; RUN: llvm-upgrade < %s | llvm-as | opt -cee -constprop -instcombine -dce | \ ; RUN: llvm-dis | not grep REMOVE int %test1(int %A) { %cond = seteq int %A, 40 br bool %cond, label %T, label %F T: %REMOVE = add int %A, 2 ; Should become = 42 ret int %REMOVE F: ret int 8 } bool %test2(int %A) { %cond = seteq int %A, 40 br bool %cond, label %T, label %F T: %REMOVE = seteq int %A, 2 ; Should become = false ret bool %REMOVE F: ret bool false } bool %test3(int %A) { %cond = setlt int %A, 40 br bool %cond, label %T, label %F T: %REMOVE = setgt int %A, 47 ; Should become = false ret bool %REMOVE F: %REMOVE2 = setge int %A, 40 ; Should become = true ret bool %REMOVE2 } bool %test4(int %A) { %cond = setlt int %A, 40 br bool %cond, label %T, label %F T: %REMOVE = setgt int %A, 47 ; Should become = false ret bool %REMOVE F: ret bool false } int %test5(int %A, int %B) { %cond = setne int %A, %B br bool %cond, label %F, label %T T: %C = sub int %A, %B ; = 0 ret int %C F: ret int 0 } bool %test6(int %A) { %REMOVE = setlt int %A, 47 ; Should become dead %cond = setlt int %A, 40 br bool %cond, label %T, label %F T: ret bool %REMOVE ;; == true F: ret bool false } bool %test7(int %A) { %cond = setlt int %A, 40 br bool %cond, label %T, label %F T: %REMOVE = xor bool %cond, true ret bool %REMOVE F: ret bool false } ; Test that and expressions are handled... bool %test8(int %A, int %B) { %cond1 = setle int %A, 7 %cond2 = setle int %B, 7 %cond = and bool %cond1, %cond2 br bool %cond, label %T, label %F T: %REMOVE1 = seteq int %A, 9 ; false %REMOVE2 = setge int %B, 9 ; false %REMOVE = or bool %REMOVE1, %REMOVE2 ; false ret bool %REMOVE F: ret bool false } ; Test that or expressions are handled... bool %test9(int %A, int %B) { %cond1 = setle int %A, 7 %cond2 = setle int %B, 7 %cond = or bool %cond1, %cond2 br bool %cond, label %T, label %F T: ret bool false F: %REMOVE1 = setge int %A, 8 ; true %REMOVE2 = setge int %B, 8 ; true %REMOVE = or bool %REMOVE1, %REMOVE2 ; true ret bool %REMOVE } bool %test10(int %A) { %cond = setle int %A, 7 br bool %cond, label %T, label %F T: ret bool false F: %REMOVE = setge int %A, 8 ret bool %REMOVE } ; Implement correlated comparisons against non-constants bool %test11(int %A, int %B) { %cond = setlt int %A, %B br bool %cond, label %T, label %F T: %REMOVE1 = seteq int %A, %B ; false %REMOVE2 = setle int %A, %B ; true %cond2 = and bool %REMOVE1, %REMOVE2 ret bool %cond2 F: ret bool true } bool %test12(int %A) { %cond = setlt int %A, 0 br bool %cond, label %T, label %F T: %REMOVE = setne int %A, 0 ; true ret bool %REMOVE F: ret bool false }