//===-- llvm-bcanalyzer.cpp - Bitcode Analyzer --------------------------===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This tool may be invoked in the following manner:
//  llvm-bcanalyzer [options]      - Read LLVM bitcode from stdin
//  llvm-bcanalyzer [options] x.bc - Read LLVM bitcode from the x.bc file
//  Options:
//      --help      - Output information about command line switches
//      --dump      - Dump low-level bitcode structure in readable format
// This tool provides analytical information about a bitcode file. It is
// intended as an aid to developers of bitcode reading and writing software. It
// produces on std::out a summary of the bitcode file that shows various
// statistics about the contents of the file. By default this information is
// detailed and contains information about individual bitcode blocks and the
// functions in the module. 
// The tool is also able to print a bitcode file in a straight forward text
// format that shows the containment and relationships of the information in
// the bitcode file (-dump option).

#include "llvm/Analysis/Verifier.h"
#include "llvm/Bitcode/BitstreamReader.h"
#include "llvm/Bitcode/LLVMBitCodes.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/System/Signals.h"
#include <map>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace llvm;

static cl::opt<std::string>
  InputFilename(cl::Positional, cl::desc("<input bitcode>"), cl::init("-"));

static cl::opt<std::string>
  OutputFilename("-o", cl::init("-"), cl::desc("<output file>"));

static cl::opt<bool> Dump("dump", cl::desc("Dump low level bitcode trace"));

// Bitcode specific analysis.

static cl::opt<bool> NoHistogram("disable-histogram",
                                 cl::desc("Do not print per-code histogram"));

static cl::opt<bool>
            cl::desc("Emit numberic info in dump even if"
                     " symbolic info is available"));

/// CurStreamType - If we can sniff the flavor of this stream, we can produce 
/// better dump info.
static enum {
} CurStreamType;

/// GetBlockName - Return a symbolic block name if known, otherwise return
/// null.
static const char *GetBlockName(unsigned BlockID) {
  // Standard blocks for all bitcode files.
    if (BlockID == bitc::BLOCKINFO_BLOCK_ID)
      return "BLOCKINFO_BLOCK";
    return 0;
  if (CurStreamType != LLVMIRBitstream) return 0;
  switch (BlockID) {
  default:                          return 0;
  case bitc::MODULE_BLOCK_ID:       return "MODULE_BLOCK";
  case bitc::PARAMATTR_BLOCK_ID:    return "PARAMATTR_BLOCK";
  case bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID:         return "TYPE_BLOCK";
  case bitc::CONSTANTS_BLOCK_ID:    return "CONSTANTS_BLOCK";
  case bitc::FUNCTION_BLOCK_ID:     return "FUNCTION_BLOCK";
  case bitc::TYPE_SYMTAB_BLOCK_ID:  return "TYPE_SYMTAB";
  case bitc::VALUE_SYMTAB_BLOCK_ID: return "VALUE_SYMTAB";

