/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "sockets.h" #include "android/utils/assert.h" #include "android/utils/panic.h" #include "android/utils/system.h" #include "android/async-utils.h" #include "android/looper.h" #include "android/hw-qemud-pipe.h" #include "hw/goldfish_pipe.h" /* Implement the OpenGL fast-pipe */ /* Set to 1 or 2 for debug traces */ #define DEBUG 0 #if DEBUG >= 1 # define D(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__), printf("\n") #else # define D(...) ((void)0) #endif #if DEBUG >= 2 # define DD(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__), printf("\n") # define DDASSERT(cond) _ANDROID_ASSERT(cond, "Assertion failure: ", #cond) # define DDASSERT_INT_OP(cond,val,op) _ANDROID_ASSERT_INT_OP(cond,val,op) #else # define DD(...) ((void)0) # define DDASSERT(cond) ((void)0) # define DDASSERT_INT_OP(cond,val,op) ((void)0) #endif #define DDASSERT_INT_LT(cond,val) DDASSERT_INT_OP(cond,val,<) #define DDASSERT_INT_LTE(cond,val) DDASSERT_INT_OP(cond,val,<=) #define DDASSERT_INT_GT(cond,val) DDASSERT_INT_OP(cond,val,>) #define DDASSERT_INT_GTE(cond,val) DDASSERT_INT_OP(cond,val,>=) #define DDASSERT_INT_EQ(cond,val) DDASSERT_INT_OP(cond,val,==) #define DDASSERT_INT_NEQ(cond,val) DDASSERT_INT_OP(cond,val,!=) /* Forward declarations */ typedef struct NetPipeInit { Looper* looper; SockAddress serverAddress[1]; } NetPipeInit; /********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ***** ***** P I P E M E S S A G E S ***** *****/ typedef struct PipeMsg { struct PipeMsg* next; size_t size; uint8_t data[1]; } PipeMsg; static PipeMsg* pipeMsg_alloc( size_t size ) { PipeMsg* msg = android_alloc(sizeof(*msg) + size); msg->next = NULL; msg->size = size; return msg; } static void pipeMsg_free( PipeMsg* msg ) { AFREE(msg); } /********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ***** ***** M E S S A G E L I S T ***** *****/ typedef struct { PipeMsg* firstMsg; /* first message in list */ PipeMsg* lastMsg; /* last message in list */ size_t firstBytes; /* bytes in firstMsg that were already sent */ size_t lastBytes; /* bytes in lastMsg that were already received */ size_t totalBytes; /* total bytes in list */ } MsgList; /* Default receiver buffer size to accept incoming data */ #define DEFAULT_RECEIVER_SIZE 8180 /* Initialize a message list - appropriate for sending them out */ static void msgList_initSend( MsgList* list ) { list->firstMsg = NULL; list->lastMsg = NULL; list->firstBytes = 0; list->lastBytes = 0; list->totalBytes = 0; } /* Initialize a message list for receiving data */ static void msgList_initReceive( MsgList* list ) { msgList_initSend(list); list->firstMsg = list->lastMsg = pipeMsg_alloc( DEFAULT_RECEIVER_SIZE ); } /* Finalize a message list */ static void msgList_done( MsgList* list ) { PipeMsg* msg; while ((msg = list->firstMsg) != NULL) { list->firstMsg = msg->next; pipeMsg_free(msg); } list->lastMsg = NULL; list->firstBytes = 0; list->lastBytes = 0; list->totalBytes = 0; } static int msgList_hasData( MsgList* list ) { return list->totalBytes > 0; } /* Append a list of buffers to a message list. * * This is a very simple implementation that simply mallocs a single * new message containing all of the buffer's data, and append it to * our link list. This also makes the implementation of msgList_send() * quite simple, since there is no need to deal with the 'lastBytes' * pointer (it is always assumed to be 'lastMsg->size'). */ static int msgList_sendBuffers( MsgList* list, const GoldfishPipeBuffer* buffers, int numBuffers ) { const GoldfishPipeBuffer* buff = buffers; const