/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Broadcom Corporation * * This program is the proprietary software of Broadcom Corporation and/or its * licensors, and may only be used, duplicated, modified or distributed * pursuant to the terms and conditions of a separate, written license * agreement executed between you and Broadcom (an "Authorized License"). * Except as set forth in an Authorized License, Broadcom grants no license * (express or implied), right to use, or waiver of any kind with respect to * the Software, and Broadcom expressly reserves all rights in and to the * Software and all intellectual property rights therein. * IF YOU HAVE NO AUTHORIZED LICENSE, THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO USE THIS * SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY, AND SHOULD IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY BROADCOM AND DISCONTINUE * ALL USE OF THE SOFTWARE. * * Except as expressly set forth in the Authorized License, * * 1. This program, including its structure, sequence and organization, * constitutes the valuable trade secrets of Broadcom, and you shall * use all reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality thereof, * and to use this information only in connection with your use of * Broadcom integrated circuit products. * * 2. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED * "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND BROADCOM MAKES NO PROMISES, * REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, * OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE. BROADCOM SPECIFICALLY * DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, * NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF VIRUSES, * ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT * OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. * * 3. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL BROADCOM OR * ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR * (i) CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR EXEMPLARY * DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATING TO * YOUR USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE EVEN IF BROADCOM * HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES; OR * (ii) ANY AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID FOR THE * SOFTWARE ITSELF OR U.S. $1, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. THESE * LIMITATIONS SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF * ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY. * ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * * Filename: bte_main.c * * Description: Contains BTE core stack initialization and shutdown code * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "gki.h" #include "bd.h" #include "btu.h" #include "bte.h" #include "bta_api.h" #include "bt_vendor_lib.h" /******************************************************************************* ** Constants & Macros *******************************************************************************/ /* Run-time configuration file */ #ifndef BTE_STACK_CONF_FILE #define BTE_STACK_CONF_FILE "/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf" #endif /******************************************************************************* ** Local type definitions *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* ** Static variables *******************************************************************************/ static bt_vendor_interface_t *bt_vendor_if=NULL; static const bt_vendor_callbacks_t vnd_callbacks; static BOOLEAN lpm_enabled = FALSE; /******************************************************************************* ** Static functions *******************************************************************************/ static void bte_main_in_hw_init(void); /******************************************************************************* ** Externs *******************************************************************************/ BTU_API extern UINT32 btu_task (UINT32 param); BTU_API extern void BTE_Init (void); BT_API extern void BTE_LoadStack(void); BT_API void BTE_UnloadStack(void); extern void scru_flip_bda (BD_ADDR dst, const BD_ADDR src); extern void btsnoop_init(void); extern void btsnoop_open(void); extern void btsnoop_close(void); extern void btsnoop_cleanup (void); extern void bte_load_conf(const char *p_path); /******************************************************************************* ** System Task Configuration *******************************************************************************/ /* bluetooth protocol stack (BTU) task */ #ifndef BTE_BTU_STACK_SIZE #define BTE_BTU_STACK_SIZE 0//0x2000 /* In bytes */ #endif #define BTE_BTU_TASK_STR ((INT8 *) "BTU") UINT32 bte_btu_stack[(BTE_BTU_STACK_SIZE + 3) / 4]; /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function bte_main_in_hw_init ** ** Description Internal helper function for chip hardware init ** ** Returns None ** ******************************************************************************/ void bte_main_in_hw_init(void) { if ( (bt_vendor_if = (bt_vendor_interface_t *) bt_vendor_get_interface()) \ == NULL) { APPL_TRACE_ERROR0("!!! Failed to get BtVendorInterface !!!"); } } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function bte_main_boot_entry ** ** Description BTE MAIN API - Entry point for BTE chip/stack initialization ** ** Returns None ** ******************************************************************************/ void bte_main_boot_entry(void) { /* initialize OS */ GKI_init(); bte_main_in_hw_init(); bte_load_conf(BTE_STACK_CONF_FILE); #if (BTTRC_INCLUDED == TRUE) /* Initialize trace feature */ BTTRC_TraceInit(MAX_TRACE_RAM_SIZE, &BTE_TraceLogBuf[0], BTTRC_METHOD_RAM); #endif } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function bte_main_shutdown ** ** Description BTE MAIN API - Shutdown code for BTE chip/stack ** ** Returns None ** ******************************************************************************/ void bte_main_shutdown() { #if 0 if (bt_vendor_if) bt_vendor_if->cleanup(); #endif bt_vendor_if = NULL; GKI_shutdown(); } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function bte_main_enable ** ** Description BTE MAIN API - Creates all the BTE tasks. Should be called ** part of the Bluetooth stack enable sequence ** ** Returns None ** ******************************************************************************/ void bte_main_enable(void) { APPL_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s", __FUNCTION__); /* Initialize BTE control block */ BTE_Init(); lpm_enabled = FALSE; if (bt_vendor_if) { int result = bt_vendor_if->init(&vnd_callbacks); APPL_TRACE_EVENT1("libbt-vendor init returns %d", result); /* toggle chip power to ensure we will reset chip in case a previous stack shutdown wasn't completed gracefully */ bt_vendor_if->set_power(BT_VENDOR_CHIP_PWR_OFF); bt_vendor_if->set_power(BT_VENDOR_CHIP_PWR_ON); bt_vendor_if->preload(NULL); } GKI_create_task((TASKPTR)btu_task, BTU_TASK, BTE_BTU_TASK_STR, (UINT16 *) ((UINT8 *)bte_btu_stack + BTE_BTU_STACK_SIZE), sizeof(bte_btu_stack)); GKI_run(0); } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function bte_main_disable ** ** Description BTE MAIN API - Destroys all the BTE tasks. Should be called ** part of the Bluetooth stack disable sequence ** ** Returns None ** ******************************************************************************/ void bte_main_disable(void) { APPL_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s", __FUNCTION__); GKI_destroy_task(BTU_TASK); GKI_freeze(); if (bt_vendor_if) { bt_vendor_if->set_power(BT_VENDOR_CHIP_PWR_OFF); bt_vendor_if->cleanup(); } } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function bte_main_postload_cfg ** ** Description BTE MAIN API - Stack postload configuration ** ** Returns None ** ******************************************************************************/ void bte_main_postload_cfg(void) { if (bt_vendor_if) bt_vendor_if->postload(NULL); } #if (defined(HCILP_INCLUDED) && HCILP_INCLUDED == TRUE) /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function bte_main_enable_lpm ** ** Description BTE MAIN API - Enable/Disable low power mode operation ** ** Returns None ** ******************************************************************************/ void bte_main_enable_lpm(BOOLEAN enable) { int result = -1; if (bt_vendor_if) result = bt_vendor_if->lpm( \ (enable == TRUE) ? BT_VENDOR_LPM_ENABLE : BT_VENDOR_LPM_DISABLE \ ); APPL_TRACE_EVENT2("vendor lib lpm enable=%d return %d", enable, result); } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function bte_main_lpm_allow_bt_device_sleep ** ** Description BTE MAIN API - Allow BT controller goest to sleep ** ** Returns None ** ******************************************************************************/ void bte_main_lpm_allow_bt_device_sleep() { int result = -1; if ((bt_vendor_if) && (lpm_enabled == TRUE)) result = bt_vendor_if->lpm(BT_VENDOR_LPM_WAKE_DEASSERT); APPL_TRACE_DEBUG1("vendor lib lpm deassertion return %d", result); } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function bte_main_lpm_wake_bt_device ** ** Description BTE MAIN API - Wake BT controller up if it is in sleep mode ** ** Returns None ** ******************************************************************************/ void bte_main_lpm_wake_bt_device() { int result = -1; if ((bt_vendor_if) && (lpm_enabled == TRUE)) result = bt_vendor_if->lpm(BT_VENDOR_LPM_WAKE_ASSERT); APPL_TRACE_DEBUG1("vendor lib lpm assertion return %d", result); } #endif // HCILP_INCLUDED /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function bte_main_hci_send ** ** Description BTE MAIN API - This function is called by the upper stack to ** send an HCI message. The function displays a protocol trace ** message (if enabled), and then calls the 'transmit' function ** associated with the currently selected HCI transport ** ** Returns None ** ******************************************************************************/ void bte_main_hci_send (BT_HDR *p_msg, UINT16 event) { UINT16 sub_event = event & BT_SUB_EVT_MASK; /* local controller ID */ p_msg->event = event; if((sub_event == LOCAL_BR_EDR_CONTROLLER_ID) || \ (sub_event == LOCAL_BLE_CONTROLLER_ID)) { if (bt_vendor_if) bt_vendor_if->transmit_buf((TRANSAC)p_msg, \ (char *) (p_msg + 1), \ p_msg->len); else GKI_freebuf(p_msg); } else { APPL_TRACE_ERROR0("Invalid Controller ID. Discarding message."); GKI_freebuf(p_msg); } } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function bte_main_post_reset_init ** ** Description BTE MAIN API - This function is mapped to