path: root/docs/TestingGuide.rst
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diff --git a/docs/TestingGuide.rst b/docs/TestingGuide.rst
index 69d2422..329003f 100644
--- a/docs/TestingGuide.rst
+++ b/docs/TestingGuide.rst
@@ -335,200 +335,10 @@ to verify that the output of a tools contains a series of different
output in a specific order. The FileCheck tool was designed to help with
these problems.
-FileCheck (whose basic command line arguments are described in `the
-FileCheck man page <http://llvm.org/cmds/FileCheck.html>`_ is designed
-to read a file to check from standard input, and the set of things to
-verify from a file specified as a command line argument. A simple
-example of using FileCheck from a RUN line looks like this:
-.. code-block:: llvm
- ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -march=x86-64 | FileCheck %s
-This syntax says to pipe the current file ("%s") into llvm-as, pipe that
-into llc, then pipe the output of llc into FileCheck. This means that
-FileCheck will be verifying its standard input (the llc output) against
-the filename argument specified (the original .ll file specified by
-"%s"). To see how this works, let's look at the rest of the .ll file
-(after the RUN line):
-.. code-block:: llvm
- define void @sub1(i32* %p, i32 %v) {
- entry:
- ; CHECK: sub1:
- ; CHECK: subl
- %0 = tail call i32 @llvm.atomic.load.sub.i32.p0i32(i32* %p, i32 %v)
- ret void
- }
- define void @inc4(i64* %p) {
- entry:
- ; CHECK: inc4:
- ; CHECK: incq
- %0 = tail call i64 @llvm.atomic.load.add.i64.p0i64(i64* %p, i64 1)
- ret void
- }
-Here you can see some "CHECK:" lines specified in comments. Now you can
-see how the file is piped into llvm-as, then llc, and the machine code
-output is what we are verifying. FileCheck checks the machine code
-output to verify that it matches what the "CHECK:" lines specify.
-The syntax of the CHECK: lines is very simple: they are fixed strings
-that must occur in order. FileCheck defaults to ignoring horizontal
-whitespace differences (e.g. a space is allowed to match a tab) but
-otherwise, the contents of the CHECK: line is required to match some
-thing in the test file exactly.
-One nice thing about FileCheck (compared to grep) is that it allows
-merging test cases together into logical groups. For example, because
-the test above is checking for the "sub1:" and "inc4:" labels, it will
-not match unless there is a "subl" in between those labels. If it
-existed somewhere else in the file, that would not count: "grep subl"
-matches if subl exists anywhere in the file.
-The FileCheck -check-prefix option
-The FileCheck -check-prefix option allows multiple test configurations
-to be driven from one .ll file. This is useful in many circumstances,
-for example, testing different architectural variants with llc. Here's a
-simple example:
-.. code-block:: llvm
- ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -mtriple=i686-apple-darwin9 -mattr=sse41 \
- ; RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=X32
- ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -mtriple=x86_64-apple-darwin9 -mattr=sse41 \
- ; RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=X64
- define <4 x i32> @pinsrd_1(i32 %s, <4 x i32> %tmp) nounwind {
- %tmp1 = insertelement <4 x i32> %tmp, i32 %s, i32 1
- ret <4 x i32> %tmp1
- ; X32: pinsrd_1:
- ; X32: pinsrd $1, 4(%esp), %xmm0
- ; X64: pinsrd_1:
- ; X64: pinsrd $1, %edi, %xmm0
- }
-In this case, we're testing that we get the expected code generation
-with both 32-bit and 64-bit code generation.
-The "CHECK-NEXT:" directive
-Sometimes you want to match lines and would like to verify that matches
-happen on exactly consecutive lines with no other lines in between them.
-In this case, you can use CHECK: and CHECK-NEXT: directives to specify
-this. If you specified a custom check prefix, just use "<PREFIX>-NEXT:".
