/* * * Copyright (C) 2010 NXP Semiconductors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /*! * \file phFriNfc_ISO15693Format.c * \brief This component encapsulates different format functinalities , * for the ISO-15693 card. * * Project: NFC-FRI * * $Date: $ * $Author: ing02260 $ * $Revision: 1.0 $ * $Aliases: $ * */ #ifndef PH_FRINFC_FMT_ISO15693_DISABLED #include #include #include #include /****************************** Macro definitions start ********************************/ /* State for the format */ #define ISO15693_FORMAT 0x01U /* Bytes per block in the ISO-15693 */ #define ISO15693_BYTES_PER_BLOCK 0x04U /* ISO-15693 Commands GET SYSTEM INFORMATION COMMAND */ #define ISO15693_GET_SYSTEM_INFO_CMD 0x2BU /* READ SINGLE BLOCK COMMAND */ #define ISO15693_RD_SINGLE_BLK_CMD 0x20U /* WRITE SINGLE BLOCK COMMAND */ #define ISO15693_WR_SINGLE_BLK_CMD 0x21U /* READ MULTIPLE BLOCK COMMAND */ #define ISO15693_RD_MULTIPLE_BLKS_CMD 0x23U /* CC bytes CC BYTE 0 - Magic Number - 0xE1 */ #define ISO15693_CC_MAGIC_NUM 0xE1U /* CC BYTE 1 - Mapping version and READ WRITE settings 0x40 */ #define ISO15693_CC_VER_RW 0x40U /* CC BYTE 2 - max size is calaculated using the byte 3 multiplied by 8 */ #define ISO15693_CC_MULTIPLE_FACTOR 0x08U /* Inventory command support mask for the CC byte 4 */ #define ISO15693_INVENTORY_CMD_MASK 0x02U /* Read MULTIPLE blocks support mask for CC byte 4 */ #define ISO15693_RDMULBLKS_CMD_MASK 0x01U /* Flags for the command */ #define ISO15693_FMT_FLAGS 0x20U /* Read two blocks */ #define ISO15693_RD_2_BLOCKS 0x02U /* TYPE identifier of the NDEF TLV */ #define ISO15693_NDEF_TLV_TYPE_ID 0x03U /* Terminator TLV identifier */ #define ISO15693_TERMINATOR_TLV_ID 0xFEU /* UID 7th byte value shall be 0xE0 */ #define ISO15693_7TH_BYTE_UID_VALUE 0xE0U #define ISO15693_BYTE_7_INDEX 0x07U /* UID 6th byte value shall be 0x04 - NXP manufacturer */ #define ISO15693_6TH_BYTE_UID_VALUE 0x04U #define ISO15693_BYTE_6_INDEX 0x06U #define ISO15693_EXTRA_RESPONSE_FLAG 0x01U #define ISO15693_GET_SYS_INFO_RESP_LEN 0x0EU #define ISO15693_DSFID_MASK 0x01U #define ISO15693_AFI_MASK 0x02U #define ISO15693_MAX_SIZE_MASK 0x04U #define ISO15693_ICREF_MASK 0x08U #define ISO15693_SKIP_DFSID 0x01U #define ISO15693_SKIP_AFI 0x01U #define ISO15693_BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES_MASK 0x1FU /* MAXimum size of ICODE SLI/X */ #define ISO15693_SLI_X_MAX_SIZE 112U /* MAXimum size of ICODE SLI/X - S */ #define ISO15693_SLI_X_S_MAX_SIZE 160U /* MAXimum size of ICODE SLI/X - L */ #define ISO15693_SLI_X_L_MAX_SIZE 32U /****************************** Macro definitions end ********************************/ /****************************** Data structures start ********************************/ typedef enum phFriNfc_ISO15693_FormatSeq { ISO15693_GET_SYS_INFO, ISO15693_RD_SINGLE_BLK_CHECK, ISO15693_WRITE_CC_FMT, ISO15693_WRITE_NDEF_TLV }phFriNfc_ISO15693_FormatSeq_t; /****************************** Data structures end ********************************/ /*********************** Static function declarations start ***********************/ static NFCSTATUS phFriNfc_ISO15693_H_ProFormat ( phFriNfc_sNdefSmtCrdFmt_t *psNdefSmtCrdFmt); static NFCSTATUS phFriNfc_ISO15693_H_GetMaxDataSize ( phFriNfc_sNdefSmtCrdFmt_t *psNdefSmtCrdFmt, uint8_t *p_recv_buf, uint8_t recv_length); static NFCSTATUS phFriNfc_ISO15693_H_FmtReadWrite ( phFriNfc_sNdefSmtCrdFmt_t *psNdefSmtCrdFmt, uint8_t command, uint8_t *p_data, uint8_t data_length); /*********************** Static function declarations end ***********************/ /*********************** Static function definitions start ***********************/ static NFCSTATUS phFriNfc_ISO15693_H_FmtReadWrite ( phFriNfc_sNdefSmtCrdFmt_t *psNdefSmtCrdFmt, uint8_t command, uint8_t *p_data, uint8_t data_length) { NFCSTATUS result = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; uint8_t send_index = 0; /* set the data for additional data exchange*/ psNdefSmtCrdFmt->psDepAdditionalInfo.DepFlags.MetaChaining = 0; psNdefSmtCrdFmt->psDepAdditionalInfo.DepFlags.NADPresent = 0; psNdefSmtCrdFmt->psDepAdditionalInfo.NAD = 0; psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SmtCrdFmtCompletionInfo.CompletionRoutine = phFriNfc_ISO15693_FmtProcess; psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SmtCrdFmtCompletionInfo.Context = psNdefSmtCrdFmt; *psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvLength = PH_FRINFC_SMTCRDFMT_MAX_SEND_RECV_BUF_SIZE; psNdefSmtCrdFmt->Cmd.Iso15693Cmd = phHal_eIso15693_Cmd; *(psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvBuf + send_index) = (uint8_t)ISO15693_FMT_FLAGS; send_index = (uint8_t)(send_index + 1); *(psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvBuf + send_index) = (uint8_t)command; send_index = (uint8_t)(send_index + 1); (void)memcpy ((void *)(psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvBuf + send_index), (void *)psNdefSmtCrdFmt->psRemoteDevInfo->RemoteDevInfo.Iso15693_Info.Uid, psNdefSmtCrdFmt->psRemoteDevInfo->RemoteDevInfo.Iso15693_Info.UidLength); send_index = (uint8_t)(send_index + psNdefSmtCrdFmt->psRemoteDevInfo->RemoteDevInfo.Iso15693_Info.UidLength); switch (command) { case ISO15693_WR_SINGLE_BLK_CMD: case ISO15693_RD_MULTIPLE_BLKS_CMD: { *(psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvBuf + send_index) = (uint8_t) psNdefSmtCrdFmt->AddInfo.s_iso15693_info.current_block; send_index = (uint8_t)(send_index + 1); if (data_length) { (void)memcpy ((void *)(psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvBuf + send_index), (void *)p_data, data_length); send_index = (uint8_t)(send_index + data_length); } else { result = PHNFCSTVAL (CID_FRI_NFC_NDEF_SMTCRDFMT, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST); } break; } case ISO15693_RD_SINGLE_BLK_CMD: { *(psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvBuf + send_index) = (uint8_t) psNdefSmtCrdFmt->AddInfo.s_iso15693_info.current_block; send_index = (uint8_t)(send_index + 1); break; } case ISO15693_GET_SYSTEM_INFO_CMD: { /* Dont do anything */ break; } default: { result = PHNFCSTVAL (CID_FRI_NFC_NDEF_SMTCRDFMT, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST); break; } } psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendLength = send_index; if (!result) { result = phFriNfc_OvrHal_Transceive(psNdefSmtCrdFmt->LowerDevice, &psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SmtCrdFmtCompletionInfo, psNdefSmtCrdFmt->psRemoteDevInfo, psNdefSmtCrdFmt->Cmd, &psNdefSmtCrdFmt->psDepAdditionalInfo, psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvBuf, psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendLength, psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvBuf, psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvLength); } return result; } static NFCSTATUS phFriNfc_ISO15693_H_GetMaxDataSize ( phFriNfc_sNdefSmtCrdFmt_t *psNdefSmtCrdFmt, uint8_t *p_recv_buf, uint8_t recv_length) { NFCSTATUS result = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; phFriNfc_ISO15693_AddInfo_t *ps_iso15693_info = &(psNdefSmtCrdFmt->AddInfo.s_iso15693_info); phHal_sIso15693Info_t *ps_rem_iso_15693_info = &(psNdefSmtCrdFmt->psRemoteDevInfo->RemoteDevInfo.Iso15693_Info); uint8_t recv_index = 0; if ((ISO15693_GET_SYS_INFO_RESP_LEN == recv_length) && (ISO15693_MAX_SIZE_MASK == (*p_recv_buf & ISO15693_MAX_SIZE_MASK))) { uint8_t information_flag = *p_recv_buf; /* MAX size is present in the system information and also response length is correct */ recv_index = (uint8_t)(recv_index + 1); if (!phOsalNfc_MemCompare ((void *)ps_rem_iso_15693_info->Uid, (void *)(p_recv_buf + recv_index), ps_rem_iso_15693_info->UidLength)) { /* UID comaparision successful */ uint8_t no_of_blocks = 0; uint8_t blk_size_in_bytes = 0; uint8_t ic_reference = 0; /* So skip the UID size compared in the received buffer */ recv_index = (uint8_t)(recv_index + ps_rem_iso_15693_info->UidLength); if (information_flag & ISO15693_DSFID_MASK) { /* Skip DFSID */ recv_index = (uint8_t)(recv_index + ISO15693_SKIP_DFSID); } if (information_flag & ISO15693_AFI_MASK) { /* Skip AFI */ recv_index = (uint8_t)(recv_index + ISO15693_SKIP_AFI); } /* To get the number of blocks in the card */ no_of_blocks = (uint8_t)(*(p_recv_buf + recv_index) + 1); recv_index = (uint8_t)(recv_index + 1); /* To get the each block size in bytes */ blk_size_in_bytes = (uint8_t)((*(p_recv_buf + recv_index) & ISO15693_BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES_MASK) + 1); recv_index = (uint8_t)(recv_index + 1); if (information_flag & ISO15693_ICREF_MASK) { /* Get the IC reference */ ic_reference = (uint8_t)(*(p_recv_buf + recv_index)); if (ic_reference == 0x03) { no_of_blocks = 8; } } /* calculate maximum data size in the card */ ps_iso15693_info->max_data_size = (uint16_t) (no_of_blocks * blk_size_in_bytes); } else { result = PHNFCSTVAL (CID_FRI_NFC_NDEF_SMTCRDFMT, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST); } } else { result = PHNFCSTVAL (CID_FRI_NFC_NDEF_SMTCRDFMT, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST); } return result; } static NFCSTATUS phFriNfc_ISO15693_H_ProFormat ( phFriNfc_sNdefSmtCrdFmt_t *psNdefSmtCrdFmt) { NFCSTATUS result = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; phFriNfc_ISO15693_AddInfo_t *ps_iso15693_info = &(psNdefSmtCrdFmt->AddInfo.s_iso15693_info); phFriNfc_ISO15693_FormatSeq_t e_format_seq = (phFriNfc_ISO15693_FormatSeq_t) ps_iso15693_info->format_seq; uint8_t command_type = 0; uint8_t a_send_byte[ISO15693_BYTES_PER_BLOCK] = {0}; uint8_t