diff options
5 files changed, 2053 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/examples/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/CMakeLists.txt
index c5b8079..b54adeb 100644
--- a/examples/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/examples/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ add_subdirectory(Fibonacci)
check_include_file(pthread.h HAVE_PTHREAD_H)
diff --git a/examples/ExceptionDemo/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/ExceptionDemo/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d661915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ExceptionDemo/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+set(LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS jit nativecodegen)
+ ExceptionDemo.cpp
+ )
diff --git a/examples/ExceptionDemo/ExceptionDemo.cpp b/examples/ExceptionDemo/ExceptionDemo.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46dc481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ExceptionDemo/ExceptionDemo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2028 @@
+//===-- examples/ExceptionDemo/ExceptionDemo.cpp -
+// An example use of the llvm Exception mechanism --===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Demo program which implements an example LLVM exception implementation, and
+// shows several test cases including the handling of foreign exceptions.
+// It is run with type info types arguments to throw. A test will
+// be run for each given type info type. While type info types with the value
+// of -1 will trigger a foreign C++ exception to be thrown; type info types
+// <= 6 and >= 1 will cause the associated generated exceptions to be thrown
+// and caught by generated test functions; and type info types > 6
+// will result in exceptions which pass through to the test harness. All other
+// type info types are not supported and could cause a crash. In all cases,
+// the "finally" blocks of every generated test functions will executed
+// regardless of whether or not that test function ignores or catches the
+// thrown exception.
+// examples:
+// ExceptionDemo
+// causes a usage to be printed to stderr
+// ExceptionDemo 2 3 7 -1
+// results in the following cases:
+// - Value 2 causes an exception with a type info type of 2 to be
+// thrown and caught by an inner generated test function.
+// - Value 3 causes an exception with a type info type of 3 to be
+// thrown and caught by an outer generated test function.
+// - Value 7 causes an exception with a type info type of 7 to be
+// thrown and NOT be caught by any generated function.
+// - Value -1 causes a foreign C++ exception to be thrown and not be
+// caught by any generated function
+// Cases -1 and 7 are caught by a C++ test harness where the validity of
+// of a C++ catch(...) clause catching a generated exception with a
+// type info type of 7 is questionable.
+// This code uses code from the llvm compiler-rt project and the llvm
+// Kaleidoscope project.
+#include "llvm/LLVMContext.h"
+#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JIT.h"
+#include "llvm/Module.h"
+#include "llvm/PassManager.h"
+#include "llvm/Intrinsics.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/Verifier.h"
+#include "llvm/Target/TargetData.h"
+#include "llvm/Target/TargetSelect.h"
+#include "llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h"
+#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/IRBuilder.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Dwarf.h"
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdexcept>
+// System C++ ABI unwind types from:
+// http://refspecs.freestandards.org/abi-eh-1.21.html
+extern "C" {
+typedef enum {
+} _Unwind_Reason_Code;
+typedef enum {
+} _Unwind_Action;
+struct _Unwind_Exception;
+typedef void (*_Unwind_Exception_Cleanup_Fn) (_Unwind_Reason_Code,
+ struct _Unwind_Exception *);
+struct _Unwind_Exception {
+ uint64_t exception_class;
+ _Unwind_Exception_Cleanup_Fn exception_cleanup;
+ uintptr_t private_1;
+ uintptr_t private_2;
+ // @@@ The IA-64 ABI says that this structure must be double-word aligned.
+ // Taking that literally does not make much sense generically. Instead
+ // we provide the maximum alignment required by any type for the machine.
+} __attribute__((__aligned__));
+struct _Unwind_Context;
+typedef struct _Unwind_Context* _Unwind_Context_t;
+extern const uint8_t* _Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData (_Unwind_Context_t c);
+extern uintptr_t _Unwind_GetGR (_Unwind_Context_t c, int i);
+extern void _Unwind_SetGR (_Unwind_Context_t c, int i, uintptr_t n);
+extern void _Unwind_SetIP (_Unwind_Context_t, uintptr_t new_value);
+extern uintptr_t _Unwind_GetIP (_Unwind_Context_t context);
+extern uintptr_t _Unwind_GetRegionStart (_Unwind_Context_t context);
+} // extern "C"
+// Example types
+/// This is our simplistic type info
+struct OurExceptionType_t {
+ /// type info type
+ int type;
+/// This is our Exception class which relies on a negative offset to calculate
+/// pointers to its instances from pointers to its unwindException member.
+/// Note: The above unwind.h defines struct _Unwind_Exception to be aligned
+/// on a double word boundary. This is necessary to match the standard:
+/// http://refspecs.freestandards.org/abi-eh-1.21.html
+struct OurBaseException_t {
+ struct OurExceptionType_t type;
+ // Note: This is properly aligned in unwind.h
+ struct _Unwind_Exception unwindException;
+// Note: Not needed since we are C++
+typedef struct OurBaseException_t OurException;
+typedef struct _Unwind_Exception OurUnwindException;
+// Various globals used to support typeinfo and generatted exceptions in
+// general
+static std::map<std::string, llvm::Value*> namedValues;
+int64_t ourBaseFromUnwindOffset;
+const unsigned char ourBaseExcpClassChars[] =
+ {'o', 'b', 'j', '\0', 'b', 'a', 's', '\0'};
+static uint64_t ourBaseExceptionClass = 0;
+static std::vector<std::string> ourTypeInfoNames;
+static std::map<int, std::string> ourTypeInfoNamesIndex;
+static llvm::StructType* ourTypeInfoType;
+static llvm::StructType* ourExceptionType;
+static llvm::StructType* ourUnwindExceptionType;
+static llvm::ConstantInt* ourExceptionNotThrownState;
+static llvm::ConstantInt* ourExceptionThrownState;
+static llvm::ConstantInt* ourExceptionCaughtState;
+typedef std::vector<std::string> ArgNames;
+typedef std::vector<const llvm::Type*> ArgTypes;
+// Code Generation Utilities
+/// Utility used to create a function, both declarations and definitions
+/// @param module for module instance
+/// @param retType function return type
+/// @param theArgTypes function's ordered argument types
+/// @param theArgNames function's ordered arguments needed if use of this
+/// function corresponds to a function definition. Use empty
+/// aggregate for function declarations.
+/// @param functName function name
+/// @param linkage function linkage
+/// @param declarationOnly for function declarations
+/// @param isVarArg function uses vararg arguments
+/// @returns function instance
+llvm::Function *createFunction(llvm::Module& module,
+ const llvm::Type* retType,
+ const ArgTypes& theArgTypes,
+ const ArgNames& theArgNames,
+ const std::string& functName,
+ llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes linkage,
+ bool declarationOnly,
+ bool isVarArg) {
+ llvm::FunctionType* functType = llvm::FunctionType::get(retType,
+ theArgTypes,
+ isVarArg);
+ llvm::Function* ret = llvm::Function::Create(functType,
+ linkage,
+ functName,
+ &module);
+ if (!ret || declarationOnly)
+ return(ret);
+ namedValues.clear();
+ unsigned i = 0;
+ for (llvm::Function::arg_iterator argIndex = ret->arg_begin();
+ i != theArgNames.size();
+ ++argIndex, ++i) {
+ argIndex->setName(theArgNames[i]);
+ namedValues[theArgNames[i]] = argIndex;
+ }
+ return(ret);
+/// Create an alloca instruction in the entry block of
+/// the parent function. This is used for mutable variables etc.
