/* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project ** ** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public ** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and ** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include "android/hw-sensors.h" #include "android/utils/debug.h" #include "android/utils/misc.h" #include "android/utils/system.h" #include "android/hw-qemud.h" #include "android/globals.h" #include "hw/hw.h" #include "qemu-char.h" #include "qemu-timer.h" #define D(...) VERBOSE_PRINT(sensors,__VA_ARGS__) /* define T_ACTIVE to 1 to debug transport communications */ #define T_ACTIVE 0 #if T_ACTIVE #define T(...) VERBOSE_PRINT(sensors,__VA_ARGS__) #else #define T(...) ((void)0) #endif /* this code supports emulated sensor hardware * * Note that currently, only the accelerometer is really emulated, and only * for the purpose of allowing auto-rotating the screen in keyboard-less * configurations. * * */ static const struct { const char* name; int id; } _sSensors[MAX_SENSORS] = { #define SENSOR_(x,y) { y, ANDROID_SENSOR_##x }, SENSORS_LIST #undef SENSOR_ }; static int _sensorIdFromName( const char* name ) { int nn; for (nn = 0; nn < MAX_SENSORS; nn++) if (!strcmp(_sSensors[nn].name,name)) return _sSensors[nn].id; return -1; } typedef struct { float x, y, z; } Acceleration; typedef struct { float x, y, z; } MagneticField; typedef struct { float azimuth; float pitch; float roll; } Orientation; typedef struct { float celsius; } Temperature; typedef struct { float value; } Proximity; typedef struct { char enabled; union { Acceleration acceleration; MagneticField magnetic; Orientation orientation; Temperature temperature; Proximity proximity; } u; } Sensor; /* * - when the qemu-specific sensors HAL module starts, it sends * "list-sensors" * * - this code replies with a string containing an integer corresponding * to a bitmap of available hardware sensors in the current AVD * configuration (e.g. "1" a.k.a (1 << ANDROID_SENSOR_ACCELERATION)) * * - the HAL module sends "set::" to enable or disable * the report of a given sensor state. must be the name of * a given sensor (e.g. "accelerometer"), and must be either * "1" (to enable) or "0" (to disable). * * - Once at least one sensor is "enabled", this code should periodically * send information about the corresponding enabled sensors. The default * period is 200ms. * * - the HAL module sends "set-delay:", where is an integer * corresponding to a time delay in milli-seconds. This corresponds to * a new interval between sensor events sent by this code to the HAL * module. * * - the HAL module can also send a "wake" command. This code should simply * send the "wake" back to the module. This is used internally to wake a * blocking read that happens in a different thread. This ping-pong makes * the code in the HAL module very simple. * * - each timer tick, this code sends sensor reports in the following * format (each line corresponds to a different line sent to the module): * * acceleration::: * magnetic-field::: * orientation::: * temperature: * sync: * * Where each line before the sync: is optional and will only * appear if the corresponding sensor has been enabled by the HAL module. * * Note that is the VM time in micro-seconds when the report * was "taken" by this code. This is adjusted by the HAL module to * emulated system time (using the first sync: to compute an adjustment * offset). */ #define HEADER_SIZE 4 #define BUFFER_SIZE 512 typedef struct HwSensorClient HwSensorClient; typedef struct { QemudService* service; Sensor sensors[MAX_SENSORS]; HwSensorClient* clients; } HwSensors; struct HwSensorClient { HwSensorClient* next; HwSensors* sensors; QemudClient* client; QEMUTimer* timer; uint32_t enabledMask; int32_t delay_ms; }; static void _hwSensorClient_free( HwSensorClient* cl ) { /* remove from sensors's list */ if (cl->sensors) { HwSensorClient** pnode = &cl->sensors->clients; for (;;) { HwSensorClient* node = *pnode; if (node == NULL) break; if (node == cl) { *pnode = cl->next; break; } pnode = &node->next; } cl->next = NULL; cl->sensors = NULL; } /* close QEMUD client, if any */ if (cl->client) { qemud_client_close(cl->client); cl->client = NULL; } /* remove timer, if any */ if (cl->timer) { qemu_del_timer(cl->timer); qemu_free_timer(cl->timer); cl->timer = NULL; } AFREE(cl); } /* forward */ static void _hwSensorClient_tick(void* opaque); static HwSensorClient* _hwSensorClient_new( HwSensors* sensors ) { HwSensorClient* cl; ANEW0(cl); cl->sensors = sensors; cl->enabledMask = 0; cl->delay_ms = 800; cl->timer = qemu_new_timer(vm_clock, _hwSensorClient_tick, cl); cl->next = sensors->clients; sensors->clients = cl; return cl; } /* forward */ static void _hwSensorClient_receive( HwSensorClient* cl, uint8_t* query, int querylen ); /* Qemud service management */ static void _hwSensorClient_recv( void* opaque, uint8_t* msg, int msglen, QemudClient* client ) { HwSensorClient* cl = opaque; _hwSensorClient_receive(cl, msg, msglen); } static void _hwSensorClient_close( void* opaque ) { HwSensorClient* cl = opaque; /* the client is already closed here */ cl->client = NULL; _hwSensorClient_free(cl); } /* send a one-line message to the HAL module through a qemud channel */ static void _hwSensorClient_send( HwSensorClient* cl, const uint8_t* msg, int msglen ) { D("%s: '%s'", __FUNCTION__, quote_bytes((const void*)msg, msglen)); qemud_client_send(cl->client, msg, msglen); } static int _hwSensorClient_enabled( HwSensorClient* cl, int sensorId ) { return (cl->enabledMask & (1 << sensorId)) != 0; } /* this function is called periodically to send sensor reports * to the HAL module, and re-arm the timer if necessary */ static void _hwSensorClient_tick( void* opaque ) { HwSensorClient* cl = opaque; HwSensors* hw = cl->sensors; int64_t delay = cl->delay_ms; int64_t now_ns; uint32_t mask = cl->enabledMask; Sensor* sensor; char buffer[128]; if (_hwSensorClient_enabled(cl, ANDROID_SENSOR_ACCELERATION)) { sensor = &hw->sensors[ANDROID_SENSOR_ACCELERATION]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "acceleration:%g:%g:%g", sensor->u.acceleration.x, sensor->u.acceleration.y, sensor->u.acceleration.z); _hwSensorClient_send(cl, (uint8_t*)buffer, strlen(buffer)); } if (_hwSensorClient_enabled(cl, ANDROID_SENSOR_MAGNETIC_FIELD)) { sensor = &hw->sensors[ANDROID_SENSOR_MAGNETIC_FIELD]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "magnetic-field:%g:%g:%g", sensor->u.magnetic.x, sensor->u.magnetic.y, sensor->u.magnetic.z); _hwSensorClient_send(cl, (uint8_t*)buffer, strlen(buffer)); } if (_hwSensorClient_enabled(cl, ANDROID_SENSOR_ORIENTATION)) { sensor = &hw->sensors[ANDROID_SENSOR_ORIENTATION]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "orientation:%g:%g:%g", sensor->u.orientation.azimuth, sensor->u.orientation.pitch, sensor->u.orientation.roll); _hwSensorClient_send(cl, (uint8_t*)buffer, strlen(buffer)); } if (_hwSensorClient_enabled(cl, ANDROID_SENSOR_TEMPERATURE)) { sensor = &hw->sensors[ANDROID_SENSOR_TEMPERATURE]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "temperature:%g", sensor->u.temperature.celsius); _hwSensorClient_send(cl, (uint8_t*)buffer, strlen(buffer)); } if (_hwSensorClient_enabled(cl, ANDROID_SENSOR_PROXIMITY)) { sensor = &hw->sensors[ANDROID_SENSOR_PROXIMITY]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "proximity:%g", sensor->u.proximity.value); _hwSensorClient_send(cl, (uint8_t*) buffer, strlen(buffer)); } now_ns = qemu_get_clock(vm_clock); snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "sync:%lld", now_ns/1000); _hwSensorClient_send(cl, (uint8_t*)buffer, strlen(buffer)); /* rearm timer, use a minimum delay of 20 ms, just to * be safe. */ if (mask == 0) return; if (delay < 20) delay = 20; delay *= 1000000LL; /* convert to nanoseconds */ qemu_mod_timer(cl->timer, now_ns + delay); } /* handle incoming messages from the HAL module */ static void _hwSensorClient_receive( HwSensorClient* cl, uint8_t* msg, int msglen ) { HwSensors* hw = cl->sensors; D("%s: '%.