default rel %define XMMWORD %define YMMWORD %define ZMMWORD section .text code align=64 EXTERN OPENSSL_ia32cap_P global bn_mul_mont_gather5 ALIGN 64 bn_mul_mont_gather5: mov QWORD[8+rsp],rdi ;WIN64 prologue mov QWORD[16+rsp],rsi mov rax,rsp $L$SEH_begin_bn_mul_mont_gather5: mov rdi,rcx mov rsi,rdx mov rdx,r8 mov rcx,r9 mov r8,QWORD[40+rsp] mov r9,QWORD[48+rsp] test r9d,7 jnz NEAR $L$mul_enter jmp NEAR $L$mul4x_enter ALIGN 16 $L$mul_enter: mov r9d,r9d mov rax,rsp mov r10d,DWORD[56+rsp] push rbx push rbp push r12 push r13 push r14 push r15 lea rsp,[((-40))+rsp] movaps XMMWORD[rsp],xmm6 movaps XMMWORD[16+rsp],xmm7 lea r11,[2+r9] neg r11 lea rsp,[r11*8+rsp] and rsp,-1024 mov QWORD[8+r9*8+rsp],rax $L$mul_body: mov r12,rdx mov r11,r10 shr r10,3 and r11,7 not r10 lea rax,[$L$magic_masks] and r10,3 lea r12,[96+r11*8+r12] movq xmm4,QWORD[r10*8+rax] movq xmm5,QWORD[8+r10*8+rax] movq xmm6,QWORD[16+r10*8+rax] movq xmm7,QWORD[24+r10*8+rax] movq xmm0,QWORD[(((-96)))+r12] movq xmm1,QWORD[((-32))+r12] pand xmm0,xmm4 movq xmm2,QWORD[32+r12] pand xmm1,xmm5 movq xmm3,QWORD[96+r12] pand xmm2,xmm6 por xmm0,xmm1 pand xmm3,xmm7 por xmm0,xmm2 lea r12,[256+r12] por xmm0,xmm3 DB 102,72,15,126,195 mov r8,QWORD[r8] mov rax,QWORD[rsi] xor r14,r14 xor r15,r15 movq xmm0,QWORD[(((-96)))+r12] movq xmm1,QWORD[((-32))+r12] pand xmm0,xmm4 movq xmm2,QWORD[32+r12] pand xmm1,xmm5 mov rbp,r8 mul rbx mov r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[rcx] movq xmm3,QWORD[96+r12] pand xmm2,xmm6 por xmm0,xmm1 pand xmm3,xmm7 imul rbp,r10 mov r11,rdx por xmm0,xmm2 lea r12,[256+r12] por xmm0,xmm3 mul rbp add r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[8+rsi] adc rdx,0 mov r13,rdx lea r15,[1+r15] jmp NEAR $L$1st_enter ALIGN 16 $L$1st: add r13,rax mov rax,QWORD[r15*8+rsi] adc rdx,0 add r13,r11 mov r11,r10 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-16))+r15*8+rsp],r13 mov r13,rdx $L$1st_enter: mul rbx add r11,rax mov rax,QWORD[r15*8+rcx] adc rdx,0 lea r15,[1+r15] mov r10,rdx mul rbp cmp r15,r9 jne NEAR $L$1st DB 102,72,15,126,195 add r13,rax mov rax,QWORD[rsi] adc rdx,0 add r13,r11 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-16))+r15*8+rsp],r13 mov r13,rdx mov r11,r10 xor rdx,rdx add r13,r11 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-8))+r9*8+rsp],r13 mov QWORD[r9*8+rsp],rdx lea r14,[1+r14] jmp NEAR $L$outer ALIGN 16 $L$outer: xor r15,r15 mov rbp,r8 mov r10,QWORD[rsp] movq xmm0,QWORD[(((-96)))+r12] movq xmm1,QWORD[((-32))+r12] pand xmm0,xmm4 movq xmm2,QWORD[32+r12] pand xmm1,xmm5 mul rbx add r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[rcx] adc rdx,0 movq xmm3,QWORD[96+r12] pand xmm2,xmm6 por xmm0,xmm1 pand xmm3,xmm7 imul rbp,r10 mov r11,rdx por xmm0,xmm2 lea r12,[256+r12] por xmm0,xmm3 mul rbp add r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[8+rsi] adc rdx,0 mov r10,QWORD[8+rsp] mov r13,rdx lea r15,[1+r15] jmp NEAR $L$inner_enter ALIGN 16 $L$inner: add r13,rax mov rax,QWORD[r15*8+rsi] adc rdx,0 add r13,r10 mov r10,QWORD[r15*8+rsp] adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-16))+r15*8+rsp],r13 mov r13,rdx $L$inner_enter: mul rbx add r11,rax mov rax,QWORD[r15*8+rcx] adc rdx,0 add r10,r11 mov r11,rdx adc r11,0 lea r15,[1+r15] mul rbp cmp r15,r9 jne NEAR $L$inner DB 102,72,15,126,195 add r13,rax mov rax,QWORD[rsi] adc rdx,0 add r13,r10 mov r10,QWORD[r15*8+rsp] adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-16))+r15*8+rsp],r13 mov r13,rdx xor rdx,rdx add r13,r11 adc rdx,0 add r13,r10 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-8))+r9*8+rsp],r13 mov QWORD[r9*8+rsp],rdx lea r14,[1+r14] cmp r14,r9 jb NEAR $L$outer xor r14,r14 mov rax,QWORD[rsp] lea rsi,[rsp] mov r15,r9 jmp NEAR $L$sub ALIGN 16 $L$sub: sbb rax,QWORD[r14*8+rcx] mov QWORD[r14*8+rdi],rax mov rax,QWORD[8+r14*8+rsi] lea r14,[1+r14] dec r15 jnz NEAR $L$sub sbb rax,0 xor r14,r14 mov r15,r9 ALIGN 16 $L$copy: