# ---------------------------------------------------- # This file is generated by the Qt Visual Studio Add-in. # ------------------------------------------------------ TEMPLATE = app TARGET = heimdall-frontend OUTPUTDIR = $$[FRONTENDOUTDIR] macx { isEqual(OUTPUTDIR, "") { DESTDIR = /Applications } else { DESTDIR = $$OUTPUTDIR } } else { win32 { # It's recommended that Windows users compile via VS2010, but just in case... DESTDIR = ../Win32 !isEqual(OUTPUTDIR, "") { target.path = $$OUTPUTDIR INSTALLS += target } } else { DESTDIR = ../Linux isEqual(OUTPUTDIR, "") { target.path = /usr/local/bin } else { target.path = $$OUTPUTDIR } INSTALLS += target } } QT += core gui CONFIG += release DEFINES += QT_LARGEFILE_SUPPORT INCLUDEPATH += ./GeneratedFiles \ ./GeneratedFiles/Release \ . DEPENDPATH += . MOC_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles/release OBJECTS_DIR += release UI_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles RCC_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles include(heimdall-frontend.pri)