/// GetCodeName - Return a symbolic code name if known, otherwise return
/// null.
static const char *GetCodeName(unsigned CodeID, unsigned BlockID) {
  // Standard blocks for all bitcode files.
    if (BlockID == bitc::BLOCKINFO_BLOCK_ID) {
      switch (CodeID) {
      default: return 0;
      case bitc::MODULE_CODE_VERSION:     return "VERSION";
    return 0;
  if (CurStreamType != LLVMIRBitstream) return 0;
  switch (BlockID) {
  default: return 0;
  case bitc::MODULE_BLOCK_ID:
    switch (CodeID) {
    default: return 0;
    case bitc::MODULE_CODE_VERSION:     return "VERSION";
    case bitc::MODULE_CODE_TRIPLE:      return "TRIPLE";
    case bitc::MODULE_CODE_DATALAYOUT:  return "DATALAYOUT";
    case bitc::MODULE_CODE_ASM:         return "ASM";
    case bitc::MODULE_CODE_DEPLIB:      return "DEPLIB";
    case bitc::MODULE_CODE_GLOBALVAR:   return "GLOBALVAR";
    case bitc::MODULE_CODE_FUNCTION:    return "FUNCTION";
    case bitc::MODULE_CODE_ALIAS:       return "ALIAS";
    case bitc::MODULE_CODE_PURGEVALS:   return "PURGEVALS";
  case bitc::PARAMATTR_BLOCK_ID:
    switch (CodeID) {
    default: return 0;
    case bitc::PARAMATTR_CODE_ENTRY: return "ENTRY";
  case bitc::TYPE_BLOCK_ID:
    switch (CodeID) {
    default: return 0;
    case bitc::TYPE_CODE_NUMENTRY: return "NUMENTRY";
    case bitc::TYPE_CODE_VOID:     return "VOID";
    case bitc::TYPE_CODE_FLOAT:    return "FLOAT";
    case bitc::TYPE_CODE_DOUBLE:   return "DOUBLE";
    case bitc::TYPE_CODE_LABEL:    return "LABEL";
    case bitc::TYPE_CODE_OPAQUE:   return "OPAQUE";
    case bitc::TYPE_CODE_INTEGER:  return "INTEGER";
    case bitc::TYPE_CODE_POINTER:  return "POINTER";
    case bitc::TYPE_CODE_FUNCTION: return "FUNCTION";
    case bitc::TYPE_CODE_STRUCT:   return "STRUCT";
    case bitc::TYPE_CODE_ARRAY:    return "ARRAY";
    case bitc::TYPE_CODE_VECTOR:   return "VECTOR";
  case bitc::CONSTANTS_BLOCK_ID:
    switch (CodeID) {
    default: return 0;
    case bitc::CST_CODE_SETTYPE:       return "SETTYPE";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_NULL:          return "NULL";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_UNDEF:         return "UNDEF";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_INTEGER:       return "INTEGER";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_WIDE_INTEGER:  return "WIDE_INTEGER";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_FLOAT:         return "FLOAT";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_AGGREGATE:     return "AGGREGATE";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_STRING:        return "STRING";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_CSTRING:       return "CSTRING";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_CE_BINOP:      return "CE_BINOP";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_CE_CAST:       return "CE_CAST";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_CE_GEP:        return "CE_GEP";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_CE_SELECT:     return "CE_SELECT";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_CE_EXTRACTELT: return "CE_EXTRACTELT";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_CE_INSERTELT:  return "CE_INSERTELT";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_CE_SHUFFLEVEC: return "CE_SHUFFLEVEC";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_CE_CMP:        return "CE_CMP";
    case bitc::CST_CODE_INLINEASM:     return "INLINEASM";
  case bitc::FUNCTION_BLOCK_ID:
    switch (CodeID) {
    default: return 0;
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_BINOP:       return "INST_BINOP";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_CAST:        return "INST_CAST";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_GEP:         return "INST_GEP";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_SELECT:      return "INST_SELECT";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_CMP:         return "INST_CMP";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_RET:         return "INST_RET";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_BR:          return "INST_BR";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_SWITCH:      return "INST_SWITCH";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_INVOKE:      return "INST_INVOKE";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_UNWIND:      return "INST_UNWIND";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_PHI:         return "INST_PHI";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_MALLOC:      return "INST_MALLOC";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_FREE:        return "INST_FREE";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_ALLOCA:      return "INST_ALLOCA";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_LOAD:        return "INST_LOAD";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_STORE:       return "INST_STORE";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_CALL:        return "INST_CALL";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_VAARG:       return "INST_VAARG";
    case bitc::FUNC_CODE_INST_STORE2:      return "INST_STORE2";
  case bitc::TYPE_SYMTAB_BLOCK_ID:
    switch (CodeID) {
    default: return 0;
    case bitc::TST_CODE_ENTRY: return "ENTRY";
    switch (CodeID) {
    default: return 0;
    case bitc::VST_CODE_ENTRY: return "ENTRY";
    case bitc::VST_CODE_BBENTRY: return "BBENTRY";

struct PerBlockIDStats {
  /// NumInstances - This the number of times this block ID has been seen.
  unsigned NumInstances;
  /// NumBits - The total size in bits of all of these blocks.
  uint64_t NumBits;
  /// NumSubBlocks - The total number of blocks these blocks contain.
  unsigned NumSubBlocks;
  /// NumAbbrevs - The total number of abbreviations.
  unsigned NumAbbrevs;
  /// NumRecords - The total number of records these blocks contain, and the 
  /// number that are abbreviated.
  unsigned NumRecords, NumAbbreviatedRecords;
  /// CodeFreq - Keep track of the number of times we see each code.
  std::vector<unsigned> CodeFreq;
    : NumInstances(0), NumBits(0),
      NumSubBlocks(0), NumAbbrevs(0), NumRecords(0), NumAbbreviatedRecords(0) {}

static std::map<unsigned, PerBlockIDStats> BlockIDStats;

/// Error - All bitcode analysis errors go through this function, making this a
/// good place to breakpoint if debugging.
static bool Error(const std::string &Err) {
  std::cerr << Err << "\n";
  return true;