GoldfishPipeBuffer* buffEnd = buff + numBuffers; PipeMsg* msg; size_t msgSize = 0; size_t pos; /* Count the total number of bytes */ for ( ; buff < buffEnd; buff++ ) { msgSize += buff[0].size; } /* Allocate a new message */ msg = pipeMsg_alloc(msgSize); if (msg == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } /* Copy data from buffers to message */ for ( pos = 0, buff = buffers; buff < buffEnd; buff++ ) { memcpy(msg->data + pos, buff->data, buff->size); pos += buff->size; } /* Append message to current list */ if (list->lastMsg != NULL) { list->lastMsg->next = msg; } else { list->firstMsg = msg; list->firstBytes = 0; } list->lastMsg = msg; list->totalBytes += msgSize; /* We are done */ return 0; } /* Try to send outgoing messages in the list through non-blocking socket 'fd'. * Return 0 on success, and -1 on failure, where errno will be: * * ECONNRESET - connection reset by peer * * Note that 0 will be returned if socket_send() returns EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK. */ static int msgList_send( MsgList* list, int fd ) { int ret = 0; for (;;) { PipeMsg* msg = list->firstMsg; size_t sentBytes = list->firstBytes; size_t availBytes; if (msg == NULL) { /* We sent everything */ return 0; } DDASSERT(sentBytes < msg->size); availBytes = msg->size - sentBytes; ret = socket_send(fd, msg->data + sentBytes, availBytes); if (ret <= 0) { goto ERROR; } list->totalBytes -= ret; list->firstBytes += ret; if (list->firstBytes < msg->size) { continue; } /* We sent the full first packet - remove it from the head */ list->firstBytes = 0; list->firstMsg = msg->next; if (list->firstMsg == NULL) { list->lastMsg = NULL; } pipeMsg_free(msg); } ERROR: if (ret < 0) { /* EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK or disconnection */ if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { ret = 0; /* clear error - this is normal */ } else { DD("%s: socket_send() returned %d: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, errno, errno_str); errno = ECONNRESET; } } else { #if DEBUG >= 2 int err = socket_get_error(fd); DD("%s: socket_send() returned 0 (error=%d: %s)", __FUNCTION__, err, strerror(err)); #endif errno = ECONNRESET; ret = -1; } return ret; } /* Try to receive data into caller-provided buffers, and return the total * size of bytes that were read. Returns -1 on error, with errno: * * ECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer * EAGAIN: No incoming data, wait for it to arrive. */ static int msgList_recvBuffers( MsgList* list, GoldfishPipeBuffer* buffers, int numBuffers ) { GoldfishPipeBuffer* buff = buffers; GoldfishPipeBuffer* buffEnd = buff + numBuffers; size_t buffStart = 0; PipeMsg* msg = list->firstMsg; size_t msgStart = list->firstBytes; size_t totalSize = 0; DDASSERT(msg != NULL); D("%s: ENTER list.firstBytes=%d list.lastBytes=%d list.totalBytes=%d list.firstSize=%d list.lastSize=%d list.firstEqualLast=%d", __FUNCTION__, list->firstBytes, list->lastBytes, list->totalBytes, list->firstMsg->size, list->lastMsg->size, list->firstMsg == list->lastMsg); /* If there is no incoming data, return EAGAIN */ if (list->totalBytes == 0) { errno = EAGAIN; return -1; } /* Now try to transfer as much from the list of incoming messages * into the buffers. */ while (msg != NULL && buff < buffEnd) { DDASSERT(msgStart < msg->size); DDASSERT(buffStart < buff->size); /* Copy data from current message into next buffer. * For a given message, first determine the start and end * of available data. Then try to see how much of these * we can copy to the current buffer. */ size_t msgEnd = msg->size; if (msg == list->lastMsg) { msgEnd = list->lastBytes; } size_t msgAvail = msgEnd - msgStart; size_t buffAvail = buff->size - buffStart; if (msgAvail > buffAvail) { msgAvail = buffAvail; } DDASSERT(msgAvail > 0); D("%s: transfer %d bytes (msgStart=%d msgSize=%d buffStart=%d buffSize=%d)", __FUNCTION__, msgAvail, msgStart, msg->size, buffStart, buff->size); memcpy(buff->data + buffStart, msg->data + msgStart, msgAvail); /* Advance cursors */ msgStart += msgAvail; buffStart += msgAvail; totalSize += msgAvail; /* Did we fill up the current buffer? */ if (buffStart >= buff->size) { buffStart = 0; buff++; } /* Did we empty the current message? */ if (msgStart >= msgEnd) { msgStart = 0; /* If this is the last message, reset the 'first' and 'last' * pointers to reuse it for the next recv(). */ if (msg == list->lastMsg) { list->lastBytes = 0; msg = NULL; } else { /* Otherwise, delete the message, and jump to the next one */ list->firstMsg = msg->next; pipeMsg_free(msg); msg = list->firstMsg; } } } list->firstBytes = msgStart; list->totalBytes -= totalSize; D("%s: EXIT list.firstBytes=%d list.lastBytes=%d list.totalBytes=%d list.firstSize=%d list.lastSize=%d list.firstEqualLast=%d", __FUNCTION__, list->firstBytes, list->lastBytes, list->totalBytes, list->firstMsg->size, list->lastMsg->size, list->firstMsg == list->lastMsg); return (int)totalSize; } /* Try to receive data from non-blocking socket 'fd'. * Return 0 on success, or -1 on error, where errno can be: * * ECONNRESET - connection reset by peer * ENOMEM - full message list, no room to receive more data */ static int msgList_recv( MsgList* list, int fd ) { int ret = 0; D("%s: ENTER list.firstBytes=%d list.lastBytes=%d list.totalBytes=%d list.firstSize=%d list.lastSize=%d list.firstEqualLast=%d", __FUNCTION__, list->firstBytes, list->lastBytes, list->totalBytes, list->firstMsg->size, list->lastMsg->size, list->firstMsg == list->lastMsg); for (;;) { PipeMsg* last = list->lastMsg; size_t lastBytes = list->lastBytes; size_t availBytes; /* Compute how many bytes we can receive in the last buffer*/ DDASSERT(last != NULL); DDASSERT(last->size > 0); DDASSERT(lastBytes < last->size); availBytes = last->size - lastBytes; /* Try to receive the data, act on errors */ ret = socket_recv(fd, last->data + lastBytes, availBytes); if (ret <= 0) { goto ERROR; } /* Acknowledge received data */ list->lastBytes += ret; list->totalBytes += ret; if (list->lastBytes < last->size) { continue; } /* We filled-up the last message buffer, allocate a new one */ last = pipeMsg_alloc( DEFAULT_RECEIVER_SIZE ); list->lastMsg->next = last; list->lastMsg = last; list->lastBytes = 0; } ERROR: if (ret < 0) { /* EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK or disconnection */ if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { ret = 0; /* clear error - this is normal */ } else { DD("%s: socket_send() returned %d: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, errno, errno_str); errno = ECONNRESET; } } else /* ret == 0 */ { #if DEBUG >= 2 int err = socket_get_error(fd); DD("%s: socket_send() returned 0 (error=%d: %s)", __FUNCTION__, err, strerror(err)); #endif errno = ECONNRESET; ret = -1; } D("%s: EXIT list.firstBytes=%d list.lastBytes=%d list.totalBytes=%d list.firstSize=%d list.lastSize=%d list.firstEqualLast=%d", __FUNCTION__, list->firstBytes, list->lastBytes, list->totalBytes, list->firstMsg->size, list->lastMsg->size, list->firstMsg == list->lastMsg); return ret; } /********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ***** ***** P I P E H A N D L E R S ***** *****/ /* Technical Note: * * Each NetPipe object is connected to the following: * * - a remote rendering process through a normal TCP socket. * - a Goldfish pipe (see hw/goldfish_pipe.h) to exchange messages with the guest. * - a Qemud client (see android/hw-qemud.h) to signal state changes to the guest. * * REMOTE <---socket---> PIPE <------> GOLDFISH PIPE * PROCESS <--+ * | * +---> QEMUD CHANNEL (android/hw-qemud.h) * */ enum { STATE_INIT, STATE_CONNECTING, STATE_CONNECTED, STATE_CLOSING_GUEST, STATE_CLOSING_SOCKET }; #define DEFAULT_INCOMING_SIZE 4000 #define MAX_IN_BUFFERS 4 typedef struct { QemudClient* client; int state; int wakeWanted; MsgList outList[1]; MsgList inList[1]; LoopIo io[1]; AsyncConnector connector[1]; GoldfishPipeBuffer outBuffer[1]; GoldfishPipeBuffer inBuffers[MAX_IN_BUFFERS]; int inBufferCount; } NetPipe; static void netPipe_free( NetPipe* pipe ) { int fd; /* Removing any pending incoming packet */ msgList_done(pipe->outList); msgList_done(pipe->inList); /* Close the socket */ fd = pipe->io->fd; loopIo_done(pipe->io); socket_close(fd); /* Release the pipe object */ AFREE(pipe); } static void netPipe_resetState( NetPipe* pipe ) { /* If there is a pending outgoing packet, open the valve */ if (msgList_hasData(pipe->outList)) { loopIo_wantWrite(pipe->io); } else { loopIo_dontWantWrite(pipe->io); } /* Accept incoming data if we are not closing, and our input list isn't full */ if (pipe->state == STATE_CONNECTED) { loopIo_wantRead(pipe->io); } else { loopIo_dontWantRead(pipe->io); } } /* This function is only called when the socket is disconnected. * See netPipe_closeFromGuest() for the case when the guest requires * the disconnection. */ static void netPipe_closeFromSocket( void* opaque ) { NetPipe* pipe = opaque; /* If the guest already ordered the pipe to be closed, delete immediately */ if (pipe->state == STATE_CLOSING_GUEST) { netPipe_free(pipe); return; } /* Force the closure of the QEMUD channel - if a guest is blocked * waiting for a wake signal, it will receive an error. */ if (pipe->client != NULL) { qemud_client_close(pipe->client); pipe->client = NULL; } /* Remove any outgoing packets - they won't go anywhere */ msgList_done(pipe->outList); pipe->state = STATE_CLOSING_SOCKET; netPipe_resetState(pipe); } /* This is the function that gets called each time there is an asynchronous * event on the network pipe. */ static void netPipe_io_func( void* opaque, int fd, unsigned events ) { NetPipe* pipe = opaque; int wakeFlags = 0; /* Run the connector if we are in the CONNECTING state */ /* TODO: Add some sort of time-out, to deal with the case */ /* where the renderer process is wedged. */ if (pipe->state == STATE_CONNECTING) { AsyncStatus status = asyncConnector_run(pipe->connector); if (status == ASYNC_NEED_MORE) { return; } else if (status == ASYNC_ERROR) { /* Could not connect, tell our client by closing the channel. */ netPipe_closeFromSocket(pipe); return; } pipe->state = STATE_CONNECTED; netPipe_resetState(pipe); return; } /* Otherwise, accept incoming data */ if ((events & LOOP_IO_READ) != 0) { int ret; if ((pipe->wakeWanted & QEMUD_PIPE_WAKE_ON_RECV) != 0) { wakeFlags |= QEMUD_PIPE_WAKE_ON_RECV; } ret = msgList_recv(pipe->inList, fd); if (ret < 0) { wakeFlags &= ~QEMUD_PIPE_WAKE_ON_RECV; if (errno == ENOMEM) { /* shouldn't happen */ DD("%s: msgList_recv() return ENOMEM!?