+/// @param function parent instance
+/// @param varName stack variable name
+/// @param type stack variable type
+/// @param initWith optional constant initialization value
+/// @returns AllocaInst instance
+static llvm::AllocaInst *createEntryBlockAlloca(llvm::Function& function,
+ const std::string &varName,
+ const llvm::Type* type,
+ llvm::Constant* initWith = NULL) {
+ llvm::BasicBlock& block = function.getEntryBlock();
+ llvm::IRBuilder<> tmp(&block, block.begin());
+ llvm::AllocaInst* ret = tmp.CreateAlloca(type, 0, varName.c_str());
+ if (initWith)
+ tmp.CreateStore(initWith, ret);
+ return(ret);
+// Code Generation Utilities End
+// Runtime C Library functions
+// Note: using an extern "C" block so that static functions can be used
+extern "C" {
+// Note: Better ways to decide on bit width
+/// Prints a 32 bit number, according to the format, to stderr.
+/// @param intToPrint integer to print
+/// @param format printf like format to use when printing
+void print32Int(int intToPrint, const char* format) {
+ if (format) {
+ // Note: No NULL check
+ fprintf(stderr, format, intToPrint);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Note: No NULL check
+ fprintf(stderr, "::print32Int(...):NULL arg.\n");
+ }
+// Note: Better ways to decide on bit width
+/// Prints a 64 bit number, according to the format, to stderr.
+/// @param intToPrint integer to print
+/// @param format printf like format to use when printing
+void print64Int(long int intToPrint, const char* format) {
+ if (format) {
+ // Note: No NULL check
+ fprintf(stderr, format, intToPrint);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Note: No NULL check
+ fprintf(stderr, "::print64Int(...):NULL arg.\n");
+ }
+/// Prints a C string to stderr
+/// @param toPrint string to print
+void printStr(char* toPrint) {
+ if (toPrint) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s", toPrint);
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "::printStr(...):NULL arg.\n");
+ }
+/// Deletes the true previosly allocated exception whose address
+/// is calculated from the supplied OurBaseException_t::unwindException
+/// member address. Handles (ignores), NULL pointers.
+/// @param expToDelete exception to delete
+void deleteOurException(OurUnwindException* expToDelete) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "deleteOurException(...).\n");
+ if (expToDelete &&
+ (expToDelete->exception_class == ourBaseExceptionClass)) {
+ free(((char*) expToDelete) + ourBaseFromUnwindOffset);
+ }
+/// This function is the struct _Unwind_Exception API mandated delete function
+/// used by foreign exception handlers when deleting our exception
+/// (OurException), instances.
+/// @param reason @link http://refspecs.freestandards.org/abi-eh-1.21.html
+/// @unlink
+/// @param expToDelete exception instance to delete
+void deleteFromUnwindOurException(_Unwind_Reason_Code reason,
+ OurUnwindException* expToDelete) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "deleteFromUnwindOurException(...).\n");
+ deleteOurException(expToDelete);
+/// Creates (allocates on the heap), an exception (OurException instance),
+/// of the supplied type info type.
+/// @param type type info type
+OurUnwindException* createOurException(int type) {
+ size_t size = sizeof(OurException);
+ OurException* ret = (OurException*) memset(malloc(size), 0, size);
+ (ret->type).type = type;
+ (ret->unwindException).exception_class = ourBaseExceptionClass;
+ (ret->unwindException).exception_cleanup = deleteFromUnwindOurException;
+ return(&(ret->unwindException));
+/// Read a uleb128 encoded value and advance pointer
+/// See Variable Length Data in:
+/// @link http://dwarfstd.org/Dwarf3.pdf @unlink
+/// @param data reference variable holding memory pointer to decode from
+/// @returns decoded value
+static uintptr_t readULEB128(const uint8_t** data) {
+ uintptr_t result = 0;
+ uintptr_t shift = 0;
+ unsigned char byte;
+ const uint8_t* p = *data;
+ do {
+ byte = *p++;
+ result |= (byte & 0x7f) << shift;
+ shift += 7;
+ }
+ while (byte & 0x80);
+ *data = p;
+ return result;
+/// Read a sleb128 encoded value and advance pointer
+/// See Variable Length Data in:
+/// @link http://dwarfstd.org/Dwarf3.pdf @unlink
+/// @param data reference variable holding memory pointer to decode from
+/// @returns decoded value
+static uintptr_t readSLEB128(const uint8_t** data) {
+ uintptr_t result = 0;
+ uintptr_t shift = 0;
+ unsigned char byte;
+ const uint8_t* p = *data;
+ do {
+ byte = *p++;
+ result |= (byte & 0x7f) << shift;
+ shift += 7;
+ }
+ while (byte & 0x80);
+ *data = p;
+ if ((byte & 0x40) && (shift < (sizeof(result) << 3))) {
+ result |= (~0 << shift);
+ }
+ return result;
+/// Read a pointer encoded value and advance pointer
+/// See Variable Length Data in:
+/// @link http://dwarfstd.org/Dwarf3.pdf @unlink
+/// @param data reference variable holding memory pointer to decode from
+/// @param encoding dwarf encoding type
+/// @returns decoded value
+static uintptr_t readEncodedPointer(const uint8_t** data, uint8_t encoding) {
+ uintptr_t result = 0;
+ const uint8_t* p = *data;
+ if (encoding == llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_omit)
+ return(result);
+ // first get value
+ switch (encoding & 0x0F) {
+ case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_absptr:
+ result = *((uintptr_t*)p);
+ p += sizeof(uintptr_t);
+ break;
+ case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_uleb128:
+ result = readULEB128(&p);
+ break;
+ // Note: This case has not been tested
+ case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_sleb128:
+ result = readSLEB128(&p);
+ break;
+ case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_udata2:
+ result = *((uint16_t*)p);
+ p += sizeof(uint16_t);
+ break;
+ case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_udata4:
+ result = *((uint32_t*)p);
+ p += sizeof(uint32_t);
+ break;
+ case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_udata8:
+ result = *((uint64_t*)p);
+ p += sizeof(uint64_t);
+ break;
+ case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_sdata2:
+ result = *((int16_t*)p);
+ p += sizeof(int16_t);
+ break;
+ case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_sdata4:
+ result = *((int32_t*)p);
+ p += sizeof(int32_t);
+ break;
+ case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_sdata8:
+ result = *((int64_t*)p);
+ p += sizeof(int64_t);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // not supported
+ abort();
+ break;
+ }
+ // then add relative offset
+ switch (encoding & 0x70) {
+ case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_absptr:
+ // do nothing
+ break;
+ case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_pcrel:
+ result += (uintptr_t)(*data);
+ break;
+ case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_textrel:
+ case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_datarel:
+ case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_funcrel:
+ case llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_aligned:
+ default:
+ // not supported
+ abort();
+ break;
+ }
+ // then apply indirection
+ if (encoding & llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_indirect) {
+ result = *((uintptr_t*)result);
+ }
+ *data = p;
+ return result;
+/// Deals with Dwarf actions matching our type infos
+/// (OurExceptionType_t instances). Returns whether or not a dwarf emitted
+/// action matches the supplied exception type. If such a match succeeds,
+/// the resultAction argument will be set with > 0 index value. Only
+/// corresponding llvm.eh.selector type info arguments, cleanup arguments
+/// are supported. Filters are not supported.
+/// See Variable Length Data in:
+/// @link http://dwarfstd.org/Dwarf3.pdf @unlink
+/// Also see @link http://refspecs.freestandards.org/abi-eh-1.21.html @unlink
+/// @param resultAction reference variable which will be set with result
+/// @param classInfo our array of type info pointers (to globals)
+/// @param actionEntry index into above type info array or 0 (clean up).
+/// We do not support filters.
+/// @param exceptionClass exception class (_Unwind_Exception::exception_class)
+/// of thrown exception.
+/// @param exceptionObject thrown _Unwind_Exception instance.
