From c27f813900a3c114562efbb8df1065e94766fc48 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: The Android Open Source Project <>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 15:43:59 -0800
Subject: auto import from //branches/cupcake/...@130745

 pc-bios/Makefile           |   24 -
 pc-bios/README             |   16 -
 pc-bios/bios.bin           |  Bin 65536 -> 0 bytes
 pc-bios/bios.diff          |  270 -------
 pc-bios/linux_boot.S       |   29 -
 pc-bios/linux_boot.bin     |  Bin 512 -> 0 bytes
 pc-bios/ohw.diff           | 1843 --------------------------------------------
 pc-bios/openbios-sparc32   |  Bin 506966 -> 0 bytes
 pc-bios/ppc_rom.bin        |  Bin 524288 -> 0 bytes
 pc-bios/vgabios-cirrus.bin |  Bin 35328 -> 0 bytes
 pc-bios/vgabios.bin        |  Bin 37888 -> 0 bytes
 pc-bios/vgabios.diff       |  896 ---------------------
 pc-bios/video.x            |  Bin 12192 -> 0 bytes
 13 files changed, 3078 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 pc-bios/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 pc-bios/README
 delete mode 100644 pc-bios/bios.bin
 delete mode 100644 pc-bios/bios.diff
 delete mode 100644 pc-bios/linux_boot.S
 delete mode 100644 pc-bios/linux_boot.bin
 delete mode 100644 pc-bios/ohw.diff
 delete mode 100644 pc-bios/openbios-sparc32
 delete mode 100644 pc-bios/ppc_rom.bin
 delete mode 100644 pc-bios/vgabios-cirrus.bin
 delete mode 100644 pc-bios/vgabios.bin
 delete mode 100644 pc-bios/vgabios.diff
 delete mode 100644 pc-bios/video.x

(limited to 'pc-bios')

diff --git a/pc-bios/Makefile b/pc-bios/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ae0ff0..0000000
--- a/pc-bios/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# NOTE: only compilable with x86 cross compile tools
-include ../config-host.mak
-ifeq ($(ARCH),i386)
-all: $(TARGETS)
-linux_boot.bin: linux_boot.o
-	ld --oformat binary -Ttext 0 -o $@ $<
-	chmod a-x $@
-%.o: %.S
-	$(CC) $(DEFINES) -c -o $@ $<
-	rm -f $(TARGETS) *.o *~
diff --git a/pc-bios/README b/pc-bios/README
deleted file mode 100644
index fc85eb4..0000000
--- a/pc-bios/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-- The PC BIOS comes from the Bochs project
-  ( A patch from bios.diff was applied.
-- The VGA BIOS and the Cirrus VGA BIOS come from the LGPL VGA bios
-  project (
-- The PowerPC Open Hack'Ware Open Firmware Compatible BIOS is
-  available at
-- video.x is a PowerMac NDRV compatible driver for a VGA frame
-  buffer. It comes from the Mac-on-Linux project
-  (
-- OpenBIOS ( is a free (GPL v2) portable
-  firmware implementation. The goal is to implement a 100% IEEE
-  1275-1994 (referred to as Open Firmware) compliant firmware.
diff --git a/pc-bios/bios.bin b/pc-bios/bios.bin
deleted file mode 100644
index 64be517..0000000
Binary files a/pc-bios/bios.bin and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/pc-bios/bios.diff b/pc-bios/bios.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index e875927..0000000
--- a/pc-bios/bios.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-Index: apmbios.S
-RCS file: /cvsroot/bochs/bochs/bios/apmbios.S,v
-retrieving revision 1.4
-diff -u -w -r1.4 apmbios.S
---- apmbios.S	26 Dec 2005 10:35:51 -0000	1.4
-+++ apmbios.S	3 May 2006 21:22:46 -0000
-@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@
- APMSYM(05):
-   cmp al, #0x05
-   jne APMSYM(07)
-+  sti
-   hlt
-   jmp APMSYM(ok)
-Index: rombios.c
-RCS file: /cvsroot/bochs/bochs/bios/rombios.c,v
-retrieving revision 1.160
-diff -u -w -r1.160 rombios.c
---- rombios.c	25 Jan 2006 17:51:49 -0000	1.160
-+++ rombios.c	3 May 2006 21:22:48 -0000
-@@ -1816,6 +1816,7 @@
- {
-   printf(BX_APPNAME" BIOS - build: %s\n%s\nOptions: ",
-     BIOS_BUILD_DATE, bios_cvs_version_string);
-+#if 0
-   printf(
- #ifdef BX_APM
-   "apmbios "
-@@ -1827,6 +1828,9 @@
-   "eltorito "
- #endif
-   "\n\n");
-+  printf("apmbios pcibios eltorito \n\n");
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -3999,6 +4003,29 @@
- }
- #endif
-+void set_e820_range(ES, DI, start, end, type)
-+     Bit16u ES; 
-+     Bit16u DI;
-+     Bit32u start;
-+     Bit32u end; 
-+     Bit16u type;
-+    write_word(ES, DI, start);
-+    write_word(ES, DI+2, start >> 16);
-+    write_word(ES, DI+4, 0x00);
-+    write_word(ES, DI+6, 0x00);
-+    end -= start;
-+    write_word(ES, DI+8, end);
-+    write_word(ES, DI+10, end >> 16);
-+    write_word(ES, DI+12, 0x0000);
-+    write_word(ES, DI+14, 0x0000);
-+    write_word(ES, DI+16, type);
-+    write_word(ES, DI+18, 0x0);
-   void
- int15_function32(regs, ES, DS, FLAGS)
-   pushad_regs_t regs; // REGS pushed via pushad
-@@ -4063,19 +4090,8 @@
-                 switch(regs.u.r16.bx)
-                 {
-                     case 0:
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di, 0x00);
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+2, 0x00);
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+4, 0x00);
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+6, 0x00);
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+8, 0xFC00);
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+10, 0x0009);
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+12, 0x0000);
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+14, 0x0000);
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+16, 0x1);
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+18, 0x0);
-+                        set_e820_range(ES, regs.u.r16.di, 
-+                                       0x0000000L, 0x0009fc00L, 1);
-                         regs.u.r32.ebx = 1;
-                         regs.u.r32.eax = 0x534D4150;
-                         regs.u.r32.ecx = 0x14;
-@@ -4083,6 +4099,24 @@
-                         return;
-                         break;
-                     case 1:
-+                        set_e820_range(ES, regs.u.r16.di, 
-+                                       0x0009fc00L, 0x000a0000L, 2);
-+                        regs.u.r32.ebx = 2;
-+                        regs.u.r32.eax = 0x534D4150;
-+                        regs.u.r32.ecx = 0x14;
-+                        CLEAR_CF();
-+                        return;
-+                        break;
-+                    case 2:
-+                        set_e820_range(ES, regs.u.r16.di, 
-+                                       0x000e8000L, 0x00100000L, 2);
-+                        regs.u.r32.ebx = 3;
-+                        regs.u.r32.eax = 0x534D4150;
-+                        regs.u.r32.ecx = 0x14;
-+                        CLEAR_CF();
-+                        return;
-+                        break;
-+                    case 3:
-                         extended_memory_size = inb_cmos(0x35);
-                         extended_memory_size <<= 8;
-                         extended_memory_size |= inb_cmos(0x34);
-@@ -4092,9 +4126,9 @@
-                             extended_memory_size = 0x3bc000; // everything after this is reserved memory until we get to 0x100000000
-                         }
-                         extended_memory_size *= 1024;
--                        extended_memory_size += 15728640; // make up for the 16mb of memory that is chopped off
-+                        extended_memory_size += (16L * 1024 * 1024);
--                        if(extended_memory_size <= 15728640)
-+                        if(extended_memory_size <= (16L * 1024 * 1024))
-                         {
-                             extended_memory_size = inb_cmos(0x31);
-                             extended_memory_size <<= 8;
-@@ -4102,28 +4136,23 @@
-                             extended_memory_size *= 1024;
-                         }
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di, 0x0000);
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+2, 0x0010);
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+4, 0x0000);
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+6, 0x0000);
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+8, extended_memory_size);
--                        extended_memory_size >>= 16;
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+10, extended_memory_size);
--                        extended_memory_size >>= 16;
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+12, extended_memory_size);
--                        extended_memory_size >>= 16;
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+14, extended_memory_size);
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+16, 0x1);
--                        write_word(ES, regs.u.r16.di+18, 0x0);
--                        regs.u.r32.ebx = 0;
-+                        set_e820_range(ES, regs.u.r16.di, 
-+                                       0x00100000L, extended_memory_size, 1);
-+                        regs.u.r32.ebx = 4;
-                         regs.u.r32.eax = 0x534D4150;
-                         regs.u.r32.ecx = 0x14;
-                         CLEAR_CF();
-                         return;
-                         break;
-+                    case 4:
-+                        /* 256KB BIOS area at the end of 4 GB */
-+                        set_e820_range(ES, regs.u.r16.di, 
-+                                       0xfffc0000L, 0x00000000L, 2);
-+                        regs.u.r32.ebx = 0;
-+                        regs.u.r32.eax = 0x534D4150;
-+                        regs.u.r32.ecx = 0x14;
-+                        CLEAR_CF();
-+                        return;
-                     default:  /* AX=E820, DX=534D4150, BX unrecognized */
-                         goto int15_unimplemented;
-                         break;
-@@ -8713,6 +8742,7 @@
-   mov al, #0x80
- bios32_end:
-   popf
-+  and dword ptr[esp+4],0xfffffffc ;; reset CS.RPL for kqemu
-   retf
- .align 16
-@@ -8823,17 +8853,17 @@
- pci_pro_fail:
-   pop edi
-   pop esi
--  sti
-   popf
-   stc
-+  and dword ptr[esp+4],0xfffffffc ;; reset CS.RPL for kqemu
-   retf
- pci_pro_ok:
-   xor ah, ah
-   pop edi
-   pop esi
--  sti
-   popf
-   clc
-+  and dword ptr[esp+4],0xfffffffc ;; reset CS.RPL for kqemu
-   retf
- pci_pro_select_reg:
-@@ -8971,7 +9001,7 @@
-   jmp pci_real_ok
- pci_real_f0d: ;; write configuration dword
-   cmp al, #0x0d
--  jne pci_real_unknown
-+  jne pci_real_f0e
-   call pci_real_select_reg
-   push dx
-   mov dx, #0x0cfc
-@@ -8979,6 +9009,46 @@
-   out dx, eax
-   pop dx
-   jmp pci_real_ok
-+pci_real_f0e: ;; get irq routing options
-+  cmp al, #0x0e
-+  jne pci_real_unknown
-+  SEG ES
-+  cmp word ptr [di], #pci_routing_table_structure_end - pci_routing_table_structure_start
-+  jb pci_real_too_small    
-+  SEG ES
-+  mov word ptr [di], #pci_routing_table_structure_end - pci_routing_table_structure_start        
-+  pushf
-+  push ds
-+  push es
-+  push cx
-+  push si
-+  push di
-+  cld
-+  mov si, #pci_routing_table_structure_start
-+  push cs
-+  pop ds
-+  SEG ES
-+  mov cx, [di+2]
-+  SEG ES
-+  mov es, [di+4]
-+  mov di, cx
-+  mov cx, #pci_routing_table_structure_end - pci_routing_table_structure_start
-+  rep 
-+      movsb
-+  pop di
-+  pop si
-+  pop cx
-+  pop es
-+  pop ds
-+  popf
-+  mov bx, #(1 << 9) | (1 << 11)   ;; irq 9 and 11 are used
-+  jmp pci_real_ok
-+  SEG ES
-+  mov word ptr [di], #pci_routing_table_structure_end - pci_routing_table_structure_start        
-+  mov ah, #0x89
-+  jmp pci_real_fail
- pci_real_unknown:
-   mov ah, #0x81
- pci_real_fail:
-@@ -9019,6 +9089,7 @@
-   dw 0,0 ;; Miniport data
-   db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;; reserved
-   db 0x07 ;; checksum
-   ;; first slot entry PCI-to-ISA (embedded)
-   db 0 ;; pci bus number
-   db 0x08 ;; pci device number (bit 7-3)
-@@ -9097,6 +9168,7 @@
-   dw 0xdef8 ;; IRQ bitmap INTD#
-   db 5 ;; physical slot (0 = embedded)
-   db 0 ;; reserved
- pci_irq_list:
-   db 11, 10, 9, 5;
diff --git a/pc-bios/linux_boot.S b/pc-bios/linux_boot.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 22fcd4b..0000000
--- a/pc-bios/linux_boot.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * QEMU Boot sector to launch a preloaded Linux kernel
- * Copyright (c) 2004 Fabrice Bellard
- */
-#define LOAD_SEG 0x9000
-	.globl	_start
-        cli
-        cld
-        mov $LOAD_SEG, %ax
-        mov %ax, %ds
-        mov %ax, %es
-        mov %ax, %fs
-        mov %ax, %gs
-        mov %ax, %ss
-        mov $0x8ffe, %sp