mov rsi,QWORD[r14*8+rsp] mov rcx,QWORD[r14*8+rdi] xor rsi,rcx and rsi,rax xor rsi,rcx mov QWORD[r14*8+rsp],r14 mov QWORD[r14*8+rdi],rsi lea r14,[1+r14] sub r15,1 jnz NEAR $L$copy mov rsi,QWORD[8+r9*8+rsp] mov rax,1 movaps xmm6,XMMWORD[((-88))+rsi] movaps xmm7,XMMWORD[((-72))+rsi] mov r15,QWORD[((-48))+rsi] mov r14,QWORD[((-40))+rsi] mov r13,QWORD[((-32))+rsi] mov r12,QWORD[((-24))+rsi] mov rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rsi] mov rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rsi] lea rsp,[rsi] $L$mul_epilogue: mov rdi,QWORD[8+rsp] ;WIN64 epilogue mov rsi,QWORD[16+rsp] DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret $L$SEH_end_bn_mul_mont_gather5: ALIGN 32 bn_mul4x_mont_gather5: mov QWORD[8+rsp],rdi ;WIN64 prologue mov QWORD[16+rsp],rsi mov rax,rsp $L$SEH_begin_bn_mul4x_mont_gather5: mov rdi,rcx mov rsi,rdx mov rdx,r8 mov rcx,r9 mov r8,QWORD[40+rsp] mov r9,QWORD[48+rsp] $L$mul4x_enter: DB 0x67 mov rax,rsp push rbx push rbp push r12 push r13 push r14 push r15 lea rsp,[((-40))+rsp] movaps XMMWORD[rsp],xmm6 movaps XMMWORD[16+rsp],xmm7 DB 0x67 mov r10d,r9d shl r9d,3 shl r10d,3+2 neg r9 lea r11,[((-64))+r9*2+rsp] sub r11,rsi and r11,4095 cmp r10,r11 jb NEAR $L$mul4xsp_alt sub rsp,r11 lea rsp,[((-64))+r9*2+rsp] jmp NEAR $L$mul4xsp_done ALIGN 32 $L$mul4xsp_alt: lea r10,[((4096-64))+r9*2] lea rsp,[((-64))+r9*2+rsp] sub r11,r10 mov r10,0 cmovc r11,r10 sub rsp,r11 $L$mul4xsp_done: and rsp,-64 neg r9 mov QWORD[40+rsp],rax $L$mul4x_body: call mul4x_internal mov rsi,QWORD[40+rsp] mov rax,1 movaps xmm6,XMMWORD[((-88))+rsi] movaps xmm7,XMMWORD[((-72))+rsi] mov r15,QWORD[((-48))+rsi] mov r14,QWORD[((-40))+rsi] mov r13,QWORD[((-32))+rsi] mov r12,QWORD[((-24))+rsi] mov rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rsi] mov rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rsi] lea rsp,[rsi] $L$mul4x_epilogue: mov rdi,QWORD[8+rsp] ;WIN64 epilogue mov rsi,QWORD[16+rsp] DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret $L$SEH_end_bn_mul4x_mont_gather5: ALIGN 32 mul4x_internal: shl r9,5 mov r10d,DWORD[56+rax] lea r13,[256+r9*1+rdx] shr r9,5 mov r11,r10 shr r10,3 and r11,7 not r10 lea rax,[$L$magic_masks] and r10,3 lea r12,[96+r11*8+rdx] movq xmm4,QWORD[r10*8+rax] movq xmm5,QWORD[8+r10*8+rax] add r11,7 movq xmm6,QWORD[16+r10*8+rax] movq xmm7,QWORD[24+r10*8+rax] and r11,7 movq xmm0,QWORD[(((-96)))+r12] lea r14,[256+r12] movq xmm1,QWORD[((-32))+r12] pand xmm0,xmm4 movq xmm2,QWORD[32+r12] pand xmm1,xmm5 movq xmm3,QWORD[96+r12] pand xmm2,xmm6 DB 0x67 por xmm0,xmm1 movq xmm1,QWORD[((-96))+r14] DB 0x67 pand xmm3,xmm7 DB 0x67 por xmm0,xmm2 movq xmm2,QWORD[((-32))+r14] DB 0x67 pand xmm1,xmm4 DB 0x67 por xmm0,xmm3 movq xmm3,QWORD[32+r14] DB 102,72,15,126,195 movq xmm0,QWORD[96+r14] mov QWORD[((16+8))+rsp],r13 mov QWORD[((56+8))+rsp],rdi mov r8,QWORD[r8] mov rax,QWORD[rsi] lea rsi,[r9*1+rsi] neg r9 mov rbp,r8 mul rbx mov r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[rcx] pand xmm2,xmm5 pand xmm3,xmm6 por xmm1,xmm2 imul rbp,r10 lea r14,[((64+8))+r11*8+rsp] mov r11,rdx pand xmm0,xmm7 por xmm1,xmm3 lea r12,[512+r12] por xmm0,xmm1 mul rbp add r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[8+r9*1+rsi] adc rdx,0 mov rdi,rdx mul rbx add r11,rax mov rax,QWORD[16+rcx] adc rdx,0 mov r10,rdx mul rbp add rdi,rax mov rax,QWORD[16+r9*1+rsi] adc rdx,0 add rdi,r11 lea r15,[32+r9] lea rcx,[64+rcx] adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[r14],rdi mov r13,rdx jmp NEAR $L$1st4x ALIGN 32 $L$1st4x: mul rbx add r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[((-32))+rcx] lea r14,[32+r14] adc rdx,0 mov r11,rdx mul rbp add r13,rax mov rax,QWORD[((-8))+r15*1+rsi] adc rdx,0 add r13,r10 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-24))+r14],r13 mov rdi,rdx mul rbx add r11,rax mov rax,QWORD[((-16))+rcx] adc rdx,0 mov r10,rdx mul rbp add rdi,rax mov