/** * This file is part of libsamsung-ipc. * * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Joerie de Gram * 2011 Simon Busch * * libsamsung-ipc is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * libsamsung-ipc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with libsamsung-ipc. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MODEM_STATE_LPM 0 #define MODEM_STATE_NORMAL 2 #define MODEM_STATE_SIM_OK 4 #define DEF_CALL_NUMBER "950" #define DEF_SIM_PIN "1234" int client_fd = -1; int state = MODEM_STATE_LPM; int seq = 0; int in_call = 0; int out_call = 0; int call_done = 0; char sim_pin[8]; int seq_get(void) { if(seq == 0xff) seq = 0x00; seq++; return seq; } void modem_snd_no_mic_mute(struct ipc_client *client) { uint8_t data = 0; ipc_client_send(client, IPC_SND_MIC_MUTE_CTRL, IPC_TYPE_SET, (void *) &data, 1, seq_get()); } void modem_snd_clock_ctrl(struct ipc_client *client) { uint8_t data = 0x01; ipc_client_send(client, IPC_SND_CLOCK_CTRL, IPC_TYPE_EXEC, (void *) &data, 1, seq_get()); } void modem_snd_spkr_volume_ctrl(struct ipc_client *client) { uint16_t data = 0x0411; ipc_client_send(client, IPC_SND_SPKR_VOLUME_CTRL, IPC_TYPE_SET, (void *) &data, 2, seq_get()); } void modem_snd_audio_path_ctrl(struct ipc_client *client) { uint8_t data = 0x01; ipc_client_send(client, IPC_SND_AUDIO_PATH_CTRL, IPC_TYPE_SET, (void *) &data, 1, seq_get()); } void modem_exec_call_out(struct ipc_client *client, char *num) { struct ipc_call_outgoing call_out; modem_snd_no_mic_mute(client); memset(&call_out, 0, sizeof(struct ipc_call_outgoing)); call_out.type = IPC_CALL_TYPE_VOICE; call_out.identity = IPC_CALL_IDENTITY_DEFAULT; call_out.length=strlen(num); /* 0x21 = +33 */ call_out.prefix=IPC_CALL_PREFIX_NONE; //0x21;//IPC_CALL_PREFIX_NONE; memcpy(call_out.number, num, call_out.length); ipc_client_send(client, IPC_CALL_OUTGOING, IPC_TYPE_EXEC, (void *) &call_out, sizeof(struct ipc_call_outgoing), seq_get()); out_call = 1; modem_snd_no_mic_mute(client); modem_snd_spkr_volume_ctrl(client); modem_snd_audio_path_ctrl(client); } void modem_exec_call_answer(struct ipc_client *client) { modem_snd_clock_ctrl(client); ipc_client_send(client, IPC_CALL_ANSWER, IPC_TYPE_EXEC, NULL, 0, seq_get()); modem_snd_no_mic_mute(client); } void modem_get_call_list(struct ipc_client *client) { ipc_client_send(client, IPC_CALL_LIST, IPC_TYPE_GET, NULL, 0, seq_get()); modem_snd_no_mic_mute(client); } void modem_exec_power_normal(struct ipc_client *client) { uint16_t data = 0x0202; ipc_client_send(client, IPC_PWR_PHONE_STATE, IPC_TYPE_EXEC, (void *) &data, sizeof(data), seq_get()); } void modem_set_sms_device_ready(struct ipc_client *client) { ipc_client_send(client, IPC_SMS_DEVICE_READY, IPC_TYPE_SET, NULL, 0, seq_get()); } void modem_set_sec_pin_status(struct ipc_client *client, char *pin1, char *pin2) { struct ipc_sec_pin_status_set pin_status; struct ipc_sec_lock_info_request lock_info_req; printf("[I] Sending PIN1 unlock request\n"); ipc_sec_pin_status_set_setup(&pin_status, IPC_SEC_PIN_TYPE_PIN1, pin1, pin2); ipc_client_send(client, IPC_SEC_PIN_STATUS, IPC_TYPE_SET, (void *) &pin_status, sizeof(pin_status), seq_get()); } void modem_response_sec(struct ipc_client *client, struct ipc_message_info *resp) { struct ipc_sec_pin_status_noti *pin_status; unsigned char type; int status; char *data; switch(IPC_COMMAND(resp)) { case IPC_SEC_PIN_STATUS : pin_status = (struct ipc_sec_pin_status_noti *)resp->data; switch(pin_status->type) { case IPC_SEC_PIN_SIM_INITIALIZING: printf("[I] SIM is initializing\n"); break; case IPC_SEC_PIN_SIM_CARD_NOT_PRESENT: printf("[I] SIM card is definitely absent\n"); break; case IPC_SEC_PIN_SIM_LOCK_SC: switch(pin_status->key) { case IPC_SEC_PIN_SIM_LOCK_SC_PIN1_REQ: printf("[I] We need the PIN1 to unlock the card!\n"); if(strlen(sim_pin) > 0) { modem_set_sec_pin_status(client, sim_pin, NULL); } else { printf("[E] No SIM Pin, use --pin\n"); } break; case IPC_SEC_PIN_SIM_LOCK_SC_PUK_REQ: printf("[I] Please provide the SIM card PUK!