+/// @returns whether or not a type info was found. False is returned if only
+/// a cleanup was found
+static bool handleActionValue(int64_t *resultAction,
+ struct OurExceptionType_t **classInfo,
+ uintptr_t actionEntry,
+ uint64_t exceptionClass,
+ struct _Unwind_Exception *exceptionObject) {
+ bool ret = false;
+ if (!resultAction ||
+ !exceptionObject ||
+ (exceptionClass != ourBaseExceptionClass))
+ return(ret);
+ struct OurBaseException_t* excp = (struct OurBaseException_t*)
+ (((char*) exceptionObject) + ourBaseFromUnwindOffset);
+ struct OurExceptionType_t *excpType = &(excp->type);
+ int type = excpType->type;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "handleActionValue(...): exceptionObject = <%p>, "
+ "excp = <%p>.\n",
+ exceptionObject,
+ excp);
+ const uint8_t *actionPos = (uint8_t*) actionEntry,
+ *tempActionPos;
+ int64_t typeOffset = 0,
+ actionOffset;
+ for (int i = 0; true; ++i) {
+ // Each emitted dwarf action corresponds to a 2 tuple of
+ // type info address offset, and action offset to the next
+ // emitted action.
+ typeOffset = readSLEB128(&actionPos);
+ tempActionPos = actionPos;
+ actionOffset = readSLEB128(&tempActionPos);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "handleActionValue(...):typeOffset: <%lld>, "
+ "actionOffset: <%lld>.\n",
+ typeOffset,
+ actionOffset);
+ assert((typeOffset >= 0) &&
+ "handleActionValue(...):filters are not supported.");
+ // Note: A typeOffset == 0 implies that a cleanup llvm.eh.selector
+ // argument has been matched.
+ if ((typeOffset > 0) &&
+ (type == (classInfo[-typeOffset])->type)) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "handleActionValue(...):actionValue <%d> found.\n",
+ i);
+ *resultAction = i + 1;
+ ret = true;
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "handleActionValue(...):actionValue not found.\n");
+ if (!actionOffset)
+ break;
+ actionPos += actionOffset;
+ }
+ return(ret);
+/// Deals with the Language specific data portion of the emitted dwarf code.
+/// See @link http://refspecs.freestandards.org/abi-eh-1.21.html @unlink
+/// @param version unsupported (ignored), unwind version
+/// @param lsda language specific data area
+/// @param _Unwind_Action actions minimally supported unwind stage
+/// (forced specifically not supported)
+/// @param exceptionClass exception class (_Unwind_Exception::exception_class)
+/// of thrown exception.
+/// @param exceptionObject thrown _Unwind_Exception instance.
+/// @param context unwind system context
+/// @returns minimally supported unwinding control indicator
+static _Unwind_Reason_Code handleLsda(int version,
+ const uint8_t* lsda,
+ _Unwind_Action actions,
+ uint64_t exceptionClass,
+ struct _Unwind_Exception* exceptionObject,
+ _Unwind_Context_t context) {
+ _Unwind_Reason_Code ret = _URC_CONTINUE_UNWIND;
+ if (!lsda)
+ return(ret);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "handleLsda(...):lsda is non-zero.\n");
+ // Get the current instruction pointer and offset it before next
+ // instruction in the current frame which threw the exception.
+ uintptr_t pc = _Unwind_GetIP(context)-1;
+ // Get beginning current frame's code (as defined by the
+ // emitted dwarf code)
+ uintptr_t funcStart = _Unwind_GetRegionStart(context);
+ uintptr_t pcOffset = pc - funcStart;
+ struct OurExceptionType_t** classInfo = NULL;
+ // Note: See JITDwarfEmitter::EmitExceptionTable(...) for corresponding
+ // dwarf emission
+ // Parse LSDA header.
+ uint8_t lpStartEncoding = *lsda++;
+ if (lpStartEncoding != llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_omit) {
+ readEncodedPointer(&lsda, lpStartEncoding);
+ }
+ uint8_t ttypeEncoding = *lsda++;
+ uintptr_t classInfoOffset;
+ if (ttypeEncoding != llvm::dwarf::DW_EH_PE_omit) {
+ // Calculate type info locations in emitted dwarf code which
+ // were flagged by type info arguments to llvm.eh.selector
+ // intrinsic
+ classInfoOffset = readULEB128(&lsda);
+ classInfo = (struct OurExceptionType_t**) (lsda + classInfoOffset);
+ }
+ // Walk call-site table looking for range that
+ // includes current PC.
+ uint8_t callSiteEncoding = *lsda++;
+ uint32_t callSiteTableLength = readULEB128(&lsda);
+ const uint8_t* callSiteTableStart = lsda;
+ const uint8_t* callSiteTableEnd = callSiteTableStart +
+ callSiteTableLength;
+ const uint8_t* actionTableStart = callSiteTableEnd;
+ const uint8_t* callSitePtr = callSiteTableStart;
+ bool foreignException = false;
+ while (callSitePtr < callSiteTableEnd) {
+ uintptr_t start = readEncodedPointer(&callSitePtr,
+ callSiteEncoding);
+ uintptr_t length = readEncodedPointer(&callSitePtr,
+ callSiteEncoding);
+ uintptr_t landingPad = readEncodedPointer(&callSitePtr,
+ callSiteEncoding);
+ // Note: Action value
+ uintptr_t actionEntry = readULEB128(&callSitePtr);
+ if (exceptionClass != ourBaseExceptionClass) {
+ // We have been notified of a foreign exception being thrown,
+ // and we therefore need to execute cleanup landing pads
+ actionEntry = 0;
+ foreignException = true;
+ }
+ if (landingPad == 0) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "handleLsda(...): No landing pad found.\n");
+ continue; // no landing pad for this entry
+ }
+ if (actionEntry) {
+ actionEntry += ((uintptr_t) actionTableStart) - 1;
+ }
+ else {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "handleLsda(...):No action table found.\n");
+ }
+ bool exceptionMatched = false;
+ if ((start <= pcOffset) && (pcOffset < (start + length))) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "handleLsda(...): Landing pad found.\n");
+ int64_t actionValue = 0;
+ if (actionEntry) {
+ exceptionMatched = handleActionValue
+ (
+ &actionValue,
+ classInfo,
+ actionEntry,
+ exceptionClass,
+ exceptionObject
+ );
+ }
+ if (!(actions & _UA_SEARCH_PHASE)) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "handleLsda(...): installed landing pad "
+ "context.\n");
+ // Found landing pad for the PC.
+ // Set Instruction Pointer to so we re-enter function
+ // at landing pad. The landing pad is created by the
+ // compiler to take two parameters in registers.
+ _Unwind_SetGR(context,
+ __builtin_eh_return_data_regno(0),
+ (uintptr_t)exceptionObject);
+ // Note: this virtual register directly corresponds
+ // to the return of the llvm.eh.selector intrinsic
+ if (!actionEntry || !exceptionMatched) {
+ // We indicate cleanup only
+ _Unwind_SetGR(context,
+ __builtin_eh_return_data_regno(1),
+ 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Matched type info index of llvm.eh.selector intrinsic
+ // passed here.
+ _Unwind_SetGR(context,
+ __builtin_eh_return_data_regno(1),
+ actionValue);
+ }
+ // To execute landing pad set here
+ _Unwind_SetIP(context, funcStart + landingPad);
+ }
+ else if (exceptionMatched) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "handleLsda(...): setting handler found.\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ // Note: Only non-clean up handlers are marked as
+ // found. Otherwise the clean up handlers will be
+ // re-found and executed during the clean up
+ // phase.
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "handleLsda(...): cleanup handler found.\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return(ret);
+/// This is the personality function which is embedded (dwarf emitted), in the
+/// dwarf unwind info block. Again see: JITDwarfEmitter.cpp.
