/* * Copyright © 2014 Intel Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Connor Abbott (cwabbott0@gmail.com) * */ /** * This header file defines all the available opcodes in one place. It expands * to a list of macros of the form: * * OPCODE(name, num_inputs, per_component, output_size, output_type, * input_sizes, input_types) * * Which should correspond one-to-one with the nir_op_info structure. It is * included in both ir.h to create the nir_op enum (with members of the form * nir_op_(name)) and and in opcodes.c to create nir_op_infos, which is a * const array of nir_op_info structures for each opcode. */ #define ARR(...) { __VA_ARGS__ } #define UNOP(name, type) OPCODE(name, 1, false, 0, type, ARR(0), ARR(type)) #define UNOP_CONVERT(name, in_type, out_type) \ OPCODE(name, 1, false, 0, out_type, ARR(0), ARR(in_type)) #define UNOP_HORIZ(name, output_size, output_type, input_size, input_type) \ OPCODE(name, 1, true, output_size, output_type, ARR(input_size), \ ARR(input_type)) #define UNOP_REDUCE(name, output_size, output_type, input_type) \ UNOP_HORIZ(name##2, output_size, output_type, 2, input_type) \ UNOP_HORIZ(name##3, output_size, output_type, 3, input_type) \ UNOP_HORIZ(name##4, output_size, output_type, 4, input_type) /** * These two move instructions differ in what modifiers they support and what * the negate modifier means. Otherwise, they are identical. */ UNOP(fmov, nir_type_float) UNOP(imov, nir_type_int) UNOP(inot, nir_type_int) /* invert every bit of the integer */ UNOP(fnot, nir_type_float) /* (src == 0.0) ? 1.0 : 0.0 */ UNOP(fsign, nir_type_float) UNOP(isign, nir_type_int) UNOP(frcp, nir_type_float) UNOP(frsq, nir_type_float) UNOP(fsqrt, nir_type_float) UNOP(fexp, nir_type_float) /* < e^x */ UNOP(flog, nir_type_float) /* log base e */ UNOP(fexp2, nir_type_float) UNOP(flog2, nir_type_float) UNOP_CONVERT(f2i, nir_type_float, nir_type_int) /**< Float-to-integer conversion. */ UNOP_CONVERT(f2u, nir_type_float, nir_type_unsigned) /**< Float-to-unsigned conversion. */ UNOP_CONVERT(i2f, nir_type_int, nir_type_float) /**< Integer-to-float conversion. */ UNOP_CONVERT(f2b, nir_type_float, nir_type_bool) /**< Float-to-boolean conversion */ UNOP_CONVERT(b2f, nir_type_bool, nir_type_float) /**< Boolean-to-float conversion */ UNOP_CONVERT(i2b, nir_type_int, nir_type_bool) /**< int-to-boolean conversion */ UNOP_CONVERT(b2i, nir_type_bool, nir_type_int) /**< Boolean-to-int conversion */ UNOP_CONVERT(u2f, nir_type_unsigned, nir_type_float) /**< Unsigned-to-float conversion. */ UNOP_REDUCE(bany, 1, nir_type_bool, nir_type_bool) /* returns ~0 if any component of src[0] != 0 */ UNOP_REDUCE(ball, 1, nir_type_bool, nir_type_bool) /* returns ~0 if all components of src[0] != 0 */ UNOP_REDUCE(fany, 1, nir_type_float, nir_type_float) /* returns 1.0 if any component of src[0] != 0 */ UNOP_REDUCE(fall, 1, nir_type_float, nir_type_float) /* returns 1.0 if all components of src[0] != 0 */ /** * \name Unary floating-point rounding operations. */ /*@{*/ UNOP(ftrunc, nir_type_float) UNOP(fceil, nir_type_float) UNOP(ffloor, nir_type_float) UNOP(ffract, nir_type_float) UNOP(fround_even, nir_type_float) /*@}*/ /** * \name Trigonometric operations. */ /*@{*/ UNOP(fsin, nir_type_float) UNOP(fcos, nir_type_float) UNOP(fsin_reduced, nir_type_float) UNOP(fcos_reduced, nir_type_float) /*@}*/ /** * \name Partial derivatives. */ /*@{*/ UNOP(fddx, nir_type_float) UNOP(fddy, nir_type_float) /*@}*/ /** * \name Floating point pack and unpack operations. */ /*@{*/ UNOP_HORIZ(pack_snorm_2x16, 1, nir_type_unsigned, 2, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(pack_snorm_4x8, 1, nir_type_unsigned, 4, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(pack_unorm_2x16, 1, nir_type_unsigned, 2, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(pack_unorm_4x8, 1, nir_type_unsigned, 4, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(pack_half_2x16, 1, nir_type_unsigned, 2, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(unpack_snorm_2x16, 2, nir_type_float, 1, nir_type_unsigned) UNOP_HORIZ(unpack_snorm_4x8, 4, nir_type_float, 1, nir_type_unsigned) UNOP_HORIZ(unpack_unorm_2x16, 2, nir_type_float, 1, nir_type_unsigned) UNOP_HORIZ(unpack_unorm_4x8, 4, nir_type_float, 1, nir_type_unsigned) UNOP_HORIZ(unpack_half_2x16, 2, nir_type_float, 1, nir_type_unsigned) /*@}*/ /** * \name Lowered floating point unpacking operations. */ /*@{*/ UNOP_HORIZ(unpack_half_2x16_split_x, 1, nir_type_float, 1, nir_type_unsigned) UNOP_HORIZ(unpack_half_2x16_split_y, 1, nir_type_float, 1, nir_type_unsigned) /*@}*/ /** * \name Bit operations, part of ARB_gpu_shader5. */ /*@{*/ UNOP(bitfield_reverse, nir_type_unsigned) UNOP(bit_count, nir_type_unsigned) UNOP(find_msb, nir_type_unsigned) UNOP(find_lsb, nir_type_unsigned) /*@}*/ UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise1_1, 1, nir_type_float, 1, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise1_2, 1, nir_type_float, 2, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise1_3, 1, nir_type_float, 3, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise1_4, 1, nir_type_float, 4, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise2_1, 2, nir_type_float, 1, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise2_2, 2, nir_type_float, 2, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise2_3, 2, nir_type_float, 3, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise2_4, 2, nir_type_float, 4, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise3_1, 3, nir_type_float, 1, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise3_2, 3, nir_type_float, 2, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise3_3, 3, nir_type_float, 3, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise3_4, 3, nir_type_float, 4, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise4_1, 4, nir_type_float, 1, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise4_2, 4, nir_type_float, 2, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise4_3, 4, nir_type_float, 3, nir_type_float) UNOP_HORIZ(fnoise4_4, 4, nir_type_float, 4, nir_type_float) #define BINOP(name, type) \ OPCODE(name, 2, true, 0, type, ARR(0, 0), ARR(type, type)) #define BINOP_CONVERT(name, out_type, in_type) \ OPCODE(name, 2, true, 0, out_type, ARR(0, 0), ARR(in_type, in_type)) #define BINOP_COMPARE(name, type) BINOP_CONVERT(name, nir_type_bool, type) #define BINOP_HORIZ(name, output_size, output_type, src1_size, src1_type, \ src2_size, src2_type) \ OPCODE(name, 2, true, output_size, output_type, ARR(src1_size, src2_size), \ ARR(src1_type, src2_type)) #define BINOP_REDUCE(name, output_size, output_type, src_type) \ BINOP_HORIZ(name##2, output_size, output_type, 2, src_type, 2, src_type) \ BINOP_HORIZ(name##3, output_size, output_type, 3, src_type, 3, src_type) \ BINOP_HORIZ(name##4, output_size, output_type, 4, src_type, 4, src_type) \ BINOP(fadd, nir_type_float) BINOP(iadd, nir_type_int) BINOP(fsub, nir_type_float) BINOP(isub, nir_type_int) BINOP(fmul, nir_type_float) BINOP(imul, nir_type_int) /* low 32-bits of signed/unsigned integer multiply */ BINOP(imul_high, nir_type_int) /* high 32-bits of signed integer multiply */ BINOP(umul_high, nir_type_unsigned) /* high 32-bits of unsigned integer multiply */ BINOP(fdiv, nir_type_float) BINOP(idiv, nir_type_int) BINOP(udiv, nir_type_unsigned) /** * returns a boolean representing the carry resulting from the addition of * the two unsigned arguments. */ BINOP_CONVERT(uadd_carry, nir_type_bool, nir_type_unsigned) /** * returns a boolean representing the borrow resulting from the subtraction * of the two unsigned arguments. */ BINOP_CONVERT(usub_borrow, nir_type_bool, nir_type_unsigned) BINOP(fmod, nir_type_float) BINOP(umod, nir_type_unsigned) /** * \name comparisons */ /*@{*/ /** * these integer-aware comparisons return a boolean (0 or ~0) */ BINOP_COMPARE(flt, nir_type_float) BINOP_COMPARE(fge, nir_type_float) BINOP_COMPARE(feq, nir_type_float) BINOP_COMPARE(fne, nir_type_float) BINOP_COMPARE(ilt, nir_type_int) BINOP_COMPARE(ige, nir_type_int) BINOP_COMPARE(ieq, nir_type_int) BINOP_COMPARE(ine, nir_type_int) BINOP_COMPARE(ult, nir_type_unsigned) BINOP_COMPARE(uge, nir_type_unsigned) /** integer-aware GLSL-style comparisons that compare floats and ints */ BINOP_REDUCE(ball_fequal, 1, nir_type_bool, nir_type_float) BINOP_REDUCE(bany_fnequal, 1, nir_type_bool, nir_type_float) BINOP_REDUCE(ball_iequal, 1, nir_type_bool, nir_type_int) BINOP_REDUCE(bany_inequal, 1, nir_type_bool, nir_type_int) /** non-integer-aware GLSL-style comparisons that return 0.0 or 1.0 */ BINOP_REDUCE(fall_equal, 1, nir_type_float, nir_type_float) BINOP_REDUCE(fany_nequal, 1, nir_type_float, nir_type_float) /** * These comparisons for integer-less hardware return 1.0 and 0.0 for true * and false respectively */ BINOP(slt, nir_type_float) /* Set on Less Than */ BINOP(sge, nir_type_float) /* Set on Greater Than or Equal */ BINOP(seq, nir_type_float) /* Set on Equal */ BINOP(sne, nir_type_float) /* Set on Not Equal */ /*@}*/ BINOP(ishl, nir_type_int) BINOP(ishr, nir_type_int) BINOP(ushr, nir_type_unsigned) /** * \name bitwise logic operators * * These are also used as boolean and, or, xor for hardware supporting * integers. */ /*@{*/ BINOP(iand, nir_type_unsigned) BINOP(ior, nir_type_unsigned) BINOP(ixor, nir_type_unsigned) /*@{*/ /** * \name floating point logic operators * * These use (src != 0.0) for testing the truth of the input, and output 1.0 * for true and 0.0 for false */ BINOP(fand, nir_type_float) BINOP(for, nir_type_float) BINOP(fxor, nir_type_float) BINOP_REDUCE(fdot, 1, nir_type_float, nir_type_float) BINOP(fmin, nir_type_float) BINOP(imin, nir_type_int) BINOP(umin, nir_type_unsigned) BINOP(fmax, nir_type_float) BINOP(imax, nir_type_int) BINOP(umax, nir_type_unsigned) BINOP(fpow, nir_type_float) BINOP_HORIZ(pack_half_2x16_split, 1, nir_type_unsigned, 1, nir_type_float, 1, nir_type_float) BINOP(bfm, nir_type_unsigned) BINOP(ldexp, nir_type_unsigned) /** * Combines the first component of each input to make a 2-component vector. */ BINOP_HORIZ(vec2, 2, nir_type_unsigned, 1, nir_type_unsigned, 1, nir_type_unsigned) #define TRIOP(name, type) \ OPCODE(name, 3, true, 0, type, ARR(0, 0, 0), ARR(type, type, type)) #define TRIOP_HORIZ(name, output_size, src1_size, src2_size, src3_size) \ OPCODE(name, 3, false, output_size, nir_type_unsigned, \ ARR(src1_size, src2_size, src3_size), \ ARR(nir_type_unsigned, nir_type_unsigned, nir_type_unsigned)) TRIOP(ffma, nir_type_float) TRIOP(flrp, nir_type_float) /** * \name Conditional Select * * A vector conditional select instruction (like ?:, but operating per- * component on vectors). There are two versions, one for floating point * bools (0.0 vs 1.0) and one for integer bools (0 vs ~0). */ OPCODE(fcsel, 3, true, 0, nir_type_float, ARR(1, 0, 0), ARR(nir_type_float, nir_type_float, nir_type_float)) OPCODE(bcsel, 3, true, 0, nir_type_unsigned, ARR(1, 0, 0), ARR(nir_type_bool, nir_type_unsigned, nir_type_unsigned)) TRIOP(bfi, nir_type_unsigned) TRIOP(ubitfield_extract, nir_type_unsigned) OPCODE(ibitfield_extract, 3, true, 0, nir_type_int, ARR(0, 0, 0), ARR(nir_type_int, nir_type_unsigned, nir_type_unsigned)) /** * Combines the first component of each input to make a 3-component vector. */ TRIOP_HORIZ(vec3, 3, 1, 1, 1) #define QUADOP(name) \ OPCODE(name, 4, true, 0, nir_type_unsigned, ARR(0, 0, 0, 0), \ ARR(nir_type_unsigned, nir_type_unsigned, nir_type_unsigned, nir_type_unsigned)) #define QUADOP_HORIZ(name, output_size, src1_size, src2_size, src3_size, \ src4_size) \ OPCODE(name, 4, false, output_size, nir_type_unsigned, \ ARR(src1_size, src2_size, src3_size, src4_size), \ ARR(nir_type_unsigned, nir_type_unsigned, nir_type_unsigned, nir_type_unsigned)) QUADOP(bitfield_insert) QUADOP_HORIZ(vec4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1) LAST_OPCODE(vec4)