\n"); break; case IPC_SEC_PIN_SIM_LOCK_SC_CARD_BLOCKED: printf("[I] Ouch, the SIM Card is blocked.\n"); break; } break; case IPC_SEC_PIN_SIM_INIT_COMPLETE: printf("[3] SIM init complete\n"); if(state == MODEM_STATE_NORMAL) state = MODEM_STATE_SIM_OK; break; case IPC_SEC_PIN_SIM_PB_INIT_COMPLETE: printf("[I] SIM Phone Book init complete\n"); break; } break; case IPC_SEC_SIM_ICC_TYPE: type = *((char *) resp->data); switch(type) { case IPC_SEC_SIM_CARD_TYPE_UNKNOWN: printf("[I] No SIM card type: unknown (absent?)\n"); break; case IPC_SEC_SIM_CARD_TYPE_SIM: case IPC_SEC_SIM_CARD_TYPE_USIM: printf("[I] SIM card found\n"); break; } break; } } void modem_response_sms(struct ipc_client *client, struct ipc_message_info *resp) { switch(IPC_COMMAND(resp)) { case IPC_SMS_DEVICE_READY: if(state == MODEM_STATE_LPM) { printf("[4] Modem is ready, requesting normal power mode\n"); modem_exec_power_normal(client); } else if(state == MODEM_STATE_SIM_OK) { printf("[5] Modem is fully ready\n"); modem_set_sms_device_ready(client); } break; } } void modem_response_call(struct ipc_client *client, struct ipc_message_info *resp) { struct ipc_call_status *stat; switch(IPC_COMMAND(resp)) { case IPC_CALL_LIST: /* if(in_call) modem_exec_call_answer(client); if(out_call) modem_snd_no_mic_mute(client); */ break; case IPC_CALL_INCOMING: printf("[I] Got an incoming call!\n"); in_call = 1; modem_get_call_list(client); break; case IPC_CALL_STATUS: stat = (struct ipc_call_status *)resp->data; if(stat->state == IPC_CALL_STATE_DIALING) { printf("[I] Sending clock ctrl and restore alsa\n"); modem_snd_clock_ctrl(client); // system("alsa_ctl -f /data/alsa_state_modem restore"); printf("[I] CALL STATE DIALING!!!\n"); modem_snd_spkr_volume_ctrl(client); modem_snd_audio_path_ctrl(client); modem_get_call_list(client); } if(stat->state == IPC_CALL_STATE_CONNECTED) { printf("[I] CALL STATE CONNECTED!!!\n"); modem_snd_no_mic_mute(client); } if(stat->state == IPC_CALL_STATE_RELEASED) { printf("[I] CALL STATE RELEASED!!!\n"); modem_snd_no_mic_mute(client); } break; } } void modem_response_pwr(struct ipc_client *client, struct ipc_message_info *resp) { int state_n; switch(IPC_COMMAND(resp)) { case IPC_PWR_PHONE_PWR_UP: printf("[2] Phone is powered up (LPM)!\n"); state = MODEM_STATE_LPM; break; case IPC_PWR_PHONE_STATE: state_n = *((int *)resp->data); #if 0 switch(state_n) { /* FIXME: Broken */ case IPC_PWR_PHONE_STATE_NORMAL: printf("Power state is now: NORMAL\n"); break; case IPC_PWR_PHONE_STATE_LPM: printf("Power state is now: LPM (Low Power Mode)?\n"); break; } #endif state = state_n; break; } } void modem_response_net(struct ipc_client *client, struct ipc_message_info *resp) { struct ipc_net_regist *regi; struct ipc_net_plmn_entry *plmn; char mnc[6]; switch(IPC_COMMAND(resp)) { case IPC_NET_REGIST: regi = (struct ipc_net_regist *)resp->data; if(regi->reg_state == IPC_NET_REGISTRATION_STATE_HOME) { printf("[I] Registered with network successfully!\n"); } break; case IPC_NET_CURRENT_PLMN: memcpy(mnc, (char *)(resp->data + 3), 5); mnc[5]=0; printf("[6] Registered with network! Got PLMN (Mobile Network Code): '%s'\n", mnc); /* if(call_done == 0) { printf("Requesting outgoing call to %s!\n", DEF_CALL_NUMBER); modem_exec_call_out(client, DEF_CALL_NUMBER); } call_done = 1; */ break; } } void modem_response_handle(struct ipc_client *client, struct ipc_message_info *resp) { switch(resp->group) { case IPC_GROUP_NET: modem_response_net(client, resp); break; case IPC_GROUP_PWR: modem_response_pwr(client, resp); break; case IPC_GROUP_SEC: modem_response_sec(client, resp); break; case IPC_GROUP_SMS: modem_response_sms(client, resp); break; case IPC_GROUP_CALL: modem_response_call(client, resp); break; case IPC_GROUP_DISP: if(in_call) modem_snd_no_mic_mute(client); break; } } int modem_read_loop(struct ipc_client *client) { struct