# Check the various features of the ShTest format. # # RUN: not %{lit} -j 1 -v %{inputs}/shtest-format > %t.out # RUN: FileCheck < %t.out %s # # END. # CHECK: -- Testing: # CHECK: FAIL: shtest-format :: external_shell/fail.txt # CHECK-NEXT: *** TEST 'shtest-format :: external_shell/fail.txt' FAILED *** # CHECK: Command Output (stdout): # CHECK-NEXT: -- # CHECK-NEXT: line 1: failed test output on stdout # CHECK-NEXT: line 2: failed test output on stdout # CHECK: Command Output (stderr): # CHECK-NEXT: -- # CHECK-NEXT: cat: does-not-exist: No such file or directory # CHECK: -- # CHECK: FAIL: shtest-format :: external_shell/fail_with_bad_encoding.txt # CHECK-NEXT: *** TEST 'shtest-format :: external_shell/fail_with_bad_encoding.txt' FAILED *** # CHECK: Command Output (stdout): # CHECK-NEXT: -- # CHECK-NEXT: a line with bad encoding: # CHECK: -- # CHECK: PASS: shtest-format :: external_shell/pass.txt # CHECK: FAIL: shtest-format :: fail.txt # CHECK-NEXT: *** TEST 'shtest-format :: fail.txt' FAILED *** # CHECK-NEXT: Script: # CHECK-NEXT: -- # CHECK-NEXT: printf "line 1 # CHECK-NEXT: false # CHECK-NEXT: -- # CHECK-NEXT: Exit Code: 1 # # CHECK: Command Output (stdout): # CHECK-NEXT: -- # CHECK-NEXT: Command 0: "printf" # CHECK-NEXT: Command 0 Result: 0 # CHECK-NEXT: Command 0 Output: # CHECK-NEXT: line 1: failed test output on stdout # CHECK-NEXT: line 2: failed test output on stdout # CHECK: UNRESOLVED: shtest-format :: no-test-line.txt # CHECK: PASS: shtest-format :: pass.txt # CHECK: UNSUPPORTED: shtest-format :: requires-missing.txt # CHECK: PASS: shtest-format :: requires-present.txt # CHECK: UNSUPPORTED: shtest-format :: unsupported_dir/some-test.txt # CHECK: XFAIL: shtest-format :: xfail-feature.txt # CHECK: XFAIL: shtest-format :: xfail-target.txt # CHECK: XFAIL: shtest-format :: xfail.txt # CHECK: XPASS: shtest-format :: xpass.txt # CHECK: Testing Time # CHECK: Unexpected Passing Tests (1) # CHECK: shtest-format :: xpass.txt # CHECK: Failing Tests (3) # CHECK: shtest-format :: external_shell/fail.txt # CHECK: shtest-format :: external_shell/fail_with_bad_encoding.txt # CHECK: shtest-format :: fail.txt # CHECK: Expected Passes : 3 # CHECK: Expected Failures : 3 # CHECK: Unsupported Tests : 2 # CHECK: Unresolved Tests : 1 # CHECK: Unexpected Passes : 1 # CHECK: Unexpected Failures: 3