-        ljmp $LOAD_SEG + 0x20, $0
-        .fill 510 - (1b - _start), 1, 0
-        /* boot sector signature */
-        .byte 0x55
-        .byte 0xaa
diff --git a/pc-bios/linux_boot.bin b/pc-bios/linux_boot.bin
deleted file mode 100644
index 80f7b5f..0000000
Binary files a/pc-bios/linux_boot.bin and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/pc-bios/ohw.diff b/pc-bios/ohw.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fb5422..0000000
--- a/pc-bios/ohw.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1843 +0,0 @@
-diff -wruN --exclude '*~' --exclude '*.o' --exclude '*.bin' --exclude '*.out' --exclude mkdiff OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/bios.h
----	2005-04-06 23:20:22.000000000 +0200
-+++ OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/bios.h	2005-07-07 01:10:20.000000000 +0200
-@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
-     ARCH_CHRP,
-     ARCH_MAC99,
-     ARCH_POP,
- };
- /* Hardware definition(s) */
-@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
- int bd_ioctl (bloc_device_t *bd, int func, void *args);
- uint32_t bd_seclen (bloc_device_t *bd);
- void bd_close (bloc_device_t *bd);
-+void bd_reset_all(void);
- uint32_t bd_seclen (bloc_device_t *bd);
- uint32_t bd_maxbloc (bloc_device_t *bd);
- void bd_sect2CHS (bloc_device_t *bd, uint32_t secnum,
-@@ -183,12 +185,12 @@
- part_t *bd_probe (int boot_device);
- bloc_device_t *bd_get (int device);
- void bd_put (bloc_device_t *bd);
--void bd_set_boot_part (bloc_device_t *bd, part_t *partition);
-+void bd_set_boot_part (bloc_device_t *bd, part_t *partition, int partnum);
- part_t **_bd_parts (bloc_device_t *bd);
- void ide_pci_pc_register (uint32_t io_base0, uint32_t io_base1,
-                           uint32_t io_base2, uint32_t io_base3,
--                          void *OF_private);
-+                          void *OF_private0, void *OF_private1);
- void ide_pci_pmac_register (uint32_t io_base0, uint32_t io_base1,
-                             void *OF_private);
-@@ -399,17 +401,23 @@
-                               uint16_t min_grant, uint16_t max_latency);
- void OF_finalize_pci_host (void *dev, int first_bus, int nb_busses);
- void OF_finalize_pci_device (void *dev, uint8_t bus, uint8_t devfn,
--                             uint32_t *regions, uint32_t *sizes);
-+                             uint32_t *regions, uint32_t *sizes,
-+                             int irq_line);
- void OF_finalize_pci_macio (void *dev, uint32_t base_address, uint32_t size,
-                             void *private_data);
-+void OF_finalize_pci_ide (void *dev, 
-+                          uint32_t io_base0, uint32_t io_base1,
-+                          uint32_t io_base2, uint32_t io_base3);
- int OF_register_bus (const unsigned char *name, uint32_t address,
-                      const unsigned char *type);
- int OF_register_serial (const unsigned char *bus, const unsigned char *name,
-                         uint32_t io_base, int irq);
- int OF_register_stdio (const unsigned char *dev_in,
-                        const unsigned char *dev_out);
--void OF_vga_register (const unsigned char *name, uint32_t address,
--                      int width, int height, int depth);
-+void OF_vga_register (const unsigned char *name, unused uint32_t address,
-+                      int width, int height, int depth,
-+                      unsigned long vga_bios_addr, 
-+                      unsigned long vga_bios_size);
- void *OF_blockdev_register (void *parent, void *private,
-                             const unsigned char *type,
-                             const unsigned char *name, int devnum,
-diff -wruN --exclude '*~' --exclude '*.o' --exclude '*.bin' --exclude '*.out' --exclude mkdiff OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/bloc.c
----	2005-04-06 23:21:00.000000000 +0200
-+++ OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/bloc.c	2005-07-08 00:28:26.000000000 +0200
-@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
-     /* Partitions */
-     part_t *parts, *bparts;
-     part_t *boot_part;
-+    int bpartnum;
-     /* Chain */
-     bloc_device_t *next;
- };
-@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@
- static int ide_initialize (bloc_device_t *bd, int device);
- static int ide_read_sector (bloc_device_t *bd, void *buffer, int secnum);
-+static int ide_reset (bloc_device_t *bd);
- static int mem_initialize (bloc_device_t *bd, int device);
- static int mem_read_sector (bloc_device_t *bd, void *buffer, int secnum);
-@@ -212,6 +214,17 @@
- {
- }
-+void bd_reset_all(void)
-+    bloc_device_t *bd;
-+    for (bd = bd_list; bd != NULL; bd = bd->next) {
-+        if (bd->init == &ide_initialize) {
-+            /* reset IDE drive because Darwin wants all IDE devices to be reset */
-+            ide_reset(bd);
-+        }
-+    }
- uint32_t bd_seclen (bloc_device_t *bd)
- {
-     return bd->seclen;
-@@ -223,10 +236,12 @@
- }
- /* XXX: to be suppressed */
--void bd_set_boot_part (bloc_device_t *bd, part_t *partition)
-+void bd_set_boot_part (bloc_device_t *bd, part_t *partition, int partnum)
- {
-+    dprintf("%s: part %p (%p) %d\n", __func__, partition, bd->boot_part, partnum);
-     if (bd->boot_part == NULL) {
-         bd->boot_part = partition;
-+        bd->bpartnum = partnum;
-     }
- }
-@@ -240,6 +255,13 @@
-     return &bd->bparts;
- }
-+void bd_set_boot_device (bloc_device_t *bd)
-+#if defined (USE_OPENFIRMWARE)
-+    OF_blockdev_set_boot_device(bd->OF_private, bd->bpartnum, "\\\\ofwboot");
- part_t *bd_probe (int boot_device)
- {
-     char devices[] = { /*'a', 'b',*/ 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'm', '\0', };
-@@ -272,9 +294,7 @@
-         tmp = part_probe(bd, force_raw);
-         if (boot_device == bd->device) {
-             boot_part = tmp;
--#if defined (USE_OPENFIRMWARE)
--            OF_blockdev_set_boot_device(bd->OF_private, 2, "\\\\ofwboot");
-+            bd_set_boot_device(bd);
-         }
-     }
-@@ -717,34 +737,29 @@
- /* IDE PCI access for pc */
- static uint8_t ide_pci_port_read (bloc_device_t *bd, int port)
- {
--    eieio();
--    return *(uint8_t *)(bd->io_base + port);
-+    uint8_t value;
-+    value = inb(bd->io_base + port);
-+    return value;
- }
- static void ide_pci_port_write (bloc_device_t *bd, int port, uint8_t value)
- {
--    *(uint8_t *)(bd->io_base + port) = value;
--    eieio();
-+    outb(bd->io_base + port, value);
- }
- static uint32_t ide_pci_data_readl (bloc_device_t *bd)
- {
--    eieio();
--    return *((uint32_t *)bd->io_base);
-+    return inl(bd->io_base);
- }
- static void ide_pci_data_writel (bloc_device_t *bd, uint32_t val)
- {
--    *(uint32_t *)(bd->io_base) = val;
--    eieio();
-+    outl(bd->io_base, val);
- }
- static void ide_pci_control_write (bloc_device_t *bd, uint32_t val)
- {
--    *((uint8_t *)bd->tmp) = val;
--    eieio();
-+    outb(bd->tmp + 2, val);
- }
- static ide_ops_t ide_pci_pc_ops = {
-@@ -761,7 +776,7 @@
- void ide_pci_pc_register (uint32_t io_base0, uint32_t io_base1,
-                           uint32_t io_base2, uint32_t io_base3,
--                          unused void *OF_private)
-+                          void *OF_private0, void *OF_private1)
- {
-     if (ide_pci_ops == NULL) {
-         ide_pci_ops = malloc(sizeof(ide_ops_t));
-@@ -770,19 +785,19 @@
-         memcpy(ide_pci_ops, &ide_pci_pc_ops, sizeof(ide_ops_t));
-     }
-     if ((io_base0 != 0 || io_base1 != 0) &&
--        ide_pci_ops->base[0] == 0 && ide_pci_ops->base[1] == 0) {
-+        ide_pci_ops->base[0] == 0 && ide_pci_ops->base[2] == 0) {
-         ide_pci_ops->base[0] = io_base0;
--        ide_pci_ops->base[1] = io_base1;
-+        ide_pci_ops->base[2] = io_base1;
--        ide_pci_ops->OF_private[0] = OF_private;
-+        ide_pci_ops->OF_private[0] = OF_private0;
- #endif
-     }
-     if ((io_base2 != 0 || io_base3 != 0) &&
--        ide_pci_ops->base[2] == 0 && ide_pci_ops->base[3] == 0) {
--        ide_pci_ops->base[2] = io_base2;
-+        ide_pci_ops->base[1] == 0 && ide_pci_ops->base[3] == 0) {
-+        ide_pci_ops->base[1] = io_base2;
-         ide_pci_ops->base[3] = io_base3;
--        ide_pci_ops->OF_private[1] = OF_private;
-+        ide_pci_ops->OF_private[1] = OF_private1;
- #endif
-     }
- }
-@@ -935,6 +950,8 @@
- }
- static void atapi_pad_req (void *buffer, int len);
-+static void atapi_make_req (bloc_device_t *bd, uint32_t *buffer,
-+                            int maxlen);
- static int atapi_read_sector (bloc_device_t *bd, void *buffer, int secnum);
- static int ide_initialize (bloc_device_t *bd, int device)
-@@ -1035,9 +1052,7 @@
-         DPRINTF("INQUIRY\n");
-         len = spc_inquiry_req(&atapi_buffer, 36);
-         atapi_pad_req(&atapi_buffer, len);
--        ide_port_write(bd, 0x07, 0xA0);
--        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
--            ide_data_writel(bd, ldswap32(&atapi_buffer[i]));
-+        atapi_make_req(bd, atapi_buffer, 36);
-         status = ide_port_read(bd, 0x07);
-         if (status != 0x48) {
-             ERROR("ATAPI INQUIRY : status %0x != 0x48\n", status);
-@@ -1053,9 +1068,7 @@
-         len = mmc_read_capacity_req(&atapi_buffer);
-         atapi_pad_req(&atapi_buffer, len);
--        ide_port_write(bd, 0x07, 0xA0);
--        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
--            ide_data_writel(bd, ldswap32(&atapi_buffer[i]));
-+        atapi_make_req(bd, atapi_buffer, 8);
-         status = ide_port_read(bd, 0x07);
-         if (status != 0x48) {
-             ERROR("ATAPI READ_CAPACITY : status %0x != 0x48\n", status);
-@@ -1105,6 +1118,22 @@
-     memset(p + len, 0, 12 - len);
- }
-+static void atapi_make_req (bloc_device_t *bd, uint32_t *buffer,
-+                            int maxlen)
-+    int i;
-+    /* select drive */
-+    if (bd->drv == 0)
-+        ide_port_write(bd, 0x06, 0x40);
-+    else
-+        ide_port_write(bd, 0x06, 0x50);
-+    ide_port_write(bd, 0x04, maxlen & 0xff);
-+    ide_port_write(bd, 0x05, (maxlen >> 8) & 0xff);
-+    ide_port_write(bd, 0x07, 0xA0);
-+    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-+        ide_data_writel(bd, ldswap32(&buffer[i]));
- static int atapi_read_sector (bloc_device_t *bd, void *buffer, int secnum)
- {
-     uint32_t atapi_buffer[4];
-@@ -1112,16 +1141,9 @@
-     uint32_t status, value;
-     int i, len;
--    /* select drive */
--    if (bd->drv == 0)
--        ide_port_write(bd, 0x06, 0x40);
--    else
--        ide_port_write(bd, 0x06, 0x50);
-     len = mmc_read12_req(atapi_buffer, secnum, 1);
-     atapi_pad_req(&atapi_buffer, len);
--    ide_port_write(bd, 0x07, 0xA0);
--    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
--        ide_data_writel(bd, ldswap32(&atapi_buffer[i]));
-+    atapi_make_req(bd, atapi_buffer, bd->seclen);
-     status = ide_port_read(bd, 0x07);
-     if (status != 0x48) {
-         ERROR("ATAPI READ12 : status %0x != 0x48\n", status);
-diff -wruN --exclude '*~' --exclude '*.o' --exclude '*.bin' --exclude '*.out' --exclude mkdiff OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/libpart/apple.c
----	2005-03-31 09:23:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/libpart/apple.c	2005-07-03 16:17:41.000000000 +0200
-@@ -199,14 +199,18 @@
-         if (len == 0) {
-             /* Place holder. Skip it */
-             DPRINTF("%s placeholder part\t%d\n", __func__, i);
-+            part->flags = PART_TYPE_APPLE | PART_FLAG_DUMMY;
-+            part_register(bd, part, name, i);
-         } else if (strncmp("Apple_Void", type, 32) == 0) {
-             /* Void partition. Skip it */
-             DPRINTF("%s Void part\t%d [%s]\n", __func__, i, type);
-+            part->flags = PART_TYPE_APPLE | PART_FLAG_DUMMY;
-+            part_register(bd, part, name, i);
-         } else if (strncmp("Apple_Free", type, 32) == 0) {
-             /* Free space. Skip it */
-             DPRINTF("%s Free part (%d)\n", __func__, i);
-             part->flags = PART_TYPE_APPLE | PART_FLAG_DUMMY;
--            part_register(bd, part, name);
-+            part_register(bd, part, name, i);
-         } else if (strncmp("Apple_partition_map", type, 32) == 0 ||
-                    strncmp("Apple_Partition_Map", type, 32) == 0
- #if 0 // Is this really used or is it just a mistake ?