+/// See @link http://refspecs.freestandards.org/abi-eh-1.21.html @unlink
+/// @param version unsupported (ignored), unwind version
+/// @param _Unwind_Action actions minimally supported unwind stage
+/// (forced specifically not supported)
+/// @param exceptionClass exception class (_Unwind_Exception::exception_class)
+/// of thrown exception.
+/// @param exceptionObject thrown _Unwind_Exception instance.
+/// @param context unwind system context
+/// @returns minimally supported unwinding control indicator
+_Unwind_Reason_Code ourPersonality(int version,
+ _Unwind_Action actions,
+ uint64_t exceptionClass,
+ struct _Unwind_Exception* exceptionObject,
+ _Unwind_Context_t context) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "We are in ourPersonality(...):actions is <%d>.\n",
+ actions);
+ if (actions & _UA_SEARCH_PHASE) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ourPersonality(...):In search phase.\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ourPersonality(...):In non-search phase.\n");
+ }
+ const uint8_t* lsda = (uint8_t*)
+ _Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData(context);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "ourPersonality(...):lsda = <%p>.\n",
+ lsda);
+ // The real work of the personality function is captured here
+ return(handleLsda(version,
+ lsda,
+ actions,
+ exceptionClass,
+ exceptionObject,
+ context));
+/// Generates our _Unwind_Exception class from a given character array.
+/// thereby handling arbitrary lengths (not in standard), and handling
+/// embedded \0s.
+/// See @link http://refspecs.freestandards.org/abi-eh-1.21.html @unlink
+/// @param classChars char array to encode. NULL values not checkedf
+/// @param classCharsSize number of chars in classChars. Value is not checked.
+/// @returns class value
+uint64_t genClass(const unsigned char classChars[], size_t classCharsSize)
+ uint64_t ret = classChars[0];
+ for (unsigned i = 1; i < classCharsSize; ++i) {
+ ret <<= 8;
+ ret += classChars[i];
+ }
+ return(ret);
+} // extern "C"
+// Runtime C Library functions End
+// Code generation functions
+/// Generates code to print given constant string
+/// @param context llvm context
+/// @param module code for module instance
+/// @param builder builder instance
+/// @param toPrint string to print
+/// @param useGlobal A value of true (default) indicates a GlobalValue is
+/// generated, and is used to hold the constant string. A value of
+/// false indicates that the constant string will be stored on the
+/// stack.
+void generateStringPrint(llvm::LLVMContext& context,
+ llvm::Module& module,
+ llvm::IRBuilder<>& builder,
+ std::string toPrint,
+ bool useGlobal = true) {
+ llvm::Function *printFunct = module.getFunction("printStr");
+ llvm::Value *stringVar;
+ llvm::Constant* stringConstant =
+ llvm::ConstantArray::get(context, toPrint);
+ if (useGlobal) {
+ // Note: Does not work without allocation
+ stringVar =
+ new llvm::GlobalVariable(module,
+ stringConstant->getType(),
+ true,
+ llvm::GlobalValue::LinkerPrivateLinkage,
+ stringConstant,
+ "");
+ }
+ else {
+ stringVar = builder.CreateAlloca(stringConstant->getType());
+ builder.CreateStore(stringConstant, stringVar);
+ }
+ llvm::Value* cast =
+ builder.CreatePointerCast(stringVar,
+ builder.getInt8Ty()->getPointerTo());
+ builder.CreateCall(printFunct, cast);
+/// Generates code to print given runtime integer according to constant
+/// string format, and a given print function.
+/// @param context llvm context
+/// @param module code for module instance
+/// @param builder builder instance
+/// @param printFunct function used to "print" integer
+/// @param toPrint string to print
+/// @param format printf like formating string for print
+/// @param useGlobal A value of true (default) indicates a GlobalValue is
+/// generated, and is used to hold the constant string. A value of
+/// false indicates that the constant string will be stored on the
+/// stack.
+void generateIntegerPrint(llvm::LLVMContext& context,
+ llvm::Module& module,
+ llvm::IRBuilder<>& builder,
+ llvm::Function& printFunct,
+ llvm::Value& toPrint,
+ std::string format,
+ bool useGlobal = true) {
+ llvm::Constant *stringConstant = llvm::ConstantArray::get(context, format);
+ llvm::Value *stringVar;
+ if (useGlobal) {
+ // Note: Does not seem to work without allocation
+ stringVar =
+ new llvm::GlobalVariable(module,
+ stringConstant->getType(),
+ true,
+ llvm::GlobalValue::LinkerPrivateLinkage,
+ stringConstant,
+ "");
+ }
+ else {
+ stringVar = builder.CreateAlloca(stringConstant->getType());
+ builder.CreateStore(stringConstant, stringVar);
+ }
+ llvm::Value* cast =
+ builder.CreateBitCast(stringVar,
+ builder.getInt8Ty()->getPointerTo());
+ builder.CreateCall2(&printFunct, &toPrint, cast);
+/// Generates code to handle finally block type semantics: always runs
+/// regardless of whether a thrown exception is passing through or the
+/// parent function is simply exiting. In addition to printing some state
+/// to stderr, this code will resume the exception handling--runs the
+/// unwind resume block, if the exception has not been previously caught
+/// by a catch clause, and will otherwise execute the end block (terminator
+/// block). In addition this function creates the corresponding function's
+/// stack storage for the exception pointer and catch flag status.
+/// @param context llvm context
+/// @param module code for module instance
+/// @param builder builder instance
+/// @param toAddTo parent function to add block to
+/// @param blockName block name of new "finally" block.
+/// @param functionId output id used for printing
+/// @param terminatorBlock terminator "end" block
+/// @param unwindResumeBlock unwind resume block
+/// @param exceptionCaughtFlag reference exception caught/thrown status storage
+/// @param exceptionStorage reference to exception pointer storage
+/// @returns newly created block
+static llvm::BasicBlock* createFinallyBlock(llvm::LLVMContext& context,
+ llvm::Module& module,
+ llvm::IRBuilder<>& builder,
+ llvm::Function& toAddTo,
+ std::string& blockName,
+ std::string& functionId,
+ llvm::BasicBlock& terminatorBlock,
+ llvm::BasicBlock& unwindResumeBlock,
+ llvm::Value** exceptionCaughtFlag,
+ llvm::Value** exceptionStorage) {
+ assert(exceptionCaughtFlag &&
+ "ExceptionDemo::createFinallyBlock(...):exceptionCaughtFlag "
+ "is NULL");
+ assert(exceptionStorage &&
+ "ExceptionDemo::createFinallyBlock(...):exceptionStorage "
+ "is NULL");
+ *exceptionCaughtFlag =
+ createEntryBlockAlloca(toAddTo,
+ "exceptionCaught",
+ ourExceptionNotThrownState->getType(),
+ ourExceptionNotThrownState);
+ const llvm::PointerType* exceptionStorageType =
+ builder.getInt8Ty()->getPointerTo();
+ *exceptionStorage =
+ createEntryBlockAlloca(toAddTo,
+ "exceptionStorage",
+ exceptionStorageType,
+ llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(
+ exceptionStorageType));
+ llvm::BasicBlock *ret = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context,
+ blockName,
+ &toAddTo);
+ builder.SetInsertPoint(ret);
+ std::ostringstream bufferToPrint;
+ bufferToPrint << "Gen: Executing finally block "
+ << blockName
+ << " in "
+ << functionId
+ << std::endl;
+ generateStringPrint(context,
+ module,
+ builder,
+ bufferToPrint.str(),
+ llvm::SwitchInst* theSwitch =
+ builder.CreateSwitch(builder.CreateLoad(*exceptionCaughtFlag),
+ &terminatorBlock,
+ 2);
+ theSwitch->addCase(ourExceptionCaughtState, &terminatorBlock);
+ theSwitch->addCase(ourExceptionThrownState, &unwindResumeBlock);
+ return(ret);
+/// Generates catch block semantics which print a string to indicate type of
+/// catch executed, sets an exception caught flag, and executes passed in
+/// end block (terminator block).