send_length = 0; uint8_t send_index = 0; uint8_t format_complete = FALSE; switch (e_format_seq) { case ISO15693_GET_SYS_INFO: { /* RESPONSE received for GET SYSTEM INFO */ if (!phFriNfc_ISO15693_H_GetMaxDataSize (psNdefSmtCrdFmt, (psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvBuf + ISO15693_EXTRA_RESPONSE_FLAG), (uint8_t)(*psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvLength - ISO15693_EXTRA_RESPONSE_FLAG))) { /* Send the READ SINGLE BLOCK COMMAND */ command_type = ISO15693_RD_SINGLE_BLK_CMD; e_format_seq = ISO15693_RD_SINGLE_BLK_CHECK; /* Block number 0 to read */ psNdefSmtCrdFmt->AddInfo.s_iso15693_info.current_block = 0x00; } else { result = PHNFCSTVAL (CID_FRI_NFC_NDEF_SMTCRDFMT, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_RECEIVE_LENGTH); } break; } case ISO15693_RD_SINGLE_BLK_CHECK: { /* RESPONSE received for READ SINGLE BLOCK received*/ /* Check if Card is really fresh First 4 bytes must be 0 for fresh card */ if ((psNdefSmtCrdFmt->AddInfo.s_iso15693_info.current_block == 0x00) && (psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvBuf[1] != 0x00 || psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvBuf[2] != 0x00 || psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvBuf[3] != 0x00 || psNdefSmtCrdFmt->SendRecvBuf[4] != 0x00)) { result = PHNFCSTVAL (CID_FRI_NFC_NDEF_SMTCRDFMT, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_FORMAT); } else { /* prepare data for writing CC bytes */ command_type = ISO15693_WR_SINGLE_BLK_CMD; e_format_seq = ISO15693_WRITE_CC_FMT; /* CC magic number */ *a_send_byte = (uint8_t)ISO15693_CC_MAGIC_NUM; send_index = (uint8_t)(send_index + 1); /* CC Version and read/write access */ *(a_send_byte + send_index) = (uint8_t) ISO15693_CC_VER_RW; send_index = (uint8_t)(send_index + 1); /* CC MAX data size, calculated during GET system information */ *(a_send_byte + send_index) = (uint8_t) (ps_iso15693_info->max_data_size / ISO15693_CC_MULTIPLE_FACTOR); send_index = (uint8_t)(send_index + 1); switch (ps_iso15693_info->max_data_size) { case ISO15693_SLI_X_MAX_SIZE: { /* For SLI tags : Inventory Page read not supported */ *(a_send_byte + send_index) = (uint8_t) ISO15693_RDMULBLKS_CMD_MASK; break; } case ISO15693_SLI_X_S_MAX_SIZE: { /* For SLI - S tags : Read multiple blocks not supported */ *(a_send_byte + send_index) = (uint8_t) ISO15693_INVENTORY_CMD_MASK; break; } case ISO15693_SLI_X_L_MAX_SIZE: { /* For SLI - L tags : Read multiple blocks not supported */ *(a_send_byte + send_index) = (uint8_t) ISO15693_INVENTORY_CMD_MASK; break; } default: { result = PHNFCSTVAL (CID_FRI_NFC_NDEF_SMTCRDFMT, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST); break; } } send_index = (uint8_t)(send_index + 1); send_length = sizeof (a_send_byte); } break; } case ISO15693_WRITE_CC_FMT: { /* CC byte write succcessful. Prepare data for NDEF TLV writing */ command_type = ISO15693_WR_SINGLE_BLK_CMD; e_format_seq = ISO15693_WRITE_NDEF_TLV; ps_iso15693_info->current_block = (uint16_t) (ps_iso15693_info->current_block + 1); /* NDEF TLV - Type byte updated to 0x03 */ *a_send_byte = (uint8_t)ISO15693_NDEF_TLV_TYPE_ID; send_index = (uint8_t)(send_index + 