rax,QWORD[r15*1+rsi] adc rdx,0 add rdi,r11 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-16))+r14],rdi mov r13,rdx mul rbx add r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[rcx] adc rdx,0 mov r11,rdx mul rbp add r13,rax mov rax,QWORD[8+r15*1+rsi] adc rdx,0 add r13,r10 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-8))+r14],r13 mov rdi,rdx mul rbx add r11,rax mov rax,QWORD[16+rcx] adc rdx,0 mov r10,rdx mul rbp add rdi,rax mov rax,QWORD[16+r15*1+rsi] adc rdx,0 add rdi,r11 lea rcx,[64+rcx] adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[r14],rdi mov r13,rdx add r15,32 jnz NEAR $L$1st4x mul rbx add r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[((-32))+rcx] lea r14,[32+r14] adc rdx,0 mov r11,rdx mul rbp add r13,rax mov rax,QWORD[((-8))+rsi] adc rdx,0 add r13,r10 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-24))+r14],r13 mov rdi,rdx mul rbx add r11,rax mov rax,QWORD[((-16))+rcx] adc rdx,0 mov r10,rdx mul rbp add rdi,rax mov rax,QWORD[r9*1+rsi] adc rdx,0 add rdi,r11 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-16))+r14],rdi mov r13,rdx DB 102,72,15,126,195 lea rcx,[r9*2+rcx] xor rdi,rdi add r13,r10 adc rdi,0 mov QWORD[((-8))+r14],r13 jmp NEAR $L$outer4x ALIGN 32 $L$outer4x: mov r10,QWORD[r9*1+r14] mov rbp,r8 mul rbx add r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[rcx] adc rdx,0 movq xmm0,QWORD[(((-96)))+r12] movq xmm1,QWORD[((-32))+r12] pand xmm0,xmm4 movq xmm2,QWORD[32+r12] pand xmm1,xmm5 movq xmm3,QWORD[96+r12] imul rbp,r10 DB 0x67 mov r11,rdx mov QWORD[r14],rdi pand xmm2,xmm6 por xmm0,xmm1 pand xmm3,xmm7 por xmm0,xmm2 lea r14,[r9*1+r14] lea r12,[256+r12] por xmm0,xmm3 mul rbp add r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[8+r9*1+rsi] adc rdx,0 mov rdi,rdx mul rbx add r11,rax mov rax,QWORD[16+rcx] adc rdx,0 add r11,QWORD[8+r14] adc rdx,0 mov r10,rdx mul rbp add rdi,rax mov rax,QWORD[16+r9*1+rsi] adc rdx,0 add rdi,r11 lea r15,[32+r9] lea rcx,[64+rcx] adc rdx,0 mov r13,rdx jmp NEAR $L$inner4x ALIGN 32 $L$inner4x: mul rbx add r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[((-32))+rcx] adc rdx,0 add r10,QWORD[16+r14] lea r14,[32+r14] adc rdx,0 mov r11,rdx mul rbp add r13,rax mov rax,QWORD[((-8))+r15*1+rsi] adc rdx,0 add r13,r10 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-32))+r14],rdi mov rdi,rdx mul rbx add r11,rax mov rax,QWORD[((-16))+rcx] adc rdx,0 add r11,QWORD[((-8))+r14] adc rdx,0 mov r10,rdx mul rbp add rdi,rax mov rax,QWORD[r15*1+rsi] adc rdx,0 add rdi,r11 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-24))+r14],r13 mov r13,rdx mul rbx add r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[rcx] adc rdx,0 add r10,QWORD[r14] adc rdx,0 mov r11,rdx mul rbp add r13,rax mov rax,QWORD[8+r15*1+rsi] adc rdx,0 add r13,r10 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-16))+r14],rdi mov rdi,rdx mul rbx add r11,rax mov rax,QWORD[16+rcx] adc rdx,0 add r11,QWORD[8+r14] adc rdx,0 mov r10,rdx mul rbp add rdi,rax mov rax,QWORD[16+r15*1+rsi] adc rdx,0 add rdi,r11 lea rcx,[64+rcx] adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-8))+r14],r13 mov r13,rdx add r15,32 jnz NEAR $L$inner4x mul rbx add r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[((-32))+rcx] adc rdx,0 add r10,QWORD[16+r14] lea r14,[32+r14] adc rdx,0 mov r11,rdx mul rbp add r13,rax mov rax,QWORD[((-8))+rsi] adc rdx,0 add r13,r10 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-32))+r14],rdi mov rdi,rdx mul rbx add r11,rax mov rax,rbp mov rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rcx] adc rdx,0 add r11,QWORD[((-8))+r14] adc rdx,0 mov r10,rdx mul rbp add rdi,rax mov rax,QWORD[r9*1+rsi] adc rdx,0 add rdi,r11 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-24))+r14],r13 mov r13,rdx DB 102,72,15,126,195 mov QWORD[((-16))+r14],rdi lea rcx,[r9*2+rcx] xor rdi,rdi add r13,r10 adc rdi,0 add r13,QWORD[r14] adc rdi,0 mov QWORD[((-8))+r14],r13 