-@@ -226,7 +230,7 @@
-                  */
-             }
-             part->flags = PART_TYPE_APPLE | PART_FLAG_DUMMY;
--            part_register(bd, part, name);
-+            part_register(bd, part, name, i);
-         } else if (strncmp("Apple_Driver", type, 32) == 0 ||
-                    strncmp("Apple_Driver43", type, 32) == 0 ||
-                    strncmp("Apple_Driver43_CD", type, 32) == 0 ||
-@@ -236,8 +240,12 @@
-                    strncmp("Apple_Driver_IOKit", type, 32) == 0) {
-             /* Drivers. don't care for now */
-             DPRINTF("%s Drivers part\t%d [%s]\n", __func__, i, type);
-+            part->flags = PART_TYPE_APPLE | PART_FLAG_DRIVER;
-+            part_register(bd, part, name, i);
-         } else if (strncmp("Apple_Patches", type, 32) == 0) {
-             /* Patches: don't care for now */
-+            part->flags = PART_TYPE_APPLE | PART_FLAG_PATCH;
-+            part_register(bd, part, name, i);
-             DPRINTF("%s Patches part\t%d [%s]\n", __func__, i, type);
-         } else if (strncmp("Apple_HFS", type, 32) == 0 ||
-                    strncmp("Apple_MFS", type, 32) == 0 ||
-@@ -256,9 +264,8 @@
-             count = partmap->bloc_cnt * HFS_BLOCSIZE;
-             if (partmap->boot_size == 0 || partmap->boot_load == 0) {
-                 printf("Not a bootable partition %d %d (%p %p)\n",
--                       partmap->boot_size, partmap->boot_load,boot_part, part);
--                if (boot_part == NULL)
--                    boot_part = part;
-+                       partmap->boot_size, partmap->boot_load,
-+                       boot_part, part);
-                 part->flags = PART_TYPE_APPLE | PART_FLAG_FS;
-             } else {
-                 part->boot_start.bloc = partmap->boot_start;
-@@ -278,8 +285,8 @@
-                 boot_part = part;
-                 part->flags = PART_TYPE_APPLE | PART_FLAG_FS | PART_FLAG_BOOT;
-             }
--            printf("Partition: %d %s st %0x size %0x",
--                    i, name, partmap->start_bloc, partmap->bloc_cnt);
-+            printf("Partition: %d '%s' '%s' st %0x size %0x",
-+                    i, name, type, partmap->start_bloc, partmap->bloc_cnt);
- #ifndef DEBUG
-             printf("\n");
- #endif
-@@ -290,11 +297,13 @@
-                     part->boot_load, part->boot_entry);
-             DPRINTF("                           load %0x entry %0x %0x\n",
-                     partmap->boot_load2, partmap->boot_entry2, HFS_BLOCSIZE);
--            part_register(bd, part, name);
-+            part_register(bd, part, name, i);
-         } else {
-             memcpy(tmp, type, 32);
-             tmp[32] = '\0';
-             ERROR("Unknown partition type [%s]\n", tmp);
-+            part->flags = PART_TYPE_APPLE | PART_FLAG_DUMMY;
-+            part_register(bd, part, name, i);
-         }
-     }
-  error:
-diff -wruN --exclude '*~' --exclude '*.o' --exclude '*.bin' --exclude '*.out' --exclude mkdiff OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/libpart/core.c
----	2005-03-31 09:23:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/libpart/core.c	2005-07-03 16:17:41.000000000 +0200
-@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
- }
- int part_register (bloc_device_t *bd, part_t *partition,
--                   const unsigned char *name)
-+                   const unsigned char *name, int partnum)
- {
-     part_t **cur;
-@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@
-     partition->bd = bd;
-     partition->next = NULL;
-     partition->name = strdup(name);
-+    partition->partnum = partnum;
-     for (cur = _bd_parts(bd); *cur != NULL; cur = &(*cur)->next)
-         continue;
-     *cur = partition;
-@@ -141,29 +142,15 @@
-     return 0;
- }
--static inline int set_boot_part (bloc_device_t *bd, int partnum)
--    part_t *cur;
--    cur = part_get(bd, partnum);
--    if (cur == NULL)
--        return -1;
--    bd_set_boot_part(bd, cur);
--    return 0;
- part_t *part_get (bloc_device_t *bd, int partnum)
- {
-     part_t **listp, *cur;
--    int i;
-     listp = _bd_parts(bd);
--    cur = *listp;
--    for (i = 0; i != partnum; i++) {
--        if (cur == NULL)
-+    for (cur = *listp; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) {
-+        if (cur->partnum == partnum)
-             break;
--        cur = cur->next;
-     }
-     return cur;
-@@ -192,17 +179,20 @@
-     part_set_blocsize(bd, part, 512);
-     part->bd = bd;
-     part->flags = PART_TYPE_RAW | PART_FLAG_BOOT;
--    part_register(bd, part, "Raw");
-+    part_register(bd, part, "Raw", 0);
-     return part;
- }
-+bloc_device_t *part_get_bd (part_t *part)
-+    return part->bd;
- part_t *part_probe (bloc_device_t *bd, int set_raw)
- {
--    part_t *part0, *boot_part, **cur;
-+    part_t *part0 = NULL, *boot_part, **cur;
--    /* Register the 0 partition: raw partition containing the whole disk */
--    part0 = part_get_raw(bd);
-     /* Try to find a valid boot partition */
-     boot_part = Apple_probe_partitions(bd);
-     if (boot_part == NULL) {
-@@ -210,10 +200,13 @@
-         if (boot_part == NULL && arch == ARCH_PREP)
-             boot_part = PREP_find_partition(bd);
-         if (boot_part == NULL && set_raw != 0) {
--            boot_part = part0;
--            set_boot_part(bd, 0);
-+            dprintf("Use bloc device as raw partition\n");
-         }
-     }
-+    if (_bd_parts(bd) == NULL) {
-+        /* Register the 0 partition: raw partition containing the whole disk */
-+        part0 = part_get_raw(bd);
-+    }
-     /* Probe filesystem on each found partition */
-     for (cur = _bd_parts(bd); *cur != NULL; cur = &(*cur)->next) {
-         const unsigned char *map, *type;
-@@ -248,23 +241,28 @@
-             type = "unknown";
-             break;
-         }
--        DPRINTF("Probe filesystem on %s %s partition '%s' %s\n",
-+        dprintf("Probe filesystem on %s %s partition '%s' %s %p\n",
-                 type, map, (*cur)->name,
--                ((*cur)->flags) & PART_FLAG_BOOT ? "(bootable)" : "");
-+                ((*cur)->flags) & PART_FLAG_BOOT ? "(bootable)" : "", *cur);
-         if (((*cur)->flags) & PART_FLAG_FS) {
-             if (((*cur)->flags) & PART_FLAG_BOOT)
-                 (*cur)->fs = fs_probe(*cur, 1);
-             else
-                 (*cur)->fs = fs_probe(*cur, 0);
-+        } else if (((*cur)->flags) & PART_TYPE_RAW) {
-+            (*cur)->fs = fs_probe(*cur, 2);
-         } else {
-             (*cur)->fs = fs_probe(*cur, 2);
-         }
--        if (((*cur)->flags) & PART_FLAG_BOOT) {
--            bd_set_boot_part(bd, *cur);
-             fs_get_bootfile((*cur)->fs);
-+        if (((*cur)->flags) & PART_FLAG_BOOT) {
-+            dprintf("Partition is bootable (%d)\n", (*cur)->partnum);
-+            bd_set_boot_part(bd, *cur, (*cur)->partnum);
-+            if (boot_part == NULL)
-+                boot_part = *cur;
-         }
-     }
--    DPRINTF("Boot partition: %p %p %p %p\n", boot_part, boot_part->fs,
-+    dprintf("Boot partition: %p %p %p %p\n", boot_part, boot_part->fs,
-             part_fs(boot_part), part0);
-     return boot_part;
-@@ -279,6 +277,7 @@
-     part->boot_size.offset = 0;
-     part->boot_load = 0;
-     part->boot_entry = 0;
-+    part->flags |= PART_FLAG_BOOT;
-     return 0;
- }
-diff -wruN --exclude '*~' --exclude '*.o' --exclude '*.bin' --exclude '*.out' --exclude mkdiff OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/libpart/isofs.c
----	2005-03-31 09:23:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/libpart/isofs.c	2005-07-03 16:17:41.000000000 +0200
-@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
-                    part->boot_start.bloc, part->boot_size.bloc,
-                    part->boot_load, part->boot_entry);
-             part->flags = PART_TYPE_ISO9660 | PART_FLAG_BOOT;
--            part_register(bd, part, name);
-+            part_register(bd, part, name, i + 1);
-             fs_raw_set_bootfile(part, part->boot_start.bloc,
-                                 part->boot_start.offset,
-                                 part->boot_size.bloc,
-diff -wruN --exclude '*~' --exclude '*.o' --exclude '*.bin' --exclude '*.out' --exclude mkdiff OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/libpart/libpart.h
----	2005-03-31 09:23:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/libpart/libpart.h	2005-07-03 16:17:41.000000000 +0200
-@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
- struct part_t {
-     bloc_device_t *bd;
-+    int partnum;
-     uint32_t start;      /* Partition first bloc             */
-     uint32_t size;       /* Partition size, in blocs         */
-     uint32_t spb;
-@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@
- };
- int part_register (bloc_device_t *bd, part_t *partition,
--                   const unsigned char *name);
-+                   const unsigned char *name, int partnum);
- void part_set_blocsize (bloc_device_t *bd, part_t *part, uint32_t blocsize);
- void part_private_set (part_t *part, void *private);
- void *part_private_get (part_t *part);
-diff -wruN --exclude '*~' --exclude '*.o' --exclude '*.bin' --exclude '*.out' --exclude mkdiff OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/libpart/prep.c
----	2005-03-31 09:23:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/libpart/prep.c	2005-07-03 16:17:41.000000000 +0200
-@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
-             part->boot_load = 0;
-             part->boot_entry = boot_offset - part->bloc_size;
-             part->flags = PART_TYPE_PREP | PART_FLAG_BOOT;
--            part_register(bd, part, "PREP boot");
-+            part_register(bd, part, "PREP boot", i);
-             fs_raw_set_bootfile(part, part->boot_start.bloc,
-                                 part->boot_start.offset,
-                                 part->boot_size.bloc,
-diff -wruN --exclude '*~' --exclude '*.o' --exclude '*.bin' --exclude '*.out' --exclude mkdiff OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/main.c
----	2005-03-31 09:23:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/main.c	2005-06-07 23:48:39.000000000 +0200
-@@ -364,20 +364,24 @@
-     void *load_base, *load_entry, *last_alloc, *load_end;
-     uint32_t memsize, boot_image_size, cmdline_size, ramdisk_size;
-     uint32_t boot_base, boot_nb;
--    int boot_device;
-+    int boot_device, i;
-+    static const uint32_t isa_base_tab[3] = {
-+        0x80000000, /* PREP */
-+        0xFE000000, /* Grackle (Heathrow) */
-+        0xF2000000, /* UniNorth (Mac99)  */
-+    };
-     /* Retrieve NVRAM configuration */
-- nvram_retry:
-+    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-+        isa_io_base = isa_base_tab[i];
-     nvram = NVRAM_get_config(&memsize, &boot_device,
-                              &boot_image, &boot_image_size,
-                              &cmdline, &cmdline_size,
-                              &ramdisk, &ramdisk_size);
--    if (nvram == NULL) {
--        /* Retry with another isa_io_base */
--        if (isa_io_base == 0x80000000) {
--            isa_io_base = 0xF2000000;
--            goto nvram_retry;
-+        if (nvram)
-+            break;
-         }
-+    if (i == 3) {
-         ERROR("Unable to load configuration from NVRAM. Aborting...\n");
-         return -1;
-     }
-@@ -402,7 +406,7 @@
-         cpu_name = CPU_get_name(pvr);
-         OF_register_cpu(cpu_name, 0, pvr,
-                         200 * 1000 * 1000, 200 * 1000 * 1000,
--                        100 * 1000 * 1000, 10 * 1000 * 1000,
-+                        100 * 1000 * 1000, 100 * 1000 * 1000,
-                         0x0092);
-     }
-     OF_register_memory(memsize, 512 * 1024 /* TOFIX */);
-@@ -433,9 +437,12 @@
-     vga_puts(copyright);
-     vga_puts("\n");
-+#if 0
-     /* QEMU is quite incoherent: d is cdrom, not second drive */
-+    /* XXX: should probe CD-ROM position */
-     if (boot_device == 'd')
-         boot_device = 'e';
-     /* Open boot device */
-     boot_part = bd_probe(boot_device);
-     if (boot_device == 'm') {
-diff -wruN --exclude '*~' --exclude '*.o' --exclude '*.bin' --exclude '*.out' --exclude mkdiff OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/nvram.c
----	2005-03-31 09:23:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/nvram.c	2005-06-04 23:44:03.000000000 +0200
-@@ -334,6 +334,7 @@
-         ret = NVRAM_chrp_format(nvram);
-         break;
-     case ARCH_MAC99:
-+    case ARCH_HEATHROW: /* XXX: may be incorrect */
-         ret = NVRAM_mac99_format(nvram);
-         break;
-     case ARCH_POP:
-@@ -409,13 +410,12 @@
-         arch = ARCH_MAC99;
-     } else if (strcmp(sign, "POP") == 0) {
-         arch = ARCH_POP;
-+    } else if (strcmp(sign, "HEATHROW") == 0) {
-+        arch = ARCH_HEATHROW;
-     } else {
-         ERROR("Unknown PPC architecture: '%s'\n", sign);
-         return NULL;
-     }
--    /* HACK */
--    if (arch == ARCH_CHRP)
--        arch = ARCH_MAC99;
-     lword = NVRAM_get_lword(nvram, 0x30);
-     *RAM_size = lword;
-     byte = NVRAM_get_byte(nvram, 0x34);
-diff -wruN --exclude '*~' --exclude '*.o' --exclude '*.bin' --exclude '*.out' --exclude mkdiff OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/of.c
----	2005-04-06 23:17:26.000000000 +0200
-+++ OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/of.c	2005-07-07 23:30:08.000000000 +0200
-@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@
-         ERROR("%s can't alloc new node '%s' name\n", __func__, name);
-         return NULL;
-     }
--    new->prop_address = OF_prop_int_new(env, new, "address", address);
-+    new->prop_address = OF_prop_int_new(env, new, "unit-address", address);
-     if (new->prop_address == NULL) {
-         free(new->prop_name->value);
-         free(new->prop_name);
-@@ -1017,6 +1017,33 @@
-                            string, strlen(string) + 1);
- }
-+/* convert '\1' char to '\0' */
-+static OF_prop_t *OF_prop_string_new1 (OF_env_t *env, OF_node_t *node,
-+                                       const unsigned char *name,
-+                                       const unsigned char *string)
-+    int len, i;
-+    OF_prop_t *ret;
-+    unsigned char *str;
-+    if (strchr(string, '\1') == NULL) {
-+        return OF_prop_string_new(env, node, name, string);
-+    } else {
-+        len = strlen(string) + 1;
-+        str = malloc(len);
-+        if (!str)
-+            return NULL;
-+        memcpy(str, string, len);
-+        for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
-+            if (str[i] == '\1')
-+                str[i] = '\0';
-+        ret = OF_property_new(env, node, name,
-+                              str, len);
-+        free(str);
-+        return ret;
-+    }
- __attribute__ (( section (".OpenFirmware") ))
- static OF_prop_t *OF_prop_int_new (OF_env_t *env, OF_node_t *node,
-                                    const unsigned char *name, uint32_t value)
-@@ -1421,15 +1448,12 @@
- __attribute__ (( section (".OpenFirmware") ))
- int OF_init (void)
- {
--    const unsigned char compat_str[] =
- #if 0
-         "PowerMac3,1\0MacRISC\0Power Macintosh\0";
-         "PowerMac1,2\0MacRISC\0Power Macintosh\0";
-         "AAPL,PowerMac G3\0PowerMac G3\0MacRISC\0Power Macintosh\0";
-         "AAPL,PowerMac3,0\0MacRISC\0Power Macintosh\0";
-         "AAPL,Gossamer\0MacRISC\0Power Macintosh\0";
--        "AAPL,PowerMac G3\0PowerMac G3\0MacRISC\0Power Macintosh\0";
- #endif
-     OF_env_t *OF_env;
-     OF_node_t *als, *opt, *chs, *pks;
-@@ -1455,15 +1479,21 @@
-         return -1;
-     }
-     OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, OF_node_root, "device_type", "bootrom");
--#if 0
--    OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, OF_node_root,
--                       "model", "PPC Open Hack'Ware " BIOS_VERSION);
-+    if (arch == ARCH_HEATHROW) {
-+        const unsigned char compat_str[] =
-+            "PowerMac1,1\0MacRISC\0Power Macintosh";
-+        OF_property_new(OF_env, OF_node_root, "compatible",
-+                        compat_str, sizeof(compat_str));
-     OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, OF_node_root,
--                       "model", compat_str);
-+                           "model", "Power Macintosh");
-+    } else {
-+        const unsigned char compat_str[] =
-+            "PowerMac3,1\0MacRISC\0Power Macintosh";
-     OF_property_new(OF_env, OF_node_root, "compatible",
-                     compat_str, sizeof(compat_str));
-+        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, OF_node_root,
-+                           "model", "PowerMac3,1");
-+    }
- #if 0
-     OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, OF_node_root, "copyright", copyright);
- #else
-@@ -1561,14 +1591,15 @@
-         range.size = 0x00800000;
-         OF_property_new(OF_env, rom, "ranges", &range, sizeof(OF_range_t));
-         OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, rom, "#address-cells", 1);
-         /* "/rom/boot-rom@fff00000" node */
--        brom = OF_node_new(OF_env, OF_node_root, "boot-rom", 0xfff00000);
-+        brom = OF_node_new(OF_env, rom, "boot-rom", 0xfff00000);
-         if (brom == NULL) {
-             ERROR("Cannot create 'boot-rom'\n");
-             return -1;
-         }
-         regs.address = 0xFFF00000;
--        regs.size = 0x00010000;
-+        regs.size = 0x00100000;
-         OF_property_new(OF_env, brom, "reg", &regs, sizeof(OF_regprop_t));
-         OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, brom, "write-characteristic", "flash");
-         OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, brom, "BootROM-build-date",
-@@ -1577,7 +1608,7 @@
-         OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, brom, "copyright", copyright);
-         OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, brom, "model", BIOS_str);
-         OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, brom, "result", 0);
--#if 0
-+#if 1
-         {
-             /* Hack taken 'as-is' from PearPC */
-             unsigned char info[] = {
-@@ -1596,7 +1627,9 @@
-         OF_node_put(OF_env, brom);
-         OF_node_put(OF_env, rom);
-     }
-+#if 0
-     /* From here, hardcoded hacks to get a Mac-like machine */
-+    /* XXX: Core99 does not seem to like this NVRAM tree */
-     /* "/nvram@fff04000" node */
-     {
-         OF_regprop_t regs;
-@@ -1617,6 +1650,7 @@
-         OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, chs, "nvram", OF_pack_handle(OF_env, nvr));
-         OF_node_put(OF_env, nvr);
-     }
-     /* "/pseudo-hid" : hid emulation as Apple does */
-     {
-         OF_node_t *hid;
-@@ -1663,7 +1697,27 @@
-         }
-         OF_node_put(OF_env, hid);
-     }
-+    if (arch == ARCH_MAC99) {
-+        OF_node_t *unin;
-+        OF_regprop_t regs;
-+        unin = OF_node_new(OF_env, OF_node_root,
-+                           "uni-n", 0xf8000000);
-+        if (unin == NULL) {
-+            ERROR("Cannot create 'uni-n'\n");
-+            return -1;
-+        }
-+        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, unin, "device-type", "memory-controller");
-+        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, unin, "model", "AAPL,UniNorth");
-+        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, unin, "compatible", "uni-north");
-+        regs.address = 0xf8000000;
-+        regs.size = 0x01000000;
-+        OF_property_new(OF_env, unin, "reg", &regs, sizeof(regs));
-+        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, unin, "#address-cells", 1);
-+        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, unin, "#size-cells", 1);
-+        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, unin, "device-rev", 3);
-+        OF_node_put(OF_env, unin);
-+    }
- #if 1 /* This is mandatory for claim to work
-        * but I don't know where it should really be (in cpu ?)