1); /* NDEF TLV - Length byte updated to 0 */ *(a_send_byte + send_index) = 0; send_index = (uint8_t)(send_index + 1); /* Terminator TLV - value updated to 0xFEU */ *(a_send_byte + send_index) = (uint8_t) ISO15693_TERMINATOR_TLV_ID; send_index = (uint8_t)(send_index + 1); send_length = sizeof (a_send_byte); break; } case ISO15693_WRITE_NDEF_TLV: { /* SUCCESSFUL formatting complete */ format_complete = TRUE; break; } default: { result = PHNFCSTVAL (CID_FRI_NFC_NDEF_SMTCRDFMT, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST); break; } } if ((!format_complete) && (!result)) { result = phFriNfc_ISO15693_H_FmtReadWrite (psNdefSmtCrdFmt, command_type, a_send_byte, send_length); } ps_iso15693_info->format_seq = (uint8_t)e_format_seq; return result; } /*********************** Static function definitions end ***********************/ /*********************** External function definitions start ***********************/ void phFriNfc_ISO15693_FmtReset ( phFriNfc_sNdefSmtCrdFmt_t *psNdefSmtCrdFmt) { /* reset to ISO15693 data structure */ (void)memset((void *)&(psNdefSmtCrdFmt->AddInfo.s_iso15693_info), 0x00, sizeof (phFriNfc_ISO15693_AddInfo_t)); psNdefSmtCrdFmt->FmtProcStatus = 0; } NFCSTATUS phFriNfc_ISO15693_Format ( phFriNfc_sNdefSmtCrdFmt_t *psNdefSmtCrdFmt) { NFCSTATUS result = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; phHal_sIso15693Info_t *ps_rem_iso_15693_info = &(psNdefSmtCrdFmt->psRemoteDevInfo->RemoteDevInfo.Iso15693_Info); if ((ISO15693_7TH_BYTE_UID_VALUE == ps_rem_iso_15693_info->Uid[ISO15693_BYTE_7_INDEX]) && (ISO15693_6TH_BYTE_UID_VALUE == ps_rem_iso_15693_info->Uid[ISO15693_BYTE_6_INDEX])) { /* Check if the card is manufactured by NXP (6th byte index of UID value = 0x04 and the last byte of UID is 0xE0, only then the card detected is NDEF compliant */ psNdefSmtCrdFmt->State = ISO15693_FORMAT; /* GET system information command to get the card size */ result = phFriNfc_ISO15693_H_FmtReadWrite (psNdefSmtCrdFmt, ISO15693_GET_SYSTEM_INFO_CMD, NULL, 0); } else { result = PHNFCSTVAL (CID_FRI_NFC_NDEF_SMTCRDFMT, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST); } return result; } void phFriNfc_ISO15693_FmtProcess ( void *pContext, NFCSTATUS Status) { phFriNfc_sNdefSmtCrdFmt_t *psNdefSmtCrdFmt = (phFriNfc_sNdefSmtCrdFmt_t *)pContext; phFriNfc_ISO15693_AddInfo_t *ps_iso15693_info = &(psNdefSmtCrdFmt->AddInfo.s_iso15693_info); if((NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS & PHNFCSTBLOWER) == (Status & PHNFCSTBLOWER)) { if (ISO15693_FORMAT == psNdefSmtCrdFmt->State) { /* Check for further formatting */ Status = phFriNfc_ISO15693_H_ProFormat (psNdefSmtCrdFmt); } else { Status = PHNFCSTVAL (CID_FRI_NFC_NDEF_SMTCRDFMT, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST); } } else { Status = PHNFCSTVAL (CID_FRI_NFC_NDEF_SMTCRDFMT, NFCSTATUS_FORMAT_ERROR); } /* Handle the all the error cases */ if ((NFCSTATUS_PENDING & PHNFCSTBLOWER) != (Status & PHNFCSTBLOWER)) { /* call respective CR */ phFriNfc_SmtCrdFmt_HCrHandler (psNdefSmtCrdFmt, Status); } } /*********************** External function definitions end ***********************/ #endif /* #ifndef PH_FRINFC_FMT_ISO15693_DISABLED */