path: root/android/tools/gen-hw-config.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'android/tools/gen-hw-config.py')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/android/tools/gen-hw-config.py b/android/tools/gen-hw-config.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ae3a8de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/tools/gen-hw-config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+# License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
+# may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# this script is used to generate 'android/vm/hw-config.h' by
+# parsing 'android/vm/hardware-properties.ini'
+import sys, os, string, re
+# location of source file, relative to current program directory
+relativeSourcePath = "../vm/hardware-properties.ini"
+# location of target file, relative to current program directory
+relativeTargetPath = "../vm/hw-config-defs.h"
+def quoteStringForC(str):
+ """quote a string so it can be used in C"""
+ return '\\"'.join('"'+p+'"' for p in str.split('"'))
+# a dictionary that maps item types as they appear in the .ini
+# file into macro names in the generated C header
+typesToMacros = {
+ 'integer': 'HWCFG_INT',
+ 'string': 'HWCFG_STRING',
+ 'boolean': 'HWCFG_BOOL',
+ 'diskSize': 'HWCFG_DISKSIZE',
+ 'double': 'HWCFG_DOUBLE'
+ }
+# the list of macro names
+macroNames = typesToMacros.values()
+# target program header
+targetHeader = """\
+/* this file is automatically generated from 'hardware-properties.ini'
+ * DO NOT EDIT IT. To re-generate it, use android/tools/gen-hw-config.py'
+ */"""
+# locate source and target
+programDir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
+sourceFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(programDir,relativeSourcePath))
+targetFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(programDir,relativeTargetPath))
+# parse the source file and record items
+# I would love to use Python's ConfigParser, but it doesn't
+# support files without sections, or multiply defined items
+items = []
+lastItem = None
+class Item:
+ def __init__(self,name):
+ self.name = name
+ self.type = type
+ self.default = None
+ self.abstract = ""
+ self.description = ""
+ def add(self,key,val):
+ if key == 'type':
+ self.type = val
+ elif key == 'default':
+ self.default = val
+ elif key == 'abstract':
+ self.abstract = val
+ elif key == 'description':
+ self.description = val
+for line in open(sourceFile):
+ line = line.strip()
+ # ignore empty lines and comments
+ if len(line) == 0 or line[0] in ";#":
+ continue
+ key, value = line.split('=')
+ key = key.strip()
+ value = value.strip()
+ if key == 'name':
+ if lastItem: items.append(lastItem)
+ lastItem = Item(value)
+ else:
+ lastItem.add(key, value)
+if lastItem:
+ items.append(lastItem)
+print targetHeader
+# write guards to prevent bad compiles
+for m in macroNames:
+ print """\
+#ifndef %(macro)s
+#error %(macro)s not defined
+#endif""" % { 'macro':m }
+print ""
+for item in items:
+ if item.type == None:
+ sys.stderr.write("ignoring config item with no type '%s'\n" % item.name)
+ continue
+ if not typesToMacros.has_key(item.type):
+ sys.stderr.write("ignoring config item with unknown type '%s': '%s'\n" % \
+ (item.type, item.name))
+ continue
+ if item.default == None:
+ sys.stderr.write("ignoring config item with no default '%s' */" % item.name)
+ continue
+ # convert dots into underscores
+ varMacro = typesToMacros[item.type]
+ varNameStr = quoteStringForC(item.name)
+ varName = item.name.replace(".","_")
+ varDefault = item.default
+ varAbstract = quoteStringForC(item.abstract)
+ varDesc = quoteStringForC(item.description)
+ if item.type in [ 'string', 'boolean', 'diskSize' ]:
+ # quote default value for strings
+ varDefault = quoteStringForC(varDefault)
+ print "%s(\n %s,\n %s,\n %s,\n %s,\n %s)\n" % \
+ (varMacro,varName,varNameStr,varDefault,varAbstract,varDesc)
+for m in macroNames:
+ print "#undef %s" % m
+print "/* end of auto-generated file */"