path: root/lib/Target/PIC16/PIC16PAN.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Target/PIC16/PIC16PAN.h')
1 files changed, 421 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Target/PIC16/PIC16PAN.h b/lib/Target/PIC16/PIC16PAN.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cca8f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Target/PIC16/PIC16PAN.h
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+//===-- PIC16PAN.h - PIC16 ABI Naming conventions --*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file contains the entry points for global functions defined in
+// the LLVM PIC16 back-end.
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
+#include "llvm/Function.h"
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <string>
+namespace llvm {
+ // A Central class to manage all ABI naming conventions.
+ // PAN - [P]ic16 [A]BI [N]ames
+ class PAN {
+ public:
+ // Map the name of the symbol to its section name.
+ // Current ABI:
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ // ALL Names are prefixed with the symobl '@'.
+ // ------------------------------------------------------
+ // Global variables do not have any '.' in their names.
+ // These are maily function names and global variable names.
+ // Example - @foo, @i
+ // -------------------------------------------------------
+ // Functions and auto variables.
+ // Names are mangled as <prefix><funcname>.<tag>.<varname>
+ // Where <prefix> is '@' and <tag> is any one of
+ // the following
+ // .auto. - an automatic var of a function.
+ // .temp. - temproray data of a function.
+ // .ret. - return value label for a function.
+ // .frame. - Frame label for a function where retval, args
+ // and temps are stored.
+ // .args. - Label used to pass arguments to a direct call.
+ // Example - Function name: @foo
+ // Its frame: @foo.frame.
+ // Its retval: @foo.ret.
+ // Its local vars: @foo.auto.a
+ // Its temp data: @foo.temp.
+ // Its arg passing: @foo.args.
+ //----------------------------------------------
+ // Libcall - compiler generated libcall names must start with .lib.
+ // This id will be used to emit extern decls for libcalls.
+ // Example - libcall name: @.lib.sra.i8
+ // To pass args: @.lib.sra.i8.args.
+ // To return val: @.lib.sra.i8.ret.
+ //----------------------------------------------
+ // SECTION Names
+ // uninitialized globals - @udata.<num>.#
+ // initialized globals - @idata.<num>.#
+ // Function frame - @<func>.frame_section.
+ // Function autos - @<func>.autos_section.
+ // Declarations - Enclosed in comments. No section for them.
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ // Tags used to mangle different names.
+ enum TAGS {
+ };
+ enum CallLine {
+ MainLine,
+ InterruptLine,
+ SharedLine,
+ UnspecifiedLine
+ };
+ // Textual names of the tags.
+ inline static const char *getTagName(TAGS tag) {
+ switch (tag) {
+ default: return "";
+ case PREFIX_SYMBOL: return "@";
+ case AUTOS_LABEL: return ".auto.";
+ case FRAME_LABEL: return ".frame.";
+ case TEMPS_LABEL: return ".temp.";
+ case ARGS_LABEL: return ".args.";
+ case RET_LABEL: return ".ret.";
+ case LIBCALL: return ".lib.";
+ case FRAME_SECTION: return ".frame_section.";
+ case AUTOS_SECTION: return ".autos_section.";
+ case CODE_SECTION: return ".code_section.";
+ }
+ }
+ inline static bool isISR(const Function *F) {
+ if (F->getSection().find("interrupt") != std::string::npos)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline static bool isInterruptLineFunction(const Function *F) {
+ if (isISR(F)) return true;
+ if (F->getSection().find("IL") != std::string::npos)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline static bool isMainLineFunction(const Function *F) {
+ if (F->getSection().find("ML") != std::string::npos)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline static bool isSharedLineFunction(const Function *F) {
+ if (F->getSection().find("SL") != std::string::npos)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline static const char *getUpdatedLibCallDecl(const char *Name,
+ const Function *F) {
+ // If the current function is not an interrupt line function then
+ // there is no need to change the name.
+ if (!isInterruptLineFunction(F))
+ return Name;
+ // CAUTION::This code may cause some memory leak and at times
+ // use more memory than required.
+ // (We will try to clean it sometime later)
+ // InterruptLine functions should hold ".IL" suffix and
+ char *NewName = (char *)malloc(strlen(Name) + 3 + 1);
+ strcpy(NewName, Name);
+ strcat(NewName, ".IL");
+ return NewName;
+ }
+ inline static void updateCallLineAutos(std::string &Sym, std::string FuncName) {
+ // If the function has ".IL" in its name then it must be
+ // a cloned function and autos for such a function should also
+ // have ".IL" in their name. So update them here.
