#include "xorg_exa.h" #include "xorg_renderer.h" #include "xorg_exa_tgsi.h" #include "cso_cache/cso_context.h" #include "util/u_draw_quad.h" #include "util/u_math.h" #include "util/u_memory.h" #include "util/u_sampler.h" #include "util/u_inlines.h" #include "util/u_box.h" #include #define floatsEqual(x, y) (fabs(x - y) <= 0.00001f * MIN2(fabs(x), fabs(y))) #define floatIsZero(x) (floatsEqual((x) + 1, 1)) #define NUM_COMPONENTS 4 static INLINE boolean is_affine(float *matrix) { return floatIsZero(matrix[2]) && floatIsZero(matrix[5]) && floatsEqual(matrix[8], 1); } static INLINE void map_point(float *mat, float x, float y, float *out_x, float *out_y) { if (!mat) { *out_x = x; *out_y = y; return; } *out_x = mat[0]*x + mat[3]*y + mat[6]; *out_y = mat[1]*x + mat[4]*y + mat[7]; if (!is_affine(mat)) { float w = 1/(mat[2]*x + mat[5]*y + mat[8]); *out_x *= w; *out_y *= w; } } static INLINE void renderer_draw(struct xorg_renderer *r) { int num_verts = r->buffer_size/(r->attrs_per_vertex * NUM_COMPONENTS); if (!r->buffer_size) return; cso_set_vertex_elements(r->cso, r->attrs_per_vertex, r->velems); util_draw_user_vertex_buffer(r->cso, r->buffer, PIPE_PRIM_QUADS, num_verts, r->attrs_per_vertex); r->buffer_size = 0; } static INLINE void renderer_draw_conditional(struct xorg_renderer *r, int next_batch) { if (r->buffer_size + next_batch >= BUF_SIZE || (next_batch == 0 && r->buffer_size)) { renderer_draw(r); } } static void renderer_init_state(struct xorg_renderer *r) { struct pipe_depth_stencil_alpha_state dsa; struct pipe_rasterizer_state raster; unsigned i; /* set common initial clip state */ memset(&dsa, 0, sizeof(struct pipe_depth_stencil_alpha_state)); cso_set_depth_stencil_alpha(r->cso, &dsa); /* XXX: move to renderer_init_state? */ memset(&raster, 0, sizeof(struct pipe_rasterizer_state)); raster.half_pixel_center = 1; raster.bottom_edge_rule = 1; raster.depth_clip = 1; cso_set_rasterizer(r->cso, &raster); /* vertex elements state */ memset(&r->velems[0], 0, sizeof(r->velems[0]) * 3); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { r->velems[i].src_offset = i * 4 * sizeof(float); r->velems[i].instance_divisor = 0; r->velems[i].vertex_buffer_index = 0; r->velems[i].src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT; } } static INLINE void add_vertex_color(struct xorg_renderer *r, float x, float y, float color[4]) { float *vertex = r->buffer + r->buffer_size; vertex[0] = x; vertex[1] = y; vertex[2] = 0.f; /*z*/ vertex[3] = 1.f; /*w*/ vertex[4] = color[0]; /*r*/ vertex[5] = color[1]; /*g*/ vertex[6] = color[2]; /*b*/ vertex[7] = color[3]; /*a*/ r->buffer_size += 8; } static INLINE void add_vertex_1tex(struct xorg_renderer *r, float x, float y, float s, float t) { float *vertex = r->buffer + r->buffer_size; vertex[0] = x; vertex[1] = y; vertex[2] = 0.f; /*z*/ vertex[3] = 1.f; /*w*/ vertex[4] = s; /*s*/ vertex[5] = t; /*t*/ vertex[6] = 0.f; /*r*/ vertex[7] = 1.f; /*q*/ r->buffer_size += 8; } static void add_vertex_data1(struct xorg_renderer *r, float srcX, float srcY, float dstX, float dstY, float width, float height, struct pipe_resource *src, float *src_matrix) { float s0, t0, s1, t1, s2, t2, s3, t3; float