*s'", __FUNCTION__, msglen, msg); /* "list-sensors" is used to get an integer bit map of * available emulated sensors. We compute the mask from the * current hardware configuration. */ if (msglen == 12 && !memcmp(msg, "list-sensors", 12)) { char buff[12]; int mask = 0; int nn; for (nn = 0; nn < MAX_SENSORS; nn++) { if (hw->sensors[nn].enabled) mask |= (1 << nn); } snprintf(buff, sizeof buff, "%d", mask); _hwSensorClient_send(cl, (const uint8_t*)buff, strlen(buff)); return; } /* "wake" is a special message that must be sent back through * the channel. It is used to exit a blocking read. */ if (msglen == 4 && !memcmp(msg, "wake", 4)) { _hwSensorClient_send(cl, (const uint8_t*)"wake", 4); return; } /* "set-delay:" is used to set the delay in milliseconds * between sensor events */ if (msglen > 10 && !memcmp(msg, "set-delay:", 10)) { cl->delay_ms = atoi((const char*)msg+10); if (cl->enabledMask != 0) _hwSensorClient_tick(cl); return; } /* "set::" is used to enable/disable a given * sensor. must be 0 or 1 */ if (msglen > 4 && !memcmp(msg, "set:", 4)) { char* q; int id, enabled, oldEnabledMask = cl->enabledMask; msg += 4; q = strchr((char*)msg, ':'); if (q == NULL) { /* should not happen */ D("%s: ignore bad 'set' command", __FUNCTION__); return; } *q++ = 0; id = _sensorIdFromName((const char*)msg); if (id < 0 || id >= MAX_SENSORS) { D("%s: ignore unknown sensor name '%s'", __FUNCTION__, msg); return; } if (!hw->sensors[id].enabled) { D("%s: trying to set disabled %s sensor", __FUNCTION__, msg); return; } enabled = (q[0] == '1'); if (enabled) cl->enabledMask |= (1 << id); else cl->enabledMask &= ~(1 << id); if (cl->enabledMask != oldEnabledMask) { D("%s: %s %s sensor", __FUNCTION__, (cl->enabledMask & (1 << id)) ? "enabling" : "disabling", msg); } _hwSensorClient_tick(cl); return; } D("%s: ignoring unknown query", __FUNCTION__); } /* Saves sensor-specific client data to snapshot */ static void _hwSensorClient_save( QEMUFile* f, QemudClient* client, void* opaque ) { HwSensorClient* sc = opaque; qemu_put_be32(f, sc->delay_ms); qemu_put_be32(f, sc->enabledMask); qemu_put_timer(f, sc->timer); } /* Loads sensor-specific client data from snapshot */ static int _hwSensorClient_load( QEMUFile* f, QemudClient* client, void* opaque ) { HwSensorClient* sc = opaque; sc->delay_ms = qemu_get_be32(f); sc->enabledMask = qemu_get_be32(f); qemu_get_timer(f, sc->timer); return 0; } static QemudClient* _hwSensors_connect( void* opaque, QemudService* service, int channel ) { HwSensors* sensors = opaque; HwSensorClient* cl = _hwSensorClient_new(sensors); QemudClient* client = qemud_client_new(service, channel, cl, _hwSensorClient_recv, _hwSensorClient_close, _hwSensorClient_save, _hwSensorClient_load ); qemud_client_set_framing(client, 1); cl->client = client; return client; } /* change the value of the emulated acceleration vector */ static void _hwSensors_setAcceleration( HwSensors* h, float x, float y, float z ) { Sensor* s = &h->sensors[ANDROID_SENSOR_ACCELERATION]; s->u.acceleration.x = x; s->u.acceleration.y = y; s->u.acceleration.z = z; } /* Saves available sensors to allow checking availability when loaded. */ static void _hwSensors_save( QEMUFile* f, QemudService* sv, void* opaque) { HwSensors* h = opaque; // number of sensors qemu_put_be32(f, MAX_SENSORS); AndroidSensor i; for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_SENSORS; i++) { Sensor* s = &h->sensors[i]; qemu_put_be32(f, s->enabled); /* this switch ensures that a warning is raised when a new sensor is * added and is not added here as well. */ switch (i) { case ANDROID_SENSOR_ACCELERATION: qemu_put_float(f, s->u.acceleration.x); qemu_put_float(f, s->u.acceleration.y); qemu_put_float(f, s->u.acceleration.z); break; case ANDROID_SENSOR_MAGNETIC_FIELD: qemu_put_float(f, s->u.magnetic.x); qemu_put_float(f, s->u.magnetic.y); qemu_put_float(f, s->u.magnetic.z); break; case ANDROID_SENSOR_ORIENTATION: qemu_put_float(f, s->u.orientation.azimuth); qemu_put_float(f, s->u.orientation.pitch); qemu_put_float(f, s->u.orientation.roll); break; case ANDROID_SENSOR_TEMPERATURE: qemu_put_float(f, s->u.temperature.celsius); break; case ANDROID_SENSOR_PROXIMITY: qemu_put_float(f, s->u.proximity.value); break; case MAX_SENSORS: break; } } } static int _hwSensors_load( QEMUFile* f, QemudService* s, void* opaque) { HwSensors* h = opaque; /* check number of sensors */ int32_t num_sensors = qemu_get_be32(f); if (num_sensors != MAX_SENSORS) { D("%s: cannot load: snapshot requires %d sensors, %d available\n", __FUNCTION__, num_sensors, MAX_SENSORS); return -EIO; } /* load sensor state */ AndroidSensor i; for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_SENSORS; i++) { Sensor* s = &h->sensors[i]; s->enabled = qemu_get_be32(f); /* this switch ensures that a warning is raised when a new sensor is * added and is not added here as well. */ switch (i) { case ANDROID_SENSOR_ACCELERATION: s->u.acceleration.x = qemu_get_float(f); s->u.acceleration.y = qemu_get_float(f); s->u.acceleration.z = qemu_get_float(f); break; case ANDROID_SENSOR_MAGNETIC_FIELD: s->u.magnetic.x = qemu_get_float(f); s->u.magnetic.y = qemu_get_float(f); s->u.magnetic.z = qemu_get_float(f); break; case ANDROID_SENSOR_ORIENTATION: s->u.orientation.azimuth = qemu_get_float(f); s->u.orientation.pitch = qemu_get_float(f); s->u.orientation.roll = qemu_get_float(f); break; case ANDROID_SENSOR_TEMPERATURE: s->u.temperature.celsius = qemu_get_float(f); break; case ANDROID_SENSOR_PROXIMITY: s->u.proximity.value = qemu_get_float(f); break; case MAX_SENSORS: break; } } return 0; } #if 0 /* not used yet */ /* change the value of the emulated magnetic vector */ static void _hwSensors_setMagneticField( HwSensors* h, float x, float y, float z ) { Sensor* s = &h->sensors[ANDROID_SENSOR_MAGNETIC_FIELD]; s->u.magnetic.x = x; s->u.magnetic.y = y; s->u.magnetic.z = z; } /* change the values of the emulated orientation */ static void _hwSensors_setOrientation( HwSensors* h, float azimuth, float pitch, float roll ) { Sensor* s = &h->sensors[ANDROID_SENSOR_ORIENTATION]; s->u.orientation.azimuth = azimuth; s->u.orientation.pitch = pitch; s->u.orientation.roll = roll; } /* change the emulated temperature */ static void _hwSensors_setTemperature( HwSensors* h, float celsius ) { Sensor* s = &h->sensors[ANDROID_SENSOR_TEMPERATURE]; s->u.temperature.celsius = celsius; } #endif /* change the emulated proximity */ static void _hwSensors_setProximity( HwSensors* h, float value ) { Sensor* s = &h->sensors[ANDROID_SENSOR_PROXIMITY]; s->u.proximity.value = value; } /* change the coarse orientation (landscape/portrait) of the emulated device */ static void _hwSensors_setCoarseOrientation( HwSensors* h, AndroidCoarseOrientation orient ) { /* The Android framework computes the orientation by looking at * the accelerometer sensor (*not* the orientation sensor !) * * That's because the gravity is a constant 9.81 vector that * can be determined quite easily. * * Also, for some reason, the framework code considers that the phone should * be inclined by 30 degrees along the phone's X axis to be considered * in its ideal "vertical" position * * If the phone is completely vertical, rotating it will not do anything ! */ const double g = 9.81; const double angle = 20.0; const double cos_angle = cos(angle/M_PI); const double sin_angle = sin(angle/M_PI); switch (orient) { case ANDROID_COARSE_PORTRAIT: _hwSensors_setAcceleration( h, 0., g*cos_angle, g*sin_angle ); break; case ANDROID_COARSE_LANDSCAPE: _hwSensors_setAcceleration( h, g*cos_angle, 0., g*sin_angle ); break; default: ; } } /* initialize the sensors state */ static void _hwSensors_init( HwSensors* h ) { h->service = qemud_service_register("sensors", 0, h, _hwSensors_connect, _hwSensors_save, _hwSensors_load); if (android_hw->hw_accelerometer) h->sensors[ANDROID_SENSOR_ACCELERATION].enabled = 1; if (android_hw->hw_sensors_proximity) h->sensors[ANDROID_SENSOR_PROXIMITY].enabled = 1; /* XXX: TODO: Add other tests when we add the corresponding * properties to hardware-properties.ini et al. */ _hwSensors_setCoarseOrientation(h, ANDROID_COARSE_PORTRAIT); _hwSensors_setProximity(h, 1); } static HwSensors _sensorsState[1]; void android_hw_sensors_init( void ) { HwSensors* hw = _sensorsState; if (hw->service == NULL) { _hwSensors_init(hw); D("%s: sensors qemud service initialized", __FUNCTION__); } } /* change the coarse orientation value */ extern void android_sensors_set_coarse_orientation( AndroidCoarseOrientation orient ) { android_hw_sensors_init(); _hwSensors_setCoarseOrientation(_sensorsState, orient); }