\n", __FUNCTION__); } else { /* errno == ECONNRESET */ DD("%s: msgList_recv() error, closing pipe\n", __FUNCTION__); netPipe_closeFromSocket(pipe); return; } } } if ((events & LOOP_IO_WRITE) != 0) { int ret; DDASSERT(msgList_hasData(pipe->outList)); ret = msgList_send(pipe->outList, fd); if (ret < 0) { DD("%s: msgList_send() error, closing pipe\n", __FUNCTION__); netPipe_closeFromSocket(pipe); return; } if ((pipe->wakeWanted & QEMUD_PIPE_WAKE_ON_SEND) != 0) { wakeFlags |= QEMUD_PIPE_WAKE_ON_SEND; } } /* Send wake signal to the guest if needed */ if (wakeFlags != 0) { uint8_t byte = (uint8_t) wakeFlags; DD("%s: Sending wake flags %d (wanted=%d)", __FUNCTION__, byte, pipe->wakeWanted); qemud_client_send(pipe->client, &byte, 1); pipe->wakeWanted &= ~wakeFlags; } /* Reset state */ netPipe_resetState(pipe); } void* netPipe_init( QemudClient* qcl, void* pipeOpaque ) { NetPipe* pipe; NetPipeInit* pipeSvc = pipeOpaque; ANEW0(pipe); pipe->client = qcl; pipe->state = STATE_INIT; msgList_initSend(pipe->outList); msgList_initReceive(pipe->inList); #define DEFAULT_OPENGLES_PORT 22468 { AsyncStatus status; int fd = socket_create_inet( SOCKET_STREAM ); if (fd < 0) { netPipe_free(pipe); return NULL; } loopIo_init(pipe->io, pipeSvc->looper, fd, netPipe_io_func, pipe); asyncConnector_init(pipe->connector, pipeSvc->serverAddress, pipe->io); pipe->state = STATE_CONNECTING; status = asyncConnector_run(pipe->connector); if (status == ASYNC_ERROR) { D("%s: Could not create to renderer process: %s", __FUNCTION__, errno_str); netPipe_free(pipe); return NULL; } if (status == ASYNC_COMPLETE) { pipe->state = STATE_CONNECTED; netPipe_resetState(pipe); } } return pipe; } /* Called when the guest wants to close the channel. This is different * from netPipe_closeFromSocket() which is called when the socket is * disconnected. */ static void netPipe_closeFromGuest( void* opaque ) { NetPipe* pipe = opaque; /* The qemud client is gone when we reach this code */ pipe->client = NULL; /* Remove input messages */ msgList_done(pipe->inList); /* If the socket is already closed, or if there are no * outgoing messages, delete immediately */ if (pipe->state == STATE_CLOSING_SOCKET || !msgList_hasData(pipe->outList)) { netPipe_free(pipe); return; } /* Otherwise, mark our pipe as closing, and wait until everything is * sent before deleting the object. */ pipe->state = STATE_CLOSING_GUEST; netPipe_resetState(pipe); } static int netPipe_sendBuffers( void* opaque, const GoldfishPipeBuffer* buffers, int numBuffers ) { NetPipe* pipe = opaque; int ret; ret = msgList_sendBuffers(pipe->outList, buffers, numBuffers); netPipe_resetState(pipe); return ret; } static int netPipe_recvBuffers( void* opaque, GoldfishPipeBuffer* buffers, int numBuffers ) { NetPipe* pipe = opaque; int ret; ret = msgList_recvBuffers(pipe->inList, buffers, numBuffers); netPipe_resetState(pipe); return ret; } static void netPipe_wakeOn( void* opaque, int flags ) { NetPipe* pipe = opaque; pipe->wakeWanted |= flags; } /********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ***** ***** N E T W O R K P I P E M E S S A G E S ***** *****/ static const QemudPipeHandlerFuncs net_pipe_handler_funcs = { netPipe_init, netPipe_closeFromGuest, netPipe_sendBuffers, netPipe_recvBuffers, netPipe_wakeOn, }; static NetPipeInit _netPipeService[1]; /********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ***** ***** O P E N G L E S P I P E S E R V I C E ***** *****/ void android_hw_opengles_init(void) { NetPipeInit* svc = _netPipeService; int ret; DD("%s: Registering service\n", __FUNCTION__); svc->looper = looper_newCore(); ret = sock_address_init_resolve(svc->serverAddress, "", DEFAULT_OPENGLES_PORT, 0); if (ret < 0) { APANIC("Could not resolve renderer process address!"); } goldfish_pipe_add_type( "opengles", svc, &net_pipe_handler_funcs ); }