//===-- Support/iterator - "Portable" wrapper around <iterator> -*- C++ -*-===//
// This file provides a wrapper around the mysterious <iterator> header file.
// In GCC 2.95.3, the file defines a bidirectional_iterator class (and other
// friends), instead of the standard iterator class.  In GCC 3.1, the
// bidirectional_iterator class got moved out and the new, standards compliant,
// iterator<> class was added.  Because there is nothing that we can do to get
// correct behavior on both compilers, we have this header with #ifdef's.  Gross
// huh?
// By #includ'ing this file, you get the contents of <iterator> plus the
// following classes in the global namespace:
//   1. bidirectional_iterator
//   2. forward_iterator


#include "Config/config.h"

#include <iterator>

// If the bidirectional iterator is not defined, attempt to define it using
// the C++ standard iterator.

// Define stupid wrappers around std::iterator...
template<class Ty, class PtrDiffTy>
struct bidirectional_iterator
  : public std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, Ty, PtrDiffTy> {

#error "Need to have standard iterator to define bidirectional iterator!"


// Just use bidirectional_iterator directly.
using std::bidirectional_iterator;


// If the forward iterator is not defined, attempt to define it using the
// C++ standard iterator.
template<class Ty, class PtrDiffTy>
struct forward_iterator
  : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, Ty, PtrDiffTy> {
#error "Need to have standard iterator to define forward iterator!"
// Just use forward iterator directly.
using std::forward_iterator;
