/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is the proprietary software of Broadcom Corporation and/or its * licensors, and may only be used, duplicated, modified or distributed * pursuant to the terms and conditions of a separate, written license * agreement executed between you and Broadcom (an "Authorized License"). * Except as set forth in an Authorized License, Broadcom grants no license * (express or implied), right to use, or waiver of any kind with respect to * the Software, and Broadcom expressly reserves all rights in and to the * Software and all intellectual property rights therein. * IF YOU HAVE NO AUTHORIZED LICENSE, THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO USE THIS * SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY, AND SHOULD IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY BROADCOM AND DISCONTINUE * ALL USE OF THE SOFTWARE. * * Except as expressly set forth in the Authorized License, * * 1. This program, including its structure, sequence and organization, * constitutes the valuable trade secrets of Broadcom, and you shall * use all reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality thereof, * and to use this information only in connection with your use of * Broadcom integrated circuit products. * * 2. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED * "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND BROADCOM MAKES NO PROMISES, * REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, * OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE. BROADCOM SPECIFICALLY * DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, * NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF VIRUSES, * ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT * OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. * * 3. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL BROADCOM OR * ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR * (i) CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR EXEMPLARY * DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATING TO * YOUR USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE EVEN IF BROADCOM * HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES; OR * (ii) ANY AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID FOR THE * SOFTWARE ITSELF OR U.S. $1, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. THESE * LIMITATIONS SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF * ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY. * ******************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * * Name: btsnoopdisp.c * * Function: this file contains functions to generate a BTSNOOP file * * ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for gettimeofday */ #include /* for the S_* open parameters */ #include /* for write */ #include /* for O_* open parameters */ #include /* defines the O_* open parameters */ #include #define LOG_TAG "BTSNOOP-DISP" #include #include "bt_hci_bdroid.h" #include "utils.h" #ifndef BTSNOOP_DBG #define BTSNOOP_DBG FALSE #endif #if (BTSNOOP_DBG == TRUE) #define SNOOPDBG(param, ...) {LOGD(param, ## __VA_ARGS__);} #else #define SNOOPDBG(param, ...) {} #endif /* file descriptor of the BT snoop file (by default, -1 means disabled) */ int hci_btsnoop_fd = -1; /* Macro to perform a multiplication of 2 unsigned 32bit values and store the result * in an unsigned 64 bit value (as two 32 bit variables): * u64 = u32In1 * u32In2 * u32OutLow = u64[31:0] * u32OutHi = u64[63:32] * basically the algorithm: * (hi1*2^16 + lo1)*(hi2*2^16 + lo2) = lo1*lo2 + (hi1*hi2)*2^32 + (hi1*lo2 + hi2*lo1)*2^16 * and the carry is propagated 16 bit by 16 bit: * result[15:0] = lo1*lo2 & 0xFFFF * result[31:16] = ((lo1*lo2) >> 16) + (hi1*lo2 + hi2*lo1) * and so on */ #define HCIDISP_MULT_64(u32In1, u32In2, u32OutLo, u32OutHi) \ do { \ uint32_t u32In1Tmp = u32In1; \ uint32_t u32In2Tmp = u32In2; \ uint32_t u32Tmp, u32Carry; \ u32OutLo = (u32In1Tmp & 0xFFFF) * (u32In2Tmp & 0xFFFF); /*lo1*lo2*/ \ u32OutHi = ((u32In1Tmp >> 16) & 0xFFFF) * ((u32In2Tmp >> 16) & 0xFFFF); /*hi1*hi2*/ \ u32Tmp = (u32In1Tmp & 0xFFFF) * ((u32In2Tmp >> 16) & 0xFFFF); /*lo1*hi2*/ \ u32Carry = (uint32_t)((u32OutLo>>16)&0xFFFF); \ u32Carry += (u32Tmp&0xFFFF); \ u32OutLo += (u32Tmp << 16) ; \ u32OutHi += (u32Tmp >> 16); \ u32Tmp = ((u32In1Tmp >> 16) & 0xFFFF) * (u32In2Tmp & 0xFFFF); \ u32Carry += (u32Tmp)&0xFFFF; \ u32Carry>>=16; \ u32OutLo += (u32Tmp << 16); \ u32OutHi += (u32Tmp >> 16); \ u32OutHi += u32Carry; \ } while (0) /* Macro to make an addition of 2 64 bit values: * result = (u32OutHi & u32OutLo) + (u32InHi & u32InLo) * u32OutHi = result[63:32] * u32OutLo = result[31:0] */ #define HCIDISP_ADD_64(u32InLo, u32InHi, u32OutLo, u32OutHi) \ do { \ (u32OutLo) += (u32InLo); \ if ((u32OutLo) < (u32InLo)) (u32OutHi)++; \ (u32OutHi) += (u32InHi); \ } while (0) /* EPOCH in microseconds since 01/01/0000 : 0x00dcddb3.0f2f8000 */ #define BTSNOOP_EPOCH_HI 0x00dcddb3U #define BTSNOOP_EPOCH_LO 0x0f2f8000U /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function tv_to_btsnoop_ts ** ** Description This function generate a BT Snoop timestamp. ** ** Returns void ** ** NOTE ** The return value is 64 bit as 2 32 bit variables out_lo and * out_hi. ** A BT Snoop timestamp is the number of microseconds since 01/01/0000. ** The timeval structure contains the number of microseconds since EPOCH ** (01/01/1970) encoded as: tv.tv_sec, number of seconds since EPOCH and ** tv_usec, number of microseconds in current second ** ** Therefore the algorithm is: ** result = tv.tv_sec * 1000000 ** result += tv.tv_usec ** result += EPOCH_OFFSET *******************************************************************************/ static void tv_to_btsnoop_ts(uint32_t *out_lo, uint32_t *out_hi, struct timeval *tv) { /* multiply the seconds by 1000000 */ HCIDISP_MULT_64(tv->tv_sec, 0xf4240, *out_lo, *out_hi); /* add the microseconds */ HCIDISP_ADD_64((uint32_t)tv->tv_usec, 0, *out_lo, *out_hi); /* add the epoch */ HCIDISP_ADD_64(BTSNOOP_EPOCH_LO, BTSNOOP_EPOCH_HI, *out_lo, *out_hi); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function l_to_be ** ** Description Function to convert a 32 bit value into big endian format ** ** Returns 32 bit value in big endian format *******************************************************************************/ static uint32_t l_to_be(uint32_t x) { #if __BIG_ENDIAN != TRUE x = (x >> 24) | ((x >> 8) & 0xFF00) | ((x << 8) & 0xFF0000) | (x << 24); #endif return x; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btsnoop_is_open ** ** Description Function to check if BTSNOOP is open ** ** Returns 1 if open otherwise 0 *******************************************************************************/ int btsnoop_is_open(void) { #if defined(BTSNOOPDISP_INCLUDED) && (BTSNOOPDISP_INCLUDED == TRUE) SNOOPDBG("btsnoop_is_open: snoop fd = %d\n", hci_btsnoop_fd); if (hci_btsnoop_fd != -1) { return 1; } return 0; #else return 2; /* Snoop not available */ #endif } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btsnoop_log_open ** ** Description Function to open the BTSNOOP file ** ** Returns None *******************************************************************************/ static int btsnoop_log_open(char *btsnoop_logfile) { #if defined(BTSNOOPDISP_INCLUDED) && (BTSNOOPDISP_INCLUDED == TRUE) hci_btsnoop_fd = -1; SNOOPDBG("btsnoop_log_open: snoop log file = %s\n", btsnoop_logfile); /* write the BT snoop header */ if ((btsnoop_logfile != NULL) && (strlen(btsnoop_logfile) != 0)) { hci_btsnoop_fd = open(btsnoop_logfile, \ O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, \ S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH); if (hci_btsnoop_fd == -1) { perror("open"); SNOOPDBG("btsnoop_log_open: Unable to open snoop log file\n"); hci_btsnoop_fd = -1; return 0; } write(hci_btsnoop_fd, "btsnoop\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\x3\xea", 16); return 1; } #endif return 2; /* Snoop not available */ } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btsnoop_log_close ** ** Description Function to close the BTSNOOP file ** ** Returns None *******************************************************************************/ static int btsnoop_log_close(void) { #if defined(BTSNOOPDISP_INCLUDED) && (BTSNOOPDISP_INCLUDED == TRUE) /* write the BT snoop header */ if (hci_btsnoop_fd != -1) { SNOOPDBG("btsnoop_log_close: Closing snoop log file\n"); close(hci_btsnoop_fd); hci_btsnoop_fd = -1; return 1; } return 0; #else return 2; /* Snoop not available */ #endif } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btsnoop_hci_cmd ** ** Description Function to add a command in the BTSNOOP file ** ** Returns None *******************************************************************************/ void btsnoop_hci_cmd(uint8_t *p) { SNOOPDBG("btsnoop_hci_cmd: fd = %d", hci_btsnoop_fd); if (hci_btsnoop_fd != -1) { uint32_t value, value_hi; struct timeval tv; /* since these display functions are called from different contexts */ utils_lock(); /* store the length in both original and included fields */ value = l_to_be(p[2] + 4); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* flags: command sent from the host */ value = l_to_be(2); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* drops: none */ value = 0; write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* time */ gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); tv_to_btsnoop_ts(&value, &value_hi, &tv); value_hi = l_to_be(value_hi); value = l_to_be(value); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value_hi, 4); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* data */ write(hci_btsnoop_fd, "\x1", 1); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, p, p[2] + 3); /* since these display functions are called from different contexts */ utils_unlock(); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btsnoop_hci_evt ** ** Description Function to add a event in the BTSNOOP file ** ** Returns None *******************************************************************************/ void btsnoop_hci_evt(uint8_t *p) { SNOOPDBG("btsnoop_hci_evt: fd = %d", hci_btsnoop_fd); if (hci_btsnoop_fd != -1) { uint32_t value, value_hi; struct timeval tv; /* since these display functions are called from different contexts */ utils_lock(); /* store the length in both original and included fields */ value = l_to_be(p[1] + 3); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* flags: event received in the host */ value = l_to_be(3); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* drops: none */ value = 0; write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* time */ gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); tv_to_btsnoop_ts(&value, &value_hi, &tv); value_hi = l_to_be(value_hi); value = l_to_be(value); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value_hi, 4); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* data */ write(hci_btsnoop_fd, "\x4", 1); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, p, p[1] + 2); /* since these display functions are called from different contexts */ utils_unlock(); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btsnoop_sco_data ** ** Description Function to add a SCO data packet in the BTSNOOP file ** ** Returns None *******************************************************************************/ void btsnoop_sco_data(uint8_t *p, uint8_t is_rcvd) { SNOOPDBG("btsnoop_sco_data: fd = %d", hci_btsnoop_fd); if (hci_btsnoop_fd != -1) { uint32_t value, value_hi; struct timeval tv; /* since these display functions are called from different contexts */ utils_lock(); /* store the length in both original and included fields */ value = l_to_be(p[2] + 4); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* flags: data can be sent or received */ value = l_to_be(is_rcvd?1:0); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* drops: none */ value = 0; write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* time */ gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); tv_to_btsnoop_ts(&value, &value_hi, &tv); value_hi = l_to_be(value_hi); value = l_to_be(value); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value_hi, 4); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* data */ write(hci_btsnoop_fd, "\x3", 1); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, p, p[2] + 3); /* since these display functions are called from different contexts */ utils_unlock(); } } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function btsnoop_acl_data ** ** Description Function to add an ACL data packet in the BTSNOOP file ** ** Returns None *******************************************************************************/ void btsnoop_acl_data(uint8_t *p, uint8_t is_rcvd) { SNOOPDBG("btsnoop_acl_data: fd = %d", hci_btsnoop_fd); if (hci_btsnoop_fd != -1) { uint32_t value, value_hi; struct timeval tv; /* since these display functions are called from different contexts */ utils_lock(); /* store the length in both original and included fields */ value = l_to_be((p[3]<<8) + p[2] + 5); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* flags: data can be sent or received */ value = l_to_be(is_rcvd?1:0); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* drops: none */ value = 0; write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* time */ gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); tv_to_btsnoop_ts(&value, &value_hi, &tv); value_hi = l_to_be(value_hi); value = l_to_be(value); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value_hi, 4); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, &value, 4); /* data */ write(hci_btsnoop_fd, "\x2", 1); write(hci_btsnoop_fd, p, (p[3]<<8) + p[2] + 4); /* since these display functions are called from different contexts */ utils_unlock(); } } /******************************************************************************** ** API allow external