fixed pin keyboard device list ** FALSE otherwise ** *******************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN btif_storage_is_fixed_pin_zeros_keyboard(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_dev_addr) { char *fname; char *value; int ret; bdstr_t bdstr; char bd_addr_lap[9]; char *dev_name_str; uint8_t i = 0; char linebuf[BTIF_STORAGE_MAX_LINE_SZ]; bd2str(remote_dev_addr, &bdstr); snprintf(bd_addr_lap, 9, "%s", (char*)bdstr); for ( i =0; i