/// ParseBlock - Read a block, updating statistics, etc.
static bool ParseBlock(BitstreamReader &Stream, unsigned IndentLevel) {
  std::string Indent(IndentLevel*2, ' ');
  uint64_t BlockBitStart = Stream.GetCurrentBitNo();
  unsigned BlockID = Stream.ReadSubBlockID();

  // Get the statistics for this BlockID.
  PerBlockIDStats &BlockStats = BlockIDStats[BlockID];
  // BLOCKINFO is a special part of the stream.
  if (BlockID == bitc::BLOCKINFO_BLOCK_ID) {
    if (Dump) std::cerr << Indent << "<BLOCKINFO_BLOCK/>\n";
    if (Stream.ReadBlockInfoBlock())
      return Error("Malformed BlockInfoBlock");
    uint64_t BlockBitEnd = Stream.GetCurrentBitNo();
    BlockStats.NumBits += BlockBitEnd-BlockBitStart;
    return false;
  unsigned NumWords = 0;
  if (Stream.EnterSubBlock(BlockID, &NumWords))
    return Error("Malformed block record");

  const char *BlockName = 0;
  if (Dump) {
    std::cerr << Indent << "<";
    if ((BlockName = GetBlockName(BlockID)))
      std::cerr << BlockName;
      std::cerr << "UnknownBlock" << BlockID;
    if (NonSymbolic && BlockName)
      std::cerr << " BlockID=" << BlockID;
    std::cerr << " NumWords=" << NumWords
              << " BlockCodeSize=" << Stream.GetAbbrevIDWidth() << ">\n";
  SmallVector<uint64_t, 64> Record;

  // Read all the records for this block.
  while (1) {
    if (Stream.AtEndOfStream())
      return Error("Premature end of bitstream");

    // Read the code for this record.
    unsigned AbbrevID = Stream.ReadCode();
    switch (AbbrevID) {
    case bitc::END_BLOCK: {
      if (Stream.ReadBlockEnd())
        return Error("Error at end of block");
      uint64_t BlockBitEnd = Stream.GetCurrentBitNo();
      BlockStats.NumBits += BlockBitEnd-BlockBitStart;
      if (Dump) {
        std::cerr << Indent << "</";
        if (BlockName)
          std::cerr << BlockName << ">\n";
          std::cerr << "UnknownBlock" << BlockID << ">\n";
      return false;
    case bitc::ENTER_SUBBLOCK: {
      uint64_t SubBlockBitStart = Stream.GetCurrentBitNo();
      if (ParseBlock(Stream, IndentLevel+1))
        return true;
      uint64_t SubBlockBitEnd = Stream.GetCurrentBitNo();
      // Don't include subblock sizes in the size of this block.
      BlockBitStart += SubBlockBitEnd-SubBlockBitStart;
    case bitc::DEFINE_ABBREV:
      if (AbbrevID != bitc::UNABBREV_RECORD)
      unsigned Code = Stream.ReadRecord(AbbrevID, Record);

      // Increment the # occurrences of this code.
      if (BlockStats.CodeFreq.size() <= Code)
      if (Dump) {
        std::cerr << Indent << "  <";
        if (const char *CodeName = GetCodeName(Code, BlockID))
          std::cerr << CodeName;
          std::cerr << "UnknownCode" << Code;
        if (NonSymbolic && GetCodeName(Code, BlockID))
          std::cerr << " codeid=" << Code;
        if (AbbrevID != bitc::UNABBREV_RECORD)
          std::cerr << " abbrevid=" << AbbrevID;

        for (unsigned i = 0, e = Record.size(); i != e; ++i)
          std::cerr << " op" << i << "=" << (int64_t)Record[i];
        std::cerr << "/>\n";

static void PrintSize(double Bits) {
  std::cerr << Bits << "b/" << Bits/8 << "B/" << Bits/32 << "W";

/// AnalyzeBitcode - Analyze the bitcode file specified by InputFilename.
static int AnalyzeBitcode() {
  // Read the input file.
  MemoryBuffer *Buffer;
  if (InputFilename == "-")
    Buffer = MemoryBuffer::getSTDIN();
    Buffer = MemoryBuffer::getFile(&InputFilename[0], InputFilename.size());

  if (Buffer == 0)
    return Error("Error reading '" + InputFilename + "'.");
  if (Buffer->getBufferSize() & 3)
    return Error("Bitcode stream should be a multiple of 4 bytes in length");
  unsigned char *BufPtr = (unsigned char *)Buffer->getBufferStart();
  BitstreamReader Stream(BufPtr, BufPtr+Buffer->getBufferSize());