-@@ -1693,7 +1747,9 @@
-     /* "/options/boot-args" node */
-     {
--        const unsigned char *args = "-v rootdev cdrom";
-+        //        const unsigned char *args = "-v rootdev cdrom";
-+        //const unsigned char *args = "-v io=0xffffffff";
-+        const unsigned char *args = "-v";
-         /* Ask MacOS X to print debug messages */
-         //        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, chs, "machargs", args);
-         //        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, opt, "boot-command", args);
-@@ -2013,17 +2069,17 @@
-     OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, node, "min-grant", min_grant);
-     OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, node, "max-latency", max_latency);
-     if (dev->type != NULL)
--        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, node, "device_type", dev->type);
-+        OF_prop_string_new1(OF_env, node, "device_type", dev->type);
-     if (dev->compat != NULL)
--        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, node, "compatible", dev->compat);
-+        OF_prop_string_new1(OF_env, node, "compatible", dev->compat);
-     if (dev->model != NULL)
--        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, node, "model", dev->model);
-+        OF_prop_string_new1(OF_env, node, "model", dev->model);
-     if (dev->acells != 0)
-         OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, node, "#address-cells", dev->acells);
-     if (dev->scells != 0)
--        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, node, "#interrupt-cells", dev->acells);
-+        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, node, "#size-cells", dev->scells);
-     if (dev->icells != 0)
--        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, node, "#size-cells", dev->acells);
-+        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, node, "#interrupt-cells", dev->icells);
-     dprintf("Done %p %p\n", parent, node);
-     return node;
-@@ -2040,8 +2096,9 @@
-     OF_env_t *OF_env;
-     pci_range_t ranges[3];
-     OF_regprop_t regs[1];
--    OF_node_t *pci_host;
-+    OF_node_t *pci_host, *als;
-     int nranges;
-+    unsigned char buffer[OF_NAMELEN_MAX];
-     OF_env = OF_env_main;
-     dprintf("register PCI host '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s'\n",
-@@ -2052,6 +2109,17 @@
-         ERROR("Cannot create pci host\n");
-         return NULL;
-     }
-+    als = OF_node_get(OF_env, "aliases");
-+    if (als == NULL) {
-+        ERROR("Cannot get 'aliases'\n");
-+        return NULL;
-+    }
-+    sprintf(buffer, "/%s", dev->name);
-+    OF_prop_string_set(OF_env, als, "pci", buffer);
-+    OF_node_put(OF_env, als);
-     regs[0].address = cfg_base;
-     regs[0].size = cfg_len;
-     OF_property_new(OF_env, pci_host, "reg", regs, sizeof(OF_regprop_t));
-@@ -2136,6 +2204,11 @@
-     return pci_dev;
- }
-+/* XXX: suppress that, used for interrupt map init */
-+OF_node_t *pci_host_node;
-+uint32_t pci_host_interrupt_map[7 * 32];
-+int pci_host_interrupt_map_len = 0;
- void OF_finalize_pci_host (void *dev, int first_bus, int nb_busses)
- {
-     OF_env_t *OF_env;
-@@ -2145,10 +2218,12 @@
-     regs[0].address = first_bus;
-     regs[0].size = nb_busses;
-     OF_property_new(OF_env, dev, "bus-range", regs, sizeof(OF_regprop_t));
-+    pci_host_node = dev;
- }
- void OF_finalize_pci_device (void *dev, uint8_t bus, uint8_t devfn,
--                             uint32_t *regions, uint32_t *sizes)
-+                             uint32_t *regions, uint32_t *sizes,
-+                             int irq_line)
- {
-     OF_env_t *OF_env;
-     pci_reg_prop_t pregs[6], rregs[6];
-@@ -2156,6 +2231,7 @@
-     int i, j, k;
-     OF_env = OF_env_main;
-+    /* XXX: only useful for VGA card in fact */
-     if (regions[0] != 0x00000000)
-         OF_prop_int_set(OF_env, dev, "address", regions[0] & ~0x0000000F);
-     for (i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-@@ -2222,7 +2298,22 @@
-     } else {
-         OF_property_new(OF_env, dev, "assigned-addresses", NULL, 0);
-     }
--#if 0
-+    if (irq_line >= 0) {
-+        int i;
-+        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, dev, "interrupts", 1);
-+        i = pci_host_interrupt_map_len;
-+        pci_host_interrupt_map[i++] = (devfn << 8) & 0xf800;
-+        pci_host_interrupt_map[i++] = 0;
-+        pci_host_interrupt_map[i++] = 0;
-+        pci_host_interrupt_map[i++] = 0;
-+        pci_host_interrupt_map[i++] = 0; /* pic handle will be patched later */
-+        pci_host_interrupt_map[i++] = irq_line;
-+        if (arch != ARCH_HEATHROW) {
-+            pci_host_interrupt_map[i++] = 1;
-+        }
-+        pci_host_interrupt_map_len = i;
-+    }
-+#if 1
-     {
-         OF_prop_t *prop_name = ((OF_node_t *)dev)->prop_name;
-@@ -2390,6 +2481,54 @@
-     return 0;
- }
-+static void keylargo_ata(OF_node_t *mio, uint32_t base_address,
-+                         uint32_t base, int irq1, int irq2, 
-+                         uint16_t pic_phandle)
-+    OF_env_t *OF_env = OF_env_main;
-+    OF_node_t *ata;
-+    OF_regprop_t regs[2];
-+    ata = OF_node_new(OF_env, mio, "ata-4", base);
-+    if (ata == NULL) {
-+        ERROR("Cannot create 'ata-4'\n");
-+        return;
-+    }
-+    OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "device_type", "ata");
-+#if 1
-+    OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "compatible", "key2largo-ata");
-+    OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "model", "ata-4");
-+    OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "cable-type", "80-conductor");
-+    OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "compatible", "cmd646-ata");
-+    OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "model", "ata-4");
-+    OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, ata, "#address-cells", 1);
-+    OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, ata, "#size-cells", 0);
-+    regs[0].address = base;
-+    regs[0].size = 0x00001000;
-+#if 0 // HACK: Don't set up DMA registers
-+    regs[1].address = 0x00008A00;
-+    regs[1].size = 0x00001000;
-+    OF_property_new(OF_env, ata, "reg",
-+                    regs, 2 * sizeof(OF_regprop_t));
-+    OF_property_new(OF_env, ata, "reg",
-+                    regs, sizeof(OF_regprop_t));
-+    OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, ata, "interrupt-parent", pic_phandle);
-+    regs[0].address = irq1;
-+    regs[0].size = 0x00000001;
-+    regs[1].address = irq2;
-+    regs[1].size = 0x00000000;
-+    OF_property_new(OF_env, ata, "interrupts",
-+                    regs, 2 * sizeof(OF_regprop_t));
-+    if (base == 0x1f000)
-+        ide_pci_pmac_register(base_address + base, 0x00000000, ata);
-+    else
-+        ide_pci_pmac_register(0x00000000, base_address + base, ata);
- void OF_finalize_pci_macio (void *dev, uint32_t base_address, uint32_t size,
-                             void *private_data)
- {
-@@ -2398,6 +2537,8 @@
-     pci_reg_prop_t pregs[2];
-     OF_node_t *mio, *chs, *als;
-     uint16_t pic_phandle;
-+    int rec_len;
-+    OF_prop_t *mio_reg;
-     OF_DPRINTF("mac-io: %p\n", dev);
-     OF_env = OF_env_main;
-@@ -2416,10 +2557,14 @@
-     mio = dev;
-     mio->private_data = private_data;
-     pregs[0].addr.hi = 0x00000000;
--    pregs[0].addr.mid = 0x82013810;
-+    pregs[0].addr.mid = 0x00000000;
-     pregs[0].addr.lo = 0x00000000;
-     pregs[0].size_hi = base_address;
-     pregs[0].size_lo = size;
-+    mio_reg = OF_property_get(OF_env, mio, "reg");
-+    if (mio_reg && mio_reg->vlen >= 5 * 4) {
-+        pregs[0].addr.mid = ((pci_reg_prop_t *)mio_reg->value)->addr.hi;
-+    }
-     OF_property_new(OF_env, mio, "ranges",
-                     &pregs, sizeof(pci_reg_prop_t));
- #if 0
-@@ -2431,8 +2576,32 @@
-     OF_property_new(OF_env, mio, "assigned-addresses",
-                     &pregs, sizeof(pci_reg_prop_t));
- #endif
-+    if (arch == ARCH_HEATHROW) {
-+        /* Heathrow PIC */
-+        OF_regprop_t regs;
-+        OF_node_t *mpic;
-+        const char compat_str[] = "heathrow\0mac-risc";
-+        mpic = OF_node_new(OF_env, mio, "interrupt-controller", 0x10);
-+        if (mpic == NULL) {
-+            ERROR("Cannot create 'mpic'\n");
-+            goto out;
-+        }
-+        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, mpic, "device_type", "interrupt-controller");
-+        OF_property_new(OF_env, mpic, "compatible", compat_str, sizeof(compat_str));
-+        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, mpic, "#interrupt-cells", 1);
-+        regs.address = 0x10;
-+        regs.size = 0x20;
-+        OF_property_new(OF_env, mpic, "reg",
-+                        &regs, sizeof(regs));
-+        OF_property_new(OF_env, mpic, "interrupt-controller", NULL, 0);
-+        pic_phandle = OF_pack_handle(OF_env, mpic);
-+        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, chs, "interrupt-controller", pic_phandle);
-+        OF_node_put(OF_env, mpic);
-+        rec_len = 6;
-+    } else {
-     /* OpenPIC */
--    {
-         OF_regprop_t regs[4];
-         OF_node_t *mpic;
-         mpic = OF_node_new(OF_env, mio, "interrupt-controller", 0x40000);
-@@ -2455,8 +2624,37 @@
-         pic_phandle = OF_pack_handle(OF_env, mpic);
-         OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, chs, "interrupt-controller", pic_phandle);
-         OF_node_put(OF_env, mpic);
-+        rec_len = 7;
-     }
--#if 1
-+    /* patch pci host table */
-+    /* XXX: do it after the PCI init */
-+    {
-+        int i;
-+        uint32_t tab[4];
-+        for(i = 0; i < pci_host_interrupt_map_len; i += rec_len)
-+            pci_host_interrupt_map[i + 4] = pic_phandle;
-+#if 0
-+        dprintf("interrupt-map:\n");
-+        for(i = 0; i < pci_host_interrupt_map_len; i++) {
-+            dprintf(" %08x", pci_host_interrupt_map[i]);
-+            if ((i % rec_len) == (rec_len - 1))
-+                dprintf("\n");
-+        }
-+        dprintf("\n");
-+        OF_property_new(OF_env, pci_host_node, "interrupt-map", 
-+                        pci_host_interrupt_map, 
-+                        pci_host_interrupt_map_len * sizeof(uint32_t));
-+        tab[0] = 0xf800;
-+        tab[1] = 0;
-+        tab[2] = 0;
-+        tab[3] = 0;
-+        OF_property_new(OF_env, pci_host_node, "interrupt-map-mask", 
-+                        tab, 4 * sizeof(uint32_t));
-+    }
-+#if 0
-     /* escc is usefull to get MacOS X debug messages */
-     {
-         OF_regprop_t regs[8];
-@@ -2645,85 +2843,12 @@
-         OF_node_put(OF_env, scc);
-     }
- #endif
--    /* IDE controller */
--    {
--        OF_node_t *ata;
--        OF_regprop_t regs[2];
--        ata = OF_node_new(OF_env, mio, "ata-4", 0x1f000);
--        if (ata == NULL) {
--            ERROR("Cannot create 'ata-4'\n");
--            goto out;
--        }
--        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "device_type", "ata");
--#if 1
--        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "compatible", "keylargo-ata");
--        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "model", "ata-4");
--        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "compatible", "cmd646-ata");
--        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "model", "ata-4");
--        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, ata, "#address-cells", 1);
--        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, ata, "#size-cells", 0);
--        regs[0].address = 0x0001F000;
--        regs[0].size = 0x00001000;
--#if 0 // HACK: Don't set up DMA registers
--        regs[1].address = 0x00008A00;
--        regs[1].size = 0x00001000;
--        OF_property_new(OF_env, ata, "reg",
--                        regs, 2 * sizeof(OF_regprop_t));
--        OF_property_new(OF_env, ata, "reg",
--                        regs, sizeof(OF_regprop_t));
--        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, ata, "interrupt-parent", pic_phandle);
--        regs[0].address = 0x00000013;
--        regs[0].size = 0x00000001;
--        regs[1].address = 0x0000000B;
--        regs[1].size = 0x00000000;
--        OF_property_new(OF_env, ata, "interrupts",
--                        regs, 2 * sizeof(OF_regprop_t));
--        ide_pci_pmac_register(base_address + 0x1f000, 0x00000000, ata);
--    }
--    {
--        OF_node_t *ata;
--        OF_regprop_t regs[2];
--        ata = OF_node_new(OF_env, mio, "ata-4", 0x20000);
--        if (ata == NULL) {
--            ERROR("Cannot create 'ata-4'\n");
--            goto out;
--        }
--        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "device_type", "ata");
--#if 1
--        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "compatible", "keylargo-ata");
--        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "model", "ata-4");
--        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "compatible", "cmd646-ata");
--        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "model", "ata-4");
--        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, ata, "#address-cells", 1);
--        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, ata, "#size-cells", 0);
--        regs[0].address = 0x00020000;
--        regs[0].size = 0x00001000;
--#if 0 // HACK: Don't set up DMA registers
--        regs[1].address = 0x00008A00;
--        regs[1].size = 0x00001000;
--        OF_property_new(OF_env, ata, "reg",
--                        regs, 2 * sizeof(OF_regprop_t));
--        OF_property_new(OF_env, ata, "reg",
--                        regs, sizeof(OF_regprop_t));
--        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, ata, "interrupt-parent", pic_phandle);
--        regs[0].address = 0x00000014;
--        regs[0].size = 0x00000001;
--        regs[1].address = 0x0000000B;
--        regs[1].size = 0x00000000;
--        OF_property_new(OF_env, ata, "interrupts",
--                        regs, 2 * sizeof(OF_regprop_t));
--        ide_pci_pmac_register(0x00000000, base_address + 0x20000, ata);
-+    /* Keylargo IDE controller: need some work (DMA problem ?) */
-+    if (arch == ARCH_MAC99) {
-+        keylargo_ata(mio, base_address, 0x1f000, 0x13, 0xb, pic_phandle);
-+        keylargo_ata(mio, base_address, 0x20000, 0x14, 0xb, pic_phandle);
-     }
-+#if 0
-     /* Timer */
-     {
-         OF_node_t *tmr;
-@@ -2746,10 +2871,11 @@
-                         regs, sizeof(OF_regprop_t));
-         OF_node_put(OF_env, tmr);
-     }
-     /* VIA-PMU */
-     {
-         /* Controls adb, RTC and power-mgt (forget it !) */
--        OF_node_t *via, *adb, *rtc;
-+        OF_node_t *via, *adb;
-         OF_regprop_t regs[1];
-       // (but needed has Qemu doesn't emulate via-pmu).
