/* Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Benjamin Dobell, Glass Echidna Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.*/ // C Standard Library #include // libusb #include // Heimdall #include "BeginDumpPacket.h" #include "BeginSessionPacket.h" #include "BridgeManager.h" #include "DeviceTypePacket.h" #include "DumpPartFileTransferPacket.h" #include "DumpPartPitFilePacket.h" #include "DumpResponse.h" #include "EndModemFileTransferPacket.h" #include "EndPhoneFileTransferPacket.h" #include "EndPitFileTransferPacket.h" #include "EndSessionPacket.h" #include "FilePartSizePacket.h" #include "FileTransferPacket.h" #include "FlashPartFileTransferPacket.h" #include "FlashPartPitFilePacket.h" #include "InboundPacket.h" #include "Interface.h" #include "OutboundPacket.h" #include "PitFilePacket.h" #include "PitFileResponse.h" #include "ReceiveFilePartPacket.h" #include "ResponsePacket.h" #include "SendFilePartPacket.h" #include "SendFilePartResponse.h" #include "SessionSetupPacket.h" #include "SessionSetupResponse.h" // Future versions of libusb will use usb_interface instead of interface. #define usb_interface interface #define USB_CLASS_CDC_DATA 0x0A using namespace libpit; using namespace Heimdall; const DeviceIdentifier BridgeManager::supportedDevices[BridgeManager::kSupportedDeviceCount] = { DeviceIdentifier(BridgeManager::kVidSamsung, BridgeManager::kPidGalaxyS), DeviceIdentifier(BridgeManager::kVidSamsung, BridgeManager::kPidGalaxyS2), DeviceIdentifier(BridgeManager::kVidSamsung, BridgeManager::kPidDroidCharge) }; enum { kDumpBufferSize = 4096, }; enum { kFileTransferSequenceMaxLengthDefault = 800, kFileTransferPacketSizeDefault = 131072, kFileTransferSequenceTimeoutDefault = 30000 // 30 seconds }; enum { kReceivePacketMaxAttempts = 5 }; enum { kPitSizeMultiplicand = 4096 }; int BridgeManager::FindDeviceInterface(void) { Interface::Print("Detecting device...\n"); struct libusb_device **devices; int deviceCount = libusb_get_device_list(libusbContext, &devices); for (int deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < deviceCount; deviceIndex++) { libusb_device_descriptor descriptor; libusb_get_device_descriptor(devices[deviceIndex], &descriptor); for (int i = 0; i < BridgeManager::kSupportedDeviceCount; i++) { if (descriptor.idVendor == supportedDevices[i].vendorId && descriptor.idProduct == supportedDevices[i].productId) { heimdallDevice = devices[deviceIndex]; libusb_ref_device(heimdallDevice); break; } } if (heimdallDevice) break; } libusb_free_device_list(devices, deviceCount); if (!heimdallDevice) { Interface::PrintDeviceDetectionFailed(); return (BridgeManager::kInitialiseDeviceNotDetected); } int result = libusb_open(heimdallDevice, &deviceHandle); if (result != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to access device. libusb error: %d\n", result); return (BridgeManager::kInitialiseFailed); } libusb_device_descriptor deviceDescriptor; result = libusb_get_device_descriptor(heimdallDevice, &deviceDescriptor); if (result != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to retrieve device description\n"); return (BridgeManager::kInitialiseFailed); } if (verbose) { unsigned char stringBuffer[128]; if (libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(deviceHandle, deviceDescriptor.iManufacturer, stringBuffer, 128) >= 0) { Interface::Print(" Manufacturer: \"%s\"\n", stringBuffer); } if (libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(deviceHandle, deviceDescriptor.iProduct, stringBuffer, 128) >= 0) { Interface::Print(" Product: \"%s\"\n", stringBuffer); } if (libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(deviceHandle, deviceDescriptor.iSerialNumber, stringBuffer, 128) >= 0) { Interface::Print(" Serial No: \"%s\"\n", stringBuffer); } Interface::Print("\n length: %d\n", deviceDescriptor.bLength); Interface::Print(" device class: %d\n", deviceDescriptor.bDeviceClass); Interface::Print(" S/N: %d\n", deviceDescriptor.iSerialNumber); Interface::Print(" VID:PID: %04X:%04X\n", deviceDescriptor.idVendor, deviceDescriptor.idProduct); Interface::Print(" bcdDevice: %04X\n", deviceDescriptor.bcdDevice); Interface::Print(" iMan:iProd:iSer: %d:%d:%d\n", deviceDescriptor.iManufacturer, deviceDescriptor.iProduct, deviceDescriptor.iSerialNumber); Interface::Print(" nb confs: %d\n", deviceDescriptor.bNumConfigurations); } libusb_config_descriptor *configDescriptor; result = libusb_get_config_descriptor(heimdallDevice, 0, &configDescriptor); if (result != LIBUSB_SUCCESS || !configDescriptor) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to retrieve config descriptor\n"); return (BridgeManager::kInitialiseFailed); } interfaceIndex = -1; altSettingIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < configDescriptor->bNumInterfaces; i++) { for (int j = 0 ; j < configDescriptor->usb_interface[i].num_altsetting; j++) { if (verbose) { Interface::Print("\ninterface[%d].altsetting[%d]: num endpoints = %d\n", i, j, configDescriptor->usb_interface[i].altsetting[j].bNumEndpoints); Interface::Print(" Class.SubClass.Protocol: %02X.%02X.%02X\n", configDescriptor->usb_interface[i].altsetting[j].bInterfaceClass, configDescriptor->usb_interface[i].altsetting[j].bInterfaceSubClass, configDescriptor->usb_interface[i].altsetting[j].bInterfaceProtocol); } int inEndpointAddress = -1; int outEndpointAddress = -1; for (int k = 0; k < configDescriptor->usb_interface[i].altsetting[j].bNumEndpoints; k++) { const libusb_endpoint_descriptor *endpoint = &configDescriptor->usb_interface[i].altsetting[j].endpoint[k]; if (verbose) { Interface::Print(" endpoint[%d].address: %02X\n", k, endpoint->bEndpointAddress); Interface::Print(" max packet size: %04X\n", endpoint->wMaxPacketSize); Interface::Print(" polling interval: %02X\n", endpoint->bInterval); } if (endpoint->bEndpointAddress & LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN) inEndpointAddress = endpoint->bEndpointAddress; else outEndpointAddress = endpoint->bEndpointAddress; } if (interfaceIndex < 0 && configDescriptor->usb_interface[i].altsetting[j].bNumEndpoints == 2 && configDescriptor->usb_interface[i].altsetting[j].bInterfaceClass == USB_CLASS_CDC_DATA && inEndpointAddress != -1 && outEndpointAddress != -1) { interfaceIndex = i; altSettingIndex = j; inEndpoint = inEndpointAddress; outEndpoint = outEndpointAddress; } } } libusb_free_config_descriptor(configDescriptor); if (interfaceIndex < 0) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to find correct interface configuration\n"); return (BridgeManager::kInitialiseFailed); } return (BridgeManager::kInitialiseSucceeded); } bool BridgeManager::ClaimDeviceInterface(void) { Interface::Print("Claiming interface...\n"); int result = libusb_claim_interface(deviceHandle, interfaceIndex); #ifdef OS_LINUX if (result != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) { detachedDriver = true; Interface::Print("Attempt failed. Detaching driver...\n"); libusb_detach_kernel_driver(deviceHandle, interfaceIndex); Interface::Print("Claiming interface again...\n"); result = libusb_claim_interface(deviceHandle, interfaceIndex); } #endif if (result != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) { Interface::PrintError("Claiming interface failed!\n"); return (false); } interfaceClaimed = true; return (true); } bool BridgeManager::SetupDeviceInterface(void) { Interface::Print("Setting up interface...\n"); int result = libusb_set_interface_alt_setting(deviceHandle, interfaceIndex, altSettingIndex); if (result != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) { Interface::PrintError("Setting up interface failed!\n"); return (false); } Interface::Print("\n"); return (true); } void BridgeManager::ReleaseDeviceInterface(void) { Interface::Print("Releasing device interface...\n"); libusb_release_interface(deviceHandle, interfaceIndex); #ifdef OS_LINUX if (detachedDriver) { Interface::Print("Re-attaching kernel driver...