path: root/android/sdk-controller-socket.h
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diff --git a/android/sdk-controller-socket.h b/android/sdk-controller-socket.h
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index 0000000..e58a4e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/sdk-controller-socket.h
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+ * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "android/async-socket.h"
+#include "android/async-utils.h"
+ * Contains declaration of an API that encapsulates communication protocol with
+ * SdkController running on an Android device.
+ *
+ * SdkController is used to provide:
+ *
+ * - Realistic sensor emulation.
+ * - Multi-touch emulation.
+ * - Open for other types of emulation.
+ *
+ * The idea behind this type of emulation is such that there is an actual
+ * Android device that is connected via USB to the host running the emulator.
+ * On the device there is an SdkController service running that enables
+ * communication between an Android application that gathers information required
+ * by the emulator, and transmits that info to the emulator.
+ *
+ * SdkController service on the device, and SDKCtlSocket API implemented here
+ * implement the exchange protocol between an Android application, and emulation
+ * engine running inside the emulator.
+ *
+ * In turn, the exchange protocol is implemented on top of asynchronous socket
+ * communication (abstracted in AsyncSocket protocol implemented in
+ * android/async-socket.*). It means that connection, and all data transfer
+ * (both, in, and out) are completely asynchronous, and results of each operation
+ * are reported through callbacks.
+ *
+ * Essentially, this entire API implements two types of protocols:
+ *
+ * - Connection protocol.
+ * - Data exchange protocol.
+ *
+ * 1. Connection protocol.
+ *
+ * Connecting to SdkController service on the attached device can be broken down
+ * into two phases:
+ * - Connecting to a TCP socket.
+ * - Sending a "handshake" query to the SdkController.
+ *
+ * 1.1. Connecting to the socket.
+ *
+ * TCP socket connection with SdkController is enabled by using adb port
+ * forwarding. SdkController is always listening to a local abstract socket named
+ * 'android.sdk.controller', so to enable connecting to it from the host, run
+ *
+ * adb forward tcp:<port> localabstract: android.sdk.controller
+ *
+ * After that TCP socket for the requested port can be used to connect to
+ * SdkController, and connecting to it is no different than connecting to any
+ * socket server. Except for one thing: adb port forwarding is implemented in
+ * such a way, that socket_connect will always succeed, even if there is no
+ * server listening to that port on the other side of connection. Moreover,
+ * even socked_send will succeed in this case, so the only way to ensure that
+ * SdkController in deed is listening is to exchange a handshake with it:
+ * Fortunatelly, an attempt to read from forwarded TCP port on condition that
+ * there is no listener on the oher side will fail.
+ *
+ * 1.2. Handshake query.
+ *
+ * Handshake query is a special type of query that SDKCtlSocket sends to the
+ * SdkController upon successful socket connection. This query served two
+ * purposes:
+ * - Informs the SdkController about host endianness. This information is
+ * important, because SdkController needs it in order to format its messages
+ * with proper endianness.
+ * - Ensures that SdkController is in deed listening on the other side of the
+ * connected socket.
+ *
+ * Connection with SdkController is considered to be successfuly established when
+ * SdkController responds to the handshake query, thus, completing the connection.
+ *
+ * 2. Data exchange protocol.
+ *
+ * As it was mentioned above, all data transfer in this API is completely
+ * asynchronous, and result of each data transfer is reported via callbacks.
+ * This also complicates destruction of data involved in exchange, since in an
+ * asynchronous environment it's hard to control the lifespan of an object, its
+ * owner, and who and when is responsible to free resources allocated for the
+ * transfer. To address this issue, all the descriptors that this API operates
+ * with are referenced on use / released after use, and get freed when reference
+ * counter for them drops to zero, indicating that there is no component that is
+ * interested in that particular descriptor.
+ *
+ * There are three types of data in the exchange protocol:
+ * - A message - the simplest type of data that doesn't require any replies.
+ * - A query - A message that require a reply, and
+ * - A query reply - A message that delivers query reply.
+ */
+/* Default TCP port to use for connection with SDK controller. */
+/* Declares SDK controller socket descriptor. */
+typedef struct SDKCtlSocket SDKCtlSocket;
+/* Declares SDK controller message descriptor. */
+typedef struct SDKCtlMessage SDKCtlMessage;
+/* Declares SDK controller query descriptor. */
+typedef struct SDKCtlQuery SDKCtlQuery;
+/* Declares SDK controller direct packet descriptor.
+ * Direct packet (unlike message, or query packets) doesn't contain data buffer,
+ * but rather references message, or query data allocated by the client.