  // Read the stream signature.
  char Signature[6];
  Signature[0] = Stream.Read(8);
  Signature[1] = Stream.Read(8);
  Signature[2] = Stream.Read(4);
  Signature[3] = Stream.Read(4);
  Signature[4] = Stream.Read(4);
  Signature[5] = Stream.Read(4);
  // Autodetect the file contents, if it is one we know.
  CurStreamType = UnknownBitstream;
  if (Signature[0] == 'B' && Signature[1] == 'C' &&
      Signature[2] == 0x0 && Signature[3] == 0xC &&
      Signature[4] == 0xE && Signature[5] == 0xD)
    CurStreamType = LLVMIRBitstream;

  unsigned NumTopBlocks = 0;
  // Parse the top-level structure.  We only allow blocks at the top-level.
  while (!Stream.AtEndOfStream()) {
    unsigned Code = Stream.ReadCode();
    if (Code != bitc::ENTER_SUBBLOCK)
      return Error("Invalid record at top-level");
    if (ParseBlock(Stream, 0))
      return true;
  if (Dump) std::cerr << "\n\n";
  uint64_t BufferSizeBits = Buffer->getBufferSize()*8;
  // Print a summary of the read file.
  std::cerr << "Summary of " << InputFilename << ":\n";
  std::cerr << "         Total size: ";
  std::cerr << "\n";
  std::cerr << "        Stream type: ";
  switch (CurStreamType) {
  default: assert(0 && "Unknown bitstream type");
  case UnknownBitstream: std::cerr << "unknown\n"; break;
  case LLVMIRBitstream:  std::cerr << "LLVM IR\n"; break;
  std::cerr << "  # Toplevel Blocks: " << NumTopBlocks << "\n";
  std::cerr << "\n";

  // Emit per-block stats.
  std::cerr << "Per-block Summary:\n";
  for (std::map<unsigned, PerBlockIDStats>::iterator I = BlockIDStats.begin(),
       E = BlockIDStats.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    std::cerr << "  Block ID #" << I->first;
    if (const char *BlockName = GetBlockName(I->first))
      std::cerr << " (" << BlockName << ")";
    std::cerr << ":\n";
    const PerBlockIDStats &Stats = I->second;
    std::cerr << "      Num Instances: " << Stats.NumInstances << "\n";
    std::cerr << "         Total Size: ";
    std::cerr << "\n";
    std::cerr << "          % of file: "
              << Stats.NumBits/(double)BufferSizeBits*100 << "\n";
    if (Stats.NumInstances > 1) {
      std::cerr << "       Average Size: ";
      std::cerr << "\n";
      std::cerr << "  Tot/Avg SubBlocks: " << Stats.NumSubBlocks << "/"
                << Stats.NumSubBlocks/(double)Stats.NumInstances << "\n";
      std::cerr << "    Tot/Avg Abbrevs: " << Stats.NumAbbrevs << "/"
                << Stats.NumAbbrevs/(double)Stats.NumInstances << "\n";
      std::cerr << "    Tot/Avg Records: " << Stats.NumRecords << "/"
                << Stats.NumRecords/(double)Stats.NumInstances << "\n";
    } else {
      std::cerr << "      Num SubBlocks: " << Stats.NumSubBlocks << "\n";
      std::cerr << "        Num Abbrevs: " << Stats.NumAbbrevs << "\n";
      std::cerr << "        Num Records: " << Stats.NumRecords << "\n";
    if (Stats.NumRecords)
      std::cerr << "      % Abbrev Recs: " << (Stats.NumAbbreviatedRecords/
                   (double)Stats.NumRecords)*100 << "\n";
    std::cerr << "\n";
    // Print a histogram of the codes we see.
    if (!NoHistogram && !Stats.CodeFreq.empty()) {
      std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> > FreqPairs;  // <freq,code>
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = Stats.CodeFreq.size(); i != e; ++i)
        if (unsigned Freq = Stats.CodeFreq[i])
          FreqPairs.push_back(std::make_pair(Freq, i));
      std::stable_sort(FreqPairs.begin(), FreqPairs.end());
      std::reverse(FreqPairs.begin(), FreqPairs.end());
      std::cerr << "\tCode Histogram:\n";
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = FreqPairs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
        std::cerr << "\t\t" << FreqPairs[i].first << "\t";
        if (const char *CodeName = GetCodeName(FreqPairs[i].second, I->first))
          std::cerr << CodeName << "\n";
          std::cerr << "UnknownCode" << FreqPairs[i].second << "\n";
      std::cerr << "\n";
  return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  llvm_shutdown_obj X;  // Call llvm_shutdown() on exit.
  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "llvm-bcanalyzer file analyzer\n");
  return AnalyzeBitcode();