pt0[2], pt1[2], pt2[2], pt3[2]; pt0[0] = srcX; pt0[1] = srcY; pt1[0] = (srcX + width); pt1[1] = srcY; pt2[0] = (srcX + width); pt2[1] = (srcY + height); pt3[0] = srcX; pt3[1] = (srcY + height); if (src_matrix) { map_point(src_matrix, pt0[0], pt0[1], &pt0[0], &pt0[1]); map_point(src_matrix, pt1[0], pt1[1], &pt1[0], &pt1[1]); map_point(src_matrix, pt2[0], pt2[1], &pt2[0], &pt2[1]); map_point(src_matrix, pt3[0], pt3[1], &pt3[0], &pt3[1]); } s0 = pt0[0] / src->width0; s1 = pt1[0] / src->width0; s2 = pt2[0] / src->width0; s3 = pt3[0] / src->width0; t0 = pt0[1] / src->height0; t1 = pt1[1] / src->height0; t2 = pt2[1] / src->height0; t3 = pt3[1] / src->height0; /* 1st vertex */ add_vertex_1tex(r, dstX, dstY, s0, t0); /* 2nd vertex */ add_vertex_1tex(r, dstX + width, dstY, s1, t1); /* 3rd vertex */ add_vertex_1tex(r, dstX + width, dstY + height, s2, t2); /* 4th vertex */ add_vertex_1tex(r, dstX, dstY + height, s3, t3); } static INLINE void add_vertex_2tex(struct xorg_renderer *r, float x, float y, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1) { float *vertex = r->buffer + r->buffer_size; vertex[0] = x; vertex[1] = y; vertex[2] = 0.f; /*z*/ vertex[3] = 1.f; /*w*/ vertex[4] = s0; /*s*/ vertex[5] = t0; /*t*/ vertex[6] = 0.f; /*r*/ vertex[7] = 1.f; /*q*/ vertex[8] = s1; /*s*/ vertex[9] = t1; /*t*/ vertex[10] = 0.f; /*r*/ vertex[11] = 1.f; /*q*/ r->buffer_size += 12; } static void add_vertex_data2(struct xorg_renderer *r, float srcX, float srcY, float maskX, float maskY, float dstX, float dstY, float width, float height, struct pipe_resource *src, struct pipe_resource *mask, float *src_matrix, float *mask_matrix) { float src_s0, src_t0, src_s1, src_t1, src_s2, src_t2, src_s3, src_t3; float mask_s0, mask_t0, mask_s1, mask_t1, mask_s2, mask_t2, mask_s3, mask_t3; float spt0[2], spt1[2], spt2[2], spt3[2]; float mpt0[2], mpt1[2], mpt2[2], mpt3[2]; spt0[0] = srcX; spt0[1] = srcY; spt1[0] = (srcX + width); spt1[1] = srcY; spt2[0] = (srcX + width); spt2[1] = (srcY + height); spt3[0] = srcX; spt3[1] = (srcY + height); mpt0[0] = maskX; mpt0[1] = maskY; mpt1[0] = (maskX + width); mpt1[1] = maskY; mpt2[0] = (maskX + width); mpt2[1] = (maskY + height); mpt3[0] = maskX; mpt3[1] = (maskY + height); if (src_matrix) { map_point(src_matrix, spt0[0], spt0[1], &spt0[0], &spt0[1]); map_point(src_matrix, spt1[0], spt1[1], &spt1[0], &spt1[1]); map_point(src_matrix, spt2[0], spt2[1], &spt2[0], &spt2[1]); map_point(src_matrix, spt3[0], spt3[1], &spt3[0], &spt3[1]); } if (mask_matrix) { map_point(mask_matrix, mpt0[0], mpt0[1], &mpt0[0], &mpt0[1]); map_point(mask_matrix, mpt1[0], mpt1[1], &mpt1[0], &mpt1[1]); map_point(mask_matrix, mpt2[0], mpt2[1], &mpt2[0], &mpt2[1]); map_point(mask_matrix, mpt3[0], mpt3[1], &mpt3[0], &mpt3[1]); } src_s0 = spt0[0] / src->width0; src_s1 = spt1[0] / src->width0; src_s2 = spt2[0] / src->width0; src_s3 = spt3[0] / src->width0; src_t0 = spt0[1] / src->height0; src_t1 = spt1[1] / src->height0; src_t2 = spt2[1] / src->height0; src_t3 = spt3[1] / src->height0; mask_s0 = mpt0[0] / mask->width0; mask_s1 = mpt1[0] / mask->width0; mask_s2 = mpt2[0] / mask->width0; mask_s3 = mpt3[0] / mask->width0; mask_t0 = mpt0[1] / mask->height0; mask_t1 = mpt1[1] / mask->height0; mask_t2 = mpt2[1] / mask->height0; mask_t3 = mpt3[1] / mask->height0; /* 1st vertex */ add_vertex_2tex(r, dstX, dstY, src_s0, src_t0, mask_s0, mask_t0); /* 2nd vertex */ add_vertex_2tex(r, dstX + width, dstY, src_s1, src_t1, mask_s1, mask_t1); /* 3rd vertex */ add_vertex_2tex(r, dstX + width, dstY + height, src_s2, src_t2, mask_s2, mask_t2); /* 4th vertex */ add_vertex_2tex(r, dstX, dstY + height, src_s3, src_t3, mask_s3, mask_t3); } static void setup_vertex_data_yuv(struct xorg_renderer *r, float srcX, float srcY, float srcW, float srcH, float dstX, float dstY, float dstW, float dstH, struct pipe_resource **tex) { float s0, t0, s1, t1; float spt0[2], spt1[2]; spt0[0] = srcX; spt0[1] = srcY; spt1[0] = srcX + srcW; spt1[1] = srcY + srcH; s0 = spt0[0] / tex[0]->width0; t0 = spt0[1] / tex[0]->height0; s1 = spt1[0] / tex[0]->width0; t1 = spt1[1] / tex[0]->height0; /* 1st vertex */ add_vertex_1tex(r, dstX, dstY, s0, t0); /* 2nd vertex */ add_vertex_1tex(r, dstX + dstW, dstY, s1, t0); /* 3rd vertex */ add_vertex_1tex(r, dstX + dstW, dstY + dstH, s1, t1); /* 4th vertex */ add_vertex_1tex(r, dstX, dstY + dstH, s0, t1); } /* Set up framebuffer, viewport and vertex shader constant buffer * state for a particular destinaton surface. In all our rendering, * these concepts are linked. */ void renderer_bind_destination(struct xorg_renderer *r, struct pipe_surface *surface, int width, int height ) { struct pipe_framebuffer_state fb; struct pipe_viewport_state viewport; /* Framebuffer uses actual surface width/height */ memset(&fb, 0, sizeof fb); fb.width = surface->width; fb.height = surface->height; fb.nr_cbufs = 1; fb.cbufs[0] = surface; fb.zsbuf = 0; /* Viewport just touches the bit we're interested in: */ viewport.scale[0] = width / 2.f; viewport.scale[1] = height / 2.f; viewport.scale[2] = 1.0; viewport.scale[3] = 1.0; viewport.translate[0] = width / 2.f; viewport.translate[1] = height / 2.f; viewport.translate[2] = 0.0; viewport.translate[3] = 0.0; /* Constant buffer set up to match viewport dimensions: */ if (r->fb_width != width || r->fb_height != height) { float vs_consts[8] = { 2.f/width, 2.f/height, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0 }; r->fb_width = width; r->fb_height = height; renderer_set_constants(r, PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX, vs_consts, sizeof vs_consts); } cso_set_framebuffer(r->cso, &fb); cso_set_viewport(r->cso, &viewport); } struct xorg_renderer * renderer_create(struct pipe_context *pipe) { struct xorg_renderer *renderer = CALLOC_STRUCT(xorg_renderer); renderer->pipe = pipe; renderer->cso = cso_create_context(pipe); renderer->shaders = xorg_shaders_create(renderer); renderer_init_state(renderer); return renderer; } void renderer_destroy(struct xorg_renderer *r) { struct pipe_resource **vsbuf = &r->vs_const_buffer; struct pipe_resource **fsbuf = &r->fs_const_buffer; if (*vsbuf) pipe_resource_reference(vsbuf, NULL); if (*fsbuf) pipe_resource_reference(fsbuf, NULL); if (r->shaders) { xorg_shaders_destroy(r->shaders); r->shaders = NULL; } if (r->cso) { cso_release_all(r->cso); cso_destroy_context(r->cso); r->cso = NULL; } } void renderer_set_constants(struct