MainWindow 0 0 788 525 0 0 788 525 788 525 Heimdall Frontend QTabWidget::Rounded 0 0 MS Shell Dlg 2 true 5 0 780 501 0 0 780 0 780 780 0 false Load Package 510 10 251 331 Package Files 10 30 231 291 340 80 161 61 Platform false 10 30 141 21 true 10 220 491 241 Supported Devices 10 30 471 201 false 520 360 241 21 Repartition Recommended false 550 420 171 31 Load / Customise 10 80 211 61 Firmware Name false 10 30 191 21 true 10 10 491 61 Heimdall Firmware Package false 10 30 391 21 true true 410 30 71 23 Browse 230 80 101 61 Version false 10 30 81 21 true 10 150 491 61 Developer(s) false 10 30 281 21 true false 410 30 71 23 Donate false 300 30 101 23 Homepage false 520 390 241 21 No Reboot Recommended Flash 10 300 511 171 Status false 280 130 221 31 0 true 10 30 491 81 false true 10 130 261 21 Qt::RightToLeft Ready Qt::PlainText Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft 10 10 751 281 Options 10 20 391 91 PIT false 10 30 261 21 true true 280 30 71 23 Browse true 360 30 21 23 75 true You can retrieve/download your device's PIT file from the Utilities tab. QFrame::Panel QFrame::Raised 2 0 ? Qt::AlignCenter false 10 60 131 21 Repartitioning will wipe all data for your phone and install the selected PIT file. Repartition 10 120 391 151 Partition Details false 140 30 241 22 10 30 121 16 Partition Name 10 60 121 16 Partition ID 10 80 371 61 File false 10 30 271 21 true false 290 30 71 23 Browse false 140 60 241 21 true 410 20 331 251 Partitions (Files) false 10 220 81 23 Add false 10 20 311 191 false 240 220 81 23 Remove 100 220 21 23 75 true Use the "Add" button to add additional files to be flashed. QFrame::Panel QFrame::Raised 2 0 ? Qt::AlignCenter 530 300 231 171 Session false 10 30 211 21 Can be enabled to prevent your device rebooting after the flash finishes. No Reboot false 10 60 211 21 Can be enabled to prevent your device rebooting after the flash finishes. Resume (use after "No Reboot") false 50 120 111 31 Start 170 120 21 23 75 true The "Start" button will remain inactive until at least one partition/file is added. QFrame::Panel QFrame::Raised 2 0 ? Qt::AlignCenter true Create Package 0 230 471 231 Supported Devices 10 30 451 161 false 320 200 141 23 Remove Device 240 10 151 61 Firmware Version true 10 30 131 21 false 430 10 171 61 Platform Name true 10 30 151 21 false 10 10 221 61 Firmware Name true 10 30 201 21 false 10 80 751 141 Developers true 560 20 181 81 310 20 241 101 Developer Info 10 30 51 16 Name true 70 30 161 21 false false 130 60 101 23 Add false 640 110 101 23 Remove 10 20 291 101 URLs (Optional) 10 60 81 16 Donate 10 30 81 16 Homepage true 100 30 181 21 false true 100 60 181 21 false 610 10 151 61 Platform Version true 10 30 131 21 false 480 240 291 151 Device Info 10 60 111 16 Name true 130 60 151 21 false 10 30 111 16 Manufacturer true 130 30 151 21 false 10 90 111 16 Product Code true 130 90 151 21 false false 160 120 121 23 Add Device false 580 420 121 31 Build Utilities 10 80 461 141 Download PIT 10 30 441 71 Destination File false 10 30 311 21 true true 340 30 91 23 Save As... false 320 110 101 23 Download 430 110 21 23 75 true Download and save a device's PIT file. QFrame::Panel QFrame::Raised 2 0 ? Qt::AlignCenter 10 230 751 241 Output true 10 30 731 201 false true 10 10 291 61 Detect Device 170 30 81 23 Detect false 10 30 151 21 Device Detected true true 260 30 21 23 75 true Detect whether or not a device is connected in download mode. QFrame::Panel QFrame::Raised 2 0 ? Qt::AlignCenter 480 10 291 211 Print PIT 160 180 81 23 Print 250 180 21 23 75 true Print the contents of a PIT file in a human readable fashion. QFrame::Panel QFrame::Raised 2 0 ? Qt::AlignCenter true 20 30 261 21 Device true true true 20 60 261 21 Local File true false 10 100 271 71 PIT File false 10 30 171 21 true false 190 30 71 23 Browse 310 10 161 61 Close PC Screen 40 30 81 23 Close 130 30 21 23 75 true Close the "device <--> PC" screen displayed on a device. QFrame::Panel QFrame::Raised 2 0 ? Qt::AlignCenter 0 0 788 21 Help Donate Advanced Help About Heimdall Donate to Glass Echidna Package Creation true Verbose Output true Resume Connection functionTabWidget firmwarePackageLineEdit browseFirmwarePackageButton firmwareNameLineEdit versionLineEdit platformLineEdit developerNamesLineEdit developerHomepageButton developerDonateButton supportedDevicesListWidget includedFilesListWidget repartitionRadioButton loadFirmwareButton pitLineEdit pitBrowseButton partitionNameComboBox partitionIdLineEdit partitionFileLineEdit partitionFileBrowseButton outputPlainTextEdit createFirmwareNameLineEdit createFirmwareVersionLineEdit createPlatformNameLineEdit createPlatformVersionLineEdit createHomepageLineEdit createDonateLineEdit createDeveloperNameLineEdit addDeveloperButton createDevelopersListWidget removeDeveloperButton createDevicesListWidget removeDeviceButton deviceManufacturerLineEdit deviceNameLineEdit deviceProductCodeLineEdit addDeviceButton buildPackageButton