cmp r12,QWORD[((16+8))+rsp] jb NEAR $L$outer4x sub rbp,r13 adc r15,r15 or rdi,r15 xor rdi,1 lea rbx,[r9*1+r14] lea rbp,[rdi*8+rcx] mov rcx,r9 sar rcx,3+2 mov rdi,QWORD[((56+8))+rsp] jmp NEAR $L$sqr4x_sub global bn_power5 ALIGN 32 bn_power5: mov QWORD[8+rsp],rdi ;WIN64 prologue mov QWORD[16+rsp],rsi mov rax,rsp $L$SEH_begin_bn_power5: mov rdi,rcx mov rsi,rdx mov rdx,r8 mov rcx,r9 mov r8,QWORD[40+rsp] mov r9,QWORD[48+rsp] mov rax,rsp push rbx push rbp push r12 push r13 push r14 push r15 lea rsp,[((-40))+rsp] movaps XMMWORD[rsp],xmm6 movaps XMMWORD[16+rsp],xmm7 mov r10d,r9d shl r9d,3 shl r10d,3+2 neg r9 mov r8,QWORD[r8] lea r11,[((-64))+r9*2+rsp] sub r11,rsi and r11,4095 cmp r10,r11 jb NEAR $L$pwr_sp_alt sub rsp,r11 lea rsp,[((-64))+r9*2+rsp] jmp NEAR $L$pwr_sp_done ALIGN 32 $L$pwr_sp_alt: lea r10,[((4096-64))+r9*2] lea rsp,[((-64))+r9*2+rsp] sub r11,r10 mov r10,0 cmovc r11,r10 sub rsp,r11 $L$pwr_sp_done: and rsp,-64 mov r10,r9 neg r9 mov QWORD[32+rsp],r8 mov QWORD[40+rsp],rax $L$power5_body: DB 102,72,15,110,207 DB 102,72,15,110,209 DB 102,73,15,110,218 DB 102,72,15,110,226 call __bn_sqr8x_internal call __bn_sqr8x_internal call __bn_sqr8x_internal call __bn_sqr8x_internal call __bn_sqr8x_internal DB 102,72,15,126,209 DB 102,72,15,126,226 mov rdi,rsi mov rax,QWORD[40+rsp] lea r8,[32+rsp] call mul4x_internal mov rsi,QWORD[40+rsp] mov rax,1 mov r15,QWORD[((-48))+rsi] mov r14,QWORD[((-40))+rsi] mov r13,QWORD[((-32))+rsi] mov r12,QWORD[((-24))+rsi] mov rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rsi] mov rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rsi] lea rsp,[rsi] $L$power5_epilogue: mov rdi,QWORD[8+rsp] ;WIN64 epilogue mov rsi,QWORD[16+rsp] DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret $L$SEH_end_bn_power5: global bn_sqr8x_internal ALIGN 32 bn_sqr8x_internal: __bn_sqr8x_internal: lea rbp,[32+r10] lea rsi,[r9*1+rsi] mov rcx,r9 mov r14,QWORD[((-32))+rbp*1+rsi] lea rdi,[((48+8))+r9*2+rsp] mov rax,QWORD[((-24))+rbp*1+rsi] lea rdi,[((-32))+rbp*1+rdi] mov rbx,QWORD[((-16))+rbp*1+rsi] mov r15,rax mul r14 mov r10,rax mov rax,rbx mov r11,rdx mov QWORD[((-24))+rbp*1+rdi],r10 mul r14 add r11,rax mov rax,rbx adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-16))+rbp*1+rdi],r11 mov r10,rdx mov rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rbp*1+rsi] mul r15 mov r12,rax mov rax,rbx mov r13,rdx lea rcx,[rbp] mul r14 add r10,rax mov rax,rbx mov r11,rdx adc r11,0 add r10,r12 adc r11,0 mov QWORD[((-8))+rcx*1+rdi],r10 jmp NEAR $L$sqr4x_1st ALIGN 32 $L$sqr4x_1st: mov rbx,QWORD[rcx*1+rsi] mul r15 add r13,rax mov rax,rbx mov r12,rdx adc r12,0 mul r14 add r11,rax mov rax,rbx mov rbx,QWORD[8+rcx*1+rsi] mov r10,rdx adc r10,0 add r11,r13 adc r10,0 mul r15 add r12,rax mov rax,rbx mov QWORD[rcx*1+rdi],r11 mov r13,rdx adc r13,0 mul r14 add r10,rax mov rax,rbx mov rbx,QWORD[16+rcx*1+rsi] mov r11,rdx adc r11,0 add r10,r12 adc r11,0 mul r15 add r13,rax mov rax,rbx mov QWORD[8+rcx*1+rdi],r10 mov r12,rdx adc r12,0 mul r14 add r11,rax mov rax,rbx mov rbx,QWORD[24+rcx*1+rsi] mov r10,rdx adc r10,0 add r11,r13 adc r10,0 mul r15 add r12,rax mov rax,rbx mov QWORD[16+rcx*1+rdi],r11 mov r13,rdx adc r13,0 lea rcx,[32+rcx] mul r14 add r10,rax mov rax,rbx mov r11,rdx adc r11,0 add r10,r12 adc r11,0 mov QWORD[((-8))+rcx*1+rdi],r10 cmp rcx,0 jne NEAR $L$sqr4x_1st mul r15 add r13,rax lea rbp,[16+rbp] adc rdx,0 add r13,r11 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[rdi],r13 mov r12,rdx mov QWORD[8+rdi],rdx jmp NEAR $L$sqr4x_outer ALIGN 32 $L$sqr4x_outer: mov r14,QWORD[((-32))+rbp*1+rsi] lea rdi,[((48+8))+r9*2+rsp] mov rax,QWORD[((-24))+rbp*1+rsi] lea rdi,[((-32))+rbp*1+rdi] mov rbx,QWORD[((-16))+rbp*1+rsi] mov r15,rax mul r14 mov r10,QWORD[((-24))+rbp*1+rdi] add r10,rax mov rax,rbx adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[((-24))+rbp*1+rdi],r10 mov r11,rdx mul r14 add r11,rax mov