path: root/android/skin/trackball.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'android/skin/trackball.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 625 deletions
diff --git a/android/skin/trackball.c b/android/skin/trackball.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b18923a..0000000
--- a/android/skin/trackball.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,625 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 The Android Open Source Project
-** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
-** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
-** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
-** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-#include "android/skin/trackball.h"
-#include "android/skin/image.h"
-#include "android/utils/system.h"
-#include <math.h>
-/***** *****/
-/***** T R A C K B A L L *****/
-/***** *****/
-// a 3-d vector
-typedef double VectorRec[3];
-typedef double* Vector;
-/* define FIX16_IS_FLOAT to use floats for computations */
-#define FIX16_IS_FLOAT
-#ifdef FIX16_IS_FLOAT
-typedef float Fix16;
-#define FIX16_ONE 1.0
-#define FIX16_FROM_FLOAT(x) (x)
-#define FIX16_TO_FLOAT(x) (x)
-typedef int Fix16;
-#define FIX16_SHIFT 16
-#define FIX16_ONE (1 << FIX16_SHIFT)
-#define FIX16_FROM_FLOAT(x) (Fix16)((x) * FIX16_ONE)
-#define FIX16_TO_FLOAT(x) ((x)/(1.0*FIX16_ONE))
-typedef Fix16 Fix16VectorRec[3];
-typedef Fix16* Fix16Vector;
-static Fix16
-fixedvector_len( Fix16Vector v )
- double x = FIX16_TO_FLOAT(v[0]);
- double y = FIX16_TO_FLOAT(v[1]);
- double z = FIX16_TO_FLOAT(v[2]);
- double len = sqrt( x*x + y*y + z*z );
- return FIX16_FROM_FLOAT(len);
-static void
-fixedvector_from_vector( Fix16Vector f, Vector v )
- f[0] = FIX16_FROM_FLOAT(v[0]);
- f[1] = FIX16_FROM_FLOAT(v[1]);
- f[2] = FIX16_FROM_FLOAT(v[2]);
-#ifdef FIX16_IS_FLOAT
-static double
-fixedvector_dot( Fix16Vector u, Fix16Vector v )
- return u[0]*v[0] + u[1]*v[1] + u[2]*v[2];
-static Fix16
-fixedvector_dot( Fix16Vector u, Fix16Vector v )
- long long t;
- t = (long long)u[0] * v[0] + (long long)u[1] * v[1] + (long long)u[2] * v[2];
- return (Fix16)(t >> FIX16_SHIFT);
-static int
-norm( int dx, int dy )
- return (int) sqrt( dx*1.0*dx + dy*1.0*dy );
-/*** ROTATOR: used to rotate the reference axis when mouse motion happens
- ***/
-typedef struct
- VectorRec d;
- VectorRec n;
- double angle;
-} RotatorRec, *Rotator;
-#define ANGLE_FACTOR (M_PI/200)
-static void
-rotator_reset( Rotator rot, int dx, int dy )
- double len = sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
- double zx, zy;
- if (len < 1e-3 ) {
- zx = 1.;
- zy = 0;
- } else {
- zx = dx / len;
- zy = dy / len;
- }
- rot->d[0] = zx;
- rot->d[1] = zy;
- rot->d[2] = 0.;
- rot->n[0] = -rot->d[1];
- rot->n[1] = rot->d[0];
- rot->n[2] = 0;
- rot->angle = len * ANGLE_FACTOR;
-static void
-rotator_apply( Rotator rot, double* vec )
- double d, n, z, d2, z2, cs, sn;
- /* project on D, N, Z */
- d = vec[0]*rot->d[0] + vec[1]*rot->d[1];
- n = vec[0]*rot->n[0] + vec[1]*rot->n[1];
- z = vec[2];
- /* rotate on D, Z */
- cs = cos( rot->angle );
- sn = sin( rot->angle );
- d2 = cs*d + sn*z;
- z2 = -sn*d + cs*z;
- /* project on X, Y, Z */
- vec[0] = d2*rot->d[0] + n*rot->n[0];
- vec[1] = d2*rot->d[1] + n*rot->n[1];
- vec[2] = z2;
- ***/
-typedef struct { int x, y, offset, alpha; Fix16VectorRec f; } SphereCoordRec, *SphereCoord;
-typedef struct SkinTrackBall
- int diameter;
- unsigned* pixels;
- SDL_Surface* surface;
- VectorRec axes[3]; /* current ball axes */
-#define DOT_GRID 3 /* number of horizontal and vertical cells per side grid */
-#define DOT_CELLS 2 /* number of random dots per cell */
-#define DOT_MAX (6*DOT_GRID*DOT_GRID*DOT_CELLS) /* total number of dots */
-#define DOT_RANDOM_X 1007 /* horizontal random range in each cell */
-#define DOT_RANDOM_Y 1007 /* vertical random range in each cell */
- Fix16VectorRec dots[ DOT_MAX ];
- SphereCoordRec* sphere_map;
- int sphere_count;
- unsigned ball_color;
- unsigned dot_color;
- unsigned ring_color;
- Uint32 ticks_last; /* ticks since last move */
- int acc_x;
- int acc_y;
- int acc_threshold;
- double acc_scale;
- /* rotation applied to events send to the system */
- SkinRotation rotation;
-} TrackBallRec, *TrackBall;
-/* The following constants are used to better mimic a real trackball.
- *
- * ACC_THRESHOLD is used to filter small ball movements out.
- * If the length of the relative mouse motion is smaller than this
- * constant, then no corresponding ball event will be sent to the
- * system.
- *
- * ACC_SCALE is used to scale the relative mouse motion vector into
- * the corresponding ball motion vector.
- */
-#define ACC_THRESHOLD 20
-#define ACC_SCALE 0.2
-static void
-trackball_init( TrackBall ball, int diameter, int ring,
- unsigned ball_color, unsigned dot_color,
- unsigned ring_color )
- int diameter2 = diameter + ring*2;
- memset( ball, 0, sizeof(*ball) );
- ball->acc_threshold = ACC_THRESHOLD;
- ball->acc_scale = ACC_SCALE;
- /* init SDL surface */
- ball->diameter = diameter2;
- ball->ball_color = ball_color;
- ball->dot_color = dot_color;
- ball->ring_color = ring_color;
- ball->rotation = SKIN_ROTATION_0;
- ball->pixels = (unsigned*)calloc( diameter2*diameter2, sizeof(unsigned) );
- ball->surface = sdl_surface_from_argb32( ball->pixels, diameter2, diameter2 );
- /* init axes */
- ball->axes[0][0] = 1.; ball->axes[0][1] = 0.; ball->axes[0][2] = 0.;
- ball->axes[1][0] = 0.; ball->axes[1][1] = 1.; ball->axes[1][2] = 0.;
- ball->axes[2][0] = 0.; ball->axes[2][1] = 0.; ball->axes[2][2] = 1.;
- /* init dots */
- {
- int side, nn = 0;
- for (side = 0; side < 6; side++) {
- VectorRec origin, axis1, axis2;
- int xx, yy;
- switch (side) {
- case 0:
- origin[0] = -1; origin[1] = -1; origin[2] = +1;