-For example, something like this works as you'd expect:
-.. code-block:: llvm
- define void @t2(<2 x double>* %r, <2 x double>* %A, double %B) {
- %tmp3 = load <2 x double>* %A, align 16
- %tmp7 = insertelement <2 x double> undef, double %B, i32 0
- %tmp9 = shufflevector <2 x double> %tmp3,
- <2 x double> %tmp7,
- <2 x i32> < i32 0, i32 2 >
- store <2 x double> %tmp9, <2 x double>* %r, align 16
- ret void
- ; CHECK: t2:
- ; CHECK: movl 8(%esp), %eax
- ; CHECK-NEXT: movapd (%eax), %xmm0
- ; CHECK-NEXT: movhpd 12(%esp), %xmm0
- ; CHECK-NEXT: movl 4(%esp), %eax
- ; CHECK-NEXT: movapd %xmm0, (%eax)
- ; CHECK-NEXT: ret
- }
-CHECK-NEXT: directives reject the input unless there is exactly one
-newline between it an the previous directive. A CHECK-NEXT cannot be the
-first directive in a file.
-The "CHECK-NOT:" directive
-The CHECK-NOT: directive is used to verify that a string doesn't occur
-between two matches (or the first match and the beginning of the file).
-For example, to verify that a load is removed by a transformation, a
-test like this can be used:
-.. code-block:: llvm
- define i8 @coerce_offset0(i32 %V, i32* %P) {
- store i32 %V, i32* %P
- %P2 = bitcast i32* %P to i8*
- %P3 = getelementptr i8* %P2, i32 2
- %A = load i8* %P3
- ret i8 %A
- ; CHECK: @coerce_offset0
- ; CHECK-NOT: load
- ; CHECK: ret i8
- }
-FileCheck Pattern Matching Syntax
-The CHECK: and CHECK-NOT: directives both take a pattern to match. For
-most uses of FileCheck, fixed string matching is perfectly sufficient.
-For some things, a more flexible form of matching is desired. To support
-this, FileCheck allows you to specify regular expressions in matching
-strings, surrounded by double braces: ``{{yourregex}}``. Because we want
-to use fixed string matching for a majority of what we do, FileCheck has
-been designed to support mixing and matching fixed string matching with
-regular expressions. This allows you to write things like this:
-.. code-block:: llvm
- ; CHECK: movhpd {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), {{%xmm[0-7]}}
-In this case, any offset from the ESP register will be allowed, and any
-xmm register will be allowed.
-Because regular expressions are enclosed with double braces, they are
-visually distinct, and you don't need to use escape characters within
-the double braces like you would in C. In the rare case that you want to
-match double braces explicitly from the input, you can use something
-ugly like ``{{[{][{]}}`` as your pattern.
-FileCheck Variables
-It is often useful to match a pattern and then verify that it occurs
-again later in the file. For codegen tests, this can be useful to allow
-any register, but verify that that register is used consistently later.
-To do this, FileCheck allows named variables to be defined and
-substituted into patterns. Here is a simple example:
-.. code-block:: llvm
- ; CHECK: test5:
- ; CHECK: notw [[REGISTER:%[a-z]+]]
- ; CHECK: andw {{.*}}[[REGISTER]]
-The first check line matches a regex (``%[a-z]+``) and captures it into
-the variables "REGISTER". The second line verifies that whatever is in
-REGISTER occurs later in the file after an "andw". FileCheck variable
-references are always contained in ``[[ ]]`` pairs, are named, and their
-names can be formed with the regex "``[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*``". If a
-colon follows the name, then it is a definition of the variable, if not,
-it is a use.
-FileCheck variables can be defined multiple times, and uses always get
-the latest value. Note that variables are all read at the start of a
-"CHECK" line and are all defined at the end. This means that if you have
-something like "``CHECK: [[XYZ:.*]]x[[XYZ]]``" that the check line will
-read the previous value of the XYZ variable and define a new one after
-the match is performed. If you need to do something like this you can
-probably take advantage of the fact that FileCheck is not actually
-line-oriented when it matches, this allows you to define two separate
-CHECK lines that match on the same line.
+FileCheck is designed to read a file to check from standard input, and the set
+of things to verify from a file specified as a command line argument.
+FileCheck is described in :doc:`the FileCheck man page
Variables and substitutions