-@@ -2773,14 +2899,21 @@
-         regs[0].size = 0x00002000;
-         OF_property_new(OF_env, via, "reg", regs, sizeof(OF_regprop_t));
-         OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, via, "interrupt-parent", pic_phandle);
-+        if (arch == ARCH_HEATHROW) {
-+            OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, via, "interrupts", 0x12);
-+        } else {
-         regs[0].address = 0x00000019;
-         regs[0].size = 0x00000001;
-         OF_property_new(OF_env, via, "interrupts",
-                         regs, sizeof(OF_regprop_t));
-+        }
-+        /* force usage of OF bus speeds */
-+        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, via, "BusSpeedCorrect", 1);
- #if 0
-         OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, via, "pmu-version", 0x00D0740C);
- #endif
--#if 1
-+        {
-+            OF_node_t *kbd, *mouse;
-         /* ADB pseudo-device */
-         adb = OF_node_new(OF_env, via, "adb", OF_ADDRESS_NONE);
-         if (adb == NULL) {
-@@ -2797,9 +2930,26 @@
-         OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, adb, "#size-cells", 0);
-         OF_pack_get_path(OF_env, tmp, 512, adb);
-         OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, als, "adb", tmp);
--        /* XXX: add "keyboard@2" and "mouse@3" */
--        OF_node_put(OF_env, adb);
-+            kbd = OF_node_new(OF_env, adb, "keyboard", 2);
-+            if (kbd == NULL) {
-+                ERROR("Cannot create 'kbd'\n");
-+                goto out;
-+            }
-+            OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, kbd, "device_type", "keyboard");
-+            OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, kbd, "reg", 2);
-+            mouse = OF_node_new(OF_env, adb, "mouse", 3);
-+            if (mouse == NULL) {
-+                ERROR("Cannot create 'mouse'\n");
-+                goto out;
-+            }
-+            OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, mouse, "device_type", "mouse");
-+            OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, mouse, "reg", 3);
-+            OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, mouse, "#buttons", 3);
-+        }
-+        {
-+            OF_node_t *rtc;
-         rtc = OF_node_new(OF_env, via, "rtc", OF_ADDRESS_NONE);
-         if (rtc == NULL) {
-@@ -2813,14 +2963,68 @@
-         OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, rtc, "compatible", "rtc");
- #endif
-         OF_node_put(OF_env, rtc);
--        OF_node_put(OF_env, via);
-     }
-+        //        OF_node_put(OF_env, via);
-+    }
-+    {
-+        OF_node_t *pmgt;
-+        pmgt = OF_node_new(OF_env, mio, "power-mgt", OF_ADDRESS_NONE);
-+        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, pmgt, "device_type", "power-mgt");
-+        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, pmgt, "compatible", "cuda");
-+        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, pmgt, "mgt-kind", "min-consumption-pwm-led");
-+        OF_node_put(OF_env, pmgt);
-+    }
-+    if (arch == ARCH_HEATHROW) {
-+        /* NVRAM */
-+        OF_node_t *nvr;
-+        OF_regprop_t regs;
-+        nvr = OF_node_new(OF_env, mio, "nvram", 0x60000);
-+        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, nvr, "device_type", "nvram");
-+        regs.address = 0x60000;
-+        regs.size = 0x00020000;
-+        OF_property_new(OF_env, nvr, "reg", &regs, sizeof(regs));
-+        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, nvr, "#bytes", 0x2000);
-+        OF_node_put(OF_env, nvr);
-+    }
-  out:
-     //    OF_node_put(OF_env, mio);
-     OF_node_put(OF_env, chs);
-     OF_node_put(OF_env, als);
- }
-+void OF_finalize_pci_ide (void *dev, 
-+                          uint32_t io_base0, uint32_t io_base1,
-+                          uint32_t io_base2, uint32_t io_base3)
-+    OF_env_t *OF_env = OF_env_main;
-+    OF_node_t *pci_ata = dev;
-+    OF_node_t *ata, *atas[2];
-+    int i;
-+    OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, pci_ata, "#address-cells", 1);
-+    OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, pci_ata, "#size-cells", 0);
-+    /* XXX: Darwin handles only one device */
-+    for(i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
-+        ata = OF_node_new(OF_env, pci_ata, "ata-4", i);
-+        if (ata == NULL) {
-+            ERROR("Cannot create 'ata-4'\n");
-+            return;
-+        }
-+        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "device_type", "ata");
-+        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "compatible", "cmd646-ata");
-+        OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, ata, "model", "ata-4");
-+        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, ata, "#address-cells", 1);
-+        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, ata, "#size-cells", 0);
-+        OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, ata, "reg", i);
-+        atas[i] = ata;
-+    }
-+    ide_pci_pc_register(io_base0, io_base1, io_base2, io_base3,
-+                        atas[0], atas[1]);
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Fake package */
- static void OF_method_fake (OF_env_t *OF_env)
-@@ -2862,11 +3066,11 @@
-     /* As we get a 1:1 mapping, do nothing */
-     ihandle = popd(OF_env);
-     args = (void *)popd(OF_env);
--    address = popd(OF_env);
--    virt = popd(OF_env);
--    size = popd(OF_env);
-     popd(OF_env);
--    OF_DPRINTF("Translate address %0x %0x %0x %0x\n", ihandle, address,
-+    size = popd(OF_env);
-+    virt = popd(OF_env);
-+    address = popd(OF_env);
-+    OF_DPRINTF("Map %0x %0x %0x %0x\n", ihandle, address,
-                virt, size);
-     pushd(OF_env, 0);
- }
-@@ -3270,7 +3474,7 @@
-     OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, dsk, "device_type", "block");
-     OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, dsk, "category", type);
-     OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, dsk, "device_id", devnum);
--    OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, dsk, "reg", 0);
-+    OF_prop_int_new(OF_env, dsk, "reg", devnum);
-     OF_method_new(OF_env, dsk, "open", &OF_blockdev_open);
-     OF_method_new(OF_env, dsk, "seek", &OF_blockdev_seek);
-     OF_method_new(OF_env, dsk, "read", &OF_blockdev_read);
-@@ -3432,7 +3636,8 @@
- }
- void OF_vga_register (const unsigned char *name, unused uint32_t address,
--                      int width, int height, int depth)
-+                      int width, int height, int depth,
-+                      unsigned long vga_bios_addr, unsigned long vga_bios_size)
- {
-     OF_env_t *OF_env;
-     unsigned char tmp[OF_NAMELEN_MAX];
-@@ -3504,6 +3709,18 @@
-     OF_prop_string_new(OF_env, als, "display", tmp);
-     OF_node_put(OF_env, als);
-     /* XXX: may also need read-rectangle */
-+    if (vga_bios_size >= 8) {
-+        const uint8_t *p;
-+        int size;
-+        /* check the QEMU VGA BIOS header */
-+        p = (const uint8_t *)vga_bios_addr;
-+        if (p[0] == 'N' && p[1] == 'D' && p[2] == 'R' && p[3] == 'V') {
-+            size = *(uint32_t *)(p + 4);
-+            OF_property_new(OF_env, disp, "driver,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC", 
-+                            p + 8, size);
-+        }
-+    }
-  out:
-     OF_node_put(OF_env, disp);
- }
-@@ -4451,7 +4668,10 @@
-         break;
-     case 0x233441d3: /* MacOS X 10.2 and OpenDarwin 1.41 */
-         /* Create "memory-map" pseudo device */
--        popd(OF_env);
-+        {
-+            OF_node_t *map;
-+            uint32_t phandle;
-         /* Find "/packages" */
-         chs = OF_pack_find_by_name(OF_env, OF_node_root, "/chosen");
-         if (chs == NULL) {
-@@ -4459,10 +4679,6 @@
-             ERROR("Cannot get '/chosen'\n");
-             break;
-         }
--        {
--#if 1
--            OF_node_t *map;
--            uint32_t phandle;
-             map = OF_node_new(OF_env, chs, "memory-map", OF_ADDRESS_NONE);
-             if (map == NULL) {
-                 pushd(OF_env, -1);
-@@ -4473,11 +4689,8 @@
-             OF_node_put(OF_env, map);
-             OF_node_put(OF_env, chs);
-             pushd(OF_env, phandle);
--        }
--        pushd(OF_env, 0);
-         pushd(OF_env, 0);
-+        }
-         break;
-     case 0x32a2d18e: /* MacOS X 10.2 and OpenDarwin 6.02 */
-         /* Return screen ihandle */
-@@ -4540,9 +4753,10 @@
-     case 0x4ad41f2d:
-         /* Yaboot: wait 10 ms: sure ! */
-         break;
-     default:
-         /* ERROR */
--        printf("Script:\n%s\n", FString);
-+        printf("Script: len=%d\n%s\n", (int)strlen(FString), FString);
-         printf("Call %0x NOT IMPLEMENTED !\n", crc);
-         bug();
-         break;
-@@ -4581,6 +4795,7 @@
- {
-     OF_CHECK_NBARGS(OF_env, 0);
-     /* Should free all OF resources */
-+    bd_reset_all();
- #if defined (DEBUG_BIOS)
-     {
-         uint16_t loglevel = 0x02 | 0x10 | 0x80;
-diff -wruN --exclude '*~' --exclude '*.o' --exclude '*.bin' --exclude '*.out' --exclude mkdiff OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/pci.c
----	2005-03-31 09:23:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ OpenHackWare-release-0.4/src/pci.c	2005-07-07 23:27:37.000000000 +0200
-@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
-     uint16_t min_grant;
-     uint16_t max_latency;
-     uint8_t  irq_line;
--    uint32_t regions[6];
--    uint32_t sizes[6];
-+    uint32_t regions[7]; /* the region 6 is the PCI ROM */
-+    uint32_t sizes[7];
-     pci_device_t *next;
- };
-@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@
- /* IRQ numbers assigned to PCI IRQs */
- static uint8_t prep_pci_irqs[4] = { 9, 11, 9, 11 };
-+static uint8_t heathrow_pci_irqs[4] = { 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18 };
- static uint8_t pmac_pci_irqs[4] = { 8, 9, 10, 11 };
- /* PREP PCI host */
-@@ -399,6 +400,79 @@
-     &uninorth_config_readl, &uninorth_config_writel,
- };
-+/* Grackle PCI host */
-+static uint32_t grackle_cfg_address (pci_bridge_t *bridge,
-+                                     uint8_t bus, uint8_t devfn,
-+                                     uint8_t offset)
-+    uint32_t addr;
-+    addr = 0x80000000 | (bus << 16) | (devfn << 8) | (offset & 0xfc);
-+    stswap32((uint32_t *)bridge->cfg_addr, addr);
-+    return bridge->cfg_data + (offset & 3);
-+static uint8_t grackle_config_readb (pci_bridge_t *bridge,
-+                                      uint8_t bus, uint8_t devfn,
-+                                      uint8_t offset)
-+    uint32_t addr;
-+    addr = grackle_cfg_address(bridge, bus, devfn, offset);
-+    return *((uint8_t *)addr);
-+static void grackle_config_writeb (pci_bridge_t *bridge,
-+                                    uint8_t bus, uint8_t devfn,
-+                                    uint8_t offset, uint8_t val)
-+    uint32_t addr;
-+    addr = grackle_cfg_address(bridge, bus, devfn, offset);
-+    *((uint8_t *)addr) = val;
-+static uint16_t grackle_config_readw (pci_bridge_t *bridge,
-+                                       uint8_t bus, uint8_t devfn,
-+                                       uint8_t offset)
-+    uint32_t addr;
-+    addr = grackle_cfg_address(bridge, bus, devfn, offset);
-+    return ldswap16((uint16_t *)addr);
-+static void grackle_config_writew (pci_bridge_t *bridge,
-+                                    uint8_t bus, uint8_t devfn,
-+                                    uint8_t offset, uint16_t val)
-+    uint32_t addr;
-+    addr = grackle_cfg_address(bridge, bus, devfn, offset);
-+    stswap16((uint16_t *)addr, val);
-+static uint32_t grackle_config_readl (pci_bridge_t *bridge,
-+                                       uint8_t bus, uint8_t devfn,
-+                                       uint8_t offset)
-+    uint32_t addr;
-+    addr = grackle_cfg_address(bridge, bus, devfn, offset);
-+    return ldswap32((uint32_t *)addr);
-+static void grackle_config_writel (pci_bridge_t *bridge,
-+                                    uint8_t bus, uint8_t devfn,
-+                                    uint8_t offset, uint32_t val)
-+    uint32_t addr;
-+    addr = grackle_cfg_address(bridge, bus, devfn, offset);
-+    stswap32((uint32_t *)addr, val);
-+static pci_ops_t grackle_pci_ops = {
-+    &grackle_config_readb, &grackle_config_writeb,
-+    &grackle_config_readw, &grackle_config_writew,
-+    &grackle_config_readl, &grackle_config_writel,
- static inline uint8_t pci_config_readb (pci_bridge_t *bridge,
-                                         uint8_t bus, uint8_t devfn,
-                                         uint8_t offset)
-@@ -466,12 +540,22 @@
-     },
- };
-+static int ide_config_cb2 (pci_device_t *device)
-+    OF_finalize_pci_ide(device->common.OF_private,
-+                        device->regions[0] & ~0x0000000F,
-+                        device->regions[1] & ~0x0000000F,
-+                        device->regions[2] & ~0x0000000F,
-+                        device->regions[3] & ~0x0000000F);
-+    return 0;
- static pci_dev_t ide_devices[] = {
-     {
--        0x8086, 0x0100,
--        NULL, "Qemu IDE", "Qemu IDE",    "ide",
-+        0x1095, 0x0646, /* CMD646 IDE controller */
-+        "pci-ide", "pci-ata", NULL, NULL,
-         0, 0, 0,
--        NULL, NULL,
-+        ide_config_cb2, NULL,
-     },
-     {
-         0xFFFF, 0xFFFF,
-@@ -481,7 +565,9 @@
-     },
- };
--static int ide_config_cb (pci_device_t *device)
-+#if 0
-+/* should base it on PCI ID, not on arch */
-+static int ide_config_cb (unused pci_device_t *device)
- {
-     printf("Register IDE controller\n");
-     switch (arch) {
-@@ -491,14 +577,8 @@
-                               device->common.OF_private);
-         break;
-     default:
--        ide_pci_pc_register(device->regions[0] & ~0x0000000F,
--                            device->regions[1] & ~0x0000000F,
