path: root/test
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1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/X86/avx512-trunc-ext.ll b/test/CodeGen/X86/avx512-trunc-ext.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4f9a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/X86/avx512-trunc-ext.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-apple-darwin -mcpu=knl | FileCheck %s
+; CHECK-LABEL: trunc_16x32_to_16x8
+; CHECK: vpmovdb
+; CHECK: ret
+define <16 x i8> @trunc_16x32_to_16x8(<16 x i32> %i) nounwind readnone {
+ %x = trunc <16 x i32> %i to <16 x i8>
+ ret <16 x i8> %x
+; CHECK-LABEL: trunc_8x64_to_8x16
+; CHECK: vpmovqw
+; CHECK: ret
+define <8 x i16> @trunc_8x64_to_8x16(<8 x i64> %i) nounwind readnone {
+ %x = trunc <8 x i64> %i to <8 x i16>
+ ret <8 x i16> %x
+; CHECK-LABEL: zext_16x8_to_16x32
+; CHECK; vpmovzxbd {{.*}}%zmm
+; CHECK: ret
+define <16 x i32> @zext_16x8_to_16x32(<16 x i8> %i) nounwind readnone {
+ %x = zext <16 x i8> %i to <16 x i32>
+ ret <16 x i32> %x
+; CHECK-LABEL: sext_16x8_to_16x32
+; CHECK; vpmovsxbd {{.*}}%zmm
+; CHECK: ret
+define <16 x i32> @sext_16x8_to_16x32(<16 x i8> %i) nounwind readnone {
+ %x = sext <16 x i8> %i to <16 x i32>
+ ret <16 x i32> %x
+; CHECK-LABEL: zext_16x16_to_16x32
+; CHECK; vpmovzxwd {{.*}}%zmm
+; CHECK: ret
+define <16 x i32> @zext_16x16_to_16x32(<16 x i16> %i) nounwind readnone {
+ %x = zext <16 x i16> %i to <16 x i32>
+ ret <16 x i32> %x
+; CHECK-LABEL: zext_8x16_to_8x64
+; CHECK; vpmovzxwq
+; CHECK: ret
+define <8 x i64> @zext_8x16_to_8x64(<8 x i16> %i) nounwind readnone {
+ %x = zext <8 x i16> %i to <8 x i64>
+ ret <8 x i64> %x
+;CHECK-LABEL: fptrunc_test
+;CHECK: vcvtpd2ps {{.*}}%zmm
+;CHECK: ret
+define <8 x float> @fptrunc_test(<8 x double> %a) nounwind readnone {
+ %b = fptrunc <8 x double> %a to <8 x float>
+ ret <8 x float> %b
+;CHECK-LABEL: fpext_test
+;CHECK: vcvtps2pd {{.*}}%zmm
+;CHECK: ret
+define <8 x double> @fpext_test(<8 x float> %a) nounwind readnone {
+ %b = fpext <8 x float> %a to <8 x double>
+ ret <8 x double> %b
+; CHECK-LABEL: zext_16i1_to_16xi32
+; CHECK: vpbroadcastd LCP{{.*}}(%rip), %zmm0{%k1}{z}
+; CHECK: ret
+define <16 x i32> @zext_16i1_to_16xi32(i16 %b) {
+ %a = bitcast i16 %b to <16 x i1>
+ %c = zext <16 x i1> %a to <16 x i32>
+ ret <16 x i32> %c
+; CHECK-LABEL: zext_8i1_to_8xi64
+; CHECK: vpbroadcastq LCP{{.*}}(%rip), %zmm0{%k1}{z}
+; CHECK: ret
+define <8 x i64> @zext_8i1_to_8xi64(i8 %b) {
+ %a = bitcast i8 %b to <8 x i1>
+ %c = zext <8 x i1> %a to <8 x i64>
+ ret <8 x i64> %c
+; CHECK-LABEL: trunc_16i8_to_16i1
+; CHECK: vpmovsxbd
+; CHECK: vpandd
+; CHECK: vptestmd
+; CHECK: ret
+define i16 @trunc_16i8_to_16i1(<16 x i8> %a) {
+ %mask_b = trunc <16 x i8>%a to <16 x i1>
+ %mask = bitcast <16 x i1> %mask_b to i16
+ ret i16 %mask
+; CHECK-LABEL: trunc_16i32_to_16i1
+; CHECK: vpandd
+; CHECK: vptestmd
+; CHECK: ret
+define i16 @trunc_16i32_to_16i1(<16 x i32> %a) {
+ %mask_b = trunc <16 x i32>%a to <16 x i1>
+ %mask = bitcast <16 x i1> %mask_b to i16
+ ret i16 %mask
+; CHECK-LABEL: trunc_8i16_to_8i1
+; CHECK: vpmovsxwq
+; CHECK: vpandq LCP{{.*}}(%rip){1to8}
+; CHECK: vptestmq
+; CHECK: ret
+define i8 @trunc_8i16_to_8i1(<8 x i16> %a) {
+ %mask_b = trunc <8 x i16>%a to <8 x i1>
+ %mask = bitcast <8 x i1> %mask_b to i8
+ ret i8 %mask
+; CHECK: sext_8i1_8i32
+; CHECK: vpbroadcastq LCP{{.*}}(%rip), %zmm0{%k1}{z}
+; CHECK: ret
+define <8 x i32> @sext_8i1_8i32(<8 x i32> %a1, <8 x i32> %a2) nounwind {
+ %x = icmp slt <8 x i32> %a1, %a2
+ %x1 = xor <8 x i1>%x, <i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true>
+ %y = sext <8 x i1> %x1 to <8 x i32>
+ ret <8 x i32> %y