\n"); libusb_attach_kernel_driver(deviceHandle, interfaceIndex); } #endif interfaceClaimed = false; Interface::Print("\n"); } bool BridgeManager::InitialiseProtocol(void) { Interface::Print("Initialising protocol...\n"); unsigned char dataBuffer[7]; // Send "ODIN" memcpy(dataBuffer, "ODIN", 4); memset(dataBuffer + 4, 0, 1); if (!SendBulkTransfer(dataBuffer, 4, 1000)) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to send handshake!"); } // Expect "LOKE" memset(dataBuffer, 0, 7); int dataTransferred = 0; int result = libusb_bulk_transfer(deviceHandle, inEndpoint, dataBuffer, 7, &dataTransferred, 1000); if (result != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) { if (verbose) Interface::PrintError("Failed to receive handshake response. Result: %d\n", result); } else { if (dataTransferred == 4 && memcmp(dataBuffer, "LOKE", 4) == 0) { // Successfully received "LOKE" Interface::Print("Protocol initialisation successful.\n\n"); return (true); } else { if (verbose) Interface::PrintError("Expected: \"LOKE\"\nReceived: \"%s\"\n", dataBuffer); Interface::PrintError("Unexpected handshake response!\n"); } } Interface::PrintError("Protocol initialisation failed!\n\n"); return (false); } BridgeManager::BridgeManager(bool verbose) { this->verbose = verbose; libusbContext = nullptr; deviceHandle = nullptr; heimdallDevice = nullptr; inEndpoint = -1; outEndpoint = -1; interfaceIndex = -1; altSettingIndex = -1; interfaceClaimed = false; #ifdef OS_LINUX detachedDriver = false; #endif fileTransferSequenceMaxLength = kFileTransferSequenceMaxLengthDefault; fileTransferPacketSize = kFileTransferPacketSizeDefault; fileTransferSequenceTimeout = kFileTransferSequenceTimeoutDefault; usbLogLevel = UsbLogLevel::Default; } BridgeManager::~BridgeManager() { if (interfaceClaimed) ReleaseDeviceInterface(); if (deviceHandle) libusb_close(deviceHandle); if (heimdallDevice) libusb_unref_device(heimdallDevice); if (libusbContext) libusb_exit(libusbContext); } bool BridgeManager::DetectDevice(void) { // Initialise libusb int result = libusb_init(&libusbContext); if (result != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to initialise libusb. libusb error: %d\n", result); return (false); } // Setup libusb log level. switch (usbLogLevel) { case UsbLogLevel::None: libusb_set_debug(libusbContext, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_NONE); break; case UsbLogLevel::Error: libusb_set_debug(libusbContext, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); break; case UsbLogLevel::Warning: libusb_set_debug(libusbContext, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); break; case UsbLogLevel::Info: libusb_set_debug(libusbContext, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO); break; case UsbLogLevel::Debug: libusb_set_debug(libusbContext, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); break; } // Get handle to Galaxy S device struct libusb_device **devices; int deviceCount = libusb_get_device_list(libusbContext, &devices); for (int deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < deviceCount; deviceIndex++) { libusb_device_descriptor descriptor; libusb_get_device_descriptor(devices[deviceIndex], &descriptor); for (int i = 0; i < BridgeManager::kSupportedDeviceCount; i++) { if (descriptor.idVendor == supportedDevices[i].vendorId && descriptor.idProduct == supportedDevices[i].productId) { libusb_free_device_list(devices, deviceCount); Interface::Print("Device detected\n"); return (true); } } } libusb_free_device_list(devices, deviceCount); Interface::PrintDeviceDetectionFailed(); return (false); } int BridgeManager::Initialise(bool resume) { Interface::Print("Initialising connection...\n"); // Initialise libusb int result = libusb_init(&libusbContext); if (result != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to initialise libusb. libusb error: %d\n", result); Interface::Print("Failed to connect to device!"); return (BridgeManager::kInitialiseFailed); } // Setup libusb log level. switch (usbLogLevel) { case UsbLogLevel::None: libusb_set_debug(libusbContext, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_NONE); break; case UsbLogLevel::Error: libusb_set_debug(libusbContext, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); break; case UsbLogLevel::Warning: libusb_set_debug(libusbContext, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); break; case UsbLogLevel::Info: libusb_set_debug(libusbContext, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO); break; case UsbLogLevel::Debug: libusb_set_debug(libusbContext, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); break; } result = FindDeviceInterface(); if (result != BridgeManager::kInitialiseSucceeded) return (result); if (!ClaimDeviceInterface()) return (BridgeManager::kInitialiseFailed); if (!SetupDeviceInterface()) return (BridgeManager::kInitialiseFailed); if (!resume) { if (!InitialiseProtocol()) return (BridgeManager::kInitialiseFailed); } return (BridgeManager::kInitialiseSucceeded); } bool BridgeManager::BeginSession(void) { Interface::Print("Beginning session...\n"); BeginSessionPacket beginSessionPacket; if (!SendPacket(&beginSessionPacket)) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to begin session!\n"); return (false); } SessionSetupResponse beginSessionResponse; if (!ReceivePacket(&beginSessionResponse)) return (false); unsigned int deviceDefaultPacketSize = beginSessionResponse.GetResult(); Interface::Print("\nSome devices may take up to 2 minutes to respond.\nPlease be patient!\n\n"); Sleep(3000); // Give the user time to read the message. if (deviceDefaultPacketSize != 0) // 0 means changing the packet size is not supported. { fileTransferSequenceTimeout = 120000; // 2 minutes! fileTransferPacketSize = 1048576; // 1 MiB fileTransferSequenceMaxLength = 30; // Therefore, fileTransferPacketSize * fileTransferSequenceMaxLength == 30 MiB per sequence. FilePartSizePacket filePartSizePacket(fileTransferPacketSize); if (!SendPacket(&filePartSizePacket)) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to send file part size packet!\n"); return (false); } SessionSetupResponse filePartSizeResponse; if (!ReceivePacket(&filePartSizeResponse)) return (false); if (filePartSizeResponse.GetResult() != 0) { Interface::PrintError("Unexpected file part size response!\nExpected: 0\nReceived: %d\n", filePartSizeResponse.GetResult()); return (false); } } Interface::Print("Session begun.\n\n"); return (true); } bool BridgeManager::EndSession(bool reboot) const { Interface::Print("Ending session...\n"); EndSessionPacket *endSessionPacket = new EndSessionPacket(EndSessionPacket::kRequestEndSession); bool success = SendPacket(endSessionPacket); delete endSessionPacket; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to send end session packet!\n"); return (false); } ResponsePacket *endSessionResponse = new ResponsePacket(ResponsePacket::kResponseTypeEndSession); success = ReceivePacket(endSessionResponse); delete endSessionResponse; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to receive session end confirmation!\n"); return (false); } if (reboot) { Interface::Print("Rebooting device...\n"); EndSessionPacket *rebootDevicePacket = new EndSessionPacket(EndSessionPacket::kRequestRebootDevice); bool success = SendPacket(rebootDevicePacket); delete rebootDevicePacket; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to send reboot device packet!\n"); return (false); } ResponsePacket *rebootDeviceResponse = new ResponsePacket(ResponsePacket::kResponseTypeEndSession); success = ReceivePacket(rebootDeviceResponse); delete rebootDeviceResponse; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to receive reboot confirmation!\n"); return (false); } } return (true); } bool BridgeManager::SendBulkTransfer(unsigned char *data, int length, int timeout) const { int dataTransferred; int result = libusb_bulk_transfer(deviceHandle, outEndpoint, data, length, &dataTransferred, timeout); if (result != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) { static const int retryDelay = 250; if (verbose) Interface::PrintError("libusb error %d whilst sending bulk transfer.", result); // Retry for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (verbose) Interface::PrintErrorSameLine(" Retrying...\n"); // Wait longer each retry Sleep(retryDelay * (i + 1)); result = libusb_bulk_transfer(deviceHandle, outEndpoint, data, length, &dataTransferred, timeout); if (result == LIBUSB_SUCCESS) break; if (verbose) Interface::PrintError("libusb error %d whilst sending bulk transfer.", result); } if (verbose) Interface::PrintErrorSameLine("\n"); } return (result == LIBUSB_SUCCESS && dataTransferred == length); } bool BridgeManager::SendPacket(OutboundPacket *packet, int timeout, int sendEmptyTransferFlags) const { packet->Pack(); if (sendEmptyTransferFlags & kSendEmptyTransferBefore) { if (!SendBulkTransfer(nullptr, 0, timeout)) return (false); } if (!SendBulkTransfer(packet->GetData(), packet->GetSize(), timeout)) return (false); if (sendEmptyTransferFlags & kSendEmptyTransferAfter) { if (!SendBulkTransfer(nullptr, 0, timeout)) return (false); } return (true); } bool BridgeManager::ReceivePacket(InboundPacket *packet, int timeout) const { unsigned char *buffer = packet->GetData(); unsigned int bufferSize = packet->GetSize(); int dataTransferred; int result; unsigned int attempt = 0; static const int retryDelay = 250; for (; attempt < kReceivePacketMaxAttempts; attempt++) { if (attempt > 0) { if (verbose) Interface::PrintErrorSameLine(" Retrying...\n"); // Wait longer each retry Sleep(retryDelay * (attempt + 1)); } result = libusb_bulk_transfer(deviceHandle, inEndpoint, buffer, bufferSize, &dataTransferred, timeout); if (result >= 0) break; if (verbose) Interface::PrintError("libusb error %d whilst receiving packet.", result); } if (verbose && attempt > 0) Interface::PrintErrorSameLine("\n"); if (attempt == kReceivePacketMaxAttempts) return (false); if (dataTransferred != packet->GetSize() && !packet->IsSizeVariable()) { if (verbose) Interface::PrintError("Incorrect packet size received - expected size = %d, received size = %d.\n", packet->GetSize(), dataTransferred); return (false); } packet->SetReceivedSize(dataTransferred); bool unpacked = packet->Unpack(); if (!unpacked && verbose) Interface::PrintError("Failed to unpack received packet.\n"); return (unpacked); } bool BridgeManager::RequestDeviceType(unsigned int request, int *result) const { DeviceTypePacket deviceTypePacket; bool success = SendPacket(&deviceTypePacket); if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to request device info packet!\n"); if (verbose) Interface::PrintError("Failed request: %u\n", request); return (false); } SessionSetupResponse deviceTypeResponse; if (!ReceivePacket(&deviceTypeResponse)) return (false); *result = deviceTypeResponse.GetResult(); return (true); } bool BridgeManager::SendPitData(const PitData *pitData) const { unsigned int pitBufferSize = pitData->GetPaddedSize(); // Start file transfer PitFilePacket *pitFilePacket = new PitFilePacket(PitFilePacket::kRequestFlash); bool success = SendPacket(pitFilePacket); delete pitFilePacket; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to initialise PIT file transfer!\n"); return (false); } PitFileResponse *pitFileResponse = new PitFileResponse(); success = ReceivePacket(pitFileResponse); delete pitFileResponse; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to confirm transfer initialisation!\n"); return (false); } // Transfer file size FlashPartPitFilePacket *flashPartPitFilePacket = new FlashPartPitFilePacket(pitBufferSize); success = SendPacket(flashPartPitFilePacket); delete flashPartPitFilePacket; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to send PIT file part information!