ipc_message_info resp; int fd = client_fd; int rc; fd_set fds; if(fd < 0) { return -1; } memset(&resp, 0, sizeof(resp)); FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(fd, &fds); while(1) { usleep(3000); select(fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(FD_ISSET(fd, &fds)) { rc = ipc_client_recv(client, &resp); if(rc < 0) { printf("[E] Can't RECV from modem: please run this again\n"); break; } modem_response_handle(client, &resp); if(resp.data != NULL) free(resp.data); } } return 0; } void modem_log_handler(char *message, void *user_data) { int i, l; l = strlen(message); if(l > 1) { for(i=l ; i > 0 ; i--) { if(message[i] == '\n') { message[i] = 0; } else if(message[i] != 0) { break; } } printf("[D] %s\n", message); } } void modem_log_handler_quiet(const char *message, void *user_data) { return; } int modem_start(struct ipc_client *client) { int rc = -1; // ipc_client_set_handlers(client, &ipc_default_handlers); ipc_client_create_handlers_common_data(client); ipc_client_bootstrap_modem(client); usleep(300); rc = ipc_client_open(client); if(rc < 0) return -1; client_fd = ipc_client_get_handlers_common_data_fd(client); rc = ipc_client_power_on(client); if(rc < 0) return -1; return 0; } int modem_stop(struct ipc_client *client) { ipc_client_power_off(client); ipc_client_close(client); return 0; } void print_help() { printf("usage: modemctrl \n"); printf("commands:\n"); printf("\tstart bootstrap modem and start read loop\n"); printf("\tbootstrap bootstrap modem only\n"); printf("\tpower-on power on the modem\n"); printf("\tpower-off power off the modem\n"); printf("arguments:\n"); printf("\t--debug enable debug messages\n"); printf("\t--pin=[PIN] provide SIM card PIN\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ipc_client *client_fmt; int c = 0; int opt_i = 0; int rc = -1; int debug = 0; struct option opt_l[] = { {"help", no_argument, 0, 0 }, {"debug", no_argument, 0, 0 }, {"pin", required_argument, 0, 0 }, {0, 0, 0, 0 } }; if (argc < 2) { print_help(); exit(1); } while(c >= 0) { c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", opt_l, &opt_i); if(c < 0) break; switch(c) { case 0: if (strncmp(opt_l[opt_i].name, "help", 4) == 0) { print_help(); exit(1); } else if(strcmp(opt_l[opt_i].name, "debug") == 0) { debug = 1; printf("[I] Debug enabled\n"); } else if(strcmp(opt_l[opt_i].name, "pin") == 0) { if(optarg) { if(strlen(optarg) < 8) { printf("[I] Got SIM PIN!\n"); memcpy(sim_pin, optarg, 8); } else { printf("[E] SIM PIN is too long!\n"); return 1; } } } break; } } client_fmt = ipc_client_new(IPC_CLIENT_TYPE_FMT); if (client_fmt == 0) { printf("[E] Could not create IPC client; aborting ...\n"); goto modem_quit; } if (debug == 0) ipc_client_set_log_handler(client_fmt, modem_log_handler_quiet, NULL); else ipc_client_set_log_handler(client_fmt, modem_log_handler, NULL); while(opt_i < argc) { if(strncmp(argv[optind], "power-on", 8) == 0) { if (ipc_client_power_on(client_fmt) < 0) printf("[E] Something went wrong while powering modem on\n"); goto modem_quit; } else if(strncmp(argv[optind], "power-off", 9) == 0) { if (ipc_client_power_off(client_fmt) < 0) printf("[E] Something went wrong while powering modem off\n"); goto modem_quit; } else if (strncmp(argv[optind], "bootstrap", 9) == 0) { ipc_client_create_handlers_common_data(client_fmt); ipc_client_bootstrap_modem(client_fmt); } else if(strncmp(argv[optind], "start", 5) == 0) { printf("[0] Starting modem on FMT client\n"); rc = modem_start(client_fmt); if(rc < 0) { printf("[E] Something went wrong\n"); modem_stop(client_fmt); return 1; } printf("[1] Starting modem_read_loop on FMT client\n"); modem_read_loop(client_fmt); modem_stop(client_fmt); } else { printf("[E] Unknown argument: '%s'\n", argv[optind]); print_help(); return 1; } optind++; } modem_quit: if (client_fmt != 0) ipc_client_free(client_fmt); return 0; } // vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab