/* * Mesa 3-D graphics library * * Copyright (C) 2013 LunarG, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Chia-I Wu */ #include "genhw/genhw.h" #include "util/u_resource.h" #include "ilo_format.h" #include "ilo_resource.h" #include "ilo_shader.h" #include "ilo_state.h" #include "ilo_state_gen.h" void ilo_gpe_init_gs_cso_gen7(const struct ilo_dev_info *dev, const struct ilo_shader_state *gs, struct ilo_shader_cso *cso) { int start_grf, vue_read_len, max_threads; uint32_t dw2, dw4, dw5; ILO_DEV_ASSERT(dev, 7, 7.5); start_grf = ilo_shader_get_kernel_param(gs, ILO_KERNEL_URB_DATA_START_REG); vue_read_len = ilo_shader_get_kernel_param(gs, ILO_KERNEL_INPUT_COUNT); /* in pairs */ vue_read_len = (vue_read_len + 1) / 2; switch (ilo_dev_gen(dev)) { case ILO_GEN(7.5): max_threads = (dev->gt >= 2) ? 256 : 70; break; case ILO_GEN(7): max_threads = (dev->gt == 2) ? 128 : 36; break; default: max_threads = 1; break; } dw2 = (true) ? 0 : GEN6_THREADDISP_FP_MODE_ALT; dw4 = vue_read_len << GEN7_GS_DW4_URB_READ_LEN__SHIFT | GEN7_GS_DW4_INCLUDE_VERTEX_HANDLES | 0 << GEN7_GS_DW4_URB_READ_OFFSET__SHIFT | start_grf << GEN7_GS_DW4_URB_GRF_START__SHIFT; dw5 = (max_threads - 1) << GEN7_GS_DW5_MAX_THREADS__SHIFT | GEN7_GS_DW5_STATISTICS | GEN7_GS_DW5_GS_ENABLE; STATIC_ASSERT(Elements(cso->payload) >= 3); cso->payload[0] = dw2; cso->payload[1] = dw4; cso->payload[2] = dw5; } void ilo_gpe_init_rasterizer_wm_gen7(const struct ilo_dev_info *dev, const struct pipe_rasterizer_state *state, struct ilo_rasterizer_wm *wm) { uint32_t dw1, dw2; ILO_DEV_ASSERT(dev, 7, 7.5); dw1 = GEN7_WM_DW1_ZW_INTERP_PIXEL | GEN7_WM_DW1_AA_LINE_WIDTH_2_0 | GEN7_WM_DW1_MSRASTMODE_OFF_PIXEL; /* same value as in 3DSTATE_SF */ if (state->line_smooth) dw1 |= GEN7_WM_DW1_AA_LINE_CAP_1_0; if (state->poly_stipple_enable) dw1 |= GEN7_WM_DW1_POLY_STIPPLE_ENABLE; if (state->line_stipple_enable) dw1 |= GEN7_WM_DW1_LINE_STIPPLE_ENABLE; if (state->bottom_edge_rule) dw1 |= GEN7_WM_DW1_POINT_RASTRULE_UPPER_RIGHT; dw2 = GEN7_WM_DW2_MSDISPMODE_PERSAMPLE; /* * assertion that makes sure * * dw1 |= wm->dw_msaa_rast; * dw2 |= wm->dw_msaa_disp; * * is valid */ STATIC_ASSERT(GEN7_WM_DW1_MSRASTMODE_OFF_PIXEL == 0 && GEN7_WM_DW2_MSDISPMODE_PERSAMPLE == 0); wm->dw_msaa_rast = (state->multisample) ? GEN7_WM_DW1_MSRASTMODE_ON_PATTERN : 0; wm->dw_msaa_disp = GEN7_WM_DW2_MSDISPMODE_PERPIXEL; STATIC_ASSERT(Elements(wm->payload) >= 2); wm->payload[0] = dw1; wm->payload[1] = dw2; } void ilo_gpe_init_fs_cso_gen7(const struct ilo_dev_info *dev, const struct ilo_shader_state *fs, struct ilo_shader_cso *cso) { int start_grf, max_threads; uint32_t dw2, dw4, dw5; uint32_t wm_interps, wm_dw1; ILO_DEV_ASSERT(dev, 7, 7.5); start_grf = ilo_shader_get_kernel_param(fs, ILO_KERNEL_URB_DATA_START_REG); dw2 = (true) ? 0 : GEN6_THREADDISP_FP_MODE_ALT; dw4 = GEN7_PS_DW4_POSOFFSET_NONE; /* see brwCreateContext() */ switch (ilo_dev_gen(dev)) { case ILO_GEN(7.5): max_threads = (dev->gt == 3) ? 408 : (dev->gt == 2) ? 204 : 102; dw4 |= (max_threads - 1) << GEN75_PS_DW4_MAX_THREADS__SHIFT; dw4 |= 1 << GEN75_PS_DW4_SAMPLE_MASK__SHIFT; break; case ILO_GEN(7): default: max_threads = (dev->gt == 2) ? 172 : 48; dw4 |= (max_threads - 1) << GEN7_PS_DW4_MAX_THREADS__SHIFT; break; } if (ilo_shader_get_kernel_param(fs, ILO_KERNEL_PCB_CBUF0_SIZE)) dw4 |= GEN7_PS_DW4_PUSH_CONSTANT_ENABLE; if (ilo_shader_get_kernel_param(fs, ILO_KERNEL_INPUT_COUNT)) dw4 |= GEN7_PS_DW4_ATTR_ENABLE; assert(!ilo_shader_get_kernel_param(fs, ILO_KERNEL_FS_DISPATCH_16_OFFSET)); dw4 |= GEN7_PS_DW4_8_PIXEL_DISPATCH; dw5 = start_grf << GEN7_PS_DW5_URB_GRF_START0__SHIFT | 0 << GEN7_PS_DW5_URB_GRF_START1__SHIFT | 0 << GEN7_PS_DW5_URB_GRF_START2__SHIFT; /* FS affects 3DSTATE_WM too */ wm_dw1 = 0; /* * TODO set this bit only when * * a) fs writes colors and color is not masked, or * b) fs writes depth, or * c) fs or cc kills */ wm_dw1 |= GEN7_WM_DW1_PS_ENABLE; /* * From the Ivy Bridge PRM, volume 2 part 1, page 278: * * "This bit (Pixel Shader Kill Pixel), if ENABLED, indicates that * the PS kernel or color calculator has the ability to kill * (discard) pixels or samples, other than due to depth or stencil * testing. This bit is required to be ENABLED in the following * situations: * * - The API pixel shader program contains "killpix" or "discard" * instructions, or other code in the pixel shader kernel that * can cause the final pixel mask to differ from the pixel mask * received on dispatch. * * - A sampler with chroma key enabled with kill pixel mode is used * by the pixel shader. * * - Any render target has Alpha Test Enable or AlphaToCoverage * Enable enabled. * * - The pixel shader kernel generates and outputs oMask. * * Note: As ClipDistance clipping is fully supported in hardware * and therefore not via PS instructions, there should be no need * to ENABLE this bit due to ClipDistance clipping." */ if (ilo_shader_get_kernel_param(fs, ILO_KERNEL_FS_USE_KILL)) wm_dw1 |= GEN7_WM_DW1_PS_KILL; if (ilo_shader_get_kernel_param(fs, ILO_KERNEL_FS_OUTPUT_Z)) wm_dw1 |= GEN7_WM_DW1_PSCDEPTH_ON; if (ilo_shader_get_kernel_param(fs, ILO_KERNEL_FS_INPUT_Z)) wm_dw1 |= GEN7_WM_DW1_PS_USE_DEPTH; if (ilo_shader_get_kernel_param(fs, ILO_KERNEL_FS_INPUT_W)) wm_dw1 |= GEN7_WM_DW1_PS_USE_W; wm_interps = ilo_shader_get_kernel_param(fs, ILO_KERNEL_FS_BARYCENTRIC_INTERPOLATIONS); wm_dw1 |= wm_interps << GEN7_WM_DW1_BARYCENTRIC_INTERP__SHIFT; STATIC_ASSERT(Elements(cso->payload) >= 4); cso->payload[0] = dw2; cso->payload[1] = dw4; cso->payload[2] = dw5; cso->payload[3] = wm_dw1; } void ilo_gpe_init_view_surface_null_gen7(const struct ilo_dev_info *dev, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned depth, unsigned level, struct ilo_view_surface *surf) { uint32_t *dw; ILO_DEV_ASSERT(dev, 7, 7.5); assert(width >= 1 && height >= 1 && depth >= 1); /* * From the Ivy Bridge PRM, volume 4 part 1, page 62: * * "A null surface is used in instances where an actual surface is not * bound. When a write message is generated to a null surface, no * actual surface is written to. When a read message (including any * sampling engine message) is generated to a null surface, the result * is all zeros. Note that a null surface type is allowed to be used * with all messages, even if it is not specificially indicated as * supported. All of the remaining fields in surface state are ignored * for null surfaces, with the following exceptions: * * * Width, Height, Depth, LOD, and Render Target View Extent fields * must match the depth buffer's corresponding state for all render * target surfaces, including null. * * All sampling engine and data port messages support null surfaces * with the above behavior, even if not mentioned as specifically * supported, except for the following: * * Data Port Media Block Read/Write messages. * * The Surface Type of a surface used as a render target (accessed * via the Data Port's Render Target Write message) must be the same * as the Surface Type of all other render targets and of the depth * buffer (defined in 3DSTATE_DEPTH_BUFFER), unless either the depth * buffer or render targets are SURFTYPE_NULL." * * From the Ivy Bridge PRM, volume 4 part 1, page 65: * * "If Surface Type is SURFTYPE_NULL, this field (Tiled Surface) must be * true" */ STATIC_ASSERT(Elements(surf->payload) >= 8); dw = surf->payload; dw[0] = GEN6_SURFTYPE_NULL << GEN7_SURFACE_DW0_TYPE__SHIFT | GEN6_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM << GEN7_SURFACE_DW0_FORMAT__SHIFT | GEN6_TILING_X << 13; dw[1] = 0; dw[2] = GEN_SHIFT32(height - 1, GEN7_SURFACE_DW2_HEIGHT) | GEN_SHIFT32(width - 1, GEN7_SURFACE_DW2_WIDTH); dw[3] = GEN_SHIFT32(depth - 1, GEN7_SURFACE_DW3_DEPTH); dw[4] = 0; dw[5] = level; dw[6] = 0; dw[7] = 0; surf->bo = NULL; } void ilo_gpe_init_view_surface_for_buffer_gen7(const struct ilo_dev_info *dev, const struct ilo_buffer *buf, unsigned offset, unsigned size, unsigned struct_size, enum pipe_format elem_format, bool is_rt, bool render_cache_rw, struct ilo_view_surface *surf) { const bool typed = (elem_format != PIPE_FORMAT_NONE); const bool structured = (!typed && struct_size > 1); const int elem_size = (typed) ? util_format_get_blocksize(elem_format) : 1; int width, height, depth, pitch; int surface_type, surface_format, num_entries; uint32_t *dw; ILO_DEV_ASSERT(dev, 7, 7.5); surface_type = (structured) ? GEN7_SURFTYPE_STRBUF : GEN6_SURFTYPE_BUFFER; surface_format = (typed) ? ilo_translate_color_format(dev, elem_format) : GEN6_FORMAT_RAW; num_entries = size / struct_size; /* see if there is enough space to fit another element */ if (size % struct_size >= elem_size && !structured) num_entries++; /* * From the Ivy Bridge PRM, volume 4 part 1, page 67: * * "For SURFTYPE_BUFFER render targets, this field (Surface Base * Address) specifies the base address of first element of the * surface. The surface is interpreted as a simple array of that * single element type. The address must be naturally-aligned to the * element size (e.g., a buffer containing R32G32B32A32_FLOAT elements * must be 16-byte aligned) * * For SURFTYPE_BUFFER non-rendertarget surfaces, this field specifies * the base address of the first element of the surface, computed in * software by adding the surface base address to the byte offset of * the element in the buffer." */ if (is_rt) assert(offset % elem_size == 0); /* * From the Ivy Bridge PRM, volume 4 part 1, page 68: * * "For typed buffer and structured buffer surfaces, the number of * entries in the buffer ranges from 1 to 2^27. For raw buffer * surfaces, the number of entries in the buffer is the number of * bytes which can range from 1 to 2^30." */ assert(num_entries >= 1 && num_entries <= 1 << ((typed || structured) ? 27 : 30)); /* * From the Ivy Bridge PRM, volume 4 part 1, page 69: * * "For SURFTYPE_BUFFER: The low two bits of this field (Width) must be * 11 if the Surface Format is RAW (the size of the buffer must be a * multiple of 4 bytes)." * * From the Ivy Bridge PRM, volume 4 part 1, page 70: * * "For surfaces of type SURFTYPE_BUFFER and SURFTYPE_STRBUF, this * field (Surface Pitch) indicates the size of the structure." * * "For linear surfaces with Surface Type of SURFTYPE_STRBUF, the pitch * must be a multiple of 4 bytes." */ if (structured) assert(struct_size % 4 == 0); else if (!typed) assert(num_entries % 4 == 0); pitch = struct_size; pitch--; num_entries--; /* bits [6:0] */ width = (num_entries & 0x0000007f); /* bits [20:7] */ height = (num_entries & 0x001fff80) >> 7; /* bits [30:21] */ depth = (num_entries & 0x7fe00000) >> 21; /* limit to [26:21] */ if (typed || structured) depth &= 0x3f; STATIC_ASSERT(Elements(surf->payload) >= 8); dw = surf->payload; dw[0] = surface_type << GEN7_SURFACE_DW0_TYPE__SHIFT | surface_format << GEN7_SURFACE_DW0_FORMAT__SHIFT; if (render_cache_rw) dw[0] |= GEN7_SURFACE_DW0_RENDER_CACHE_RW; dw[1] = offset; dw[2] = GEN_SHIFT32(height, GEN7_SURFACE_DW2_HEIGHT) | GEN_SHIFT32(width, GEN7_SURFACE_DW2_WIDTH); dw[3] = GEN_SHIFT32(depth, GEN7_SURFACE_DW3_DEPTH) | pitch; dw[4] = 0; dw[5] = 0; dw[6] = 0; dw[7] = 0; if (ilo_dev_gen(dev) >= ILO_GEN(7.5)) { dw[7] |= GEN_SHIFT32(GEN75_SCS_RED, GEN75_SURFACE_DW7_SCS_R) | GEN_SHIFT32(GEN75_SCS_GREEN, GEN75_SURFACE_DW7_SCS_G) | GEN_SHIFT32(GEN75_SCS_BLUE, GEN75_SURFACE_DW7_SCS_B) | GEN_SHIFT32(GEN75_SCS_ALPHA, GEN75_SURFACE_DW7_SCS_A); } /* do not increment reference count */ surf->bo = buf->bo; } void ilo_gpe_init_view_surface_for_texture_gen7(const struct ilo_dev_info *dev, const struct ilo_texture *tex, enum pipe_format format, unsigned first_level, unsigned num_levels, unsigned first_layer, unsigned num_layers, bool is_rt, struct ilo_view_surface *surf) { int surface_type, surface_format; int width, height, depth, pitch, lod; uint32_t *dw; ILO_DEV_ASSERT(dev, 7, 7.5); surface_type = ilo_gpe_gen6_translate_texture(tex->base.target); assert(surface_type != GEN6_SURFTYPE_BUFFER); if (format == PIPE_FORMAT_Z32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT && tex->separate_s8) format = PIPE_FORMAT_Z32_FLOAT; if (is_rt) surface_format = ilo_translate_render_format(dev, format); else surface_format = ilo_translate_texture_format(dev, format); assert(surface_format >= 0); width = tex->layout.width0; height = tex->layout.height0; depth = (tex->base.target == PIPE_TEXTURE_3D) ? tex->base.depth0 : num_layers; pitch = tex->layout.bo_stride; if (surface_type == GEN6_SURFTYPE_CUBE) { /* * From the Ivy Bridge PRM, volume 4 part 1, page 70: * * "For SURFTYPE_CUBE:For Sampling Engine Surfaces, the range of * this field is [0,340], indicating the number of cube array * elements (equal to the number of underlying 2D array elements * divided by 6). For other surfaces, this field must be zero." * * When is_rt is true, we treat the texture as a 2D one to avoid the * restriction. */ if (is_rt) { surface_type = GEN6_SURFTYPE_2D; } else { assert(num_layers % 6 == 0); depth = num_layers / 6; } } /* sanity check the size */ assert(width >= 1 && height >= 1 && depth >= 1 && pitch >= 1); assert(first_layer < 2048 && num_layers <= 2048); switch (surface_type) { case GEN6_SURFTYPE_1D: assert(width <= 16384 && height == 1 && depth <= 2048); break; case GEN6_SURFTYPE_2D: assert(width <= 16384 && height <= 16384 && depth <= 2048); break; case GEN6_SURFTYPE_3D: assert(width <= 2048 && height <= 2048 && depth <= 2048); if (!is_rt) assert(first_layer == 0); break; case GEN6_SURFTYPE_CUBE: assert(width <= 16384 && height <= 16384 && depth <= 86); assert(width == height); if (is_rt) assert(first_layer == 0); break; default: assert(!"unexpected surface type"); break; } if (is_rt) { assert(num_levels == 1); lod = first_level; } else { lod = num_levels - 1; } /* * From the Ivy Bridge PRM, volume 4 part 1, page 68: * * "The Base Address for linear render target surfaces and surfaces * accessed with the typed surface read/write data port messages must * be element-size aligned, for non-YUV surface formats, or a multiple * of 2 element-sizes for YUV surface formats. Other linear surfaces * have no alignment requirements (byte alignment is sufficient)." * * From the Ivy Bridge PRM, volume 4 part 1, page 70: * * "For linear render target surfaces and surfaces accessed with the * typed data port messages, the pitch must be a multiple of the * element size for non-YUV surface formats. Pitch must be a multiple * of 2 * element size for YUV surface formats. For linear surfaces * with Surface Type of SURFTYPE_STRBUF, the pitch must be a multiple * of 4 bytes.For other linear surfaces, the pitch can be any multiple * of bytes." * * From the Ivy Bridge PRM, volume 4 part 1, page 74: * * "For linear surfaces, this field (X Offset) must be zero." */ if (tex->layout.tiling == INTEL_TILING_NONE) { if (is_rt) { const int elem_size = util_format_get_blocksize(format); assert(pitch % elem_size == 0); } } STATIC_ASSERT(Elements(surf->payload) >= 8); dw = surf->payload; dw[0] = surface_type << GEN7_SURFACE_DW0_TYPE__SHIFT | surface_format << GEN7_SURFACE_DW0_FORMAT__SHIFT | ilo_gpe_gen6_translate_winsys_tiling(tex->layout.tiling) << 13; /* * From the Ivy Bridge PRM, volume 4 part 1, page 63: * * "If this field (Surface Array) is enabled, the Surface Type must be * SURFTYPE_1D, SURFTYPE_2D, or SURFTYPE_CUBE. If this field is * disabled and Surface Type is SURFTYPE_1D, SURFTYPE_2D, or * SURFTYPE_CUBE, the Depth field must be set to zero." * * For non-3D sampler surfaces, resinfo (the sampler message) always * returns zero for the number of layers when this field is not set. */ if (surface_type != GEN6_SURFTYPE_3D) { if (util_resource_is_array_texture(&tex->base)) dw[0] |= GEN7_SURFACE_DW0_IS_ARRAY; else assert(depth == 1); } assert(tex->layout.align_i == 4 || tex->layout.align_i == 8); assert(tex->layout.align_j == 2 || tex->layout.align_j == 4); if (tex->layout.align_j == 4) dw[0] |= GEN7_SURFACE_DW0_VALIGN_4; if (tex->layout.align_i == 8) dw[0] |= GEN7_SURFACE_DW0_HALIGN_8; if (tex->layout.walk == ILO_LAYOUT_WALK_LOD) dw[0] |= GEN7_SURFACE_DW0_ARYSPC_LOD0; else dw[0] |= GEN7_SURFACE_DW0_ARYSPC_FULL; if (is_rt) dw[0] |= GEN7_SURFACE_DW0_RENDER_CACHE_RW; if (surface_type == GEN6_SURFTYPE_CUBE && !is_rt) dw[0] |= GEN7_SURFACE_DW0_CUBE_FACE_ENABLES__MASK; dw[1] = 0; dw[2] = GEN_SHIFT32(height - 1, GEN7_SURFACE_DW2_HEIGHT) | GEN_SHIFT32(width - 1, GEN7_SURFACE_DW2_WIDTH); dw[3] = GEN_SHIFT32(depth - 1, GEN7_SURFACE_DW3_DEPTH) | (pitch - 1); dw[4] = first_layer << 18 | (num_layers - 1) << 7; /* * MSFMT_MSS means the samples are not interleaved and MSFMT_DEPTH_STENCIL * means the samples are interleaved. The layouts are the same when the * number of samples is 1. */ if (tex->layout.interleaved_samples && tex->base.nr_samples > 1) { assert(!is_rt); dw[4] |= GEN7_SURFACE_DW4_MSFMT_DEPTH_STENCIL; } else { dw[4] |= GEN7_SURFACE_DW4_MSFMT_MSS; } if (tex->base.nr_samples > 4) dw[4] |= GEN7_SURFACE_DW4_MULTISAMPLECOUNT_8; else if (tex->base.nr_samples > 2) dw[4] |= GEN7_SURFACE_DW4_MULTISAMPLECOUNT_4; else dw[4] |= GEN7_SURFACE_DW4_MULTISAMPLECOUNT_1; dw[5] = GEN_SHIFT32(first_level, GEN7_SURFACE_DW5_MIN_LOD) | lod; dw[6] = 0; dw[7] = 0; if (ilo_dev_gen(dev) >= ILO_GEN(7.5)) { dw[7] |= GEN_SHIFT32(GEN75_SCS_RED, GEN75_SURFACE_DW7_SCS_R) | GEN_SHIFT32(GEN75_SCS_GREEN, GEN75_SURFACE_DW7_SCS_G) | GEN_SHIFT32(GEN75_SCS_BLUE, GEN75_SURFACE_DW7_SCS_B) | GEN_SHIFT32(GEN75_SCS_ALPHA, GEN75_SURFACE_DW7_SCS_A); } /* do not increment reference count */ surf->bo = tex->bo; }