\n"); return (false); } pitFileResponse = new PitFileResponse(); success = ReceivePacket(pitFileResponse); delete pitFileResponse; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to confirm sending of PIT file part information!\n"); return (false); } // Create packed in-memory PIT file unsigned char *pitBuffer = new unsigned char[pitBufferSize]; memset(pitBuffer, 0, pitBufferSize); pitData->Pack(pitBuffer); // Flash pit file SendFilePartPacket *sendFilePartPacket = new SendFilePartPacket(pitBuffer, pitBufferSize); success = SendPacket(sendFilePartPacket); delete sendFilePartPacket; delete [] pitBuffer; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to send file part packet!\n"); return (false); } pitFileResponse = new PitFileResponse(); success = ReceivePacket(pitFileResponse); delete pitFileResponse; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to receive PIT file part response!\n"); return (false); } // End pit file transfer EndPitFileTransferPacket *endPitFileTransferPacket = new EndPitFileTransferPacket(pitBufferSize); success = SendPacket(endPitFileTransferPacket); delete endPitFileTransferPacket; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to send end PIT file transfer packet!\n"); return (false); } pitFileResponse = new PitFileResponse(); success = ReceivePacket(pitFileResponse); delete pitFileResponse; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to confirm end of PIT file transfer!\n"); return (false); } return (true); } int BridgeManager::ReceivePitFile(unsigned char **pitBuffer) const { *pitBuffer = nullptr; bool success; // Start file transfer PitFilePacket *pitFilePacket = new PitFilePacket(PitFilePacket::kRequestDump); success = SendPacket(pitFilePacket); delete pitFilePacket; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to request receival of PIT file!\n"); return (0); } PitFileResponse *pitFileResponse = new PitFileResponse(); success = ReceivePacket(pitFileResponse); unsigned int fileSize = pitFileResponse->GetFileSize(); delete pitFileResponse; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to receive PIT file size!\n"); return (0); } unsigned int transferCount = fileSize / ReceiveFilePartPacket::kDataSize; if (fileSize % ReceiveFilePartPacket::kDataSize != 0) transferCount++; unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char[fileSize]; int offset = 0; // NOTE: The PIT file appears to always be padded out to exactly 4 kilobytes. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < transferCount; i++) { DumpPartPitFilePacket *requestPacket = new DumpPartPitFilePacket(i); success = SendPacket(requestPacket); delete requestPacket; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to request PIT file part #%d!\n", i); delete [] buffer; return (0); } ReceiveFilePartPacket *receiveFilePartPacket = new ReceiveFilePartPacket(); success = ReceivePacket(receiveFilePartPacket); if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to receive PIT file part #%d!\n", i); delete receiveFilePartPacket; delete [] buffer; return (0); } // Copy the whole packet data into the buffer. memcpy(buffer + offset, receiveFilePartPacket->GetData(), receiveFilePartPacket->GetReceivedSize()); offset += receiveFilePartPacket->GetReceivedSize(); delete receiveFilePartPacket; } // End file transfer pitFilePacket = new PitFilePacket(PitFilePacket::kRequestEndTransfer); success = SendPacket(pitFilePacket); delete pitFilePacket; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to send request to end PIT file transfer!\n"); delete [] buffer; return (0); } pitFileResponse = new PitFileResponse(); success = ReceivePacket(pitFileResponse); delete pitFileResponse; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to receive end PIT file transfer verification!\n"); delete [] buffer; return (0); } *pitBuffer = buffer; return (fileSize); } int BridgeManager::DownloadPitFile(unsigned char **pitBuffer) const { Interface::Print("Downloading device's PIT file...\n"); int devicePitFileSize = ReceivePitFile(pitBuffer); if (!