--                            device->regions[2] & ~0x0000000F,
--                            device->regions[3] & ~0x0000000F,
--                            device->common.OF_private);
-         break;
-     }
-     return 0;
- }
-@@ -512,16 +592,12 @@
-                               device->common.OF_private);
-         break;
-     default:
--        ide_pci_pc_register(device->regions[0] & ~0x0000000F,
--                            device->regions[1] & ~0x0000000F,
--                            device->regions[2] & ~0x0000000F,
--                            device->regions[3] & ~0x0000000F,
--                            device->common.OF_private);
-         break;
-     }
-     return 0;
- }
- static pci_subclass_t mass_subclass[] = {
-     {
-@@ -530,7 +606,7 @@
-     },
-     {
-         0x01, "IDE controller",             "ide", ide_devices, NULL,
--        &ide_config_cb, NULL,
-+        NULL, NULL,
-     },
-     {
-         0x02, "Floppy disk controller",     NULL,  NULL, NULL,
-@@ -546,7 +622,7 @@
-     },
-     {
-         0x05, "ATA controller",             "ata", NULL, NULL,
--        &ata_config_cb, NULL,
-+        NULL, NULL,
-     },
-     {
-         0x80, "misc mass-storage controller", NULL, NULL, NULL,
-@@ -646,7 +722,9 @@
-         /* VGA 640x480x16 */
-         OF_vga_register(device->common.device->name,
-                         device->regions[0] & ~0x0000000F,
--                        vga_width, vga_height, vga_depth);
-+                        vga_width, vga_height, vga_depth,
-+                        device->regions[6] & ~0x0000000F,
-+                        device->sizes[6]);
-     }
-     vga_console_register();
-@@ -750,6 +828,13 @@
-     NULL, &PREP_pci_ops,
- };
-+pci_dev_t grackle_fake_bridge = {
-+    0xFFFF, 0xFFFF,
-+    "pci", "pci-bridge", "DEC,21154", "DEC,21154.pci-bridge",
-+    -1, -1, -1,
-+    NULL, &grackle_pci_ops,
- static pci_dev_t hbrg_devices[] = {
-     {
-         0x106B, 0x0020, NULL,
-@@ -758,8 +843,8 @@
-         NULL, &uninorth_agp_fake_bridge,
-     },
-     {
--        0x106B, 0x001F,
--        NULL, "pci", "AAPL,UniNorth", "uni-north",
-+        0x106B, 0x001F, NULL, 
-+        "pci", "AAPL,UniNorth", "uni-north",
-         3, 2, 1,
-         NULL, &uninorth_fake_bridge,
-     },
-@@ -770,10 +855,10 @@
-         NULL, &uninorth_fake_bridge,
-     },
-     {
--        0x1011, 0x0026, NULL,
--        "pci-bridge", NULL, NULL,
-+        0x1057, 0x0002, "pci",
-+        "pci", "MOT,MPC106", "grackle",
-         3, 2, 1,
--        NULL, &PREP_pci_ops,
-+        NULL, &grackle_fake_bridge,
-     },
-     {
-         0x1057, 0x4801, NULL,
-@@ -1443,7 +1528,14 @@
- }
- static const pci_dev_t misc_pci[] = {
--    /* Apple Mac-io controller */
-+    /* Paddington Mac I/O */
-+    { 
-+        0x106B, 0x0017,
-+        "mac-io", "mac-io", "AAPL,343S1211", "paddington\1heathrow",
-+        1, 1, 1,
-+        &macio_config_cb, NULL,
-+    },
-+    /* KeyLargo Mac I/O */
-     { 
-         0x106B, 0x0022,
-         "mac-io", "mac-io", "AAPL,Keylargo", "Keylargo",
-@@ -1599,7 +1691,7 @@
-                                       uint8_t min_grant, uint8_t max_latency,
-                                       int irq_line)
- {
--    uint32_t cmd;
-+    uint32_t cmd, addr;
-     int i;
-     device->min_grant = min_grant;
-@@ -1611,22 +1703,28 @@
-         printf("MAP PCI device %d:%d to IRQ %d\n",
-                device->bus, device->devfn, irq_line);
-     }
--    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-+    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
-         if ((device->regions[i] & ~0xF) != 0x00000000 &&
-             (device->regions[i] & ~0xF) != 0xFFFFFFF0) {
-             printf("Map PCI device %d:%d %d to %0x %0x (%s)\n",
-                    device->bus, device->devfn, i,
-                    device->regions[i], device->sizes[i],
--                   device->regions[i] & 0x00000001 ? "I/O" : "memory");
-+                   (device->regions[i] & 0x00000001) && i != 6 ? "I/O" : 
-+                    "memory");
-+            if (i != 6) {
-             cmd = pci_config_readl(bridge, device->bus, device->devfn, 0x04);
-             if (device->regions[i] & 0x00000001)
-                 cmd |= 0x00000001;
-             else
-                 cmd |= 0x00000002;
-             pci_config_writel(bridge, device->bus, device->devfn, 0x04, cmd);
-+            }
-+            if (i == 6)
-+                addr = 0x30; /* PCI ROM */
-+            else
-+                addr = 0x10 + (i * sizeof(uint32_t));
-             pci_config_writel(bridge, device->bus, device->devfn,
--                              0x10 + (i * sizeof(uint32_t)),
--                              device->regions[i]);
-+                              addr, device->regions[i]);
-         }
-     }
- }
-@@ -1900,7 +1998,7 @@
-         goto out;
-     }
-     ret = (pci_u_t *)newd;
--    max_areas = 6;
-+    max_areas = 7;
-     /* register PCI device in OF tree */
-     if (bridge->dev.common.type == PCI_FAKE_BRIDGE) {
-         newd->common.OF_private =
-@@ -1927,6 +2025,9 @@
-             /* Handle 64 bits memory mapping */
-             continue;
-         }
-+        if (i == 6)
-+            addr = 0x30; /* PCI ROM */
-+        else
-         addr = 0x10 + (i * sizeof(uint32_t));
-         /* Get region size
-          * Note: we assume it's always a power of 2
-@@ -1935,7 +2036,7 @@
-         smask = pci_config_readl(bridge, bus, devfn, addr);
-         if (smask == 0x00000000 || smask == 0xFFFFFFFF)
-             continue;
--        if (smask & 0x00000001) {
-+        if ((smask & 0x00000001) != 0 && i != 6) {
-             /* I/O space */
-             base = io_base;
-             /* Align to a minimum of 256 bytes (arbitrary) */
-@@ -1947,6 +2048,8 @@
-             /* Align to a minimum of 64 kB (arbitrary) */
-             min_align = 1 << 16;
-             amask = 0x0000000F;
-+            if (i == 6)
-+                smask |= 1; /* PCI ROM enable */
-         }
-         omask = smask & amask;
-         smask &= ~amask;
-@@ -1980,7 +2083,10 @@
-     if (irq_pin > 0) {
-         /* assign the IRQ */
-         irq_pin = ((devfn >> 3) + irq_pin - 1) & 3;
--        if (arch == ARCH_PREP) {
-+        /* XXX: should base it on the PCI bridge type, not the arch */
-+        switch(arch) {
-+        case ARCH_PREP:
-+            {
-             int elcr_port, val;
-             irq_line = prep_pci_irqs[irq_pin];
-             /* set the IRQ to level-sensitive */
-@@ -1988,14 +2094,22 @@
-             val = inb(elcr_port);
-             val |= 1 << (irq_line & 7);
-             outb(elcr_port, val);
--        } else {
-+            }
-+            break;
-+        case ARCH_MAC99:
-             irq_line = pmac_pci_irqs[irq_pin];
-+            break;
-+        case ARCH_HEATHROW:
-+            irq_line = heathrow_pci_irqs[irq_pin];
-+            break;
-+        default:
-+            break;
-         }
-     }
-  update_device:
-     pci_update_device(bridge, newd, min_grant, max_latency, irq_line);
-     OF_finalize_pci_device(newd->common.OF_private, bus, devfn,
--                           newd->regions, newd->sizes);
-+                           newd->regions, newd->sizes, irq_line);
-     /* Call special inits if needed */
-     if (dev->config_cb != NULL)
-         (*dev->config_cb)(newd);
-@@ -2049,6 +2163,32 @@
-     case ARCH_CHRP:
-         /* TODO */
-         break;
-+    case ARCH_HEATHROW:
-+        dev = pci_find_device(0x06, 0x00, 0xFF, checkv, checkp);
-+        if (dev == NULL)
-+            return -1;
-+        fake_host = pci_add_host(hostp, dev,
-+                                 (0x06 << 24) | (0x00 << 16) | (0xFF << 8));
-+        if (fake_host == NULL)
-+            return -1;
-+        fake_host->dev.common.type = PCI_FAKE_HOST;
-+        dev = &grackle_fake_bridge;
-+        if (dev == NULL)
-+            goto free_fake_host;
-+        fake_bridge = pci_add_bridge(fake_host, 0, 0, dev,
-+                                     (0x06 << 24) | (0x04 << 16) | (0xFF << 8),
-+                                     cfg_base, cfg_len,
-+                                     cfg_base + 0x7ec00000,
-+                                     cfg_base + 0x7ee00000,
-+                                     mem_base, mem_len,
-+                                     io_base, io_len,
-+                                     rbase, rlen,
-+                                     0,
-+                                     &grackle_pci_ops);
-+        if (fake_bridge == NULL)
-+            goto free_fake_host;
-+        fake_bridge->dev.common.type = PCI_FAKE_BRIDGE;
-+        break;
-     case ARCH_MAC99:
-         dev = pci_find_device(0x06, 0x00, 0xFF, checkv, checkp);
-         if (dev == NULL)
-@@ -2167,6 +2307,30 @@
-     case ARCH_CHRP:
-         /* TODO */
-         break;
-+    case ARCH_HEATHROW:
-+        cfg_base = 0x80000000;
-+        cfg_len  = 0x7f000000;
-+        mem_base = 0x80000000;
-+        mem_len  = 0x01000000;
-+        io_base  = 0xfe000000;
-+        io_len   = 0x00800000;
-+#if 1
-+        rbase    = 0xfd000000;
-+        rlen     = 0x01000000;
-+        rbase    = 0x00000000;
-+        rlen     = 0x01000000;
-+        if (pci_check_host(&pci_main, cfg_base, cfg_len,
-+                           mem_base, mem_len, io_base, io_len, rbase, rlen,
-+                           0x1057, 0x0002) == 0) {
-+            isa_io_base = io_base;
-+            busnum++;
-+        }
-+        for (curh = pci_main; curh->next != NULL; curh = curh->next)
-+            continue;
-+        pci_check_devices(curh);
-+        break;
-     case ARCH_MAC99:
-         /* We are supposed to have 3 host bridges:
-          * - the uninorth AGP bridge at 0xF0000000
diff --git a/pc-bios/openbios-sparc32 b/pc-bios/openbios-sparc32
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a729aa..0000000
Binary files a/pc-bios/openbios-sparc32 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/pc-bios/ppc_rom.bin b/pc-bios/ppc_rom.bin
deleted file mode 100644
index f7cd8a8..0000000
Binary files a/pc-bios/ppc_rom.bin and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/pc-bios/vgabios-cirrus.bin b/pc-bios/vgabios-cirrus.bin
deleted file mode 100644
index 34f9a9f..0000000
Binary files a/pc-bios/vgabios-cirrus.bin and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/pc-bios/vgabios.bin b/pc-bios/vgabios.bin
deleted file mode 100644
index 17cb63f..0000000
Binary files a/pc-bios/vgabios.bin and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/pc-bios/vgabios.diff b/pc-bios/vgabios.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 661c032..0000000
--- a/pc-bios/vgabios.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,896 +0,0 @@
-Index: Makefile
-RCS file: /sources/vgabios/vgabios/Makefile,v
-retrieving revision 1.17
-diff -u -w -r1.17 Makefile
---- Makefile	6 Mar 2005 13:06:47 -0000	1.17
-+++ Makefile	14 Jun 2006 00:51:06 -0000
-@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- cirrus-bios: vgabios-cirrus.bin vgabios-cirrus.debug.bin
- clean:
--	/bin/rm -f  biossums *.o *.s *.ld86 \
-+	/bin/rm -f  biossums vbetables-gen vbetables.h *.o *.s *.ld86 \
-           temp.awk.* vgabios*.orig _vgabios_* _vgabios-debug_* core vgabios*.bin vgabios*.txt $(RELEASE).bin *.bak
- dist-clean: clean
-@@ -79,3 +79,9 @@
- biossums: biossums.c
- 	$(CC) -o biossums biossums.c
-+vbetables-gen: vbetables-gen.c
-+	$(CC) -o vbetables-gen vbetables-gen.c
-+vbetables.h: vbetables-gen
-+	./vbetables-gen > $@
-Index: clext.c
-RCS file: /sources/vgabios/vgabios/clext.c,v
-retrieving revision 1.10
-diff -u -w -r1.10 clext.c
---- clext.c	25 Mar 2006 10:19:15 -0000	1.10
-+++ clext.c	14 Jun 2006 00:51:06 -0000
-@@ -544,6 +544,13 @@
- cirrus_set_video_mode_extended:
-   call cirrus_switch_mode
-   pop ax ;; mode
-+  test al, #0x80
-+  jnz cirrus_set_video_mode_extended_1
-+  push ax
-+  mov ax, #0xffff ; set to 0xff to keep win 2K happy
-+  call cirrus_clear_vram
-+  pop ax
-   and al, #0x7f
-   push ds
-@@ -1011,6 +1018,13 @@
-   jnz cirrus_vesa_02h_3
-   call cirrus_enable_16k_granularity
- cirrus_vesa_02h_3:
-+  test bx, #0x8000 ;; no clear
-+  jnz cirrus_vesa_02h_4
-+  push ax
-+  xor ax,ax
-+  call cirrus_clear_vram
-+  pop ax
-   pop ax
-   push ds
-@@ -1479,6 +1493,38 @@
-   pop  bx
-   ret
-+  pusha
-+  push es
-+  mov si, ax
-+  call cirrus_enable_16k_granularity
-+  call cirrus_extbios_85h
-+  shl al, #2
-+  mov bl, al
-+  xor ah,ah
-+  mov al, #0x09
-+  mov dx, #0x3ce
-+  out dx, ax
-+  push ax
-+  mov cx, #0xa000
-+  mov es, cx
-+  xor di, di
-+  mov ax, si
-+  mov cx, #8192
-+  cld
-+  rep 
-+      stosw
-+  pop ax
-+  inc ah
-+  cmp ah, bl
-+  jne cirrus_clear_vram_1
-+  pop es
-+  popa
-+  ret
- cirrus_extbios_handlers:
-   ;; 80h
-   dw cirrus_extbios_80h
-Index: vbe.c
-RCS file: /sources/vgabios/vgabios/vbe.c,v
-retrieving revision 1.48
-diff -u -w -r1.48 vbe.c
---- vbe.c	26 Dec 2005 19:50:26 -0000	1.48
-+++ vbe.c	14 Jun 2006 00:51:07 -0000
-@@ -118,21 +118,114 @@
- #endif
-+  .align 2
- vesa_pm_start:
-   dw vesa_pm_set_window - vesa_pm_start
--  dw vesa_pm_set_display_strt - vesa_pm_start
-+  dw vesa_pm_set_display_start - vesa_pm_start
-   dw vesa_pm_unimplemented - vesa_pm_start
--  dw 0
-+  dw vesa_pm_io_ports_table - vesa_pm_start
-+  dw 0xffff
-+  dw 0xffff
-   USE32
- vesa_pm_set_window:
--  mov ax, #0x4f05
--  int #0x10
-+  cmp  bx, #0x00
-+  je  vesa_pm_set_display_window1
-+  mov  ax, #0x0100
-+  ret
-+  mov  ax, dx
-+  push dx
-+  push ax
-+  mov  ax, # VBE_DISPI_INDEX_BANK
-+  out  dx, ax
-+  pop  ax
-+  mov  dx, # VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA
-+  out  dx, ax
-+  pop  dx
-+  mov  ax, #0x004f
-   ret
- vesa_pm_set_display_start:
--  mov ax, #0x4f07
--  int #0x10
-+  cmp  bl, #0x80
-+  je   vesa_pm_set_display_start1
-+  cmp  bl, #0x00
-+  je   vesa_pm_set_display_start1
-+  mov  ax, #0x0100
-+  ret
-+; convert offset to (X, Y) coordinate 
-+; (would be simpler to change Bochs VBE API...)
