; RUN: llc < %s -march=x86-64 -O0 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X64 ; RUN: llc < %s -march=x86 -O0 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X32 ; GEP indices are interpreted as signed integers, so they ; should be sign-extended to 64 bits on 64-bit targets. ; PR3181 define i32 @test1(i32 %t3, i32* %t1) nounwind { %t9 = getelementptr i32* %t1, i32 %t3 ; [#uses=1] %t15 = load i32* %t9 ; [#uses=1] ret i32 %t15 ; X32: test1: ; X32: movl (%eax,%ecx,4), %eax ; X32: ret ; X64: test1: ; X64: movslq %edi, %rax ; X64: movl (%rsi,%rax,4), %eax ; X64: ret } define i32 @test2(i64 %t3, i32* %t1) nounwind { %t9 = getelementptr i32* %t1, i64 %t3 ; [#uses=1] %t15 = load i32* %t9 ; [#uses=1] ret i32 %t15 ; X32: test2: ; X32: movl (%edx,%ecx,4), %eax ; X32: ret ; X64: test2: ; X64: movl (%rsi,%rdi,4), %eax ; X64: ret } ; PR4984 define i8 @test3(i8* %start) nounwind { entry: %A = getelementptr i8* %start, i64 -2 ; [#uses=1] %B = load i8* %A, align 1 ; [#uses=1] ret i8 %B ; X32: test3: ; X32: movl 4(%esp), %eax ; X32: movb -2(%eax), %al ; X32: ret ; X64: test3: ; X64: movb -2(%rdi), %al ; X64: ret } define double @test4(i64 %x, double* %p) nounwind { entry: %x.addr = alloca i64, align 8 ; [#uses=2] %p.addr = alloca double*, align 8 ; [#uses=2] store i64 %x, i64* %x.addr store double* %p, double** %p.addr %tmp = load i64* %x.addr ; [#uses=1] %add = add nsw i64 %tmp, 16 ; [#uses=1] %tmp1 = load double** %p.addr ; [#uses=1] %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds double* %tmp1, i64 %add ; [#uses=1] %tmp2 = load double* %arrayidx ; [#uses=1] ret double %tmp2 ; X32: test4: ; X32: 128(%e{{.*}},%e{{.*}},8) ; X64: test4: ; X64: 128(%r{{.*}},%r{{.*}},8) } ; PR8961 - Make sure the sext for the GEP addressing comes before the load that ; is folded. define i64 @test5(i8* %A, i32 %I, i64 %B) nounwind { %v8 = getelementptr i8* %A, i32 %I %v9 = bitcast i8* %v8 to i64* %v10 = load i64* %v9 %v11 = add i64 %B, %v10 ret i64 %v11 ; X64: test5: ; X64: movslq %esi, %rax ; X64-NEXT: movq (%rdi,%rax), %rax ; X64-NEXT: addq %rdx, %rax ; X64-NEXT: ret }