#! /usr/bin/perl # Script to find regressions by binary-searching a time interval in the # CVS tree. Written by Brian Gaeke on 2-Mar-2004. # require 5.6.0; # NOTE: This script not tested with earlier versions. use Getopt::Std; use POSIX; use Time::Local; use IO::Handle; sub usage { print STDERR <<END; findRegression [-I] -w WTIME -d DTIME -t TOOLS -c SCRIPT The -w, -d, -t, and -c options are required. Run findRegression in the top level of an LLVM tree. WTIME is a time when you are sure the regression does NOT exist ("Works"). DTIME is a time when you are sure the regression DOES exist ("Doesntwork"). WTIME and DTIME are both in the format: "YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM". -I means run builds at WTIME and DTIME first to make sure. TOOLS is a comma separated list of tools to rebuild before running SCRIPT. SCRIPT exits 1 if the regression is present in TOOLS; 0 otherwise. END exit 1; } sub timeAsSeconds { my ($timestr) = @_; if ( $timestr =~ /(\d\d\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d)/ ) { my ( $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ); return timegm( 0, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon - 1, $year ); } else { die "** Can't parse date + time: $timestr\n"; } } sub timeAsString { my ($secs) = @_; return strftime( "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M", gmtime($secs) ); } sub run { my ($cmdline) = @_; print LOG "** Running: $cmdline\n"; return system($cmdline); } sub buildLibrariesAndTools { run("sh /home/vadve/gaeke/scripts/run-configure"); run("$MAKE -C lib/Support"); run("$MAKE -C utils"); run("$MAKE -C lib"); foreach my $tool (@TOOLS) { run("$MAKE -C tools/$tool"); } } sub contains { my ( $file, $regex ) = @_; local (*FILE); open( FILE, "<$file" ) or die "** can't read $file: $!\n"; while (<FILE>) { if (/$regex/) { close FILE; return 1; } } close FILE; return 0; } sub updateSources { my ($time) = @_; my $inst = "include/llvm/Instruction.h"; unlink($inst); run( "cvs update -D'" . timeAsString($time) . "'" ); if ( !contains( $inst, 'class Instruction.*Annotable' ) ) { run("patch -F100 -p0 < makeInstructionAnnotable.patch"); } } sub regressionPresentAt { my ($time) = @_; updateSources($time); buildLibrariesAndTools(); my $rc = run($SCRIPT); if ($rc) { print LOG "** Found that regression was PRESENT at " . timeAsString($time) . "\n"; return 1; } else { print LOG "** Found that regression was ABSENT at " . timeAsString($time) . "\n"; return 0; } } sub regressionAbsentAt { my ($time) = @_; return !regressionPresentAt($time); } sub closeTo { my ( $time1, $time2 ) = @_; return abs( $time1 - $time2 ) < 600; # 10 minutes seems reasonable. } sub halfWayPoint { my ( $time1, $time2 ) = @_; my $halfSpan = int( abs( $time1 - $time2 ) / 2 ); if ( $time1 < $time2 ) { return $time1 + $halfSpan; } else { return $time2 + $halfSpan; } } sub checkBoundaryConditions { print LOG "** Checking for presence of regression at ", timeAsString($DTIME), "\n"; if ( !regressionPresentAt($DTIME) ) { die ( "** Can't help you; $SCRIPT says regression absent at dtime: " . timeAsString($DTIME) . "\n" ); } print LOG "** Checking for absence of regression at ", timeAsString($WTIME), "\n"; if ( !regressionAbsentAt($WTIME) ) { die ( "** Can't help you; $SCRIPT says regression present at wtime: " . timeAsString($WTIME) . "\n" ); } } ############################################################################## # Set up log files open (STDERR, ">&STDOUT") || die "** Can't redirect std.err: $!\n"; autoflush STDOUT 1; autoflush STDERR 1; open (LOG, ">RegFinder.log") || die "** can't write RegFinder.log: $!\n"; autoflush LOG 1; # Check command line arguments and environment variables getopts('Iw:d:t:c:'); if ( !( $opt_w && $opt_d && $opt_t && $opt_c ) ) { usage; } $MAKE = $ENV{'MAKE'}; $MAKE = 'gmake' unless $MAKE; $WTIME = timeAsSeconds($opt_w); print LOG "** Assuming worked at ", timeAsString($WTIME), "\n"; $DTIME = timeAsSeconds($opt_d); print LOG "** Assuming didn't work at ", timeAsString($DTIME), "\n"; $opt_t =~ s/\s*//g; $SCRIPT = $opt_c; die "** $SCRIPT is not executable or not found\n" unless -x $SCRIPT; print LOG "** Checking for the regression using $SCRIPT\n"; @TOOLS = split ( /,/, $opt_t ); print LOG ( "** Going to rebuild: ", ( join ", ", @TOOLS ), " before each $SCRIPT run\n" ); if ($opt_I) { checkBoundaryConditions(); } # do the dirty work: while ( !closeTo( $DTIME, $WTIME ) ) { my $halfPt = halfWayPoint( $DTIME, $WTIME ); print LOG "** Checking whether regression is present at ", timeAsString($halfPt), "\n"; if ( regressionPresentAt($halfPt) ) { $DTIME = $halfPt; } else { $WTIME = $halfPt; } } # Tell them what we found print LOG "** Narrowed it down to:\n"; print LOG "** Worked at: ", timeAsString($WTIME), "\n"; print LOG "** Did not work at: ", timeAsString($DTIME), "\n"; close LOG; exit 0;