; RUN: llc < %s -march=x86 | FileCheck %s ; PR4484 ; ceil leaves a value on the stack that is needed after the asm. ; CHECK: ceil ; CHECK-NOT: fstp ; Load %a from stack after ceil ; CHECK: fldt ; CHECK-NOT: fxch ; CHECK: fistpl ; CHECK-NOT: fstp ; Set up call to test. ; CHECK: fstpt ; CHECK: test define void @test2(x86_fp80 %a) { entry: %0 = call x86_fp80 @ceil() call void asm sideeffect "fistpl $0", "{st},~{st}"(x86_fp80 %a) call void @test(x86_fp80 %0) ret void } declare x86_fp80 @ceil() declare void @test(x86_fp80)