-+  push eax
-+  push ecx
-+  push edx
-+  push esi
-+  push edi
-+  shl edx, #16
-+  and ecx, #0xffff
-+  or ecx, edx
-+  shl ecx, #2
-+  mov eax, ecx
-+  push eax
-+  out  dx, ax
-+  mov  dx, # VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA
-+  in   ax, dx
-+  movzx ecx, ax
-+  mov  ax, # VBE_DISPI_INDEX_BPP
-+  out  dx, ax
-+  mov  dx, # VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA
-+  in   ax, dx
-+  movzx esi, ax
-+  pop  eax
-+  add esi, #7
-+  shr esi, #3
-+  imul ecx, esi
-+  xor edx, edx
-+  div ecx
-+  mov edi, eax
-+  mov eax, edx
-+  xor edx, edx
-+  div esi
-+  push dx
-+  push ax
-+  out  dx, ax
-+  pop  ax
-+  mov  dx, # VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA
-+  out  dx, ax
-+  pop  dx
-+  mov  ax, di
-+  push dx
-+  push ax
-+  out  dx, ax
-+  pop  ax
-+  mov  dx, # VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA
-+  out  dx, ax
-+  pop  dx
-+  pop edi
-+  pop esi
-+  pop edx
-+  pop ecx
-+  pop eax
-+  mov  ax, #0x004f
-   ret
- vesa_pm_unimplemented:
-@@ -835,6 +928,64 @@
-+Bit16u vbe_biosfn_read_video_state_size()
-+    return 9 * 2;
-+void vbe_biosfn_save_video_state(ES, BX)
-+     Bit16u ES; Bit16u BX;
-+    Bit16u enable, i;
-+    enable = inw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA);
-+    write_word(ES, BX, enable);
-+    BX += 2;
-+    if (!(enable & VBE_DISPI_ENABLED)) 
-+        return;
-+        if (i != VBE_DISPI_INDEX_ENABLE) {
-+            outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_INDEX, i);
-+            write_word(ES, BX, inw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA));
-+            BX += 2;
-+        }
-+    }
-+void vbe_biosfn_restore_video_state(ES, BX)
-+     Bit16u ES; Bit16u BX;
-+    Bit16u enable, i;
-+    enable = read_word(ES, BX);
-+    BX += 2;
-+    if (!(enable & VBE_DISPI_ENABLED)) {
-+        outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA, enable);
-+    } else {
-+        outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA, read_word(ES, BX));
-+        BX += 2;
-+        outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA, read_word(ES, BX));
-+        BX += 2;
-+        outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA, read_word(ES, BX));
-+        BX += 2;
-+        outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA, enable);
-+        for(i = VBE_DISPI_INDEX_BANK; i <= VBE_DISPI_INDEX_Y_OFFSET; i++) {
-+            outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_INDEX, i);
-+            outw(VBE_DISPI_IOPORT_DATA, read_word(ES, BX));
-+            BX += 2;
-+        }
-+    }
- /** Function 04h - Save/Restore State
-  * 
-  * Input:
-@@ -849,10 +1000,48 @@
-  *              BX      = Number of 64-byte blocks to hold the state buffer (if DL=00h)
-  * 
-  */
--void vbe_biosfn_save_restore_state(AX, DL, CX, ES, BX)
-+void vbe_biosfn_save_restore_state(AX, CX, DX, ES, BX)
-+Bit16u *AX; Bit16u CX; Bit16u DX; Bit16u ES; Bit16u *BX;
- {
-+    Bit16u ss=get_SS();
-+    Bit16u result, val;
-+    result = 0x4f;
-+    switch(GET_DL()) {
-+    case 0x00:
-+        val = biosfn_read_video_state_size2(CX);
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+        printf("VGA state size=%x\n", val);
-+        if (CX & 8)
-+            val += vbe_biosfn_read_video_state_size();
-+        write_word(ss, BX, val);
-+        break;
-+    case 0x01:
-+        val = read_word(ss, BX);
-+        val = biosfn_save_video_state(CX, ES, val);
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+        printf("VGA save_state offset=%x\n", val);
-+        if (CX & 8)
-+            vbe_biosfn_save_video_state(ES, val);
-+        break;
-+    case 0x02:
-+        val = read_word(ss, BX);
-+        val = biosfn_restore_video_state(CX, ES, val);
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+        printf("VGA restore_state offset=%x\n", val);
-+        if (CX & 8)
-+            vbe_biosfn_restore_video_state(ES, val);
-+        break;
-+    default:
-+        // function failed
-+        result = 0x100;
-+        break;
-+    }
-+    write_word(ss, AX, result);
- /** Function 05h - Display Window Control
-  * 
-@@ -1090,7 +1279,7 @@
-  */
- vbe_biosfn_return_protected_mode_interface:
--  test bx, bx
-+  test bl, bl
-   jnz _fail
-   mov di, #0xc000
-   mov es, di
-Index: vbe.h
-RCS file: /sources/vgabios/vgabios/vbe.h,v
-retrieving revision 1.24
-diff -u -w -r1.24 vbe.h
---- vbe.h	9 May 2004 20:31:31 -0000	1.24
-+++ vbe.h	14 Jun 2006 00:51:07 -0000
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- void vbe_biosfn_return_controller_information(AX, ES, DI);
- void vbe_biosfn_return_mode_information(AX, CX, ES, DI);
- void vbe_biosfn_set_mode(AX, BX, ES, DI);
--void vbe_biosfn_save_restore_state(AX, DL, CX, ES, BX); 
-+void vbe_biosfn_save_restore_state(AX, CX, DX, ES, BX);
- void vbe_biosfn_set_get_palette_data(AX);
- void vbe_biosfn_return_protected_mode_interface(AX);
-@@ -151,6 +151,12 @@
-    Bit8u  Reserved[189];
- } ModeInfoBlock;
-+typedef struct ModeInfoListItem
-+        Bit16u                  mode;
-+        ModeInfoBlockCompact    info;
-+} ModeInfoListItem;
- // VBE Return Status Info
- // AL
- #define VBE_RETURN_STATUS_SUPPORTED                      0x4F
-@@ -193,6 +199,10 @@
- #define VBE_VESA_MODE_1280X1024X1555                     0x119
- #define VBE_VESA_MODE_1280X1024X565                      0x11A
- #define VBE_VESA_MODE_1280X1024X888                      0x11B
-+#define VBE_VESA_MODE_1600X1200X8                        0x11C
-+#define VBE_VESA_MODE_1600X1200X1555                     0x11D
-+#define VBE_VESA_MODE_1600X1200X565                      0x11E
-+#define VBE_VESA_MODE_1600X1200X888                      0x11F
- // BOCHS/PLEX86 'own' mode numbers
- #define VBE_OWN_MODE_320X200X8888                        0x140
-@@ -202,6 +212,12 @@
- #define VBE_OWN_MODE_1024X768X8888                       0x144
- #define VBE_OWN_MODE_1280X1024X8888                      0x145
- #define VBE_OWN_MODE_320X200X8                           0x146
-+#define VBE_OWN_MODE_1600X1200X8888                      0x147
-+#define VBE_OWN_MODE_1152X864X8                          0x148
-+#define VBE_OWN_MODE_1152X864X1555                       0x149
-+#define VBE_OWN_MODE_1152X864X565                        0x14a
-+#define VBE_OWN_MODE_1152X864X888                        0x14b
-+#define VBE_OWN_MODE_1152X864X8888                       0x14c
- #define VBE_VESA_MODE_END_OF_LIST                        0xFFFF
-@@ -259,7 +275,7 @@
- //        like 0xE0000000
-   #define VBE_DISPI_BANK_ADDRESS          0xA0000
-   #define VBE_DISPI_BANK_SIZE_KB          64
-Index: vgabios.c
-RCS file: /sources/vgabios/vgabios/vgabios.c,v
-retrieving revision 1.64
-diff -u -w -r1.64 vgabios.c
---- vgabios.c	25 Mar 2006 10:19:16 -0000	1.64
-+++ vgabios.c	14 Jun 2006 00:51:07 -0000
-@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
- static void biosfn_write_string();
- static void biosfn_read_state_info();
- static void biosfn_read_video_state_size();
--static void biosfn_save_video_state();
--static void biosfn_restore_video_state();
-+static Bit16u biosfn_save_video_state();
-+static Bit16u biosfn_restore_video_state();
- extern Bit8u video_save_pointer_table[];
- // This is for compiling with gcc2 and gcc3
-@@ -748,12 +748,7 @@
-           vbe_biosfn_set_mode(&AX,BX,ES,DI);
-           break;
-          case 0x04:
--          //FIXME
--#ifdef DEBUG
--          unimplemented();
--          // function failed
--          AX=0x100;
-+          vbe_biosfn_save_restore_state(&AX, CX, DX, ES, &BX);
-           break;
-          case 0x09:
-           //FIXME
-@@ -3138,23 +3133,215 @@
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--static void biosfn_read_video_state_size (CX,ES,BX) Bit16u CX;Bit16u ES;Bit16u BX;
-+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+static Bit16u biosfn_read_video_state_size2 (CX) 
-+     Bit16u CX;
- {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- unimplemented();
-+    Bit16u size;
-+    size = 0;
-+    if (CX & 1) {
-+        size += 0x46;
-+    }
-+    if (CX & 2) {
-+        size += (5 + 8 + 5) * 2 + 6;
-+    }
-+    if (CX & 4) {
-+        size += 3 + 256 * 3 + 1;
- }
--static void biosfn_save_video_state (CX,ES,BX) Bit16u CX;Bit16u ES;Bit16u BX;
-+    return size;
-+static void biosfn_read_video_state_size (CX, BX) 
-+     Bit16u CX; Bit16u *BX;
- {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- unimplemented();
-+    Bit16u ss=get_SS();
-+    write_word(ss, BX, biosfn_read_video_state_size2(CX));
- }
--static void biosfn_restore_video_state (CX,ES,BX) Bit16u CX;Bit16u ES;Bit16u BX;
-+static Bit16u biosfn_save_video_state (CX,ES,BX) 
-+     Bit16u CX;Bit16u ES;Bit16u BX;
- {
--#ifdef DEBUG
-- unimplemented();
-+    Bit16u i, v, crtc_addr, ar_index;
-+    crtc_addr = read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG, BIOSMEM_CRTC_ADDRESS);
-+    if (CX & 1) {
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_SEQU_ADDRESS)); BX++;
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(crtc_addr)); BX++;
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_GRDC_ADDRESS)); BX++;
-+        inb(VGAREG_ACTL_RESET);
-+        ar_index = inb(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS);
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, ar_index); BX++;
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_READ_FEATURE_CTL)); BX++;
-+        for(i=1;i<=4;i++){
-+            outb(VGAREG_SEQU_ADDRESS, i);
-+            write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_SEQU_DATA)); BX++;
-+        }
-+        outb(VGAREG_SEQU_ADDRESS, 0);
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_SEQU_DATA)); BX++;
-+        for(i=0;i<=0x18;i++) {
-+            outb(crtc_addr,i);
-+            write_byte(ES, BX, inb(crtc_addr+1)); BX++;
-+        }
-+        for(i=0;i<=0x13;i++) {
-+            inb(VGAREG_ACTL_RESET);
-+            outb(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS, i | (ar_index & 0x20));
-+            write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_ACTL_READ_DATA)); BX++;
-+        }
-+        inb(VGAREG_ACTL_RESET);
-+        for(i=0;i<=8;i++) {
-+            outb(VGAREG_GRDC_ADDRESS,i);
-+            write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_GRDC_DATA)); BX++;
-+        }
-+        write_word(ES, BX, crtc_addr); BX+= 2;
-+        /* XXX: read plane latches */
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, 0); BX++;
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, 0); BX++;
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, 0); BX++;
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, 0); BX++;
-+    }
-+    if (CX & 2) {
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, read_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_MODE)); BX++;
-+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_NB_COLS)); BX += 2;
-+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_PAGE_SIZE)); BX += 2;
-+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CRTC_ADDRESS)); BX += 2;
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, read_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_NB_ROWS)); BX++;
-+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CHAR_HEIGHT)); BX += 2;
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, read_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_VIDEO_CTL)); BX++;
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, read_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_SWITCHES)); BX++;
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, read_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_MODESET_CTL)); BX++;
-+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURSOR_TYPE)); BX += 2;
-+        for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
-+            write_word(ES, BX, read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG, BIOSMEM_CURSOR_POS+2*i));
-+            BX += 2;
-+        }
-+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_START)); BX += 2;
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, read_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_PAGE)); BX++;
-+        /* current font */
-+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(0, 0x1f * 4)); BX += 2;
-+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(0, 0x1f * 4 + 2)); BX += 2;
-+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(0, 0x43 * 4)); BX += 2;
-+        write_word(ES, BX, read_word(0, 0x43 * 4 + 2)); BX += 2;
-+    }
-+    if (CX & 4) {
-+        /* XXX: check this */
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_DAC_STATE)); BX++; /* read/write mode dac */
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_DAC_WRITE_ADDRESS)); BX++; /* pix address */
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_PEL_MASK)); BX++;
-+        // Set the whole dac always, from 0
-+        outb(VGAREG_DAC_WRITE_ADDRESS,0x00);
-+        for(i=0;i<256*3;i++) {
-+            write_byte(ES, BX, inb(VGAREG_DAC_DATA)); BX++;
-+        }
-+        write_byte(ES, BX, 0); BX++; /* color select register */
-+    }
-+    return BX;
-+static Bit16u biosfn_restore_video_state (CX,ES,BX) 
-+     Bit16u CX;Bit16u ES;Bit16u BX;
-+    Bit16u i, crtc_addr, v, addr1, ar_index;
-+    if (CX & 1) {
-+        // Reset Attribute Ctl flip-flop
-+        inb(VGAREG_ACTL_RESET);
-+        crtc_addr = read_word(ES, BX + 0x40);
-+        addr1 = BX;
-+        BX += 5;
-+        for(i=1;i<=4;i++){
-+            outb(VGAREG_SEQU_ADDRESS, i);
-+            outb(VGAREG_SEQU_DATA, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
-+        }
-+        outb(VGAREG_SEQU_ADDRESS, 0);
-+        outb(VGAREG_SEQU_DATA, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
-+        // Disable CRTC write protection
-+        outw(crtc_addr,0x0011);
-+        // Set CRTC regs
-+        for(i=0;i<=0x18;i++) {
-+            if (i != 0x11) {
-+                outb(crtc_addr,i);
-+                outb(crtc_addr+1, read_byte(ES, BX));
-+            }
-+            BX++;
-+        }
-+        // select crtc base address
-+        v = inb(VGAREG_READ_MISC_OUTPUT) & ~0x01;
-+        if (crtc_addr = 0x3d4)
-+            v |= 0x01;
-+        outb(VGAREG_WRITE_MISC_OUTPUT, v);
-+        // enable write protection if needed
-+        outb(crtc_addr, 0x11);
-+        outb(crtc_addr+1, read_byte(ES, BX - 0x18 + 0x11));
-+        // Set Attribute Ctl
-+        ar_index = read_byte(ES, addr1 + 0x03);
-+        inb(VGAREG_ACTL_RESET);
-+        for(i=0;i<=0x13;i++) {
-+            outb(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS, i | (ar_index & 0x20));
-+            outb(VGAREG_ACTL_WRITE_DATA, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
-+        }
-+        outb(VGAREG_ACTL_ADDRESS, ar_index);
-+        inb(VGAREG_ACTL_RESET);
-+        for(i=0;i<=8;i++) {
-+            outb(VGAREG_GRDC_ADDRESS,i);
-+            outb(VGAREG_GRDC_DATA, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
-+        }
-+        BX += 2; /* crtc_addr */
-+        BX += 4; /* plane latches */
-+        outb(VGAREG_SEQU_ADDRESS, read_byte(ES, addr1)); addr1++;
-+        outb(crtc_addr, read_byte(ES, addr1)); addr1++;
-+        outb(VGAREG_GRDC_ADDRESS, read_byte(ES, addr1)); addr1++;
-+        addr1++;
-+        outb(crtc_addr - 0x4 + 0xa, read_byte(ES, addr1)); addr1++;
-+    }
-+    if (CX & 2) {
-+        write_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_MODE, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
-+        write_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_NB_COLS, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
-+        write_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_PAGE_SIZE, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
-+        write_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CRTC_ADDRESS, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
-+        write_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_NB_ROWS, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
-+        write_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CHAR_HEIGHT, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
-+        write_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_VIDEO_CTL, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
-+        write_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_SWITCHES, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
-+        write_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_MODESET_CTL, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
-+        write_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURSOR_TYPE, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
-+        for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
-+            write_word(BIOSMEM_SEG, BIOSMEM_CURSOR_POS+2*i, read_word(ES, BX));
-+            BX += 2;
-+        }
-+        write_word(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_START, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
-+        write_byte(BIOSMEM_SEG,BIOSMEM_CURRENT_PAGE, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
-+        /* current font */
-+        write_word(0, 0x1f * 4, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
-+        write_word(0, 0x1f * 4 + 2, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
-+        write_word(0, 0x43 * 4, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
-+        write_word(0, 0x43 * 4 + 2, read_word(ES, BX)); BX += 2;
-+    }
-+    if (CX & 4) {
-+        BX++;
-+        v = read_byte(ES, BX); BX++;
-+        outb(VGAREG_PEL_MASK, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
-+        // Set the whole dac always, from 0
-+        outb(VGAREG_DAC_WRITE_ADDRESS,0x00);
-+        for(i=0;i<256*3;i++) {
-+            outb(VGAREG_DAC_DATA, read_byte(ES, BX)); BX++;
-+        }
-+        BX++;
-+        outb(VGAREG_DAC_WRITE_ADDRESS, v);
-+    }
-+    return BX;
- }
- // ============================================================================================
-diff -u -w vbetables-gen.c
---- vbetables-gen.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ vbetables-gen.c	2006-06-14 00:52:18.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
-+/* Generate the VGABIOS VBE Tables */
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+typedef struct {
-+    int width;
-+    int height;
-+    int depth;
-+    int mode;
-+} ModeInfo;
-+ModeInfo modes[] = {
-+    /* standard VESA modes */
-+{ 640, 400, 8                          , 0x100},
-+{ 640, 480, 8                          , 0x101},
-+{ 800, 600, 4                          , 0x102},
-+{ 800, 600, 8                          , 0x103},
-+    //{ 1024, 768, 4                         , 0x104},
-+{ 1024, 768, 8                         , 0x105},
-+    //{ 1280, 1024, 4                        , 0x106},
-+{ 1280, 1024, 8                        , 0x107},
-+{ 320, 200, 15                       , 0x10D},
-+{ 320, 200, 16                        , 0x10E},
-+{ 320, 200, 24                        , 0x10F},
-+{ 640, 480, 15                       , 0x110},
-+{ 640, 480, 16                        , 0x111},
-+{ 640, 480, 24                        , 0x112},
-+{ 800, 600, 15                       , 0x113},
-+{ 800, 600, 16                        , 0x114},
-+{ 800, 600, 24                        , 0x115},
-+{ 1024, 768, 15                      , 0x116},
-+{ 1024, 768, 16                       , 0x117},
-+{ 1024, 768, 24                       , 0x118},
-+{ 1280, 1024, 15                     , 0x119},
-+{ 1280, 1024, 16                      , 0x11A},
-+{ 1280, 1024, 24                      , 0x11B},
-+{ 1600, 1200, 8                        , 0x11C},
-+{ 1600, 1200, 15                     , 0x11D},
-+{ 1600, 1200, 16                      , 0x11E},
-+{ 1600, 1200, 24                      , 0x11F},
-+      /* BOCHS/PLE, 86 'own' mode numbers */
-+{ 320, 200, 32                        , 0x140},
-+{ 640, 400, 32                        , 0x141},
-+{ 640, 480, 32                        , 0x142},
-+{ 800, 600, 32                        , 0x143},
-+{ 1024, 768, 32                       , 0x144},
-+{ 1280, 1024, 32                      , 0x145},
-+{ 320, 200, 8                           , 0x146},
-+{ 1600, 1200, 32                      , 0x147},
-+{ 1152, 864, 8                      , 0x148},
-+{ 1152, 864, 15                      , 0x149},
-+{ 1152, 864, 16                      , 0x14a},
-+{ 1152, 864, 24                      , 0x14b},
-+{ 1152, 864, 32                      , 0x14c},
-+{ 0, },
-+int main(int argc, char **argv)
-+    const ModeInfo *pm;
-+    int pitch, r_size, r_pos, g_size, g_pos, b_size, b_pos, a_size, a_pos;
-+    const char *str;
-+    printf("static ModeInfoListItem mode_info_list[]=\n");
-+    printf("{\n");
-+    for(pm = modes; pm->mode != 0; pm++) {
-+        printf("{ 0x%04x, /* %dx%dx%d */\n", 
-+               pm->mode, pm->width, pm->height, pm->depth);
-+        printf("{ /*Bit16u ModeAttributes*/ %s,\n", 
-+               "VBE_MODE_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORTED | "
-+               "VBE_MODE_ATTRIBUTE_COLOR_MODE | "
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  WinAAttributes*/ %s,\n",
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  WinBAttributes*/ %d,\n", 0);
-+        printf("/*Bit16u WinGranularity*/ %s,\n", "VBE_DISPI_BANK_SIZE_KB");
-+        printf("/*Bit16u WinSize*/ %s,\n", "VBE_DISPI_BANK_SIZE_KB");
-+        printf("/*Bit16u WinASegment*/ %s,\n", "VGAMEM_GRAPH");
-+        printf("/*Bit16u WinBSegment*/ 0x%04x,\n", 0);
-+        printf("/*Bit32u WinFuncPtr*/ %d,\n", 0);
-+        if (pm->depth == 4)
-+            pitch = (pm->width + 7) / 8;
-+        else
-+            pitch = pm->width * ((pm->depth + 7) / 8);
-+        printf("/*Bit16u BytesPerScanLine*/ %d,\n", pitch);
-+        // Mandatory information for VBE 1.2 and above
-+        printf("/*Bit16u XResolution*/ %d,\n", pm->width);
-+        printf("/*Bit16u YResolution*/ %d,\n", pm->height);
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  XCharSize*/ %d,\n", 8);
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  YCharSize*/ %d,\n", 16);
-+        if (pm->depth == 4) {
-+            printf("/*Bit8u  NumberOfPlanes*/ %d,\n", 4);
-+            printf("/*Bit8u  BitsPerPixel*/ %d,\n", pm->depth);
-+        } else {
-+            printf("/*Bit8u  NumberOfPlanes*/ %d,\n", 1);
-+            printf("/*Bit8u  BitsPerPixel*/ %d,\n", pm->depth);
-+        }
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  NumberOfBanks*/ %d,\n", 
-+               (pm->height * pitch + 65535) / 65536);
-+        if (pm->depth == 4)
-+            str = "VBE_MEMORYMODEL_PLANAR";
-+        else if (pm->depth == 8)
-+            str = "VBE_MEMORYMODEL_PACKED_PIXEL";
-+        else
-+            str = "VBE_MEMORYMODEL_DIRECT_COLOR";
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  MemoryModel*/ %s,\n", str);
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  BankSize*/ %d,\n", 0);
-+        /* XXX: check */
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  NumberOfImagePages*/ %d,\n", 0);
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  Reserved_page*/ %d,\n", 0);
-+        // Direct Color fields (required for direct/6 and YUV/7 memory models)
-+        switch(pm->depth) {
-+        case 15:
-+            r_size = 5;
-+            r_pos = 10;
-+            g_size = 5;
-+            g_pos = 5;
-+            b_size = 5;
-+            b_pos = 0;
-+            a_size = 1;
-+            a_pos = 15;
-+            break;
-+        case 16:
-+            r_size = 5;
-+            r_pos = 11;
-+            g_size = 6;
-+            g_pos = 5;
-+            b_size = 5;
-+            b_pos = 0;
-+            a_size = 0;
-+            a_pos = 0;
-+            break;
-+        case 24:
-+            r_size = 8;
-+            r_pos = 16;
-+            g_size = 8;
-+            g_pos = 8;
-+            b_size = 8;
-+            b_pos = 0;
-+            a_size = 0;
-+            a_pos = 0;
-+            break;
-+        case 32:
-+            r_size = 8;
-+            r_pos = 16;
-+            g_size = 8;
-+            g_pos = 8;
-+            b_size = 8;
-+            b_pos = 0;
-+            a_size = 8;
-+            a_pos = 24;
-+            break;
-+        default:
-+            r_size = 0;
-+            r_pos = 0;
-+            g_size = 0;
-+            g_pos = 0;
-+            b_size = 0;
-+            b_pos = 0;
-+            a_size = 0;
-+            a_pos = 0;
-+            break;
-+        }
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  RedMaskSize*/ %d,\n", r_size);               
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  RedFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", r_pos);          
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  GreenMaskSize*/ %d,\n", g_size);             
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  GreenFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", g_pos);        
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  BlueMaskSize*/ %d,\n", b_size);              
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  BlueFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", b_pos);         
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  RsvdMaskSize*/ %d,\n", a_size);              
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  RsvdFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", a_pos);         
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  DirectColorModeInfo*/ %d,\n", 0);       
-+// Mandatory information for VBE 2.0 and above
-+        printf("/*Bit32u PhysBasePtr*/ %s,\n",             
-+        printf("/*Bit32u OffScreenMemOffset*/ %d,\n", 0);
-+        printf("/*Bit16u OffScreenMemSize*/ %d,\n", 0);
-+        // Mandatory information for VBE 3.0 and above
-+        printf("/*Bit16u LinBytesPerScanLine*/ %d,\n", pitch);
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  BnkNumberOfPages*/ %d,\n", 0);
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinNumberOfPages*/ %d,\n", 0);
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinRedMaskSize*/ %d,\n", r_size);
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinRedFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", r_pos);
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinGreenMaskSize*/ %d,\n", g_size);
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinGreenFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", g_pos);
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinBlueMaskSize*/ %d,\n", b_size);
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinBlueFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", b_pos);
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinRsvdMaskSize*/ %d,\n", a_size);
-+        printf("/*Bit8u  LinRsvdFieldPosition*/ %d,\n", a_pos);
-+        printf("/*Bit32u MaxPixelClock*/ %d,\n", 0);
-+        printf("} },\n");
-+    }
-+    printf("{ VBE_VESA_MODE_END_OF_LIST,\n");
-+    printf("{ 0,\n");
-+    printf("} },\n");
-+    printf("};\n");
-+    return 0;
diff --git a/pc-bios/video.x b/pc-bios/video.x
deleted file mode 100644
index 761aa0c..0000000
Binary files a/pc-bios/video.x and /dev/null differ
cgit v1.1