+/// @param context llvm context
+/// @param module code for module instance
+/// @param builder builder instance
+/// @param toAddTo parent function to add block to
+/// @param blockName block name of new "catch" block.
+/// @param functionId output id used for printing
+/// @param terminatorBlock terminator "end" block
+/// @param exceptionCaughtFlag exception caught/thrown status
+/// @returns newly created block
+static llvm::BasicBlock* createCatchBlock(llvm::LLVMContext& context,
+ llvm::Module& module,
+ llvm::IRBuilder<>& builder,
+ llvm::Function& toAddTo,
+ std::string& blockName,
+ std::string& functionId,
+ llvm::BasicBlock& terminatorBlock,
+ llvm::Value& exceptionCaughtFlag) {
+ llvm::BasicBlock *ret = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context,
+ blockName,
+ &toAddTo);
+ builder.SetInsertPoint(ret);
+ std::ostringstream bufferToPrint;
+ bufferToPrint << "Gen: Executing catch block "
+ << blockName
+ << " in "
+ << functionId
+ << std::endl;
+ generateStringPrint(context,
+ module,
+ builder,
+ bufferToPrint.str(),
+ builder.CreateStore(ourExceptionCaughtState, &exceptionCaughtFlag);
+ builder.CreateBr(&terminatorBlock);
+ return(ret);
+/// Generates a function which invokes a function (toInvoke) and, whose
+/// unwind block will "catch" the type info types correspondingly held in the
+/// exceptionTypesToCatch argument. If the toInvoke function throws an
+/// exception which does not match any type info types contained in
+/// exceptionTypesToCatch, the generated code will call _Unwind_Resume
+/// with the raised exception. On the other hand the generated code will
+/// normally exit if the toInvoke function does not throw an exception.
+/// The generated "finally" block is always run regardless of the cause of
+/// the generated function exit.
+/// The generated function is returned after being verified.
+/// @param module code for module instance
+/// @param builder builder instance
+/// @param fpm a function pass manager holding optional IR to IR
+/// transformations
+/// @param toInvoke inner function to invoke
+/// @param ourId id used to printing purposes
+/// @param numExceptionsToCatch length of exceptionTypesToCatch array
+/// @param exceptionTypesToCatch array of type info types to "catch"
+/// @returns generated function
+llvm::Function* createCatchWrappedInvokeFunction(llvm::Module& module,
+ llvm::IRBuilder<>& builder,
+ llvm::FunctionPassManager& fpm,
+ llvm::Function& toInvoke,
+ std::string ourId,
+ unsigned numExceptionsToCatch,
+ unsigned exceptionTypesToCatch[]) {
+ llvm::LLVMContext& context = module.getContext();
+ llvm::Function *toPrint32Int = module.getFunction("print32Int");
+ ArgTypes argTypes;
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt32Ty());
+ ArgNames argNames;
+ argNames.push_back("exceptTypeToThrow");
+ llvm::Function* ret = createFunction(module,
+ builder.getVoidTy(),
+ argTypes,
+ argNames,
+ ourId,
+ llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage,
+ false,
+ false);
+ // Block which calls invoke
+ llvm::BasicBlock *entryBlock = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context,
+ "entry",
+ ret);
+ // Normal block for invoke
+ llvm::BasicBlock *normalBlock = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context,
+ "normal",
+ ret);
+ // Unwind block for invoke
+ llvm::BasicBlock *exceptionBlock =
+ llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "exception", ret);
+ // Block which routes exception to correct catch handler block
+ llvm::BasicBlock *exceptionRouteBlock =
+ llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "exceptionRoute", ret);
+ // Foreign exception handler
+ llvm::BasicBlock *externalExceptionBlock =
+ llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "externalException", ret);
+ // Block which calls _Unwind_Resume
+ llvm::BasicBlock *unwindResumeBlock =
+ llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "unwindResume", ret);
+ // Clean up block which delete exception if needed
+ llvm::BasicBlock *endBlock =
+ llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "end", ret);
+ std::string nextName;
+ std::vector<llvm::BasicBlock*> catchBlocks(numExceptionsToCatch);
+ llvm::Value* exceptionCaughtFlag = NULL;
+ llvm::Value* exceptionStorage = NULL;
+ // Finally block which will branch to unwindResumeBlock if
+ // exception is not caught. Initializes/allocates stack locations.
+ llvm::BasicBlock* finallyBlock = createFinallyBlock(context,
+ module,
+ builder,
+ *ret,
+ nextName = "finally",
+ ourId,
+ *endBlock,
+ *unwindResumeBlock,
+ &exceptionCaughtFlag,
+ &exceptionStorage);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < numExceptionsToCatch; ++i) {
+ nextName = ourTypeInfoNames[exceptionTypesToCatch[i]];
+ // One catch block per type info to be caught
+ catchBlocks[i] = createCatchBlock(context,
+ module,
+ builder,
+ *ret,
+ nextName,
+ ourId,
+ *finallyBlock,
+ *exceptionCaughtFlag);
+ }
+ // Entry Block
+ builder.SetInsertPoint(entryBlock);
+ std::vector<llvm::Value*> args;
+ args.push_back(namedValues["exceptTypeToThrow"]);
+ builder.CreateInvoke(&toInvoke,
+ normalBlock,
+ exceptionBlock,
+ args.begin(),
+ args.end());
+ // End Block
+ builder.SetInsertPoint(endBlock);
+ generateStringPrint(context,
+ module,
+ builder,
+ "Gen: In end block: exiting in " + ourId + ".\n",
+ llvm::Function *deleteOurException =
+ module.getFunction("deleteOurException");
+ // Note: function handles NULL exceptions
+ builder.CreateCall(deleteOurException,
+ builder.CreateLoad(exceptionStorage));
+ builder.CreateRetVoid();
+ // Normal Block
+ builder.SetInsertPoint(normalBlock);
+ generateStringPrint(context,
+ module,
+ builder,
+ "Gen: No exception in " + ourId + "!\n",
+ // Finally block is always called
+ builder.CreateBr(finallyBlock);
+ // Unwind Resume Block
+ builder.SetInsertPoint(unwindResumeBlock);
+ llvm::Function *resumeOurException =
+ module.getFunction("_Unwind_Resume");
+ builder.CreateCall(resumeOurException,
+ builder.CreateLoad(exceptionStorage));
+ builder.CreateUnreachable();
+ // Exception Block
+ builder.SetInsertPoint(exceptionBlock);
+ llvm::Function *ehException = module.getFunction("llvm.eh.exception");
+ // Retrieve thrown exception
+ llvm::Value* unwindException = builder.CreateCall(ehException);
+ // Store exception and flag
+ builder.CreateStore(unwindException, exceptionStorage);
+ builder.CreateStore(ourExceptionThrownState, exceptionCaughtFlag);
+ llvm::Function *personality = module.getFunction("ourPersonality");
+ llvm::Value* functPtr =
+ builder.CreatePointerCast(personality,
+ builder.getInt8Ty()->getPointerTo());
+ args.clear();
+ args.push_back(unwindException);
+ args.push_back(functPtr);
+ // Note: Skipping index 0
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < numExceptionsToCatch; ++i) {
+ // Set up type infos to be caught
+ args.push_back(
+ module.getGlobalVariable(
+ ourTypeInfoNames[exceptionTypesToCatch[i]]));
+ }
+ args.push_back(llvm::ConstantInt::get(builder.getInt32Ty(), 0));
+ llvm::Function *ehSelector = module.getFunction("llvm.eh.selector");
+ // Set up this exeption block as the landing pad which will handle
+ // given type infos. See case Intrinsic::eh_selector in
+ // SelectionDAGBuilder::visitIntrinsicCall(...) and AddCatchInfo(...)