xorg_renderer *r, int shader_type, const float *params, int param_bytes) { struct pipe_resource **cbuf = (shader_type == PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX) ? &r->vs_const_buffer : &r->fs_const_buffer; pipe_resource_reference(cbuf, NULL); *cbuf = pipe_buffer_create(r->pipe->screen, PIPE_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER, PIPE_USAGE_STATIC, param_bytes); if (*cbuf) { pipe_buffer_write(r->pipe, *cbuf, 0, param_bytes, params); } pipe_set_constant_buffer(r->pipe, shader_type, 0, *cbuf); } void renderer_draw_yuv(struct xorg_renderer *r, float src_x, float src_y, float src_w, float src_h, int dst_x, int dst_y, int dst_w, int dst_h, struct pipe_resource **textures) { const int num_attribs = 2; /*pos + tex coord*/ setup_vertex_data_yuv(r, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h, textures); cso_set_vertex_elements(r->cso, num_attribs, r->velems); util_draw_user_vertex_buffer(r->cso, r->buffer, PIPE_PRIM_QUADS, 4, /* verts */ num_attribs); /* attribs/vert */ r->buffer_size = 0; } void renderer_begin_solid(struct xorg_renderer *r) { r->buffer_size = 0; r->attrs_per_vertex = 2; } void renderer_solid(struct xorg_renderer *r, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, float *color) { /* debug_printf("solid rect[(%d, %d), (%d, %d)], rgba[%f, %f, %f, %f]\n", x0, y0, x1, y1, color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]);*/ renderer_draw_conditional(r, 4 * 8); /* 1st vertex */ add_vertex_color(r, x0, y0, color); /* 2nd vertex */ add_vertex_color(r, x1, y0, color); /* 3rd vertex */ add_vertex_color(r, x1, y1, color); /* 4th vertex */ add_vertex_color(r, x0, y1, color); } void renderer_draw_flush(struct xorg_renderer *r) { renderer_draw_conditional(r, 0); } void renderer_begin_textures(struct xorg_renderer *r, int num_textures) { r->attrs_per_vertex = 1 + num_textures; r->buffer_size = 0; } void renderer_texture(struct xorg_renderer *r, int *pos, int width, int height, struct pipe_sampler_view **sampler_view, int num_textures, float *src_matrix, float *mask_matrix) { #if 0 if (src_matrix) { debug_printf("src_matrix = \n"); debug_printf("%f, %f, %f\n", src_matrix[0], src_matrix[1], src_matrix[2]); debug_printf("%f, %f, %f\n", src_matrix[3], src_matrix[4], src_matrix[5]); debug_printf("%f, %f, %f\n", src_matrix[6], src_matrix[7], src_matrix[8]); } if (mask_matrix) { debug_printf("mask_matrix = \n"); debug_printf("%f, %f, %f\n", mask_matrix[0], mask_matrix[1], mask_matrix[2]); debug_printf("%f, %f, %f\n", mask_matrix[3], mask_matrix[4], mask_matrix[5]); debug_printf("%f, %f, %f\n", mask_matrix[6], mask_matrix[7], mask_matrix[8]); } #endif switch(r->attrs_per_vertex) { case 2: renderer_draw_conditional(r, 4 * 8); add_vertex_data1(r, pos[0], pos[1], /* src */ pos[4], pos[5], /* dst */ width, height, sampler_view[0]->texture, src_matrix); break; case 3: renderer_draw_conditional(r, 4 * 12); add_vertex_data2(r, pos[0], pos[1], /* src */ pos[2], pos[3], /* mask */ pos[4], pos[5], /* dst */ width, height, sampler_view[0]->texture, sampler_view[1]->texture, src_matrix, mask_matrix); break; default: debug_assert(!"Unsupported number of textures"); break; } }