- axis1 [0] = 1; axis1 [1] = 0; axis1 [2] = 0;
- axis2 [0] = 0; axis2 [1] = 1; axis2 [2] = 0;
- break;
- case 1:
- origin[0] = -1; origin[1] = -1; origin[2] = -1;
- axis1 [0] = 1; axis1 [1] = 0; axis1 [2] = 0;
- axis2 [0] = 0; axis2 [1] = 1; axis2 [2] = 0;
- break;
- case 2:
- origin[0] = +1; origin[1] = -1; origin[2] = -1;
- axis1 [0] = 0; axis1 [1] = 0; axis1 [2] = 1;
- axis2 [0] = 0; axis2 [1] = 1; axis2 [2] = 0;
- break;
- case 3:
- origin[0] = -1; origin[1] = -1; origin[2] = -1;
- axis1 [0] = 0; axis1 [1] = 0; axis1 [2] = 1;
- axis2 [0] = 0; axis2 [1] = 1; axis2 [2] = 0;
- break;
- case 4:
- origin[0] = -1; origin[1] = -1; origin[2] = -1;
- axis1 [0] = 1; axis1 [1] = 0; axis1 [2] = 0;
- axis2 [0] = 0; axis2 [1] = 0; axis2 [2] = 1;
- break;
- default:
- origin[0] = -1; origin[1] = +1; origin[2] = -1;
- axis1 [0] = 1; axis1 [1] = 0; axis1 [2] = 0;
- axis2 [0] = 0; axis2 [1] = 0; axis2 [2] = 1;
- }
- for (xx = 0; xx < DOT_GRID; xx++) {
- double tx = xx*(2./DOT_GRID);
- for (yy = 0; yy < DOT_GRID; yy++) {
- double ty = yy*(2./DOT_GRID);
- double x0 = origin[0] + axis1[0]*tx + axis2[0]*ty;
- double y0 = origin[1] + axis1[1]*tx + axis2[1]*ty;
- double z0 = origin[2] + axis1[2]*tx + axis2[2]*ty;
- int cc;
- for (cc = 0; cc < DOT_CELLS; cc++) {
- double h = (rand() % DOT_RANDOM_X)/((double)DOT_RANDOM_X*DOT_GRID/2);
- double v = (rand() % DOT_RANDOM_Y)/((double)DOT_RANDOM_Y*DOT_GRID/2);
- double x = x0 + axis1[0]*h + axis2[0]*v;
- double y = y0 + axis1[1]*h + axis2[1]*v;
- double z = z0 + axis1[2]*h + axis2[2]*v;
- double invlen = 1/sqrt( x*x + y*y + z*z );
- ball->dots[nn][0] = FIX16_FROM_FLOAT(x*invlen);
- ball->dots[nn][1] = FIX16_FROM_FLOAT(y*invlen);
- ball->dots[nn][2] = FIX16_FROM_FLOAT(z*invlen);
- nn++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* init sphere */
- {
- int diameter2 = diameter + 2*ring;
- double radius = diameter*0.5;
- double radius2 = diameter2*0.5;
- int xx, yy;
- int empty = 0, total = 0;
- ball->sphere_map = calloc( diameter2*diameter2, sizeof(SphereCoordRec) );
- for (yy = 0; yy < diameter2; yy++) {
- for (xx = 0; xx < diameter2; xx++) {
- double x0 = xx - radius2;
- double y0 = yy - radius2;
- double r0 = sqrt( x0*x0 + y0*y0 );
- SphereCoord coord = &ball->sphere_map[total];
- if (r0 <= radius) { /* ball pixel */
- double rx = x0/radius;
- double ry = y0/radius;
- double rz = sqrt( 1.0 - rx*rx - ry*ry );
- coord->x = xx;
- coord->y = yy;
- coord->offset = xx + yy*diameter2;
- coord->alpha = 256;
- coord->f[0] = FIX16_FROM_FLOAT(rx);
- coord->f[1] = FIX16_FROM_FLOAT(ry);
- coord->f[2] = FIX16_FROM_FLOAT(rz);
- if (r0 >= radius-1.) {
- coord->alpha = 256*(radius - r0);
- }
- /* illumination model */
- {
-#define LIGHT_X -2.0
-#define LIGHT_Y -2.5
-#define LIGHT_Z 5.0
- double lx = LIGHT_X - rx;
- double ly = LIGHT_Y - ry;
- double lz = LIGHT_Z - rz;
- double lir = 1/sqrt(lx*lx + ly*ly + lz*lz);