realtime parsing of output using e.g hcidump *********************************************************************************/ #define EXT_PARSER_PORT 4330 static pthread_t thread_id; static int s_listen = -1; static int ext_parser_fd = -1; static void ext_parser_detached(void); int ext_parser_accept(int port) { socklen_t clilen; struct sockaddr_in cliaddr, servaddr; int s, srvlen; int n = 1; int size_n; int result = 0; LOGD("waiting for connection on port %d", port); s_listen = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s_listen < 0) { LOGE("listener not created: listen fd %d", s_listen); return -1; } bzero(&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)); servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); servaddr.sin_port = htons(port); srvlen = sizeof(servaddr); /* allow reuse of sock addr upon bind */ result = setsockopt(s_listen, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &n, sizeof(n)); if (result<0) { perror("setsockopt"); } result = bind(s_listen, (struct sockaddr *) &servaddr, srvlen); if (result < 0) perror("bind"); result = listen(s_listen, 1); if (result < 0) perror("listen"); clilen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); s = accept(s_listen, (struct sockaddr *) &cliaddr, &clilen); if (s < 0) { perror("accept"); return -1; } LOGD("connected (%d)", s); return s; } static int send_ext_parser(char *p, int len) { int n; /* check if io socket is connected */ if (ext_parser_fd == -1) return 0; SNOOPDBG("write %d to snoop socket\n", len); n = write(ext_parser_fd, p, len); if (n<=0) { ext_parser_detached(); } return n; } static void ext_parser_detached(void) { LOGD("ext parser detached"); if (ext_parser_fd>0) close(ext_parser_fd); if (s_listen > 0) close(s_listen); ext_parser_fd = -1; s_listen = -1; } static void interruptFn (int sig) { LOGD("interruptFn"); pthread_exit(0); } static void ext_parser_thread(void* param) { int fd; int sig = SIGUSR2; sigset_t sigSet; sigemptyset (&sigSet); sigaddset (&sigSet, sig); LOGD("ext_parser_thread"); prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"BtsnoopExtParser", 0, 0, 0); pthread_sigmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigSet, NULL); struct sigaction act; act.sa_handler = interruptFn; sigaction (sig, &act, NULL ); do { fd = ext_parser_accept(EXT_PARSER_PORT); ext_parser_fd = fd; LOGD("ext parser attached on fd %d\n", ext_parser_fd); } while (1); } void btsnoop_stop_listener(void) { LOGD("btsnoop_init"); ext_parser_detached(); } void btsnoop_init(void) { LOGD("btsnoop_init"); /* always setup ext listener port */ if (pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, (void*)ext_parser_thread,NULL)!=0) perror("pthread_create"); } void btsnoop_open(char *p_path) { #if defined(BTSNOOPDISP_INCLUDED) && (BTSNOOPDISP_INCLUDED == TRUE) LOGD("btsnoop_open"); btsnoop_log_open(p_path); #endif // BTSNOOPDISP_INCLUDED } void btsnoop_close(void) { #if defined(BTSNOOPDISP_INCLUDED) && (BTSNOOPDISP_INCLUDED == TRUE) LOGD("btsnoop_close"); btsnoop_log_close(); #endif } void btsnoop_cleanup (void) { LOGD("btsnoop_cleanup"); pthread_kill(thread_id, SIGUSR2); pthread_join(thread_id, NULL); ext_parser_detached(); } #define HCIT_TYPE_COMMAND 1 #define HCIT_TYPE_ACL_DATA 2 #define HCIT_TYPE_SCO_DATA 3 #define HCIT_TYPE_EVENT 4 void btsnoop_capture(HC_BT_HDR *p_buf, uint8_t is_rcvd) { uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)(p_buf + 1) + p_buf->offset; SNOOPDBG("btsnoop_capture: fd = %d, type %x, rcvd %d, ext %d", \ hci_btsnoop_fd, p_buf->event, is_rcvd, ext_parser_fd); if (ext_parser_fd > 0) { uint8_t tmp = *p; /* borrow one byte for H4 packet type indicator */ p--; switch (p_buf->event & MSG_EVT_MASK) { case MSG_HC_TO_STACK_HCI_EVT: *p = HCIT_TYPE_EVENT; break; case MSG_HC_TO_STACK_HCI_ACL: case MSG_STACK_TO_HC_HCI_ACL: *p = HCIT_TYPE_ACL_DATA; break; case MSG_HC_TO_STACK_HCI_SCO: case MSG_STACK_TO_HC_HCI_SCO: *p = HCIT_TYPE_SCO_DATA; break; case MSG_STACK_TO_HC_HCI_CMD: *p = HCIT_TYPE_COMMAND; break; } send_ext_parser((char*)p, p_buf->len+1); *(++p) = tmp; return; } #if defined(BTSNOOPDISP_INCLUDED) && (BTSNOOPDISP_INCLUDED == TRUE) if (hci_btsnoop_fd == -1) return; switch (p_buf->event & MSG_EVT_MASK) { case MSG_HC_TO_STACK_HCI_EVT: SNOOPDBG("TYPE : EVT"); btsnoop_hci_evt(p); break; case MSG_HC_TO_STACK_HCI_ACL: case MSG_STACK_TO_HC_HCI_ACL: SNOOPDBG("TYPE : ACL"); btsnoop_acl_data(p, is_rcvd); break; case MSG_HC_TO_STACK_HCI_SCO: case MSG_STACK_TO_HC_HCI_SCO: SNOOPDBG("TYPE : SCO"); btsnoop_sco_data(p, is_rcvd); break; case MSG_STACK_TO_HC_HCI_CMD: SNOOPDBG("TYPE : CMD"); btsnoop_hci_cmd(p); break; } #endif // BTSNOOPDISP_INCLUDED }