+ // implemented in FunctionLoweringInfo.cpp to see how the implementation
+ // handles this call. This landing pad (this exception block), will be
+ // called either because it nees to cleanup (call finally) or a type
+ // info was found which matched the thrown exception.
+ llvm::Value* retTypeInfoIndex = builder.CreateCall(ehSelector,
+ args.begin(),
+ args.end());
+ // Retrieve exception_class member from thrown exception
+ // (_Unwind_Exception instance). This member tells us whether or not
+ // the exception is foreign.
+ llvm::Value* unwindExceptionClass =
+ builder.CreateLoad(
+ builder.CreateStructGEP(
+ builder.CreatePointerCast(
+ unwindException,
+ ourUnwindExceptionType->getPointerTo()),
+ 0));
+ // Branch to the externalExceptionBlock if the exception is foreign or
+ // to a catch router if not. Either way the finally block will be run.
+ builder.CreateCondBr(
+ builder.CreateICmpEQ(unwindExceptionClass,
+ llvm::ConstantInt::get(builder.getInt64Ty(),
+ ourBaseExceptionClass)),
+ exceptionRouteBlock,
+ externalExceptionBlock);
+ // External Exception Block
+ builder.SetInsertPoint(externalExceptionBlock);
+ generateStringPrint(context,
+ module,
+ builder,
+ "Gen: Foreign exception received.\n",
+ // Branch to the finally block
+ builder.CreateBr(finallyBlock);
+ // Exception Route Block
+ builder.SetInsertPoint(exceptionRouteBlock);
+ // Casts exception pointer (_Unwind_Exception instance) to parent
+ // (OurException instance).
+ //
+ // Note: ourBaseFromUnwindOffset is usually negative
+ llvm::Value* typeInfoThrown =
+ builder.CreatePointerCast(
+ builder.CreateConstGEP1_64(unwindException,
+ ourBaseFromUnwindOffset),
+ ourExceptionType->getPointerTo());
+ // Retrieve thrown exception type info type
+ //
+ // Note: Index is not relative to pointer but instead to structure
+ // unlike a true getelementptr (GEP) instruction
+ typeInfoThrown = builder.CreateStructGEP(typeInfoThrown, 0);
+ llvm::Value* typeInfoThrownType =
+ builder.CreateStructGEP(typeInfoThrown, 0);
+ generateIntegerPrint(context,
+ module,
+ builder,
+ *toPrint32Int,
+ *(builder.CreateLoad(typeInfoThrownType)),
+ "Gen: Exception type <%d> received (stack unwound) "
+ " in " +
+ ourId +
+ ".\n",
+ // Route to matched type info catch block or run cleanup finally block
+ llvm::SwitchInst* switchToCatchBlock =
+ builder.CreateSwitch(retTypeInfoIndex,
+ finallyBlock,
+ numExceptionsToCatch);
+ unsigned nextTypeToCatch;
+ for (unsigned i = 1; i <= numExceptionsToCatch; ++i) {
+ nextTypeToCatch = i - 1;
+ switchToCatchBlock->addCase(llvm::ConstantInt::get(
+ llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(context),
+ i),
+ catchBlocks[nextTypeToCatch]);
+ }
+ llvm::verifyFunction(*ret);
+ fpm.run(*ret);
+ return(ret);
+/// Generates function which throws either an exception matched to a runtime
+/// determined type info type (argument to generated function), or if this
+/// runtime value matches nativeThrowType, throws a foreign exception by
+/// calling nativeThrowFunct.
+/// @param module code for module instance
+/// @param builder builder instance
+/// @param fpm a function pass manager holding optional IR to IR
+/// transformations
+/// @param ourId id used to printing purposes
+/// @param nativeThrowType a runtime argument of this value results in
+/// nativeThrowFunct being called to generate/throw exception.
+/// @param nativeThrowFunct function which will throw a foreign exception
+/// if the above nativeThrowType matches generated function's arg.
+/// @returns generated function
+llvm::Function* createThrowExceptionFunction(llvm::Module& module,
+ llvm::IRBuilder<>& builder,
+ llvm::FunctionPassManager& fpm,
+ std::string ourId,
+ int32_t nativeThrowType,
+ llvm::Function& nativeThrowFunct) {
+ llvm::LLVMContext& context = module.getContext();
+ namedValues.clear();
+ ArgTypes unwindArgTypes;
+ unwindArgTypes.push_back(builder.getInt32Ty());
+ ArgNames unwindArgNames;
+ unwindArgNames.push_back("exceptTypeToThrow");
+ llvm::Function *ret = createFunction(module,
+ builder.getVoidTy(),
+ unwindArgTypes,
+ unwindArgNames,
+ ourId,
+ llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage,
+ false,
+ false);
+ // Throws either one of our exception or a native C++ exception depending
+ // on a runtime argument value containing a type info type.
+ llvm::BasicBlock *entryBlock = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context,
+ "entry",
+ ret);
+ // Throws a foreign exception
+ llvm::BasicBlock *nativeThrowBlock =
+ llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context,
+ "nativeThrow",
+ ret);
+ // Throws one of our Exceptions
+ llvm::BasicBlock *generatedThrowBlock =
+ llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context,
+ "generatedThrow",
+ ret);
+ // Retrieved runtime type info type to throw
+ llvm::Value* exceptionType = namedValues["exceptTypeToThrow"];
+ // nativeThrowBlock block
+ builder.SetInsertPoint(nativeThrowBlock);
+ // Throws foreign exception
+ builder.CreateCall(&nativeThrowFunct, exceptionType);
+ builder.CreateUnreachable();
+ // entry block
+ builder.SetInsertPoint(entryBlock);
+ llvm::Function *toPrint32Int = module.getFunction("print32Int");
+ generateIntegerPrint(context,
+ module,
+ builder,
+ *toPrint32Int,
+ *exceptionType,
+ "\nGen: About to throw exception type <%d> in " +
+ ourId +
+ ".\n",
+ // Switches on runtime type info type value to determine whether or not
+ // a foreign exception is thrown. Defaults to throwing one of our
+ // generated exceptions.
+ llvm::SwitchInst* theSwitch = builder.CreateSwitch(exceptionType,
+ generatedThrowBlock,
+ 1);
+ theSwitch->addCase(llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(context),
+ nativeThrowType),
+ nativeThrowBlock);
+ // generatedThrow block
+ builder.SetInsertPoint(generatedThrowBlock);
+ llvm::Function *createOurException =
+ module.getFunction("createOurException");
+ llvm::Function *raiseOurException =
+ module.getFunction("_Unwind_RaiseException");
+ // Creates exception to throw with runtime type info type.
+ llvm::Value* exception =
+ builder.CreateCall(createOurException,
+ namedValues["exceptTypeToThrow"]);
+ // Throw generated Exception
+ builder.CreateCall(raiseOurException, exception);
+ builder.CreateUnreachable();
+ llvm::verifyFunction(*ret);
+ fpm.run(*ret);
+ return(ret);
+static void createStandardUtilityFunctions(unsigned numTypeInfos,
+ llvm::Module& module,
+ llvm::IRBuilder<>& builder);
+/// Creates test code by generating and organizing these functions into the
+/// test case. The test case consists of an outer function setup to invoke
+/// an inner function within an environment having multiple catch and single
+/// finally blocks. This inner function is also setup to invoke a throw
+/// function within an evironment similar in nature to the outer function's
+/// catch and finally blocks. Each of these two functions catch mutually
+/// exclusive subsets (even or odd) of the type info types configured
+/// for this this. All generated functions have a runtime argument which
+/// holds a type info type to throw that each function takes and passes it
+/// to the inner one if such a inner function exists. This type info type is
+/// looked at by the generated throw function to see whether or not it should
+/// throw a generated exception with the same type info type, or instead call
+/// a supplied a function which in turn will throw a foreign exception.