- double cosphi = lir*(lx*rx + ly*ry + lz*rz);
- double scale = 1.1*cosphi + 0.3;
- if (scale < 0)
- scale = 0;
- coord->alpha = coord->alpha * scale;
- }
- total++;
- } else if (r0 <= radius2) { /* ring pixel */
- coord->x = xx;
- coord->y = yy;
- coord->offset = xx + yy*diameter2;
- coord->alpha = 0;
- if (r0 >= radius2-1.) {
- coord->alpha = -256*(r0 - (radius2-1.));
- }
- total++;
- } else /* outside pixel */
- empty++;
- }
- }
- ball->sphere_count = total;
- }
-static int
-trackball_contains( TrackBall ball, int x, int y )
- return ( (unsigned)(x) < (unsigned)ball->diameter &&
- (unsigned)(y) < (unsigned)ball->diameter );
-static void
-trackball_done( TrackBall ball )
- free( ball->sphere_map );
- ball->sphere_map = NULL;
- ball->sphere_count = 0;
- if (ball->surface) {
- SDL_FreeSurface( ball->surface );
- ball->surface = NULL;
- }
- if (ball->pixels) {
- free( ball->pixels );
- ball->pixels = NULL;
- }
- ***/
-static unsigned
-color_blend( unsigned from, unsigned to, int alpha )
- unsigned from_ag = (from >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff;
- unsigned to_ag = (to >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff;
- unsigned from_rb = from & 0x00ff00ff;
- unsigned to_rb = to & 0x00ff00ff;
- unsigned result_ag = (from_ag + (alpha*(to_ag - from_ag) >> 8)) & 0xff00ff;
- unsigned result_rb = (from_rb + (alpha*(to_rb - from_rb) >> 8)) & 0xff00ff;
- return (result_ag << 8) | result_rb;
-static int
-trackball_move( TrackBall ball, int dx, int dy )
- RotatorRec rot[1];
- Uint32 now = SDL_GetTicks();
- ball->acc_x += dx;
- ball->acc_y += dy;
- if ( norm( ball->acc_x, ball->acc_y ) > ball->acc_threshold )
- {
- int ddx = ball->acc_x * ball->acc_scale;
- int ddy = ball->acc_y * ball->acc_scale;
- int ddt;
- ball->acc_x = 0;
- ball->acc_y = 0;
- switch (ball->rotation) {
- break;
- case SKIN_ROTATION_90:
- ddt = ddx;
- ddx = ddy;
- ddy = -ddt;
- break;
- case SKIN_ROTATION_180:
- ddx = -ddx;
- ddy = -ddy;
- break;
- case SKIN_ROTATION_270:
- ddt = ddx;
- ddx = -ddy;
- ddy = ddt;
- break;
- }
- kbd_mouse_event(ddx, ddy, 1, 0);
- }
- rotator_reset( rot, dx, dy );
- rotator_apply( rot, ball->axes[0] );
- rotator_apply( rot, ball->axes[1] );
- rotator_apply( rot, ball->axes[2] );
- if ( ball->ticks_last == 0 )
- ball->ticks_last = now;
- else if ( now > ball->ticks_last + (1000/60) ) {
- ball->ticks_last = now;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-#define BACK_COLOR 0x00000000
-#define LIGHT_COLOR 0xffffffff
-static void
-trackball_refresh( TrackBall ball )
- int diameter = ball->diameter;
- unsigned* pixels = ball->pixels;
- Fix16VectorRec faxes[3];
- Fix16 dot_threshold = DOT_THRESHOLD * diameter;
- int nn;
- SDL_LockSurface( ball->surface );
- fixedvector_from_vector( (Fix16Vector)&faxes[0], (Vector)&ball->axes[0] );
- fixedvector_from_vector( (Fix16Vector)&faxes[1], (Vector)&ball->axes[1] );