+ if (FuncName.find(".IL") != std::string::npos)
+ Sym.replace(Sym.find(".auto"), 5, ".IL.auto");
+ }
+ // Insert ".IL" at proper location in the ARGS and RET symbols
+ inline static void updateCallLineLibcall(std::string &Sym) {
+ std::string SubStr;
+ std::size_t pos;
+ std::string Suffix;
+ if (getSymbolTag(Sym) == ARGS_LABEL) {
+ Suffix = getTagName(ARGS_LABEL);
+ pos = Sym.find(Suffix);
+ SubStr = Sym.substr(0,pos);
+ } else if (getSymbolTag(Sym) == RET_LABEL) {
+ Suffix = getTagName(RET_LABEL);
+ pos = Sym.find(Suffix);
+ SubStr = Sym.substr(0,pos);
+ } else {
+ SubStr = Sym;
+ Suffix = "";
+ }
+ Sym = SubStr + ".IL" + Suffix;
+ }
+ inline static void updateCallLineSymbol(std::string &Sym, CallLine CLine) {
+ if (isLIBCALLSymbol(Sym) && CLine == InterruptLine) {
+ updateCallLineLibcall(Sym);
+ return;
+ }
+ // UnMangle the function name - mangled in llvm-ld
+ // For MainLine function the shared string should be removed
+ // and for InterruptLine function the shared string should be
+ // replaced with ".IL"
+ std::string ReplaceString="";
+ if (CLine == MainLine || CLine == UnspecifiedLine)
+ ReplaceString = "";
+ else if (CLine == InterruptLine)
+ ReplaceString = ".IL";
+ std::string FindString = ".shared";
+ if (Sym.find(FindString) != std::string::npos) {
+ Sym.replace(Sym.find(FindString), FindString.length(), ReplaceString);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ inline static void updateCallLineSymbol(std::string &Sym,
+ const Function *F) {
+ // If it is an auto symbol then it should be updated accordingly
+ if (Sym.find(".auto") != std::string::npos) {
+ updateCallLineAutos(Sym, F->getName().str());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isMainLineFunction(F))
+ updateCallLineSymbol(Sym, MainLine);
+ else if (isInterruptLineFunction(F))
+ updateCallLineSymbol(Sym, InterruptLine);
+ else
+ updateCallLineSymbol(Sym, UnspecifiedLine);
+ }
+ inline static bool isLIBCALLSymbol(const std::string &Sym) {
+ if (Sym.find(getTagName(LIBCALL)) != std::string::npos)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Get tag type for the Symbol.
+ inline static TAGS getSymbolTag(const std::string &Sym) {
+ if (Sym.find(getTagName(TEMPS_LABEL)) != std::string::npos)
+ return TEMPS_LABEL;
+ if (Sym.find(getTagName(FRAME_LABEL)) != std::string::npos)
+ return FRAME_LABEL;
+ if (Sym.find(getTagName(RET_LABEL)) != std::string::npos)
+ return RET_LABEL;
+ if (Sym.find(getTagName(ARGS_LABEL)) != std::string::npos)
+ return ARGS_LABEL;
+ if (Sym.find(getTagName(AUTOS_LABEL)) != std::string::npos)
+ return AUTOS_LABEL;
+ if (Sym.find(getTagName(LIBCALL)) != std::string::npos)
+ return LIBCALL;
+ // It does not have any Tag. So its a true global or static local.
+ if (Sym.find(".") == std::string::npos)
+ return GLOBAL;
+ // If a . is there, then it may be static local.
+ // We should mangle these as well in clang.
+ if (Sym.find(".") != std::string::npos)
+ return STATIC_LOCAL;
+ assert (0 && "Could not determine Symbol's tag");
+ return PREFIX_SYMBOL; // Silence warning when assertions are turned off.
+ }
+ // addPrefix - add prefix symbol to a name if there isn't one already.
+ inline static std::string addPrefix (const std::string &Name) {
+ std::string prefix = getTagName (PREFIX_SYMBOL);
+ // If this name already has a prefix, nothing to do.
+ if (Name.compare(0, prefix.size(), prefix) == 0)
+ return Name;
+ return prefix + Name;
+ }
+ // Get mangled func name from a mangled sym name.
+ // In all cases func name is the first component before a '.'.