+ */
+typedef struct SDKCtlDirectPacket SDKCtlDirectPacket;
+/* Defines client's callback set to monitor SDK controller socket connection.
+ *
+ * SDKCtlSocket will invoke this callback when connection to TCP port is
+ * established, but before handshake query is processed. The client should use
+ * on_sdkctl_handshake_cb to receive notification about an operational connection
+ * with SdkController.
+ *
+ * The main purpose of this callback for the client is to monitor connection
+ * state: in addition to TCP port connection, this callback will be invoked when
+ * connection with the port is lost.
+ *
+ * Param:
+ * client_opaque - An opaque pointer associated with the client.
+ * sdkctl - Initialized SDKCtlSocket instance.
+ * status - Socket connection status. Can be one of these:
+ * - ASIO_STATE_SUCCEEDED : Socket is connected to the port.
+ * - ASIO_STATE_FAILED : Connection attempt has failed, or connection with
+ * the port is lost.
+ * Return:
+ * One of the AsyncIOAction values.
+ */
+typedef AsyncIOAction (*on_sdkctl_socket_connection_cb)(void* client_opaque,
+ SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl,
+ AsyncIOState status);
+/* Enumerates port connection statuses passed to port connection callback.
+ */
+typedef enum SdkCtlPortStatus {
+ /* Service-side port has connected to the socket. */
+ /* Service-side port has disconnected from the socket. */
+ /* Service-side port has enabled emulation */
+ /* Service-side port has disabled emulation */
+ /* Handshake request has succeeded, and service-side port is connected. */
+ /* Handshake request has succeeded, but service-side port is not connected. */
+ /* Handshake request has failed due to port duplication. */
+ /* Handshake request has failed on an unknown query. */
+ /* Handshake request has failed on an unknown response. */
+} SdkCtlPortStatus;
+/* Defines client's callback set to receive port connection status.
+ *
+ * Port connection is different than socket connection, and indicates whether
+ * or not a service-side port that provides requested emulation functionality is
+ * hooked up with the connected socket. For instance, multi-touch port may be
+ * inactive at the time when socket is connected. So, there is a successful
+ * socket connection, but there is no service at the device end that provides
+ * multi-touch functionality. So, for multi-touch example, this callback will be
+ * invoked when multi-touch port at the device end becomes active, and hooks up
+ * with the socket that was connected before.
+ *
+ * Param:
+ * client_opaque - An opaque pointer associated with the client.
+ * sdkctl - Initialized SDKCtlSocket instance.
+ * status - Port connection status.
+ */
+typedef void (*on_sdkctl_port_connection_cb)(void* client_opaque,
+ SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl,
+ SdkCtlPortStatus status);
+/* Defines a message notification callback.
+ * Param:
+ * client_opaque - An opaque pointer associated with the client.
+ * sdkctl - Initialized SDKCtlSocket instance.
+ * message - Descriptor for received message. Note that message descriptor will
+ * be released upon exit from this callback (thus, could be freed along
+ * with message data). If the client is interested in working with that
+ * message after the callback returns, it should reference the message
+ * descriptor in this callback.
+ * msg_type - Message type.
+ * msg_data, msg_size - Message data.
+ */
+typedef void (*on_sdkctl_message_cb)(void* client_opaque,
+ SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl,
+ SDKCtlMessage* message,
+ int msg_type,
+ void* msg_data,
+ int msg_size);
+/* Defines query completion callback.
+ * Param:
+ * query_opaque - An opaque pointer associated with the query by the client.
+ * query - Query descriptor. Note that query descriptor will be released upon
+ * exit from this callback (thus, could be freed along with query data). If
+ * the client is interested in working with that query after the callback
+ * returns, it should reference the query descriptor in this callback.
+ * status - Query status. Can be one of these:
+ * - ASIO_STATE_CONTINUES : Query data has been transmitted to the service,
+ * and query is now waiting for response.
+ * - ASIO_STATE_SUCCEEDED : Query has been successfully completed.
+ * - ASIO_STATE_FAILED : Query has failed on an I/O.
+ * - ASIO_STATE_TIMED_OUT : Deadline set for the query has expired.
+ * - ASIO_STATE_CANCELLED : Query has been cancelled due to socket
+ * disconnection.
+ * Return:
+ * One of the AsyncIOAction values.
+ */
+typedef AsyncIOAction (*on_sdkctl_query_cb)(void* query_opaque,
+ SDKCtlQuery* query,
+ AsyncIOState status);
+/* Defines direct packet completion callback.
+ * Param:
+ * opaque - An opaque pointer associated with the direct packet by the client.