rax,rbx adc rdx,0 add r11,QWORD[((-16))+rbp*1+rdi] mov r10,rdx adc r10,0 mov QWORD[((-16))+rbp*1+rdi],r11 xor r12,r12 mov rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rbp*1+rsi] mul r15 add r12,rax mov rax,rbx adc rdx,0 add r12,QWORD[((-8))+rbp*1+rdi] mov r13,rdx adc r13,0 mul r14 add r10,rax mov rax,rbx adc rdx,0 add r10,r12 mov r11,rdx adc r11,0 mov QWORD[((-8))+rbp*1+rdi],r10 lea rcx,[rbp] jmp NEAR $L$sqr4x_inner ALIGN 32 $L$sqr4x_inner: mov rbx,QWORD[rcx*1+rsi] mul r15 add r13,rax mov rax,rbx mov r12,rdx adc r12,0 add r13,QWORD[rcx*1+rdi] adc r12,0 DB 0x67 mul r14 add r11,rax mov rax,rbx mov rbx,QWORD[8+rcx*1+rsi] mov r10,rdx adc r10,0 add r11,r13 adc r10,0 mul r15 add r12,rax mov QWORD[rcx*1+rdi],r11 mov rax,rbx mov r13,rdx adc r13,0 add r12,QWORD[8+rcx*1+rdi] lea rcx,[16+rcx] adc r13,0 mul r14 add r10,rax mov rax,rbx adc rdx,0 add r10,r12 mov r11,rdx adc r11,0 mov QWORD[((-8))+rcx*1+rdi],r10 cmp rcx,0 jne NEAR $L$sqr4x_inner DB 0x67 mul r15 add r13,rax adc rdx,0 add r13,r11 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[rdi],r13 mov r12,rdx mov QWORD[8+rdi],rdx add rbp,16 jnz NEAR $L$sqr4x_outer mov r14,QWORD[((-32))+rsi] lea rdi,[((48+8))+r9*2+rsp] mov rax,QWORD[((-24))+rsi] lea rdi,[((-32))+rbp*1+rdi] mov rbx,QWORD[((-16))+rsi] mov r15,rax mul r14 add r10,rax mov rax,rbx mov r11,rdx adc r11,0 mul r14 add r11,rax mov rax,rbx mov QWORD[((-24))+rdi],r10 mov r10,rdx adc r10,0 add r11,r13 mov rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rsi] adc r10,0 mul r15 add r12,rax mov rax,rbx mov QWORD[((-16))+rdi],r11 mov r13,rdx adc r13,0 mul r14 add r10,rax mov rax,rbx mov r11,rdx adc r11,0 add r10,r12 adc r11,0 mov QWORD[((-8))+rdi],r10 mul r15 add r13,rax mov rax,QWORD[((-16))+rsi] adc rdx,0 add r13,r11 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[rdi],r13 mov r12,rdx mov QWORD[8+rdi],rdx mul rbx add rbp,16 xor r14,r14 sub rbp,r9 xor r15,r15 add rax,r12 adc rdx,0 mov QWORD[8+rdi],rax mov QWORD[16+rdi],rdx mov QWORD[24+rdi],r15 mov rax,QWORD[((-16))+rbp*1+rsi] lea rdi,[((48+8))+rsp] xor r10,r10 mov r11,QWORD[8+rdi] lea r12,[r10*2+r14] shr r10,63 lea r13,[r11*2+rcx] shr r11,63 or r13,r10 mov r10,QWORD[16+rdi] mov r14,r11 mul rax neg r15 mov r11,QWORD[24+rdi] adc r12,rax mov rax,QWORD[((-8))+rbp*1+rsi] mov QWORD[rdi],r12 adc r13,rdx lea rbx,[r10*2+r14] mov QWORD[8+rdi],r13 sbb r15,r15 shr r10,63 lea r8,[r11*2+rcx] shr r11,63 or r8,r10 mov r10,QWORD[32+rdi] mov r14,r11 mul rax neg r15 mov r11,QWORD[40+rdi] adc rbx,rax mov rax,QWORD[rbp*1+rsi] mov QWORD[16+rdi],rbx adc r8,rdx lea rbp,[16+rbp] mov QWORD[24+rdi],r8 sbb r15,r15 lea rdi,[64+rdi] jmp NEAR $L$sqr4x_shift_n_add ALIGN 32 $L$sqr4x_shift_n_add: lea r12,[r10*2+r14] shr r10,63 lea r13,[r11*2+rcx] shr r11,63 or r13,r10 mov r10,QWORD[((-16))+rdi] mov r14,r11 mul rax neg r15 mov r11,QWORD[((-8))+rdi] adc r12,rax mov rax,QWORD[((-8))+rbp*1+rsi] mov QWORD[((-32))+rdi],r12 adc r13,rdx lea rbx,[r10*2+r14] mov QWORD[((-24))+rdi],r13 sbb r15,r15 shr r10,63 lea r8,[r11*2+rcx] shr r11,63 or r8,r10 mov r10,QWORD[rdi] mov r14,r11 mul rax neg r15 mov r11,QWORD[8+rdi] adc rbx,rax mov rax,QWORD[rbp*1+rsi] mov QWORD[((-16))+rdi],rbx adc r8,rdx lea r12,[r10*2+r14] mov QWORD[((-8))+rdi],r8 sbb r15,r15 shr r10,63 lea r13,[r11*2+rcx] shr r11,63 or r13,r10 mov r10,QWORD[16+rdi] mov r14,r11 mul rax neg r15 mov r11,QWORD[24+rdi] adc r12,rax mov rax,QWORD[8+rbp*1+rsi] mov QWORD[rdi],r12 adc r13,rdx lea rbx,[r10*2+r14] mov QWORD[8+rdi],r13 sbb r15,r15 shr r10,63 lea r8,[r11*2+rcx] shr r11,63 or r8,r10 mov r10,QWORD[32+rdi] mov r14,r11 mul rax neg r15 mov r11,QWORD[40+rdi] adc rbx,rax mov rax,QWORD[16+rbp*1+rsi] mov QWORD[16+rdi],rbx adc r8,rdx mov QWORD[24+rdi],r8 sbb r15,r15 lea rdi,[64+rdi] add rbp,32 jnz NEAR $L$sqr4x_shift_n_add lea r12,[r10*2+r14] DB 0x67 shr r10,63 lea r13,[r11*2+rcx] shr r11,63 or r13,r10 mov r10,QWORD[((-16))+rdi] mov r14,r11 mul