+/// @param module code for module instance
+/// @param builder builder instance
+/// @param fpm a function pass manager holding optional IR to IR
+/// transformations
+/// @param nativeThrowFunctName name of external function which will throw
+/// a foreign exception
+/// @returns outermost generated test function.
+llvm::Function* createUnwindExceptionTest(llvm::Module& module,
+ llvm::IRBuilder<>& builder,
+ llvm::FunctionPassManager& fpm,
+ std::string nativeThrowFunctName) {
+ // Number of type infos to generate
+ unsigned numTypeInfos = 6;
+ // Initialze intrisics and external functions to use along with exception
+ // and type info globals.
+ createStandardUtilityFunctions(numTypeInfos,
+ module,
+ builder);
+ llvm::Function *nativeThrowFunct =
+ module.getFunction(nativeThrowFunctName);
+ // Create exception throw function using the value ~0 to cause
+ // foreign exceptions to be thrown.
+ llvm::Function* throwFunct =
+ createThrowExceptionFunction(module,
+ builder,
+ fpm,
+ "throwFunct",
+ ~0,
+ *nativeThrowFunct);
+ // Inner function will catch even type infos
+ unsigned innerExceptionTypesToCatch[] = {6, 2, 4};
+ size_t numExceptionTypesToCatch = sizeof(innerExceptionTypesToCatch) /
+ sizeof(unsigned);
+ // Generate inner function.
+ llvm::Function* innerCatchFunct =
+ createCatchWrappedInvokeFunction(module,
+ builder,
+ fpm,
+ *throwFunct,
+ "innerCatchFunct",
+ numExceptionTypesToCatch,
+ innerExceptionTypesToCatch);
+ // Outer function will catch odd type infos
+ unsigned outerExceptionTypesToCatch[] = {3, 1, 5};
+ numExceptionTypesToCatch = sizeof(outerExceptionTypesToCatch) /
+ sizeof(unsigned);
+ // Generate outer function
+ llvm::Function* outerCatchFunct =
+ createCatchWrappedInvokeFunction(module,
+ builder,
+ fpm,
+ *innerCatchFunct,
+ "outerCatchFunct",
+ numExceptionTypesToCatch,
+ outerExceptionTypesToCatch);
+ // Return outer function to run
+ return(outerCatchFunct);
+/// Represents our foreign exceptions
+class OurCppRunException : public std::runtime_error {
+ OurCppRunException(const std::string reason) :
+ std::runtime_error(reason) {}
+ OurCppRunException (const OurCppRunException& toCopy) :
+ std::runtime_error(toCopy) {}
+ OurCppRunException& operator = (const OurCppRunException& toCopy) {
+ return(reinterpret_cast<OurCppRunException&>(
+ std::runtime_error::operator = (toCopy)
+ ));
+ }
+ ~OurCppRunException (void) throw () {};
+/// Throws foreign C++ exception.
+/// @param ignoreIt unused parameter that allows function to match implied
+/// generated function contract.
+extern "C"
+void throwCppException (int32_t ignoreIt) {
+ throw(OurCppRunException("thrown by throwCppException(...)"));
+typedef void (*OurExceptionThrowFunctType) (int32_t typeToThrow);
+/// This is a test harness which runs test by executing generated
+/// function with a type info type to throw. Harness wraps the excecution
+/// of generated function in a C++ try catch clause.
+/// @param engine execution engine to use for executing generated function.
+/// This demo program expects this to be a JIT instance for demo
+/// purposes.
+/// @param function generated test function to run
+/// @param typeToThrow type info type of generated exception to throw, or
+/// indicator to cause foreign exception to be thrown.
+void runExceptionThrow(llvm::ExecutionEngine* engine,
+ llvm::Function* function,
+ int32_t typeToThrow) {
+ // Find test's function pointer
+ OurExceptionThrowFunctType functPtr =
+ reinterpret_cast<OurExceptionThrowFunctType>(
+ reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
+ engine->getPointerToFunction(function)
+ )
+ );
+ try {
+ // Run test
+ (*functPtr)(typeToThrow);
+ }
+ catch (OurCppRunException exc) {
+ // Catch foreign C++ exception
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "\nrunExceptionThrow(...):In C++ catch OurCppRunException "
+ "with reason: %s.\n",
+ exc.what());
+ }
+ catch (...) {
+ // Catch all exceptions including our generated ones. I'm not sure
+ // why this latter functionality should work, as it seems that
+ // our exceptions should be foreign to C++ (the _Unwind_Exception::
+ // exception_class should be different from the one used by C++), and
+ // therefore C++ should ignore the generated exceptions.
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "\nrunExceptionThrow(...):In C++ catch all.\n");
+ }
+// End test functions
+/// This initialization routine creates type info globals and
+/// adds external function declarations to module.
+/// @param numTypeInfos number of linear type info associated type info types
+/// to create as GlobalVariable instances, starting with the value 1.
+/// @param module code for module instance
+/// @param builder builder instance
+static void createStandardUtilityFunctions(unsigned numTypeInfos,
+ llvm::Module& module,
+ llvm::IRBuilder<>& builder) {
+ llvm::LLVMContext& context = module.getContext();
+ // Exception initializations
+ // Setup exception catch state
+ ourExceptionNotThrownState =
+ llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(context), 0),
+ ourExceptionThrownState =
+ llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(context), 1),
+ ourExceptionCaughtState =
+ llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(context), 2),
+ // Create our type info type
+ ourTypeInfoType = llvm::StructType::get(context,
+ builder.getInt32Ty(),
+ NULL);
+ // Create OurException type
+ ourExceptionType = llvm::StructType::get(context,
+ ourTypeInfoType,
+ NULL);
+ // Create portion of _Unwind_Exception type
+ //
+ // Note: Declaring only a portion of the _Unwind_Exception struct.
+ // Does this cause problems?
+ ourUnwindExceptionType = llvm::StructType::get(context,
+ builder.getInt64Ty(),
+ NULL);
+ struct OurBaseException_t dummyException;
+ // Calculate offset of OurException::unwindException member.
+ ourBaseFromUnwindOffset = ((uintptr_t) &dummyException) -
+ ((uintptr_t) &(dummyException.unwindException));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "createStandardUtilityFunctions(...):ourBaseFromUnwindOffset "
+ "= %lld, sizeof(struct OurBaseException_t) - "
+ "sizeof(struct _Unwind_Exception) = %lu.\n",
+ ourBaseFromUnwindOffset,
+ sizeof(struct OurBaseException_t) -
+ sizeof(struct _Unwind_Exception));
+ size_t numChars = sizeof(ourBaseExcpClassChars) / sizeof(char);
+ // Create our _Unwind_Exception::exception_class value
+ ourBaseExceptionClass = genClass(ourBaseExcpClassChars, numChars);
+ // Type infos
+ std::string baseStr = "typeInfo", typeInfoName;
+ std::ostringstream typeInfoNameBuilder;
+ std::vector<llvm::Constant*> structVals;
+ llvm::Constant *nextStruct;
+ llvm::GlobalVariable* nextGlobal = NULL;
+ // Generate each type info
+ //
+ // Note: First type info is not used.
