/* * Copyright (C) 2010 NXP Semiconductors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /*! * =========================================================================== * * * * * * \file phHciNfc_LinkMgmt.c * * \brief HCI Link Management Gate Routines. * * * * * * Project: NFC-FRI-1.1 * * * * $Date: Thu Feb 11 18:52:19 2010 $ * * $Author: ing04880 $ * * $Revision: 1.11 $ * * $Aliases: NFC_FRI1.1_WK1007_R33_1,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1007_R33_4,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1017_PREP1,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1017_R34_1,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1017_R34_2,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1023_R35_1 $ * * * * =========================================================================== * */ /* ***************************** Header File Inclusion **************************** */ #include #include #include #include /* ****************************** Macro Definitions ******************************* */ #define REC_ERROR_INDEX 0x01U #define REC_RETRY_LEN 0x02U /* *************************** Structure and Enumeration *************************** */ /** \defgroup grp_hci_nfc HCI Link Management Component * * */ typedef enum phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Seq{ LINK_MGMT_PIPE_OPEN = 0x00U, LINK_MGMT_GET_REC_ERROR, LINK_MGMT_SET_REC_ERROR, LINK_MGMT_PIPE_CLOSE } phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Seq_t; typedef struct phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Info{ phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Seq_t link_cur_seq; phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Seq_t link_next_seq; phHciNfc_Pipe_Info_t *p_pipe_info; /* Rec Error Count Number from the Host Controller */ uint16_t hc_rec_error; /* Rec Error Count Number of the Terminal Host */ uint16_t rec_error; } phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Info_t; /* *************************** Static Function Declaration ************************** */ static NFCSTATUS phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_InfoUpdate( phHciNfc_sContext_t *psHciContext, phHal_sHwReference_t *pHwRef, uint8_t index, uint8_t *reg_value, uint8_t reg_length ); static NFCSTATUS phHciNfc_Recv_LinkMgmt_Response( void *psHciContext, void *pHwRef, uint8_t *pResponse, #ifdef ONE_BYTE_LEN uint8_t length #else uint16_t length #endif ); /* *************************** Function Definitions *************************** */ /*! * \brief Initialisation of Link Managment Gate. * * This function initialses the Link Management gate and * populates the Link Management Information Structure * */ NFCSTATUS phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Initialise( phHciNfc_sContext_t *psHciContext, void *pHwRef ) { NFCSTATUS status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; phHciNfc_Pipe_Info_t *p_pipe_info = NULL; phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Info_t *p_link_mgmt_info=NULL; uint8_t link_pipe_id = (uint8_t)HCI_UNKNOWN_PIPE_ID; if( ( NULL == psHciContext ) || (NULL == pHwRef ) ) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else { if( ( NULL == psHciContext->p_link_mgmt_info ) && (phHciNfc_Allocate_Resource((void **)(&p_link_mgmt_info), sizeof(phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Info_t))== NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) ) { psHciContext->p_link_mgmt_info = p_link_mgmt_info; p_link_mgmt_info->link_cur_seq = LINK_MGMT_PIPE_OPEN; p_link_mgmt_info->link_next_seq = LINK_MGMT_PIPE_OPEN; p_link_mgmt_info->p_pipe_info = NULL; } else { p_link_mgmt_info = (phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Info_t *) psHciContext->p_link_mgmt_info ; } if( NULL == p_link_mgmt_info ) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_INFORMATION); } #ifdef ESTABLISH_SESSION else if( hciMode_Session == psHciContext->hci_mode ) { status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif else { switch(p_link_mgmt_info->link_cur_seq ) { /* Link Mgmt pipe open sequence */ case LINK_MGMT_PIPE_OPEN: { if(phHciNfc_Allocate_Resource((void **)(&p_pipe_info), sizeof(phHciNfc_Pipe_Info_t))!= NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } else { /* Populate the pipe information in the pipe handle */ ((phHciNfc_Pipe_Info_t *)p_pipe_info)->pipe.pipe_id = PIPETYPE_STATIC_LINK; ((phHciNfc_Pipe_Info_t *)p_pipe_info)->recv_resp = &phHciNfc_Recv_LinkMgmt_Response; psHciContext->p_pipe_list[PIPETYPE_STATIC_LINK] = p_pipe_info ; status = phHciNfc_Open_Pipe( psHciContext, pHwRef,p_pipe_info ); if(status == NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { p_link_mgmt_info->p_pipe_info = p_pipe_info ; p_link_mgmt_info->link_next_seq = LINK_MGMT_GET_REC_ERROR; status = NFCSTATUS_PENDING; } } break; } case LINK_MGMT_GET_REC_ERROR: { p_pipe_info = p_link_mgmt_info->p_pipe_info; if(NULL == p_pipe_info ) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_SEQUENCE); } else { p_pipe_info->reg_index = REC_ERROR_INDEX; link_pipe_id = PIPETYPE_STATIC_LINK ; status = phHciNfc_Send_Generic_Cmd( psHciContext, pHwRef, link_pipe_id, (uint8_t)ANY_GET_PARAMETER ); if(NFCSTATUS_PENDING == status ) { p_link_mgmt_info->link_next_seq = LINK_MGMT_PIPE_CLOSE; status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; } } break; } case LINK_MGMT_SET_REC_ERROR: { p_pipe_info = p_link_mgmt_info->p_pipe_info; if(NULL == p_pipe_info ) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_SEQUENCE); } else { p_pipe_info->reg_index = REC_ERROR_INDEX; link_pipe_id = PIPETYPE_STATIC_LINK ; status = phHciNfc_Send_Generic_Cmd( psHciContext, pHwRef, link_pipe_id, (uint8_t)ANY_GET_PARAMETER ); if(NFCSTATUS_PENDING == status ) { p_link_mgmt_info->link_next_seq = LINK_MGMT_PIPE_CLOSE; status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; } } break; } default: { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_SEQUENCE); break; } }/* End of the Sequence Switch */ }/* End of the Link Info Memory Check */ } /* End of Null Context Check */ return status; } /*! * \brief Opens the Link Management Pipe of the Link Management Gate. * * This function Opens the Link Management Pipe of the Link Management * Gate and Confirms that the HCI Link is behaving as expected. */ NFCSTATUS phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Open( phHciNfc_sContext_t *psHciContext, void *pHwRef ) { NFCSTATUS status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; if( (NULL == psHciContext) || (NULL == pHwRef) ) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else { phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Info_t *p_link_mgmt_info= (phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Info_t *)psHciContext->p_link_mgmt_info ; if(( NULL != p_link_mgmt_info ) && ( NULL != p_link_mgmt_info->p_pipe_info )) { status = phHciNfc_Open_Pipe( psHciContext, pHwRef, p_link_mgmt_info->p_pipe_info ); if(status == NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { status = NFCSTATUS_PENDING; } } else { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_NOT_ALLOWED); }/* End of the Identity Info Memory Check */ } /* End of Null Context Check */ return status; } NFCSTATUS phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Release( phHciNfc_sContext_t *psHciContext, void *pHwRef ) { NFCSTATUS status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Info_t *p_link_mgmt_info=NULL; if( (NULL == psHciContext) || (NULL == pHwRef) ) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else { if( NULL != psHciContext->p_link_mgmt_info ) { p_link_mgmt_info = (phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Info_t *) psHciContext->p_link_mgmt_info ; status = phHciNfc_Close_Pipe( psHciContext, pHwRef, p_link_mgmt_info->p_pipe_info ); } else { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_NOT_ALLOWED); }/* End of the Identity Info Memory Check */ } /* End of Null Context Check */ return status; } /*! * \brief Receives the HCI Response from the corresponding peripheral device. * * This function receives the HCI Command Response from the connected NFC * Pheripheral device. */ static NFCSTATUS phHciNfc_Recv_LinkMgmt_Response( void *psContext, void *pHwRef, uint8_t *pResponse, #ifdef ONE_BYTE_LEN uint8_t length #else uint16_t length #endif ) { phHciNfc_sContext_t *psHciContext = (phHciNfc_sContext_t *)psContext ; phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Info_t *p_link_mgmt_info=NULL; NFCSTATUS status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; uint8_t prev_cmd = ANY_GET_PARAMETER; if( (NULL == psHciContext) || (NULL == pHwRef) ) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else if( NULL == psHciContext->p_link_mgmt_info ) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED); } else { p_link_mgmt_info = (phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Info_t *) psHciContext->p_link_mgmt_info ; prev_cmd = p_link_mgmt_info->p_pipe_info->prev_msg ; switch(prev_cmd) { case ANY_GET_PARAMETER: { status = phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_InfoUpdate(psHciContext, (phHal_sHwReference_t *)pHwRef, p_link_mgmt_info->p_pipe_info->reg_index, &pResponse[HCP_HEADER_LEN], (uint8_t)(length - HCP_HEADER_LEN)); break; } case ANY_SET_PARAMETER: { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED); break; } case ANY_OPEN_PIPE: { break; } case ANY_CLOSE_PIPE: { phOsalNfc_FreeMemory(p_link_mgmt_info->p_pipe_info); p_link_mgmt_info->p_pipe_info = NULL; psHciContext->p_pipe_list[PIPETYPE_STATIC_LINK] = NULL; break; } default: { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_RESPONSE); break; } } if( NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS == status ) { if( NULL != p_link_mgmt_info->p_pipe_info) { p_link_mgmt_info->p_pipe_info->prev_status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; } p_link_mgmt_info->link_cur_seq = p_link_mgmt_info->link_next_seq; } } return status; } static NFCSTATUS phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_InfoUpdate( phHciNfc_sContext_t *psHciContext, phHal_sHwReference_t *pHwRef, uint8_t index, uint8_t *reg_value, uint8_t reg_length ) { phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Info_t *p_link_mgmt_info=NULL; NFCSTATUS status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; uint8_t i=0; if( (NULL == psHciContext) || (NULL == pHwRef) || (NULL == reg_value) || (reg_length == 0) ) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else if ( NULL == psHciContext->p_link_mgmt_info ) { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_INFORMATION); } else { p_link_mgmt_info = (phHciNfc_LinkMgmt_Info_t *) psHciContext->p_link_mgmt_info ; if (REC_ERROR_INDEX == index) { HCI_PRINT_BUFFER("\tHost Controller REC Error Count :",reg_value,reg_length); /* p_link_mgmt_info->hc_rec_error = reg_value[i] ; */ for(i=0 ;(reg_length == REC_RETRY_LEN)&&(i < reg_length); i++) { p_link_mgmt_info->hc_rec_error |= (uint16_t)(reg_value[i] << (BYTE_SIZE * i)); } } else { status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_HCI, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HCI_INFORMATION); } /* End of the Index Check */ } /* End of Context and the Link information validity check */ return status; }