rax neg r15 mov r11,QWORD[((-8))+rdi] adc r12,rax mov rax,QWORD[((-8))+rsi] mov QWORD[((-32))+rdi],r12 adc r13,rdx lea rbx,[r10*2+r14] mov QWORD[((-24))+rdi],r13 sbb r15,r15 shr r10,63 lea r8,[r11*2+rcx] shr r11,63 or r8,r10 mul rax neg r15 adc rbx,rax adc r8,rdx mov QWORD[((-16))+rdi],rbx mov QWORD[((-8))+rdi],r8 DB 102,72,15,126,213 sqr8x_reduction: xor rax,rax lea rcx,[r9*2+rbp] lea rdx,[((48+8))+r9*2+rsp] mov QWORD[((0+8))+rsp],rcx lea rdi,[((48+8))+r9*1+rsp] mov QWORD[((8+8))+rsp],rdx neg r9 jmp NEAR $L$8x_reduction_loop ALIGN 32 $L$8x_reduction_loop: lea rdi,[r9*1+rdi] DB 0x66 mov rbx,QWORD[rdi] mov r9,QWORD[8+rdi] mov r10,QWORD[16+rdi] mov r11,QWORD[24+rdi] mov r12,QWORD[32+rdi] mov r13,QWORD[40+rdi] mov r14,QWORD[48+rdi] mov r15,QWORD[56+rdi] mov QWORD[rdx],rax lea rdi,[64+rdi] DB 0x67 mov r8,rbx imul rbx,QWORD[((32+8))+rsp] mov rax,QWORD[rbp] mov ecx,8 jmp NEAR $L$8x_reduce ALIGN 32 $L$8x_reduce: mul rbx mov rax,QWORD[16+rbp] neg r8 mov r8,rdx adc r8,0 mul rbx add r9,rax mov rax,QWORD[32+rbp] adc rdx,0 add r8,r9 mov QWORD[((48-8+8))+rcx*8+rsp],rbx mov r9,rdx adc r9,0 mul rbx add r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[48+rbp] adc rdx,0 add r9,r10 mov rsi,QWORD[((32+8))+rsp] mov r10,rdx adc r10,0 mul rbx add r11,rax mov rax,QWORD[64+rbp] adc rdx,0 imul rsi,r8 add r10,r11 mov r11,rdx adc r11,0 mul rbx add r12,rax mov rax,QWORD[80+rbp] adc rdx,0 add r11,r12 mov r12,rdx adc r12,0 mul rbx add r13,rax mov rax,QWORD[96+rbp] adc rdx,0 add r12,r13 mov r13,rdx adc r13,0 mul rbx add r14,rax mov rax,QWORD[112+rbp] adc rdx,0 add r13,r14 mov r14,rdx adc r14,0 mul rbx mov rbx,rsi add r15,rax mov rax,QWORD[rbp] adc rdx,0 add r14,r15 mov r15,rdx adc r15,0 dec ecx jnz NEAR $L$8x_reduce lea rbp,[128+rbp] xor rax,rax mov rdx,QWORD[((8+8))+rsp] cmp rbp,QWORD[((0+8))+rsp] jae NEAR $L$8x_no_tail DB 0x66 add r8,QWORD[rdi] adc r9,QWORD[8+rdi] adc r10,QWORD[16+rdi] adc r11,QWORD[24+rdi] adc r12,QWORD[32+rdi] adc r13,QWORD[40+rdi] adc r14,QWORD[48+rdi] adc r15,QWORD[56+rdi] sbb rsi,rsi mov rbx,QWORD[((48+56+8))+rsp] mov ecx,8 mov rax,QWORD[rbp] jmp NEAR $L$8x_tail ALIGN 32 $L$8x_tail: mul rbx add r8,rax mov rax,QWORD[16+rbp] mov QWORD[rdi],r8 mov r8,rdx adc r8,0 mul rbx add r9,rax mov rax,QWORD[32+rbp] adc rdx,0 add r8,r9 lea rdi,[8+rdi] mov r9,rdx adc r9,0 mul rbx add r10,rax mov rax,QWORD[48+rbp] adc rdx,0 add r9,r10 mov r10,rdx adc r10,0 mul rbx add r11,rax mov rax,QWORD[64+rbp] adc rdx,0 add r10,r11 mov r11,rdx adc r11,0 mul rbx add r12,rax mov rax,QWORD[80+rbp] adc rdx,0 add r11,r12 mov r12,rdx adc r12,0 mul rbx add r13,rax mov rax,QWORD[96+rbp] adc rdx,0 add r12,r13 mov r13,rdx adc r13,0 mul rbx add r14,rax mov rax,QWORD[112+rbp] adc rdx,0 add r13,r14 mov r14,rdx adc r14,0 mul rbx mov rbx,QWORD[((48-16+8))+rcx*8+rsp] add r15,rax adc rdx,0 add r14,r15 mov rax,QWORD[rbp] mov r15,rdx adc r15,0 dec ecx jnz NEAR $L$8x_tail lea rbp,[128+rbp] mov rdx,QWORD[((8+8))+rsp] cmp rbp,QWORD[((0+8))+rsp] jae NEAR $L$8x_tail_done mov rbx,QWORD[((48+56+8))+rsp] neg rsi mov rax,QWORD[rbp] adc r8,QWORD[rdi] adc r9,QWORD[8+rdi] adc r10,QWORD[16+rdi] adc r11,QWORD[24+rdi] adc r12,QWORD[32+rdi] adc r13,QWORD[40+rdi] adc r14,QWORD[48+rdi] adc r15,QWORD[56+rdi] sbb rsi,rsi mov ecx,8 jmp NEAR $L$8x_tail ALIGN 32 $L$8x_tail_done: add r8,QWORD[rdx] xor rax,rax neg rsi $L$8x_no_tail: adc r8,QWORD[rdi] adc r9,QWORD[8+rdi] adc r10,QWORD[16+rdi] adc r11,QWORD[24+rdi] adc r12,QWORD[32+rdi] adc r13,QWORD[40+rdi] adc r14,QWORD[48+rdi] adc r15,QWORD[56+rdi] adc rax,0 mov rcx,QWORD[((-16))+rbp] xor rsi,rsi DB 102,72,15,126,213 mov QWORD[rdi],r8 mov QWORD[8+rdi],r9 DB 102,73,15,126,217 mov QWORD[16+rdi],r10 mov QWORD[24+rdi],r11 mov QWORD[32+rdi],r12 mov QWORD[40+rdi],r13 mov QWORD[48+rdi],r14 mov QWORD[56+rdi],r15 lea rdi,[64+rdi] cmp rdi,rdx jb NEAR $L$8x_reduction_loop sub rcx,r15 lea rbx,[r9*1+rdi] adc rsi,rsi mov rcx,r9 or rax,rsi DB 