+ static inline std::string getFuncNameForSym(const std::string &Sym1) {
+ assert (getSymbolTag(Sym1) != GLOBAL && "not belongs to a function");
+ std::string Sym = addPrefix(Sym1);
+ // Position of the . after func name. That's where func name ends.
+ size_t func_name_end = Sym.find ('.');
+ return Sym.substr (0, func_name_end);
+ }
+ // Get Frame start label for a func.
+ static std::string getFrameLabel(const std::string &Func) {
+ std::string Func1 = addPrefix(Func);
+ std::string tag = getTagName(FRAME_LABEL);
+ return Func1 + tag;
+ }
+ static std::string getRetvalLabel(const std::string &Func) {
+ std::string Func1 = addPrefix(Func);
+ std::string tag = getTagName(RET_LABEL);
+ return Func1 + tag;
+ }
+ static std::string getArgsLabel(const std::string &Func) {
+ std::string Func1 = addPrefix(Func);
+ std::string tag = getTagName(ARGS_LABEL);
+ return Func1 + tag;
+ }
+ static std::string getTempdataLabel(const std::string &Func) {
+ std::string Func1 = addPrefix(Func);
+ std::string tag = getTagName(TEMPS_LABEL);
+ return Func1 + tag;
+ }
+ static std::string getFrameSectionName(const std::string &Func) {
+ std::string Func1 = addPrefix(Func);
+ std::string tag = getTagName(FRAME_SECTION);
+ return Func1 + tag + "# UDATA_OVR";
+ }
+ static std::string getAutosSectionName(const std::string &Func) {
+ std::string Func1 = addPrefix(Func);
+ std::string tag = getTagName(AUTOS_SECTION);
+ return Func1 + tag + "# UDATA_OVR";
+ }
+ static std::string getCodeSectionName(const std::string &Func, bool isInterrupt) {
+ std::string Func1 = addPrefix(Func);
+ std::string tag = getTagName(CODE_SECTION);
+ std::string Name = Func1 + tag + "# CODE";
+ // If this is an interrupt function then the code section should
+ // be placed at address 0x4 (hard)
+ if (isInterrupt)
+ Name += " 0x4";
+ return Name;
+ }
+ // udata, romdata and idata section names are generated by a given number.
+ // @udata.<num>.#
+ static std::string getUdataSectionName(unsigned num,
+ std::string prefix = "") {
+ std::ostringstream o;
+ o << getTagName(PREFIX_SYMBOL) << prefix << "udata." << num
+ << ".# UDATA";
+ return o.str();
+ }
+ static std::string getRomdataSectionName(unsigned num,
+ std::string prefix = "") {
+ std::ostringstream o;
+ o << getTagName(PREFIX_SYMBOL) << prefix << "romdata." << num
+ << ".# ROMDATA";
+ return o.str();
+ }
+ static std::string getIdataSectionName(unsigned num,
+ std::string prefix = "") {
+ std::ostringstream o;
+ o << getTagName(PREFIX_SYMBOL) << prefix << "idata." << num
+ << ".# IDATA";
+ return o.str();
+ }
+ inline static bool isLocalName (const std::string &Name) {
+ if (getSymbolTag(Name) == AUTOS_LABEL)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline static bool isMemIntrinsic (const std::string &Name) {
+ if (Name.compare("@memcpy") == 0 || Name.compare("@memset") == 0 ||
+ Name.compare("@memmove") == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline static bool isLocalToFunc (std::string &Func, std::string &Var) {
+ if (! isLocalName(Var)) return false;
+ std::string Func1 = addPrefix(Func);
+ // Extract func name of the varilable.
+ const std::string &fname = getFuncNameForSym(Var);
+ if (fname.compare(Func1) == 0)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Get the section for the given external symbol names.
+ // This tries to find the type (Tag) of the symbol from its mangled name
+ // and return appropriate section name for it.
+ static inline std::string getSectionNameForSym(const std::string &Sym1) {
+ std::string Sym = addPrefix(Sym1);
+ std::string SectionName;
+ std::string Fname = getFuncNameForSym (Sym);
+ TAGS id = getSymbolTag (Sym);
+ switch (id) {
+ default : assert (0 && "Could not determine external symbol type");
+ case RET_LABEL:
+ case ARGS_LABEL: {
+ return getFrameSectionName(Fname);
+ }
+ case AUTOS_LABEL: {
+ return getAutosSectionName(Fname);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }; // class PAN.
+} // end namespace llvm;