BTM_APP_DEV_INIT ** and shall be automatically called from BTE after HCI_Reset ** ** Returns None ** ******************************************************************************/ void bte_main_post_reset_init() { BTM_ContinueReset(); } /***************************************************************************** ** ** libbt-vendor Callback Functions ** *****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function preload_cb ** ** Description VENDOR LIB CALLBACK API - This function is called ** when vendor lib completed stack preload process ** ** Returns None ** ******************************************************************************/ static void preload_cb(TRANSAC transac, bt_vendor_preload_result_t result) { APPL_TRACE_EVENT1("vnd preload_cb %d [0:SUCCESS 1:FAIL]", result); // if (result == BT_VENDOR_PRELOAD_SUCCESS) /* keep going even if firmware patch file is missing */ { /* notify BTU task that libbt-vendor is ready */ GKI_send_event(BTU_TASK, TASK_MBOX_0_EVT_MASK); } } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function postload_cb ** ** Description VENDOR LIB CALLBACK API - This function is called ** when vendor lib completed stack postload process ** ** Returns None ** ******************************************************************************/ static void postload_cb(TRANSAC transac, bt_vendor_postload_result_t result) { APPL_TRACE_EVENT1("vnd postload_cb %d", result); } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function lpm_cb ** ** Description VENDOR LIB CALLBACK API - This function is called ** back from vendor lib to indicate the current LPM state ** ** Returns None ** ******************************************************************************/ static void lpm_cb(bt_vendor_lpm_request_result_t result) { APPL_TRACE_EVENT1("vnd lpm_result_cb %d", result); lpm_enabled = (result == BT_VENDOR_LPM_ENABLED) ? TRUE : FALSE; } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function hostwake_ind ** ** Description VENDOR LIB CALLOUT API - This function is called ** from vendor lib to indicate the HostWake event ** ** Returns None ** ******************************************************************************/ static void hostwake_ind(bt_vendor_low_power_event_t event) { APPL_TRACE_EVENT1("vnd hostwake_ind %d", event); } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function alloc ** ** Description VENDOR LIB CALLOUT API - This function is called ** from vendor lib to request for data buffer allocation ** ** Returns NULL / pointer to allocated buffer ** ******************************************************************************/ static char *alloc(int size) { BT_HDR *p_hdr = NULL; /* APPL_TRACE_DEBUG1("vnd alloc size=%d", size); */ p_hdr = (BT_HDR *) GKI_getbuf ((UINT16) size); if (p_hdr == NULL) { APPL_TRACE_WARNING0("alloc returns NO BUFFER!"); } return ((char *) p_hdr); } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function dealloc ** ** Description VENDOR LIB CALLOUT API - This function is called ** from vendor lib to release the data buffer allocated ** through the alloc call earlier ** ** Returns bt_vnd_status_t ** ******************************************************************************/ static int dealloc(TRANSAC transac, char *p_buf) { GKI_freebuf(transac); return BT_VENDOR_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function data_ind ** ** Description VENDOR LIB CALLOUT API - This function is called ** from vendor lib to pass in the received HCI packets ** ** The core stack is responsible for releasing the data buffer ** passed in from vendor lib once the core stack has done with ** it. ** ** Returns bt_vnd_status_t ** ******************************************************************************/ static int data_ind(TRANSAC transac, char *p_buf, int len) { BT_HDR *p_msg = (BT_HDR *) transac; /* APPL_TRACE_DEBUG2("vnd data_ind event=0x%04X (len=%d)", p_msg->event, len); */ GKI_send_msg (BTU_TASK, BTU_HCI_RCV_MBOX, transac); return BT_VENDOR_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /****************************************************************************** ** ** Function tx_result ** ** Description VENDOR LIB CALLBACK API - This function is called ** from vendor lib once it has processed/sent the prior data ** buffer which core stack passed to it through transmit_buf ** call earlier. ** ** The core stack is responsible for releasing the data buffer ** if it has been completedly processed. ** ** Returns bt_vnd_status_t ** ******************************************************************************/ static int tx_result(TRANSAC transac, char *p_buf, \ bt_vendor_transmit_result_t result) { /* APPL_TRACE_DEBUG2("vnd tx_result %d (event=%04X)", result, \ ((BT_HDR *)transac)->event); */ if (result == BT_VENDOR_TX_FRAGMENT) { GKI_send_msg (BTU_TASK, BTU_HCI_RCV_MBOX, transac); } else { GKI_freebuf(transac); } return BT_VENDOR_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /***************************************************************************** ** The libbt-vendor Callback Functions Table *****************************************************************************/ static const bt_vendor_callbacks_t vnd_callbacks = { sizeof(bt_vendor_callbacks_t), preload_cb, postload_cb, lpm_cb, hostwake_ind, alloc, dealloc, data_ind, tx_result };