+ * packet - Packet descriptor. Note that packet descriptor will be released
+ * upon exit from this callback (thus, could be freed). If the client is
+ * interested in working with that packet after the callback returns, it
+ * should reference the packet descriptor in this callback.
+ * status - Packet status. Can be one of these:
+ * - ASIO_STATE_SUCCEEDED : Packet has been successfully sent.
+ * - ASIO_STATE_FAILED : Packet has failed on an I/O.
+ * - ASIO_STATE_CANCELLED : Packet has been cancelled due to socket
+ * disconnection.
+ * Return:
+ * One of the AsyncIOAction values.
+ */
+typedef AsyncIOAction (*on_sdkctl_direct_cb)(void* opaque,
+ SDKCtlDirectPacket* packet,
+ AsyncIOState status);
+ * SDKCtlDirectPacket API
+ ********************************************************************************/
+/* Creates new SDKCtlDirectPacket descriptor.
+ * Param:
+ * sdkctl - Initialized SDKCtlSocket instance to create a direct packet for.
+ * Return:
+ * Referenced SDKCtlDirectPacket instance.
+ */
+extern SDKCtlDirectPacket* sdkctl_direct_packet_new(SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl);
+/* References SDKCtlDirectPacket object.
+ * Param:
+ * packet - Initialized SDKCtlDirectPacket instance.
+ * Return:
+ * Number of outstanding references to the object.
+ */
+extern int sdkctl_direct_packet_reference(SDKCtlDirectPacket* packet);
+/* Releases SDKCtlDirectPacket object.
+ * Note that upon exiting from this routine the object might be destroyed, even
+ * if this routine returns value other than zero.
+ * Param:
+ * packet - Initialized SDKCtlDirectPacket instance.
+ * Return:
+ * Number of outstanding references to the object.
+ */
+extern int sdkctl_direct_packet_release(SDKCtlDirectPacket* packet);
+/* Sends direct packet.
+ * Param:
+ * packet - Packet descriptor for the direct packet to send.
+ * data - Data to send with the packet. Must be fully initialized message, or
+ * query header.
+ * cb, cb_opaque - Callback to invoke on packet transmission events.
+ */
+extern void sdkctl_direct_packet_send(SDKCtlDirectPacket* packet,
+ void* data,
+ on_sdkctl_direct_cb cb,
+ void* cb_opaque);
+ * SDKCtlMessage API
+ ********************************************************************************/
+/* References SDKCtlMessage object.
+ * Param:
+ * msg - Initialized SDKCtlMessage instance.
+ * Return:
+ * Number of outstanding references to the object.
+ */
+extern int sdkctl_message_reference(SDKCtlMessage* msg);
+/* Releases SDKCtlMessage object.
+ * Note that upon exiting from this routine the object might be destroyed, even
+ * if this routine returns value other than zero.
+ * Param:
+ * msg - Initialized SDKCtlMessage instance.
+ * Return:
+ * Number of outstanding references to the object.
+ */
+extern int sdkctl_message_release(SDKCtlMessage* msg);
+/* Builds and sends a message to the device.
+ * Param:
+ * sdkctl - SDKCtlSocket instance for the message.
+ * msg_type - Defines message type.
+ * data - Message data. Can be NULL if there is no data associated with the
+ * message.
+ * size - Byte size of the data buffer.
+ * Return:
+ * Referenced SDKCtlQuery descriptor.
+ */
+extern SDKCtlMessage* sdkctl_message_send(SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl,
+ int msg_type,
+ const void* data,
+ uint32_t size);
+/* Gets message header size */
+extern int sdkctl_message_get_header_size(void);
+/* Initializes message header.
+ * Param:
+ * msg - Beginning of the message packet.
+ * msg_type - Message type.
+ * msg_size - Message data size.
+ */
+extern void sdkctl_init_message_header(void* msg, int msg_type, int msg_size);
+ * SDKCtlQuery API
+ ********************************************************************************/
+/* Creates, and partially initializes query descriptor.
+ * Note that returned descriptor is referenced, and it must be eventually
+ * released with a call to sdkctl_query_release.
+ * Param:
+ * sdkctl - SDKCtlSocket instance for the query.
+ * query_type - Defines query type.
+ * in_data_size Size of the query's input buffer (data to be sent with this
+ * query). Note that buffer for query data will be allocated along with the
+ * query descriptor. Use sdkctl_query_get_buffer_in to get address of data
+ * buffer for this query.
+ * Return:
+ * Referenced SDKCtlQuery descriptor.
+ */
+extern SDKCtlQuery* sdkctl_query_new(SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl,
+ int query_type,
+ uint32_t in_data_size);
+/* Creates, and fully initializes query descriptor.