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i <= numTypeInfos; ++i) {
+ structVals.clear();
+ structVals.push_back(llvm::ConstantInt::get(builder.getInt32Ty(), i));
+ nextStruct = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(ourTypeInfoType, structVals);
+ typeInfoNameBuilder.str("");
+ typeInfoNameBuilder << baseStr << i;
+ typeInfoName = typeInfoNameBuilder.str();
+ // Note: Does not seem to work without allocation
+ nextGlobal =
+ new llvm::GlobalVariable(module,
+ ourTypeInfoType,
+ true,
+ llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
+ nextStruct,
+ typeInfoName);
+ ourTypeInfoNames.push_back(typeInfoName);
+ ourTypeInfoNamesIndex[i] = typeInfoName;
+ }
+ ArgNames argNames;
+ ArgTypes argTypes;
+ llvm::Function* funct = NULL;
+ // print32Int
+ const llvm::Type* retType = builder.getVoidTy();
+ argTypes.clear();
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt32Ty());
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt8Ty()->getPointerTo());
+ argNames.clear();
+ createFunction(module,
+ retType,
+ argTypes,
+ argNames,
+ "print32Int",
+ llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage,
+ true,
+ false);
+ // print64Int
+ retType = builder.getVoidTy();
+ argTypes.clear();
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt64Ty());
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt8Ty()->getPointerTo());
+ argNames.clear();
+ createFunction(module,
+ retType,
+ argTypes,
+ argNames,
+ "print64Int",
+ llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage,
+ true,
+ false);
+ // printStr
+ retType = builder.getVoidTy();
+ argTypes.clear();
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt8Ty()->getPointerTo());
+ argNames.clear();
+ createFunction(module,
+ retType,
+ argTypes,
+ argNames,
+ "printStr",
+ llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage,
+ true,
+ false);
+ // throwCppException
+ retType = builder.getVoidTy();
+ argTypes.clear();
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt32Ty());
+ argNames.clear();
+ createFunction(module,
+ retType,
+ argTypes,
+ argNames,
+ "throwCppException",
+ llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage,
+ true,
+ false);
+ // deleteOurException
+ retType = builder.getVoidTy();
+ argTypes.clear();
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt8Ty()->getPointerTo());
+ argNames.clear();
+ createFunction(module,
+ retType,
+ argTypes,
+ argNames,
+ "deleteOurException",
+ llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage,
+ true,
+ false);
+ // createOurException
+ retType = builder.getInt8Ty()->getPointerTo();
+ argTypes.clear();
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt32Ty());
+ argNames.clear();
+ createFunction(module,
+ retType,
+ argTypes,
+ argNames,
+ "createOurException",
+ llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage,
+ true,
+ false);
+ // _Unwind_RaiseException
+ retType = builder.getInt32Ty();
+ argTypes.clear();
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt8Ty()->getPointerTo());
+ argNames.clear();
+ funct = createFunction(module,
+ retType,
+ argTypes,
+ argNames,
+ "_Unwind_RaiseException",
+ llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage,
+ true,
+ false);
+ funct->addFnAttr(llvm::Attribute::NoReturn);
+ // _Unwind_Resume
+ retType = builder.getInt32Ty();
+ argTypes.clear();
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt8Ty()->getPointerTo());
+ argNames.clear();
+ funct = createFunction(module,
+ retType,
+ argTypes,
+ argNames,
+ "_Unwind_Resume",
+ llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage,
+ true,
+ false);
+ funct->addFnAttr(llvm::Attribute::NoReturn);
+ // ourPersonality
+ retType = builder.getInt32Ty();
+ argTypes.clear();
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt32Ty());
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt32Ty());
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt64Ty());
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt8Ty()->getPointerTo());
+ argTypes.push_back(builder.getInt8Ty()->getPointerTo());
+ argNames.clear();
+ createFunction(module,
+ retType,
+ argTypes,
+ argNames,
+ "ourPersonality",
+ llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage,
+ true,
+ false);
+ // llvm.eh.selector intrinsic
+ getDeclaration(&module, llvm::Intrinsic::eh_selector);
+ // llvm.eh.exception intrinsic
+ getDeclaration(&module, llvm::Intrinsic::eh_exception);
+ // llvm.eh.typeid.for intrinsic
+ getDeclaration(&module, llvm::Intrinsic::eh_typeid_for);
+// Main test driver code.
+/// Demo main routine which takes the type info types to throw. A test will
+/// be run for each given type info type. While type info types with the value
+/// of -1 will trigger a foreign C++ exception to be thrown; type info types
+/// <= 6 and >= 1 will be caught by test functions; and type info types > 6
+/// will result in exceptions which pass through to the test harness. All other
+/// type info types are not supported and could cause a crash.
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "\nUsage: ExceptionDemo <exception type to throw> "
+ "[<type 2>...<type n>].\n"
+ " Each type must have the value of 1 - 6 for "
+ "generated exceptions to be caught;\n"
+ " the value -1 for foreign C++ exceptions to be "
+ "generated and thrown;\n"
+ " or the values > 6 for exceptions to be ignored.\n"
+ "\nTry: ExceptionDemo 2 3 7 -1\n"
+ " for a full test.\n\n");
+ return(0);
+ }
+ // If not set, exception handling will not be turned on
+ llvm::DwarfExceptionHandling = true;
+ llvm::InitializeNativeTarget();
+ llvm::LLVMContext& context = llvm::getGlobalContext();
+ llvm::IRBuilder<> theBuilder(context);
+ // Make the module, which holds all the code.
+ llvm::Module* module = new llvm::Module("my cool jit", context);
+ // Build engine with JIT
+ llvm::EngineBuilder factory(module);
+ factory.setEngineKind(llvm::EngineKind::JIT);
+ factory.setAllocateGVsWithCode(false);
+ llvm::ExecutionEngine* executionEngine = factory.create();
+ {
+ llvm::FunctionPassManager fpm(module);
+ // Set up the optimizer pipeline.
+ // Start with registering info about how the
+ // target lays out data structures.
+ fpm.add(new llvm::TargetData(*executionEngine->getTargetData()));
+ // Optimizations turned on
+ // Promote allocas to registers.
+ fpm.add(llvm::createPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass());
+ // Do simple "peephole" optimizations and bit-twiddling optzns.
+ fpm.add(llvm::createInstructionCombiningPass());
+ // Reassociate expressions.
+ fpm.add(llvm::createReassociatePass());
+ // Eliminate Common SubExpressions.
+ fpm.add(llvm::createGVNPass());
+ // Simplify the control flow graph (deleting unreachable
+ // blocks, etc).
+ fpm.add(llvm::createCFGSimplificationPass());
+#endif // ADD_OPT_PASSES
+ fpm.doInitialization();
+ // Generate test code using function throwCppException(...) as
+ // the function which throws foreign exceptions.
+ llvm::Function* toRun =
+ createUnwindExceptionTest(*module,
+ theBuilder,
+ fpm,
+ "throwCppException");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nBegin module dump:\n\n");
+ module->dump();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nEnd module dump:\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nBegin Test:\n");
+ for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
+ // Run test for each argument whose value is the exception
+ // type to throw.
+ runExceptionThrow(executionEngine,
+ toRun,
+ (unsigned) strtoul(argv[i], NULL, 10));
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nEnd Test:\n\n");
+ }
+ delete executionEngine;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ExceptionDemo/Makefile b/examples/ExceptionDemo/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06bba66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ExceptionDemo/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+##===- examples/ExceptionDemo/Makefile --------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+LEVEL = ../..
+TOOLNAME = ExceptionDemo
+LINK_COMPONENTS := jit interpreter nativecodegen
+include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.common
+CXXFLAGS += -fexceptions
diff --git a/examples/Makefile b/examples/Makefile
index eb5dabd..488d589 100644
--- a/examples/Makefile
+++ b/examples/Makefile
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ LEVEL=..
include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.config
-PARALLEL_DIRS:= BrainF Fibonacci HowToUseJIT Kaleidoscope ModuleMaker
+PARALLEL_DIRS:= BrainF Fibonacci HowToUseJIT Kaleidoscope ModuleMaker \
+ ExceptionDemo
ifeq ($(HAVE_PTHREAD),1)