- fixedvector_from_vector( (Fix16Vector)&faxes[2], (Vector)&ball->axes[2] );
- for (nn = 0; nn < ball->sphere_count; nn++) {
- SphereCoord coord = &ball->sphere_map[nn];
- unsigned color = BACK_COLOR;
- if (coord->alpha > 0) {
- /* are we near one of the points ? */
- Fix16 ax = fixedvector_dot( (Fix16Vector)&coord->f, (Fix16Vector)&faxes[0] );
- Fix16 ay = fixedvector_dot( (Fix16Vector)&coord->f, (Fix16Vector)&faxes[1] );
- Fix16 az = fixedvector_dot( (Fix16Vector)&coord->f, (Fix16Vector)&faxes[2] );
- Fix16 best_dist = FIX16_ONE;
- int pp;
- color = ball->ball_color;
- for (pp = 0; pp < DOT_MAX; pp++) {
- Fix16VectorRec d;
- Fix16 dist;
- d[0] = ball->dots[pp][0] - ax;
- d[1] = ball->dots[pp][1] - ay;
- d[2] = ball->dots[pp][2] - az;
- if (d[0] > dot_threshold || d[0] < -dot_threshold ||
- d[1] > dot_threshold || d[1] < -dot_threshold ||
- d[2] > dot_threshold || d[2] < -dot_threshold )
- continue;
- dist = fixedvector_len( (Fix16Vector)&d );
- if (dist < best_dist)
- best_dist = dist;
- }
- if (best_dist < DOT_THRESHOLD) {
- int a = 256*(DOT_THRESHOLD - best_dist) / DOT_THRESHOLD;
- color = color_blend( color, ball->dot_color, a );
- }
- if (coord->alpha < 256) {
- int a = coord->alpha;
- color = color_blend( ball->ring_color, color, a );
- }
- else if (coord->alpha > 256) {
- int a = (coord->alpha - 256);
- color = color_blend( color, LIGHT_COLOR, a );
- }
- }
- else /* coord->alpha <= 0 */
- {
- color = ball->ring_color;
- if (coord->alpha < 0) {
- int a = -coord->alpha;
- color = color_blend( color, BACK_COLOR, a );
- }
- }
- pixels[coord->x + diameter*coord->y] = color;
- }
- SDL_UnlockSurface( ball->surface );
-trackball_draw( TrackBall ball, int x, int y, SDL_Surface* dst )
- SDL_Rect d;
- d.x = x;
- d.y = y;
- d.w = ball->diameter;
- d.h = ball->diameter;
- SDL_BlitSurface( ball->surface, NULL, dst, &d );
- SDL_UpdateRects( dst, 1, &d );
-skin_trackball_create ( SkinTrackBallParameters* params )
- TrackBall ball;
- ANEW0(ball);
- trackball_init( ball,
- params->diameter,
- params->ring,
- params->ball_color,
- params->dot_color,
- params->ring_color );
- return ball;
-skin_trackball_contains( SkinTrackBall* ball, int x, int y )
- return trackball_contains(ball, x, y);
-skin_trackball_move( SkinTrackBall* ball, int dx, int dy )
- return trackball_move(ball, dx, dy);
-skin_trackball_refresh ( SkinTrackBall* ball )
- trackball_refresh(ball);
-skin_trackball_draw( SkinTrackBall* ball, int x, int y, SDL_Surface* dst )
- trackball_draw(ball, x, y, dst);
-skin_trackball_destroy ( SkinTrackBall* ball )
- if (ball) {
- trackball_done(ball);
- AFREE(ball);
- }
-skin_trackball_rect( SkinTrackBall* ball, SDL_Rect* rect )
- rect->x = 0;
- rect->y = 0;
- rect->w = ball->diameter;
- rect->h = ball->diameter;
-skin_trackball_set_rotation( SkinTrackBall* ball, SkinRotation rotation )
- ball->rotation = rotation & 3;