+ * Note that returned descriptor is referenced, and it must be eventually
+ * released with a call to sdkctl_query_release.
+ * Param:
+ * sdkctl - SDKCtlSocket instance for the query.
+ * query_type - Defines query type.
+ * in_data_size Size of the query's input buffer (data to be sent with this
+ * query). Note that buffer for query data will be allocated along with the
+ * query descriptor. Use sdkctl_query_get_buffer_in to get address of data
+ * buffer for this query.
+ * in_data - Data to initialize query's input buffer with.
+ * response_buffer - Contains address of the buffer addressing preallocated
+ * response buffer on the way in, and address of the buffer containing query
+ * response on query completion. If this parameter is NULL, the API will
+ * allocate its own query response buffer, which is going to be freed after
+ * query completion.
+ * response_size - Contains size of preallocated response buffer on the way in,
+ * and size of the received response on query completion. Can be NULL.
+ * query_cb - A callback to monitor query state.
+ * query_opaque - An opaque pointer associated with the query.
+ * Return:
+ * Referenced SDKCtlQuery descriptor.
+ */
+extern SDKCtlQuery* sdkctl_query_new_ex(SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl,
+ int query_type,
+ uint32_t in_data_size,
+ const void* in_data,
+ void** response_buffer,
+ uint32_t* response_size,
+ on_sdkctl_query_cb query_cb,
+ void* query_opaque);
+/* Sends query to SDK controller.
+ * Param:
+ * query - Query to send. Note that this must be a fully initialized query
+ * descriptor.
+ * to - Milliseconds to allow for the query to complete. Negative value means
+ * "forever".
+ */
+extern void sdkctl_query_send(SDKCtlQuery* query, int to);
+/* Creates, fully initializes query descriptor, and sends the query to SDK
+ * controller.
+ * Note that returned descriptor is referenced, and it must be eventually
+ * released with a call to sdkctl_query_release.
+ * Param:
+ * sdkctl - SDKCtlSocket instance for the query.
+ * query_type - Defines query type.
+ * in_data_size Size of the query's input buffer (data to be sent with this
+ * query). Note that buffer for query data will be allocated along with the
+ * query descriptor. Use sdkctl_query_get_buffer_in to get address of data
+ * buffer for this query.
+ * in_data - Data to initialize query's input buffer with.
+ * response_buffer - Contains address of the buffer addressing preallocated
+ * response buffer on the way in, and address of the buffer containing query
+ * response on query completion. If this parameter is NULL, the API will
+ * allocate its own query response buffer, which is going to be freed after
+ * query completion.
+ * response_size - Contains size of preallocated response buffer on the way in,
+ * and size of the received response on query completion. Can be NULL.
+ * query_cb - A callback to monitor query state.
+ * query_opaque - An opaque pointer associated with the query.
+ * to - Milliseconds to allow for the query to complete. Negative value means
+ * "forever".
+ * Return:
+ * Referenced SDKCtlQuery descriptor for the query that has been sent.
+ */
+extern SDKCtlQuery* sdkctl_query_build_and_send(SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl,
+ int query_type,
+ uint32_t in_data_size,
+ const void* in_data,
+ void** response_buffer,
+ uint32_t* response_size,
+ on_sdkctl_query_cb query_cb,
+ void* query_opaque,
+ int to);
+/* References SDKCtlQuery object.
+ * Param:
+ * query - Initialized SDKCtlQuery instance.
+ * Return:
+ * Number of outstanding references to the object.
+ */
+extern int sdkctl_query_reference(SDKCtlQuery* query);
+/* Releases SDKCtlQuery object.
+ * Note that upon exit from this routine the object might be destroyed, even if
+ * this routine returns value other than zero.
+ * Param:
+ * query - Initialized SDKCtlQuery instance.
+ * Return:
+ * Number of outstanding references to the object.
+ */
+extern int sdkctl_query_release(SDKCtlQuery* query);
+/* Gets address of query's input data buffer (data to be send).
+ * Param:
+ * query - Query to get data buffer for.
+ * Return:
+ * Address of query's input data buffer.
+ */
+extern void* sdkctl_query_get_buffer_in(SDKCtlQuery* query);
+/* Gets address of query's output data buffer (response data).
+ * Param:
+ * query - Query to get data buffer for.
+ * Return:
+ * Address of query's output data buffer.
+ */
+extern void* sdkctl_query_get_buffer_out(SDKCtlQuery* query);
+ * SDKCtlSocket API
+ ********************************************************************************/
+/* Creates an SDK controller socket descriptor.