102,72,15,126,207 xor rax,1 DB 102,72,15,126,206 lea rbp,[rax*8+rbp] sar rcx,3+2 jmp NEAR $L$sqr4x_sub ALIGN 32 $L$sqr4x_sub: DB 0x66 mov r12,QWORD[rbx] mov r13,QWORD[8+rbx] sbb r12,QWORD[rbp] mov r14,QWORD[16+rbx] sbb r13,QWORD[16+rbp] mov r15,QWORD[24+rbx] lea rbx,[32+rbx] sbb r14,QWORD[32+rbp] mov QWORD[rdi],r12 sbb r15,QWORD[48+rbp] lea rbp,[64+rbp] mov QWORD[8+rdi],r13 mov QWORD[16+rdi],r14 mov QWORD[24+rdi],r15 lea rdi,[32+rdi] inc rcx jnz NEAR $L$sqr4x_sub mov r10,r9 neg r9 DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret global bn_from_montgomery ALIGN 32 bn_from_montgomery: test DWORD[48+rsp],7 jz NEAR bn_from_mont8x xor eax,eax DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret ALIGN 32 bn_from_mont8x: mov QWORD[8+rsp],rdi ;WIN64 prologue mov QWORD[16+rsp],rsi mov rax,rsp $L$SEH_begin_bn_from_mont8x: mov rdi,rcx mov rsi,rdx mov rdx,r8 mov rcx,r9 mov r8,QWORD[40+rsp] mov r9,QWORD[48+rsp] DB 0x67 mov rax,rsp push rbx push rbp push r12 push r13 push r14 push r15 lea rsp,[((-40))+rsp] movaps XMMWORD[rsp],xmm6 movaps XMMWORD[16+rsp],xmm7 DB 0x67 mov r10d,r9d shl r9d,3 shl r10d,3+2 neg r9 mov r8,QWORD[r8] lea r11,[((-64))+r9*2+rsp] sub r11,rsi and r11,4095 cmp r10,r11 jb NEAR $L$from_sp_alt sub rsp,r11 lea rsp,[((-64))+r9*2+rsp] jmp NEAR $L$from_sp_done ALIGN 32 $L$from_sp_alt: lea r10,[((4096-64))+r9*2] lea rsp,[((-64))+r9*2+rsp] sub r11,r10 mov r10,0 cmovc r11,r10 sub rsp,r11 $L$from_sp_done: and rsp,-64 mov r10,r9 neg r9 mov QWORD[32+rsp],r8 mov QWORD[40+rsp],rax $L$from_body: mov r11,r9 lea rax,[48+rsp] pxor xmm0,xmm0 jmp NEAR $L$mul_by_1 ALIGN 32 $L$mul_by_1: movdqu xmm1,XMMWORD[rsi] movdqu xmm2,XMMWORD[16+rsi] movdqu xmm3,XMMWORD[32+rsi] movdqa XMMWORD[r9*1+rax],xmm0 movdqu xmm4,XMMWORD[48+rsi] movdqa XMMWORD[16+r9*1+rax],xmm0 DB 0x48,0x8d,0xb6,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00 movdqa XMMWORD[rax],xmm1 movdqa XMMWORD[32+r9*1+rax],xmm0 movdqa XMMWORD[16+rax],xmm2 movdqa XMMWORD[48+r9*1+rax],xmm0 movdqa XMMWORD[32+rax],xmm3 movdqa XMMWORD[48+rax],xmm4 lea rax,[64+rax] sub r11,64 jnz NEAR $L$mul_by_1 DB 102,72,15,110,207 DB 102,72,15,110,209 DB 0x67 mov rbp,rcx DB 102,73,15,110,218 call sqr8x_reduction pxor xmm0,xmm0 lea rax,[48+rsp] mov rsi,QWORD[40+rsp] jmp NEAR $L$from_mont_zero ALIGN 32 $L$from_mont_zero: movdqa XMMWORD[rax],xmm0 movdqa XMMWORD[16+rax],xmm0 movdqa XMMWORD[32+rax],xmm0 movdqa XMMWORD[48+rax],xmm0 lea rax,[64+rax] sub r9,32 jnz NEAR $L$from_mont_zero mov rax,1 mov r15,QWORD[((-48))+rsi] mov r14,QWORD[((-40))+rsi] mov r13,QWORD[((-32))+rsi] mov r12,QWORD[((-24))+rsi] mov rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rsi] mov rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rsi] lea rsp,[rsi] $L$from_epilogue: mov rdi,QWORD[8+rsp] ;WIN64 epilogue mov rsi,QWORD[16+rsp] DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret $L$SEH_end_bn_from_mont8x: global bn_scatter5 ALIGN 16 bn_scatter5: cmp edx,0 jz NEAR $L$scatter_epilogue lea r8,[r9*8+r8] $L$scatter: mov rax,QWORD[rcx] lea rcx,[8+rcx] mov QWORD[r8],rax lea r8,[256+r8] sub edx,1 jnz NEAR $L$scatter $L$scatter_epilogue: DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret global bn_gather5 ALIGN 16 bn_gather5: $L$SEH_begin_bn_gather5: DB 0x48,0x83,0xec,0x28 DB 0x0f,0x29,0x34,0x24 DB 0x0f,0x29,0x7c,0x24,0x10 mov r11d,r9d shr r9d,3 and r11,7 not r9d lea rax,[$L$magic_masks] and r9d,3 lea r8,[128+r11*8+r8] movq xmm4,QWORD[r9*8+rax] movq xmm5,QWORD[8+r9*8+rax] movq xmm6,QWORD[16+r9*8+rax] movq xmm7,QWORD[24+r9*8+rax] jmp NEAR $L$gather ALIGN 16 $L$gather: movq xmm0,QWORD[(((-128)))+r8] movq xmm1,QWORD[((-64))+r8] pand xmm0,xmm4 movq xmm2,QWORD[r8] pand xmm1,xmm5 movq xmm3,QWORD[64+r8] pand xmm2,xmm6 por xmm0,xmm1 pand xmm3,xmm7 DB 0x67,0x67 por xmm0,xmm2 lea r8,[256+r8] por xmm0,xmm3 movq QWORD[rcx],xmm0 lea rcx,[8+rcx] sub edx,1 jnz NEAR $L$gather movaps xmm6,XMMWORD[rsp] movaps xmm7,XMMWORD[16+rsp] lea rsp,[40+rsp] DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret $L$SEH_end_bn_gather5: ALIGN 64 $L$magic_masks: DD 0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,-1 DD 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 DB 77,111,110,116,103,111,109,101,114,121,32,77,117,108,116,105 DB 112,108,105,99,97,116,105,111,110,32,119,105,116,104,32,115 DB 99,97,116,116,101,114,47,103,97,116,104,101,114,32,102,111 DB 114,32,120,56,54,95,54,52,44,32,67,82,89,80,84,79 DB 71,65,77,83,32,98,121,32,60,97,112,112,114,111,64,111 DB 112,101,110,115,115,108,46,111,114,103,62,0 EXTERN __imp_RtlVirtualUnwind ALIGN 16 mul_handler: push rsi push rdi push rbx push rbp push r12 push r13 push r14 push r15 pushfq sub rsp,64 mov rax,QWORD[120+r8] mov rbx,QWORD[248+r8] mov rsi,QWORD[8+r9] mov r11,QWORD[56+r9] mov r10d,DWORD[r11] lea r10,[r10*1+rsi] cmp rbx,r10 jb NEAR $L$common_seh_tail mov rax,QWORD[152+r8] mov r10d,DWORD[4+r11] lea r10,[r10*1+rsi] cmp rbx,r10 jae NEAR $L$common_seh_tail lea r10,[$L$mul_epilogue] cmp rbx,r10 jb NEAR $L$body_40 mov r10,QWORD[192+r8] mov rax,QWORD[8+r10*8+rax] jmp NEAR $L$body_proceed $L$body_40: mov rax,QWORD[40+rax] $L$body_proceed: movaps xmm0,XMMWORD[((-88))+rax] movaps xmm1,XMMWORD[((-72))+rax] mov rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rax] mov rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rax] mov r12,QWORD[((-24))+rax] mov r13,QWORD[((-32))+rax] mov r14,QWORD[((-40))+rax] mov r15,QWORD[((-48))+rax] mov QWORD[144+r8],rbx mov QWORD[160+r8],rbp mov QWORD[216+r8],r12 mov QWORD[224+r8],r13 mov QWORD[232+r8],r14 mov QWORD[240+r8],r15 movups XMMWORD[512+r8],xmm0 movups XMMWORD[528+r8],xmm1 $L$common_seh_tail: mov rdi,QWORD[8+rax] mov rsi,QWORD[16+rax] mov QWORD[152+r8],rax mov QWORD[168+r8],rsi mov QWORD[176+r8],rdi mov rdi,QWORD[40+r9] mov rsi,r8 mov ecx,154 DD 0xa548f3fc mov rsi,r9 xor rcx,rcx mov rdx,QWORD[8+rsi] mov r8,QWORD[rsi] mov r9,QWORD[16+rsi] mov r10,QWORD[40+rsi] lea r11,[56+rsi] lea r12,[24+rsi] mov QWORD[32+rsp],r10 mov QWORD[40+rsp],r11 mov QWORD[48+rsp],r12 mov QWORD[56+rsp],rcx call QWORD[__imp_RtlVirtualUnwind] mov eax,1 add rsp,64 popfq pop r15 pop r14 pop r13 pop r12 pop rbp pop rbx pop rdi pop rsi DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret section .pdata rdata align=4 ALIGN 4 DD $L$SEH_begin_bn_mul_mont_gather5 wrt ..imagebase DD $L$SEH_end_bn_mul_mont_gather5 wrt ..imagebase DD $L$SEH_info_bn_mul_mont_gather5 wrt ..imagebase DD $L$SEH_begin_bn_mul4x_mont_gather5 wrt ..imagebase DD $L$SEH_end_bn_mul4x_mont_gather5 wrt ..imagebase DD $L$SEH_info_bn_mul4x_mont_gather5 wrt ..imagebase DD $L$SEH_begin_bn_power5 wrt ..imagebase DD $L$SEH_end_bn_power5 wrt ..imagebase DD $L$SEH_info_bn_power5 wrt ..imagebase DD $L$SEH_begin_bn_from_mont8x wrt ..imagebase DD $L$SEH_end_bn_from_mont8x wrt ..imagebase DD $L$SEH_info_bn_from_mont8x wrt ..imagebase DD $L$SEH_begin_bn_gather5 wrt ..imagebase DD $L$SEH_end_bn_gather5 wrt ..imagebase DD $L$SEH_info_bn_gather5 wrt ..imagebase section .xdata rdata align=8 ALIGN 8 $L$SEH_info_bn_mul_mont_gather5: DB 9,0,0,0 DD mul_handler wrt ..imagebase DD $L$mul_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$mul_epilogue wrt ..imagebase ALIGN 8 $L$SEH_info_bn_mul4x_mont_gather5: DB 9,0,0,0 DD mul_handler wrt ..imagebase DD $L$mul4x_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$mul4x_epilogue wrt ..imagebase ALIGN 8 $L$SEH_info_bn_power5: DB 9,0,0,0 DD mul_handler wrt ..imagebase DD $L$power5_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$power5_epilogue wrt ..imagebase ALIGN 8 $L$SEH_info_bn_from_mont8x: DB 9,0,0,0 DD mul_handler wrt ..imagebase DD $L$from_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$from_epilogue wrt ..imagebase ALIGN 8 $L$SEH_info_bn_gather5: DB 0x01,0x0d,0x05,0x00 DB 0x0d,0x78,0x01,0x00 DB 0x08,0x68,0x00,0x00 DB 0x04,0x42,0x00,0x00 ALIGN 8