/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "android/sdk-controller-socket.h" #include "android/sensors-port.h" #include "android/hw-sensors.h" #include "android/utils/debug.h" #define E(...) derror(__VA_ARGS__) #define W(...) dwarning(__VA_ARGS__) #define D(...) VERBOSE_PRINT(sensors_port,__VA_ARGS__) #define D_ACTIVE VERBOSE_CHECK(sensors_port) #define TRACE_ON 1 #if TRACE_ON #define T(...) VERBOSE_PRINT(sensors_port,__VA_ARGS__) #else #define T(...) #endif /* Timeout (millisec) to use when communicating with SDK controller. */ #define SDKCTL_SENSORS_TIMEOUT 3000 /* * Queries sent to sensors port of the SDK controller. */ /* Queries the port for list of available sensors. */ #define SDKCTL_SENSORS_QUERY_LIST 1 /* * Messages sent between the emuator, and sensors port of the SDK controller. */ /* Starts sensor emulation. */ #define SDKCTL_SENSORS_START 1 /* Stops sensor emulation. */ #define SENSOR_SENSORS_STOP 2 /* Enables emulation for a sensor. */ #define SDKCTL_SENSORS_ENABLE 3 /* Disables emulation for a sensor. */ #define SDKCTL_SENSORS_DISABLE 4 /* This message delivers sensor values. */ #define SDKCTL_SENSORS_SENSOR_EVENT 5 /* Describes a sensor on the device. * When SDK controller sensors port replies to a "list" query, it replies with * a flat buffer containing entries of this type following each other. End of * each entry is a zero-terminator for its 'sensor_name' field. The end of the * entire list is marked with an entry, containing -1 at its 'sensor_id' field. */ typedef struct SensorEntry { /* Identifies sensor on the device. Value -1 indicates list terminator, * rather than a valid sensor descriptor. */ int sensor_id; /* Beginning of zero-terminated sensor name. */ char sensor_name[1]; } SensorEntry; /* Describes a sensor in the array of emulated sensors. */ typedef struct SensorDescriptor { /* Identifies sensor on the device. */ int sensor_id; /* Identifies sensor in emulator. */ int emulator_id; /* Sensor name. */ char* sensor_name; } SensorDescriptor; /* Sensor event message descriptor. * Entries of this type are sent along with SDKCTL_SENSORS_SENSOR_EVENT message */ typedef struct SensorEvent { /* Identifies a device sensor for which values have been delivered. */ int sensor_id; /* Sensor values. */ float fvalues[3]; } SensorEvent; /* Sensors port descriptor. */ struct AndroidSensorsPort { /* Caller identifier. */ void* opaque; /* Communication socket. */ SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl; /* Lists sensors available for emulation. */ SensorDescriptor** sensors; /* Number of sensors in 'sensors' list. */ int sensors_count; }; /******************************************************************************** * Sensors port internals *******************************************************************************/ /* Checks if sensor descriptor is the terminator. * Return: * Boolean, 1 if it is a terminator, 0 if it is not. */ static int _sensor_entry_is_terminator(const SensorEntry* entry) { return entry == NULL || entry->sensor_id == -1; } /* Gets next sensor descriptor. * Return: * Next sensor desciptor, or NULL if there are no more descriptors in the list. */ static const SensorEntry* _sensor_entry_next(const SensorEntry* entry) { if (!_sensor_entry_is_terminator(entry)) { /* Next descriptor begins right after zero-terminator for the sensor_name * field of this descriptor. */ entry = (const SensorEntry*)(entry->sensor_name + strlen(entry->sensor_name) + 1); if (!_sensor_entry_is_terminator(entry)) { return entry; } } return NULL; } /* Gets number of entries in the list. */ static int _sensor_entry_list_size(const SensorEntry* entry) { int ret = 0; while (!_sensor_entry_is_terminator(entry)) { ret++; entry = _sensor_entry_next(entry); } return ret; } /* Discards sensors saved in AndroidSensorsPort's array. */ static void _sensors_port_discard_sensors(AndroidSensorsPort* asp) { if (asp->sensors != NULL) { int n; for (n = 0; n < asp->sensors_count; n++) { if (asp->sensors[n] != NULL) { free(asp->sensors[n]->sensor_name); AFREE(asp->sensors[n]); } } free(asp->sensors); asp->sensors = NULL; } asp->sensors_count = 0; } /* Destroys and frees the descriptor. */ static void _sensors_port_free(AndroidSensorsPort* asp) { if (asp != NULL) { _sensors_port_discard_sensors(asp); if (asp->sdkctl != NULL) { sdkctl_socket_release(asp->sdkctl); } AFREE(asp); } } /* Parses flat sensor list, and saves its entries into 'sensors' array filed of * the AndroidSensorsPort descriptor. */ static void _sensors_port_save_sensors(AndroidSensorsPort* asp, const SensorEntry* list) { const int count = _sensor_entry_list_size(list); if (count != 0) { int n; /* Allocate array for sensor descriptors. */ asp->sensors = malloc(sizeof(SensorDescriptor*) * count); /* Iterate through the flat sensor list, filling up array of emulated * sensors. */ const SensorEntry* entry = _sensor_entry_is_terminator(list) ? NULL : list; for (n = 0; n < count && entry != NULL; n++) { /* Get emulator-side ID for the sensor. < 0 value indicates that * sensor is not supported by the emulator. */ const int emulator_id = android_sensors_get_id_from_name((char*)entry->sensor_name); if (emulator_id >= 0) { SensorDescriptor* desc; ANEW0(desc); desc->emulator_id = emulator_id; desc->sensor_id = entry->sensor_id; desc->sensor_name = ASTRDUP(entry->sensor_name); asp->sensors[asp->sensors_count++] = desc; D("Sensors: Emulated sensor '%s': Device id = %d, Emulator id = %d", desc->sensor_name, desc->sensor_id, desc->emulator_id); } else { D("Sensors: Sensor '%s' is not support by emulator", entry->sensor_name); } entry = _sensor_entry_next(entry); } D("Sensors: Emulating %d sensors", asp->sensors_count); } } /* Finds sensor descriptor for an SDK controller-side ID. */ static const SensorDescriptor* _sensor_from_sdkctl_id(AndroidSensorsPort* asp, int id) { int n; for (n = 0; n < asp->sensors_count; n++) { if (asp->sensors[n]->sensor_id == id) { return asp->sensors[n]; } } return NULL; } /* Initiates sensor emulation. * Param: * asp - Android sensors port instance returned from sensors_port_create. * Return: * Zero on success, failure otherwise. */ static void _sensors_port_start(AndroidSensorsPort* asp) { int n; if (!sdkctl_socket_is_port_ready(asp->sdkctl)) { /* SDK controller side is not ready for emulation. Retreat... */ D("Sensors: SDK controller side is not ready for emulation."); return; } /* Disable all sensors, and reenable only those that are emulated by * hardware. */ sensors_port_disable_sensor(asp, "all"); /* Walk throuh the list of enabled sensors enabling them on the device. */ for (n = 0; n < asp->sensors_count; n++) { if (android_sensors_get_sensor_status(asp->sensors[n]->emulator_id) == 1) { /* Reenable emulation for this sensor. */ sensors_port_enable_sensor(asp, asp->sensors[n]->sensor_name); D("Sensors: Sensor '%s' is enabled on SDK controller.", asp->sensors[n]->sensor_name); } } /* Start the emulation. */ SDKCtlMessage* const msg = sdkctl_message_send(asp->sdkctl, SDKCTL_SENSORS_START, NULL, 0); sdkctl_message_release(msg); D("Sensors: Emulation has been started."); } /******************************************************************************** * Sensors port callbacks *******************************************************************************/ /* Completion for the "list" query. */ static AsyncIOAction _on_sensor_list_query(void* query_opaque, SDKCtlQuery* query, AsyncIOState status) { AndroidSensorsPort* const asp = (AndroidSensorsPort*)(query_opaque); if (status != ASIO_STATE_SUCCEEDED) { /* We don't really care about failures at this point. They will * eventually surface up in another place. */ return ASIO_ACTION_DONE; } /* Parse query response which is a flat list of SensorEntry entries. */ const SensorEntry* const list = (const SensorEntry*)sdkctl_query_get_buffer_out(query); D("Sensors: Sensor list received with %d sensors.", _sensor_entry_list_size(list)); _sensors_port_save_sensors(asp, list); /* At this point we are ready to statr sensor emulation. */ _sensors_port_start(asp); return ASIO_ACTION_DONE; } /* A callback that is invoked on sensor events. * Param: * asp - AndroidSensorsPort instance. * event - Sensor event. */ static void _on_sensor_event(AndroidSensorsPort* asp, const SensorEvent* event) { /* Find corresponding server descriptor. */ const SensorDescriptor* const desc = _sensor_from_sdkctl_id(asp, event->sensor_id); if (desc != NULL) { T("Sensors: %s -> %f, %f, %f", desc->sensor_name, event->fvalues[0], event->fvalues[1], event->fvalues[2]); /* Fire up sensor change in the guest. */ android_sensors_set(desc->emulator_id, event->fvalues[0], event->fvalues[1], event->fvalues[2]); } else { W("Sensors: No descriptor for sensor %d", event->sensor_id); } } /* A callback that is invoked on SDK controller socket connection events. */ static AsyncIOAction _on_sensors_socket_connection(void* client_opaque, SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl, AsyncIOState status) { AndroidSensorsPort* const asp = (AndroidSensorsPort*)client_opaque; if (status == ASIO_STATE_FAILED) { /* Disconnection could mean that user is swapping devices. New device may * have different set of sensors, so we need to re-query sensor list on * reconnection. */ _sensors_port_discard_sensors(asp); /* Reconnect (after timeout delay) on failures */ if (sdkctl_socket_is_handshake_ok(sdkctl)) { sdkctl_socket_reconnect(sdkctl, SDKCTL_DEFAULT_TCP_PORT, SDKCTL_SENSORS_TIMEOUT); } } return ASIO_ACTION_DONE; } /* A callback that is invoked on SDK controller port connection events. */ static void _on_sensors_port_connection(void* client_opaque, SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl, SdkCtlPortStatus status) { AndroidSensorsPort* const asp = (AndroidSensorsPort*)client_opaque; switch (status) { case SDKCTL_PORT_CONNECTED: { D("Sensors: SDK Controller is connected."); /* Query list of available sensors. */ SDKCtlQuery* const query = sdkctl_query_build_and_send(asp->sdkctl, SDKCTL_SENSORS_QUERY_LIST, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, _on_sensor_list_query, asp, SDKCTL_SENSORS_TIMEOUT); sdkctl_query_release(query); break; } case SDKCTL_PORT_DISCONNECTED: _sensors_port_discard_sensors(asp); D("Sensors: SDK Controller is disconnected."); break; case SDKCTL_PORT_ENABLED: _sensors_port_start(asp); D("Sensors: SDK Controller is enabled."); break; case SDKCTL_PORT_DISABLED: D("Sensors: SDK Controller is disabled."); break; case SDKCTL_HANDSHAKE_CONNECTED: D("Sensors: SDK Controller has succeeded handshake, and port is connected."); break; case SDKCTL_HANDSHAKE_NO_PORT: D("Sensors: SDK Controller has succeeded handshake, and port is not connected."); break; case SDKCTL_HANDSHAKE_DUP: E("Sensors: SDK Controller has failed the handshake due to port duplication."); sdkctl_socket_disconnect(sdkctl); break; case SDKCTL_HANDSHAKE_UNKNOWN_QUERY: E("Sensors: SDK Controller has failed the handshake due to unknown query."); sdkctl_socket_disconnect(sdkctl); break; case SDKCTL_HANDSHAKE_UNKNOWN_RESPONSE: default: E("Sensors: Handshake has failed due to unknown reasons."); sdkctl_socket_disconnect(sdkctl); break; } } /* A callback that is invoked when a message is received from SDK controller. */ static void _on_sensors_message(void* client_opaque, SDKCtlSocket* sdkctl, SDKCtlMessage* message, int msg_type, void* msg_data, int msg_size) { AndroidSensorsPort* const asp = (AndroidSensorsPort*)client_opaque; switch (msg_type) { case SDKCTL_SENSORS_SENSOR_EVENT: _on_sensor_event(asp, (const SensorEvent*)msg_data); break; default: E("Sensors: Unknown message type %d", msg_type); break; } } /******************************************************************************** * Sensors port API *******************************************************************************/ AndroidSensorsPort* sensors_port_create(void* opaque) { AndroidSensorsPort* asp; ANEW0(asp); asp->opaque = opaque; asp->sensors = NULL; asp->sensors_count = 0; asp->sdkctl = sdkctl_socket_new(SDKCTL_SENSORS_TIMEOUT, "sensors", _on_sensors_socket_connection, _on_sensors_port_connection, _on_sensors_message, asp); sdkctl_init_recycler(asp->sdkctl, 76, 8); sdkctl_socket_connect(asp->sdkctl, SDKCTL_DEFAULT_TCP_PORT, SDKCTL_SENSORS_TIMEOUT); return asp; } void sensors_port_destroy(AndroidSensorsPort* asp) { if (asp->sdkctl != NULL) { sdkctl_socket_disconnect(asp->sdkctl); } _sensors_port_free(asp); } int sensors_port_enable_sensor(AndroidSensorsPort* asp, const char* name) { if (asp->sdkctl != NULL && sdkctl_socket_is_port_ready(asp->sdkctl)) { SDKCtlMessage* const msg = sdkctl_message_send(asp->sdkctl, SDKCTL_SENSORS_ENABLE, name, strlen(name)); sdkctl_message_release(msg); return 0; } else { return -1; } } int sensors_port_disable_sensor(AndroidSensorsPort* asp, const char* name) { if (asp->sdkctl != NULL && sdkctl_socket_is_port_ready(asp->sdkctl)) { SDKCtlMessage* const msg = sdkctl_message_send(asp->sdkctl, SDKCTL_SENSORS_DISABLE, name, strlen(name)); sdkctl_message_release(msg); return 0; } else { return -1; } }