*pitBuffer) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to download PIT file!\n"); return (0); } Interface::Print("PIT file download successful.\n\n"); return (devicePitFileSize); } bool BridgeManager::SendFile(FILE *file, unsigned int destination, unsigned int deviceType, unsigned int fileIdentifier) const { if (destination != EndFileTransferPacket::kDestinationModem && destination != EndFileTransferPacket::kDestinationPhone) { Interface::PrintError("Attempted to send file to unknown destination!\n"); return (false); } if (destination == EndFileTransferPacket::kDestinationModem && fileIdentifier != 0xFFFFFFFF) { Interface::PrintError("The modem file does not have an identifier!\n"); return (false); } FileTransferPacket *flashFileTransferPacket = new FileTransferPacket(FileTransferPacket::kRequestFlash); bool success = SendPacket(flashFileTransferPacket); delete flashFileTransferPacket; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to initialise file transfer!\n"); return (false); } fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); long fileSize = ftell(file); rewind(file); ResponsePacket *fileTransferResponse = new ResponsePacket(ResponsePacket::kResponseTypeFileTransfer); success = ReceivePacket(fileTransferResponse); delete fileTransferResponse; if (!success) { Interface::PrintError("Failed to confirm transfer initialisation!\n"); return (false); } unsigned int sequenceCount = fileSize / (fileTransferSequenceMaxLength * fileTransferPacketSize); unsigned int lastSequenceSize = fileTransferSequenceMaxLength; unsigned int partialPacketByteCount = fileSize % fileTransferPacketSize; if (fileSize % (fileTransferSequenceMaxLength * fileTransferPacketSize) != 0) { sequenceCount++; int lastSequenceBytes = fileSize % (fileTransferSequenceMaxLength * fileTransferPacketSize); lastSequenceSize = lastSequenceBytes / fileTransferPacketSize; if (partialPacketByteCount != 0) lastSequenceSize++; } long bytesTransferred = 0; unsigned int currentPercent; unsigned int previousPercent = 0; Interface::Print("0%%"); for (unsigned int sequenceIndex = 0; sequenceIndex < sequenceCount; sequenceIndex++) { bool isLastSequence = (sequenceIndex == sequenceCount - 1); unsigned int sequenceSize = (isLastSequence) ? lastSequenceSize : fileTransferSequenceMaxLength; unsigned int sequenceByteCount; if (isLastSequence) sequenceByteCount = ((partialPacketByteCount) ? lastSequenceSize - 1 : lastSequenceSize) * fileTransferPacketSize + partialPacketByteCount; else sequenceByteCount = fileTransferSequenceMaxLength * fileTransferPacketSize; FlashPartFileTransferPacket *beginFileTransferPacket = new FlashPartFileTransferPacket(sequenceByteCount); success = SendPacket(beginFileTransferPacket); delete beginFileTransferPacket; if (!success) { Interface::PrintErrorSameLine("\n"); Interface::PrintError("Failed to begin file transfer sequence!\n"); return (false); } fileTransferResponse = new ResponsePacket(ResponsePacket::kResponseTypeFileTransfer); bool success = ReceivePacket(fileTransferResponse); delete fileTransferResponse; if (!success) { Interface::PrintErrorSameLine("\n"); Interface::PrintError("Failed to confirm beginning of file transfer sequence!\n"); return (false); } for (unsigned int filePartIndex = 0; filePartIndex < sequenceSize; filePartIndex++) { // NOTE: This empty transfer thing is entirely ridiculous, but sadly it seems to be required. int sendEmptyTransferFlags = (filePartIndex == 0) ? kSendEmptyTransferNone : kSendEmptyTransferBefore; // Send SendFilePartPacket *sendFilePartPacket = new SendFilePartPacket(file, fileTransferPacketSize); success = SendPacket(sendFilePartPacket, kDefaultTimeoutSend, sendEmptyTransferFlags); delete sendFilePartPacket; if (!success) { Interface::PrintErrorSameLine("\n"); Interface::PrintError("Failed to send file part packet!\n"); return (false); } // Response SendFilePartResponse *sendFilePartResponse = new SendFilePartResponse(); success = ReceivePacket(sendFilePartResponse); int receivedPartIndex = sendFilePartResponse->GetPartIndex(); delete sendFilePartResponse; if (!success) { Interface::PrintErrorSameLine("\n"); Interface::PrintError("Failed to receive file part response!\n"); for (int retry = 0; retry < 4; retry++) { Interface::PrintErrorSameLine("\n"); Interface::PrintError("Retrying..."); // Send sendFilePartPacket = new SendFilePartPacket(file, fileTransferPacketSize); success = SendPacket(sendFilePartPacket, kDefaultTimeoutSend, sendEmptyTransferFlags); delete sendFilePartPacket; if (!success) { Interface::PrintErrorSameLine("\n"); Interface::PrintError("Failed to send file part packet!\n"); return (false); } // Response sendFilePartResponse = new SendFilePartResponse(); success = ReceivePacket(sendFilePartResponse); unsigned int receivedPartIndex = sendFilePartResponse->GetPartIndex(); delete sendFilePartResponse; if (receivedPartIndex != filePartIndex) { Interface::PrintErrorSameLine("\n"); Interface::PrintError("Expected file part index: %d Received: %d\n", filePartIndex, receivedPartIndex); return (false); } if (success) break; } if (!success) return (false); } if (receivedPartIndex != filePartIndex) { Interface::PrintErrorSameLine("\n"); Interface::PrintError("Expected file part index: %d Received: %d\n", filePartIndex, receivedPartIndex); return (false); } bytesTransferred += fileTransferPacketSize; if (bytesTransferred > fileSize) bytesTransferred = fileSize; currentPercent = (int)(100.0f * ((float)bytesTransferred / (float)fileSize)); if (currentPercent != previousPercent) { if (!verbose) { if (previousPercent < 10) Interface::Print("\b\b%d%%", currentPercent); else Interface::Print("\b\b\b%d%%", currentPercent); } else { Interface::Print("\n%d%%\n", currentPercent); } } previousPercent = currentPercent; } if (destination == EndFileTransferPacket::kDestinationPhone) { EndPhoneFileTransferPacket *endPhoneFileTransferPacket = new EndPhoneFileTransferPacket(sequenceByteCount, 0, deviceType, fileIdentifier, isLastSequence); success = SendPacket(endPhoneFileTransferPacket, kDefaultTimeoutSend, kSendEmptyTransferBeforeAndAfter); delete endPhoneFileTransferPacket; if (!success) { Interface::PrintErrorSameLine("\n"); Interface::PrintError("Failed to end phone file transfer sequence!\n"); return (false); } } else // destination == EndFileTransferPacket::kDestinationModem { EndModemFileTransferPacket *endModemFileTransferPacket = new EndModemFileTransferPacket(sequenceByteCount, 0, deviceType, isLastSequence); success = SendPacket(endModemFileTransferPacket, kDefaultTimeoutSend, kSendEmptyTransferBeforeAndAfter); delete endModemFileTransferPacket; if (!success) { Interface::PrintErrorSameLine("\n"); Interface::PrintError("Failed to end modem file transfer sequence!\n"); return (false); } } fileTransferResponse = new ResponsePacket(ResponsePacket::kResponseTypeFileTransfer); success = ReceivePacket(fileTransferResponse, fileTransferSequenceTimeout); delete fileTransferResponse; if (!success) { Interface::PrintErrorSameLine("\n"); Interface::PrintError("Failed to confirm end of file transfer sequence!\n"); return (false); } } if (!verbose) Interface::Print("\n"); return (true); } void BridgeManager::SetUsbLogLevel(UsbLogLevel usbLogLevel) { this->usbLogLevel = usbLogLevel; if (libusbContext) { switch (usbLogLevel) { case UsbLogLevel::None: libusb_set_debug(libusbContext, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_NONE); break; case UsbLogLevel::Error: libusb_set_debug(libusbContext, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); break; case UsbLogLevel::Warning: libusb_set_debug(libusbContext, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); break; case UsbLogLevel::Info: libusb_set_debug(libusbContext, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO); break; case UsbLogLevel::Debug: libusb_set_debug(libusbContext, LIBUSB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); break; } } }