+ * Param:
+ * reconnect_to - Timeout before trying to reconnect, or retry connection
+ * attempts after disconnection, or on connection failures.
+ * service_name - Name of the SdkController service for this socket (such as
+ * 'sensors', 'milti-touch', etc.)
+ * on_socket_connection - A callback to invoke on socket connection events.
+ * on_port_connection - A callback to invoke on port connection events.
+ * on_message - A callback to invoke when a message is received from the SDK
+ * controller.
+ * opaque - An opaque pointer to associate with the socket.
+ * Return:
+ * Initialized SDKCtlSocket instance on success, or NULL on failure.
+ */
+extern SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl_socket_new(int reconnect_to,
+ const char* service_name,
+ on_sdkctl_socket_connection_cb on_socket_connection,
+ on_sdkctl_port_connection_cb on_port_connection,
+ on_sdkctl_message_cb on_message,
+ void* opaque);
+/* Improves throughput by recycling memory allocated for buffers transferred via
+ * this API.
+ *
+ * In many cases data exchanged between SDK controller sides are small, and,
+ * although may come quite often, are coming in a sequential manner. For instance,
+ * sensor service on the device may send us sensor updates every 20ms, one after
+ * another. For such data traffic it makes perfect sense to recycle memory
+ * allocated for the previous sensor update, rather than to free it just to
+ * reallocate same buffer in 20ms. This routine sets properties of the recycler
+ * for the given SDK controller connection. Recycling includes memory allocated
+ * for all types of data transferred in this API: packets, and queries.
+ * Param:
+ * sdkctl - Initialized SDKCtlSocket instance.
+ * data_size - Size of buffer to allocate for each data block.
+ * max_recycled_num - Maximum number of allocated buffers to keep in the
+ * recycler.
+ */
+extern void sdkctl_init_recycler(SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl,
+ uint32_t data_size,
+ int max_recycled_num);
+/* References SDKCtlSocket object.
+ * Param:
+ * sdkctl - Initialized SDKCtlSocket instance.
+ * Return:
+ * Number of outstanding references to the object.
+ */
+extern int sdkctl_socket_reference(SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl);
+/* Releases SDKCtlSocket object.
+ * Note that upon exit from this routine the object might be destroyed, even if
+ * this routine returns value other than zero.
+ * Param:
+ * sdkctl - Initialized SDKCtlSocket instance.
+ * Return:
+ * Number of outstanding references to the object.
+ */
+extern int sdkctl_socket_release(SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl);
+/* Asynchronously connects to SDK controller.
+ * Param:
+ * sdkctl - Initialized SDKCtlSocket instance.
+ * port - TCP port to connect the socket to.
+ * retry_to - Number of milliseconds to wait before retrying a failed
+ * connection attempt.
+ */
+extern void sdkctl_socket_connect(SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl, int port, int retry_to);
+/* Asynchronously reconnects to SDK controller.
+ * Param:
+ * sdkctl - Initialized SDKCtlSocket instance.
+ * port - TCP port to reconnect the socket to.
+ * retry_to - Number of milliseconds to wait before reconnecting. Same timeout
+ * will be used for retrying a failed connection attempt.
+ */
+extern void sdkctl_socket_reconnect(SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl, int port, int retry_to);
+/* Disconnects from SDK controller.
+ * Param:
+ * sdkctl - Initialized SDKCtlSocket instance.
+ */
+extern void sdkctl_socket_disconnect(SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl);
+/* Checks if SDK controller socket is connected.
+ * Param:
+ * sdkctl - Initialized SDKCtlSocket instance.
+ * Return:
+ * Boolean: 1 if socket is connected, 0 if socket is not connected.
+ */
+extern int sdkctl_socket_is_connected(SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl);
+/* Checks if SDK controller port is ready for emulation.
+ * Param:
+ * sdkctl - Initialized SDKCtlSocket instance.
+ * Return:
+ * Boolean: 1 if port is ready, 0 if port is not ready.
+ */
+extern int sdkctl_socket_is_port_ready(SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl);
+/* Gets status of the SDK controller port for this socket.
+ * Param:
+ * sdkctl - Initialized SDKCtlSocket instance.
+ * Return:
+ * Status of the SDK controller port for this socket.
+ */
+extern SdkCtlPortStatus sdkctl_socket_get_port_status(SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl);
+/* Checks if handshake was successful.
+ * Param:
+ * sdkctl - Initialized SDKCtlSocket instance.
+ * Return:
+ * Boolean: 1 if handshake was successful, 0 if handshake was not successful.
+ */
+extern int sdkctl_socket_is_handshake_ok(SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl);